At My Doctors Service

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Nov 4, 2023


At my doctor's service Part 5 by Chaim

The last lines of part 4:

"Now we're ready. The right tools are there for use, Jona."

an he ordered me,

"Get on the examination table for the final phase of your examination. "

I had seen the equipment he was talking about when I first walked in today. The examination table had been different, it had two additions at either end. At the head end, which was raised at an angle, there was an extension with two wrist restraints attached to it. At the foot a wooden scaffold had been attached to the legs of the table, horizontally several feet above the end. Two leather rings hung on chains from this scaffold. It looked very impressive to me and but I had no idea who they would use it.

The doctor moved in and his voice was low and soft behind me,

"Jona will restrain you at both ends. The scaffold will force your smooth legs wide to stay apart, allowing us maximum access to your little boy cheeks, your tiny boy pussy and prostate gland. Your wrists will be bound, making you unable to resist your treatment. You will be totally master Jona's mercy.

You understand, boy?"

The doctor waited a long moment,

"Yes Sir."

He patted me gently on my ass.

"Good boy. Assume the position."

I got on the table and turned onto my back. Master Jona raised each of my arms above my head and snapped the restraints into place, then lifted my shaved legs and passed them through the leather rings. When he was done he stepped back, regarding me silently. I noticed that he was semi hard between his legs

"Some of or boys ask to be hooded, blindfolded, or gagged. Since you are a first-time patient, I will omit those steps."

For the first time a slight leer crossed his face.

"My guess is you'll want to see what's going on."

I lay bound, spread-eagled, my genitals and asshole exposed and vulnerable. I licked my dry lips and nodded.

"Yes, master Jona."

My penis was hard as a rock on my belly. It felt as if it had been that way the whole time. Jona's gaze grew intense as the doctor said to him,

"The boy is all yours. You are going to enjoy this examination, Jona, I'm sure you know how to treat him."


Part 5


Master Jona smiled and pulled up a chair and drew a small table toward him as he sat down. On it was a pair of rubber gloves, a tube of K-Y jelly, and a collection of what I recognized as dildos and butt plugs. Master Jona snapped on the gloves and squeezed a glob of lubricant onto the fingertips of his right hand. I peered down, watching his hand as it approached my tight boy hole. I felt his fingers tickle the opening. He pressed at my sphincter.


he ordered, and a moment later I grunted as his fingers pushed in. He rotated his hand to the left and right. An involuntary,


escaped my lips as he found my prostate gland and began to palpate it vigorously.

"Looks very healthy,"

My doctor said and master Jona said,

"Yes Sir, it's firm, the boy's gland bit enlarged, congested maybe. He have been aroused quite a bit."

My doctor grinned at his young master.

"You're telling me, he is hot for you."

the doctor chuckled, between my gasps of pleasure.

"I'm going to test the muscle tone of your anal sphincter by inserting progressively larger instruments. If you really feel you can't take it, tell me."

I hoped for the best and was worried by his kind understanding and I replied,

"Yes, master Jona,"

nervously eyeing some of the toys he had on his tray. I hoped he wouldn't get to the biggest one, which was huge. There was no warning the first dildo just came to my ass and master Jona pushed it straight at my trembling sphincter. I jumped forward

slightly, only to be slapped by the doctor, to calm me down.

"Take it, slut boy."

I immediately tried to accommodate the slowly advancing dildo, trying to relax my ass muscles to allow the tip access to my bowels. Soon the tip popped past my straining ring and headed deeper into my guts, causing an involuntary moan to escape from my lips. The dildos expanded in girth in distinct steps, every time I got used to a black rubber cock sliding in, the next stretched me further.

It went on for what seemed like forever. Helpless in my restraints, I shouted and groaned with mingled pleasure and pain countless times as master Jona lubed up dildo after dildo. He pushed them into my tight asshole, gently but without mercy.

