Attending to My Brother in Law

By James Herbert

Published on Jul 17, 2018


*Sorry this has taken me so long to write everyone. My life has been insanely busy recently and I just haven't had the opportunities to sit down and write. I hope you'll consider this final part worthy of the wait though! *

I spent most of the morning prepping for what I had planned for Phil when he arrived. I stripped and changed the bed sheets to a set Matt and I almost never used. That way after I was finished I could swap them back to the same ones that were on there when Matt left for work this morning. They were fresh on so I wouldn't have gotten away with saying they needed to go in the wash and I was hoping that it was going to be a messy session between us!

I also hid some rope underneath the bed and made sure it was out of sight as were the blindfold and various toys I had planned to use on Phil. As I rummaged through our cupboards I came across a little box which i'd totally forgotten about. In that exact moment I made a decision to take this further than i'd originally planned.

2pm finally rolled around and at one minute past there was a knock on the door. I stood up from the sofa a took a deep breath.

"Hi Phil"

"Hi Chris" he beamed back and pulled me into a much tighter hug than we'd ever exchanged before. I could feel him push his entire body up against mine including grinding his crotch into mine.

As he pulled back I finally got to drink in the sight of this complete stud. He'd worn a dark blue t-shirt that fitted him perfectly. It hugged his chest just right accentuating his 'v-shape' torso, his large pecks stretch the t-shirt tight and his beautifully sculpted biceps filled the arms of the t-shirt just right. As my eyes travelled lower I saw he was wearing a slightly different shade of shorts which finished just above his tanned knees and calves. They weren't tight enough to show an outline of his cock but I could see a healthy bulge. He'd finished the look off with some nice loafers.

"Finished looking?" Phil smirked

"Mm, yeah, sorry" I mumbled in reply and spun around before my thickening cock gave me away.

"Want a drink?" I called behind me as I did my best to push my ass out as I walked away from him towards the kitchen.

"You got a beer"?

"Yeah, plenty. What do you want, bottle or a can?" I was secretly praying he asked for a bottle.

"Bottle please" came the reply.

Ideal I thought, less for him to have to drink means a more concentrated dose.

"Ok, i'll bring it through in a minute, just go have a seat and watch the game".

"Alright, don't be too long!"

Bit of a cryptic reply I thought, too long for what exactly?

I popped open the box and looked at the contents, do I really want to do this? It took me only a fraction of a second to make up my mind. I pushed the little blue diamond shape pill out of the packet and crushed it with the side of a knife. Being careful to scoop up the resultant powder I poured it into the top of his beer with a piece of a scrap of paper.

"Want a slice of lime"? I called out to him.

"Yeah, great!"

I cut a wedge of lime and used it to carefully wipe the tip of the bottle to make sure there were no signs of the powder before pushing it down the neck of the bottle. I gave it a swirl and watched the beer bubble. After a couple of moments I held it up against the light to make sure it had all dissolved. Perfect! Not a trace. I grabbed my own bottle and carried them into the living room.

As I rounded the corner the first thing I saw was a dark blue t-shirt which has been disguarded on the floor. A couple of feet to the left of that I saw some shorts and shoes. My eyes travelled further left and the sight completely caught me off guard. Phil was sat there in a pair of light blue boxer briefs with a shit eating grin on his face.

"I thought you'd prefer the no clothes look?" The comment was laiden with sexual tension as he flexed his chest and made his abs bulge under his bronze coloured skin.

I was pretty much speechless but my body was doing the talking for me. I felt my cock begin to thicken and push it's way down one leg making an obvious bulge in my shorts.

"Like what you see?" He grinned at me.

That comment snapped me out of my daze, I wanted to be in control of this situation. I wanted to get revenge, this was going to go the way I planned.

"Lets just watch the game shall we?" with that I thrust his spiked beer at him.

"Suit yourself" and with that our attention turned to the TV and conversation consisted of just a few comments about players performance. I kept glancing out of the corner of my eye to see the progress he was making with his beer.

Eventually he got down to the last quarter of the bottle so I figured he must have had most of the pill by now. I knew from past experience that it doesn't actually give you an erection of it's own accord so all I needed to do now was to get him horny.

