Attending University

By ray hkg

Published on Feb 22, 2023


This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 6.

I then drive him to the airport. Before he leaves, we kiss again and I don't know when I can see him again.

I meet Uncle Thomas at the LA airport. I cannot say a word.

"I am so sorry, Ray! Thomas says, "But it's happened and nothing can change. What we have to do now is to arrange for your dad's burial service, and also the arrangements of your dad's properties."

"I have already contact the insurance agent" He continues, "The compensation can be released shortly. So you don't need to worry about the money. Moreover, according to your father's will, all his properties will become yours. But there's quite a lot to do for the paper works and have to deal with the tax department too. So it will take sometimes before you can get them. In my experience, it will take six to nine months to finish all the procedures and you can have your father's property."

"Thanks uncle!" I say, "My dad kept giving me money and I am not out of it. Moreover, he has another back account in my name that I can use the money in emergency. I want to know how's the accident happened."

"You have to know the truth, Ray." He says, "The accident happened when your father was going to the airport by a cab. He has just finished the conference. The cab past the junction while the traffic light was green. But a truck coming from the left ignore the red light, and it's speeding too. So the truck crashed to the cab and the cab has totally destroyed. Both the taxi driver and your dad were dead when the ambulance arrived. The truck driver was found has drank but not over the limit. He's been caught."

"Now we are going to the hospital and you have to sign an document in order to get your father's body. Then I will send you to the hotel and I will do the rest for you. We will back to your home within a day or two and to have your father burial." He continues.

I sign the document at the office of the hospital. "Can I see my dad's body?" I ask the officer.

"Sure you can." He replied and led us to the shroud room.

My father has serious hurt with scat all over his body. But he's been cleaned. I cannot hold my tears and uncle Thomas holds me in arms and said, "Ok Ray, let's go."

We then head to the hotel. Uncle Thomas has reserved a room for me. He told me to take a rest and will be back when he has finished the arrangements and to have dinner with me.

I just sit there and think about my dad. I miss him. We have not talked much for several years, as he's very busy at his work. But we did keep calling each other from time to time. He always sorry for not having spent much time with me. He has planned we will go to Hawaii during this Christmas. But he cannot go anywhere else.

I take a rest on the bed and start thinking about John. He's now my only sprit support. I have to be with him.

I feel lonely for the few days in LA. Not only for losing my dad but also for missing John. Uncle Thomas sent me back home for me to prepare for my dad's burial service.

"Ray, I will do the rest for you. And for your father's properties, I have asked my secretary to prepare the necessary documents for you. When they are ready, you have to come to my office to sign them and make an affidavit. I will call you when the service's ready. And call me if you need any help, ok?"

"Yes, Thanks." I say as I go into the house.

I go into my father's room and look at his things. I missed him so much. But I know that he hope I am strong enough to stand with my life. Things happened can never be changed. I then go to his study room. There are photos of us. I look at each of them and memorize every scene in each photo.

Then I have a strong feeling to strip naked and to pack up my dad's stuff. I carefully look at everything in my dad's room and study room. I keep the files of the documents and statements on the shelves as uncle Thomas or his company may need them. I packed all his clothes into boxes and will be sent to the charity.

When I am packing my dad's clothes, I keep thinking of serving John and other Sirs at the hostel. So I called John. I told him I'm now at home, I missed him and I want to see him.

"Ok boy, give me your address and I will go to your place now." John said.

I am thinking about Ray. I want to make a phone call to him and see if he's ok. By the time, my mobile rings and it's Ray calling. He says he wants to see me. I promise to go to his home.

It's a long driving to his home. Lucky, the school holiday has just begins and I can stay with Ray for the whole winter break, if he wish.

Ray's dad should have quite a lot of money. His house is beautiful, located in a well-known upper-class area. Later, Ray told me that his dad was a CEO of a famous international company.

I found Ray has strip naked when he open the door. We miss each other so much and we kissed without entering the house.

Then he shows me around the house. It's well decorated and furnished. Ray said that there's a housekeeper do the cleaning twice a week and he used to take care of himself since his teenage.

"Sir! Did you have dinner yet?" He asked.

"Just call me John now. It's a hard time for you now. Take it easy boy." I said.

"Oh please! I am already belonged to you, Sir. Please don't leave me!" He said.

"Boy, I'm not leaving you and I won't. But your dad just past and you need time to recover. I will be with you for the whole winter break if you wish." I said.

"Thank you Sir! You are so genius to me. I want you to stay with me as I want to serve you," He said.

"So let's order some pizza." I said.

We sleep together and he sucks me. I cum in his mouth and he keeps licking my cock until we fall asleep.

In the morning, I wake up with my dick still inside Ray's mouth. When he found me waken, he starts sucking my cock again.

"Oh no! I want to piss." I said and I moved to the toilet. Ray follows me to the toilet and knee next to me. He keeps staring to my cock when I am pissing. When I finished, he sucks my cock until I cum. I like being sucked by Ray; He's a good cocksucker.

