Attending University

By ray hkg

Published on Feb 27, 2023


This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 10

"Yes Sir!" I answered, "It's hot and pain at the beginning. But once I get use to the heat, it's ok and I like it. Thank you Sir for using my body!"

Ray has removed most of the wax on his body. I then checked for his rings and removed the wax on the rings. It's difficult to check with the Gucihe. So I ordered him to bend over the toilet bowl. I rotated the ring to make sure there's no more wax on the ring.

I got excited too. With Ray still bended over the toilet, I remove his butt plug and put on a condom to fuck him. I knew he want me to fuck him too. Without saying a word, his hole accepted my cock and I fucked him.

Someone has entered the toilet. It really did not a matter to fuck a guy at the toilet of a gay bar. With the door of the toilet stall opened, I kept fucking my slave. I knew he didn't care too, only with me fuck him.

After I shoot my load, we both exhausted. I sat on the seat of the toilet bowl; holding my slave in my arms, have him sat on my thighs. We kissed.

Having Ray put on his jumpsuit, we returned to the bar. Different slaves were bounded by different gears, either get fucked or tutored by their Masters, or those invited.

I think it's enough for us so I leashed Ray out of the bar. Both of us have drunk some beers and it's not a good idea to drove at this time even we were not drunk. And I wanted to get some fresh air too. So I decided to take a walk, leashing my slave.

The area is quite in the night, and Christmas Eve made the area even more quite. I wanted to make the walk more exciting, so I went back to the car and grabbed a pair of handcuffs. There was no one else on the street. So I didn't mind to walk my slave in his latex jumpsuit and leash, with his hands locked behind.

John leashed me towards the car so I thought we were about to leave. He just opened the luggage room and took out a pair of handcuffs. It's the normal handcuffs what the police use. My hands were locked on my back and John moved 2 of the zippers on the back of my jumpsuit to the front.

What John done was to expose my balls and cock out of the jumpsuit. I was really worried that someone might see me wearing only the jumpsuit with my cock exposed, and with John leashed me with my hands locked on my back.

"Sir! Please don't do that on me!" I begged, "I don't want to be caught."

"Neither do I want to be caught!" John said, "It's Christmas Eve, most people were having parties indoors. And this area was always a quite area, except for those who went to the leather bar. And they don't mind to have seen anything. If you keep talking, I will attach the leash to your PA instead of your collar."

John's idea horrified me, with the leash attached to the ring at my cock head. So I just kept quite and walked as John leashed.

John's right. There's really nobody around the area. Even my hands were locked on my back, I felt so free.

We have walk for about an hour. I enjoyed it very much. When we were around the car park. John stopped and removes the leash from my collar. But then he attached the leash back, to my PA. I wanted to say something, but I didn't. I didn't want to unset John by making another complaint. Moreover, I liked to be humiliated too. The pulls on the leash at my cock feel great.

When we were beside our car, John took out the key to unlock my hands.

"Sir! Do we have anywhere to go?" I asked.

"No! We are going back now." John said.

"Sir! Would you just keep my hands remain locked and the leash on my PA?" I asked, "It feels great!"

John smiled and put the key back to his pocket. On the way drove home, John kept pulling the leash from time to time.

John leashed me to the bathroom when we arrived home. He unlocked my handcuffs and removed the leash. He ordered me to prepare the bathtub while he was taking a shower. Then he ordered me to took a shower and joint him in the tub.

In the bathtub, John kissed me and reminded me again I was not allowed to play with my rings. He also said that he would only play with my rings hardly after they healed.

Inside the bathtub, John asked how I felt at the leather bar. I said that I like it because of the friendly environment and the bondage equipments. But I don't wanted to get used by anyone other than John and my Sirs. I… I mean I don't want to be fucked by anyone other than you."

"Every free man is your Sir!" John said, "And I do allow anyone to punish you or torture you. Remember you are my slave and I am your Master. You have to accept any order I made. But you don't have to worry about, I won't let anyone else to fuck you. You are mine."