"So what was that picture about?" I asked trying to sound as casual as possible whilst looking at the TV. Just at the mere mention of that picture blood started pumping into my cock and I felt it start to thicken and grow.

"Ha, just thought you'd like to see what you missed out on at the gym..." He turned to face me whilst spreading his arms and resting back against the cushions of the sofa. He was clearly trying to display his beautiful chest for me to admire.

I couldn't help it, my cock and balls almost immediately took control and I drank in every inch of him. He was flexing his arms and his pecs would occasionally bounce and twitch, they had me practically hypnotised.

"Touch it, I know you want to" he said in a husky voice.

"Touch what?" I replied.

"Whatever you want...."

It seemed as though the sexual tension was having the desired effect. From my experience in the gym I knew he had a freakish level of control over his hard-on, he seemed to know the exact moment that he needed to slow down at to prevent himself from getting fully hard. Clearly what he didn't know was that i'd removed that level of control. Almost as if he read my mind, he bought the bottle to his lips and downed the rest of the beer. I smiled.

Turning my attention back to his magnificent body I dragged my eyes down his chest and settled on his crotch. As if on queue I watched it twitch as blood flooded into his shaft. It rapidly started to expand and stretch the fabric as I watched it first thicken and lengthen whilst pointing down between his legs before the fabric wouldn't stretch any further. A quick knock with his hand bought it over to his hip where it rapidly finished growing and thickening. I could see it pulsing and straining against the material. Phil reached down and grunted.

"Fuck, you've got me horny. I've not been this hard since I was a teenager!" With that he squeezed the shaft of his long thick cock and I watched his eyes roll back into his head and the first sign of precum leaking as the tip of his cock made the material of his boxers darken.

I couldn't help myself and reached over with my hand. I touched his powerful thigh whilst keeping my eyes locked on the throbbing bulge. He grunted and his cock bucked, went rigid for a second before relaxing a little again. I watched as the fine golden hair on his leg stood to attention and little goosebumps appeared across his skin. My hand travelled up his huge thigh getting ever closer to his cock. I stole a quick glance up to his face to be met by a slightly hooded, glazed and sexually desperate pair of eyes. He was going to be pretty much putty in my hands.

"Shall we take this upstairs?" I whispered.

It look him a couple of moments to respond as if he brain was being slowed down by the shear amount of testosterone that was coursing through his veins. "Ok, lead the way"

As I walked up the stairs to the bedroom I could practically feel Phil's eyes burning holes in my shorts. As he walked into the bedroom I put my hands on his shoulders which seemed to send an electric bolt through both of us and maouvered him towards the foot of the bed before pushing him backwards. He landed in the perfect position with both his legs and arms spread apart. I climbed onto the bed and began crawling up making sure to grind my body and chest against the obscene bulge in his boxers. I watched as his eyes fluttered shut and a groan escaped his mouth.

I finally ended up, chest to chest, crotch to crotch before leaning in and whispering "i'm going to make you pay for that picture you sent me!"

With that I reached under the bed to the pre-tied pieces of rope and pulled one slip knot over one wrist and quickly put the second over his other wrist. It took a couple of seconds to realise that when he tried to pull his arms he couldn't.

"What the fuck!?" Phil suddenly said.

"Like I said, i'm going to get my revenge for that picture...."

With that I started to work my way back down his body, biting and sucking his skin as I went. I made sure to pay special attention to his hard nipples. Phil let out a shriek as I teased them with my teeth before it turned into a prolonged groan. I felt his cock throbbing against my abs as I went to town on his nipples.

I finally moved on trailing my tongue over his heaving chest before my chin bumped into his bulge. I immediately felt the wetness on my chin before tilted my head and was greeted by one of the hottest things i'd ever seen. Precum had soaked through his boxers and was literally pouring onto his chest. His cock would suddenly tense raising itself and stretching the fabric before the precum oozed through the material of his boxers and dripped down onto his chest. This was going to be way too much fun!

I bypassed his throbbing cock and ran my hands down his thick tree trunk thighs feeling the fine blond hair under my hands. When I finally got to his feet I reached back under the bed and pulled both pre-prepared slip knots over his feet and around his ankles. Now each time he stretched or tried to move one limb the other three slip knots would tighten and pin his body down onto the bed.

