Attending University

By ray hkg

Published on Feb 16, 2023


This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 1.

I am Ray, will be 19 in the next month. I have just received an admission letter from one of the universities I applied. It is not my first choice but it is not bad at all. I still have a week's time to see if any other universities were accepting me.

My father is a busy man. He spent almost one-third of a year on business trip. Even he's at home, we can't have much chances to have a talk. He though money is important and can compensate the lack of love. That's why he kept giving me money, together with a supplementary credit card. Don't know why he didn't learn from the left of my mum when I was 8. I have to take care of myself when I was 14. A housekeeper came twice a week to do the cleanings.

I wait for a week and there's no more news from the other universities I have applied. Then I paid the tuition fee and do the registration through the internet. There's a conformation email sent to me to confirm my registration and a hostel room will be allocated to me upon my final registration at the register office of the university, not later than the coming Friday as the semester will begin on the following Thursday.

I start preparing to my university life. I am a quite person and don't have many friends at school. But we promised to gather together before we attend the colleges or work. I didn't talk much in the meeting and finally, we wished each other good lucks.

I called my dad that I was accepted by the university and will head to it on Friday. He said good luck to me and asked me to call him if I have any problem. "And I will transfer a sum of money to your account. If you find it's not enough, just told me, son!"

"Thanks dad! Bye!"

I drove to the university with my stuffs on Friday morning. It took me 3 hours to get there. I arrived the register office before they close for lunch.

The registrar has my file on her desk and said, "You are the last one to register. If you don't appear today, those on the waiting list will take your place. You have been allocated to `Student Hostel Block P'. It is the smallest hostel but it is newly renovated. It used to be the Principle's hostel and kept vacant since the Principle moved to the new Principle Hostel 5 year ago."

"It is a bit far away from the other student hostels, but it is a nice and quite place. It has installed the same facilities with the other student hostels but less in quantity. Several newcomers don't like so far away and they shift with the second year students. So you are the only first year student in that hostel. I don't think you can make a shift as other hostels have full and there is still vacant at block P. There are only 8 rooms in block P but have 4 occupied, including you." She continued, "This is your student card, swipe the card to activate it and follow the on-screen instruction to create a 6-digit personal password at this computer. You have to use this password for all facilities in the campus, like entering the hostel, login to the intranet, etc. You can change your password here in the register in person only."

"Moreover, if you found any difficulties in entering the hostel, or forget to bring along your student ID, contact the security through the intercom located at the hostel entrance. Once they confirm your identity, they will open the door for you. And this is your room key. The room number is P05 on the first floor."

"Here is your folder. It contains the campus directory and your faculty information. Please report to the faculty office on next Monday to register for your class schedule. If you have any problem, you can call the `Student Service Center' at extension 8260 to 8265. After activated your student ID, you can head to the hostel to settle down. Any question?"

"No, thank you madam!"

When I drive towards block P, I found the campus is nice. All the way to the hostel, it is quite and really isolated. "So I can still have quite time here!" I think.

Because block P used to be the Principle's hostel, it looks beautiful. There were 2 cars at the parking lots and several bicycles just outside the hostel. I unloaded my stuffs from the car and open the door by swiping my student card. Before entering my password, the door opened.

"Hi, I'm John, architecture second year student, also in charge of this hostel. You must be the newcomer! Let me help you!" said John.

"Thanks John! I'm Ray, student of business administration." I said.

When we entered the hostel, there are 4 more guys chatting in the living room.

"Hey guys! Come to meet the newcomer, Ray." John said, "And Ray, this is Jason, also an architecture second year student. Tom, law school year 2. Philip, social science year 2 and Jim, History year 3."

I shake hand with each of them and I feel so happy to live with these nice guys.

"Ray, let's bring your stuffs into the room upstairs. You share the room with me!" John said, "And you can meet the other 2 guys upstairs too. They are working on the logo of our hostel. Both of them are art and design year 2 students."

"This is the discussion room where Peter and Jeff are working inside" John said to me and he open the door. "Come on, meet our newcomer, Ray."

"Hello Ray. I'm Peter and he's Jeff."

"OK Ray, this is our room, number 5. The toilet is at the end of the corridor on the left hand side. Shower room, laundry room and the small kitchen are on the ground floor, oppose to the stairs. Rooms 1 to 3 are on the ground floor, the other side of the living room, that is now vacant. Rooms 4 to 8 are on this floor." John said as we entered our room, "I think you need to unpack your things. On the right are my desk and bed and yours on the left. You can put your clothes and suitcases into the shared closet. Remember keep your thing on the left."

"Thanks a lot John!"

"Ah! Be quick and lets have lunch altogether."

"OK! I will be ready in a few minutes." I replied.

"Hey guys, what do you think about the freshman?"

"John, do you mean to teach him a lesson?" asked Jason.

"Freshman always needed a lesson! I think you have a plan on him, right?" asked Philip.

"You've read my mind man!" I said. "It's not easy for us to shift our rooms to here and occupy this whole building. We should make it as our place."

"It's now ours. The freshman can do nothing! You want to kick him out?" Tom asked.

"Absolutely no!" I continued, "Don't you think it's a good idea to have a freshman to work for us? Like cleaning the place, do the laundry, etc?"

"So you want to turn him to be our servant?" Tom asked.

"I don't think so, Tom. We all know John well. He can easily control over a guy, especially a shame guy like Ray. So what's your plan John?" asked Philip.

