At Your Service

By Du de

Published on Mar 31, 2020


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Brian and I drove back home in silence, it started to rain and I fell asleep. We reached home around 9pm. We got out of the car and I headed towards my apartment, at the door I realized Brian had followed me. I looked at him questioningly, he smiled and said "I have never fucked you in your room, I would like that." I told him I was tired but he took the key from my hand and unlocked the door, picked up both our bags and led me in. I had to go to the bathroom so I went, when I returned I found that he had unpacked the panties and robe and laid them on the bed, and he was standing there in his now tented boxers. He reminded me of my promises, I nodded and began to undress in a corner. He went to freshen up and when he returned I had changed and was seated on the edge of the bed. Thankfully he did not want me to suck me off, he dropped his boxers and motioned for me to bend over the dresser, I noticed he had placed the lube there alreadt, I saw myself in the mirror and saw Brian get in position behind me. He reached over for the lube and applied it to his cock, he peeled off my panties, and pulled my hips to him. He lined his cock with my hole and slid himself in, I braced myself, he pushed my head further down so I could find myself in a more submissive position. He started to saw in and out of me, I knew this would not last long. He surprised me by turning off the light switch that was near the dresser, and darkness enveloped us, there was light that came in from the window and as Brian was thrusting I squirmed once and lifted my head and looked up. My neighbor was at his window, there was a lot of light in his room, I saw that he was shirtless and seemed to be stroking his cock through his boxers. Had he seen us before Brian turned off the light? I couldn't think when Brian thrust so hard and so deep, I cried in pain and begged him to go slow, but he did it again and this time exploded inside me, shooting copious amount of cum inside me. He pulled out with a pop, took a few steps back and fell onto the bed. I stood at the dresser, feeling his seed start to leave my pussy, the same ass where his father had cum not too long ago.

And the rest of the weekend was spent as such, my servicing Brian in many different ways. Like father he was insatiable, had a lot of cum for me, what he didn't have in length or girth he made up with in energy, and while he would never have the stamina and technique of his father he wasn't a totally awful sexual master. Many a times over the weekend I noticed my peeping tom neighbor observe our fucking like bunnies. I couldn't be bothered, at least twice our eyes met. I couldn't forget the sexy face of his, the cleft chin, smooth face, long nose. But that was a distant thought as I found ways to keep Brian happy.

A few weeks passed, work had gotten very busy for Brian so I did not see him often, I started working on weekends so we'd see each other one or two times a week and I did not encourage him too much. My sex life was low and I had stopped feeling like a $3 whore in a brothel when the navy fleet was in town. I had another encounter with Dave who had come looking and I had enjoyed sucking him thoroughly and worshiping his mighty meaty cock, and as expected the guilt drama was bothersome after. On a cold December Tuesday I was busy working on an economics assignment when the phone broke the silence of my apartment. It was 11am, no one called at that hour. I picked up the phone and said Hello, there was a silence and then I heard a deep voice. I couldn't place it at first but then Kevin reminded me. The calm and peace around me was smashed when I heard his voice, I got a lump in my throat and my knees were weak as I spoke to him. He asked after me and then told me how he wanted to feel me again. He asked me what my Christmas plans were, I told him I was working and almost heard a sigh from him. He reminded me that he wanted to do a lot with me. I asked him how he got my number and he laughed and told me he had his ways. He told me he wanted me again and that I had to make something happen.

Things happened very quickly in the next week. Brian got a job in Denver starting immediately after Christmas. I was indifferent to his move, I had gotten over him a long time ago. My roommate was going away for the holidays and so were many of my friends. Brian had invited me back to the farm for Christmas and I told him I would think about it. In my heart I was angling to spend a glorious week serving Dave. He was the only one I knew who wasn't going to Wisconsin or North Dakota wherever he was from. I made some chilli on Saturday and went to drop it off along with some jalapeño cornbread. He didn't invite me in and I didn't expect it, he had exams. On Sunday I baked energy bars and took some over for him. He looked tired and all wound up, he let me in. I sat at the kitchen table while he made coffee, his cock bouncing and straining against the blue nylon shorts he wore. He followed my gaze to his cock and told me we couldn't, not anymore. I nodded and when we took the coffee to the couch I put my hands on his thigh and trailed it up, and caressed his inner thighs and balls and finally is iron like cock. He stood up, put one leg on the low sofa for purchase and pulled my head to his cock, I took in his un-showered smell and it turned me on. I sucked him and much to my surprise he exploded in no time, I licked and sucked him clean and sucked him for good measure in case he would rise again. Dave had to pull me off his cock. Knowing he had an exam on Tuesday I left. I didn't see him again until Tuesday when he came by after his exam, he seemed happy. He brought me cookies and thanked me, he told me the warm home cooked meals, and the stress release had done him so much good, he knew he had aced the hardest exam in med school. And he wasn't wrong, we later learned that he got an almost perfect score. We talked about Christmas and how I had to leave my apartment as my landlord had to fix something to do with Radon and everyone was going away. He informed me that his buddy had asked him to join him in Boston for Christmas but he'd be back on the 29th and I was welcome to crash after. I told him I would think about it.