"James, what exactly are you planning on doing to me?" Phil asked in a slightly nervous voice.

"Don't worry, I'm going to show you why you never try and tease a gay guy. Straight guys think they can do what they like, parade around in front of us, tease us with your bulging cocks, stroke yourselves in the showers and we'll just take it. I'm going to show you why you need to show some respect!"

I moved around the edge of the bed and opened one of my bedside draws which i'd loaded with all the toys I planned on using. In there were vibrating cock rings, vibrating dildos, a flesh light, my e-stim kit and plenty of lube. The first thing I pulled out though was a pair of fabric scissors. Phil had craned his neck to the side and was clearly trying to pull his torso up so he could see what was in the draw but he couldn't lift his body high enough. His eyes bulged when he saw the scissors appear.

"Mate, what, no, you're not going to cut me!?"

"Don't be stupid, why would I hurt a body that's as stunning as yours!?" I replied.

With that I took the scissors to the bottom of his very expensive Ted Baker boxer briefs and the noise of the sharp scissors slicing through the thin fabric pierced the quiet of the room.

Phil had held his breath and suddenly let go as I made the final snip.

"James, Christ, what have you done. How am I going to explain why these have been cut. They were a birthday present!"

"Do I look like I care. Besides, I think you're going to have a lot more to explain without worrying about these"

I snipped up the other leg of the boxers leaving just one flap covering his cock. Now the fabric was no longer holding his cock down it was proudly pointing up towards his chest at about a 45 degree angle. Every so often i'd watch it jerk, strain and relax. Precum continued to ooze out onto his chest but given the amount he'd been leaking I watched as the thick, clear liquid was gradually making it's way down the 'V' line of his torso. I decided I needed to see it, i'd waited long enough. I brushed my hand along the shaft of his cock starting at the base of his balls and slowly made my way to the top of the shaft. I gripped the lose fabric with my fingers and pulled it back.

As the fabric slipped back down his cock the large head was the first thing I saw. I knew Phil was uncut but he was so hard his foreskin had pulled back revealing a deep purple shinny head. The foreskin was resting just below the ridge of his cock as it strained to grow bigger than it could. I pulled the fabric down the rest of his shaft revealing the tanned shaft which was criss-crossed with thick dark veins which were doing their best to deliver as much blood as possible to his cock. After a couple of moments his cock relaxed slightly and the foreskin managed to retreat partially back over the head. Almost immediately his cock sprang back up and pulsed hard, simultaneously Phil groaned. His cock was so hard, the action of the foreskin sliding over the edge of his cock was partially wanking him. He was caught in a cycle of continual pleasure as his cock essentially jerked itself off.

"Touch it, touch it please!" Begged Phil.

"Be careful, you'll be begging me to leave it alone soon enough".

I had a decision to make, should I drain his balls quickly and enjoy working him towards a second orgasm or should I make the first last a long as possible before he physically can't hold the load back any longer.

I decided on the latter. After all, I wanted to punish him for what he's put me through.

I opted for the vibrating cock ring first. I pulled open the draw and got it out. Phil's eyes followed my hand movement and grew as it came into view. My particular cock ring had two rings, one of which slipped over the shaft and the other which went over the shaft and behind the balls to pull them forward. Thankfully it was made of rubber as judging my Phil's straining cock it was going to be a tight fit. I grasped his shaft and slid my hand up and down coating my hand in his precum.

"Ohhh fuck yeaaahhhhh" groaned Phil.

I could feel his entire shaft go rigid and then give one solid pulse. That one hard throb caused a stream of precum to ooze out and run down the shaft. I removed my hand.

"Don't stop, please, i'm so horny, please" begged Phil.

I slipped the first ring over his shaft and the second behind his huge heavy balls. When I pulled my fingers out from the rings to allow them to properly grip the shaft I saw his cock swell. Blood was clearly being pumped in faster than it could escape and it was forcing his cock to swell further than it ever had before. Phil grunted as his foreskin pulled fully back and stayed there. What he didn't seem to realise was that it was about to get a whole lot worse.

I flicked the switch on the end of the bullet and it started vibrating. Its default was a series of short but intense vibrations separated by a a few second intervals.

