At Your Service

By Du de

Published on Mar 23, 2020


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I brushed my teeth and went to take a long hot shower. I came out of the shower and saw an expensive looking moisturizer that smelled lovely, very feminine, I took my time and finished at least a fifth and left myself well moisturized and ready for bed. I opened the bathroom door and almost screamed ...

Standing inside the room with the door closed was Kevin. Brian's father.

My towel dropped I picked it up and put it to cover myself, only realizing it didn't do an adequate job. He stood with his back to the door that had been shut, blocking the entrance. His left hand above him leaning against the wall. He was staring intensely at me, not shifting his gaze at all. I felt vulnerable. I could smell his musky manscent, i didn't think he had showered after the game. I could smell alcohol on him, had he gone to a bar? He broke the silence, when he said "I see my boy brought home a girlie boy." What he said next shocked me to the core. "I see he dressed you up just like his nanny and did you exactly how I did her when he caught us." He said casually. It didn't register and then he explained that Brian's mom had miscarried a few years after him and had fallen into a deep depression, Kevin had hired an asian nanny to care for the children, but she did more than that, she took care of her master, and one fine evening Brian had caught his father straddling the nanny's chest and having her polish his knob.

Kevin stepped forward and started to unbutton his white shirt to reveal his broad hairy shoulders, thick arms and wide chest. His flat abs, all covered in a thick blanket of jet black fur. Kevin took his boots off and took his jeans off and threw them to the side. He looked at me and said, "no one will disturb us, the light in my office is on, and the door ajar, no one would dare to come down." He stood in his boxers, and it was clear they couldn't contain what was in them. He looked at me and motioned for me to drop the towel, I did. He motioned for me to get close to him, I did, I was too afraid not too. He leaned onto the bed and picked up a pair of panties, one that was in the valise, I saw that he had opened it, and tossed it to me and instructed me to put it on. Then he said "I saw Brian fucking your face, and when he went up I came in to see if you had touched anything, and saw that you had." He said and smiled, an evil smile.

"Baby you are done playing with boys. Tonight I will choke you with my cock," he said and cupped his crotch, "I will make you swallow every drop, and then fuck that hot tight hole between your legs whether you like it or not." He was silent for a moment, letting me take it all in. Then he added "My wife's pussy is not tight enough for me anymore, you will be a pleasure. And as for that condom in there." He pointed to the nightstand. "Well, you will take me raw."

He motioned for me to get on my knees. I did and he stepped forward and put his hands on his hips, I pulled his boxers down and his gigantic cock bounced out. He was huge, bigger than any of my boyfriends, and his cock glowed with a pink hue, broken only by pulsing bluish veins, and the deep red head, already drooling pre-cum. His helmet flared broader than I expected, and I had to open my jaw wider than anticipated just to accommodate it in my mouth. I ran my tongue underneath his shaft, feeling Kevin's fingers twinning in my hair, urging me forward, forcing more of his cock into my mouth. I felt his thick head bump my tonsils as he shoved my face back and forth, insisting I take more of him into my tiny mouth. I gagged and choked as he used my mouth as a pussy, fucking my face as I drooled helplessly on his cock.

I looked up at him imploringly hoping he'd take pity on me and let me suck him slowly and gently like her son and every other man liked. It was not to be. Kevin enjoyed hearing me choke and gag and took full advantage of my inability to resist him, repeatedly jamming his cock into the entrance of my throat, striving to make me swallow his long and thick cock, knowing I was too small to take all of him, but desperately wanting to stuff his whole cock down my throat. He almost succeeded several times, leaving me retching as my gag reflex made my throat spasm around his shaft. By the time he gave me a break several minutes later I was a mess, my eyes watering, strands of saliva dripping onto my chest, my breasts heaving as I struggled to breathe.

He let me rest a minute, relishing the sense of power coursing through his blood at this 'girlie boy' defeated by his manhood, knowing I would soon yield my tightest and most private possessions to further pleasure him. When I began to suck on his cock again he let me set the pace, rewarding me with gentle stroking of my hair, like petting a dog. He groaned and complimented me on my oral skills. "Open up, little slut," He leaned forward and opened his mouth, dropping a big glob of his saliva. Without knowing I parted my lips, catching it with my mouth.