My ass hole was really straining, bringing tears to my eyes and groans to my lips, even though it was beginning to become obviously painful, my penis as always twitched and strained in pleasure. The doctor ordered me to hold on to the dildo with my sphincter and not let it escape to show master Jona the diameter of my opened sphincter.

the next one popped in with some effort but the next took real determination and concentration to relax. At this point, the next caused me some panic, my ass was already spread far wider than it had been ever before. Master Jona clearly intended to sink deeply all the way to the base of the dildo. I began softly sobbing at the pain but tried obediently to accept the taller black dildo, but my wide stretched sphincter was sending a shooting pain through my guts.

After this deep insertion master Jona would move the dildo back and forth, fucking me with it. After some movements master Jona ordered me,

"Move your hips and fuck yourself on the toy, slut boy."

I had to violate my own ass this way and groaned in pain as I obeyed him. I was gasping for breath in short bursts because of the pain, but my panting only served to enflame master Jona, causing his teen cock to get hard. Master Jona gave my penis a few strokes each time I moved my hips to get the dildo deeper is my wide stretched ass, but never enough to push me over the edge. I groaned and begged him,

"Please master Jona, let me cum!"

I couldn't cum, no matter how much I pleaded and begged. He showed me his power and said,

"No, not now, you don't deserve that yet,"

I felt turned down but I had to believe that he knew better than me. I was his boy now and he could decide for me. The instruments, as he kept calling them, got thicker and longer. My eyes bugged out at the sight of the last one, a huge black latex dildo.

"Please, no. I can't,"

I pleaded.

"Oh, I think you can,"

he purred.

"Your sphincter is nice and relaxed now, after all these preliminary insertions."

I looked at my doctor and begged him,

"No, please, doctor, don't let him do that."

For the first time I was really scared.

"That thing will tear me apart. Please don't make him do that."

The doctor considered this, at least I thought so and looked at me.

"You wanted a physical, you get one."

Master Jona smiled at My doctor and said to him,

"Yes Sir, I'm happy you've chosen me to help out with him,"

as he started greasing up the dildo with the lubricant. Master Jona ran a bit of lubricant around and into my trembling sphincter. My doctor took hold of my smooth balls, making a fist around my stretched sac. Master Jona positioned the huge dildo above my boy hole. Master Jona placed the head of the dildo against my sphincter and pressed. My asshole resisted. He pressed harder, but still I wasn't relaxed enough to let the huge dildo inside. My doctor tightened his grip on my ball sac, and placed his thumb over one of my balls. My doctor started pulling upward, stretching my sac. At the same time he pressed hard with his thumb. I gasped in pain, but suddenly the head of the huge dildo worked its way in.

"Good boy!"

My doctor continued tugging on my balls and master Jona was pressing the dildo downward. By now there were some inches of the huge dildo tightly held in my ass, so he let go of it. Master Jona made a fist, and started pounding on the base of the dildo, forcing it deeper into my ass. At the same time My doctor kept the pressure on my trapped ball. When there were only a couple of inches of dildo left sticking out of my ass, master Jona stopped pounding, and stood there admiring his work. My doctor did not let go of my sac though but he praised his young assistant,

"Well done Jona, you are a real master to this bitch! Please continue, the boy needs it."

Master Jona took hold of the plug, and started easing it upward and outward. When only an inch or two remained inside, he started pressing downward again, forcing the dildo back in. As he pushed, My doctor pulled upward on

my ball sac. Again master Jona stopped, then slowly withdrew the dildo. Again he forced it back in, while My doctor was pulling upward on my sac.

I groaned and felt my orgasm building. Master Jona sensed this and ordered,

"It's not your time yet."

In and out, in and out when the dildo, first slowly, then faster as my sphincter relaxed. The doctor said to master Jona,

"I felt some tension in the boy's ball sac, even as I stretch it."

I gasped,

"Please, sir. Stop, sir. I'm getting close, real close."

