Attending to My Brother in Law

By James Herbert

Published on Apr 10, 2018


DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction. It involves consensual sex between two adult males. If this sort of story offends you, please do not read. If it appeals to you, please enjoy

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Hi all! I'm sorry for my hiatus, work and life have gotten in the way recently and i've had no time to write anything. This is part one of the finale to this story. I hope you enjoy it and as always send over your comments.

I will try to get the remaining parts out to you all as soon as possible.

On the drive home my thoughts were all over the place. I practically ran into the back of a women as I failed to notice the traffic lights had turned red. I couldn't understand what was happening, from an outsiders perspective I had it all. A good job, a nice house, a loving husband (to be), my life should be complete. And yet, there was that part of me that was drawn to the attention of other men. In this case, the attention of my brother in law and my other brother in law (sort of).

Images of Phil standing there totally naked stroking his thick cock as water ran over his powerful chest kept flashing through my mind. His words "I know you want this" rang in my ears as I parked on the drive and let myself into the house. Matt was sat where i'd left him, on the sofa, and turned to give me a nice smile when I walked through the door.

"How was the gym? What did Phil want?"

"He just wanted to complain about Jess. The usual stuff really". It wasn't uncommon for me to meet up with Phil over issues he was having with Jess. They are just one of these couples who go from being great to hating each other in the blink of an eye. Matt knew this, so rarely pressed to find out what the latest drama was. After all, he'd probably get a call from Jess soon to complain about Phil.

I collapsed onto the sofa next to Matt and almost immediately feel asleep. I was physically drained from a day of continuous working, the gym and emotionally exhausted after the effects of what had been going on for the last couple of weeks.

I must have been dreaming about something good because I woke to the feeling of having my cock played with. As my eyes fluttered open I could see my cock had been pulled out of my shorts and Matts hand was sliding up and down the shaft. I looked across to him and our eyes met.

"Sorry I couldn't resist, it was jerking away in your shorts and I could see it leaking so I thought you might like to get off?"

I just smiled back at Matt, shuffled down the sofa whilst thrusting my hips out and let Matt's hand glide up and down my shaft. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation. Before long, images of Phil started to flash through my mind. His cock pepping out of his shorts, slowly starting to thicken then later in the shower as the soap and water flowed over his rippling muscles and down his long thick shaft.

"Ohh yeah, you are turned on" moaned Matt as he leant down to lick up the copious amount of precum that had just oozed out of my cock.

As his tongue met my sensitive cock head I grunted. It wasn't going to be long before I blew my load. My balls were churning and the constant flicking of Matt's tongue around the head of my cock had me rushing towards the point of no return. I reached out, placed my hand on Matt's head and thrust deep into his throat. That was all it took for me to burst a huge thick wad of cum.

"Ohhhhh FUCK YESSSSS!!" I cried out as my cock continued to pulse and pump my load directly into Matt's stomach.

Only then did I realise Matt was gagging and trying to get off my cock. I suddenly let go of his head and he jerked his head up.

"What was that!? You trying to kill me?" He said angrily. He was wiping the traces of my cum and his spit off his mouth and breathing heavily.

"I, errr, I thought you were into it?"

"Into being suffocated my your cock, I don't think so. You know I have a strong gag reflex" He snapped back.

"Sorry" was all I could say.

"I'm going to bed. Come up when you feel like saying sorry properly" and with that he got up off the floor and stomped off upstairs.

Geez, things were getting to me. I've never, ever done what I just did to Matt before. My mind was flashing between images of the last few days, weeks and months. So much had happened, some of it my fault, but now it felt as though I was being taken down a road that I didn't want to go down.

I suddenly felt my phone buzz and I reached into my pocked to phish it out.

It was from Phil and it had a photo icon. Fuck, what was this going to be. A million different scenarios started to running through my mind about Jess finding something, but what it was totally flawed me. I stared at my screen, mouth hanging open. There, in front of my eyes, was Phil's long, thick, heavy cock resting on the same gym shorts he wore tonight which were absolutely covered in thick white pools of cum. Despite having cum 5 minutes ago my cock went from totally soft to achingly hard in a record time. The tag line at the bottom of the image read "look what you missed out on..."

