At the Cabin

By Chip ster

Published on Jul 15, 2003


The following story is not intended for minors. If you are not of legal age or sexually explicit material is not allowed in your locality, do NOT read further. This story contains descriptions of sexual activities between two consenting males of legal age.

This is a follow up to a series of stories I contributed over 4 years ago. I'm not a professional writer by any means but I hope I'm able to put into words the ideas and images in my head. What I've written is based on people and places I know though names of course have been changed to protect the satisfied, um, I mean innocent, well, not so much innocent as . . . well, just read it and let me know what you think. Feel free to send your comments to Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading . . .

"Man, things have seemed strained between you two for like a year. Yeah, a year. It was this year last time you had that fight at Mike's place."

"Wow, you're right. That's when it started."

"You've haven't fucked her since then?"

"Nope. We had sex about a week after that. The baby was born about 3 months ago. She says she's not interested any more."

"Damn, how about oral? She at least suck you off?"

"Hell, no. Not even a hand job. I went down on her a few times but she never returned anything."

"Shit, what the hell? I'd go nuts."

"Tell me about it! I do everything she says. Her damn chore list gets done. I surprise her with dinner or finishing some extra shit around the house. I even beg and she's still holding a grudge from that fight."

"Glad I'm not married. It must suck to be trapped like that. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that . . . "

"No. No, that's OK. It's just frustrating. I won't just walk away. I'll keep trying to work things out but I'm getting to the end of my rope. She's just not giving in. And what really pisses me off is if she finds out I've been jerking off, she goes ballistic . . ."

"You can't even jerk it? What the fuck? I know you guys are married but she can't tell you what to do with your body . . . "

"Well, sort of she can . . . I take care of myself, work out, run, to keep fit so I'm around for her and the kid. My body is her concern as far as being loyal. I would never fuck another woman and risk catching something, y'know?"

"Well, yeah, I'll give you that. But to hold this grudge, not put out at all, and then get pissed 'cuz you jerk off? No way."

"Trust me, it doesn't stop me. My nuts would have exploded by now."

"No shit."

"But damn, I miss someone else playing with my pecker."

"Ha! That's funny to hear you say that."

"Yeah, it is. But damn I miss it. You want to jerk me off? I'll give you 5 bucks!"

"You wish! I'm at least 10 bucks worth!"

"Hey, you've let other guys suck you off. Have you ever, you know returned the favor?"

"Um, well, . . . sort of, not often really . . . "

"Dude! You are bright fucking red! That's hysterical!"

"Man, you caught me off guard! This is about your sex life, not mine."

"Do you even mess around with guys yet?"

"Yeah. I still get head, you know, when there isn't anything else around."

"Damn. Lucky bastard. I'm getting a chubby just thinking about a blow job."

"Poor guy. Maybe you should get a dog . . .and some peanut butter!"

"Man, fuck you. You never answered my question . . . Have you ever returned the favor to another guy?"

Images of Allen's younger brother went through my head. Was he trying to bait me or was he really just curious? I wasn't sure if I was nervous because I started to feel guilty for the secret I never shared or if it was because I was just uncomfortable talking about my Bi side with him. It had been at this cabin over four years ago that I gave my first blowjob - to his younger brother. I had messed around with Jim for a few years until he met Dave. They're still together today and going strong. After that, Jim would introduce me to a few of his friends here and there so I could play. I have reciprocated on occasion but the thought of admitting that to Allen was a big thing for me.

I took a deep breath. I could feel my face burning.

"Uh, yeah, I have returned the favor on occasion."

"Really? You've sucked cock? No fucking way!"

"It's not like I'm a professional cocksucker! I've been with guys and there have been a few cool ones that I didn't mind returning the favor. . ."

"Shit, man! That's fucked up! You do a lot of guys?"

"No, not really . . ."

"You just hook up and blow them back?" Allen said cutting me off again.

"Fuck, no, it's not like that! There have been a few guys I saw long term . . ."

"You mean like a boyfriend?" Al said cutting me off for a third time.

"Shit no! More like a fuck buddy . . ."

"A fuck buddy?"

"Yeah, you know . . . just someone you hook up with exclusively so you can play, you know, safe . . ."

"Oh. Shit. Well, that's cool. You don't want to be catching anything."

"Well, yeah. Exactly."

There was an uncomfortable pause. I had no idea where the conversation was going. Allen didn't seem totally freaked but something was definitely going through his mind. I didn't know what to say next.

Allen finally spoke, "Did you like it?"

"You mean doing another guy?"

"Well, yeah. Did you really get off on sucking another guy's cock?"

I looked at Allen for a moment without saying anything. I thought about his question and in my mind I knew right away that it did turn me on but I wanted to articulate the words to try to express what it was about it that really got me off.

"It's about control, I guess. And yeah, sex . . ."

Allen smirked. His eyes were glued to me. I couldn't see exactly what his hand was doing on the other side of the counter but I knew he was adjusting a hard on in his pants.

"I don't know why exactly but having a guy's most prized possession in my hands is a turn on. I got him by the balls, literally. It's just weird. It's sex. Listening to anyone moan and pant would get you going."

I wasn't sure where I was going with my words so I just stopped. I hadn't looked Allen in the eyes while trying to explain it.

"You gay?" Allen asked.

"Dude, no. I guess I'm Bi. When I think of a long term relationship I picture myself with a woman. I think about having kids. I think about fucking her and plowing her pussy and it feels right. But when my nuts haven't been drained and the only one around is another guy, let the sex begin. I'm cool with it."

Allen pursed his lips and then started to bite his lower lip. He nodded his head to nothing in particular.