On Friday Brian came to say farewell and return some of my things, he touched me and kissed me and pushed me down on the bed and tried to entice me to have sex but I wasn't in the mood, maybe I was sad he was leaving. He was persistent and he continued to fondle me and then plead with me. Tired of fighting I submitted, he was rough I'm guessing because I resisted but thankfully he was done quickly and he zipped up and left. The next day I was surprised to see his parents when I returned from doing our grocery, they were getting out of their car as I arrived and we hugged and greeted each other. Kevin asked me if they'd see me for Christmas and I told them I was thinking about it, his mom told me it'd be nice. Kevin asked his wife to proceed to help Brian and he'd help me with groceries, I told him I was okay but he insisted and took most of the bags leaving me with the eggs. I lead the way and thanked him when he dropped the bags on the kitchen counter. He came up to me and put his hand firmly on my arms and turned me, he put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down so I was at eye level with his crotch. He unzipped and pulled out his cock.

"Go on" Kevin said, his voice filled with excitement and urgency. I looked back and forth from his face to his cock, and I breathed deep of the heady scent of sweat in his balls. "Suck that dick." He commanded and brought me to. It was an impressive piece of meat. I admiringly recalled what it had done to me as I ran my finger along the spongy shaft as it swelled and stiffened to it gargantuan size, dripping and steel-hard fuck stick. Our eyes met as I stretched my lips around Kevin's huge mushroom. His cock jumped with excitement and oozed a big glob of pre-cum onto my tongue. The taste of his seed like Dave's was intoxicating. I was kneeling before an alpha male god towering over me and urging the biggest dick in the state between my lips. He broke my thoughts with "that's it, cocksucker," Kevin cooed as he put his hand on the back of my head and worked his cock down the length of my tongue. "You miss this?" He asked as my mouth was rather occupied around his meaty manhood. "It seems too long ago." My mouth was stuffed with my lips halfway down his shaft, but he wasn't satisfied. He grasped my head in both hands and gently thrust against the back of mouth until I managed to swallow just right. The swollen mushroom popped down my throat, paving the way for more and more of his cock to slide inside me. Once again I couldn't breathe. I couldn't swallow. I could barely move. I just knelt there as Kevin's big balls drew up to my chin until they were wrapped around it and his cock was stretching into my neck. He ran his fingers down to my throat and felt the bulge of his massive penis there as he rocked his hips. "Shit," he gasped. "You were born for this." With this he increased his crescendo and shot cum down my throat. He pulled out and made me lick him clean before he put it away. He didn't wait for me to get up but walked out leaving me breathless. I didn't see father or son that night. I went to bed thinking about Kevin, he was the kind of man who took whatever he wanted. When I got on my knees I somewhat had a deep desire to please him despite my dislike for him. What I couldn't understand was how everything about him was larger than life including his fat cock. It was another story when he bent me over and split me open with only his saliva to ease his passage. I felt like he was the biggest man in the world. The way he fucked was utterly selfish, rough and uncompromising, but incidentally pleasurable in an unimaginable way. He treated everyone as if they belonged to him and his unwavering confidence manipulates you to see yourself as he sees you. He must know that everyone has a need for an authoritarian and he provided it. I was turned on by this but I turned and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke early and decided I would prepare something for Dave and head over to give him some release for his last final on Monday. I showered and was in my jeans and a shirt checking email when I heard and knock on the door. It was Kevin, he was dressed in a black long sleeve running shirt, had grey running shorts that exposed his muscular thighs and his ample package leaving nothing to the imagination. He was covered in perspiration. He had been running. He didn't say anything but lead me to my room and closed the door behind, he reached down and unbuckled my belt tearing down my jeans and red briefs in a hurry as he fumbled to pull down his shorts. He grabbed me around the waist and with a surprising amount of strength, lifted me off the ground as he rushed over to the bed and threw me down on my stomach. I felt his rough fingers on my smooth ass as he spread my cheeks and spat on my hole. I felt his sweat on my back. He wasted no time pressing his fat dick against me and slicking his head with his own saliva. I gasped as Kevin plunged inside me, planting his strong hands on my back to pin me down. The brute pounded my ass as he kept grunting, "tight little whore." He buried the last of his shaft inside me and wrapped his arms around my chest to press my body against his, I could feel his perspiration drench me. He lifted me off the bed impaled on his cock, and started thrusting. "You love daddy's big dick. Don't you, princess?" I couldn't help but moan and cum from the sound of his voice and feeling of his monstrous cock. He exhaled with a moan as he watched me cum and then started pounding my ass like an animal. Without another word, just grunts, he kept thrusting until his manhood swelled and erupted inside me, filling me with his married cum. When he finished thrusting, he threw my cum-filled body down on the bed and using my shirt tail he cleaned his dick, pulled up his pants and walked out. I heard him pour himself water and then let himself out.