"Holy FUCK" yelled Phil. His whole body tensed up, muscles straining against his tied arms and legs.

You could visibly see the vibrations being sent through his shaft and into his huge swollen balls. Phil eventually relaxed but would groan and thrash his head from side to side as the vibrations coursed through his thick cock.

My mouth was watering and I had let him waste so much delicious precum I needed to taste it. As the next wave of vibrations took hold I leant forward and wrapped my lips around his straining head. As the head brushed over my tongue I was rewarded with a prolonged stream of hot precum.

"Mmmmmm yeah" groaned Phil.

It was delicious. A slight salty but sweet taste and so thick. I grabbed his balls, squeezed and continued to suck waiting for the next set of vibrations to milk more of his precious liquid out of him. The next wave of vibrations started and I sucked hard drawing even more precum out of his shaft. I also switched the intensity up which dropped the time between the vibrations. When the next set started Phil's body strained and I felt his balls contract.

"Ohhh yeah. You're getting me close just doing this" moaned Phil.

Almost immediately I flicked the ring off and gave his shaft one last hard suck. I wasn't going to let him get off so easily. He was clearly waiting for the next round of punishment from the cock ring but when it didn't come he looked up with glazed eyes, mouth hanging open.

"Why did you stop!?"

"Because i'm not done with you yet. Your balls need to ache, I want them so swollen they can't hold anymore cum"

I reached back into my draw and pulled out my flesh light. It was an arse one, which was completely clear so you could see the shaft and head slide inside. I had considered the idea of lubing it up but judging by the amount Phil was leaking they was absolutely no point. I gripped his cock, pulling it straight, feeling the heat and stone like hardness in the shaft. I lined the head of his dick up before pushing it inside.

"Mmmmmmmmmm, so tight"

I think Phil was in such a state he didn't know if it was a person or a toy he was fucking, but his hips immediately started thrusting trying to bury his cock as deeply as possible. I started lifting it up and watching his cock pull against the inside as his head throbbed and dumped stream after stream of precum inside it. The thought of it had my hole twitching.

I had almost forgotten about myself but my twitching hole briefly diverted my attention back to my cock. My boxers were totally soaked and had turned from a light grey to a dark grey which had soaked across the entire front. I gripped the shaft and felt the familiar surge run through my shaft and then the tensing of my balls. I knew I couldn't play with myself as I needed to keep my edge.

My attention turned back to Phil and I decided to step it up another knotch. I flipped the little switch in the other direction on the vibrating cock ring and heard the pulsing vibrations start. There was no let up on this setting just waves of more intense and less intense vibrations.

"ughhh ughhh, J, I need to cum. Please!" gasped Phil.

His balls were bouncing up and down, straining then relaxing, straining then relaxing. Each time they pulled up they stayed high for longer before dropping back down. I knew I was getting him close to the point of return. I just wanted to take him that little bit closer... so I continued the slow relentless sliding of the fleshlight.

Phil was grunting, his huge arms pulling hard at the ropes tying him down whilst his hips bucked in time with the fleshlight.

I was flicking my eyes between his face which was a combination of a tortured expression and sheer sexual pleasure and his balls. They had pulled up and were now fully in the firing line of the vibrator. I lent down and started to suck on them, pulling them down and away from the vibrator. As soon as I let them go they'd snap straight back. Phil stopped thrusting and his body began to tremble.

"I'm on the edge, just... a... little... more" begged Phil.

In one swift motion I pulled the fleshlight off and flicked the switch on the cock ring to off. His cock stood rigid, visibly pulsing and searching for the hole it so desperately wanted to be back inside.

"Ugh, ugh, PLEASE!!. I'm right there! Pleeeassseeee" Phil begged.

"Sorry but i'm not done yet. I told you, you were going to pay for messing me around".

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry. Just let me cum and i'll make it up to you. My balls, they hurt, they're so swollen. And my cock, it's never been so hard. You've proven your point".

Phil was pleading with me now. For a moment I considered giving into his request but the cruel side of me won out.