"That's cool, man. You don't act gay or anything."

"Well, thanks, I think."

"Would you ever do anyone you knew? You know, guys specifically."

Images of Jim started to pop up in my head again. I didn't know how to respond. I decided to let him steer the conversation and see where it went.

"Well, would you?" he asked again.

"Um, well, maybe. I guess it all goes back to being safe and everything. If you couldn't trust a friend that said they were clean who could you?"

"True . . ."

"It's no different than having sex with a friend that happens to be a girl. It could change everything or it could just be a ton of fun on the side. It depends on the two people you're talking about."

Allen blurted out, "Would you suck my dick?"

I froze. I stopped breathing. I wasn't sure I heard what I heard. Was he serious?

"Well, would you? Hypothetically speaking."

"Um, I don't know," I said quietly.

Who was I fucking kidding, I would but this just totally took me of guard. I took a deep breath. I don't know what it was exactly but I had an epiphany of sorts. I suddenly felt more comfortable and began talking as if I were on autopilot.

"Allen, if one thing led to another, if this came up for real, my first response would probably be 'no' out of respect for you and the promise you made to your wife that she would be the only one. I wouldn't want you doing anything you would regret. When you're fucking horny, your dick has a mind of its own. It's all about the pleasure. Your common sense goes fucking AWOL just so you can drop that load. I wouldn't want you to fuck up your marriage or have to keep this secret from her. Who knows what would happen if it slipped accidentally at the wrong time and place. It could get ugly."

"You mean uglier?" Allen interjected.

"I know things have been rough for you this past year but you need to think rationally."

"Man, I have. I want to get off. And I want to do it with someone else. I've thought about having this conversation with you for a long time but never knew how to initiate it. I thought . . ." Allen paused.

"Thought what?"

"I thought it would someone how not be as bad a thing if it were with you. It would just seem not as bad as if I found another woman to fuck."

Allen's words were sincere. The look on his face was a mixture of emotions. He was frustrated, horny, in a daze . . .

"You seriously would want me to suck you off?"

"Yeah. I would. Man, I just need the release, bad."

"I'll tell you what. Go in the bathroom and jerk off . . ."

"What?" Allen said. He was genuinely confused.

"Go in the bathroom and jerk off. Get the hormones out of your system. Go dump a load and then ask me again. Is it your dick talking or do you really need to be with someone else to some how make it better for you?"

Allen looked directly at me. Our eyes locked for what seemed like hours. We didn't say anything.

He broke the silence by standing up. He dropped his gaze away from me and looked at his crotch. I reflexively followed his eyes and saw his cock straining under his jeans. When I looked up again he was already looking at me with a slight grimace. Goddam he was good looking.

He walked around the counter, behind me, and down the hall into the bathroom. The light from the bathroom spilled into the hall way. He left the door open. I could hear his zipper being pulled down followed by the shuffling of denim as he pushed his jeans down. It was quiet for a few moments and then I heard him spit. The sound of skin sloshing in wetness was next. He spit again. I could hear his hand pumping his cock. He started to breath heavy. A slight moan escaped from his lips. More spit.

Fuck! I thought to myself. He's really doing it! Holy fucking shit. Allen is in there fucking jerking his rod. He was totally serious about me sucking him off and he took my advice and went into the bathroom to jerk his fucking cock to see if it was the hormones or him talking.

I was hard as a rock. My cock was straining in my jeans. My mind was spinning. The repercussions of this night were overwhelming. Just the fact that we got as far as we did will change things. I wanted to do the right thing but I wasn't sure what it was. I wanted so badly to be a good friend and keep him on the straight and narrow. But now my hormones started to take over. I wanted to do him. At that moment I realized I needed to take my own advice and jerk off to clear my head.

I spun around on the bar stool I had been sitting on. I unzipped my pants and in a second I was sitting bare assed on the stool with my jeans around my ankles. I couldn't take it.

"Oh shit, yeah! I cumming! Oh fuck . . . !"

The sound of Allen's voice put me over the edge. I shot my load after stroking my cock for less than 10 seconds. The first shot went flying through the air and almost hit the back of the couch. I leaned back against the counter and grabbed the bar stool with my free hand to keep from falling off.

"FUCK, yeah!"

Hearing Allen cum was turning me on. The third ribbon of cum flew out of my pulsing cock twice as far as the first couple did. This one hung on the back of the couch across from me. I shot again and again.

"Damn." I could hear Allen talking to himself in the bathroom.

I sat on the stool panting. I had cum on my hands, in my jeans, all over the floor and on the back of the couch.

I could hear the toilet paper roll being spun.

I snapped out of my post orgasmic bliss and started to panic. I could feel my face burning a hundred shades of red. I needed to clean up fucking fast.

The toilet flushed.

I whipped off my open flannel shirt and wiped my hands and the inside of my jeans.

Allen pulled up his zipper.

I pulled up my jeans and buttoned them. I never got the zipper up and I dropped to my knees and hurriedly wiped the floor and the back of the couch. I froze. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Allen standing outside of the bathroom door. I didn't know what to do. I was busted. He knew exactly what I was doing.

"Shit man! Your shirt is soaked. You must have dumped a huge load!" he said. "I know I pumped out at least a gallon."

I stood up with my cum soaked shirt in my hand. I couldn't help but laugh. Allen started laughing with me and before we knew it we were roaring while we made fun of each other and what just happened. This was cool. Things felt OK.

We calmed down and still stood facing each other.

Again, it was Allen that broke the silence by speaking first, "Danny, I still want you to suck me off."

To be continued . . .

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