At the Playground

By George U

Published on Nov 11, 2008



The story has been written for entertainment purposes for consenting adults only. It contains escapades of male on male sex. If you are not of legal age or if you consider this type of writing to be morally offensive, then do not read the following story. It is your own responsibility to adhere to these terms. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:

I want to thank TJ JB for the idea behind this story. He told me he wanted to be strung up on a set of monkey bars and be used. Also, he gave me the gate idea.

Sam had called me earlier in the week to set up a "play date" for the weekend. He said that he had an idea and a location for some outdoor sex that involved more than just me and himself. I said that I had nothing to do on Saturday afternoon and agreed that Sam would pick me up in front of my apartment building. I should be dressed in just socks and shoes, running shorts and a t-shirt. I didn't need anything else. OH, and have my ass cleaned out good.

Sam pulled up shortly after lunch. I was rather ancy to get this show on the road so to speak. I hadn't had a good fuck for a couple of weeks now. It had only been me and my hand. My cock was semi hard and had been drooling all morning. I had cleaned myself out in the shower as ordered.

I climbed up in Sam's big pickup truck. We rumbled away from the curb. I asked where we were going. Sam said that the construction company he worked for was remodeling an old grade school into apartments and there was some playground equipment still out back. He wanted to string me up on the monkey bars. My cock gave a lurch at the mention of being tied up. One of my favorite things to do.

After about a 20 minute drive, we arrived at a secluded construction site. It was off the main road quite a ways. I could see that the school must have been an amazing building when it was still being kept up. Sam told me that it had been abandoned for many years before someone grabbed it for a song from the county. It was being turned into some higher end apartments. High ceilings, big windows. They were turning the old gym into a parking garage.

We got out and Sam hefted a large duffel bag from the truck box. We walked around back. There, in the trees was an old playground. The sand had been raked clean and the playground equipment had been washed. Sam said that they were going to leave the playground equipment there as a marketing tool for families who might rent the apartments.

First Sam stopped my by a gate. I remember these as a kid. It looks something like a garden gate, but at the bottom is a ledge for you to stand on and there is a bar across the top of the gate to hang onto. It was about waist high. Sam told me to strip, but I could leave my shoes on. He then told me to get on the gate and lean over it. He brought out a towel to pad the top of the gate. He then took some rope and tied my hands to my ankles through the bars in the gate. I was trapped now with my ass in the air. Suddenly I heard a whoosh and WHACK. He smacked me with a wood paddle. He yelped. The gate moved a bit. Then swung back on its spring. You see, there is a torsion spring inside that you "wind" up by pushing against it. I used to be able to get it all the way around once and then we would let it swing back.

Sam whacked me again. The gate moved a bit farther this time. Then it swung back. Sam laughed. Said he would need to swing harder. I heard him grunt and whoosh and WHACK. I really yelped this time. SHIT that hurt! Now the gate swung almost half way. Sam would wind up like a batter and swat my ass. Then he would push once the paddle had connected to my ass cheeks to force the gate farther around.

Sam got a rhythm going. When I would swing back, Sam would have the paddle already in mid swing and SWAT! Suddenly I would stop. So the momentum of the gate and the swing of his paddle was intensified. Again and again. My ass was on fire now. Finally, he just let me swing back and forth until I stopped. Never did manage to get all the way around. I was breathing heavily by now. He then untied me.

Now Sam pointed me to the Monkey Bars. The inverted U shape was about 6 feet high. Made of metal pipes welded together. I remembered playing on these as a kid. They don't have them in the playgrounds very much anymore. I think some sort of liability issue.

Sam then took some more rope out of the bag and proceeded to tie my hands individually to a couple of the rungs of the ladder above my head. I could still grab the rungs for which I was glad. I would be able to hang on better. Then he kicked my legs apart and tied a rope to each ankle. He then tied them off to the upright portions of the monkey bars. He pulled the ropes tight so that my legs were spread apart.

Sam came up to me and started to caress my cock. Which sprang to life. Sam asked if this is what I wanted to do. And of course, I was thinking with the head that was in his hands and I said yes.

I saw Sam take a tube of lube and squirt some on his fingers. Sam's then pushed his fingers at my ass hole. He was working his fingers into me. They were covered with lube. He worked at my ass for a bit until I was trying to fuck myself on his fingers. Sam said that I was now ready.

I heard the zipper go down on his jeans and felt him stand behind me. He pushed his cock head against my ass lips and lubed it up. Then with a strong shove, pushed into me to the hilt in one thrust. I grunted out. Sam was about my size, 6 and a half inches, but he was thick! It felt so good. Sam grabbed my nips to hang onto and started to pound my ass. I felt his rough jeans against my ass with each thrust. It didn't take him long and he was grunting, then his cock swelled and I felt it shoot his cum into me.