I didn't see them until later that afternoon when the family came by to clean up Brian's apartment. I was leaving and ran into them in the parking lot. Kevin was distant and Brian uneasy. Brian and his mom extended the Christmas vacation and I politely tried to decline, this went on for a bit, I tried to catch Kevin's attention but he seemed bored and annoyed. Kevin interjected and firmly settled the matter by saying I would come and he said he would come and pick me up on the 24th and drop me off on the 27th. Brian was surprised by this and so was I. With that they got in their cars and left. I had two more days to the 24th!

The 24th came quickly, and around 11am promptly Brian pulled up to pick me up, I was surprised he had showed up instead of his father, which was okay. He didn't seem too well, he explained he had come down with a cold and his dad was busy on the farm with an emergency and as such he would be taking me back. We chatted amicably and I dozed off for a bit, and we arrived at the farm in no time. His dad met us and assigned me to the mistress room in the basement. Christmas eve and day was a big to do in the house and in the festive spirit and family bonding everyone had stayed busy. On Christmas day John and his family arrived to share in the festivities. John was dressed in light grey slacks, a white shirt and black oxfords. I couldn't help but glance at John's crotch, he was big. Like Kevin he was the sort of big that couldn't be contained, or hidden.

Their meaty bulges bounced with every step, and for cocksuckers like me they were a baited hook. There was some gift opening, and Kevin had generously bought me a nice and expensive leather bag for when I would start working, I would later find panties and lingerie deep inside it and a dirty letter outlining things he wanted to do. Brian was surprised with a 3 day trip to Los Angeles before he started work, he was to leave at 3am on the 27th to catch an early morning flight from Boston, and his sister and boyfriend got trips too. By 5pm the house was empty and the remaining family, Wendy, Kevin, Brian and I sat to watch TV after everything had been cleared and it was dark.

The family room was organized in a big U, I sat opposite Wendy who sat near Brian. Kevin sat to my right facing the fireplace and the television mounted above. As it got dark, Kevin's foot convulsed, he cursed and complained about an old Achilles heel tendon issue. He looked straight at me and I involuntarily offered to massage him which he quickly accepted. I massaged his feet and looked up at him, he was staring intently at me, legs spread wide open, his monstrous bulge clearly visible, I glanced over at Wendy, she was uncomfortable and was trying hard to focus on the television. Kevin lifted his toe up to my face, motioning for me to put his toe in my mouth. I nervously put my hands back on his big foot and started sucking, Brian had come down and was watching but didn't say anything. Wendy too watched. Kevin stroked his bulge in his khakis. He spoke out "that feels so good, you're so talented." He turned to look at Brian who was flabbergasted and winked at him. He pulled one wet foot from my lips and shoved another in its place. He purred "You're doing great, you know? I have always wanted to find someone that would do as they were told. I am lucky I always find that someone." He pulled his toe out said "it's getting late." He got up and wished his son a pleasant trip, and pecked Wendy on the forehead as though she was his ward, and told her she needed to sleep in the spare guest room. He came to me helped me up by the hand and lead me away by the firm hand he had placed in the small of my back. At the stairs, he told me to put on what he had laid out on my bed.

