Published on Aug 14, 2007



Dave didn't know why, he just pet his usual morning erection and kicked his feet over the side of his bed forcing his body to follow.

The clock provided the only light in his darkened bedroom. The four o'clock numbers made him shake his head. He had agreed and now wished he hadn't.

Dave's head was in a fog as he tried to get the hot shower to wake him further. He hadn't accepted a second drink the night before knowing how it might affect him this morning. But apparently the first one did its toll.

He soaped his leg where the guy he met had rested his hand the night before enticing his cock to throb. His fingers had wandered under the edge of Dave's shorts. Dave, as usual, had gone to the outdoor bar commando so his expanded cockhead felt the finger tips.

"Fuck" he said to himself outloud.

"Wanna go?" the guy smiled his pupils expanded and his wet lips inviting.

"Gotta get up at 4" Dave had said. And then seeing the look on the guys face added "No really man I have to go to work early, can we meet up tomorrow?"

The guy patted Dave's bare leg and winked before he walked away not answering.

"FUCK" David said again this time louder.

The electric razor slid over his face not finding too much to cut since Dave had shaven close the day before he went to the bar.

It was Monday morning after a weekend of friends, sleep and no sex. His cock rose and fell as he went through the transition of being a naked horny man to a clothed got to get to work early employed person.

"FUCK" he banged the steering wheel as he exited the car and walked up the stairs to the locked doors. A quick swipe of his keycard and the doors allowed him to enter.

Dave thought he'd check the office first then go to the john and jack off. He had to otherwise he'd never get through the day. But then again, if he went back to the bar after wook, maybe that guy would still be there. His wandering fingers couldn't reach under his trousers, but Dave wouldn't object if the guy unzipped his fly right therein public and reached for what he wanted and what Dave wanted.

The message light wasn't blinking. He called the Chicago office to check in and then sighed. He had agreed to come in early all this week since the morning desk person was on vacation. The good news was he got off work much earlier then normal. But the downside was going to sleep at 8 pm.

Grabbing the overnight files he wandered down the hallway and into the file room. Starger would be there. The young guy was the file clerk and smiled as he wandered in.

He looked morning fresh as he sat there his long legs sprawled in front of him.

"So it's you and me all week huh?" the smiled wider. His short hair made his youthful look even younger. His shirt ws open revealing his wife beater underneath. Sometimes when Dave went into the file room, the young guy had taken his shirt off leaving his wife beater on.

"Gets hot in here" Starger would say as he moved his naked arms around. There was a time when Dave worked late at night and went into the file room to find the guy totally shirtless, his smooth naked torso glowing with sweat. He stayed and talked for awhile leaving wiht a trousers full of expanded penis.

"Yea, nobody around till 9" Dave said. "Want some coffee?" Starger held up a thermos.

Dave could get coffee from the lunch room, but instead he moved closer. "Hey thanks"

He stepped forward and accepted the cup swallowing a long swallow. He stood between Starger's outspread feet and wanted to keep moving forward.

As he handed the cup back he saw a bulge.

"Looks like you and I didn't take care of our morning wood" Dave laughed as he said it less some sort of sexual harassment might be construed.

"Tell you the truth, I never do till I get to work. Nobody's usually around" Starger said.

"You mean in here?" Dave looked around the room.

"Yea, lock the door and take care of things, hell a young guy's gotta do stuff" he stood and stretched lifting his shirt above his beltline revealing his smooth pink belly.

Dave's eyes stared and his cock expanded. "Shit, wish I could do that" he said.

Starger dropped his shirt as he stood and went to the door. He locked it and returned to his chair jutting his legs out.

"I'm game if you are" he grabbed his crotch and smiled.

Dave's head began to swim. Either the kid was baiting him for an eventual law suit or the kid was indeed as horny as he was.

"What if I give you a bj?" Dave heard himself say. The words came from somewhere other then his brain.

Starger smiled wider, "Shit yea!" he blurted and opened his fly pulling his cock out into the air in one move.

It was hard, stuck out straight and was thick.

Dave knelt and went to work, likcing and sucking until Starger was cursing and begging to cum.

The phone rang. "Shit" Starger regained control enough to talk on the phone.

"Yea he's here we're going over the night files' the boy said as he used on hand to pull Dave's head back to his cock. Dave resumed sucking.

He opened his own shirts and then his fly pulling his cock out to jack it.

Starger hung up and resumed cursing and urging Dave to get ready to swallow his spunk. His hands moved to Dave's chest and grabbed his nipples.

Dave's gut flammed hotter and his cock was leaking percum out.

"God want some of that" Starger reached low and brought some of it to his lips. "Nice stuff"

And almost immediately his cock gushed into Dave's mouth. The man swallowed each spurt hoping the boy had more and more he could digest.

"Shit man, you're one hot cocksucker" Starger said. Dave felt the cock soften in his mouth. He sucked it making the boy jump.

"Quick" Starger reached for Dave's cock just as it too spit out streams all over the boys face and wife beater shirt..again and again.

Dave stood there catching his breath looking at his sperm drip off Starger's chin.

"You're a mess" he smiled.

"Yea" Starger peeled his wife beater off revealing his smooth and defined torso. Dave rested his sloppy hands on the boys flesh, toying with his nipples and sliding them all over.

"God, keep doign that and I'm gonna cum again"

Dave didn't stop. In fact he contniued every morning, early all week long.

As for after the week, Starger went home with Dave on Friday.

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