At Your Service

By Du de

Published on Mar 14, 2020



The next few weeks were awkward for Brian. He'd duck and pretend he didn't see me. I didn't want to scare him so I kept my distance. My roommate (straight guy) decided to throw a party and I suggested he consider inviting Brian so he did, he dropped by and invited him. The evening came and a few friends were over and Brian came, he socialized but not too much, he said a polite hello but avoided me in general. I spent a lot of time talking my roommates' mentor buddy Dave, a complete dud from a personality perspective and looks but had a sexy body underneath his mismatched clothes. When Dave had consumed appropriate amount of alcohol I egged on a few jagermeister shots and invited him to see some pics from my trip in my room. In my room, I closed the door and instead of turning on the trip slideshow I played a video of a guy receiving long slow wet blowjob, I let it play long enough and then apologized and pretended like the keyboard was stuck. I saw the bulge in Dave's pants protruding and a stir in his pants, as I reached around him to try and stop the video from playing he grabbed my wrist and said "no ... lets watch this a bit" in a husky voice, he was still holding onto my wrist with a tight grip, i saw how mesmerized he was with the video, I took the opportunity to reach out and grab his crotch. It didn't register for him for a few moments but when he came to, he looked at me and then down to his pants, my touch had made his cock spring and he was harder, I caressed him afraid that any minute now he could storm out of the room and out me and make my social life awful. But he didn't, instead he mumbled and kept looking at the video. I quickly got on my knees and unzipped his brown corduroys. I reached in and fished his cock out from his boxers. It was thick and had two protruding veins, he wasn't fully hard yet but I knew what I had to, and wasted no time. I began to lick and slurp on his cock, putting it in my mouth and teasing him, the video was 8 min long and I had about 6 min to get him so hard he wouldn't be able to withdraw. I took my time licking the underside of his penis, swirling my tongue around the tip and generally giving him a long slow wet blowjob, his dick responded in kind. It grew hard and was as stiff as would get, and before the video ended I heard him moan and thrust forward. I adjusted and continued, as the video was coming to an end, Dave's hands found the back of my head and he pulled me in fucking my face and I responded and quickened my pace, and a mere seconds after the video ended, Dave gave a guttural grunt and groaned and unloaded a mighty load in my mouth. And as if coming to his senses he pulled back and mumbled an apology but I opened my mouth to show him his cum in my mouth and swallowed it, and crawled forward and said "let me clean you up" and continued to lick him off. When done he put his cock back in his pants and zipped up.

I stood up and looked in the mirror I had some cum on my chin, I reached for a towel and wiped it off. He was awkward he just bolted out of the room and went back to the living room and awkwardly joined a conversation. My eyes met Brian's and I smiled, he had noticed Dave walk out of my room but I wasn't sure if he had connected anything. Dave went to the bathroom and then left, and as it was approaching midnight a lot of our friends left, Brian had left shortly after Dave. I helped clean up and turned in for the night. I saw Brian the next day at the trash shelter, he said hello and seemed less awkward. He mumbled a thank you for the invite and I casually responded and left. I was enjoying this new role as a seducer of straight men. A few days later I heard a knock on the door at around 12:30, my roommate was in school his program was a full day program and I had more evening classes. I went to the front door to find Dave there. I was wearing a robe and nothing underneath. He was surprised to see what I was dressed in at that time, I invited him in and he stepped forward but withdrew and asked if I could talk to him on the porch. I stepped out and he said "I am sorry about the other night, I don't know what you think but that shouldn't have happened". He was mumbling and I saw that he was sweating. I was disappointed I had hoped that because he wasn't popular amongst the ladies he would be a frequent visitor and I would have loved to see him naked, but it was not to be. Dave went on to explain how he was religious and he had too much to drink and that he liked women. What had happened should never happen and he had repented and I should do the same. With that he said goodbye and walked off. I was furious, but couldn't do anything so I let it go and just walked back inside.

I realize that you may not know what I look like. At the time all this happened I was 22, I was 5'9 and weighed 195lbs. I was pudgy, but most embarrassingly I had disproportionately large pecs or breasts with large dark areoles, they weren't shaped like regular pecs but rather like young budding breasts. I had a bit of a round tummy and making clothes shopping difficult was my butt, it popped out like a cherry. I was effeminate and had the worst hand-eye coordination as such was lousy in sports. I wasn't a flaming gay boy but I wasn't far. Now back to the story.

