At My Doctors Service

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Oct 23, 2023


At my Doctor's service Part 2 By Chaim

Part two is shorter, but see it as appetizer. Part three will follow soon :)

The Last lines of part 1:

I looked up. At the same time I knew this was just the beginning. I watched the doctor arch his back, and push his powerful chest out, his man cock blasted in my mouth again. My Master moaned loudly as his second load was released, his body twitching as another surge of sensations coursed through his body, his hips jerking forward with each spasm.

"Oh fuck boy, take your reward, you are a fucking bitch boy."

Filling my mouth for the second time, his man cock gradually stopped throbbing as each shot lessened, soon leaving his cock to slowly return to its original state engulfed in his own hot cum. I had no option but to swallow my Master's man load. Though so much cum, it seeped out of my mouth as he kept up sliding his man cock in and out of my mouth in time to his moaning and tugging at my sore nipples. My Master made me keep servicing his man cock, long after his cream had stopped shooting.

"Clean that cock, boy. Don't waste any of my cum. Yeah, let me slide my cock on your face. Get all that hot cum!"

Again his man cock pushed in my panting mouth. I obeyed his demands, I wanted to be a good boy, licking and nursing on his glans.

The booze, drugs, and now the servicing of my first real man cock, had wiped me out. With the doctor's cock falling from my lips, I passed-out while I dreamed about my Master, the doctor and the pleasure he had given him whilst he slapped my ass with his hands. My penis pushed up as I felt the rushes of ecstasy I gained from his treatment. I dreamed about the future that awaited and woke up next to my Master after dawn.




My doctor was still next to me. I could see through the half-lit bedroom, that he, my doctor and Master was still naked. My Master's cock lay on his smooth sac. I got up to use the bathroom. Groaning as I pulled the sticky briefs off my morning piss-hard penis and still tied balls. After I pissed, I pulled the briefs completely off, walking back to the bedroom naked. I rummaged around for my clothes, but was stopped in my tracks by his voice.

"Get over here, boy!"

I thought my physical have ended last night, but obviously my Master had other ideas. The one piece of clothing I had managed to find were my boxershorts, and I used it to cover my crotch. I walked towards the doctor, who was sitting at the edge of the bed. My doctor grabbed me, and flung me over his knees! This time, there were no boy briefs to 'protect' my boy butt, as the doctor started to slap me with his strong hands.

"Your Doctor has a lot to do today, but there will be always be time enough to get that boy ass of yours warmed up for the day!"

My butt cheeks jiggled with the force of his powerful slaps. My frantic squirming was having an effect on the doctor as well. I could feel his man cock at full mast, as it rubbed on my smooth belly. There was no doubt that my doctor was enjoying disciplining my ass! Meanwhile, my own penis was denying my protests. Flopping between mine and the doctor's legs, I was rock-hard and penis was dripping.

"Judging by the amount of pre-cum I feel dripping, I would say that you loving my hands on your ass, ain't you?"

I didn't answer, until my doctor barked,

"Aren't you?"

"Yes, yes,"

I gasped and he slapped me again.

"Yes, what?"

Almost in a whimper, I nearly yelled my answer,

"Yes Sir."

"That's better boy, now get up."

When I did, I again groaned as I felt my doctor's hands on my shaved balls. He untied the thread which imprisoned my boy cum. He shoved me to the floor and my doctor reached over to the bedside and got a tail shaped butt plug. He put the head of my tail plug to my little boy hole and pushed it slowly inside.

"Mmmm, it went in too easy, boy, you need a larger plug with a tail on it, puppy boy."

I moaned in delight at that thought. The doctor got up,

"Now I'll make us some coffee and breakfast. You can take a shower and shave. I want a total body shave, boy. Stay naked for a while, I'll decide what you can wear, if anything, later."

I looked at him and said,

"Yes Sir."

The doctor went to the kitchen and I went into the bathroom to follow my Master's instructions. I took a shower and shaved my body completely before going into the kitchen. The doctor like me was naked and I could see he was half hard. I went over to him and stood at attention, my legs wide and my hands behind my neck. My body open and available.

The doctor said me,

"Ah there you are, good boy. I see you learned a lot yesterday. It is good to see you in this display position."

