Attending University

By ray hkg

Published on Feb 17, 2023


This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 3.

Tom printed the contract out after I have read through it. We go back to the living room with the contract.

They all returned with John handing me the contract and ordered, "Go through it and sign it."

I read the contract and it wrote, "I, Ray, agreed to follow the rules and ordered set by John, the student-in-charge of student hostel block P. I will maintain the hostel clean and tidy all the time. I will accept orders from any of the students of this hostel. Any of my misbehave will be reported and I will be punished."

I know I have no other choice but to sign it. And I know that I would become their houseboy, their salve and they can order me to do anything. I just hope they wouldn't do anything extreme. But I still hope that there will be nothing more than cleaning the hostel and serve them with food and drink. I then hand the signed contract to John and he signed it. All the others signed as witnesses.

"Ok fag, grab those bags into the shower room. It's time for you to payback as a loser this morning." John ordered.

I take the bags into the shower room. They contain all the stuffs John has bought today. I have no idea what he has bought but I wonder why he has bought so many things. What would he do for me? I put the bags onto the bench and wait for them.

"Haven't you the fucking fag learnt the lesson yet?" John asked when he see me standing next to the bench.

I immediately dropped to my knee and he continued; "Now here's the rules. Every time when you are waiting for us, you must on your knee. You can never sit on any furniture in this hostel except at your desk doing the assignments, or got our permission. But you can sit on the floor. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir!" I answered, "But how about my bed? We lived in the same room."

"You just reminded me!" John said, "It's not fair to kick you out of my room, and you can't sleep on the corridor anywhere else as the security may check up the hostel, even just take a look at the living room. I don't want to bear any risk. I will think about it."

"Yes Sir!" I replied.

"And?" John continued asking.

"Thank you Sir!" I added.

"So you are a fast learner." John said, "And I think you like to be naked, don't you?"

"Yes, it feels comfortable." I replied.

"So you will always be naked inside this hostel, unless we ordered you to put anything on, got it?

"Yes Sir! But how about if someone else come in, like other students, the securities or staffs?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it. Remember the student card? Only the students of this hostel can open the door by the ID card and password. So unless accompanied by use, no other students can enter. Then we will give you a signal if we don't want anyone to see you naked by ringing the bell. For the securities and the staffs, they don't come in during daytime except something has happened, like we have called them. Otherwise, they will give us a call first and they will ring the bell before enter. Even at nighttime, if they see there's light in the living room, they will also ring the bell or even call by the intercom outside. Privacy is a matter as we are all adult. Ok?"

"Yes Sir!"

"And we will add more rules once decided. Understand?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Listen fag, remember Jim said you can loss 5 more rounds but I make it into 2? So it's time for you to pay back. Move that bench to the center and lay on your back. Quick!"

I do as ordered. John put a blindfold over my eyes so I have no idea what they will do on me.

I feel something warm and sticky applied all over my limbs and armpits. Then pieces of papers were stick to my skin. I have no idea what they did. Then I hear something has turned on. I know the sound, it's an electric hair clippers.

"Stay still if you don't want to be hurt." John ordered.

I think John is going to cut my hair. So I just stay still as told. Having a skinhead or a shaven head mean nothing and it's popular to do so.

But he's not cutting my hair on the head, but on the crotch. He's cutting my pubes.

"Oh no, please!" I beg.

"Shut the fuck up or I will cut your dick too." John said.

I can do nothing but let them do anything they want, except from hurting me.

Then I feel something applied all over my crotch, cock and my balls.

"Don't move unless you want to see any blood." John ordered.

I feel something running on my crotch. It's a razor. They have shaved all my pubes. Then they start pulling the papers from my armpits and limbs. It hurt like hell. I still have no idea what's the purpose.

Hands run through my bare skins. "It's perfect." John said.

The feeling is interesting but the most interesting thing is, I keep hard on over the whole process.

"Hey you guys look! The fag really love to have his pubes removed. He remains hard on over the process!" Philip said.

"Yeah! The coming step is much more exciting. Maybe the fag will shoot his load too." John said.

I am so embarrassed that they all see my hard on I am really get excited. Just wonder what has John planned to do for the next step.

"Ok fag, rise your legs to your shoulders." John ordered.

