Attending to My Brother in Law

By James Herbert

Published on Mar 6, 2018


DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction. It involves consensual sex between two adult males. If this sort of story offends you, please do not read. If it appeals to you, please enjoy

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Sorry for the delay in getting this out everyone. It's been a busy couple of weeks!

Chapter 4:

We lay in a sweaty heap on the bed our chests rising and falling quickly as we tried to catch our breath. All I could think of was that i'd just had one of the most satisfying fucks of my life. Chris wasn't lying when he told me that he was going to treat me right.

I shifted slightly trying to reach my phone and Chris moaned but didn't move. I stretched again, I needed to see what the time was.

"Fuck! We need to get up NOW" I said.

"Just a few more minutes" mumbled Chris as he put his full weight onto my body pinning me down.

Even if I really wanted to move there was no way i'd be able to wrestle this huge man off me. Couple that with the fact that I was enjoying the sensation of Chris' slowly deflating cock which was still a good five inches inside me.

After a few more minutes I tried again. "Chris... Chris, we neeeeed to get up, Matt is going to be home soon."

With a deep sigh Chris pushed his arms and lifted his torso off mine. I could feel the wet squelch happen as his body separated from my cum covered chest. He stared at me for a moment before leaning down to give a tender kiss on the lips.

"What have you done to me James? I never thought I would do anything like this and this is the second time you've totally blown me away!

Before I had a chance to reply I heard keys in the front door.

"Fuck!" we both said in unison.

Chris sprang off the bed, yanking himself from inside me and sprinted to the bathroom and switched on the shower. I sprang up from the bed immediately regretting moving so quickly. My arse hole was still gaping and Chris's massive load was starting to leak. I clamped my hole shut and hurriedly chucked my work clothes back on along with a clean pair of boxers.

"Hello!?" shouted Matt from downstairs.

I could hear the dog was bouncing around, jumping up at him which bought me just enough time to throw open the bedroom windows.

I rushed downstairs and greeted Matt. He pulled me into a tight hug and gave me a long sexy kiss. Matt was a great kisser and he knew it usually got me horny.

"You smell funny" Matt suddenly asked.

My heart jumped into my mouth and I started to panic.

"I've been working hard outside and haven't had a shower yet" I replied.

"Yeah, maybe, it's just it smells of... never mind" Matt went quiet and studied me for a minute before turning around.

"Where's Chris?" he asked whilst paying the dog some more attention.

"He's having a shower, I said he could so he didn't go back stinking for Charlotte"

"Ohh yeah, she hates any smell" muttered Matt

Suddenly he spun around and gripped me by the waist. "I however, like it when you smell like a proper man" with that Matt dived in for another kiss.

I could feel him rubbing his growing bulge against my leg. He was horny and we hadn't had sex for at least a week. I wasn't going to be able to say no without setting alarm bells ringing in his head.

"Wait until Chris has gone" I jokingly pushed Matt away from me. "I need to have a shower as well"

"No way, you're not showering before I get you into bed" Matt replied.

I suddenly become acutely aware of Chris' load which was still inside of me. He's bound to notice I thought to myself. I'm never going to get away with this. A couple of minutes later I heard the shower shut off.

Matt and I wondered into the living room where he continued to flirt and play with me. Chris suddenly appeared around the corner and caught us play fighting on the sofa.

"So, um, i'm off now"

I might have imagined it but I thought I saw a shadow pass over his face when he caught me and Matt play fighting. It was almost as if he was jealous?

"Thanks for helping James, Chris, I really appreciate it" Matt said to his brother.

"No worries, I had a great time. I think James enjoyed my company too!" There was a tone to Chris' voice that I couldn't quite work out. It was almost as if it had a jealous/possessive edge.

As soon as Chris was out the door, Matt grabbed me by the arm and dragged me upstairs.

"I'm so bloody horny! I can't wait to get inside you."

"Are you sure you don't want me to shower first?" I was beginning to panic

"Nope, I want you just the way you are..."

Matt began stripping off his clothes as I watched on. I could help but compare him to Chris. It wasn't that Matt was unattractive, he was still hot but he didn't have the body of Chris. I raked my eyes over Matt's toned chest and watched as his cock sprang free. He was already hard but it wasn't as impressive as his brothers. His cock was probably more like 7 inches, but it was thick and it had a curve that could really pummel my prostate when he was on form.

I snapped out of my thoughts as he climbed onto the bed and began to undress me.

"God, i'm so lucky to be with you" said Matt.

The waves of guilt started crashing over me.

He leant down and started kissing my chest whilst kneading my cock through my shorts. The combination of my mind going a million miles and hour and the fact i'd cum less than 30 minutes ago was causing me to struggle to get hard. I closed my eyes and imagined the thing I knew would get me going... Chris.

