At Your Service

By Du de

Published on Mar 11, 2020


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I was excited to move to NH and be on my own, away from family, fresh start and all. I had a car and I was going to get my Masters. My best friend from high school had graciously agreed to let me crash at his place until I found my own place. As luck had it, his landlord had a two-bedroom available only a week after I moved there. It was downstairs, and he had given us a few days to move. It wasn't all that a place but it was affordable, clean and quiet. My room was smaller, but easily fit a queen bed, a desk, a chest of drawers and enough room to not make it feel tight. It overlooked the neighbor's home, a stately colonial and the mountains in the back that were beautiful. While my roommate had the larger and colder room with views of the building's backyard (converted into a gravel lot).

Shortly after we moved downstairs, I realized that I had not returned the keys to the old apartment, probably because it was an extra spare I had made. A few days later I saw a pick up truck pull up and park in the lot and two guys, both my age got out and unloaded some boxes. I also saw a slightly older couple (probably in their 40s) also come by with more stuff. I didn't see the husband but saw the wife, a diminutive woman who had perfect hair and makeup, but didn't look at all confident. I guessed she was the mom of whoever it was that was moving in. At the end of the day all the cars went away and only a pickup truck was left in my new neighbor's parking spot. I saw him later he was a guy around my age, about 6'0 lanky build, geeky looking.

The following weekend was a long weekend, and my neighbor packed a bag and drove off. He had out of state drivers license so I assumed he was going home. I had nothing to do, and the dormitory town in NH did not have much to offer. It had been a while since I was with a man and I was starting to feel the need. As they say an empty mind is a devil's workshop ... I took to the internet but it didn't do what I wanted, no connections were available nearby. I drove to a gym nearby and hung out in the locker room and found very modest daddy types that wouldn't even let me peak. Frustrated I came home. It was Saturday afternoon, and as I was unlocking the front door I noticed the key to the upstairs apartment still on my key ring. I smiled and conjured up a plan. Later that evening after 9:30pm, I crept upstairs and opened my neighbors door with my key, it worked! I crept in an noticed that the furniture arrangement had not changed (these were furnished apartments), he had a large screen TV which was new. His bedroom was well kept, some simple shaving and teeth maintenance stuff in the bathroom. His night stand had a flashlight and some moisturizer and nothing else. His clothes were standard, and he wore boring white briefs. His mail indicated his name was Brian. I heard a car on the street and rushed out, but before I did I noticed a stack of DVDs, the 3rd one down was an adult video of a busty woman performing fellatio on an office worker. I ran out, forgot to lock the door and rushed back into my apartment with my heart beating. Hours later I crept back up and locked the door.

I spent Sunday thinking about Brian and fantasizing. I had typically enjoyed being the prey, being used and forced to service other men. I was quite turned on by being the predator for once and figuring out how to get him to give me what I wanted, the pleasure of servicing his needs. It occurred to me that I needed to do what a good neighbor should always do, welcome him home. I entered his apartment and searched his kitchen cabinets and fridge to find out what he ate. His cupboards were stocked with canned goods, and his fridge had some takeout containers, I saw Chinese, Indian and some Italian. I also noticed a box of grocery store cake. I cooked up a plan. I was a good cook and I would prepare a meal for him. So I got to work.

The following day was a Monday, and I assumed Brian would return, he was either working or going to school in the area. I made a full meal and packaged it in leftover Chinese take out containers and kept it ready for 4pm. I also took the time to make some brownies (box kind). Sure enough at 6:30 I heard the heavy footsteps on the wrap around porch upstairs as he made his way from the car to his apartment. I waited. A few minutes later I heard water and I assumed he was showering. I put on my jacket and took the food and walked upstairs. I started ringing the bell, knowing well enough that he was in the shower. I rang it a few times with a pause in between not to sound like an irritating person. On the 4th ring I heard a deep voice say "be right there". I heard someone approach the door and look in the peephole and the door opened slightly. With my heart in my throat I said well versed line "Hi, I am Jay and I am your downstairs neighbor, thought I would bring you something to welcome you to the building, I love cooking and I hope you like Indian." I threw it all out there quickly with a big smile. I did not look like a murder or thief and hoped the excitement in my voice would catch him off guard, it did. Not knowing what to do he opened the door, and I saw him in a light grey towel around his waist. He was thin as I had deduced, but fit. He was hairless for the most part, he had some light hair on his legs and a light trail on his belly button. There was no protruding bulge in the towel but I hoped he was a grower and not a shower. He was gracious and invited me in so he could put something on. I declined and said we would catch up some other time. I told him to reach out if he needed anything, I had a piece of paper with my name and number and e-mail address and I left.

