Attending University

By ray hkg

Published on Feb 16, 2023


This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 2.

They all celebrate for having the loser and we keep drinking until we ran out of beer. We are too tired and drunk so we just slept in the living room.

"Hey guys. It's the time to push him as our house boy!" I whisper to all the guys except Ray who's still sleeping as a dead pig, "Remember last night, he suggest the loser to do the cleaning for a week. So he has the mind to be a houseboy. Now when he's awake, his mind has not cleared up due to the alcohol. We can ask him to continue the game at last night. I think he just said yes without thinking. With no doubt he must be the loser. Then we can set whatever punishment we can think of!"

"And I can use legal terms to frighten him too!" Tom said. "But John, do you think just a round is enough to push him? He will notice when he knows he has nothing to strip!"

"Hey! He has no more clothes but the hair, the body hair!" Jim said.

"Yes! One round for his hair, one for the armpits, one for the arms, one for the legs, one for the pubs and the last one to be our houseboy!" I said.

"But would it be too much?" Peter asked. "He can't keep losing every hand!"

"Hey! We don't need to describe too much. He would be so confuse and nervous and wish the game to end as soon as possible. If I suggest to end up the game within 1 or 2 round, he must agree." I said.

"And he has no way to argue for our rules and punishments. He must be frightened out of the shit!" Jim added.

We all laughed out of our control.

At Saturday noontime, I was wakening by the laughs. They stop laughing when they found I am awake.

"Ray, come and continue our poker game, we have not finished it last night." Jim said.

"OK. Distribute the cards." I said, as I am still sleepy. I totally forget I have already been naked.

I lost another round and I have a feeling to piss. So I said, "I have to piss first and back in a minute".

When I enter the toilet, I have my mind cleared and found myself is totally naked. "What the hell is going on?" I asked in my mind and remembered we have play stripping poker last night and I am the loser. "But why did Jim said our poker game has not finished?" I try to get the answer but I have no idea at all. "Just see what's going on!" I said to myself.

When I back to the living room, Jason has distributed another hand of cards. "I think the poker game has over last night. What are we playing for?" I asked.

"You mean the stripping poker, Ray?" Tom asked. "We have not finished! You are the only loser and we still have our jeans and underwear. Moreover, you still have something to remove!"

They all laugh and I am totally confused and has no idea what Tom meant.

"Yes!" said Jim "You can loss 6 more rounds. Oh no! You just lost a round so 5 more round remained."

"But..." I argued.

"No buts, Ray" Tom said. "You agreed to play when you wake up. At the legal point, you have made a deal. If you said no now, you beach the contract. And it's totally meaningless for us to held a party for you last night."

"OK! I will follow yours rules." I promised.

"Ray! So you want to end the game shortly? Here's a deal!" John said. "We play 2 more rounds. If you win a round, then the game is over and nothing will happen. But if you loss in both rounds, you are really a loser and no more argument. You have to accept the punishment listed. Fair enough?"

"OK then! I agree." I said but wonder what kind of punishment would be if I loss these 2 rounds. What did Jim meant I can loss 5 more rounds? I am totally confused and I hope they don't ask me to run in the campus naked.

It's so easy to make Ray loss 2 rounds. Jeff has just distributed a bad hand of cards to Ray. And Peter has prepared another set of cards for the second round. I am always the leader and don't why I have a strong desire in mind to dominate this freshman, to humiliate him.

I loss the first round and I hope I am not so bad luck to loss the second round. When I get the cards, I think I am hopeless to win it.

"Well, loser is loser. So you have to clean up the place before we return from lunch." John announced. "Ah loser! Do you have money on hand now? I have to buy something for your punishment too!"

"I have the wallet in my room. How much do you want, John?" I asked.

"I will take the money and I said you have to clean up the place NOW!" John ordered.

"Yes Sir!" I answer without a think and start cleaning the place.

I go upstairs to look for Ray's wallet. He's really a rich kid, a LV wallet contains thousands of bulk. I still have no idea what to buy but I just take four thousand dollars. I think I can found out what I need for his punishment later.

I go back to the living room and say, "So let's have our lunch now. It's late and I'm hungry. We have to do some more shopping too. Ray, don't forget to clean up the place before we come back! Understand?"

"Yes Sir!" Ray answered.

We go to the same restaurant we went yesterday. Philip asked, "John, what's your plan or punishing the freshman?"

"Not have a plan yet. But we do have the idea to remove his hair and to act as our houseboy. But I would like to further humiliate him. Do you guys agree that he's gay?" I asked.

"Sure he's a fag. You see how he looked at our bodies? Even he said he's attracted by our tattoos, but Tom and Philip are not inked. What's his excuse then? We all knew that he has a hard-on when staring at our bodies!" Jim said. "Hey John, how much have you took from the fag?"