Sam pulled out and said that I was now ready. I asked if he could finish me off too. I could feel his cum dribbling out of my ass and running down my legs and I wanted mine to shoot too. Sam said that I would get to cum later.

Sam rummaged in the bag and came out with a ball gag. He inserted it in my mouth. Then I saw him rummage again and he pulled out a spandex mask. He pulled it over my head. It wasn't the usual mask he used though as this one I couldn't see through. I heard him in the bag again and then I smelled what I thought was Magic Marker. Huh? Then I felt Sam write something on my chest. What the. . .?

Sam said that now I was ready for my afternoon fun. He said that he had arranged for a couple of our usual fuck buddies to "find" me here all trussed up. Sam said that he had written on my chest the words "Use Me Please". Our buddies sure would do that!

I then heard Sam walk away and I heard his truck start up. It had a distinctive sound as it was a diesel. I heard the truck rumble away and I was now alone.

Moments later I could hear voices. Boy, that was quick. Where were they hiding? As they got closer, Voice #1 said that he was right. I was naked! Voice #2 said he couldn't believe that the other guy just left me here tied up like this. What was he thinking? #1 said that he had won the bet and he said his payment would be a blowjob. #2 said when they got back he would take care of him. #1 said that he wanted it right here and now. And I heard a zipper go down. #2 said out here in the open? #1 said that he had won the bet fair and square and he wanted his payment now. Get busy. I heard a groan and then some slurping. Voice #1 said to wait, that he wanted to make this even better. I heard him dropping his jeans and then I heard the tube of lube being opened.

I felt a rough hand on my cock and then the cool lube being smeared all over. The hand brought me to full mast again. Then I felt the hand guiding it and I felt my head touch his asshole. I tried to push as best and I could and #1 pushed back and suddenly I was in!

He pushed himself to the hilt. Then held himself steady and told #2 to get busy again. Soon, he was gyrating around my cock. Not really fucking it, but grinding it around and around. This must have been too much for him as I heard him shout to swallow it all and I felt his ass clench down on my cock.

Soon he pulled away and my cock bobbed in the cool air. #2 said it this was so hot. He needed relief himself. I felt someone behind me and then a lubed cock at my hole. He shoved in with one hard thrust. He immediately started to pound my ass. He grabbed my hips to keep me from bouncing all over. I couldn't really keep my balance, as there was nothing for me to push against.

He must have been close as within maybe 10 pumps, I felt his cum start to shoot in me. He shouted he was cumming. As soon as he was done, he pulled out. Now more cum was running down my legs.

#1 came over and I heard them kissing. #1 said that he found this butt plug over there with the lube and some other items. Let's shove it up his ass to keep him open for the next "user". With that, he shoved the plug into my loose hole. At least I was getting serviced back there even if I didn't get to cum this time either.

I heard them adjusting their clothing and #1 patted my butt and said thanks and I heard them walk away.

I was slowly getting myself back together after that encounter when I heard a vehicle pull up out front. Then a couple of voices I recognized as they came around the building. Ted and Tom.

Ted said here I was just as Sam's text said I would be. Tom came up to me and grabbed my cock. He turned to Ted and said, it says on his chest to please use me, but don't let me cum.

Don't let me cum?! Please, I need to cum already! And you aren't going to let me?

Ted said he wanted my ass first as it will be too loose if Tom goes first. Yeah, Tom has a bat for a dick between his legs. Sometimes I wonder if he would pass out when it gets hard with all the blood going to "that" head!

I hear Ted unzip and then lube up his cock. He says to Tom that I already have a plug in my ass. Sam just said to plug it when we were done.

Ted played a little with the plug, in and out, shoving it deep until I was moaning. Then he yanked it out and put his cock head at my hole. My ass lips were spasoming and Ted said that I was hot to trot. And with that he pushed the head in. I groaned and squirmed some more. Ted laughed and said that he would get to fucking me in his own time. Just be patient.

He slowly pushed himself into me. Ted was about 7 inches, and he knew how to use it. Slowly he pulled out to the head and then back again. A nice slow rhythm. Tom moved up front to me and started playing with my nips. He said that it was to take my mind off my cock so it wouldn't shoot. They had instructions. I was starting to moan from the nip workout when suddenly Tom put a clamp on my left nip. I shouted out into the gag. It must be the alligator clip! Then he did the other one! SHIT! I could barely breathe the pain was so bad. Usually Sam works up to these. Tom was right, there went my urge to cum!