Master Jona stopped suddenly. The dildo was most of the way out. He slowly pushed downward, pressing it deep into my bowels. This time he pressed until the base was almost flush with my skin, leaving just the bigger part at the bottom, just enough to put it out. At the same time the doctor let got of my abused boy balls.

"You can get relaxed now for a moment,"

My doctor said and I frowned in frustration. Master Jona reached for my ass. He slapped my ass for several times, hard blows, without mercy. Master Jona got into a steady rhythm, the blows on my ass were pushing my hips up. My penis was rock hard and dripping and master Jona looked down at my belly and saw my pre-cum spraying around.

I groaned knew I was getting close, my balls were tightening, I was close, so close!

I panted and Lifted my head up, I looked down at my hard throbbing penis. My penis glared back at me as it throbbed without being touched. The piss slit, slightly open, was like an eye that stared right into air.

"I'm so fucking horny, doctor. Please do something. My hard-on is killing me,"

I groaned, laying my head back on the examination table.

"You can't cum yet, you are in my hands now."

I groaned an hopeless,

"Yes sir."

Master Jona smiled to me,

"Good boy, that's what I want from you. Your total submission to me."

Shamelessly, master Jona grabbed my own erect teen cock. Stroking it, the doctor said,

"It have been hard for you, boy. Master Jona can get pleasure from seeing you on the edge again and again. Yeah, he will keep yoy on the edge till you beg for mercy."

Fondling my sweaty boy chest, master Jona gave me a sly yet horny grin.

"You're so horny. And you do want to cum, right?"

master Jona said, teasing my left nipple with his fingers. Using his thumb and index finger, he played with my hard nipple.

"Yeah, I love your nipples, boy. They're so pinkish, so sexy, and so hard. Does it feel good if I rub them with my fingers?"

He used his other hand to tweak my right nipple.

"Yeah, groan for me. Let me hear that sensual moan, I like that."

Desperately I fought my orgasm, I wanted to please master Jona, I wanted to serve him, but the need to cum swept through my body.

"Fuck! Stop it please! Oh, you're only making me hornier. Oh, please, stop!"

I whimpered, squirming helplessly on the examination table. Tweaking my sore nipples again, master Jona said,

"I like hearing you moan like a bitch in heat when I am tweaking your nipples."

Repeatedly, I was bucking hard against the restraint. My muscles, especially my biceps and pectorals, flexed to their limitd as I desperately tried to avoid master Jona's fingers.

"Don't play with my nipples! They're too sensitive, please. Shit!"

However, master Jona ignored my pleas. He continued to finger my nipples. My body became more sensitive to the touch.

"Ah, fuck! Doc, let Jona leave my nipples alone!"

I yelled at My doctor, struggling to free himself from the handcuffs. But the more I struggled, the hornier master Jona became. After a few minutes of violent struggle, finally I lost all my energy. I begged him,

"Please, don't rub my nipples,"

I sobbed, flinching weakly.

"I really need to cum. I must release my load. I can't take it anymore."

Squirming helplessly, I tried in vain to free my hands from the cuffs.

"Oh master! Stroke my cock. Make me cum, please."

But to my disappointment, they decided not to do anything and they just watched my struggled with amused faces. Master Jona stood to my side and played with my nipples. The doctor took over tweaking my nipples, and I leaned back, nearly broken. With his mouth near my ear, master Jona's voice was full of lust as he asked,

"Can we penetrate you?"

Everything in the world seemed to stop for a moment. My mind raced, but no matter where it went, it was all going toward me saying one word.

"Yes, master,"

I said breathless, while his fingers danced on my nipples. At last I gave a loud shout,

"Oh fuck!"