"You guess! He got eight thousand in his LV wallet and I took half."

"Wow!! What a rich guy! But do you think you've took too much and he'll say something!" Jason asked.

"I don't think so." Tom said, "the fag's too frighten and he'll let everything goes on. Moreover, John's prediction is correct. He said his father keep giving him money without asking a question. We are not short of money at all but spending some of his money on himself is not a problem. What we need is something powerful to overtake him totally."

"Tom's correct!" Jeff said, "Maybe we can have the fag sign a contract stating that he's willing to serve as our houseboy our slave!"

"Jeff, you get my point!" I said, "Tom, you can draft a contract stating that the fag is willing to serve as a houseboy, no, a slave, a fucking slave is more suitable. Now I got the idea how to punish and humiliate him!"

"But John, you know the law does not accept slave contract. Even the fag sign the contract, the court will not accept it as legal!" Tom said.

"I know I know." I said, "What the purpose is to make it clear to the fag that we are the boss and we have the power to control over him. Remember, he called me Sir when I ordered him to clean up! He's so low and he's born to submit. He should thank me for humiliate and dominate him. So Tom, you just draft a simple contract stating that the fag is willing to be the houseboy to do the cleaning jobs, and to follow the rule and order of me, the student-in-charge of Block P. And you guys as the witnesses."

"Well John, I will do the job." Tom replied, "Then the contract will be very simple but board enough to cover everything, follow the rule and order of the student-in-charge of Block P, and even the campus office will not argue there's any problem for a junior student to follow the rules and orders set by a senior and person-in-charge. The fag will be in trouble!"

"Now I know what to do and what to buy in order to adjust the fag's attitude becoming my slave!" I said. "Now, let's do the shopping."

First I go to the pharmacy and ask the salesgirl if there's any better way to remove the body hair other that shaving it. She asked for the body locations. "Arms, legs and armpits. My girlfriend always complaint for the bad-feeling after-shave. I want to help her out." I answered.

"Try this `hot wax hair remover', it's great and easy to use. Take a look at the instruction." She said.

"Thanks!" I replied and go through the instruction. "Well, I think it's ok. May I have 2 set please? And do you have the electric hair clippers?"

"Sure! There're 2 kinds of electric hair clippers. One is rechargeable and the other is plug-and-use. Which one do you want?"

"The rechargeable one then. I would like to look for the hair dyer too."

"It's over there on the shelf."

I have not decided how to treat the hair of the fag. To have him clean-shaven, or a skin head, or just dye his hair. If dying his hair, interesting color should be chosen. So I just take a look at the color of the dyer. And I found that pink and green are good options. Pink would match the fag but maybe be to sissy, while green would be much funny so I choose green.

"Ok, that's all" I said to the sales girl.

"Having a party?" asked the sales girl.

"Yeah! My friend asked me to design a new hairstyle for him to celebrate for attending the university. So it would be a great surprise to him." I answered and I think it's really a great surprise to the fag.

"Hey what have you bought?" Jason asked when I join them.

"Something to remove the body hair of the fag and also for his new haircut too." I answered.

"What kind of a haircut?" Jim asked. "Must be funny and humiliate enough for the fag to know his position!"

"I promise it would be very funny and humiliate. If the fag can really stand with it, then he would do anything I told and there's no doubt that he's my slave!" I said.

"Wow! It's cool!" Philip said. "So we go back to see if the fag has finished his job yet."

"Not yet!" I said. "Jim, I think you guys should go to the supermarket to buy some more beers as we will have a great party tonight. And I still have to buy some more things for the fag. Jason and Tom, let's go."

"Hey John, you really want to make the fag to be our slave?" Jason asked.

"Why not? Don't you think having a slave to serve us is a good idea?" I answered. "Do you remember the feelings being sucked? It's great and I will train the fag to be our cocksucker!"

"Are you serious John?" Tom asked. "Do you think the fag will suck cocks?"

"I can say that we can even fuck him! Remember what I have said before, once the fag can stand for what will happen tonight, we can do whatever we wish on him. Here's the place, lets' move in!"

We entered a fetish shop. I have been here before just because I found it interesting. But now, I am so sure that I am the dominant and the fag is my slave. I have go through many articles concerning gay sex, Master and slave, BDSM on the internet. The more I know about this lifestyle, the more I want to be involved -- as the Master, the one always in dominate. I pick up a copy of the "Master handbook" and go through the introduction and "the symptom of a slave". I found the fag has most of the characteristics as being a slave, and I will prove it today. There's also a chapter introducing some of the basic equipments for training a slave. I check out every item and see if I have got enough money from the fag to buy the stuffs from him.