It too long and after what I guessed to be about thirty minutes of this varied pace that he set, I sensed the end was finally near, and I was exhausted my jaw hurt. Kevin started breathing heavily. I sucked hard on top half of his cock while using my hand to stroke the base to move this along. His balls tightened, bucking his hips back and forth fucking my face. I felt the cum travel up his shaft with my hand and the first little bit just kind of trickled out into my mouth. The second shot hit the roof of my mouth like a fire hose and was quickly followed by a third, fourth, fifth shot and then I lost count, filling my mouth and coming out of my nose and the sides of my mouth. I tried to swallow but it was too much and some leaked out of the corner of my mouth, dripping down his cock onto my hand. I put my mouth back on his cock and cleaned him up, licking the cum that had leaked down his shaft. I then brought my hand to my mouth and licked off the cum that had gotten on it. By far his copious cum was the best tasting and the thickest I would ever have. He staggered backwards and steadying himself came forward, his body glistening now with perspiration.

He bent forward, and bending down he played with my breasts, he was pleased by them. He pulled me up, his big hands on my smooth shoulders left red marks. He bent me over the dressed, elevating my ass, my toes were barely grazing the carpet. I was no anal virgin, I knew what Kevin wanted next, I was not ready, I did not want anal sex. But I knew any pleas would be unheeded, I managed to babble somethings promising anything just to get him to change his mind.

His first thrust ripped a startled cry of anguish from my throat as I felt my anal passage stretched wide and my guts shoved aside by his wide flaring head probing deep into me. I continued to plea and sob as he grabbed my waist and began to shove my whole body back and forth, making me take his whole cock balls deep in my tight, most sensitive passage. Guttural moans let him know when he'd reached deeper than anyone else had ever been in my ass, and I trembled as his heavy balls slapped upward. I gasped as threads of pleasure began to replace the agonizing throbs of my stretched rectum.

Soon I found myself pushing back at him, relishing the feeling of his hips slapping into my spongy ass cheeks. I growled at him to cum, to shoot his cum up my ass, begged him as I trembled on the brink of my own orgasm. Seconds later I shook powerfully, losing my footing as I came on his thrusting cock, held up only by his own rapid and deep strokes into my bowels. My cum spewed onto the dark cherry dresser. I saw my reflection in the mirror bouncing on him. He switch his grip from my hips where he had left red marks to my pecs, he reached under them to cup them and pinch my nipples.

I came again as I felt his cock throb and gush pulse after pulse of hot semen deep in my ass. I moaned as he lay against my back, joining him in a post coital bliss, my breath slowing and returning to normal as his cock shrunk and eventually plopped out of my now gaping asshole. I knew enough to collapse at his feet and carefully lick his shrinking rod until it shone clean and wet. When I had finished I looked up at him and told him he couldn't do this to me ever again.

He just smiled, and said. "My dear you don't decide that, I do." Then he added "you will require a lot of sex, your sphincter muscles are tight, while I enjoyed it, I would like it loosened." Then he motioned my cum, the drops that lay on the dresser, he motioned for me to lick it up. I stared in disbelief and he pulled me by my hair and shoved my face to the dresser and made me lick it. Then he brought his mouth to my face, and said "you will do what I say, always. Is that understood?" I nodded.

He let go. I stood up, he was near me, towering above me. He said "my son will want to fuck you bent on the dresser, he's caught me screwing the nanny that way. You should let him." With that he reached down to pick his clothes up and walked out naked, his dick swinging. He was Kevin, master of the house, everyone feared him, no one would question him if they saw him walk naked from the basement to his bedroom, no one.