I lay there gasping, trying to catch my breath from my near-orgasm, trying to ease the pain between my legs. My doctor picked up a small towel, and took a tight grip on the dildo which still protruded. their treatment had not dislodged it, nor driven it deeper into my bowels and my sphincter was unwilling to give up its treasure until master Jona smacked me hard, right on my bright-red ass. The pain made me gasp, and my muscles loosed. With an audible sound the dildo slid out of my stretched ass hole. Master Jona set the dildo aside and poured a generous handful of lube onto my ass, his fingers slid along my crack, and soon reached my now-empty hole. Master Jona easily slid first one, then a second finger into my boy hole. He wriggled them around, then pushed deeper, searching for that magical spot deep inside me. He worked on it for a couple of minutes, watching as I wriggled and thrust backward onto his fingers. I knew better than to come without permission. The doctor showed me the much taller dildo, it was huge and I begged him,

"Please Sir, don't do that to me!"

My doctor smiled,

"Well, there is only one alternative. I don't usually offer this to my boys, but you're so damn hot for Jona..."

I realized what he wanted and suddenly master Jona said,

"Sir, I can't believe you haven't busted his cherry yet."

I nodded vigorously and the doctor smiled.

"Yes. Take me. Fuck me, doctor."

They locked eyes and smiled.

"As you wish, but master Jona will pick your cherry, after all, he trained your little ass hole."

Master Jona's long cock jutted from his shaved crotch, its darker head moist with pre-cum.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna fuck your little ass, bitch boy. You want my cock, right? You're gonna have it,"

he breathed, his muscled chest expanding.


I yelped when the doctor brushed my sensitive nipple.

"Obey him all the way, like you obey me, boy."

The doctor used one hand to make sure that master Joan's cock stayed hard and was ready for my ass. Looking down, I saw master Jona looked down, and the doctor laughed,

"You need to unleash your load, or else you might suffer from blue balls, so fuck your little bitch. Enjoy yourself show him you are his master."

Master Jona looked at me and said,

"Fuck, look at you!

I can't hold it anymore. I have to fuck you now,"

he moaned, squeezing the head of his rock hard teen cock. A slimy drop of pre-cum oozed out from the piss slit. Master Jona was ready to fuck me, smiling he moved toward me and got position between my spread smooth boy legs.

"Ready or not, here I come! Oh boy, you are such a fucking good little slave boy. I'm gonna breed you."

Master Jona took his teen cock in his hand and guided it to my boy hole, slick and tender from the abuse it had already taken.

"Entry shouldn't be difficult,"

the doctor said. Sure enough, one thrust of master Jona's hips and he was inside me. I grunted and tossed my head as he quickly buried himself up to the balls inside me. Master Jona looked into my eyes again and something happened. All the time I had let him embarrass and humiliate me. Master Jona had crossed all my boundaries, violated me in multiple ways. He had torn down my defenses, made me a willing slave. Now he was taking me in ultimate conquest. I became just a fuck hole for his all-conquering teen cock and lust. I wanted nothing more to be ravaged and used by him.

"You are mine to use,"

he whispered,

"I will use you all the way."

as he grasped my calves and began to thrust. My master Jona proved to be a skilled a fucker. He fucked me deep, then shallow, fast, then slow, occasionally grinding his hips in a circle, constantly keeping me guessing as to what he'd do next. In the midst of it all he bent downward and gave me a long, wet kiss, feeding my hungry mouth all that it wanted of his lips and tongue. He switched his attentions to my nipples. He twisted both my nipples hard, causing tears to come to my eyes. As I closed my eyes, trying to get rid of the tears, he got me thrashing and whimpering, straining futilely at the restraints binding my wrists.

I wanted so badly to throw my arms around him, press him to me, take my tortured penis in my hand and bring myself off. I couldn't do anything except lie there and take it. In the fading light of late afternoon master Jona took what he hadn't yet taken of my body. He took my soul in front of my Master, the doctor.

I could have stayed in this sweet hell for the rest of time, but all too soon it had to end. I could tell master Jona was getting close to blowing his teen load as he began to step up the pace of his thrusts for the last time. The teen's handsome face reddened as panting breaths emanated from between his clenched teeth.

