Attending University

By ray hkg

Published on Mar 2, 2023


This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 11

"Yes Sir!" Ray answered, "It will be happy for me to serve you, Sir! And I don't think I will feel boring."

John's summer job is a 5-day work. In the morning, I drove him to the city near the office. Then I return home directly. Sometimes, I would go shopping at the supermarket before going back to home.

At home, I have ordered to strip naked all the times. Only with the collar and the cock cage locked, the piercings and the butt plug. Sometimes, John would order me to put on the handcuffs and leg irons once I back to home. And he informed me the location of the cuffs by calling home just before I have to pick him up from the city. Then I would remain locked for the whole day.

I have brought some food recipes. During the day times, I would prepare the foods for dinner according to the recipe. And did the cooking after I drove John back to home. I think he like my cooking, especially for the eastern food.

I only prepared some simple food for lunch, mostly oats as convenience to eat directly from a bowl on the floor.

At dinner, John always allowed me to eat with my hands on the floor. Sometimes, he would feed me with his hand. I liked it very much.

During the weekends, maybe we would go to the cinema and then hand around. But what I liked the most was John played with me at home for the whole weekend. He did keep me in the dog mode for the whole weekend just after I finished cooking the dinner on a Friday night.

I enjoyed that experience very much. I remembered that when we arrived home, John locked the leather hood on my head and I made the dinner. When the cooking was finished, he put on the mitts and kneepads then strapped my legs to thighs, and finally the tail. He feed me with his hands.

After the dinner, John zipped the mouth zipper and locked it, then attach the leash to my collar. He then leashed me to the garden. It was nice to me to "walk" in the garden as a dog. John played with me just like I am a real dog. But it was difficult for me to "run" as a dog.

Except from eating and sucking John, the mouth zipper remain locked. The tail only removed when I need to shit. And the leather straps unbuckled at night when sleeping. I stayed as a day from Friday night until Monday morning. The hood, kneepads and mitts have not been removed during the whole weekend. I remembered John has put the blindfold on for the whole Saturday. It was a wonderful experience and I liked it very much.

John has never allowed me to play with my cock. So he has my cock locked inside the cock cage. John only unlocked it for shaving my pubs, or when he wanted to play with it. I have cummed only once during the whole summer holiday when he sucked me off. I liked to cum very much, but I liked to be controlled by John the most. So I had never made a complaint.

John has made a little modification on my PA and Guiche. One day after having my crotch shaven again, John opened my PA and had an end of a little chain went through the ring, then closed it. John then locked back the cock cage to my cock. He opened my Guiche and had the other end of the little chain went into this ring and had it closed. Now my cock has not only the cage locked, but also a chain locked my PA and Guiche. It looks funny to have a chain at my cock.

I have once punished for playing with my ass hole without John's permission. He removed my nipple rings and put on a small padlock to each of my nipple. A piece of chain was locked to the 2 locks. It was long enough to have the middle of the chain locked to my PA with another padlock. Even it's not very heavy, but it was heavy enough to keep pulling my nipples. And I was not allowed to touch my tits and the chain. I didn't feel much pain but very uncomfortable. My tits were locked for a weekend.

The summer holiday past quickly and only one-third of the holiday remained. As we lived at Block P last year, we were the only students have the choice to move to the other student hostels, or still stayed at block P.

Before the summer holiday started, we all agreed to remain at block P. It's because we can keep having my slave to serve us. Moreover, if we moved to other hostels, we would allocate to different rooms and I don't think I can have my slave as my roommate. We loved each other and we don't want to be separated.

The only concern was that, what we ought to do if there were new occupiers for our hostel.

Ray and I went back to the campus on mid August. The registrar said that I am still the student in charge of block P, and there was no change for us.

"If we will have new companions?" I asked.

"I cannot confirm it yet. You know, there is always uncertainty for the year 1 students. No one knows until the beginning of the semester. But I will inform you once for any newcomers as you are the student in charge." Replied the registrar.


Then we went to the hostel. No one has come back yet. I fucked Ray in the shower room.

