At My Doctors Service

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Oct 31, 2023


Part 4

The last lines of Part 3:

"Oh my God!"

I felt my glans explode and I ejaculated in his hand.

The doctor took his hand and immediately smeared it all over my face. I was shocked and relieved, I panted and still needed to recover from my intense orgasm as I tasted my own cum. It was humilating, but I painfully became aware of what was happing to me. I wanted to be humiliated, I wanted to be his boy. The doctor was my Master. I tried hard to get it straight, the doctor had punished and intimidated me, which made me weak and passive. He dominated me which made me obedient to him and my reaction was one of real pleasure!

The doktor looked at my cum covered face ans smiled,

"Take your time, bitch. You will recover soon and understand your surrender. You're young but already bright and handsome, I like that on a boy."

I slowly recovered and listened to his words,

"You have a nice tight boy butt, smooth shaved balls and penis. You did not bad for a second visit, boy. Get a shower and calm down, we are you really going to play with you. I have a lot planned for you."


Part 4


When I came back my doctor lay back in a leather chair, with his feet on the low examination table.

"Good boy, I am very happy with your progress. You pleased me. It is very important for you to please me. Nothing is more important in your life than pleasing me. It makes you feel a rush of pleasure when I tell you that you have pleased me."

I felt a rush of pleasure deep inside and my penis throbbed in excitement. I saw my doctor and he looked gorgeous and I admire his incredibly muscular frame. The doctor wass wearing a white tight t-shirt, black shorts that show off his sexy, muscular legs. There are chunky handcuffs dangling from his belt. He looked so powerful.

"Okay, boy,"

he says,

"Let's have a look at you."

I stood there was naked of course as he ordered,

"Get on all fours boy, like a good puppy dog!"

I did as ordered, eager to please him. There was no need to deny my lust in front of the doctor. The doctor suddenly put one of his feet on top of my head and he pressed me down. Keeping me in place, I couldn't move nor look aroand. I wondered why, until I felt a hand on my ass!

Someone spanked my ass a few times. A young voice said,

"Man, you were right. This boy is just addicted to your body. He has already a good body and a firm boy ass just made for a good spanking."

I felt his hands were on my ass. The doctor made me to bent over, my legs wide apart, and I could feel my balls hanging down as I stayed in that position. I waited for couple minutes but nothing happened and when I tried to turn to look back the doctor yelled at me,

"Keep your head down and don't move, boy."

I complied and the hand touched my ass again and I jumped up, the hand slapped my ass and the young voice said,

"Don't move or I will continue giving you more than planned,"

He smacked my left butt cheek, then my right butt cheek, and back and forth. He continued for some minutes not hard but stinging and I could feel each smack of his hands and in between hits he would rub each of my butt cheeks and I could feel him spread my cheeks apart so my crack was exposed and my asshole looking back at him!

"Wow, he has a little shaved boy hole and smooth balls."

My doctor laughed,

"I found him on Gay-chat, Jona, he was in need for a physical and he found the best doctor in town."

The youth, Jona, started again to slap my bare ass as I must have been in this position for at least 10 minutes. I groaned and had a red bottom I imagined but my cheeks were also stinging and my ass was sore and I just wanted this to end. It didn't! The youth noticed I had a hard on! My full inches were sticking out and my penis was throbbing! I did not know what to do or say so I didn't do anything. He laughed and slapped my penis and said,

"Oh doc, I see he likes this, maybe I should have done this long time ago,"

My penis was now at full mast! I couldn't believe it but my penis was actually throbbing and twitching!

"I see this gets you excited, boy,"

The youth who had been behind me grabbed a chair and scooted next to my doctor who said,

"It just his second visit, Jona. There is time enough for you to train and enjoy him. if he passes the tests and trials I can make him a house slave."

The doctor moved his feet from my face.

"Look at my assistent, boy"

I was able to see that the youth now. Though having never met, pictures of him were everywhere in the doctor's house. Jona was a teen like me, but somewhat older. I checked out his appearance, Jona's T=shirt clung perfectly to the teen's developed pecs, but still clung tight enough to his sides to reveal the athletic figure inside. Jona, I learned al ready that was his name, wore short, tight runner black shorts that showed off his mound, his muscular yet smooth thighs and legs called out to be worshipped. Jona stood and looked at me,

"The doctor told me about you. Lets introduce myself. I'm, Jona and his practice assistant. I provide the necessary clinical and clerical duties of the doctor. It feels good to have a little boy like you around, to admire me. The doctor trains and coaches me to become his perminent assistant and a good master for boys like you. Believe me you will be part of my training."

