At What Price Love

By Stephanie M

Published on Jul 28, 2002


Title: At What Price Love? Part 3/3 Author: Stephanie M Disclaimer: Never happened. Complete Fiction not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned. Pairing: Nick/JC Summary: What would you do for love? It's a question Nick is forced to answer when he falls in love with his rival. Notes: Writer's Block fic.

Part 3

Months after the fiasco with JC, Nick was still broken inside. On the outside nothing had changed but inside he had lost faith in people. Gone were the days when he would trust someone instinctively, the only people he trusted now where his bandmates.

Howie had been at Nick's side constantly since the blonde had found out about the bet. Nick knew he wouldn't have reached the point where he didn't automatically cry at the mention of JC without Howie's support. Nick was beginning to realise that Howie felt something for him, something that went beyond your normal friendship. The only problem was that he didn't know if he returned Howie's feelings and if he didn't how could he explain that without completely breaking Howie's heart.

"Nick? You okay?" Howie asked looking at the younger man.

Nick answered with a sigh, "I'm fine. I just want to get away for a while."

"Okay, we can go to Texas, no one would ever think of looking for us there." Howie said thinking quickly.

Nick said seriously, "Actually, I want to go alone. I have a lot to think about."

Howie looked disappointed for a minute before saying, "If that's what you want. Just call every day?"

Nodding his assent Nick waved goodbye to Howie. Sprawling out on the sofa Nick turned on MTV, seeing JC he was about to turn it off but JC's words caught his attention. ******* JC looked straight at the camera as he said, "I'm gay. Three months ago I met this amazing guy. He discovered that I was lying about something very important and has refused to have any contact with me."

"So you're here to appeal to this mystery guy?" Carson said seriously.

JC nodded saying, "Yeah. I'm sorry, Nick! I was an idiot but I want to be with you. I was too proud and stubborn to admit it. Please talk to me! If you want I'll leave a message with your family, and give you time to think things through."

"Did I just hear that?!" Nick shouted in his hotel room, his voice echoing in the large room.

Picking up his phone Nick dialled JC's number pleased that Paul, his bodyguard had put it into the memory of the phone.

"Sorry!" JC said to Carson as he looked down at his phone to see the number. He was going to switch it off when he saw Nick's number.

"I've got to take this." JC said as he answered the phone saying, "I'm so happy to hear from you!"

Nick said scornfully, "You do realise I don't believe you, right?"

JC said quickly, "I know. Just listen to me. You can hang up anytime."

"That's not something I'm going to forget. Why have you just come out on national TV?" Nick said making himself comfortable.

JC said honestly, "For you. This way you can see I'm serious. I've been trying to contact you for months. I was told you don't want to speak to me."

"I don't, JC. You fucking used me!" Nick shouted angrily, his voice clearly audible in the studio.

"I didn't use you...okay I did. But I really want to be with you, even if you don't believe me." JC said ignoring the gasp the statement caused. The audience were unable to believe the man who had always been portrayed as sensitive and caring had knowingly used someone who loved him.

Nick shrugged, "If you're willing to out yourself, you're serious, for now. If you can find me, I'll listen to you but that's it. The game starts now."

"Okay." JC said seconds before Nick ended the call.

"Was that the man you were waiting to speak to?" Carson said making the camera switch to him.

"Yeah. He's willing to listen to me." JC said with a grin.

"We wish you every luck." Carson said signalling that the interview was at an end. ******* When JC got to the hotel it was to the news that Kevin Richardson was waiting for him. JC groaned the last time he had spoken to him, Kevin had mentioned having a couple of friends in the military who would get rid of JC if the man went near Nick.

"What do you want Kevin?" JC asked wearily as he got off the elevator to find the man waiting.

"I want to talk to you. I told you to keep away from Nick and you didn't listen. There are plenty of people who would do anything to have a chance with him, a chance you ruined by betraying him."

"People like who?" JC asked suspiciously, was Kevin warning him off so he could have Nick.

Thinking of Howie's love for Nick Kevin smirked, "Just know that when you fail this task, and you will fail, Nick won't even think about you. There's a great man already waiting for him."

"If this man's so great why isn't he with Nick?" JC asked angrily.

Kevin said honestly, "Because unlike you, he isn't the kind of man who would take advantage of someone. He knows Nick is hurting and is willing to wait until Nick is ready for a relationship."

Lance walked into the room, not bothering to knock. He looked at JC in shock when saw Kevin, what was the man doing in JC's room? Kevin left with a nod at Lance.

Lance laughed, "When I said do something amazing, I didn't mean out yourself in front of billions of people. Foolishness aside, it was a great show. What did Nick say?"

"He doesn't believe me. If I manage to find him, then he'll listen." JC said sadly.

Lance said wryly, "Do you at least know what country he's in?"

"No but it doesn't matter. I'm going to find him." JC said quickly packing a case. He wanted to be ready as soon as possible ******* Nick smiled as he looked around the small town, it had been a spare of the moment idea to give JC that task but this way the man would leave him alone. He didn't think JC would find him now. No one would ever think of looking for Nick Carter in a small town in Texas. Especially so far away from the ocean, everyone always associated him with sailing. Nick Carter the popstar had disappeared. He was now a normal person.