I walked back downstairs taking the short route and walking through the garden to the side of the building, the view that would let him see me walk to my apartment. About an hour later the phone rang, I picked it up in 3 rings it was Brian he called and introduced himself and thanked me for the food and commented that it was quite a lot and asked if I wanted to join him for dinner. I agreed and quickly changed into something else. I put on my rings and extra pink lip gloss, took a salad I had made along with a 6 pack of beer that my roommate had in the fridge. and walked up. Brian greeted me this time with a big smile, he shook my hands and welcomed me. I noticed he had cleaned up a bit, he was dressed in khaki's, a white button-down shirt and loafers. He had not put on his glasses. He was cute in a geeky sort of way. We had dinner and chatted, I learned that he was older than I was, probably in his late 20s, he had found a research job at a bio-medical research facility not far from where we were. He had moved here from upstate NY where his dad owned a farm and worked as a finance consultant for small businesses. He enjoyed the food, he had some beer out, I declined but tried to ensure he had plenty. After dinner I insisted on doing the dishes claiming that I liked doing so. He went to the couch and sat down and nursed on another beer. He confessed that he rarely had more than one and with work the next day he had to be careful. He said he hadn't many friends in the area. I asked about girlfriends and he was shy. He was about to ask me the same and I was ready to let him know that I preferred men, but the phone rang. He was annoyed when he said hello. I could tell it was his parents. He took the phone to his room and closed the door, and talked I overheard snippets but nothing much. He put it down and returned. He took a long drag on his beer and continued to flick the channel. The movie channel had Disclosure and I noticed he stayed on the channel a little longer than the rest, I was still at the sink. Realizing that that may help things, I asked if he had watched it and he made some comment about yeah. I suggested it was nice and was one of the better Demi Moore movies (yes jealous of what she could get in her mouth in that movie). He didn't need a lot of encouragement. When I was done drying the dishes I asked if he needed another beer and he declined, I ignored him and opened a fresh bottle and took it to him, he said thanks already seeming a bit off. He assumed I would sit on the chair, but as I made my way to the sofa he moved over to make room for my big frame.

When the movie got the best part, I could see his pants start to tent. I grabbed the opportunity and said "I bet you think he's the luckiest man." He laughed and said, "yeah sure he is, any man would be lucky, don't you think?" He switched his gaze back not wanting to miss anything, I licked my lips and responded, by putting my hand on his thigh "I am quite envious of Demi here. I would have liked nothing more than what she is getting right now. But I guess all gays feel that way." He turned to look at me and then my hand on his lap, just as I expected he was confused. While not a lot of alcohol it was enough for him. I wasted no time and got on my knees between his legs and unzipped his pants and undid the buckle on his belt. He was still dazed. It wasn't until I had his pants at his ankles and I was massaging his growing cock in his undies when he came too and started to resist. I shushed him and said "letting me suck your dick doesn't make you gay. Please let me, you know you need it and want it." With that I pulled the briefs and he raised his hips up to let me slide them off. I wasted no time and took his growing member in my mouth, it wasn't too big it was average, well kept and cut penis. I licked it and gave it the attention i usually do. I heard him moan and turn off the television, he put his beer on the window sill balancing it so it wouldn't fall out. I looked up and saw him look down. He was fully hard now, he pulled his shirt up a little and was watching me take his cock in my mouth and play with it. I sucked his pink balls and made my way to his inner thighs to kiss them, he liked this. He spread his legs further to give me more room. He had turned off the lights now and the only light was coming from his bedroom behind him. I teased the underside of his cock and licked to the top and trailed the base of his mushroom head and licked his piss slit, a thick sticky drop of pre cum met my mouth and I touched it with my fingers to show him and licked it. I then took him in my mouth and made my way to the base of his hardened cock, he gasped and I saw him squeeze the sofa armrests. I repeated the motion and added a swirl, meanwhile stroking the base, a couple more mouthfuls and I was surprised with a grunt, moan and he exploded in my mouth. While disappointed that it was over so soon, he left me with a copious amount of thick pearly liquid in my mouth. I showed him what I had in my mouth before swallowing and licked him clean.

I got up and saw that he was uncomfortable. I said a quick goodbye as he pulled his briefs up and then his pants. I walked to the door and turned and said "thank you. See you around." And opened the door and let myself out. He was fumbling for words. I decided to take the shorter route back. I noticed that a light was on in the building next door, a man was at a desk near the window. Had he seen what I had done? His window looked into Brian's living room. I shrugged and opened the door and went into my room, I undressed and stood naked at my dresser seeing my face, there was a bit of dried cum on my chin that I'd wash off in the shower. I went to draw the curtains and looked up and saw the neighbor at his window he had a bottle of beer he was sipping on and could look right into my bedroom (directly under Brian's living room). I quickly drew the curtains.

Should I continue? Please send feedback. Other stories:

Chubby Cherry Popping

Daddy's Helper

Caramel Deflowers Cream

Next: Chapter 2

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