Attending to My Brother in Law

By James Herbert

Published on Feb 14, 2018


DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction. It involves consensual sex between two adult males. If this sort of story offends you, please do not read. If it appeals to you, please enjoy

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My name is James, i'm a 29 year old gay guy. I'm what people like to call 'straight acting' and love doing everything the stereotypical 'straight' guy likes. I play Rugby, follow all the sports, fix stuff, get dirty and play the alpha male. I stand just over 6 foot tall, with blond hair that's at best scruffy, a dusting of blond facial hair and a body most of my friends girlfriends are desperate for. I'm proud of my body, but try not to be arrogant about it. I'm not super hung but i've never had any complaints. My biggest asset is probably my bubble butt. It fills out my boxers and jeans and never fails to get admiring glances from both men and women.

When I first met Chris I didn't look twice at him. Sure the idea of him and my fiancee Matt (his brother) crossed my mind. I mean who doesn't think about two good looking brothers going through puberty and messing around in the privacy of their teenage bedrooms? But other than those initial thoughts he didn't occupy many of my horny day dreams.

Fast forward four years and i'm now engaged to Matt. Whilst our sex life is great, I always crave something. Something that until recently I couldn't put my finger on. Ironically it was at Chris' wedding that he first really caught my eye. Whether it was how he looked all dressed up, the smile on his face because of finally saying 'I do' to his teenage sweetheart, I really don't know. But after that day I found myself imagining what it would be like to see him naked, to kiss him, to feel his body under my touch, to watch him slowly get aroused, his cock tenting his boxers... Now you see the position i'm in. I'm engaged to his wonderful brother but he is occupying almost every horny dream I have.

The situation eventually presented itself to me much more naturally than I could have ever imagined or arranged myself.

Chris is a builder by trade and is a fantastic works man. Matt and I were decorating our house but I couldn't do everything by myself and Matt just doesn't understand the concept of DIY. He suggested we invite his brother over to help with all the work. At that exact moment the cogs started turning in my mind. Matt sent the text off to Chris and got a reply that he was free in a couple of weekends time to come over to help.

Fast forward a couple of anxious weeks whilst I tried to work out how I could seduce my brother in law to be and the weekend arrived. I can't even count the number of scenarios that played out in my mind or the number of times I jacked off or had sex with Matt those weeks imagining it was Chris fucking me. I had it bad!

At this point i'll describe Chris to you. He's just turned 30, stands around 6ft 3 inches tall, broad shoulders and slim build, huge feet and bear sized paws as hands. He's a gentle giant who left his teenage chav years behind him and now dresses well in fitted jeans and slim figure hugging jumpers. I probably have his wife to thank for his change in appearance but something tells me she wouldn't thank me for these thoughts and for what was to happen.

Chris arrived early on a Saturday morning and we got to work. It was August and we both got hot quickly. Matt eventually surfaced and came down to inform me that he had agreed to meet up with one of his friends and would be going out in an hour or so. Perfect I thought, i'll have the entire day alone with him...

As the morning ticked by the temperature outside got hotter and hotter until the inevitable happened. Chris stripped of his shirt exposing his well tanned torso glistening with sweat. At the same point I stripped off my shirt and was left in my ragged old jean cutoffs which only just clung to my hips and rode low on my ass. My boxers were well exposed and looked damp because the sweat that was running down my back. Chris for some reason was wearing his work trousers and started to complain about how hot he was getting.

"Damn, it's so hot today eh? I don't know why I thought wearing work trousers on one of the hottest days of the year was a good idea!"

I was wondering when this was going to happen. There is no way he could keep up the pace we were working at and not overheat so I did the honourable thing.

"I have plenty of old work shorts, why don't you just borrow a pair of mine? We're roughly the same size and I don't want you fainting from heat exhaustion on me!"

"Ahh that's great, thanks man, the only issue is that i've errr, well i've kinda gone commando today as I didn't have any clean boxers to wear."

Just the thought of Chris going commando, his cock flopping around, had me getting a semi.

"Don't worry about it, i'm sure we can find you a pair that fits and keeps everything in check"

With that I gave him a wink and lead him upstairs to our bedroom. I started to rummage through my draws to find him the specific shorts I had in mind. They were made of the same material as sweatpants and when I wore them my cock makes a nice big bulge in the front of them. I knew it would be the best opportunity to see Chris' cock flopping around as he worked. I eventually pulled them out and handed them to him. He shifted nervously from foot to foot gripping them in his hand. I realised he was waiting for me to leave the room before stripping off and putting them on.

"Sorry" I said, and turned to give him some privacy and went downstairs to crack open a cool beer.