Chris arrived at the front door of James' house. He could see the TV was on but he couldn't see either James or Phil. Last night he got a slightly cryptic message from Phil asking him to meet at James' house. All Phil had said was that he wanted to talk to James about what had been going on for the last few weeks between them all. He'd tried ringing the bell but no one answered. After texting Phil and getting to reply he decided to go around the back to see if he could get in that way. He slipped through the back gate and sure enough found the back door open.

As he came through the house he heard some grunting coming from upstairs as well as some muffled talking. He started climbing the stairs heading towards the bedroom James had taken him to. The door was ajar but he could make out one was lieing on their back and the other was kneeling between their legs. Suddenly Phil moaned and Chris nudged the door open just a little more so he could see better.

The image before Chris took his breath away. Phil was lieing on his back, both his arms had been tied down as were his legs. James was sat between his two legs sliding something up and down Phil's cock. By the way Phil was grunting and moaning it must have felt fantastic as his whole body was writhing around shuddering and his toes were clentching and relaxing.

It didn't take long for Chris to feel the familiar sensation in his groin. His cock began to thicken and stretch. His eyes feel on James' arse and for a moment he got lost remembering how amazing it felt to slide into that tight hole. The memories of that plus the background noise of Phil had Chris hard in no time. He reached down and unzipped his shorts, pulled his pants down and released his huge cock. He was already leaking and used his palm to rub precum around the head and shaft. His eyes fluttered shut as he went to work jerking himself off to the scene in front of him.

Back to James and Phil....

After a while Phil's cock started to clam back down, the head returning to a smaller size and his balls began to relax slightly. I noticed they never fully dropped but they weren't as tight as before. I reached into the draw and pulled out my final and probably most torturous toy. It was an estim machine. I'd used this a few times on myself to some pretty mind blowing effects but I also knew that in Phil's current state he was unlikely to be able to stand too much of the abuse it was about to inflict on his poor cock.

Phil was breathing heavily and his body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat. He was torn between the desire for James to continue abusing him and the need to cum. His balls felt twice the size and hard started a dull ache that he remembered from the long edging sessions he used to have time for before meeting James' sister in law and having a baby.

I attached one of the electro pads to Phil's perineum and two more to the sides of his shaft. It was difficult to get them to stick as his entire shaft was wet from the relentless amount of precum he was producing. Eventually I got everything hooked up and plugged into the machine. I leant forward and whispered "I hope you're ready for this".

I flicked the switch and it had an almost instant effect. Phil's cock bucked, tensed and trobbed. The machine was effectively causing the same muscles to spasm that do so when you cum. His cock strained and strained growing beyond even what it had before. I could see his perineum spasaming trying to pump out the load.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!" Phil yelled.

I turned the intensity up ready for the next hit and pressed the button. The scene before me made me nearly cum without touching myself at all. Phil's cock stood almost rigid, expanded, before throbbing uncontrollably, some milky white precum started shooting out of his overly swollen head, the machine was milking him but it wasn't enough to cause a full blown orgasm.

"Stop it, stop it, PLEASE, oh god my cock!" Phil's face had flushed and I could see him essentially going through an orgasm but without getting the relief that comes with one.

I flicked the off switch and Phil immediately gasped in some air and his body went limp.


Chris had been stood jerking off listening to Phil beg James to let him cum. Despite knowing what James was doing to Phil was wrong he was so unbelievably turned on. He wasn't sure what Phil had expected to achieve my getting him over here but this was beyond anything he could have ever imagined.

When Chris saw James pulling out some weird looking pads which were connected to all sorts of wires he had no idea what was going to happen. His view of exactly what was connected to what was obscured by James' body but the way Phil reacted when James turned it on looked as though he was being electrocuted. His whole body clearly went rigid and the noise Phil made was almost primeval. Chris knew this was taking things too far but he couldn't bring himself to make his presence known.

As James continued to torture Phil, Chris was frantically jacking off enjoying the effects he could see and relishing in the moans and cries Phil was making. Before he even realised what was happening he hit the point of no return. As Phil screamed Chris' cock lost the battle with his hand and began pulsing, firing round and round of thick white cum across the floor, narrowly missing the bed. Had Phil not made so much noise they would both have surely heard the grunting that escaped Chris' mouth as he unloaded his throbbing balls.