Matt suddenly flipped me over and pulled my shorts down. The only saving grace was that Matt wasn't into rimming, so as long as I could pass any sign of liquid off as sweat I might get away with it. As he climbed on top of me he pushed his cock between my ass cheeks.

"mmmm you feel amazing" muttered Matt

After a few minutes of teasing I felt him line his cock up and sink into me. I tried my best to clamp my hole shut to avoid him just sliding straight in after the stretching his brother had given me.

"Ohh you're so smooth, it feels incredible" Matt moaned out and I felt his body shudder.

Chris' cum was lubing his brothers cock as he fucked me. This was all kinds of wrong. Matt began to pick up the pace of his fucking.

"Fuck, you, feel, incredible today" Matt gasped.

He was doing his best to work me up but it just didn't feel the same. He couldn't go as deep and didn't stretch me the way Chris did. Matt never lasted all that long and with the added sensation of all the cum inside me it was pushing him to an even earlier climax.

"Baby, I can't hold it" Matt panted into my ear as he lent over my back and drove his cock in and out of my hole.

"Ohhhhhhh yeaahhhhhh" moaned Matt and he drove his cock as deep as he could and unloaded inside me.

He lay shuddering on my back and gently pushing in and out of my hole.

After a couple of minutes Matt started to get up and pulled his cock out of me.

"Wow! I must have cum an absolute shit load!"

I could feel it too, the combination of his load and Chris' was too much for me to hold inside me and it had started to leak out of my hole and run down my taint to pool around my balls.

"I don't know what was different about today, but that was incredible" sighed Matt as he laid on his back and started to do his typical post cum sleep routine.

"I need to shower" I said as I gingerly got up trying my best to hold two brothers loads inside me.

I turned the shower up high and got into the steaming water. As my body relaxed under the spray I let go and the cum gushed out of me. Matt was right, there was an incredible amount, but I couldn't help but think it must have mostly been Chris'. After a longer than usual shower and once I was satisfied I'd cleaned myself up properly I went to get dressed.

Matt was spread right across the bed completely naked. I watched as he slept soundly whilst I dressed and then I quietly went downstairs to find my phone. As I unlocked it I saw a text from Chris. "Did you do it?" I knew what he meant but I wanted him to clarify it anyway so I replied "do what?". Within a couple of minutes I got another reply from him "Let him fuck you!!??". "Yes" was all I replied. I stared at the screen expecting a reply but done came. After a couple of minutes I deleted the texts and flipped the TV on.

That evening passed like so many before it. I cooked us a nice meal and we sat cuddling on the sofa watching a new crime drama on TV. My phone was on the coffee table and it suddenly lit up. Matt grabbed it before I had a chance and then said "It's from Phil!?"

I pulled it out of his hand and my heart began to race. What had Chris done now? Had he told Phil about what happened this afternoon?

I opened the message and it wasn't what I expected at all. "I'm going to the gym for a late night work out and I want a gym buddy, you free?" wrote Phil.

A couple of minutes ticked by as I had a mental war with myself. Part of me thought I should confront Phil about what Chris had told him and the other part thought I should let sleeping dogs lie. I tapped a quick response "sure, i'll meet you there in 20?"

The gym Phil and I go to is roughly half way between our two houses but we rarely see each other there. I like to go early in the morning and Phil usually goes late at night.

I pushed Matt off me and told him I was going to go to the gym.

"But you've been working all day, surely you want a break?" whined Matt.

"Phil has asked me to go, he probably needs to vent about your sister" I replied apologetically.

Within 10 minutes I was out of the door and driving to the gym. "I just need to stay calm, don't act as if anything has happened", I said to myself. As I pulled into the gym car park I saw Phil's car. He'd beaten me here. "Damn!" I thought. I'd hoped to be here first so I could burn off the initial nerves as I wanted for him to join me.

I walked into the changing room and saw Phil just shutting up his locker. I couldn't help but check Phil out. He was one of those guys that was so mild mannered and kind seeming but had the body of a Greek god. He stands at 6 foot, has broad, powerful shoulders, the most amazing deltoids and a small waist. He clearly spends a lot of time doing squats as his bum was a rival for mine. He was wearing a small grey tank top which was well worn and a pair of dark red rugby shorts. I'd worked out with Phil before and I knew he usually wore a jockstrap as he'd previously told me he finds it uncomfortable when everything hangs loose. So I was shocked and slightly confused when it was clear he was going commando in his rugby shorts. My immediate thought that was as soon as he sits down his cock would flop out of the shorts.

Phil saw me and said "hurry up James, I want to get a good session in tonight".

With that he walked past me and headed out onto the gym floor. I stood with my head spinning rooted to the spot. Today had been such a roller coaster of emotions I was struggling to process everything.