"Ready to give me that sperm sample, boy?"

he asked. I had no words left. I nodded but looked scared at the doctor who simply said,

"Give it it to him."

Master Jona gave me one last encouraging grin and I tensed fearing more pain, but instead he began to stroke it. Bringing it to full attention, he jacked my penis, hard. As I passed the point of no return my eyes closed involuntarily. Whimpers from my throat turned into cries, then a prolonged roar of ecstasy as my body tried to jack-knife off the table. My orgasm climbed higher and higher, I was about to cum!

I was cumming!

My shooting orgasm racked my penis, my toes curled in ecstasy from the sensations of the orgasm racing down my leg muscles, my balls almost seemed to suck themselves back into my body, my head flew up just in time for the first blast of cum to hit my chin. A dozen more shot out of my spasming cock, splashing across my chest and stomach.

In the middle of it all I felt master Jona's teen cock drilling my hole.


I yelled as he rammed his teen cock even further. In and out he drove, harder and faster. Master Jona's cum filled balls bounced against my ass cheeks, his groin pounding into my smooth balls. The rhythm and something about the act itself kept me hard, the rhythmic thumping of his teen cock, in and out of my ass seemed to go on and on, I was almost hypnotized by the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of my hole. Suddenly, he arched his back, and I felt a warm sensation in my bowels. He was coming, coming in my ass!

Master Jona slamming against my crotch, hoarse shouts of triumph issuing from his throat as he reached his orgasm.

"Take my cum, boy!"

He groaned,

"Oh you, I own you, I've taken you, surrender now, you slave boy, I've had you and you are mine now, I'll have you again, you're mine."

I opened my eyes and surveyed the sticky mess starting to congeal on my heaving chest. I looked up. Master Jona's back was still arched, his face turned up to the ceiling, his eyes closed in ecstasy. He let himself go limp, body almost falling forward onto me as he drew air in great, ragged breaths.

Slowly he pulled his relaxing teen cock out of my hole and came beside me. Slowly, almost nonchalantly he put his index on my stomach in a puddle of my cum. He softly drew the puddle up, drawing on my chest with the sticky substance. He picked his finger up and scooped a big puddle of cum from my belly button, bringing it toward my face.

"Lick it clean, bitch."

he ordered. I had no choice but to try and swallow, to try and get the stuff off my tongue. Actually, it didn't taste that bad. Not like I'd expected, he didn't care, discomfort or not, that didn't keep him from wiping up all the cum on my body and making me eat it, finger by finger.

Master Jona reached now over my head and undid the wrist restraints. I grabbed his head without thinking and drew it to mine. We kissed tenderly, our mouths meeting over and over again as we slowly came back down to earth. I released him and fell back on the table, utterly spent. I felt him start to pull out of me and reluctantly let him go. He said,

"Stay there, you are my slave boy now. Just relax."

I closed my eyes. The doctor changed places with him. I was pushed on my back over the examination table. My head fell on the doctor's lap. My head was turned by the doctor. Face-to-face with My doctor's hard cock. He pushed the huge mushroom head between my lips.

"Suck my cock boy. Yeah, work your hot mouth all over that cock. Don't worry boy, I won't choke you. Just suck on that cock head. Fuck boy! Work that piss-slit with your tongue."

While I tried to service his meat stuffed between my lips, I was very aware of what master Jona was doing. He lifted my smooth legs up, and back, bending them at the knees. I groaned around My doctor's cock as I felt master Jona blow on my totally exposed asshole.

"Look at that tight pink slit, his gut is full of my cum. Looks good enough to eat, I think."

With that master Jona passed his tongue up and down my ass-crack. Lapping at my twitching boy hole. Master Jona roughly worked his tongue at my asshole. Making me freak as I let my Master's cock fall from my lips.

"Oh hell! No, please! What are you doing!? My asshole! Stop!"

Master Jona slapped my ass hard, he was very strong for a young teen.