A few days after Dave's visit, I was bored on a Saturday evening. At around 7:30, I heard a knock. I was dressed in light blue silk shorts and a kimono robe of the same color and fabric. I saw that it was Brian he was dressed in jeans and an ugly printed sweater. I opened the door and invited him. He stepped in and we exchanged pleasantries, he asked after my roommate and I said he was pulling an all nighter for a Monday test, such is medical school life. He paused and searched for words and then said he was going to order a pizza and he had rented the latest movie from Blockbuster if I was interested. With nothing to do I said yes and he smiled and said he'd see me in a few minutes. I showered and dressed and walked up with bottle of vodka which had but a few shots left. I arrived with the pizza guy and Brian let me in, I offered to pay or split the pizza and he refused. He appreciated the vodka and I made myself a vodka with sprite but went very lite on the vodka. We had a few slices and settled into watch, conversation was strained but okay. About an hour into the movie it stopped, there was something wrong and it wouldn't play. Frustrated we flicked the channels to find nothing worthy of watching. I made a move and suggested I leave, Brian hesitated and asked me to wait. He fumbled through his video collection and pulled out a few movies and then pulled out the pornography and in a joking manner asked if we'd watch that, I shrugged my shoulders and said yes. We proceeded to watch and it was your typical straight pornography, guy finds a busty blonde who unzips his pants and pretends to suck his hard manhood. Brian moved closer and adjusted himself, I knew what was coming but this time I didn't want to lead. He was fidgety and not sure how to proceed, he put his hands over my shoulder and pulled me to his lap and simultaneously proceeded to free his hardon. I acquiesced and help him free himself, he reached for a switch and turned off the overhead lights leaving a small lamp on. As I took him in my mouth he gasped and moaned. I guide the tip towards my mouth and began sucking on it gently. Another moan left his lips as my mouth twisted around his cock, going back and forth as my hands did the same. I gobbled his cock down hungrily, sucking it long and deep, my hands bracing myself against his thighs. His hands went to my head and started to face fuck me, his cock easing inside me with each thrust. His balls swaying and slapping my chin. I pulled my head away, his cock bounced out of my mouth. At this point he swayed his hips making his cock slap me in the face before he took hold of it and guided it into my mouth again. My tongue swirling around his helmet at first before he pushed it deeper and it disappeared down my throat. He held it there for what seemed like ages before I managed to pull away and gulp for air. But in no time he pushed it back down my throat squeezing his balls against my chin. The first stream of cum fired straight down my throat, he pulled his cock and it continued to pulse, cum spraying out of it and covering my face, stream after stream of hot, pearly white, thick sticky cum spurting from his cock streaked my face until he put it back into my mouth. I was drenched in his cum and felt it running down my face. He pushed it back in my mouth where he finished cumming. I tried to look at his satisfied face through the cum in my eyes. He got up, pulling up his trousers and said "soo good." He brought me a kitchen towel threw it to the floor and went into the bathroom. I heard the water run as I cleaned myself. While I was wiping the cum from my neck I heard him come out and say, "I'll lock up, close the door on your way out." I had found my place. I stood up, put the towel in the corner and let myself out.