*Back to James and Phil.... *

James couldn't ignore the desire to finally sit on Phil's huge cock and if he was honest with himself, he was worried if he took it any further with the machine he might actually start doing some damage. He'd never put the power up as far as that and the effect it had on Phil's cock was a combination of unbelievable sexual power and alarming growth.

Phil moaned as he felt the electro pads being peeled off his skin, but his cock didn't shrink back to it's normal size, the viagra was preventing it from getting smaller. He managed to lift his head long enough to see just how big his cock had gotten. He was impressed it hadn't exploded. the shaft was a dark tanned brown, criss-crossed by heavily swollen veins and the head was an angry engorged purple colour.

"Please James, I need to cum, it's almost painful now. Let's just put the gym session behind us, I don't want you to damage me!"

"Just one more thing Phil, but don't worry, I think you'll enjoy it"

James began to slip his boxers down revealing his pert arse. His hole was practically quivering with the thought of of finally being able to stretch over this magnificent cock. As he crawled up the bed it dawned on Phil what was about to happen. Phil's cock grazed over James' hole leaking precum all over it. Each time it moved over the hole James teased himself and Phil just a little bit more by adding more and more pressure.

"We can't fuck bare" moaned Phil.

"It's too late for that, plus, I don't have any condoms that would fit you"

With that James finally pushed and Phil's cock popped through James' hole. Both men simultaneously moaned. James from having such a huge head stretching his tight hole and Phil from the hot, tight sensation which was gently massaging his swollen head. James grunted and pushed himself down the shaft. he was practically panting, he'd never felt so full before.

"ugh your cock is so thick and hard!" grunted James.

Phil was lost in a fog of sexual desire. All he could focus on was his cock that was gently being milked by this hot tight hole. Eventually Phil's cock was as deep as it could get. His over swollen head was throbbing and his shaft was gently being milked. James reached back and gripped Phil's balls trying to make sure he could savour this for as long as possible before Phil finally lost it.

James started to slide back up the shaft feeling Phil's cock dragging it's way back out of his hole. He made sure to tense his hole to really milk the long thick pulsing shaft. Phil's eyes had rolled into the back of his head and a series of grunts, moans and groans were escaping his lips. As he felt the head start to pull out he stop before sliding down in one swift motion. The swollen cock head smashed into James' prostate.

It was all too much for Phil. His body couldn't take the stimulation, James' hole was causing sensory overload and his swollen cock and balls had reached the point of no return. It wouldn't have mattered what James did to him he was going over the edge.

James felt Phil begin to shake, he desperately wanted to stop it but it was too late. Phil's legs started to buck uncontrollably, his balls started throbbing and then he felt it. A burning hot sensation flooded into James and Phil finally lost control.

"UUUUUGGGGHHHHHHH, MMMMMMM, UGHHHHHHH" was all Phil could muster. His cock continued to throb releasing a torrent of hot cum into James.

The sensation of feeling Phil shoot his load inside him was too hot and James started cumming without even touching himself. Cum burst from his swollen head and hit Phil square in the face. Volley after volley of cum sprayed across Phil's chest as he continued to pump cum inside James.

Eventually Phil's orgasm began to subside and he felt drained. His whole body was limp and his cock would occasionally throb as if it was desperate to carry on shooting. He'd never felt so sexually satisfied in his life, he knew nothing would ever compare to this.

James collapsed toward onto Phil's chest spreading his load between their sweaty, muscle bound torso's. He was panting heavily whilst the sensation of being completely full of what must have been a gallon of cum moved around inside him.

After a couple of moments the guys heard a floor board creak and suddenly James felt a hand touch his shoulder. His whole body tensed as he slowly turned his head expecting to see Matt standing there. The face that greeted him wasn't Matt's it was Chris'. His eyes travelled down Chris's body and saw his long cock hanging with a drop of what looked like cum on the end of it.

"What the fuck Chris?" asked James hoarsely.

The End

*Please send over your thoughts, comments and feedback. I've left the story open ended so that perhaps I can come back to it in the future. I hope you've all enjoyed the series though and once again i'm sorry it's taken me so long to publish this section. Hopefully more stories to follow with new characters and plot lines. *

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