He had dyed his hair brown and was wearing a pair of square steel rimmed glasses. His clothes now consisted of black t-shirts and ripped jeans. He constantly carried around backpack, which contained a sketchpad and pencils, charcoal and oil paints. He looked like the typical student and that's what people assumed he was. He didn't bother to correct them.

He walked to the small apartment he had rented and switched on the radio. The walls of the apartment were decorated in red with silver and black dragons stencilled on. He hadn't forgotten his responsibilities and spent about three hours a day practicing the dance routines for the upcoming tour. ******* JC got out of his rental car with a sigh, he had been all over the country chasing leads which only ended in dead ends. This was the last place he could think of, if he didn't find Nick here he had no chance.

He walked down the street to a small general store and asked for direction thanking the woman with a grin. With a happy grin he got in his car and drove to what he hoped was Nick's place. The description he had been given of Nick didn't fit but he couldn't think of anywhere else to go.

He knocked on the old looking front door with a heavy heart, now that he found Nick what could he say? Sorry wasn't nearly enough. He had betrayed the one person he should have always protected. He was sure Nick would probably just listen for a few seconds before kicking him out and getting a restraining order.

Nick said emotionlessly, "Oh its you. I guess you had better come in."

JC said seriously, "Thanks. Look I wrote a song to explain how I feel. Can you just listen to it? If you still want nothing to do with me afterwards fine."

"So sing." Nick said standing opposite JC with his arms crossed against his chest, his body language making it clear that he didn't want JC near him.

JC started singing putting his heart into the words desperate for Nick to believe him,

"I know you don't believe me when I say I love you, I can't go a minute without think of you, I'll spend forever trying to atone for hurting you, I was just too afraid of letting you in.

Now I'm more afraid of spending live without you, Can you find it in your heart to forgive me? Will you accept my promise of a forever love? I want to spend forever proving how much I love you.

I denied I felt love when you said you loved me, I couldn't accept that someone like you could love me. You are pure and innocent, Where I am tarnished and jaded. I can never be worthy of you.

I will love you for a thousand lifetimes, I promise to be at your side forever, I'll never lie to you again, I'll be true to you for eternity.

I'd give everything to feel your kiss, I'll protect you from the world, I just want to hold you in my arms, I love you and need you.

I denied I felt love when you said you loved me, I couldn't accept that someone like you could love me. You are amazing and pure, Where I am tarnished and jaded. I can never be worthy of you."

Nick grinned, "Nice song but it doesn't change anything. You hurt me."

"I know and I'm sorry." JC said honestly looking at Nick hopefully.

Nick said holding the front door open, "Just go. I'll let you know what I have decided."

JC walked out the door giving up any chance of Nick forgiving him. He could understand why, he had betrayed Nick in the worst possible way. He walked to where he had parked his car and drove back to Orlando, knowing he had lost any chance with Nick. Nick would probably hook up with the man Kevin had told him about. ******* JC was morosely sitting at the latest stupid award shows thinking that awards didn't matter. Who really cared if they were more popular than the Backstreet Boys? From the way his friends were acting you'd think it was the most important thing in the world. He had spied the Backstreet Boys arriving and had noticed Nick wasn't with them. Nick hadn't been seen for the last two months, something everyone was speculating about with the most popular belief being that he was in rehab somewhere.

"The award for the Best Pop Group goes to the Backstreet Boys!" Garth Brooks said with a smile at the camera.

Everyone looked over at the group expectantly but Backstreet were just sitting in their chairs not going towards the stage.

There was a moment of confusion before Garth Brooks said, "Everyone might be wondering why the Backstreet Boys aren't collecting their award. That's because someone is here to collect the award on their behalf. I present to you, Nick Carter!"

Nick walked out from backstage with a grin on his face. He was wearing a red silk shirt with the sleeves cut up to his shoulders and a pair of leather pants that looked like they were painted on.

Nick grinned at the audience as he said, "Despite all the rumours to the contrary, I haven't been in rehab. I've been taking a little break to think about things. I would like to ask JC to come up here for a moment."

JC just looked at the stage in confusion; why was Nick asking him to go on stage? Did he want to hurt him publicly the way that JC had done to him? He was determined to stay where he was but Lance pushed him out of his chair and towards the stage. Seeing he had no other choice, JC walked up onto the stage and was shocked when Nick hugged him.

"The last couple of months have been strange haven't they Josh?" Nick said seriously with a gleam in his eyes.

"Yeah they have." JC said confused as to where Nick was going with this, he couldn't help but grin when he heard Nick call him Josh.

Nick smiled reassuringly, "I'm here to tell Josh that I forgive him and that I'm willing to take him back."

"You mean it?" JC asked hopefully looking Nick in the eyes.

"Yeah." Nick said with a smirk.

JC pulled Nick into a passionate kiss causing cheers from the shocked audience. In the Backstreet Boys section Howie couldn't help but feel sad that he had lost any chance of Nick returning his love but at the same time he was happy knowing Nick was happy. That wasn't to say the Backstreet Boys were going to forgive JC, the Nsync member would have to do a lot to convince them that he was good enough for Nick.

The End

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