I needed to shower again, I wish I could lock the door to the room but I couldn't, instead I locked myself in the shower, dried myself and wore my pjs in the shower and then came out. I went to bed and surprisingly fell asleep almost immediately. I was woken up early in the morning, I woke up to feel someone wrapping me up in a bear hug, I turned to look and it was Kevin, he was in my bed, naked! As I came to I realized my bottoms were off, he must have taken them off. He said "good morning sleepy head, I wanted to wake you up in a special way." He turned me to my side, facing away from him, I felt him reach for something and felt his finger with a cold fluid wet my hole, he was lubing me up. He dropped the lube bottle on the floor, and then lined ou bodies up, he put his left hand under me and covered my mouth, and with his right hand he brought me closer, I could feel Kevin's thick cockhead at the mouth of my asshole, and he began to apply pressure against my puckered ring, he pressed even harder and my anal ring opened up and the head of his cock sliped into me. I let out a whine "Uuuuuuuhhh" I try to get up but I couldn't. I heard him "ssshhh me". I felt my asshole tighten around the intruding giant, the log up the one way channel. But he had none of that. He pushed another time and this time he was buried balls deep inside me. "Oh god, you're so incredibly tight. I will need to rape you often." He moaned. I heard rape and I feared and paniced. But he held me down. He rested in me for a bit I assume to enjoy the warm sensation of being inside me. I felt him pull back, I hoped that he had cum again. But he thrust back in with such extreme pressure that I cried out "Aaaarrrhhhggg." He thrust in a few times and pulled back. I tried to move away but he had got a tight grip on me. He rested for a bit and switched positions so I was on my front and he on top of me. He pinned me down, and continued to molest me. I grunt involuntarily "Oh... oh... oh..." every time he buried his cock in me. He lay on me again and whispered in my ear "it's like I have a virgin again." And he grunted and moaned, I could smell coffee on him. He started pounding faster and faster. I kept moaning and his grunts grew louder, I counted to keep the pain at bay, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 and lost count, and then I tried again but lost count, and then I tried once more and this time made it up to 15 and this time he thrust so hard, I banged my head on the headboard and winched in pain, and at the same time he spewed his copious cum inside me, volley after volley of thick, pearly white cum so deep inside me it could make a child within me. With that he collapsed on top of me and stayed there. The only thing he had in common with his son when it came to sex was the amount of cum they generated, but his sons vigor was no where near the father, and I think it was this disappointment that brought out the aggression in Kevin. He pulled out with a plop and washed himself in the sink. He stood by the bed, naked, his cock still semi hard. He told me to get ready and come up for breakfast. I got up and went to the bathroom to brush and shower, as I took my t-shirt off I noticed a bruise on my right hip where he may have held me too tight. I showered and come out to find Brian sitting on my bed showered and full clothed. He had a cup of coffee for me, he smiled and asked how I was. I was tempted to tell him I was sore and probably knocked up with his step brother in me.

I was to feign feeling unwell so Brian and I could stay home he asked me to hurry up as his father was in a dark mood, he had seen him leave his room naked when he first woke up, and it was unlike Kevin to do that when they had company. Brian instructed me to put on the robe and panties when everyone left and wait for him in my bedroom. I went up for breakfast and saw a spread on the table, I was not hungry. Jake's father had joined the family for breakfast, he was a striking older man, very fit with a long nose, smooth skin, dark ash blonde hair immaculately cut and parted to the side, and piercing blue green eyes, he had a half crooked smile. His shirts fitted him well and were monogrammed. Brian and I got to the table, shortly after Brian sat a phone call came through for Kevin, he talked and then came back and asked Brian if he could take care of something on the farm. Brian rushed off, and I was left all alone with the two men. Kevin spoke as he piled his plate up, "I have quite an appetite today." He said looking at me. John (Jake's dad) spoke "Did you go for a run?" "Better, I got some." He whispered with a mischievous smile, again looking at me. He then added, "When was the last time you had a tight pussy John?" "Been a while". Said John and he turned to look at me and smiled. Brian returned and the family started gathering and discussing shopping plans. I excused myself and went to the family room and looked for something to read. Kevin came in, he bent over behind me on the sofa and put his arms around my neck and whispered in my ear, "so what's it going to be? Stay home with me and ride the rocket? Or do you want to ride junior? Either way, my family seed is going to impregnate you all afternoon." He let go of my throat and his hands cupped my pecs and squeezed them. John came in and Kevin let go. It was decided everyone was going shopping, Brian would keep me company and we'd meet them at a restaurant later for dinner. I sat in the family room with John and flicked through the magazine and made small talk with John until they got ready to leave, John got up and walked by the sofa and traced two fingers from my fingers to my shoulder and said "I want some tight pussy" and with that he squeezed his crotch to show me what I could have. I looked away.