I just stared at the screen. Was I really seeing what I was seeing. Had Phil really just sent me a picture of his cock resting in a bucket load of cum that was slowly soaking into the gym shorts he'd been working out in just a matter of hours ago? I closed my eyes and tried to get my thoughts together. As I tried to stop the room spinning my phone vibrated again. I took a couple of deep breaths and looked at the screen again. This time it was just a message "don't like what you see? :-("

He was fucking with me and it made me pissed. I started to reply "don't ever send me a picture like that again!"

My finger hovered over the send icon but I just couldn't hit it. Deep down I knew why, I knew that i wanted to see stuff like that, I wanted his cock, I wanted to taste that load. I hit backspace and deleted it. My fingers did the typing for me "tomorrow, 2pm, be here or never send a message like that again" I hit send.

I watched the little ticks appear. First one grey tick, then the second... the seconds felt like hours... then two blue ticks. I continued staring at the screen, waiting.... waiting.... then I saw those magic words 'Phil is typing'. They only flashed up briefly... and the message appeared... "OK".

Fuck! What had I done. I was supposed to tell him to leave me alone, I was happy... wasn't I?

My cock snapped me out of my thoughts. It was still painfully hard. I looked down at it and realised it was bigger than i'd ever seen it. The head was an angry shade of purple and it flared with each beat of my heart. Precum was spewing out of it faster than i'd ever seen it flow. I knew if I merely touched it i'd burst. At that moment I had an idea. If Phil wanted to get off with me. I'd make him work for it. I was going to tie that man up and use his cock as my personal toy.

Images of him tied to my bed, totally naked, rock hard and begging for release were almost too much for me. I grunted and strained to keep from cumming. I looked down at my cock and noticed my precum turn a shade of white. I'd almost cum hands free just at the thought of using Phil. He was messing with me, so I was going to get revenge in the best way I knew how.....

I wondered upstairs once i'd finally managed to get my cock to go down. I'd triple checked that the photo Phil had sent was deleted out of my messages but saved in a secret folder on my phone. There was no way I was going to delete that, mainly for future wank material but also as evidence in case any thing went wrong.

Climbing into bed I snuggled up against Matt and whispered "sorry" into his ear. He turned and kissed me, I was forgiven. With that we fell asleep in each other arms as I dreamed of what tomorrow was going to hold.

The following morning I woke up to Matt climbing out of bed. I felt it almost immediately, the ache in my balls. I reached down and fondled them gently. They were tender to the touch and swollen. My boxers were completely soaked in precum.

"I don't know what you were dreaming about last night but it can't have been me!" Matt chuckled.

I hope he didn't see my body tense as he said those words. Vague images of my dreams came back to me. Phil was bound to the bed, his cock was bone hard and he was begging me to cum. With that thought I had to tense every muscle to stop my balls from emptying their load right there. This was going to be almost as hard for me as it was, I hoped, for Phil!

Matt went about his usual morning routine and I stayed in bed. I was browsing some bondage sights getting some ideas for later. I wasn't into anything heavy but we (Matt and I) did enjoy a little bit of light bondage and plenty of edging. I was avoiding looking at the picture Phil sent as I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself. 8am rolled around and in came Matt, he would always come in to say bye. As he kissed me, he reached down and groped me. I gasped as feelings of pleasure shot through me.

"If I had time i'd sort this out for you! I don't know what's gotten into you recently" Matt said.

I could barely reply as my body convulsed. I was putty in Matt's hands. I managed to grip his hand and pull it away from my aching cock.

"Save it, save it for later" i mumbled. I was practically panting and could barely see straight. At that moment I didn't care that it wouldn't be Matt who got my load(s) I just didn't want to cum.

"Ok, i'll see you later"

"Byeeee" i replied.

It look me a good five minutes of sitting still and staring at the ceiling before I came off the edge. It was going to be a long wait until 2pm!

To be continued...

Remember to let me know your thoughts and comments -

Next: Chapter 6

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