At Your Service

By Du de

Published on Mar 15, 2020


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He said hello and asked if I had got his note and why I hadn't come over. I explained that I had just come home, I was surprised with what happened next. He took me by my arm and led me into my room and shut the door behind us. He dropped his pants and said. "Well it's not going to suck itself, get over here."

The next few weeks passed in this manner, the predator had become the prey again. And this shy, geeky looking boy hade controlled. I would be summoned 1-2 a week to service him. We had become more familiar and did spend time together but it was clear that when it came to his needs I was to fully oblige. In November things changed a little, Brian brought me a pair of satin panties and suggested I try them on they were almost the same shade as my blue robe. He liked to have me service him in my panties and robe. One Saturday afternoon after I had swallowed his copious semen, I was seated on the floor by his feet and he pulled me up and asked me if I had thanksgiving plans. My home was a 7 hour drive and my car was acting up so I wasn't going anywhere. He suggested I go to his parents place in NY on the farm, he made it clear as a friend. He had talked to his parents and they had extended an invitation. I was curious to see his family and his farm, so I agreed. He mentioned that I would have my own room, he wasn't sure if it'd be the guest room, the den or in the old nanny's room in the basement. Thanksgiving was a week and a half away. In the next few days I shopped for a nice thank you gift and was actually excited to go. Brian has to work late on Wednesday before thanksgiving as he was the newest person on his team, as such we would leave on Thursday early in the morning, it was unsaid that we would go in his truck.

On Wednesday evening Brian came down to my apartment after work. I was alone he was tired, he had brought me my robe and panties that I kept at his apartment. He asked me to pack it, he said he didn't know if I'd get to wear it but just in case. He instructed me to be ready for 6am, I told him I planned on getting up by 5. I went to bed and was up and showered and ready at 5:15. At 5:45 my phone rang, it was Brian, he asked me to come up if I was ready. I took my stuff and went to his place. He let me in, his bag was by the door and he was dressed in a towel. He asked me to drop my stuff and lead me to the room, where he dropped his towel revealing his fully engorged member, for a moment I didn't realize what was happening but then I realized what I had to do, as I got on the floor I could see a drop of pre-cum glistening at the tip, I licked it and kissed him, he gasped as I took him in my mouth and he took my head in his hands and thrust a few times and exploded in my mouth and kept his cock inside me until he'd emptied the last drop. He pulled out and I licked him clean. I got up and waited while he changed and we got on our way. The drive was uneventful, we talked a lot and it was nice. He talked about his family and the dynamics, he talked a lot about his mom and friends and his sister and select relatives and I shared some of my details. He was curious about my sexuality and experience and he asked me why I enjoyed giving oral. He wanted to know about all the ways I had pleased and serviced men. At one point I could tell he was hard again so I started stroking him and he locked eyes with me. We drove for a bit while I stroked him, he pulled over into a side road on the country and turned the car to face the road and unbelted himself and pulled his pants down, I released my belt and leaned over to his cock. I wrapped my lips around his cock. I was beginning to like how he tasted, not as much as Dave but good enough. "Mmmmmm" he moaned as he leaned into his seat. I bobbed my head up and down on his cock, one hand striking his shaft, my lips and tongue slobbering all over his cock tip. He placed his hand on the back of my head. I moved my hand to his balls, cupping them lightly, with my fingertips gently scratching them. I kissed the top, then tickled it with my wet tongue. I then wrapped my lips tightly around his cock, and then bobbed up and down slowly, letting my tongue drag against his cock as I went. He moaned as I started deepthroating him, moving his hips up against my mouth. His grip on my head became tighter. I varied my pace, taking his cock into my throat slowly, then all at once, then slowly. He started to push me down hard at his cock, making me take his cock deeper into my throat. A few more pushes later, he had me take his whole cock into my mouth, pumping my nose against his pelvis.

He held my head in place and thrust his hips instead, shoving his cock in and out of my mouth. His legs jerked and he began cumming into my mouth, but he didn't stop fucking me. He came in my mouth, my throat, then my mouth, my throat ....

"Aahhhhh...." he moaned, falling back onto the car seat. I swallowed his cum, and then gently licked his cock, slurping up all his baby batter. I sat up and he seemed drained he sat slumped back in the seat for a minute before he pulled up his pants. He got out and tucked his shirt in, I noticed for the first time that he was quite well dressed to go home. He got in and we resumed the drive.