Nothing happened for about a week. Then on a Wednesday evening (my only evening off from classes), I happened to have gone grocery on my return, while parking I noticed Brian walking over, he had come around the building to throw out his trash. He took a bag from me and we chatted about school and work, at the door he asked me about my roommate and the hours he kept. He seemed relieved to hear that my roommate wouldn't be back for hours yet. I invited him in and he followed and stood around as I put the groceries away. I offered him a drink and he declined. He asked if he could see the pics from my trip to Africa, I nodded and said for sure. We walked into my room, my leading the way, he followed. He closed the door behind him, I turned to look and he just looked back at me, my gaze dropped. I was taken back. I loaded the slideshow (the real one this time), while I did that he saw my silk robe and he fingered it. He walked up and stood behind me as I showed him the pics, he was genuinely interested in the first 100 or so pictures, then I noticed he started loosing interest. At about 309 pics he put his hand on my butt, I was startled, he reached for the laptop screen and shut it. Then he reached for the lamp and turned it off, we were left with just a small light on the dresser near the window. Brian put his right hand on my left shoulder and pushed me down, I fell to my knees. He undid his belt, I tried to help him but he swatted by hands away. He let his pants drop and he stood in his briefs, he reached out for the back of my head and brought it forward. I smelled his masculine scent, I reached in and nibbled on his cock and he thrust his pelvis forward. He pushed his crotch into me and given the narrow space we were in my head hit the wall. I winced in pain. He waddled to the window where there was more space and motioned for me to join him, I crawled over. I pulled down his underwear to free his now hard cock that pointed straight at me. I took the tip in my mouth and he gasped, it made his cock jump. I could tell he was impatient today, he pulled my head forward and my head bobbed back and forth as I slurped loudly on the head of his cock. I made my way further down his penis with each round. I traced every vein with my tongue. I spat on the cock and licked the tip, Brian pulled out and then pulled my face to his cock and this time shoved it all in and face fucked me. I was taken by surprise and by the time I adjusted to his rhythm, he let out a groan as his balls pumped spurt after spurt of hot cum into my mouth. I took the first few shots without any issues, I swallowed around his cock. But Brian's volleys didn't let up and soon enough I couldn't swallow him fast enough and began to gag and had to push on his thighs. Brian was too far lost in his ecstasy to notice. He finally pulled out and let a few drops fall on my face. He looked around and used my comforter to wipe his cock and pulled his pants back on. He turned around and walked out. I remembered the recently laundered gym towel in my closet and used it to clean myself up. I found some cum on my T-shirt so I pulled it off, I was facing the window and as I looked out I saw that the neighbour was standing at his window looking out, I couldn't see his face but I was sure he was looking in and staring at my naked body. I quickly pulled the curtain and changed. I walked out expecting Brian to have left but he had helped himself to a beer and was sitting on the sofa flicking through our channels. He started chatting about sports and then asked me if I sucked my roommate. I replied that we were best friends and no there had been no sex between us. My roommate returned and they began chatting, remembering an assignment I left them. Shortly after I heard Brian leave.

Similar encounters occurred on a weekly basis sometimes more during the summer. Brian went away for a week in August and when he returned I had gone for two weeks so we didn't see each other for a while. When I returned on a Sunday afternoon, on seeing my car Brian walked down and helped me with my luggage and then found a quiet moment to instruct me to come over to his place right away. I had not sucked cock in a while and was looking forward to the familiar 7 inches he had to offer for a change. I showered and changed and went up, this time I found him naked and for a change we had two rounds, once on my knees at the door and then he made me strip and straddled my chest on his bed and fed me his cock.

Over labour day I was invited to Dave's for his annual bbq. Surprised by the invite I later learned that he had done so because everyone loved my dip. The party was boring, the man had no personality and only thing he seemed to care about was cross country skiing, but I enjoyed meeting some friends and couldn't help but notice the irony of what a fine specimen of a man he was physically but was plain faced and had no personality. But that cock and his salty sweet cum was a treat, it was too bad that none of the girls at the party would experience it. My roommate got lucky and left with one of the girls Dave hit on all afternoon and evening, I was stuck looking for a ride. Soon enough almost everyone left and I hadn't realized I felt sorry for Dave and I decided to help him clean. It took a while and I could tell he had done it all by himself in the past. I am particular about cleaning and could tell he was impressed, unlike most men he's age I've noticed he's clean and not a slob. When all the garbage is put out and the dishwasher loaded I admire his townhouse. It's well appointed and mature decorated in masculine tones. He invites me to have a glass of wine I agree and we chat. It seems natural, I sense a lot of hurt from the rejection he's got. When I ask about his background I learn that after college he had worked as a fireman and medic and at 30 joined medical school. I can't help but admire his townhouse so he gives me a tour. The downstairs or walkout basement has a bedroom, the main level the living area and kitchen and the upstairs the master bedroom. The upstairs was hot so he turns on the AC. His room was impressive, a huge television dominates a whole wall, a large balcony with French doors overlooks the lake and mountains on the other side and a big king bed and two night stands are the only furniture. I see hundreds of DVDs and couldn't help but notice many porn DVDs. I picked one and put it on, he didn't object. As the porn begins he looks at me, and then sits at the edge of the bed. I see his manhood swell right away, knowing what could come next. He pats on the bed near him and I sat next to him. We let the porn progress more, the woman performing fellatio and the man fucking her tits. Dave took my hand and pressed it against his crotch. Then he broke the silence and in a deadly serious tone said, "Do you feel that?", I nod. "I need to hear you" he said. I mumble a "yes". "Do you want that" he queried staring at me intently. There was no mistaking he was not under the influence of any alcohol today. I hear a Yes squeak out of me.