I was caught in thoughts about being the doctor's house slave when his voice brought me back to reality. I didn't know what to say,

"Sorry, but what did you say?"

I got a very hard slap across my face, I was knocked down to the floor, and for some reason I just pulled myself again and he pushed me in a kneeling position in front of him.

"You a boy, just a little gay boy. You better listen carefully when the doctor or I talk to you, understood?"

I looked at him, tears in my eyes,

"Yes, sorry, I didn't mean it."

Jona slapped me again with the back of his hand. I was crying now like a child. I felt like a little boy who was begging for acceptance from him. Jona looked at me and raise his open hand. I feared and expected another slap, but he just pat me gently on my already red burning face. It was the first time I felt get this kind of loving gesture him, it felt so sweet and tender. Strange enough I felt like I wanted to keep my face on his palm forever, the touch of his warm hand was like ecstasy. My face was burning like on fire and his palm was like a soothing medicine.

The doctor nodded at him and Jona said,

"Good, this was a little introduction to me. Now let's get started."

He made me to rise and I stood in the room naked and waited.

"I love to punish you, boy. so now I want you to put your hands behind your back, stay there and wait."

Jona pushed his T-shirt up and rubbed his abs and pecs and said,

"Tell me what awesome muscles I have, boy. Tell me that you want to serve me like your doctor, boy."

I obeyed his request willingly and told him so,

"You look awesome and of course I will serve you!"

He slapped my face,

"Try it again, boy."

Like a mindless zombie, I responded,

"Yes, uou look great and I will honored to serve you like the doctor,"

and as soon as I said it, I quickly realized how stupid I sounded. He was just a teen like me, somewhat older and in great shape, but he was still just a teen. Jona's smile got even bigger after I answerd him,

"Excellent, boy. So I'll train you, like the doctor. You such a little boy."

He said, smiling with a big smile and sounding like he was talking to a dog or baby. I can't fully describe how his words and voice made me feel, but it send tingles down my back. My head became numb as he was talking, and I felt tingles in my whole body. I loved the fact that Jona was happy with me. Jona smiled at me and said,

"You are nothing compaired to me, I will show you a real muscled teen body, boy."

Jona took his T-shirt off slowly. Really, Jona's body was to die for, muscular without being overly so. The teen's tanned chest and biceps looked awesome and his upper arms were strong and well defined, with his lower arms being sinewy and tanned. Jona had the perfect grope able chest with well defined shapely pecs, tanned, silky smooth and with big dark brown halos around his bullet hard nipples. Jona had a washboard stomach that was rippling as he powerfully and proud showed his body for me.

"Have a good look at me, feel how small and insignificant it makes you. Accept that you are nothing more than a little boy who needs a stern hand."

I understood what he wanted to say. I was impressed. I saw that only a hint of a happy trail of little soft hairs leading from his belly button into the waistband of his black Nike shorts. Jona had rock hard buns that were made to drive his impressive teen cock into a numble bottom boy like me. To top it off all, Jona had really sexy, tanned, muscular legs. Being a cock hungry pussy boy this macho teenager was everything I wanted. Despite my resistance, I gave up, I wanted to serve him and whispered,

"Wow, you look great."

Jona was obvious pleased with himself and he slid his hand inside the waistband of his black shorts. I was sure he was going for his cock, but he just adjusted himself before he simply dropped them and got naked. Naked he really looked awesome and his cock was semi hard and made me drooling. As if Jona wasn't hot enough, he had a great cock. I began to wonder what hope I would have of controlling myself if he chose me to serve his teen cock. Deep down I knew my answer, nothing, nothing at all. I would do anything I was told to get closer to his teen cock.

I was feeling a swelling in my own crotch, my penis was rising, and I had to look away from the hot teen to keep it in control.

Looking at us, the doctor, My Master, said,

"I was just telling Jona here that he has complete authority over you, and he can make you his little slave boy if he likes."

The doctor looked at me and I suddenly starting to worry about my position.

"I believe that you need Jona as a dominant male figure in your life, as much as he needs you as a follower and obedient friend in his training to become a good master, do you understand me?"

I hesitate a bit then I said,

"I do Sir, but..."