In the last hour he took my hand and put it on his lap and let me caress his inner thigh. He told me he hoped his parents would put me up in the nanny's room as it was far away and wouldn't look awkward if he visited me down there. Upon reflection he said his room would be fine too as we could always pretend to play video games, his family he said respected others privacy. He was silent for a bit and said his father was a strict man, he didn't talk much and that they didn't get on very well. But that he was kind and cared. I thought it was odd to hear such a revelation but I kept quiet. We arrived onto the farm and I was impressed with the size, as we pulled up to the farm house it was more a castle than house. It was big with big doors. He parked ensuring his car was perfectly aligned and parked. We got out, he straightened himself and we headed to the door carrying our bags, he kept some distance from me. At the door he rang the bell, after about a minute his mother opened the door, she was delighted to see him, her eyes lit up and she hugged him tight. She welcome me, she was small and we'll dressed. She had a lot of makeup and her hair was perfectly done and held in place with a lot of hairspray. She fussed with some her on her right temple, I noticed a blue black bruise but Brian didn't seem to notice. We entered their immaculate house, we heard a deep voice ask out loud if it was Brian.

We heard heavy footsteps and Brian's moms face changed it became more concerned. A man, I presumed Brian's dad cane around the corner, he was 6'2, with broad shoulders, dark full head of hair, with two silver patches that made him look distinguished, he hadn't shaved and had a thick moustache, he had thick eyebrows and greyish blue eyes. He was dressed in a white shirt with the top button open revealing black chest hair that made it up to his neck, the shirt seemed to accentuate his muscular body, he wore green olive pants, that while weren't tight fitting, would not hide his generous bulge. His gait was such that one had to look down at what he was packing and I couldn't help but look, as I did his eyes followed mine and we locked eyes, he knew what I had done and it was evident. But he didn't show anything on his face, he hugged his son, but it was awkward as Brian seemed to want it to end soon. He shook my hand, his grip was firm, a little too firm, and I thought it had lingered a little too long. After pleasantries his dad spoke "Wendy shouldn't you get back to the cooking?" His mum looked around confused and quickly ran off to the kitchen. His dad addressed me and said, "please call me Kevin, I'll show you to your room." The turning to Brian he said, "buddy you're in your old room." As if to indicate he was to scram. Kevin lead me to some stairs going down, before I started going down he took my bag I tried not to give it to him but he insisted and let me lead the way. I waited downstairs and he accidentally bumped into me, he put his arm at the small of my back, with a firm grip he lead me. His big hands, warm and firm radiated heat through my body, I noticed it was awkwardly low, his pinky finger was almost at the top of my butt. He broke the silence and said "this used to be Brian's nanny's room, you should have the basement to yourself, I do come down as I have an office down here but not often. It's quiet down here and everyone knows not to disturb me if my office light is on, no one enters my office." His voice was deep and authoritative. He opened the room door and lead me in, he turned on the light and I entered. He put my bag on the low desk and showed me where everything was. He stopped and looked at me hard, it made me uncomfortable, I followed his gaze up and down my body and felt it linger at my chest. He spoke again, "there's a computer here, turn on the power bar to use it." He waited, and then I realized it was instruction for me. I bent down to turn it on, as I stood I turned to look and he had been looking at my behind and his eyes didn't avert themselves, rather I found my eyes avert from his. He then opened the closet and told me I could use it to hang my clothes, he paused and then pointed to a small valise in the corner and said that was what the nanny had left behind, he had now walked up very close to me and was towering over me, I shuddered as his voice boomed behind me on my left hand side and he added "you're welcome to any of it, if you so desire." I turned to look at him, and the smouldering look I got, made me weak at my knees. Next I felt his rough skin as he trailed a finger up the length of my hand from my wrist to the elbow. He added "you have such smooth skin, just like Nancy's ... the nanny." He turned and left and said as he was leaving, that I was welcome to join them upstairs in the family room or I could lie down if the drive had taxed me. He stood at the door dominating the room even though he wasn't inside, he said "you may find other things in the room, it hasn't been used since the nanny left but I thought it was appropriate to let you stay down here. you're welcome to anything in this room." I tried to find words but my throat was dry and I was scared, nervous and confused. I looked at him and tried not to look down at his crotch but my eyes went there, and I swear I thought the pants had tented somewhat. As I looked up, his gaze caught me, he had seen my elevator eyes and was staring intently at me. I shook my head no. He closed the door and left. I was weak I sat on the bed and took in the room. The room was decorated in 80's feminine tones, it was clean but clearly not used in a long time. I looked around, the dresser was empty, in the desk drawer there were some stamps, a writing pad that had some scribbles and notes, some loose change. I looked in the night stand the left side of the bed had a few creams, a hair scrunchy and a manicure kit and some old TV Guides. The left side was what surprised me the most, as I pulled it open it was slightly stuck so I had to pull hard, at first it seemed like there wasn't anything but then a bottle of personal lubricant rolled forward, I put my hand into the half opened drawer and felt a glossy box, and pulled it forward, it was covered in some dust, it was a box of magnum condoms, I looked inside and saw that there was one left. I felt a shiver and closed the drawer all along thinking about the condom in the drawer. I had to open the valise, so I pulled it out and opened it, in it I found some clothes, a french maid's outfit, a blue short kimono robe in the same color as mine, only this had lace at the edges and was more feminine in design, I found some lace panties, bras, cufflinks and another bottle of lubricant the same brand as the one in the drawer. At the bottom I saw magazines of women in various stages of undress in various forms of bondage, many with their breasts hanging out, on their knees looking up at men who had their penis hanging out in full rock hard erections.