Everybody returned before the end of the summer holiday. The Registrar informed me that no one else would joint us at block P. So everything went on the same as last year. We have our houseboy naked all the time to serve us. We kept face-fucking him from time to time and everybody enjoyed the time, including Ray. And I fucked him when we were alone in the hostel.

In October, uncle Thomas informed me that the Tax Department has received the tax from the back and they have issued the release note.

"So you can have your father's properties transfer to your name, Ray." Thomas said on the phone.

"What do I need to do?" I asked.

"For the house, I have the documents and you only need to sign them. And I will do the rest for you." Thomas answered, "While for bonds and securities, you father did the transaction through the same back where he had all his bank accounts. You only need to bring along the release note to the bank and sign their documents, they will do the rest. So when will you available to come to my office and to the bank?"

"I don't have lessons on Thursday." I said, "So I will go back to home on Wednesday after class and I will go to your office on Thursday morning."

"Ok, see you on Thursday morning. Then you can go to the back afterwards." Thomas said.

"See you then, uncle Thomas. Bye!"


I headed home after my last lesson at 3pm. I had dinner on the way. On Thursday morning, I signed the documents at uncle Thomas's office.

"Well, I will update the record at the Land Registry with these documents and the release note. Then a new deed will be issued with your name as the owner. I will inform you when it's ready to collect." Thomas said, "You can take the release note to the back now."

"Thanks a lot, uncle Thomas." I said.

"You're welcome, Ray. Remember to call me if you have any questions."


I then went to the bank and told the receptionist the reason of my visit. She rang the manager and leaded me to his office.

"Hello, I'm Daniel, the manager of this branch." He said, "I am also in charge with your father's investments and accounts. Your lawyer has informed me on Tuesday that you will come to my office. I have already prepared the documents for you. May I have your ID please?"

"Sure, here you are." I said.

"Ok, Ray. Is your address the same with out record?" He asked.

"Yes. But I am now studying at the university and I live in the hostel. I only go back to home during long vacations." I said.

"It doesn't matter. You can choose to have the mails sent to your home or the hostel. Moreover, you can call me anytime if you want to make any transactions. The internet banking is another way to deal with your back accounts too."

"I think it's better to have the hostel as the mailing address." I said.

"May I have your contact number? We need to contact you from time to time to report for the return of the investments, together to confirm your orders and ask for any abnormal transactions shown in your accounts." Daniel said.

"Ok. Here is my cell phone number, and the number of the phone at the hostel."

"Now, here is the most up-to-date statement of your father's accounts. I think you have received the previous statements, haven't you?" Daniel asked

"Yes! They were at home." I answered.

"So on the first page shown the balances of each account. Then comes with the transaction details of the credit card, saving account, checking account, then the investment accounts. Let me see, your father has accounts on stock, bonds and funds." Daniel said, "Now would you please give me the release note? I have to make a copy first."

"Here is the bank's form." Daniel said, "You can see that you will be the account holder, just after we have all the process done. And please sign your name over here."

"Thank you!" Daniel said, "I think it will take 2 weeks time for us to do the arrangement. Then all the accounts will be under your name. I will call you when it is ok. Then we will take about your plan fro investment."

"Thank you Daniel. I look forward fro your call." I said.

"Thank you for using our service."

I drove back to the campus after leaving the bank.

In early November, Daniel rang me and said all the accounts have been transferred under my name. And asked to meet me for the discussion of my investment plan.

"I can go to the campus to meet you if it doesn't cause much trouble to you." Daniel suggested.

I didn't know how to response. Actually, I don't want to go to the back because for the long driving time. But I have to deal with the back as all the accounts were there. And Daniel's suggestion did not require me to go to meet him, but he came to meet me.

My problem was, what would happened if somebody inside the hostel said, "Slave, do the washing for me" or "Slave, come to suck my cock" when Daniel's here. I know John would allow me to dress up but I afraid the others. They used to call me "slave" inside the hostel and they did sometimes called me as houseboy in the canteen.

"Or maybe we can meet at weekend, even in the afternoon is ok." Daniel said, "I do always meet my clients during non-office hour."

"I think I will be available on Saturday. I will go to the bank before noon time." I said.

"That's fine. I will wait for you." Daniel said, "Just in case if the bank has closed, you can call me and I will open the door for you. And see you on Saturday."