I do as ordered and my legs being grabbed and I cannot move. Now my ass is totally exposed. I feel the shaving cream applied around my hole. They want to shave my ass too. I am too excited and I know I cannot stop from dripping pre-cum.

"Look at his dick! He drops pre-cum!" Jim shouted out.

"What a fag!" Peter said.

Having my ass hole clean shave, John has applied something to my hole. Suddenly, he inserts a finger into my hole.

"No please! Please stop John, it hurts!" I begged.

"I think it hurts a bit. But if I don't lube you up well, it will hurt more." Joan said, "But your dick told us that you like it, don't you?"

I did sometimes play with my hole, but I have never put anything inside it. It hurts but the felling is not so bad. I don't know what to said.

"Answer me fag! You like it!" John asked.

"I don't know sir! But please don't hurt me." I answered.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I just help you out. Help you to explore the fantasy! I know in your mind that you love everything we do for you. You are a fag, a slave, don't you?" John said.

"Yes Sir!" I answered.

"Now relax and accept what I insert!" John ordered.

I feel something hard and fat being pushed into my hole. I think John is fucking me and I beg, "No please, don't fuck me! I don't know if I really want to be fucked."

"I am not fucking you fag and I am not interested in fucking an ass yet. But you really turn me on. Maybe I will fuck you one day, but it's not the time yet! So just relax and it's almost done." John said.

"John, are you serious? You will fuck the fag?" Tom asked.

"What's the problem? Even I fuck this fag doesn't mean I'm a fag. Haven't you got a BJ from a guy? Remember, we all enjoyed the scenes in the leather bar last semester. We know our position, we are always the top-men and we are always in-charge. See this fag is a bottom, a real damn fucking fag and slave." John said as he keeps pushing the object into my hole.

"Ok, release him, it's done. Sit up fag." John said.

Then I know it's a butt plug. It's well set in my hole. I have thought to have a try but to shame to go to the sex shop. Now I finally got one and I can say I don't hate it at all. I'm just more excited and more and more pre-cum leaks out.

"Now the last part." John said as he removed my blindfold. When I have adjusted my sight, I can see that my cock has never been as rock hard before. Am I really enjoyed what I experienced now, or due to my hairless. Then I found that all my arms and legs are also hairless, together with my armpits too.

The fag is really a slave. He cannot help from his erection through the whole process. I have Jason recorded down the whole process and Jeff keep taking photos. If the fag reports us to the office, the video and the photographs will be uploaded and circulated on the internet.

I start the hair clippers again to shave his hair. I will not clean-shaven his head but will give the fag an interesting look.

I heard John turn on the hair clippers again. I know my hair will go and I will become totally hairless except for my eye bows. I hope John will not shave them off. But I really want to feel my smooth body, totally hairless like a newborn baby.

My hair cut off from my head and I can see the flash of camera. Later, Jason appears in my front holding a DV recorder. Not only photos being taken, but also video recorded. I have no chance to fight back, and maybe I don't want to fight back too. Anyway, they have totally got the control over me. Except from following their orders, what else can I do? They may distribute the photos and the video and my situation would be much worse. I don't mind to have people knowing my hairless body, but how to explain for my erection?

After shortening my hair, John applies the shaving cream on my head and shave by a razor. But I can feel that not all my head was shaven. There are some hair remained on my head. I just wonder for John's purpose.

"It's nearly done fag. Go and clean yourself before the last thing done. And don't remove the butt plug." John ordered.

"Yes Sir!"

I walk to the showerhead. Every step I move, the plug inside me likes to fuck me. It's uncomfortable but not bad at all. Am I sick, or just a faggot?

I wash off the hair from my body and start cleaning my body. My skin is so sticky and I found out they use the "hot wax hair remover" to remove my hair on my limbs and armpits. Afterwards, it feels great. So smooth when hairless. I would like to keep myself hairless.

I know the fag enjoy having a hairless body. He cannot keep my running his hands on his smooth body, especially his hairless cock. Then he starts stroking my cock.

"What the fucking hell are you doing, fag?" I shouted out as Jason zoom the DV towards the fag.

"Turn around and answer me!" I continued.

"I--I'm just.... stroking my cock." The fag answered.

"Why?" Peter asked.

"I--I got excited... by feeling my hairless body... and my cock."

We all cannot stop from laughing and Jason has nearly dropped his DV.

"What a fucking fag!" Tom said.