I got up and walked to the basement. I had to get out of this place. I went to my room and found the robe and panties and put them on. I put the bottle of lube in my robe pocket and waited. Shortly after, there was a knock on the door and Brian came in. I got up and walked to him and embraced him, he was surprised. I began to unbutton his shirt and kissed his nipple, I kissed the base of his throat, I could feel his hard cock pressing against me. I looked up to his eyes, he had lust in his eyes. I took a chance and kissed him, he kissed me back, I kissed him again a small playful kiss. He kissed back more forcefully and then he kissed my neck.

He undid the robe and let it drop, he kissed my neck, shoulders and took my nipple in his mouth while I freed him from his pants and stroked his cock, not big, not small just the right size. He was naked and he led me to the dresser and I saw myself in the same mirror, where Kevin had defiled me.

Brian had a condom in his hand he held it up and asked me if he needed to put it on. I shrugged and said it was his decision to make. He thought for a second and put it on the dresser. He stood behind me and began to caress me and kiss my shoulders, I felt his dick between my bum cheeks, he whispered how much he wanted me. He kissed me again and nibbled on my ear and said "I'll take good care of you baby." I needed this over with, surprisingly I wasn't as aroused as I had been with Kevin. I spoke, "I'm very ready, just do it." I held on to my bum cheeks and parted it for him. Like his father he was not gentle, he took one long slow thrust and I felt his cock press against my ring until it popped. I squealed but like his father he did not stop, he kept moving forward. I couldn't help but say "ohhhh god so full. I let go of my buns to brace myself and he must have felt them fall around his cock. He began pumping my ass for all he was worth, fucking, grinding and thrusting. His hands gripped my hips and he held on tight hurting me like his father had, and would again. I tried to squeeze my hole as he fucked me with abandon. Then I let go. I saw my make tits bounce in the mirror. In what seemed like ages he exploded inside me, filling my bowels, he continued to pound in and out. I squeezed his still hard cock with my sphincter muscles. he continued to plunge in and out. I whispered to him "that's right stud, take all you want, I'm giving it all to you. Keep going." He kept plunging in and out. His started softening and as he continued pumping it was getting more difficult to get in. Finally he slipped out and let his cock rest between my butt cheeks.

He stood still and let his cock rest between my butt cheeks. I slumped on the dresser, exhausted already. His hands roamed my back and traced my hips. He saw the bruise he inspected it, leaned in and said "I think I was too forceful, I'm sorry." He continued to caress the curves the curves of my ass and I saw his reflection watch his cum drip from me. He kissed me passionately, gripping my ass cheeks and let go. He walked into the bathroom washed up and returned to the room and plopped onto the bed. I went to clean up and returned, he tossed me the panties, I put the uncomfortable things on and he motioned to have me lay with him. Surprisingly he cuddled and told me that was the best sex he'd had ever and went on to reveal how many lovers he'd had. It seemed no one had performed fellatio on him and certainly had not had receptive lovers. I probed the particular positions and he avoided the questions. I was tired and fell asleep, when I woke up we were spooning and Brian was the big spoon. He woke at the same time and we kinda talked. I realized that Kevin and who knew John may want to violate me again. I wasn't up for it and wasn't enjoying this weird family much. I quickly conjured up a plan. I turned to face Brian he was still naked and had started sporting a semi. He began to toy with my pecs and nipples. I thrust them out as I stroked his thighs and began to tell him how nice it'd be to be back in our rooms at home, where we could enjoy each other uninterrupted. I told him how I'd feel uninhibited there. And then I confessed that I was terrified of his dad and he got silent. I drifted off to sleep, I was woken up by Brian he was showered and fully dressed. He told me to pack and get dressed. He had told his parents I had received some bad news and had to go. They all came out to say goodbye, his mom hugged me and so did Kevin, his hug lingered and he whispered "we will meet again" in my ear, with that we left and drove off ...

Next: Chapter 5

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