I put everything away quickly and started to unpack, I hid my gown and panties at the bottom of the drawer. After about 5 min, I heard a knock it was Brian. He seemed happy. He told me the family watch the parade and the game in the family room. He informed me that his sister was staying at her boyfriend's who lived at the neighbouring farm. His grandmother was visiting and she'd be upstairs, but that still left two rooms unused. He said his mom and prepared the spare room for me but was surprised that my dad had brought me down here. I shrugged and he said it was good because it gave him a reason to visit me. With that he put his hand on my butt and lead me upstairs, his hand stayed on my butt until I reached the stairs. I went up and met with the rest of the family, I noticed Wendy (Brian's mom) was alone in the kitchen cooking and often having to bring snacks and drinks out to Kevin, Brian, Cathy (Brian's sister's) or her boyfriend Jake. I offered to help and also got up one time, but Kevin curtly asked me to sit and said Wendy was fine. I felt bad for Wendy, clearly this man was a brute and hence why Brian was so shy and insecure at times. I felt his aggression in the bedroom was probably to compensate. Dinner was a big spread and after dinner Wendy cleared and cleaned the kitchen, Cathy helped a little but the rest went out to play touch football. Jake's parents arrived, his brothers and sister and her boyfriend joined the game as well. I hated sports and was lousy, I ended up on Kevin's team and I fumbled through the game at one point costing the team some serious points. He glared at me and practically yelled at me. I was close to cry, when I looked at Brian he looked confused and hurt so I changed my attitude for his sake and went on. We lost. Kevin was cross, and I felt terrible. But Jake was a good sport and had been really kind throughout the evening. After the game the guests left and Kevin said he needed to run an errand. Wendy was exhausted so she retired and Cathy and Jake were watching a movie and were making out so it was uncomfortable. I looked at Brian, he stretched and said he was going to bed, but he would bring me the book I wanted in a bit. I took the cue and got up, at the stairs he whispered. " Put on the panties and gown I will be down shortly." He seemed excited. I smiled and nodded and went down.

I went downstairs and used the bathroom, cleaned up and put on the panties and robe and as I was coming out of the bathroom, Brian had walked in he was in his Pjs and a robe, very boyish looking. He was in a rush, he didn't even close the door and pulled me to the bed, he took my hand and made me feel his hard as a rock dick, I was surprised that it was so hard after I had drained his balls twice already. He instructed me to undo the robe, and then instructed me to sit on the bed propped up against the pillows, he tossed his robe off. I asked him to slow down, he whispered "my dad will get home soon." With that he pulled his cock out of the opening in his pjs and said "suck it bitch". He didn't wait and took the back of my head and guided it to his cock, and without ceremony shoved it in. With his left hand behind my head, he held onto the wall with his right and he started to thrust, face fucking me and pushing his cock down my throat, he kept saying "oh yeah, take this ... you want me to make you a baby of your own ... yeah ..." he moaned and as quickly as he had started he ended. He came down my throat. As he got off me, my eyes glanced the door, it was ajar, I swear I thought I had seen someone. Brian fed me his cock and I licked it clean. He turned, put his cock away, wore his robe and fixed his hair. I got up to put on the robe and he tossed it away further and laughed. As I bent down to pick it up, he came up behind me and patted my bottom and said, "I would love to bend you over this dresser and take you, I may before this weekend is out." And then he thrust his pelvis into me. "You would like that wouldn't you?" He added. He told me he would be back again the next day when the family went out shopping, and that I should feign not feeling well. With that he lookEd cautiously outside and he left. I shut the door. I felt dirty and used, Brian's behaviour had changed, for the worse and it wasn't what I had expected. I brushed my teeth and went to take a long hot shower. I came out of the shower and saw an expensive looking moisturizer that smelled lovely, very feminine, I took my time and finished at least a fifth and left myself well moisturized and ready for bed. I opened the bathroom door and almost screamed ...

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Next: Chapter 4

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