He asked me if he could have his crotch and head shaved, as the hair grew a bit. So I shaved him, together with his ass hole. And I found some new hair growth under his armpits and on his limbs, so I tell him that they have to be removed.

The phone rings just after John has finished shaving me. It's uncle Thomas calling. He said that he has the documents ready and he will take them to me for signing. I said that I can go to his office and I'm all right. Also I told him that I am being accompanied by my roommate from the campus. So he has nothing to worry about he. So he said he will see me at his office and will have lunch together.

At uncle Thomas's office, I introduce uncle Thomas and John to each other and they shake hands. John said that I am one of his best friends in the campus and he will put his eye on me. Uncle Thomas thanks for John and he told John that my father and he was good friend since high school.

Then Uncle Thomas explains the documents to me in details, saying that as according to my father's will, all his properties will belong to me, include the house, bank accounts, bonds and securities, etc. But have to report to the tax department to determine for the estate duty. Once the duty paid, all his property will transfer to me. And stating that I am now authorizing the law firm to handle the my dad's case. And I will be notified if there's any results.

After signing the documents, uncle Thomas told me that if it's ok to have my dad's burial service held in the morning on the day after tomorrow. I say it's ok and he called to confirm it.

After lunch, John said we should walk around and to see a movie. Then we go to the supermarket to buy the food for the next few days. We have to stay at home at least till my dad's burial service.

When I'm loading the goods into my car, john said that he has forgot to buy something. He told me to wait him at the car park. After fifteen minutes, John returns with a shopping bag. He has not told me what he has bought.

I prepare for the dinner while John is watching TV. After the dinner, he asked, "Do you remember what I said this morning?"

"Yes Sir! The new hair on my limbs and armpits has to be removed!" I answered.

"Correct! And it's the time to do so." He said.

John ordered me to go to the bathroom. Other than lying down on the floor, John ordered me to stand still and he said, "Apply the hair-removal wax on your arms to the direction of the hair growth, then put the paper onto the waxed skin, understand?"

"Yes Sir!"

I do as ordered and John does the same for my legs. After finished my left arm, it's difficult fro me to do the right arm by myself. It's difficult for me to move my waxed left arm.

I know it's difficult for Ray to do both arms. So After I finished waxing his legs, I do the remained parts of his right arm. Then I told him to raise his arms so to do his armpits. After about fifteen minutes, I first remove the papers from his armpits and he yells for the pain. I inspected his armpits to confirm there's hairless. Then I remove those on his arms and he keeps yelling. I can see the tears from his eyes.

"Now, you have to tear the papers from the legs yourself. But if you pull too slowly, the hair cannot be removed and have to do it again. Moreover, you will be punished. Now do it!" I ordered.

He starts doing his right leg and I stop him.

"No! Both at the same time." I said.

He has learnt to follow my orders so he removes the papers on his legs at the same time. He keeps yelling for the pain and start crying.

The instruction did not say that pulling off the paper should be fast. It said that once the wax has dried and has the hair stick to the paper, the hair could be removed by pulling the paper. I pull them fast because I like him to feel pain. And I want him to feel pain too.

"Prepare the bathtub and then clean yourself. Afterward, serve me in the shower." I ordered.

"Yes Sir!" Ray replied and does as according to my orders. I return to the living room and watch the TV.

Ray approach, knee next to me and said, "Sir, the bathtub is ready."

I just ignore him and he repeats after a while.

"Shut the fuck up!" I said, "Only you slave has to response to the orders. I as the Master, need not to make any response to you slave. And you have to wait without a sound. Understand?"

"Yes Sir! Sorry Sir! It would happen again." He said.

When the program has finish, I order Ray to follow me to the bathroom and serve me. I order him to wash me under the shower first. But he has to clean my cock and ball at the very beginning, with his tongue.

He first licks my ball sac, then move to my cock, and the cock-head is the last. He then starts to suck my cock. I allow him to do so as I really enjoy being sucked by him. I cum in his mouth and he swallowed. Then he licks my cock clean again.

Afterwards, he shampooed my hair and soaped my body. This is the first time I am being washed by another one since I was a child. It's great. After the shower, I move to the bathtub to have a bath. It's so comfortable to have a hot bath. I pulled Ray inside. The bathtub is large enough to accommodate both of us. And it is equipped with message function too.

We played inside the bathtub for about half an hour and I think it's enough. Then we go to the bedroom naked after he has dried my body.

I get into the bed and Ray follows me into the bed. "No! Remember I am your Master. I have not told you to join me. You have to sleep on the floor tonight." I said.

"Yes Sir!" He replied with disappointment.

We go nowhere on the next day but just stay at the house. We have to go to the burial service of Ray's father.

My dad is the only son and we don't have any relatives except fro my mum's. But we have not contacted for a long time since my mum passed. So only uncle Thomas' family, my dad's colleagues and some people have business connection with my dad's company attends. They all feel sorry for me and ask me to be strong enough to live on myself.