"Thank you Sir!' I said.

After dried Sir and myself, John said that it's no good to allow me to sleep with him on the bed. So I slept on the floor, next to him.

There was just 2 more days to have the winter break ended. It's the time for us back to the campus. I drove the car and Ray did not say a word. I knew he's thinking about something.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Sir! I don't know… I don't know how they react on seeing my tattoos and piercings." Ray answered.

"You don't need to worry about that! You are our houseboy and you are my slave. So you have to take any orders we made. And I promise we will play safely" I said, "And we all agreed to have you pierced and tattooed. Your tattoo already shown you belong to me. You have nothing to worry about!"

"Thank you Sir!"

When we arrived the hostel, only Tom and Jeff had not return. They all examined my new piercings and tattoos. John warned them to be gently to my piercings and tattoos. That all said that I looked great with them and the tattoos correctly stated my position.

When Tom returned and found me cleaning his room, he said, "Shit! You looks funny! Come on, let me have a close look at you."

I kneed in front of Tom. He ordered me to stand up with my legs spread apart.

He could not kept from laughing at the tattoos on my crotch and on my butt. Then he played with my pierced cock and asked, "How do you feel, slave?"

"The piercing is great, Sir!" I answered.

Tom kept playing with my PA and I got hard. Then he found my Guiche ring and play with it. Then he went out to ask John for the purpose of my Guiche ring.

John ordered me to go to the living room. Everyone was there including Jeff. Then he ordered me bend over the tea table on my stomach. Now everyone saw my Guiche ring and he said, "See this ring, Guys?"

Except for Tom, they haven't discovered my Guiche ring.

"I have our slave to had a PA and a Guiche because I think they are a good match." John said, "When all the piercings totally healed, we can play with them and I promised it's a great fun. Simply attaching a leash to his PA is an interesting scene."

Everyone kept laughing when they hear that.

"And I can lock his PA to his Guiche too." John said as he bends my cock towards my butt. They all kept laughing.

"Or I can just have a chain linked to these 2 rings. Imagine how he looks like with a chain attaching from his cock head towards the back when he walks.

I can imagine how stupid would I look like with John's idea. But I thought it would be great.

"How about having a chain hanged by his tit rings?" Philip asked.

"You can imagine for anything and you can have a try. But you can only do that after our slave has healed. And remember not to damage him." John said.

They all agreed and said that they will wait for that.

As time past, I kept cleaning the hostel and took the orders by my Sirs. I don't think they wanted me so serve them sexually as I haven't suck any of them other than John. John do sometimes fucked me, not more than twice a week. He only fucked me at daytime when nobody was inside the hostel.

John had my cock locked inside the cock cage during the weekdays. At weekends, he sometimes linked a chain between my PA and Guiche, sometimes locked them together, or even hang a chain from my Guiche down and locked it to the chain of the leg irons. And attach the leash to my PA.

For my tit rings, John did sometimes attach weights to them. It's so painful to have the weights attached.

Before the Easter, John replaced all my rings with bigger and thicker rings.

During the Easter holiday, we held a party in our hostel. I serve them and took their orders.

"Why don't we have a fun with our slave?" Tim asked.

"Yeah!" Philip agreed, "Let's play poker, the winner can get a blowjob from our slave!"

I was shocked as I haven't sucked them except John. But I was happy to do so.

The first winner was Peter. I sucked him in front of all of them.

"Wow! It's great! He's a wonderful cock-sucker." Peter said after he shooted his load.

Then they continued with the game. Lastly, I have face-fucked twice by John, Tom, Peter and Philip, and once by Jason, Tim and Jeff. I have my stomach full of cum. I have never sucked so many times a day. But I like to be used by them.

In the next morning, they leashed me to the shower room and ordered me to blow each of them. John was the first, then Tom, Peter, Philip, Jeff, Jim and Jeff. They all said they enjoyed it very much and said that I have to suck them from time to time.