A stern look in his eyes made me stop.

"Jona can set some new rules here, and I will make sure you are gonna follow his rules. Don't worry, nothing's gonna change, I'm your doctor and Master, you will stay in my service but you will be his little boy to practice his skills and will be your Master aswell. Now get to Jona and obey him as a good bitch boy."

Jona sat on the chair now and spread his muscled legs, he had me lay across his naked lap. I laid down over his naked lap and my hard penis was laying against his inner thigh! My penis was hard and dripping! I could feel Jona's cock was getting hard too and I could feel it rise up against my belly!

He started in smacking my butt cheeks again and this time a bit harder than before. My ass was stinging and suddenly, Jona started slapping me so hard, using his muscular arm and hitting my butt cheeks on both sides with his strong hand back and forth. Soon I was in tears, the pain was unbearable but the humiliation was even worse, I didn't dare to cover my cheeks with my own hands, I knew better not to do that. Jona was strong and unstoppable.

He went on like this for few minutes, I couldn't count, then he stopped. I collapsed in pain and shame, and saw a smile of power on his face. I groaned,

"Oh please stop, Jona."

begged him. He just laughed and said,

"It is going to take more than this to satify me, I expect you will need to be spanked many times by me in the future and much more too by the doctor."

I had no idea of that last comment but he gave me some time to recover a bit. Jona wiped my tears from my face,

"You are such a baby."

and he continued spanking my bare cheeks and he would stop in between hits rub my cheeks and spread my ass crack apart and make comments on my nice puckered hole!

Jona was strong and confident and clearly superior to me. He ran his fingers into my crack and over my hole a few times in between hard smacks! My penis raged and dripped. Jona was fully hard and I could feel his teen cock up against my belly! Jona continued smacking my ass and now at times my inner thighs too. It was all painful, he suddenly stopped and told me,

"Get up!"

He had me stand. I did with his help and trembled all over.

"Okay slut boy, get on the examination table and bent over press your chest on it."

I did and walked to the examination table and pressed my torso on it,

"Spread those legs."

As I did I felt humiliated and exposed and the way this teen was calling me boy. He was just a teen like myself, it made things only worse and exciting. This way my ass was exposed my balls were hanging down and I was sure my crack and asshole were visible for him. I waited for a few minutes like this until he came back to me. Jona came to my rear end and said,

"Good, this is how I want you. I see your little penis still likes my attention too!"

Jona was right, my penis was hard in anticipation of what was coming! This time Jona did not smack my bare ass right away but he did feel my bare ass, my crack, went down my inner thighs and my shaved balls, and on to my lower back and then he stopped.

"I will train you as the slut I know you want to be, boy. I will make you little and humble again, my little slut boy begging for my powerful attention."

I said nothing just remained in position. The first few smacks were stinging but not that hard but they continued for a while and after a number of hits I started to squirm, Jona said,

"Stop moving slut boy, just take it."

but he stopped and I felt his hands and fingers massage my butt cheeks and he spread them apart and ran his fingers into my crack. Jona's fingers wnt over my puckered hole while he continued massaging my butt and inner thighs and balls. I felt for the first time his cock-head at my asshole! Jona's hands were both on my butt and forcing my crack wide and I could feel his big cock head at my entrance and he pushed it up and down my bare crack over and over. At times he stopped at my sphincter.

"I don't think you're ready yet but soon this cock is going to fuck your little pussy. I think you do want that, right?"

he asked. I shiverd and responded,

"Oh yes, I do and not sure why but I do want it."

Jona smiled and touched my face,

"You are not sure? You will be sure, trust me. I love to punish you if you are not sure. I will fuck that little ass of yours into submission and make you sure and happy about your destination. I will make sure you are gonna follow our rules, do you agree?"

And did I have any choice? Jona was a strong guy, with his hand on my face, can I say no? Thoughts were rolling in my mind, but wait I feel happy somehow being in that position, it is like something great is happening to me. I had been waiting for this.

"Yes I do,"

I say helplessly.

"So now I want you to put your hands behind your back, get on your knees and wait."

I do quickly obeyed him, without hesitation.

"Good boy, I knew that,"

I see a smile on Jona's face, and I feel kind of relief that he said something that made me very happy,

"Don't worry, leave the thinking to us, just follow our orders and instructions. Nothing's gonna change, you will stay here with the doctor, but you will be my little bitch boy from now on. You not allowed to move without permission, do you understand?"

