Attending University

By ray hkg

Published on Mar 9, 2023


This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 14

I could not sleep well with my limbs locked and my lying position. I knew I have to obey John's orders and would never ask for my pleasure anymore.

On Monday morning, John locked a portable prison on me. It came with a rigid collar and 2 cuffs, connected by a revised "T" shape spreader. So my wrists were locked at belly level. It allowed me to use my hands but very restrictive. My ankles were locked with heavy leg shackles. John told me to perform the household duties and prepare for the dinner.

I could walk around the house and perform my duties, but it was difficult to do. The bondage gears were so restrictive. I have to use at least triple of times to do. In order to have all things done, I have to do my works without a break. Luckily, I only have to prepare some salads and braked potatoes.

I got some more clients and I liked the job very much. My business allowed me a lot of freedom and I could work at anytime I like. And the paid was not bad too.

I spent the whole summer vacation with John at home. We both enjoyed the time when we were together. On the day before I went back to the campus, John said we have to enjoy our time. I lay on the sling and he unlocked my cock cage. He told me to stroke my won cock when he was fucking me and we have to cum at the same time. I shot a big load all over my chest when he has his seeds shit up my ass. I cleaned my chest with my fingers and licked them clean after cleaning John's cock by my tongue.

We took a shower and enjoyed the time in the bathtub. I sucked John and he sucked me before leaving the bathtub. Then he locked back the cock cage to my cock. I knew I have to wait a long time for my next released.

I have taken more courses in year three than most of my classmate, so I could take less in the final year. I have planned to take the remained subjects in the first semester, Then I would obtain enough credits for graduation after the examination on the coming January. But I have to stay at the campus to prepare for the examination during the winter break.

I was again allocated to student hostel block B. On the next day after I came back to the campus, my roommate arrived.

"Hi, I'm Eason, business faculty year two student."

"Hi, I'm Ray, we are from the same faculty but this' my final year." I said, "I have already chosen the right side so you are on the left."

"Ok, thank you."

Then I could not be naked in the campus anymore. My classmates did know I am gay, but they didn't know my position as a slave. And they didn't know anything about my tattoos and piercings.

As I have to share the room, John allowed me to put on my clothes except for any underwear. The shower room in block B has individual cubes, but I took shower at late night after my studies and my accounting jobs. And I have to change my clothes inside the closet in the morning.

There was nothing special until three weeks after the semester began.

"Hey Ray, why do you take the shower so late?" Eason asked.

"Oh! I usually take the shower just before go to bed. You know, this is my final year and I have to work hard. Also I have some freelance works on accounting. Did I annoying you?"

"No. But I find it's interesting for you to change the clothes inside the closet in the morning. Why do you feel shame to change just in the room? I know you are gay but I don't think a homo would as shy as you."

"Oh…. My clothes are inside the closet, so I just change inside." I said with my face turned red.

"I can see that you have both your nipples priced, and a very thick necklace. It looks like a chain rather than a necklace. How's the feeling of the piercings? May I have a look?"

I didn't know how to response for a moment. Then I said, "Ah… They feel great to me… And the necklace… it's a gift…"

"Come on, let me have a look at your nipple rings. You don't need to be shy. You got them done so you should show them off!" Eason said as he approached to me.

Eason's bigger and stronger than me. He's about 6ft, 180lbs with all muscles. He's good looking but unlike John. Eason wasn't the style I like.

I didn't think I have another choice, so I removed my tee to show off my tit rings and my collar.

"Wow! It looks funny that a guy has both nipples pierced together with the hawks seizing each of the rings. The tattoos match with the rings perfectly. And it's not a necklace at all. Let me see!" Eason said as he grabbed my collar, "It seems it made of stainless steel. It's a chain and it's locked. You are so interesting! You got a locked chain tattooed on your left arm, and the handcuff on the right. When you just remove your tee, I noticed you are hairless at your armpits. Raise your arms."

I have not thought before I have to show off my tit rings and the tattoos to anyone else in the campus after John and the other sirs have left. But now, I have to show them to Eason, my roommate. So I raised my arms to show off my hairless armpits.

"Wow! I have never seen a guy has hairless armpits before! You are really funny, you know?"

"I… I just don't like the hair on my body."

"It's funny! So you shaved your head and your armpits. How about your pubes then?"

I was shocked by his question. I was totally hairless except for my eye bows and eyelashes. Would he ask me to show my hairless but tattooed crotch?

"I… I have shaved them too."

"It's really funny! Then you look like a little boy, having a smooth crotch. Come on, take off your jeans. I want to take a look. It would be very interesting for a man to have a hairless crotch!"

