At the Cabin

By Chip ster

Published on Jun 14, 1999


The following story is not intended for minors. If you are not of legal age or sexually explicit material is not allowed in your locality, do NOT read further. This story contains descriptions of sexual activities between two consenting males of legal age. It is mostly fiction ;-) Do not copy or distribute this document in part or in whole without expressed consent of the author - that would be me.

Thanks to all who responded to my first story. The responses were overwhelming! I appreciate the feedback from everyone though I didn't have the time to reply back to every e-mail. My writing style tends to be straight forward rather than poetic and many of you seemed to enjoy it. I hope the personality of these accounts remains close to the first one. Feel free to send your comments again. Enjoy...



I could hear the muffled flush of a toilet from the downstairs bathroom. Not the hottest way to start a story but that's how my morning started. The ceiling above me came into focus in the morning light as sleep crept from my head. I couldn't have been asleep for more than four, maybe five hours. I was alone in Jim's cot. He was no where to be seen in the loft so I assumed it was him down there.

I could feel the sheets directly against my ass and it hit me that I wasn't wearing anything - well, almost. My sweat shorts were twisted around my left ankle. Jim had never taken them completely off the night before and they eventually made their way to a knotted heap on one of my legs during the short night. As I reached under the blanket to untangle the shorts and pull them up to where they belong, the events from the previous night started to play in my head - me teasing Jim, Jim stripping, him going down on me and then finally falling asleep after a mind numbing fuck. And his hair. I remembered the smell of Jim's hair.

The sound of his footsteps coming up the stairs to the loft snapped me out of my flashback. I didn't know what to do next. Pretend to be sleeping? Say good morning and not acknowledge anything that happened? Ask him for another blow job? Goddam I'm a pig sometimes. I took a deep breath and exhaled and waited for him to reach the loft. When I moved my jaw I could feel some of Jim's dried cum on my cheek. He finally made it to the top of the stairs as I began working at the dried up juices on my face.



A slight pause. It felt awkward to me but Jim seemed with it. He had slipped on his red sweats again. My dick twitched.

"I just cleaned myself up. You should go downstairs before Mike and Al get up."

"No kidding," I said with a smirk.

"Wow. I spooged all over you big time. It's all over your chest and stomach too," Jim said as he sat on the edge of the cot. "Sorry about that," he said unconvincingly.

I looked down at my chest and sure enough, tangled in my sparse chest hairs were dried up remnants of Jim's gushing orgasm from the night before.

"And you said I cum a lot. Look at this mess, man." At that I lightly kicked him with my leg as he sat next to me.

He reached his hand to my chest and lightly fingered one of the spots. He began to rub harder as he assisted me with peeling off the dried cum. I took my hand from my face and rested both arms on my thighs and just watched Jim's hand. I was still at a loss for words. I felt uncomfortable yet with what had happened and wasn't sure how to proceed. I felt guilty for knocking up my best friend's little brother. I wasn't sure what to make of myself after having had sex with another man.

"Dude, I can get that," and I brushed his hand aside with my own and began to rub and pick at my chest where he left off. One minute I could look him in the face and the next I didn't want him near me.

We sat quietly for a moment until Jim finally broke the silence.

"Danny, uh, please don't tell anyone about this, especially Al."

"I wasn't planning on it, Jim."

He looked at me apprehensively. I think I had said that line just a little too cynically.

"I mean...," I started apologetically.

"He doesn't know I'm bi," Jim said cutting me off and then just sat there. His faced twisted and dropped from my gaze. Something was definitely not right. He started to stand up and I grabbed his arm and kept him next to me. How could I let those big brown eyes get away from me?

"Jim, sure. What happened was no one's business but our own. You OK?"

He took a deep breath and seemed to calculate his next words.

"I've never actually come out and said that to anyone."

"What? That you're bi?"


"Uh, Jim, I can't help but think you've done this before," I blurted out trying to sound as un-sarcastic as possible. "What I mean is, you sure as hell knew what you were doing. You have been with other guys haven't you?"