After the service on the way back home, I asked John if he has to back to home for Christmas.

"I don't have to go home. My home is far away from here and our relation is not good." John said, "My father always drunk and he's crazy when drunk. My brother has paid half of my tuition fee only for the first semester last year. Lucky, I got a scholarship and I have saved up from my summer job. I am looking for a temporary job during the winter break. I have not back to home since attending university and I don't want to go back at all."

"I have money and you don't need to work." I said.

"I know you have money. And remember I have taken several thousands from you when I first see you? You haven't say a word at all. At that time, I know I can ask you for money. But I haven't done so." John said, "Because it's meaningless to just take your money. The most important is you are willing to give me. It proves you are totally mine."

"Sir! I am totally yours." I said.

"I know. So I will accept anything you give me. And I will spend the money only in the way I think it's necessary. Ok" John asked.

"Yes Sir!" I answered and continued to ask, "And when will we go back to the campus?"

"Why do you want to go back to the campus so hurry? The Christmas break has begun and most of the students have gone back home. And they have headed back home too." John said. "Don't you want to stay at home?"

"Sir! Actually, I want to say that I am so `free' now." I said with embarrassment.

"I see! Stop the car at the road side and get off the car with me." John ordered.

"Yes Sir!" I said as I slow down the car and stop it. The road is quite and there's no other vehicles pass by at the time. It takes about twenty minutes more to back to my home.

"Slave, follow me to the luggage space." John ordered.

"Yes Sir!"

Ray is now totally submitted to me. I know he get used to have the collar and the chastity device locked on. I know I may have to spend the whole winter break here so I have brought along the stuffs here. I have decided to position him back as a slave when his father's service has finished.

"On your knee." I ordered.

I placed the collar back to his neck and locked it. Then I order him to stand up and remove the pants so I can lock the cock cage back to his cock. I ordered him to bend over so I can lube up his ass to insert the butt plug back to his hole. Then told him to dress up.

We have to change back into casual clothes first so I ordered him to drive back home.

"Take off your clothes and on your knee." I ordered when we arrive. Then I select for our clothing.

"Now serve me for changing my clothes." I ordered.

He is now an obedient slave to serve for what I have ordered. Then I told him to dress himself. I search for his wallet and found he keeps thousands of dollars in his wallet. I think it's enough for the shopping.

I decided to go to the same fetish shop I made the shopping last time. I know it provides what I want. Moreover, I don't think there's any fetish shop around here. And we can go back to the hostel, or somewhere else for tonight. It's easy to draw money by use of his ATM card.

We entered the fetish shop and see the same salesman. He recognized me and told me to ask him if I can't find anything. I ordered Ray to wait for me next to the counter because I don't want him to know what I choose.

I look for the leather hoods. A heavy duty one attaches me. It has a lockable mouth zipper and a detachable blindfold that can buckle over the eyes. Together with the lockable collar, it's a perfect one.

Then I pick up a lockable ball weight. It's cool to have his balls locked and pulled all the day.

The "puppy area" draws my attention. I think it would be interesting to have a puppy to play with in the hostel. So I get a chain leash, a metal dog bowl, a dog tail shaped butt plug.

Then a man approaches to me, introduce himself as Sam and he said, "My slave Steve told me that you are doing your shopping for the second time. It seems you are choosing some doggy materials. May I suggest something for you?"

"Oh! Thanks. I am John and it's nice to have your suggestion." I said.

"A doggy should walk on all four. So I suggest using leather straps to buckle up the lower leg to the thigh so he cannot stand up and walk but have to use the knee and hands to walk. In order to protect against the knee, this pair of heavy-duty kneepad is recommended. It's important that a doggy should not use his hands and finger as a doggy, so a pair of mitt is used to enclose his hands and fingers. The padded mitts are more comfortable when walking. Some people prefer the lockable one too." Sam said, "And for the leather straps, they can be used in other bondage scenes too. Just use the imagination."

"Thanks for your information, Sam." I said and pick up 6 pieces of leather straps, a pair of heavy-duty kneepad, and a pair of lockable padded mitt. I know Ray likes bonded in a helpless condition.

"Can you show me the full body latex cat suit?" I asked.

"Sure! This way please!" said Sam.

"There are several deigns for the full body latex cat suit." Sam said, "These two have the zipper in the front and the different is one with a cod piece and the other without. And this is the one with all around zipper with 4 zipper pulls so you can have the ass and the cock exposed, or anywhere you like."

"I will take the one with all around zipper. And what size do you suggest for my slave?" I asked.

"The medium size is suitable for him." Sam answered, "And you can change for the size within 7 days but to have the suit remain in good condition."

"Thank you!" I said.

I picked some more items before checking out. Ray is still waiting for me next to the counter. I don't want him to know what I have selected so I order him to face to the door.

(to be continued)

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Next: Chapter 7

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