What could I do now? If I took off my jeans, Eason could see my hairless crotch together with the tattoo. And the worst was my locked up cock and the chain linked by the PA and the Guiche ring! I was in big trouble.

"Come on! You shaved yourself and you would not be shy to show it off."

I have not taken a move. I didn't want anyone in the campus knew my condition.

"Hurry up or I will remove them." Eason said as his hands unbuckle the belt of my jeans.

"Ok ok. I will let you see."

I released the top button and unzip the zipper a bit. Just show the very top of my crotch.

"Now, you can see it. I have shaved them." Then I zipped up.

"How can I see it?" Eason said with a bit angry. He pushed me down to my bed and he pushed down my jeans with force. Everything happened within a few seconds. I didn't have taken any reaction.

"What the hell! You have tattooed your shaven crotch!? And what's happened to your cock? It's locked in a cage and there's a chain linked from the cock head to the back!? What are they? Jesus Chris! `Property of Master John'? Who is master John? And you don't wear any briefs!"

My face have turned bright red. I have not spoken a word.

"Answer me, you sick man." Eason said as he grabbed my collar and pulled me up.

"It… it's a cock cage. A kind of the chastity devices. When it is locked on, I cannot masturbate or play with my cock. I have got a PA, the Prince Alberts piercing at my cock head and a Guiche piercing behind the scrotum. The ends of the chain attached to these two rings. And he said I was not allowed to put on any underwear."

"So John has locked up your cock?"

"Yes! He is my lover, my Master. He owns me. I belong to him."

"So you inked yourself as a `Property of Master John'?"

"It's totally John's decision. I love him and he loves me too, so he marked me according to his wishes."

"So the tattoos on your chest and arms, the nipple rings, the locked neck chain, and your hairless body were all his decisions?"

"Yes. They all shown my position as John's property. Actually, it's a collar locked on my neck."

"Collar? Just like what the dogs wear?"


"And you like to have all these fucking locks, rings and tattoos on your body?"

"Yes! I love John very much. What he did just show his care and love to me."

"Fuck, you are sick. You are really sick. I have never heard that a man wears chastity belt. So John locked the collar and the chastity device on you and he has all the keys?"

"Yes! But actually, he has given a copy of the keys to me and I can unlock them in emergency."

"How about you unlock when not in emergency? How can he know if you have unlocked yourself or not."

"John has the keys put into an envelope and sealed with his signature. I cannot get the keys without damaging the envelope. If he found the envelope seems to has any damage, I would be punished."

"Oh! You just like a little child. How would he punish you?"

"He… he would whip my butt or my back, or any punishment he could think of."

"Whipping your butt? It sounds interesting! You like being whipped?"

"I… John whipped me when I have done something wrong."

"It's funny. Just like punishing a naughty boy. I think you like being whipped. Turn around and let me take a look at your butt."

I did what Eason said. He has already seen my locked cock. My butt was not special at all until later I found I was wring.


Eason kept laughing for several minutes. I have totally forgotten the tattoos on my butts.

"How… hahaha… how fucking sick you are!!" Eason kept laughing on what he saw on my butts, "You are really fucking sick! Have tattooed I am a slave' and Please punish me'. I have not met anyone as sick as you are. Don't you feel disgusting on what have done on your body?"

"Actually, I like them because they were done according to John's wish."

"Fuck! You sick faggot." Eason said as he left the room.

I stayed still for nearly ten minutes. Then I put on my clothes. I wondered if Eason would tell anybody about what he has found on my body. And I didn't know if it would cause any trouble to John or to me. I only have 4 more months to complete my study.

Eason returned after an hour. "Eason, would you please don't tell anyone?"

"I won't tell any one and I don't want anyone to know I have to share the room with such a faggot. It's funny to look at the stuffs on your body in the first time but it's disgusting to see them everyday. So you have to cover up yourself. I don't want to see them so you just keep showering late and get change in the closet."

"Ok. Thank you."

I rang John at night and I told him what has happened in the afternoon.

"Boy, I am happy for you to tell the truth. You know your position. You are a good slave. Anyway, those who don't live with this lifestyle would not understand. But you are honest enough to tell the truth. By the time, you just concentrate on your study and your work. Then we will be together afterwards."

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

Ray has totally known his position as my slave. Maybe he's unwilling to show off his tattoos and the cock cage, he's not shame to do so. He's a real slave now. He could not live as a free man anymore.

Eason has not talked with me for a week after knowing my position as John's slave.

One night, when I was back from the shower, he said, "Fag, take off your shorts. I want to see your locked cock."

I undid my shorts and stood in front of Eason. He's sitting on his bed.