I made my way over to my usual locker and quickly got changed. I slipped on my muscle t-shirt and my compression shorts. When it's busy in the gym I usually wear some short rugby shorts over my compression shorts to avoid showing my bulge off, but as it was so quiet tonight I didn't bother.

When I got out onto the gym floor Phil was on the running machine doing a fast paced warm up walk. He turned and looked in my direction before waving me over. I looked around the gym and saw there were only 2 other guys who looked as if they were finishing their routines.

I walked over to the treadmill and Phil said "thought we'd start with some cardio before moving onto some weights".

I just nodded and got on the machine next to him before winding up the speed so I was matching his warm up pace.

After not too long we started running.

"5k sound enough as a warm up?" shouted Phil.

"Sounds good to me" I said and turned to watch him. His shorts were barely long enough and I could see the head of his cock bouncing around right at the end of his shorts. They were just long enough to cover it up but only just.

"Eyes up James!" Phil called.

Busted! I thought.

Fifteen minutes later and we were slowing down. Both of us had worked up a decent sweat and my legs were burning more than usual which I put down to working on the decking all day and then being pounded twice.

I got off the treadmill and bent over breathing heavily. Phil is and always has been fitter and stronger than me, but I enjoy the competitive streak that inevitably comes out between us.

He patted me on the back and said "time for some weights!"

Inside I groaned as I was now regretting coming to the gym. It turned out I just didn't have the energy to keep up with Phil.

We started on the machines. The first was a hip abductor which works our inner thighs. As Phil sat down and adjusted the machine I could see the head of his cock flop out of his shorts. He didn't seem to mind so I just stood there waiting to take my turn on the machine. Each time spread his legs the shorts would slowly ride up his thighs pushing more and more of the shaft out. He sat there chatting away, seemingly totally oblivious to what was happening. I however, found it increasingly difficult to look anywhere other than his shorts. It seemed as though each time the shorts would rub over the shaft of his cock it got a little fuller and a little thicker. Just before he reached what I would guess as being a semi he stopped and stood up. I could see the thick mound of his cock through his shorts and the head of his cock was now poking out of the bottom of the shorts.

As I took my seat and started doing my round he stood there bouncing on the spot and flexing his legs in front of me. It was getting hot in here and he was putting on a show for me. We moved from machine to machine his cock constantly flopping out of his shorts and growing achingly slowly as he worked out. Then every time just before it really got growing he'd stop and we'd swap. After the fourth machine I stopped fighting my erection and just let it grow. My compression shorts did nothing to hide the mound that grew over my thigh and my precum followed shortly.

I watched as Phil looked me over, his gaze settling on the throbbing mound between my legs. I saw a smirk appear on his face before we moved over to the free weights.

"Spot me on the bench press?" he asked.

I nodded my approval and got into position to spot him and he started his reps. I counted out as he pushed up and down and admired his strength and the determined look on his face. Soon it was my turn and I took position. Phil moved forward and positioned himself so I had a clear view straight up his shorts to his cock.

I made a mistake on my first rep and Phil caught the bar before squatting to lower it down onto the supports. The head of his cock came within licking distance of my mouth but I just laid there totally still.

"I think we're done for the night, you've got nothing left in the tank." said Phil.

I nodded my head and watched Phil walk to the gym. I just sat on the bench press trying to focus on what was happening. Phil clearly wanted me to see his cock but stopped short of letting anything really start to develop. He was clearly just toying with me.

When I finally dragged myself into the changing rooms I saw his naked bum disappear around the corner towards the showers. It was a pretty old school gym in terms of the changing facilities and still had large communal showers. As I entered I saw one of the hottest sights. Phil was facing me but had bent his head backwards so the water flowed over his body. His chest was fully exposed and the light dusting of hair across his pecs was stuck to his powerful chest and his nipples had hardened. As my eyes travelled lower his cock hung heavily over some nice big balls. The heat of the shower had obviously caused his cock to swell.

He heard me turn on a shower opposite and looked straight in my direction. "Good work out James"

"Yeah, disappointed that I could do any bench presses though" I replied.

"Don't worry about it, Chris told me you had a busy day today"

That comment hung in the air like the steam which was billowing around the room. He knew about today as well!

"Since we had the baby Jess has been completely off sex" Phil suddenly blurted out.

"Ohh" is all I could think to say

"Yeah, Chris said that you really helped him out...."

I looked across the shower room and saw Phil playing with himself. He was now sporting a fully fledged semi.

"Look Phil, I don't know what Chris has told you but..."

"Save it James, I know you want this" he said as he stroked his lengthening cock.

I turned and shut off the shower and said "I need to get home". With that I left Phil in the shower whilst my mind ran over and over what was happening.

End of chapter 4

Next: Chapter 5

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