After a couple of minutes Chris came down looking a little sheepish. I was initially confused until I glanced down to see how the shorts fitted him. Wow! What a sight! I'd never really seen much of a bulge in any of the clothes he'd worn because they were either a bit loose or he must have been wearing some tight boxer briefs to keep everything neatly packed. But now he was commando and my thin shorts were doing absolutely nothing to offer him any support I saw his big cock pressing against the thin material. I could clearly make out the ridge of the head and the nice thick shaft. He cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably and I snapped out of my stare.

"Have you got one of those for me?" Chris said pointing at my beer.

I stammered "yes, yea, sorry"

"These are pretty worn, are you sure you don't mind me borrowing them?"

"Yeah of course, can't have you working in those thick work trousers of yours and getting sun stroke can we?" I replied.

I passed Chris the beer which he pretty much downed in one, whilst I tried to focus on anything but the impressive bulge staring back at me. Chris squeezed and crushed the can in one of his huge hands and led the way back outside.

For the next few hours we worked relentlessly replacing the rotten wood with new fresh beams ready to put the decking boards back. Lunch time stuck up on me quickly and it was Chris who broke our working silence "man, i'm starving, what's for lunch?"

I'd asked Matt to get us in a good supply of beer as well as some burgers, sausages, rolls and a decent salad. "We've got some stuff to chuck on the bbq and some cold beers" I replied. We wondered inside, me following Chris oggling his pert bum through my now sweat soaked shorts. He went to lean against the counter and turned to face me whilst I rummaged in the fridge for a cold beer. I purposely lent over sticking my tight firm butt out. I briefly glanced around and caught him staring at my bum, but he quickly looked away.

"Catch" I said as I threw a cold beer at him. He grabbed it out of the air, popped the cap and took a long draw on the bottle. I suggested we went through to the living room to chill out before firing up the grill. He sat back in the sofa, spread his legs wide, rested his head back and closed his eyes. I took a seat opposite him and quickly realised that I could see up one of the legs of the shorts. There resting on the side of his tree trunk hairy legs was his thick cock. I could just make out one big round ball underneath the shaft. He lifted his head up and my eyes snapped away from his crotch.

"I hate this hot weather he said. It makes me so sticky and sweaty, Charlotte won't even touch me when I get home."

"Personally, I love summer. Gives you the opportunity to just chill out with just your boxers on and a nice cold beer" I replied.

"How are your wedding plans coming along?" he suddenly said.

"Yeah they're ok, not sure how it's all going to work out, but Matt is taking control of organising everything, i'm just taking a back seat and paying for everything. You're wedding was brilliant though. Charlotte got absolutely hammered didn't she?"

"Haha yeah she was wasted! Meant that we didn't get the opportunity to seal the deal though, if you know what I mean..."

That got my attention. He didn't get his leg over on his own wedding day because his wife was so wasted. I needed to tread carefully now.

"Damn, you didn't get laid on your own wedding night!? Sounds pretty unfair to me, did she at least make it up to you when she sobered up?"

"Well kind of, to be honest our sex life isn't brilliant. I don't know if it's because we've been together for so long but she is never up for it these days".

"Sorry to hear that Chris, that's one of the benefits of being gay I guess. Two guys are always going to get it on so much more because we have the same sex drive I guess. Even if it's just a blow job, we never go more than a couple of days without messing around".

"I can't even remember the last time I got a blowjob, Charlotte doesn't like doing it. She says it's degrading to women."

I sensed my opportunity and decided it was now or never to plant the seed in his head.

"Oh man, you're missing out. Gay guys absolutely loving giving head. We're pretty good at it too since we know exactly how to work a cock."

He stayed quiet a while whilst what I said sank in.

"Yeah my other gay friends have said the same to me in the past"

I decided i'd push a little further since he hadn't changed the subject.

"You know, who doesn't like someone working their cock. A nice wet tongue sliding up your hard shaft, some tight lips gripping and sliding up and down."

I had half an eye on his face to make sure what I said didn't shock him and half an eye on his thick snake. I could see just the hint of a bit of growth. It definitely looked a bit thicker than it did before.

"Man I need to get my leg over, its been too long" Chris said as he pushed his palm into his crotch and readjusted his fluffed up shaft. "Think it's about time to fire up the BBQ don't you?" With that he stood, his cock bulging the material of the shorts even more obscenely and walked out of the room. I sat there for a another minute getting my head back under control and willing my hardon to go down. Had I pushed it too hard? Have I scared him off? I know he started to get hard at the thought of a blowjob but he'd just left before anything really happened.

I got up out of the chair and went to stand by him at the BBQ.

"You should let me cook for you, you're the one doing us a favour by helping out with the decking and now you're cooking as well!"