The fag looks funny with his erected cock and the hairless body, except from his head. Together with his bright red face. I know it would be much more interesting when I finish up dying his hair.

"Dry up yourself and knee over here!" I ordered.

I dried up the fag's hair with the hair drier, then I mixed the contents of the dyer. Everyone knows what's it when get the smell.

There's a smell inside the shower room. John is preparing the hair dyer and he's going to dye my remained hair. When I was taking the shower, I can feel there's hair remained on my head, in the middle, from the neck back to my forehead, with the both sides clean-shaven. It's a Mohawk! And now being dyed. I don't know what the color is but I know it will make me humiliated. Guys at our age have the guts to try everything. But I think it's too much for one to do for himself. I hope my new classmate will not reject me with such a funny look.

John has applied the dyer in my hair several times. I think he want to make sure that the result is up to his requirement. But it's really uncomfortable to knee for over half an hour without a move.

"Ok. It's the time now. Fag, wash up and let's see the result." John said.

I then move to the showerhead and wash again. The excess dyer turned dark and I still have no idea for the color.

"Wow! It's great!" shouted Tom when I finished washing myself.

"I will let you see your new look when I finished setting up your hair." John said to me.

He applies gel to my hair for styling it. Once finished, he ordered me to turn around slowly for them to see the works. They all laughs but Jason and Jeff keep recording and taking pictures. I really want to know how I look like now.

"Ok fag, move to the mirror and look at yourself!" John said as he's still laughing.

I process to the full-length mirror and look at myself. I am shocked for my own image. My Mohawk has dyed bright green and gel upright, just like a punk. My body is totally hairless with my still rock-hack cock leaking pre-cum again. I turn around and see my plugged ass hole. I raise my arms to see my hairless armpits and feel them. I am now a real faggot.

"What do you want to do now, fag?" Jason asked.

"Jerk off." I answered before knowing what I have said.

They all laughs and I cannot keep from both my embarrassment and hard on.

"What a god damn faggot! Just think of jerking off. You mother fucker!" John said. "Then you have to perform a good show for us. JERK OFF RIGHT NOW!"

I have no other choice. Not only have to jerk off in front all of them, but also recorded. I have my hard on when they first shave my cock. I don't take long to have my semen ejaculated.

"Eat them up!" John ordered.

"What?" I asked.

"I said EAT THEM UP, mother fucker. You are such a faggot that begs for jerking off. So I allow you to jerk off and you have to clean the place. So eat them up RIGHT NOW." John said.

I did have taste my own cum, not bad taste at all. But I have just tried a little bit, not eating the whole load. I have to knee and lack the wall and the floor clean. Lucky, the floor is not dirty and I can say I start like eating cum. I make sure I have lacked every drop of my own cum to prevent from any punishment.

"Ok fag, I have 2 more things for you. You must be appreciating for my generous to you. Come over here and on your knee." John ordered.

I move without a delay and knee in front of John. A chain is placed around my neck and John locked it with a padlock. There's a tag attached to the chain too and some words engraved on the tag. I can't read it by the time.

"Don't worry boy. The slave collar is long enough to be hided under a T-shirt but not long enough to remove without the lock unlocked. Or you can show it off. I don't mind. Now read the words loudly." John ordered.

"Slave of Hostel P." I said.

"Like it, slave?" John asked.

I am so humiliated by having a slave collar locked around my neck. Even it can be hided under a T-shirt, but the thickness of the chain, together with the tag and the padlock, everyone can see it's not a normal neck chain. But I cannot reject it. They have my contract, photos and video. My only answer is "Yes Sir!"

"So from now on, you are our slave. You have to address every one of us as Sir or Master in private. You have to response to our orders without delay. And you cannot say `no' to us. Then everything will be ok and you will not be hurt. Remember, any misbehave will be punished. Do you understand, slave?" John asked.

"Yes Sir!" I answered.

"And one more thing. You are not allowed to cum without our permission. It's so disgusting by knowing that you want to jerk off when thinking of my body. But I can't trust you. You cannot keep from jerking off even by looking at your own fucking body. So I have something special for you. Then you will have no way to jerk off unless I permit to do so. Now lay down on the bench. Peter, would you please take the icepack to me?" John said.

"Of course!" Peter said.