"It's really funny and your master's great. Have the idea to lock up your cock. How's the feeling?"

"I feel honey for not allowed to masturbate or play with my own cock. But I am owned by my Master and he has the total control over me."

"So you cannot cum without unlock it?"


"I see." Eason said and he picked up a pen. He inserted the pen into the slot of my cock cage. I reacted to it immediately and my cock erected inside the cock cage. But the cage was too small for my erection and it's painful.

"Ah! The cock cage is too small for your hard on. It really works! Ok, put on the shorts."

Eason then got back to his study, just like nothing had happened.

It didn't take long to the winter break. Eason had not talked much with me, or asked me to show off my locked cock or piercings. There was only a month's time before the examination. Then I could back to home.

Once I have finished my examination, I rang John.

"Ray, when will you back to home?" John asked

"I have just finished all the examination and I can leave anytime. But I have to pack my stuffs. I think I will be ready within a day or two."

"Good! I will go to the campus to meet you then. You wait for me on Saturday. I will be there before noon."

"Yes Sir!"

I haven't seen Ray since he left home. It meant he hasn't cum for nearly six months. I know he had not unlocked himself, and he could not unlock too. The emergency keys I gave to him were not the true keys.

I rang Sam and asked if I could make a visit on Saturday afternoon. I told him I would like to pierce my slave once more. I have the idea at the very beginning but I left it because I didn't think that's the time. But it's the time to do so.

I took a cab to the campus on Saturday morning. I found he's loading his stuffs into the car.

"Sir! Good morning Sir!" Ray said when he saw me.

Ray did not few embarrassed in calling me "Sir" in the public anymore. It's no doubt that he's my boy my slave.

"Morning boy!" I said and we kissed.

"Have you loaded all the stuffs?"

"Sir! There's a box of books inside the room. I will go to get it and everything's done."


When Ray has loaded the final box into the car, we drove to the administrative building. He has to hand back the key to the office before we left.

"Ray, what's your plan then?" I asked on the way to the city.

"Sir! I only want to serve you as your slave, Sir!"

"How about your work?"

"Sir, I can said that the money left by my dad was more than enough. But you know, I have got my accounting works. Even I don't have a large client base, but the pay is much better than a full time job. And the most important thing is I have the total freedom from my work."

"So you will work at home and live as my slave?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Good! I will have you pierced once more and I guaranteed it will make you look as a real slave."

"Thank you Sir!"

"But we will eat the lunch first."

After lunch, we drove to Sam's studio.

"Hi Sam."

"Hi John! And the little slave! It's simple work and will be finished within a minute." Sam said and we entered his working room.

Sam told Ray to lie on the bed. He has the tools prepared before we arrived. He sterilized the piercing location, Ray's nose.

Sam had it done quickly. Ray has yelled for the pain but everything has done before he stopped yelling. I looked at Ray. He has tears rolling down. His new piercing looked great. I handed the mirror to him.

"Thank you Sir!" Ray said with a smile on his face.

"It's great, John. The Septum ring just makes him look more submissive!"

"Yeah! I can attach a leash either to his Septum, his collar, his tits or the PA."

"Boy, take a rest before we leave."

"Thank you Sir!"

I liked the Septum ring. Sam's right, the new ring really made me look more submissive. Just like the cattle, having a nose ring and leashed by the farmers.

When I was taking a rest, Sam rolled up my tee and undid my jeans. John unlocked my cock cage. Sam then removed all my piercings and replaced them with bigger rings. The holes have enlarged a lot and the new rings fitted better.

John jacked me off and I didn't take long to cum. He collected my big load of cum by a plastic cup and handed it to me. I ate my cum quickly and John locked back the cock cage.

"Boy, I'm happy you have keep your body clean shaven. And I only need to shave your cock."

"Sir, it's my duty to take care of your property."

John drove back to home. We took a shower together and he shaved my cock afterwards. He sucked me before locking the cock cage back to me.

"Have you tried to unlock yourself, boy?"

"Sir! I am your slave and I have to obey to your orders. Actually, I have thought to unlock my cock but I didn't. I know you would angry. The keys were still sealed and the envelope is in good condition in my bag."

"Good boy! I have to tell you that even if you really used the keys, you cannot unlock yourself. The keys I sealed were fault. And if you have unsealed the envelope, the punishment would be the lock of the cock cage sealed up permanently!"

It's luckily that I haven't tried to unseal the envelope. Otherwise, I shall never be unlocked anymore.

As John's slave property, I have to did all the household duties and served all his needs. In return, I was put into bondage and being tortured. I enjoyed my life as John's slave property.

The end.

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