"I think he's from a wealthy family. Just look at his car, it's a new car, not a second had car. Kids like us can't afford a new car. And his watch too, a boy-size Rolex. This kind of kid can easily be controlled -- parents just giving money without much concern, has not much friends, being a quite person, maybe he's gay too. What my plan is to made him as our houseboy, do whatever we ordered." I said. "But we should be nice to him first, at least for today. So he will think that we are good friends to him and can be trusted. I think we need a party tonight and you guys can ask him question and know I am right."

"We can play poker games and after drinking several rounds, we turn it to a stripping game and made him the nude guy then!" Peter added.

"But it can't push him to be our houseboy!" Jeff said.

"We can set the rules, Jeff." I said. "The loser has to be punished and we can determine the punishment. So after lunch, Jim you guys ahead to the supermarket to buy more beers. I have my own plan and want him to be drunk!"

When I get downstairs, Jeff and Peter have already joined John. "Ray, I think you need to buy a bicycle for traveling within the campus. You know, we are far away from the buildings. Riding a bike save a lot of time and more convenience." John said, "So let's have lunch outside and I will bring you to a bike shop."

"OK. You are very nice to me, John!" I replied.

I get into John's car together with Jason and Philip. Jim drives Tom, Peter and Jeff.

We have our lunch at Tim's Kitchen, 30 minutes from the campus. After lunch, John said "I will take Ray to the bike shop. You guys should go to the supermarket and prepare for tonight's party. Don't forget the snacks and beers!"

"Got it!" Jim replied and head to the supermarket with Philip, Tom, Peter and Jeff. John drives Jason and me to the bike shop. The salesman asks for the purpose of buying a bike. He then shows me a secondhand bike. "It's a nice bike sold by a graduate of the university. It's only half price of a new one but it's like new."

"OK. I take this bike." I said to the salesman.

John loaded my bike into his car and asked me "Do you need to go to the supermarket to buy anything?"

"You have just reminded me. I forget to bring the toiletries. And some frozen rolls and pizzas as food storage too." I replied.

"So let's head to the supermarket and see if Jim has finished his shopping yet. It's cheaper to buy in the supermarket than the convenience shop inside the campus."

After shopping at the supermarket, we go back to the campus. John drive around the campus in order to show me the locations of the buildings.

I unload my new bike and locked it outside the hostel. Then I go back to my room to unpack my clothes from the suitcases and connect my laptop to the campus network.

"It's very nice to have John as my roommate. The others are nice too. It's good to live with them for this year." I think when I was lying on the bed for a rest.

There is a knock on the door and I awake. John come into the room and said, "You tired? Come on, our party is going to start. It's our hostel party and every member should join it. Come on!"

"OK! I'm coming."

I followed John downstairs and found they have prepared for the party. Not only the snacks and beers but also some fresh pizzas and spaghettis from the Domino's.

"Well, before the party begins, as the hostel-in-charge, I need to point out some rules for this hostel." John announced, "We are now adult and we have our own privacy, so when you go back to your room, you have to knock before enter. When entering other's room, you guys should get the permission first, ok?"

Everyone agreed.

"The working rooms, toilets, shower room, laundry room and the small kitchen are common area, so please keep the place tidy after use. Especially the refrigerator and microwave oven. Don't make them into mess."

"Yes!" We all agreed.

"And if anyone break the rule, he will be punished to clean up the common area for a week."


"Let's start our party!" John announced.

I think they all know the rules and they may have been living together since last year. John as the student in charge of block P, he should formally list the rules, at least to me as the newcomer.

We celebrate for the beginning of the new semester, and the arrival of the newcomer -- me. We eat, drink and talk a lot. In order to get closer together, they told me a lot about themselves and ask many questions about me.

"Got a girlfriend?" Tom asked.

I was a bit nervous when I heard this question. I have asked myself so many times if I am gay. But I am not sure. I like girls and at the same time I like guys. Girls but also guys do attract my sight. But I have never had a girlfriend or a boyfriend. So I lied "Yes. She's Jane but she has gone aboard for study last summer. We do keep email from time to time."

"Why don't we play poker?" Jason asked.

"Yes! Loser has to drink! And don't think to drink by losing, I know the truth!" Philip said.

Everyone have drink a lot keep screaming when one's lost. "Why don't we make the game more exciting?" Peter suggested, "Let's play the strip poker!"

"Wow! Yeah!" Everybody agree by screaming.

"And the final loser should be punished!" Jeff added.

"Wow! Yeah!"

"Say cleaning the hostel for a week." I suggest.

"Yes! Agree!"

There were shoes and socks everywhere after several rounds. And after some more round, I found that except Tom and Philip, all of them have tattoos.

"Like them?" John asked. "The one on my left arm is my own design and the other one was designed by Jeff. Jason's one was designed by Peter and for himself too. Jason has design one for Jim too. We like drawings and have the unique design for ourselves. If you want one, we can design one for you too."

"It's cool but I think it's not the time yet." I said, "Maybe later. I would appreciate for your offer!"

I was embarrassed by have John knowing I was staring at their bodied. But I was much more embarrassed by knowing I have a hard-on under my brief, the only piece of cloth I have. I hope nobody has noticed me. I just try my best to claim down as if I loss one more round, I will be naked.

I am not embarrassed to be naked and I always naked at home. The only different is not being alone here. But we will be naked when we take shower at the shower room. It's not a big deal. We have to live together at least for a year. I just try to not having a hard-on when stripping my brief.

Unlucky, I have lost another round and have to strip naked. They required me to dance and strip. As the loser, I can't argue but do as requested. I only showed my nude body with a semi-erection.

They all celebrate for having the loser and we keep drinking until we ran out of beer. We are too tired and drunk so we just slept in the living room.

(to be continued)

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Next: Chapter 2

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