Ted by now was grunting with each thrust. And Tom was putting the clips on and off my nips in time to his thrusts. Suddenly, Ted jams himself deep into me and holds me there. I feel his cock swell and he shoots several volleys into my ass. When he is done, he sort of falls away from me and out pops his cock.

Tom says it is his turn at my hole. Tom is about 11 inches of wonderful cock. Thick too. I know it isn't that big, but I swear it is the size of my wrist. I have had him only twice before. I hear him slapping lube on his cock and then I feel him at my back door. He slowly pushes the head of his cock against my lips. He is relentless. He keeps pushing. I am thankful he doesn't lunge, but is taking his time. I feel my ass lips stretch inwards. Then suddenly he is in!

He works himself in a bit and then pulls back. Then in a bit farther. He grabs my hips because when he pushes in, my body moves with the monster and he can't get it in deeper. This goes on for some time and then I feel him against my ass cheeks. Then Tom starts to pull out. I feel my ass lips glued to his cock. Feels like he is turning me inside out. I move back with him. Then he shoves forward. He pumps maybe twice more and then asks Ted to get that long leather lace and bring it over.

Ted asks what is it for? Tom says to tie one end around my balls. So I feel Ted's hands pulling my balls roughly and then winds the lace around them. Tom then says to pass it under my crotch and come behind us. Tom shoves himself as deep as he can get into me. Then he tells Ted to pull the lace tight, bringing my balls back. Then tie the lace to his right thigh.

I feel my balls pull and go under my crotch. Then they pull tight. What on Earth?

Then Tom tells me to hang on. And he pulls out of my ass. Now I get it! As he pulls out, the lace tied to his thigh drags my balls back even more! Tom always was a little more rough with his sex. And Tom just doesn't pull back a little. I swear he pulls all the way to his head! Then back. OMG! That is about 11 inches worth of travel! Oh my balls!

Tom starts to speed up. My balls get yanked back. My ass lips go in and out. If it weren't for the pain of the ball tugging, I would be shooting for sure! Tom tells Ted to go around front and put those clamps back on my nips. ARRGGHH! This is too much! Tears are forming in my eyes. Tom is bucking into me. My balls are being yanked off! They are going to be to my knees when he is done with me! I am hanging onto the rungs for dear life. Thankfully I still have my socks on or my ankles would be rubbed raw from the ropes. Tom grabs around front and takes the nip clamps in his hands. He mauls them as he bucks into me. For some reason, even tho the pain is great, my cock is still rock hard!

Then Tom grunts for me to "take it" and shoves himself deep into me and I feel his cum flowing into me. Some starts to spurt out of my lips there is so much up in me now.

Slowly, I feel Tom relaxing. He tells Ted to untie my balls. Oh relief! Then he slowly pulls out. "POP". My ass is so empty. Ted finds the plug and places it back in me. My hole is so loose that it really just sort of glides in now. They take the nip clamps off me. The pain is almost worse as they remove the clamps as when they put them on. They are so tender now.

I hear them cleaning themselves up and getting dressed. Tom comes over and tells me that I was a great fuck today. They are going to have to thank Sam for this experience. Then I hear them walk off and their vehicle drive away.

My cock is still throbbing, bobbing in the air. I have such blue balls. I want to cum so badly. I sort of buck my hips into the air, hoping to get some type of relief. But there isn't any friction in the air. SIGH

I know it couldn't be all that long of a time, but it seemed like forever. What with me being strung up there like that. My arms and legs were tired. My nips were still on fire and my balls were aching for release. My cock had deflated. My ass was sore. So I was no longer horny. Then I heard Sam's truck pull up.

Soon I heard him humming as he got closer. When he got up close, he let out a snort. He said he could see my red nips from there. As he got closer, he noticed that my balls were red and there was a raw deep red line around the sack. He said that Tom must have had me.

He took off the hood and I was sort of blinded at first. Then he took the gag out of my mouth. I worked my jaw around to loosen it up. Licked my lips. He untied my legs first. I shuffled around, trying to work the kinks out of my back. Then he undid my hands. I could barely stand. Sam helped me over to a bench and I sat down. I moaned when I got settled as I had forgotten the plug in my ass. Sam handed me my shorts and shirt and told me to get dressed as he put the toys away.

I said again that I hadn't cum yet and Sam said that I could jack off when I get home. I then asked him who the first two guys were and Sam turned to me with a puzzled look. He said that only Ted and Tom were here. What was I talking about?

I explained about the first two that had "used me". Sam laughed and said that I got a free "extra" then this afternoon. They were probably guys who have been camping out in the apartments and had seen us from the windows up on the third floor. Sam asked if I had enjoyed them and I could only smile.

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