Peter return with an icepack. John put it over my cock. My erected cock starts to soft down and I see John takes out a shiny item from the bag. It's a small cage, made of stainless steel. He first opens the large ring, place it behind the testicles and penis, then close it. He carefully insert my cock into the cage and attach it to the ring. Finally secure it with a padlock.

"Now try to stroke your cock, slave." John said.

I do as ordered. My cock starts to erect but the cage is so small that I cannot have a full erection. My cock is totally trapped inside the cage and I feel it's very painful.

"Sir! May I stop? The cage is too small for my erection and it's very painful." I asked.

"So you know the feeling now, slave! This chastity device keeps you from jerking off. No need to say to cum, even a full erection is impossible. So from now on, you can only jerk off when I unlock you and allowed to do so. And remember, never ask me to unlock you to jerk off, or I will seal up the keyhole just by using some glue. I mean it! And you can only get release by having a locksmith to cut off the padlock. Try to imagine your condition by showing your locked-up cock to others and ask for the cut off of the padlock! Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir!"

"One more thing, slaves no need to have underwear and I think this little cage is enough as your brief. So you are not allowed to wear anymore brief. I may allow you to remove the butt plug when attending classes, but it's for my decision ONLY. If I said no, you cannot argue unless you want to be punished. I don't mind you keep it on all the times. But now, you are not allowed to remove it only when you shit and put it back afterwards. Understand?"

"Yes Sir!" I answered and I have ignored about it. I have got used to it.

"Remember I ordered you to clean up the place before we leave for lunch, slave? Why did you just put our dirty clothes into the basket but not have them washed? You will be punished. Now go to the laundry room and run the washing machine immediately. I want to show you off as our new slave so we will go out for the dinner." John said.

"Yes Sir!"

Our new slave responses to my order at once. There are several item still in the bag and not used yet. But I'm sure I will use them tonight. The fag is totally under our control and can never say no to us. It's too easy to push him as a slave. I'm not sure if I will fuck him. And he's not an ugly guy at all. He has a cute face and a nice body, with a little bit body fat. But overall is ok. I just wonder why a man can be as low as this fag. He has never tried to fight back. And he seems willing to submit. Just like the salesman at the fetish shop. They are the same type of people.

"Let's prepare to go out." I said to my buddies.

"Hey! Let's further humiliate the fag. What do you think, John?" Tom asked.

"Any idea?" I asked.

"Let look at his clothes and see if we have any idea!" Tom suggested and we go upstairs. We check up the fag's clothes and Jason get all of the briefs of the fag and said, "So they are useless now. Let me cut them into pieces!"

Jason has given me an idea! I search for his jeans and found some of them are good fit design. I grab a pair of scissors and cut a pair as a short. It is just long enough to cover up his butt cheek. Then I found a nice black T-shirt. I cut off both of the sleeves with the openings down to the abdomen. I also enlarge the collar so that the chain collar cannot be totally hidden. Then further shorted it up to the length to the navel. I show to my buddies what I did.

"What a great job! It's prefect match to that damn mother fucker!" Tom said.

"We must order him to walk around to show off! It would be very funny!" Jim added.

There's a knock on the door and the fag said, "Sir, I have started the washing machine. May I come in?"

"No! Wait downstairs on your knee!" I ordered.

"Yes Sir!"

"Jim you are right, and it's good to have the fag knows his position." I said as I grab the fag's sandals and put them into my backpack. Then we head back to the living room with the fag's new clothes.

"Slave, put these on and remember, no argue! Then you walk down to the South Entrance and wait for us." I ordered.

"Yes Sir!" He replied and takes a look at his clothing. He knows they're his, but some alternations have made. He knows he must obey so he just put them on without a word. It seems he has problem when zipping up his short and said, "Sir! It's uncomfortable and difficult to position my cock with the cage locked on with no briefs."

"Who cares? You feel uncomfortable, not me! Or you can unzip it and take out your cock. I think it would be more comfortable. Only if you don't mind to be caught." I said. "Move now!"

The poor fag, having a butt plug up he ass, cock locked up, with a chain collar locked around his neck, wearing just a pair of jeans cut very short and a very short "vest" showing his collar, moving to the door. He knows he has to go bare foot as I haven't given him any footwear. I know he's no way to return. He's not a normal guy anymore.

(to be continued)

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Next: Chapter 4

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