I walked downstairs and found a skimpy panties, that only covered my front and left a string in the back, a light see through black robe with fake fur at the end. I went to the bathroom, got cleaned up and dressed up, I was surprisingly excited, the panties covered me up well. I saw some lip gloss on the dresser I was tempted to put it on and I did. The door opened, Kevin stepped in. He was dressed in only his underwear and I locked my eyes on the huge mound of flesh straining against his underwear. I would never cease to be amazed at his endowment in the years to come. He came closer, leaving the door wide open, his bulge seemed to grow three sized. He hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his underwear and said, "it's time baby." As his underwear dropped to the floor his manhood swelled even more. He came up to me, his cock touched me before he did, and he kissed me. He pulled back and inspected me and then tore off the robe, he grabbed my pecs and squeezed them hard making me yelp. He put his hand on my lower back and lead me out of the room, I was surprised. I figured he was probably taking me to his office, but was surprised to be lead to the stairs. He said "we're going to fuck in my room tonight, let's go." I pointed back to our clothes and was going to protest when he put his finger to my lips and sshhed me. He pushed me up and I reluctantly ascended the steps. He did not rush me but continued to caress my butt, opening my cheek with his thumb as I walked up. I stopped at the top, I would have to walk across the landing and would be clearly visible to Wendy and Brian in the family room, and when I would climb upstairs, they would see me clearly in the open to below corridor. I gulped but Kevin pushed me forward, and walked unabashed with his erect penis. I knew all eyes were on us, it excited me a little. Kevin nudged me to the master suite and left the doors open and pushed me down on my knees to take him in my mouth, I gladly did. The night was sweet, painful ecstasy as Kevin hurt me with his brutality and his tube of flesh. But I cam many times. I can safely say that we didn't sleep much but we managed to soak the sheets with our cum. I was drenched in it, when I got up from an intense fucking at 4 in the morning I had to waddle to the bathroom as it hurt so much, I showered and begged Kevin for a reprieve and slept in his arms.

I woke to smell of coffee, Kevin was still asleep but a tray with a carafe of coffee waited by the door. Had Wendy come up and placed it there out of routine for fear of Kevin? I was too tired to care so I went back to sleep. I woke up when I heard Kevin in the bathroom. The ruffling sound of Kevin rubbing a towel over his muscular hairy body prompted me to slide down on my side with my head at the foot of the bed, staring through the open doorway. With his back still to me, he wrapped the towel around his waist. I called out and asked him if we could have breakfast. He was startled, his broad shoulders pinched as he turned to face me, with his hands on his hips he said, "I didn't even realize you were awake."

"You stomp around like a donkey," I chuckled boldly, "you've made me build quite an appetite."

"Not the first time you've called me a donkey in that bed," he grinned as he hooked his thumb in the towel and pulled it off. His rigid cock swing between his muscular thighs, so long and heavy that it hung down toward the floor. He stomped toward me, staring at my body, and said, "roll over whore." Kevin didn't wait, he hooked his hand around my ass and pulled it toward him, rolling me onto my stomach, pulled my legs down so they were dangling from the bed and said, "give me your pussy and I'll feed you breakfast." He mounted me, with no more ease than before and pillaged me, I hung on tight to the bed as his assault started, I'd open and close my eyes, I focused on a painting in the hallway as I was facing the open double doors of the master's bedroom. When I opened my eyes at one point I saw Wendy by the door meekly walking by, we made eye contact. I couldn't read her. I was brought back to the animal like coupling I was involved in, I squeezed my hole and felt Kevin get closer. A few more thrusts and he exploded inside me and fell onto my back. He caught his breath, kissed my back and pulled out with a pop. He cleaned himself and fell back on the bed. Feeling filthy I got up and jumped in the shower to wash it all off. When I had cleaned up, I walked out in a huge white fluffy robe that I assumed was his and found him all dressed up. He said he had to go to work. I nodded, he took my hand and led me down for breakfast.

After breakfast he went out and I went down to my room, I lay down and passed out, waking up at around 4. I got dressed and ventured upstairs the house was quiet. I called out to Wendy and Kevin and there was no answer. I ventured upstairs to the rooms, I knew Brian was gone. The master bedroom was open, the sheets were changed and it was cleaned. On the bed lay a satin robe in silver grey and a pair of lace underwear, it left nothing to the imagination. There was a short and direct note on it:

*If you find this, put it on. I will see you later. * Xo


I changed into it and walked down to the family room. I was satisfied that I was alone in the house, I sat in the family room where Kevin generally sat and started to watch some TV. About an hour later I heard some footsteps I turned to look and it was Kevin he had gone for a run from work and had come in his shorts and a shirt, perspiring. I wondered where the man got energy from, I was still wiped out after the night with him. He came over to the sofa and stood behind me and asked after me, there was some news of a tsunami so we both turned to watch the television, Kevin standing tall behind me, my head at his crotch, he started to touch me and caress my shoulders and then he bent over and kissed my neck and put his hands inside my robe and fondled me. He pulled my robe off in one single swoop and tossed it on the floor, leaving me naked as his hands kneaded the mounds of my soft fatty pecs that could pass as a teenager's tits. I heard him groan. It felt good. He broke out of the embrace and pulled me up and kissed me, even though I was standing on the sofa I was only a few inches taller. We kissed for a bit, he broke off and asked me to prepare dinner. I looked at him questioningly and he said, "Wendy must have left instructions." I reached for the robe and he tossed it away, cupping my breasts he said he wanted them free and he wanted to enjoy looking at me. He went to shower and out of rebellion I pulled the robe back on. In the kitchen Wendy had left clear instructions on dinner, I followed them, it was clear Kevin was the man and I was to take up the woman/wife's role in his life. I wondered where Wendy was, I would ask later. Kevin came down dressed in his signature button down and slacks, casual dress for men of his stature. We sat to eat and he asked me a lot of questions about my life and he gave very little in return. I asked after Wendy and he said she had flown out to Mexico and he would join her tomorrow. He explained that he had arranged for someone to take me back. Which reminded me that I had to make reservations for a hotel or a motel for a night until Dave returned. After dinner I did the dishes while he picked up the table. After cleaning up we watched some TV, we sat near each other while he sipped on his bourbon. I stroked his thighs and watched his bulge grow. He turned off the television and helped me up and turned off the lights as he lead me upstairs.

At the doorway to his room, he turned me and we shared a soft kiss, that was very enjoyable. He pulled back and said "How about some tongue?" with a smile. This time I parted my lips and I welcomed his tongue as they twined. He pulled back and said "mmmm you're a good kisser. I am going to take my time tonight and savor you and not rush it." He lead me closer to the bed and we kissed again. He lifted his head and said "I need to pay attention to your cleavage." I wrapped my arms around him as he kissed my nipples, he put his arms around me in response. He took a nipple in his mouth and suckled softly. I shivered and moaned. He flickered his tongue across the nipple, making it stiffen. Then he did the same to my right nipple. He suckled some more and moved one hand to my front and cupped each nipple. He seemed to enjoy my shivers and as tweaked each nipple, he nibbled each lightly. He switched back and forth several times. While he did this, I found his cock and stroked it, and it grew in my hands. He pressed and squeezed my breasts together trying to get them both in his mouth at once, which was impossible but he tried. His cock rubbed against my thigh and this continued for a while and we fell onto the bed. He pulled up and started undoing his buttons and I helped him with his belt, once the clothes were shed, he put his fingers into the waistband of his already stretched boxer briefs and peeled them off. I kissed his chest, his navel and down to his cock, I kissed it and stroked it, he pulled back and asked, "how do you want me to take you? Missionary or doggy style?" I paused unable to decide he said, "Missionary it is, this way I will get to see your face and ogle on your tits that I have ignored." He reached for some lube from a drawer in the night stand, I looked the drawer was filled with condoms, bottles of lube, cock rings and other sexual devices. He rubbed some lube into my butt crack, I lay on my back and spread my legs, he got in between them and slowly worked his rod into my rear. I begged him to go slow, he obliged and he eased in and out, building a slow rhythm. I was on the verge of achieving my own orgasm. He continued slowly but expertly, driving all the way in, pulling out and driving himself in again. I moaned softly as he pumped his pole into my back channel. He reached down, put his arms around me and groped my butt cheeks, elevating my ecstasy. He never looked away, he looked into my eyes intently. He started to speed up as his excitement increased. He said "Goddamit you're so tight." He leaned down and kissed my breasts again, and started suckling. My body shivered and his arms came up around me, holding me against him. I felt caring his his grip and I exploded, and he increased his momentum and in 10-15 strokes he painted my intestines white. He pulled out and fell on his back. He caught his breath and got up to cleanup, I then nursed his cock back to life and gave him a toe curling blowjob that started as kisses on his inner thighs, gently sucking and massaging hips balls and working up to the tip of his pole, twirling my tongue and generally teasing him from his rectum to his navel with kisses, licks, strokes until he couldn't stand it anymore and he pumped his cock in my mouth and in a few strokes he gave me a copious amount of his virile cum to swallow.

The night passed in similar nature with my riding his cock, taking him doggy style to his riding my chest while I sucked him. We coupled one last time for the year in the shower. After my shower I got dressed packed up and went to wait for my ride. Kevin had to leave right after the shower to catch his flight. About an hour later the doorbell rang, I went to open the door. It was John ...

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