The doctor pointed to the floor and I got down on my knees. With one hand on my chin and the other in my hair he pulled me in and started giving me a very aggressive kiss.

"Mow get down on all fours, boy!"

I could not disobey him, so I got down on all fours. He patted my head like a dog,

"You are a beauty, a real puppy."

he said and ordered,

"Come closer."

He pulled on my hair, letting me know that he was in charge.

"What do you want, boy? Huh?"

the doctor said and he gave me a questioning look.

"You want to be my puppy? What?"

I looked at him startled but quickly answered.

"Oh, yes, Master."

and he answered,

"Good puppy boy."

The doctor took a red rope and knotted it expertly and he slipped the loop over my head,

"This is your lash, get used to it. You're not a dog yet. When you earned it I will collar you, giving you a collar with your dog name on it. You're my puppy. A helpless little puppy who needs a strong man to be his Master and owner."

and he offered me the back of his hand and he had me smell and lick it to teach me his scent.

After that my doctor led me into the kitchen, using the lash to walk me around like a real little puppy. The doctor placed a bowl on the wooden floor and filled it with water for me to lap up. I felt humiliated but drank eagerly from the bowl. The doctor sat at the kitchen table and when I finished the bowl I waited on my knees for his instructions,

"Here is your morning coffee."

The doctor put the coffee into my bowl and put it on the floor again. I crawled over to it and started to lap at it whilst my Master finished cooking. He plated his own breakfast and put mine in the other bowl and served it to me.

"Thank you, Sir."

He smiled down at me,

"That's okay puppy, just eat it like a puppy."

I bent over and started to eat my breakfast like a dog. The doctor had placed my bowls next to the table, so I was almost at his feet and that meant it was easy to see his wonderful man cock. My Master sat down and started his own breakfast, I could not help but look at his cock, my Master must have known I was looking as he got harder and harder until he was fully erect. I finished and lay at the doctor's feet waiting for him to finish his breakfast. When he finished he looked under the table,

"You have upset me, puppy boy."

I looked at him with a worried look on my face.

"Yes puppy, you didn't give me time to give you a proper physical. I'm your doctor and need to have you back."

I looked at him and smiled broadly. My Master leant down and kissed me.

"My boy loves acting like a puppy, don't you boy?"

I nodded,

"Yes, Sir, you are my doctor and my Master and make all the decisions. I'm your patient and boy, I follow your instructions."

I said looking into his eyes.

"Have a look between your legs, puppy boy."

I looked down at myself and my penis was stiffer then I had ever seen it.

"I must be horny, Sir, but honestly have never done anything like this."

The doctor smiled at me,

"I think you are naturally subservient and want to be owned and dominated by a man like me. I can train you, you need that, don't you?"

I didn't have to think long before answering, I wanted to be loved and my doctor was fucking horny. I couldn't wait to get his cock in my little ass hole. I looked up at him and he looked quite menacing, I quickly looked down and before moving away and avoiding looking at him I said,

"Yes Sir, I would love to be trained by you."

He grabbed my hair and pulled me towards him.

"Good puppy boy"

He kissed me shoving his tongue into my mouth, I responded and we made out kissing each other. He broke our kiss and said,

"Good boy, that's the spirit. You are an expert at this, I hope you mouth and little ass is as accommodating."

A smile crept into his eyes and moved to his mouth, he was soon grinning all over,

"I want you to enjoy this and come back for more."

and he ordered,

"Get on your back, puppy boy."

I rolled over like a good puppy and the doctor lifted my smooth legs and got his mouth to my ass and started licking. I tensed up and relaxed and it felt really good.

"That's a good puppy boy, stay relaxed."

My doctor licked away and the put his tongue to my ass and started pushing inside. I moaned out loud.

"Feels good, puppy?"

All I could do was again moan in pleasure.

"Right here comes the next bit, just tell me if I am moving too fast."

I saw him reach and get a pump jar of lube, he covered his finger and put that to my little ass hole, he pushed it inside and I automatically tensed up despite his orders. The doctor didn't slap me but stopped and let me get used to it before progressing further. He explained as a good doctor,

"This will help open you up ready for my cock, as soon as you are ready for a proper breeding. Your next visit I will move you to the next stage."