"Yeah, but it's always been wham, bam, thank you Sam. I've done it with other guys and then don't see them again for weeks maybe months. Now I'm sitting here and have to face someone I've known most of my life and admit that I like guys. Oh, man, not only have I known you forever I slept with you too. And you're always around. All the sudden someone who's close to my family knows. I don't know. I don't what I'm thinking."

"Jim, don't worry about it. We messed around. We both got off good. I'm cool with it. I was here last night, too. You think I don't feel awkward about anything?"

He looked at me and smiled. At that moment we both were realizing we weren't alone. It seems he had been as tied up in himself this morning as I was. The unspoken tension that was in the air just moments before began to lift.

"So you're cool with it?"

"Yeah. I am." And I meant it. I had an epiphany. I liked sex with guys and the thought of it didn't repulse me. "Wow. I mean, really, I'm OK with everything that happened last night."

"Cool." He paused for a moment. "It was pretty good."

"Yeah it was. And don't worry, Jim, what happened is between you and me. It's no one else's business."


"You faggots up yet!!" Al's voice bellowed from below.

Jim and I both just about creamed the bed right where we sat. No - he didn't know anything. He was just being his usual vulgar self. Amazing what guilt does to you.

I barked back to him, "Go the fuck to bed and wake us up later!"

"It's 11:00 already," his tone softened. He was just screwing around again. "Mike left about a half hour ago to get some stuff for breakfast. He should back any sec."

"Holy shit! Are you serious? It's 11:00?"

"Yep it is. You gonna come down here so the whole fucking mountain doesn't hear our conversation?"

"Bite me, piss boy," I said lovingly. "Be down in a minute."

"I got the shower," he yelled up. "I'll try to leave you some hot water. Hey, could you dig out some frying pans when you come down?"

"No prob."


At that, we could hear Al go into the bathroom and start a shower.

I turned my attention to Jim as I stood up. "Think they heard us talking?"

"I doubt it. Mike obviously isn't here and Al was in the front bedroom."

We looked at each other and laughed. What a mental roller coaster the morning had been.

"Shit, man, you're still covered in cum."

"Crap! I better just throw a shirt on and get into the bath room when he's finished."

"Let me help you with some of it."

Jim walked closer to me and put his hands on my head. He licked my cheek and then sucked off his saliva and the dried cum. "Good as new."

"You fucker," I managed to stammer out as I laughed. "I don't believe you did that."

"I'm full of surprises."

"Oh yeah? So am I!" I don't know what came over me. I put my hand behind Jim's head and pushed him towards my mouth. We locked for a moment in a deep, wet kiss. Our lips slid apart and we stood there just looking at each other.

The door to the great room below opened and Mike stepped through, his arms piled high with groceries.

"You guys up yet?"

"S'up, Mike?" I called down to him. "Need a hand?"

"Yeah, please."

Jim and I went to help him as if nothing had happened between us. We all ate. I eventually got my shower. The afternoon was spent hiking and quickly gave way to evening. Another night in the loft with Jim was rapidly approaching and I couldn't get my mind off being with him again. I hope he was feeling the same way.


A feeling of deja vu settled in as the four of us sat around the fire. Just 24 hours previous Mike, Allen, Jim and I had been sitting here in the wee hours of yesterday morning. A long day of hiking and horsing around was behind us. The past few hours were spent bullshitting and talking about life in general as the last of the night's alcohol was consumed. Sleep seemed to be on everyone's mind now.

Mike was the first to hit the sack. He stirred up the fire a bit to make sure it was burning down and then shuffled off to the bathroom. As if almost on cue when the toilet flushed, Al raised his hands high above his head to stretch his tired muscles and then stood up and followed Mike's lead. As Mike came out of the bathroom, Al went in.

"G'night, you guys."

"Good night, Mike," Jim and I said in unison.

"You guys gonna be up for awhile?"

"I don't know. Probably a few more minutes," I said.

"Not much longer," Jim said after me.