Jona walked away and pulled his white socks off, sitting down on the examination table he brought his feet to my face.

"Put your lips on my feet, boy. Serve me like you served your Master."

I was still here kneeling in front of my superior and new young master. I looked at the doktor, who looked pleased with Jona's way of treating me.

"Don't be shy, boy,"

smirked my doctor as he shoved my face in Jona's soles.

"Oh boy,"

Jona said,

"we're just starting the fun. I've always wanted to have a real boy slave and I just think that you're the one that came on my path. I want you to take care of my feet."

The doctor looked at us,

"Jona enjoy him, I will get us some drinks."

The doctor laughed and he walked out of the room.

"Yeah, boy. Wanna see you make love to my feet, bitch boy. Kiss them! Lick them all over. C'mon boy, moan around those toes. Make love to them!"

Jona didn't stop his taunts even after the doctor came back with their drinks.

"C'mon fucker, the doctor wanna watch you, suck them!"

Groaning, I tried to oblige.

"Yes, master."

He laughed,

"That's the first time you named me master and I really like that, slut boy."

The teen's taunts making my penis enlarge to full thickness. I realized that my penis was leaking a lot of pre-cum while doing it.

"You're really like your new position at my feet, don't you?"

I can feel my piss-slit seeping pre-cum on the head of my penis. I am bobbing my head on one of Jona's toes, when the doctor made me rise. Laughing, he gropes at my rock-hard pecker and I groaned. He said to Jona,

"Jona, look what you did? Getting our boy all excited like that."

I could feel the heat off the doctor's cock as it rubbed on my red ass.

"Yeah, boy. I knew Joan's feet would get you wet, boy",

as the doctor made me lick my own pre-cum off his fingers. He moved away, my hard cock only let alone only for a second, before Jona wrapped his fingers around my shaft.

"The doctor told me about your little boy penis, boy. You penis is not worth to be called a cock, you will never fuck a real man pussy."

Jona smiled and I groaned as he purposely worked the soaked head of my penis, passing his fingers on my itchy piss-slit, he simply ignored my yelps!

"Oh yeah, Jona's fingers over your piss-slit are driving you crazy, ain't it boy?"

the doctor growled at me and he laughed.

"Oh fuck, yes Sir! Aaah man, my cock-head, please Sir!"

I was bouncing on my soles, but Jona held my penis in place. Holding it with one hand, while the other, his fingers tortured my piss-slit. My doctor looked down at my penis.

"Fuck the boy, just pissing his boy juice."

"Oh Yeah,"

answered Jona smirking,

"I know just how to get this boy leaking."

With thet he pushed me down,

"Lick your slimy goo off my feet, boy!"

The doctor pushed my head down. Forcing my lips to take Jona's toes in my mouth. My Master ordered,

"Lap up and down as you suck his feet, boy!"

Meanwhile the doctor pushed me on the low examination table. In that position he lifted one of my legs high. Jona's toes went deeper in my mouth as the doctor pushed me lower. My doctor put my leg over his shoulder, as he wrapped his fingers around my shaved boy balls. My loud moans muffled, as I reacted from my balls not only being pulled, but now being looped by a thread. Once my balls tethered tight, I was permitted to allow Jona's toes from my sucking mouth.

As I stood, Jona laughed as he passed his foot over my penis and tied ball sac.

"Fuck, the boy's penis is as hard as a rock and still dripping."

"I know Jona, our bitch is horny for us, he is a dripper. Those tiny boy balls are always loaded and dripping."

answered the doctor as he held both of my nipples roughly between his fingers,

"this boy is a total pussy."

I was so aroused I was trembling, and my boy balls were tied up but churning, my penis was oozing so hard it felt like they were sucked empty by an unknown power. I looked at Jona, unable to take my eyes from him. I had to do what they told me to do. The doctor said to Jona,

"Speaking about pussy, I want to start his physical and take a look at his little boy cunt."

The thought of having it 'looked at', made me nervous! Not that I had any choice. He explained,

"I'm going to examine various areas of your body, but your little boy cunt and little boy nipples are the most important part of our tests of course. Although this is the most common part of the research, you may enjoy it your own way. Jonah and I need to know what your body can take and what you are capable of."

I looked the doctor in the eye and was shivering a bit in the chilly room.

"Are you excited, boy?"