"Sir, let's move the boy around here. Can't let him move around like this."

They roughly grabbed me, this time I was thrown on my stomach over the examination table. The doctor sat, my face was at his crotch. Seconds later, my mouth was again stuffed with his man cock. My legs were on both sides of the examination table. My ass cheeks were soon spread, and again master Jona's tongue made its way to my quivering boy hole. This time, there was no escaping. My loud moans echoed in My doctor's practice as master Jona slurped on filled my boy hole.

"You loving that now, ain't you boy. Your boy-pussy getting eaten. Moan around my cock, fucker. Worship it!"

Sensation around my ass driving me wild. There was no escape. Jona's tongue was relentless. Forcing my hole to spread open for him to lick. My spit all over my Master's cock as it filled my mouth. He pulled it out to make me lick his tight balls. I lapped at those smooth balls. Completely submissive as my hole was lapped at, like a pussy. For minutes on end, I moaned around that cock in my mouth. Totally enjoying this new feeling of that slippery tongue inside my asshole. Suddenly I realized that master Jona was checking my filled ass and maybe sucking it empty. Licked his own cum out of my ass and enjoyed it.

"Oh yeah,"

My doctor moaned at the same time.

"I've turned your mouth into a tight little pussy. I'm fucking your face like master Jona fucked the boy pussy between your legs."

He commanded savagely,

"Suck my cock, bitch!"

My hand brushed against my own penis to find it hard and dripping. I grasped it in my hand, the tip just above my knuckle. I began jacking off as My doctor rammed my head on his cock. Suddenly, he stopped in midstroke and slapped my hand away.

"You are here to serve us, not yourself, slave boy."

It felt like his cock's head was expanding to fill my mouth. I felt the soft tube spasm and then spasm again. Suddenly the back of my mouth and throat were full of his cum.

"Eat it bitch boy. Eat my cum. Feel my seed take root in your body."

My doctor shoved his cock in further.

"If any of it escapes your mouth, master Jona will punish you. Master Jona strap you onto the table and punish your little boy nipples so awful that you're gonna beg for my seed."

I wanted to obey him, my Master, I wanted serve him, but still was a little frightened and I began to swallow his load.

"That's it. Swallow, lick the cum off my cock. I want you to suck."

I did.

"Suck the sperm out of my cock."

My stomach recoiled slightly. I was swallowing his load sliding down my throat into my stomach. I was held down by master Jona, as My doctor grabbed a butt plug. Sliding it up my well fucked boy hole.

"Don't want you losing all that hot juice from your pussy, boy."

I was turned on my back. Laying over the examination table, with my head on the couch. They sat on opposite ends of the couch, their feet soon covering my face from both sides.

"Bet you really want to unload that cream, don't you little fucker?"

"Yes Sir, please."

I didn't mind begging. My balls were aching. Master Jona reached down with a foot. Lifting my cock off my stomach with his toes. Nails scraping the swollen piss-slit.

"Too fucking bad, boy. Those little balls of yours gonna stay full of cream for some time!"

Both laughed. Hearing my horny moans, as I stuck my tongue out and licked the sole of the foot at my lips. Hours after both My doctor and master Jona had jizzed in my body, I was still laying on my back servicing them. They now owned me. for real. I felt owned, I really did and it is a humbling feeling to be owned by them. They have total and complete control over me in all ways. I longed for this control so long, I yearned for it. No they were gentle with me, at times, I was given a rest, to have some water. But majority of my time was spent, having their soles and, or toes, in my mouth, thinking about my new position as their slave boy. At some point, I heard master Jona tell My doctor that it was getting late. My doctor pushed me forward with one hand, while he reached between my legs and pulled out the dildo.

"I don't know about this,"

Master Jona said softly to My doctor. I looked at them and the doctor said,

"Don't worry slave boy, we will take care of you! Here, swallow this. Want you to stay excited for the next step."

Thanks for reading!


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