"Thank you, bye bye."

I went home on Friday after the lesson, together with John. I went to the bank at about eleven.

Listening to Daniel's plan was boring. He explained all the investment plans of the different funds, the risk and the return, and all the historical data.

"Sorry, Daniel." I said, "I know I am not an expert in investment, but I know about them. I have the knowledge of the funds and I know how the stock and bond market runs. I am taking accounting as my major in the university, so I don't think you need to explain everything to me."

"Moreover, I have read my father's statements and I found that his investment was good. All the stocks and bonds he chosen provided stable and high return with low risk." I continued, "And the most important thing is, I don't trust the so call `fund manager' at all. No matter how the result is, they earn the most. Include the management fee, handling fee, etc. And they only said that in what criteria they will make the investment and no exact information will be provided."

"So I don't think I will make any investment on the funds. And I think it's good enough to maintain the current situation." I said, "But I will contact you if I want to make any transaction in the stock market. I think that's enough for today."

"I am sorry but it's my duty to explain to you the investment plans provided by the bank." Daniel said, "Anyway, if you want to make any transaction, just ring me and I will process your orders."

John was waiting me at my home. I bought some take-away as our lunch. We have a wonderful time at home. Unlike in the hostel, we were free to play at home. John kept fucking me in the afternoon no matter we were in the garden or at the kitchen.

In the evening, John told me to go to the garage and said we will have fun there.

John tired my wrists together and pulled my arms upright by the pulley under the ceiling. I don't know there's a pulley installed before. John kept pulling the rope until I have to stand with my toe. Then he locked the ball-weight to my balls and attached a water bucket under the ball-weight. Then he placed the end of a hose into the bucket.

"I am going to buy the dinner. Enjoy the time." John said and he drove away.

It was difficult for me to stand still by my toes. Once I moved a little, the bucket swing and have my balls pulled. And I found water was running out slowly from the hose. John has turned on the water tap. The force pulling my balls increased and it hurt a lot. Tears ran from my eyes. I prayed John would return quickly before my balls have been pulled away.

John returned and I begged him to release me, or at least to have the bucket removed.

"Oh! It's only filled half of the bucket. It seems I returned so fast before it's fully filled" John said.

"Sir! Please stop it. It hurts too much. Sir, please remove it, please!" I begged.

"Now, I will release you from the pulley. You have to walk to the toilet in order to pour the water out and back to the garage. And you are not allowed to use your hand all the way, even when pour the water out." John said as he lowered me down.

With my wrists still tired together, John tired my bonded wrists to my collar. "So you cannot use your hands now." He said, "Moreover, if there's a drop of water on the way, the bucket will be filled again. And the bucket cannot touch the floor on the way either, or you will have to do it again until you have make a success trip."

It was very difficult to walk with the water bucket hanging from my balls. It kept swinging and each swing pulls my balls hard. I was not allowed to lower the bucket to the floor. I can only stand still in order to take a `rest' on the way.

Lastly, I arrive the toilet. I can lower the bucket to the floor. But how could I pour the water out of the bucket without using my hands?

The only answer was to use my balls, as they were attached to the bucket. First, I tried to pull the bucket with my balls. My balls hurt too much and I have to give up.

Next, I tried with my body weight. I sat on the bucket just like sitting on the toilet bowl. Then moving my upper body slowly. It seems it worked. But then I lost my balance and fell on the floor. The sudden pull on my balls hurt a lot and I could not help from yelling and crying.

I have poured the water out but my body was wet. John had said that not a drop of water allowed on the way back to the garage. But my hands were tired and I could not dry myself.

I pulled a towel down to the floor inside the toilet. I laid on it and rolled myself over it. I tried my best to dry up myself and the water bucket. I didn't want to do it again. Then I walked back to the garage.

John laughed at me when he saw me.

"Ok, you can have the dinner." John said and he handed me the piece of pizza he was eating.

With my wrists still bonded to the collar and the emptied bucket attached to my ball-weight, I ate the pizza.

After the dinner, John untied my wrist and unlocked the ball-weight. We took a shower together and enjoy the time in the bathtub.

(to be continued)

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Next: Chapter 12

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