"Before the last man is down, check the flue and dump the ashes, would ya?"

"No problem," I assured him.

"Thanks, man." Mike tuned around and headed down the short hallway to one of the downstairs bedrooms.

The bathroom door opened and Al charged out and immediately pinned Mike to the wall.

"Oh, you fuck!" Mike yelped while trying to get a grip on Al's head.

"I owed you that for pissing on my boots today!"

Mike broke down in laughter as he recalled doing that earlier while hiking. Al's attack had sent them both tumbling to the floor.

"I thought you were an outhouse," Mike howled - not an ounce of honesty in his voice.

Jim and I were both laughing our asses off as well. Al got off of Mike and offered him a hand. Mike was still laughing as he stood up. We could hear Al smacking the back of Mike's head all the way down the hall. The two exchanged a few words and a quick "good night." The bedroom doors both closed and latched shut.

Jim and I sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Your brother is a trip."

"Yeah, he is."

"He's probably the only person I've known longer than anyone in my family. Damn he was ugly in first grade!"

"He still is," Jim added with a smirk.

"He's so ugly, he didn't get beat with an ugly stick, he got lost in the forest!"

We both started laughing again at Al's expense.

Jim continued, "He's so ugly, bigfoot takes pictures of him!"

I pushed on, "He's so ugly that when he was born, your mama said 'what a treasure' and your dad said 'yeah, let's bury it!' "

"Oh my God, he'd kick our ass if he heard us," Jim managed to gasp out between laughs.

"Yeah he would," I replied, barely catching my breath. "Seriously, Allen is a good guy. If he was really that ugly there's no way he'd have bedded half the girls he has."

"No shit."

"Good looks run in your family. How many girls have you slept with?" I asked Jim.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Two. Three. You?"

It took me a second but I quickly did a quick count of the girls I had slept with over the years. I've had a handful of long term relationships, a few month long rides, and my share of one nighters.

"Twelve or thirteen." I said nodding my head to no one in particular.

"Shit, you got me beat."

"How many guys have you slept with?"

Jim bit his lower lip and raised his eyebrows. After a moment he replied, "I dunno. Maybe twenty?"



"Twenty?" I repeated in a softer voice.

"Yeah, well, that includes blow jobs and just jacking off too. I only really had sex with three or four guys."

"Goddam." I was totally amazed. I would have never pegged Jim to be bi or gay. He was as good looking as his brother Al and always had a new woman hanging off his arm, just like his older brother. I guess that's where they stayed though - hanging on his arm. Al's girls usually ended up - well, you get the idea.

"What about AIDS and stuff?"

"You're just as susceptible to that shit sleeping with a girl, you know."

"Man, I guess. Twenty?" I repeated again in amazement. "You slut!"

Jim looked at me and chuckled. He slid off the chair and sat next to me on the floor in front of the smoldering cinders, his legs stretching out towards the fireplace.

"Last night sure as hell didn't seem like it was your first time, that's for sure."

"Well, it wasn't. It was my first time with an Italian stud though." With those words, Jim laid his hand on my thigh and started massaging my muscles through the fabric of my jeans.

I took in a slow, deep breath and let it out just as slowly. All the while, Jim was still massaging my thigh and getting closer and closer to my crotch. My dick responded to Jim's touch and begin to swell. As if it knew where to go, my rod began to creep down my leg towards Jim's hand. Within a few moments, he was kneading my semi hard shaft through my jeans.

I leaned my head back against the couch and closed my eyes. A flurry of mixed emotions was stirring in my brain. But the hormones were winning. Being with Jim felt good and I was going to go with the flow of the moment. By the time I resolved to let myself go, my hand had already found its way to Jim's hair and I was softly massaging the nape of his neck.

Jim's breath was on my cheek. I opened my eyes and he was right there. Instinctively, I followed his lead and leaned forward to meet his lips with mine. This wasn't like the quick, hard kisses from the night before. This one was steady. I could feel the stubble of our chins rubbing against each other. He was warm. He felt so rugged and full of aggression as we pressed our lips together harder and harder for what seemed like hours.