"Don't sweat it, I like BBQing, makes me feel all manly"

"Don't be stupid, you're 100% pure man" I squeezed his bicep and gave him a wink. He didn't flinch away, just smiled and turned his attention back to the sizzling burgers.

After we finished lunch and wayyy to many beers I suggested we got back to it. Time was ticking and not only did I want to finish the decking I also wanted some time with Chris just to relax and pick up the conversation we started earlier.

I noticed Chris was a bit unsteady on his feet and not being as accurate as he was earlier. I guess we was pretty buzzed like me. After working solidly in 30 degree heat and not drinking enough, the beer had just gone straight to our heads.

I looked at him swaying on his legs and said "ha mate, be careful you'll knock yourself out with that hammer in the minute".

He turned to me and said "dude, i'm pretty shit faced".

We carried on for maybe another 15 minutes and whilst my back was turned Chris let our a massive yell. Somehow, whilst sat astride one of the beams he'd clipped the inside of his thigh with the hammer and a nail. He was grabbing his thigh and moaning pretty loudly.

"Come on mate, lets get you inside and take a look at it" I said.

I put his arm over my shoulder and helped him hop inside. He collapsed onto the sofa moaning and grabbing his thigh. I went to grab a wet towel, some ice and a bandage. When I got back into the living room I knelt down between his legs and pushed the leg of the shorts right up. I couldn't help pushing hard into his cock and balls. He grunted but didn't say anything. Chris has fantastic legs thanks to playing amateur football every week. His inner thigh had a fine dusting of blond hairs which were stuck to his skin from all the sweat. I started slowly wiping the little wound with the damp cloth. He flinched a bit at the touch but relaxed back into the sofa and let me go to work. The wound wasn't as serious as he made it out to be, but had he been an inch or so to the left he might not have been having kids any time!

I'd been gently stroking his leg with the damp cloth for a while, I took my hand away and Chris sighed. "Does it hurt?" I asked.

"Yeah a little, that cloth was making it feel a little better though".

I put the ice in the towel and pushed it up against his thigh. I made sure i rested the side of my hand right up against his crotch. He moaned and leant his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. "Mmmm that makes it feel so much better" he said. I thought it's now or never and I started to very gently rub my knuckles along the shaft of his cock. It didn't take long for it to start showing it's appreciation for the extra attention. I glanced at Chris' face and he still had his eyes closed. His cock started to slowly slide out of the shorts leg, it was still too rubbery to start lifting it's weight and just continued to slowly extend.

My mouth started to go dry. I'd imagined this moment so many times I could hardly believe it was happening. My 'injured' brother in law, sprawled out, practically naked on my sofa with his cock ever so slowly getting harder and harder right against my hand. I glanced at his face and his eyes were still closed and I could see from his expression his hormones and the beer were betraying any resolve he might have had. I decided to get a bit bolder, I let go of the ice towel and with one finger traced the long thick vein that zig zagged it's way down the side of his shaft. I heard him suck in a breath and hold it. His cock surged and lifted it's weight for the first time. It flopped back down heavily when I lifted my finger off and he sighed heavily.

I desperately wanted to lean in and kiss him but I managed to resist the temptation.

In a gentle voice I asked "how are you feeling now?"

His eyes fluttered open and with a predatory gaze he stared back briefly before answering. "How long have you been planning this James?"

I swallowed hard, frantically debating whether to lie or tell the truth. I decided to go for the truth, "ever since your wedding".

His stare was intimidating, I was seeing a different side of Chris now, predatory, hungry and horny. If this is what Charlotte was treated to she was a very, very lucky women, but something told me this wasn't how he normally acted. I swallowed hard again before asking "how does your leg feel?"

He scoffed and said "you think i'm worried about how my leg feels now!?" and glanced down to his giant cock gently pulsing next to my hand which was still resting in his crotch. I followed his glance and saw his cock suddenly rear up, standing tall and pulling his foreskin back across the head. His cock was massive, a thick, heavily veined 9 incher with two big bull balls hanging low beneath.

"You like what you see don't you?"

"Yeah" i said in a nervous voice.

"Perhaps we should go and make ourselves more comfortable and you can make my... leg... feel much better?"

With that he stood up, the shorts couldn't contain his monster cock and bulged obscenely with the head of his cock sticking out of the leg of the shorts. He left the living room and I heard him climbing up the stairs to mine and Matt's bedroom. I wave of guilt that I was about to have sex (I hoped) with my fiancee's brother in our bed washed over me. Chris shouted down "coming?" and all thoughts of wrong doing evaporated and I jumped up to follow.

End of part 1.

This is my first story guys so please email me any feedback. Hearing from you will inspire me to write more. I've got a couple of other ones which I think you'd enjoy.

Next: Chapter 2

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