"Say it," he said firmer this time

I looked at him with a question in my eyes.

"Say you want it," he commanded, with a look and an edge to his voice that would brook no arguments.

"I want it," I said, knowing it to be true.

"What do you want," his voice making the words more a statement than a question.

"I want your cock," I say, a little too loudly. Thank goodness we're alone.

He pushed me onto the bed, and got on top of me, and then pinched one of my hard nipples through my t-shirt. I moaned softly at the pain and pleasure, a wicked grin spread across his face. He got on his side and took my hand down his shorts. I felt his manhood and melted a little inside. It'd been long since I had felt his big firm dick in my hands. Dave brought his face very close to mine and whispered, "I am not sure why I want this, but I want to be very deep inside you tonight." He pulled his t-shirt off and then slid his shorts down, I was surprised that he had nothing on underneath. He planned on having someone lie in his bed that night, I was okay with being his last choice. He revealed his cock to me in the moonlight and the glow of the TV. I admired its perfect shape. I found myself burrying my face to his crotch. He smelled delicious, musky with a slight hint of soap. I lost myself massaging his heavy balls while I nuzzled my face against his erection which seemed to get stiffer. Dave groaned, and I noticed a telltale gleam on the head of his dick. The glisten of precum on his mushroom cap head caught the moonlight, making it almost shimmer.

"Beautiful," I gasped softly, barely able to get the word out. My mouth was watering non-stop. I had to have it.

I pressed my tongue firmly against the head and licked the precum off. The salty essence filled my mouth as more precum oozed out of Dave's cock. I wrapped my lips around his head and suck, trying to get every little of bit of precum into my mouth, ecstatic that my fantasies were becoming reality. His cock became even stiffer and I felt him put his hands on the back of my head.

"Stop fucking around," he grunted and pushed my head nearly all the way down on his shaft.

I nearly gagged and nearly managed to take him all into me at once. I could feel his head pushing against the back of my throat as I formed my lips into a tight O shape. I sucked softly as he withdraw himself from me.

"Fuuuuuuucckkkkk," he groaned and pushed himself into me again. I was prepared for it this time. I slightly extended my tongue and allowed his stiff member to invade the depths of my throat. No gag this time and I took him all. I could smell his musky scent in his hair and we stayed locked in place for a few seconds, the only movement was his cockhead flexing against the walls of my throat.

Dave removed his cock from my mouth and I whimpered, feeling a sense of loss I didn't even know was imaginable. I guess it was written on my face as well because he looked down at me and chuckled.

"You love this fag."

I nodded.

"You're a nasty little cumslut whore, aren't you?" He spat out.

I nodded again, getting even wetter at his dirty talk.

"Take your shirt off fag, I want to see your tits."

I did as told and remove my t-shirt. The unmanly budding breasts up for his inspection.

"dammit," he said after fondling my chest. "I want to titty fuck you but not right now. Open your mouth."

He pushed himself into me and I made the O again. This time he didn't go as deep and he found a tempo that suited him while fucking my face. i cupped his balls in my hand and used my tongue to massage his shaft on every stroke. I felt his balls begin to tighten and he let go of my head.

"You do it, fag" he said and I was only too happy to oblige.

I engulfed his entire cock in my mouth, intent on covering it with my saliva. I pulled back then wrapped my hand around his shaft and brought my mouth down to meet my hand. I began working my hand and mouth up and down his dick, rotating them both in opposite directions and while letting my lips suckle his head on the upstroke.

Dave was moaning loudly by now.

"fuck," he panted.

"You're such...a..good..."

I let go of his dick and used only my mouth to suck him. I wrapped my hand around him and slipped my wet middle finger into his ass.

"SHIT!" he yelled loudly as I massaged his prostate.

"Fuck, you're going to"

I sucked harder and faster, wanting, needing his cum in my mouth. I wanted it so badly.

His balls clenched even tighter. His cock, his magnificent cock, twitched and flexed in my mouth and I knew.

"I'm cumUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..." he screamed, grabbing my head again and shoving his cock down my throat. He pumped his delicious seed directly into my stomach but of course some got into my mouth. It tasted lovely, surprisingly non bitter, just a little salty. Not thin, not too thick, just perfect. I recognized his brand.