Even the prices are not cheap, but I got four thousands from the fag. So I can buy as many items as I can. I think I can ask the fag to provide for the next shopping.

"Sir, do you just acquire a slave?" the salesman dressed in leather harness and jeans asked.

"Yes! Do you have any suggestion? I am new in scene." I said.

"Sure Sir! Let me have a look at your selection first." He said and looked at every item I choose, then he continued "Sir, I think your selection include most of the items required in training a slave. May I ask if you would like to have a tag attach to the collar like mine? Mine reads Property of Master Jack' and there're other wordings like slave', dog', bitch' or we can engrave any words on the plate tag too."

"I want to have the word `slave of Hostel P' engraved."

"Sure Sir! I will do it right now." He said as he take a tag and start engraving the words.

"Alright Sir! Here's the tag. If it's ok, I will fix it to the chain collar you selected. The tag is free of charge."

"Ok, thank you!" I said as he starts checking out the items.

"Thank you Sir! Here's our card. We can also provide `measure-to made' service on clothing, bondage furniture, or if you have any idea of something special, you can give us your idea and we can discuss for the details."

"I see. Thanks." I said.

"You are welcome, Sir! Have a nice day and wish to see you soon. Goodbye Sir!" He said as I leave the shop.

I think if I can have the fag trained to have the same attitude of this guy.

"Ok! It's time to go back and see if the fag has finished the job yet. And we will have him enslaved too."

I kept cleaning the place after John left with the others. I am hungry as it's afternoon now. But I know John is serious about the punishment. If I cannot clean up the place before they come back, I would be in trouble.

But the place is really a mess, the food scripts, beer cans, pizza boxes, tissues, etc are not a problem. But the food stains and the poured beers were around, greasy and sticky. Not only in the living room, but also the kitchen, stairs and the corridor. I think someone has walked around after stepped on the beer and the pizza.

I finished the cleaning at 3:30pm. Luckily, John has not returned yet. I have put all the dirty clothes into the basket of the laundry room. Then I go to the kitchen to heat up some rolls I have bought yesterday. I'm really very hungry. I'm still naked but I really enjoy being naked. I keep my hard on when I think about the guys' bodies, and I even more excited when I think if they will really punish me. Am I sick?

I go to take a shower after having the meal. I just wonder if I should remain naked and wait for them to come back. But I also think that if someone may come in, say the security or other staffs of the university. So I put on my boxer and a bath-rob. I wait for them in the living room facing from the door. I have no consciousness to start stroking my cock when I think of John's body, his tattooed body.

I don't know when they have come back and John grab my hand when I am stroking my cock.

"What the fucking hell are you doing here?" John shouted and everyone looked at me. My face must have turned red.

"I ask what the fucking hell are you doing? Don't make me ask the third time." John repeated.

"I--I am masturbating." I replied silently.

"What? I can't hear you. Speak louder!" John ordered.

"I am masturbating!" I said.

"Right here in the living room? You mother fucker! What did you think about when you stroking your fucking damn cock?" John continue asked

I make no reply.

"You mother fucker, always have me repeat the question again? Now answer my question RIGHT NOW!"

"I am thinking of your tattoo." I answered.

"WHAT? What the fucking hell, you think of my body and stroke your fucking cock?"

"Yes." I said as my face turn bright red.

They all laugh except John. But John has a grim smile and said, "You guys all hear what the faggot has said. He's really sick. Think of my body to masturbate!"

Then he turned to me, "so you are a fucking faggot, aren't you?"

"I think so." I answered and keep looking at my feet. I can't look at them. It's so shame.

"So what the hell did you put on the fucking damn boxer and the rob?"

I just strip naked without a delay, with nothing to cover my hard on.

"And you are still excited even when I'm cursing at you! You god damn mother fucker!" John said with everyone keep laughing. I cannot give a response.

"So Tom, would you draft and print the contract as we discussed at lunch?" John asked.

"Sure! I will be right back. And please don't do anything before I return. I don't want to miss any scene." Tom said as he goes upstairs.

"Now fag, wait on your knee and don't make a move until we return." John ordered.

I dropped to my knee immediately.

They went upstairs except Jim head to the kitchen. Later, Jim went upstairs and joined John.

"Hey John! The fag has put all our clothes into the laundry basket." Jim said to me.

"So we have the excuse to punish the fag." I said, "and see, he's a real fag and fucking slave. He can never disobey us anymore, even without a contract."

"Yeah!" Tom said, "I have never seen a guy as low as this fucking fag. John you are right. We can get use over him and we can order him to do anything. The contract is ready, take a look and I will print it out."

Tom printed the contract out after I have read through it. We go back to the living room with the contract.

(to be continued)

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Next: Chapter 3

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