I finally broke our kiss and sat up. My cock was hard as rock and was straining so badly in my jeans, it was almost painful. Whether or not Jim and I were actually going to do something, I had to let my cock free before it snapped in half. By the time I pulled my zipper all the way down, Jim had my button undone. He leaned forward and started to kiss me again as he slipped a hand into my underwear and pulled my cock out.

After another lip locked moment, he turned his attention to my crotch where he was stilling holding my throbbing member in his hand. The head was stretching out above my underwear. He rubbed some of the precum into my knob by swirling his thumb around it. He licked the head a few times and then popped it into his mouth as he pushed my jeans and underwear down to my knees. This gave him access to my balls and he began to fondle them as he took more of my cock into his mouth. I held his head with my hands. My hands bobbed up and down with the motion of his head as he worked on my cock, sliding his lips up and down the length of my shaft.

I could suddenly feel the cool air on my saliva soaked rod. Jim had pulled off and sat up.

"Do me."

I looked at him for what seemed like minutes, weighing the consequences of his request.

"Jim, I don't know if I can..."

"You don't have to blow me. Take it out and stroke it."

I turned towards him and eyed his crotch. His cock was straining for relief as well. I slowly positioned my hands over his crotch and reached for the top button on his 501s. I held the fabric in my hands and gave a quick jerk, and again, and again until I had peeled open the front of his jeans. I hooked my thumbs in the elastic of his underwear and froze. My heart was pounding so hard, I could sense my vision almost fading in and out with each heartbeat. I could see the top of his pubic hairs as I slowly pulled his underwear and jeans down. He lifted up off the floor a bit and in one quick motion, his pants were around his knees and his cock was standing straight up from his crotch, gently pulsing up and down in rhythm to his heartbeat.

I sat still for another moment, again contemplating what each moment was bringing. My hand moved towards his crotch again and wrapped around his hardened shaft. I was amazed how warm his cock was. It was hard and soft at the same time. A dribble of precum bubbled out of his piss slit and just sat on top of his shiny purple head. I've held my own cock a thousand times while jacking off but this felt completely different.

I began to stroke him. Not once in the last few moments did I make eye contact with him. I was completely focused on his cock. It was not as long as mine but it was as thick, making it look even sturdier than my own tool.

My motions were firm and deliberate. I became bolder and tightened my grip. I pushed my fist into his crotch, pulling the skin on his shaft tight and shiny. I released it a bit and did it again. His balls dangled and bobbed in rhythm to my stroking. Precum started to ooze off his head into my grip. I rubbed it into his shaft as I picked the pace up even more.

"There you go. That feels great, Dan."

His words stopped me. I was so focused on stroking the meat in front of me, I had almost forgotten there was a person attached to the cock. I quickly glanced at his face. That cute face. The big brown eyes. Those pouty lips that so graciously serviced my cock. I suddenly felt I needed to try harder to make Jim feel half as good as he had been making me feel.

In a split second I bent over and dove on his cock. I took him by surprise as I wrapped my lips around my first cock. I was surprised too by how wide I had to open my jaw. Cocks don't look that wide! I held the head in my mouth. I could taste the saltiness of skin. I could feel some of his precum on my lips. I could feel his cock softly throbbing on the roof of my mouth. I could feel my dick dripping so badly I thought I was pissing.

I continued to hold his cock head in my mouth and slowly started stroking him again. A moan escaped his lips as he held my head. I was the cocksucker and he was getting the blow job. How many times have I been on the receiving end and never dreamed I would be the one with my head in a guy's crotch someday.

"Wrap your lips around your teeth."

I obeyed and began to slide up and down on his cock a little while still stroking.

"Oh fuck yeah! That's it man! Suck a little harder."

I was milking more precum out of him, suctioning his cock more and more. I couldn't bring myself to swallow it and was letting torrents of my saliva and his precum dribble out of my mouth and down his shaft. My hands and lips were soon gliding effortlessly up and down his shaft, though I still wasn't taking him too deeply down my throat yet.