The doctor looked at my chest an smiled,

"I can tell you are, your penis is dripping and little boy nipples are erect. We'll get some measurements in a minute. Stand and place your palms in back of your head, boy. I'm going to inspect you."

I followed his instructions and he took a small magnifying glass. Jona moved in very close again as he started at my neck and moved slowly down my body with the magnifying glass, examining every inch of my soft unblemished skin.

"Keep your palms behind your head. We're going to do a little test."

I asked with a trembling voice,

"What kind of test?"

A slight smile and Jona said,

"The doctor told me that your nipples were very sensitive. We're going to find out just how sensitive. Now, do your best not to move or react, no matter what I do."

Jona stood very close in front of me and gazed into my eyes intently. I gasped as I felt the light, cool touch of a fingertip on each of my nipples. My breath quickened as his hands and fingers began to move, fondling, squeezing and gently pinching each nub of flesh. My cock swelled and was rock hard as he continued the stimulation. Despite his instructions a small whimper of pleasure welled up from my throat. Jona smiled.

"Remember what I said, otherwise I have to punish that cute ass of yours."

I replied humble,

"Yes Jona, I will."

I gasped out with some difficulty. Jona slapped my ass,

"It is master Jona for you."

"Yes master Jona."

Master Jona produced a metal tube from the table and squeezed out some of its contents onto his fingertips.

"I see that your nipples are a powerful erogenous zone. Let's try some moist stimulation."

When he began to rub the lube onto my nipples I lost control, throwing back my head and moaning. It was all I could do to keep my hands locked behind my head. I felt the moisture in my crotch and felt my pre-cum was dripping from the head of my penis.

"Please, master Jona,"


Jona said, continuing his stimulation.

"I'll cum if you continue, master Jona."

"Really? I shouldn't do that, if I was you."

Master Jona slapped my ass cheeks very hard a couple of times and that gave me my answer.

"You can lower your arms now."

Master Jona stepped back. I let my arms fall limp at my sides and stood, still panting, my head hanging down to hide my frustration and embarrassed. I couldn't hide I had become so aroused, my penis was sitll rock hard and dripping

"Next, turn toward the table so I can examine your back and buttocks. Bend forward and spread your cheeks."

Master Jona knelt and spent a long time looking at the skin on my rear end, holding his face so close I could feel his breath on my cheeks and my asshole. I was trembling again from the cold and from of being so excited. He moved the glass down the backs of my legs, then ordered me to straighten up again. Master Jona moved around to my front so that his face was right in front of my dripping penis.

"You are really a slut."

When he was done, the doctor said,

"Now we're ready. The right tools are there for use, Jona."

an he ordered me,

"Get on the examination table for the final phase of your examination. "

I had seen the equipment he was talking about when I first walked in today. The examination table had been differnt, it had two additions at either end. At the head end, which was raised at an angle, there was an extension with two wrist restraints attached to it. At the foot a wooden scaffold had been attached to the legs of the table, horizontally several feet above the end. Two leather rings hung on chains from this scarffold. It looked very impressive to me and but I had no idea who they would use it.

The doctor moved in and his voice was low and soft behind me,

"Jona will restrain you at both ends. The scarffold will force your smooth legs wide to stay apart, allowing us maximum access to your little boy cheeks, your tiny boy pussy and prostate gland. Your wrists will be bound, making you unable to resist your treatment. You will be totally master Jona's mercy.

You understand, boy?"

The doctor waited a long moment,

"Yes Sir."

He patted me gently on my ass.

"Good boy. Assume the position."

I got on the table and turned onto my back. Master Jona raised each of my arms above my head and snapped the restraints into place, then lifted my shaved legs and passed them through the leather rings. When he was done he stepped back, regarding me silently. I noticed that he was semi hard between his legs

"Some of or boys ask to be hooded, blindfolded, or gagged. Since you are a first-time patient, I will omit those steps."

For the first time a slight leer crossed his face.

"My guess is you'll want to see what's going on."

I lay bound, spread-eagled, my genitals and asshole exposed and vulnerable. I licked my dry lips and nodded.

"Yes, master Jona."

My penis was hard as a rock on my belly. It felt as if it had been that way the whole time. Jona's gaze grew intense as the doctor said to him,

"The boy is all yours. You are going to enjoy this examination, Jona, I'm sure you know how to treat him."

Thanks for reading!


Next: Chapter 5

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