When it's about the examination period, John said that I don't need to work as their houseboy. I have to study for the examination. I thanked for his concern and care.

After the examination, they went back to home except John. John has got a summer job from a local architecture company. It's closed to my home. It took about an hour to drive from my home to his office. So I asked him to stay with me at my home.

"Thanks boy!" John said, "How about you, why don't you get a summer job?"

"Sir! I am not short of money. I just want to live with you and server you, Sir!" I answered.

"But how about your future? You have to work." John said.

"Sir! I only want to serve you. I know I have more than enough money left from my dad." I said.

"But everyone has to work. " John said, " Even you have a lot of money, how can you spend your time? It isn't a problem for us to live together. But when I go for work, what would you do at home? It's so boring to spend all the time at home doing nothing."

"Sir! I don't know. I haven't think about it before. Sorry Sir! I have only know that I have to live with you, as your slave." I said.

John held me tight and kissed me.

Uncle Thomas called me and told me that the Tax Department has the bill of my dad's estate duty ready. He told me to go to his office within a week. I told him I would go to see him on the next morning.

"Ray, here's the tax bill." Uncle Thomas said, "I have checked it and there's no problem. So you have to pay the estate duty in order to obtain a release note from the Tax Department. Afterwards, you can have all your dad's estates transfer to your name."

I looked at the bill. It's over a million.

"How can I have such an amount to paid the tax? The compensation from my dad's insurance can hardly cover the tax bill. Moreover, I have to pay for the tuition fee, and also my daily expenses." I said.

"You have to settle the bill shortly. As according to the law, they Tax Department charge for interest until the bill is settled." Thomas said.

"Then how long can I get the release note after I paid the tax?" I asked.

"According to my experience, they will send the release note around a month's time once you paid the bill. With the release note, you can go to the bank, Land Registry, and other agents to have your dad's estate release to you and change to your name. Usually, it will take another month's time." Thomas said, "So overall speaking, 3 months will be required."

"And you have an other option" Thomas continued, "You can authorize the Tax Department to draw money from your father's bank account to settle the tax bill. You know, once your dad has past, the bank has frozen all the accounts under your father's name. But the law allows Tax Department to draw money from such an account, provided that they were authorized by the closest relative. So in your case, you are the only one can authorize the Tax Department to do so. And once they get your authorizing letter, they will contact the bank and the bank will release the tax amount to the government. This procedure will take about a month hence it will pro-long to about four months. The advantage is you don't have to pay from the money on your hand."

"Thank uncle Thomas!" I said, "Would you please prepare the authorizing letter to me?"

"I have already done it for you, Ray." Thomas said, "They have the format of the letter and I only need to fill in the information. Here you are."

I signed it after reading it.

"Ok Ray! I will contact you if there's any news."

"Thanks uncle Thomas."

Ray returned home and told me about his dad's case.

"So how about yourself? Do you want to get a summer job?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. Unlike you, you study architecture and now work at an architecture company. I don't know if I can get a summer job now which related to my studies." Ray answered. "And I think it's not a problem for me to stay at home during this summer."

"Anyway, it's up to you." I said, "But if you stay at home, you should always follow my rules, understand?"

"Yes Sir!" Ray answered, "Sir! I will never break your rules. Sir, I love you, I love to be your slave! Sir, if you find me like to have break any of your rules, just punishes me, Sir!"

"I will." I said, "Then here's the rules fro this summer."

"As you don't want to look for a summer job, you will be my driver and drive me to work in the morning. Then you have come back to home immediately. In the evening, you will drive me back to home. Unless you are allowed to go out or in emergency, you cannot leave the house. Inside the house, you must always be naked and you are not allowed to play with your body." I said, "It will be boring when I am at work, but this is what you choose. So if you found it too boring, then try to look for a summer job. Get it?"

"Yes Sir!" Ray answered, "It will be happy for me to serve you, Sir! And I don't think I will feel boring."

(to be continued)

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Next: Chapter 11

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