I pulled my head back, wanting to see him cum.

I grasped his cock as it was still jerking from shooting cum and tried to point it directly at my chest. Cum got on my face but I didn't mind. He wasn't wrong when he called me a cumslut, that's exactly what I am.

He continued shooting his sticky gooeyness all over my chest and I marvelled at how much cum he had built up. Soon my nipples are coated in his sperm and his dick began to soften. I gently licked the excess cum off his shaft and suckled the last drop from his head. So good. I looked at him in the moonlight his body glistened with sweat, his muscular, defined body, perfectly hairless. His chest heaved up and down and the cross on his chest moved with it. He took off his wire rim glasses and put them on the nightstand and passed out. I got up and walked into the spacious master bathroom and undressed and showered, washing the cum away. The smell of his soap turned me on and I lathered some and brought some relief for myself. Normally I would have dressed up and called a cab and gone home but I didn't feel like it.

I dried myself, went to the bedroom and turned off the tv. I took in Dave's sexy body, his cock was still semi hard. I helped him position his head on the pillow. I was tempted to kiss him and I did, to my surprise he responded, I opened my eyes and saw that he hadn't and seemed to be kissing me in his sleep. I gently got on top of him, and continued to kiss him, I felt his cock stiffen under me. I caressed his body and trailed kisses from his lips down to his navel, stopping at his pecs and nipples and licked them well. He was as hard as a rock. I got off and rummaged through his nightstand and as expected found some baby oil, I suspect the bottle was used to lubricate his cock when he watched porn. I rubbed it up and down his body, from his toes to his inner thighs, his balls, his navel, chest and arms. His dick responded in kind by jerking and getting harder, and I heard him moan softly. I kissed him again and he responded to my kiss as I stroked him. I got on top of him and felt his hard body under me, I aligned my dicklet with his mighty meaty cock and rubbed them, I moved up higher and squeezed my nipples and put them to his mouth, to my surprise he suckled on it, but that didn't last and he stopped. I rubbed myself on him and the smooth oil on his hard body was too much for me to take and I came on his stomach leaving a trickle on his navel that I did not wipe away. I moved down to take him in my mouth and he gasped, as I took him in and out and stroked him at the same time. The foreplay and relaxed state must have triggered an early release, and in no time he exploded in my mouth, and as I took my mouth off of him he shot all over himself. I squeezed every drop out from his balls. He groaned and turned to his side. I went back to the bathroom and cleaned up and returned to the bedroom. I put the cover on him and snuggled in next to him and fell asleep at around 1am.

I woke up at around 6pm to find Dave's hard cock pushing into my ass and his arms around me and my pecs in his palms and he was gently caressing them. I turned and saw that he was up, he removed the covers and exposed his hard cock, with his hand behind my back he nudged me forward to take him in my mouth. In a sleepy haze I obliged and took him into my mouth and stroked his base and bobbed up and down and brought him to a climax in no time. I turned around and fell asleep and I think Dave did the same.

I was woken up a few hours later by a presence near the bed as I struggled to open my eyes I saw Dave standing there, fully clothed in a tie and blazer. He looked distraught and was about to cry. He had been trying to get me to wake up. Without thinking I reached for his crotch thinking he wanted more. He swatted by hand away and asked me to get dressed in a seething tone. I jumped into the shower and got dressed. I went downstairs hoping to see breakfast and coffee to help the hangover. But I saw Dave his arms crossed waiting for me. In a curt tone he said, "I've called you a cab it will be here soon." Not quite sure what I had done I asked, "can you just drop me?" He looked at me for a moment and then said, "no. You're pure evil, you've seduced me twice with your homosexual ways and I don't believe I succumbed a third time this morning." I thought it was quite funny, so I said "actually I've blown you four times now, you probably don't recall my sucking cum out of you at midnight." He bent over and put his hands over his head and screamed and then burst out crying.

The cab arrived so I left. I wouldn't make sense to Dave but he would come around eventually. I got home to find a note from Brian asking me to pop in to see him. I made some coffee and sat down when there was a knock on the door. With a sigh I got up and found Brian at the door. He said hello and asked if I had got his note and why I hadn't come over. I explained that I had just come home, I was surprised with what happened next. He took me by my arm and led me into my room and shut the door behind us. He dropped his pants and said. "Well it's not going to suck itself, get over here."

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