With a slurp and a pop, I released his cock from my mouth and took a deep breath. I remembered thinking at the time cocksucking is hard work!

Jim pushed me back against the couch.

"That was great, Dan. You deserve a good fuck."

With that he stood up and completely removed his pants and underwear. He knelt back down in front of me and went to work on my throbbing dick again. More spitting and pulling and yanking at my balls. It wasn't long before his saliva and my precum were once again dripping past my balls and trickling into my ass crack.

He motioned me to lay down in front of the couch and positioned himself above me. In a second he was once again on top of me aiming my cock at his asshole. That hot, tight ass of his swallowed my cock again in no time and he rode me like there was no tomorrow. Up and down, harder and faster. But this time I reached for his crotch and started to stroke him as he bounced up and down in my crotch.

His cock swelled in my hand and suddenly stiffened harder than ever. A ribbon of cum sprayed out of his cock and landed from my chin over the top of my head. Another one stretched from my shoulder across my neck. I wasn't quite sure where the rest of it was landing at that point because I became preoccupied with thrusting my own turgid rod up his ass. I unloaded my nut butter deep into his tight ass. My thrusting became mechanical and involuntary. I couldn't control my bucking hips as I flooded Jim's bowels with my juices. I don't even remember if I managed to hold onto his cock and finished stroking him off.

I felt like I had just sprinted 10 miles, non-stop at my fasted pace. My stomach was heaving in and out and I couldn't catch my breath. Jim once again collapsed on me, drenched in sweat. His soft brown bangs were wet and plastered to his forehead and he was breathing just as hard as I was. We laid there, rocking back and forth as we heaved our stomachs in and out trying to breath steadily.

"Fucking A!" I finally managed to pant.

Jim buried his face in my shirt. I could feel him shaking and soon realized he was chuckling.

"What the fuck?" I asked, a grin slowly starting to uncurl in my lips.

"I don't know!?" He started laughing harder.

His laugh was contagious. I started too.

"Holy cripe! That was fucking incredible. Damn, Danny. This is too fucking cool."

It all somehow felt comfortable. As I did the night before, I reached up and cradled his head as he lay on top of me. We stayed like that for what seemed like hours.

"Jim, we have to clean ourselves up."

He wiggled his ass and my cock popped out. He sat straight up on my crotch and looked down at me.

"This is one habit I don't mind not breaking."

"I think I could get used to it, too."

The toilet flushed. I sat up so quickly I almost sent Jim into a complete backwards somersault. Jim scrambled behind him for his jeans and started to pull them on. I did the same and stood up next to him.

"Shit, man! You have cum all over your face!"

Jim slipped off his flannel shirt and stood there in his open jeans and a T-shirt. He balled his flannel up and handed it to me.

I just managed to wipe my face off when Mike came out of the bathroom. He stood in the hall completely naked.

"I thought you guys were in bed. I wondered why the lights were on yet."

Jim and I stood there. We didn't know what to do.

"Hello? You guys OK?"

"Uh, yeah. Jim and I were sitting on the floor yet."

"Oh. No wonder I didn't see you."

Jim piped in, "Nice cock, Mike."

Mike looked perplexed for a second and then looked down as if he had forgotten he had nothing on. He looked back up at us and said, "Thanks." With that he turned back towards the hall and went into his bedroom.

"Shit. That was fucking close. What the hell was that about?"

"No shit. I don't know."

To this day, I have no idea why Mike was bare-assed in the bathroom. I've seen him naked before but that was totally out of character for him. I couldn't help but think he and Al might have been messing around together, too. Who knows? Jim and I spent many more nights together. He eventually came out and now dates men exclusively. He's the only guy I've ever been with. Though we still go at it time and again, it's only when we're both not in a relationship at the time. He's offered to fix me up with some of his friends when I'm between girlfriends and he's involved, but it's not the same. To this day, I can think of the smell of his hair and get an instant hard on. Go figure.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Next: Chapter 3

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