I mumbled my gratitude,

"Thank you for being gentle with me but I have been so scared."

He smiled,

"Oh puppy boy, you are new to this. I told you I want you to enjoy this and you have to come back for more. I suppose my puppy is horny again, boy?"

I nodded my head again,

"Yes Sir, I am always horny for you and anything else you wish me to do."

My Master smiled down at me an patted my head,

"That's what I love about you puppy boy, always eager to please and always up for trying something new no matter how weird you think it is. As your doctor and Master I will be training you more and more. I told you my training has stages that you still can't understand yet, but that doesn't matter. I turned you already into my willing boy, and soon I will turn you into my bitch. Oh yes, boy, you will be my slave boy. You are natural submissive, you are a a born slave-boy whose future will be dedicated to the service of my needs. You will be a good slave boy."

I was getting a bit restless as I needed to piss. I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"You need something then?"

I told him my need,

"Yes Sir, please can I use the bathroom?"

"Ah you need to piss, boy. I think I know what it is you need, but you stay on all fours, boy."

My Master got up and opened the doors to the garden and I almost ran out on all fours into the garden. I pissed like a horse, I pissed and pissed. The doctor smiled at me as I humiliate myself. In fact it was quite a sexy sensation letting myself go. I was so desperate. Raising my head I smiled up at my kinky Master standing in the open door. I finish squirting the last drop of piss and felt in a strange way very happy. The doctor looked at me and laughed. I finished my business and crawled back to him and looked up at him.

"I am proud of you, my boy. I knew you were uncomfortable but like a good boy you didn't complain."

"Thank you Sir."

"Well, you are a good boy and did well, you took anything and passed your first stage."

I felt very good to hear that and waited for his further instructions,

"Yes Sir. Thank you, Sir."

I looked at my Master and admired his beautiful man cock,

"I know you want to suck it,"

he said.

"You want to suck your Master's cock until it spurts heavy sweet cream into that pretty mouth of yours."

he smiled down at me,

"You want this cock of mine and you want me to fuck that little ass of yours. Isn't that why you're here?"

The doctor said and looking at my puzzled face he continued,

"I wasn't forcing you to come or to stay, was using my power? No boy, I didn't, you could leave anytime. You could have walked out of my examination room and gone home. So why did you stay?"

I swallowed hard,

"Yes Sir, I could have gone but I stayed."

"You didn't answer my question, boy. Why did you stay?"

My doctor looked over at my body and waited for my answer but I couldn't find the right words.

"I will tell you, the truth is that you didn't want to go. You wanted me as your doctor, because you was in need for a real Master. You wanted to serve me, you wanted to be be punished, to be humiliated. That is why you came here, you have been denying this your whole life. It's time to bring it out to free yourself."

I began to whimper but began to speak. My voice was trembling,

"Yes Sir. You are right Sir. I needed you, I needed a Master."

He patted my head,

"Good puppy boy. For that you can suck my cock for me."

The doctor sat back and I crawled between his wide spread legs, I thought why not stick my tongue out like a puppy dog does? I stuck out my tongue as far as it could go and panted like a puppy. I looked up at the doctor who started to laugh.

"What a good doggy you are,"

He ran his hand up and down his shaft a couple of times and slapped his cock on my cheek. I immediately raised my eyes from the floor, focused on his cock, and I opened my mouth. I didn't know it was possible to smile and to open my mouth wide at the same time, but I did...

"You are hot, and so fucking sweet, puppy boy."

I was proud I could serve him and my Master had a beautiful cock. I leaned forward and all at once slurped his whole cock in my eager mouth. I massaged it with my cheeks and tongue and felt it growing pretty fast. I started to thrust up and down on it, sucking hard. In less than a minute his cock had grown to a rock solid boner. It was really perfect, long and thick enough to completely fill my mouth but still leave me able to take it all the way. He stopped me,

"As your doctor I have to teach you to suck me the right way. Now take the whole head of my cock between your lips. I want you to build up some spittle so that you can start sucking my cock better. I don't want to feel any teeth. You have to be careful while you're sucking me. Suck in deep, but not one scratch from your teeth or I will have to punish you severely."

I did as ordered and was very careful not to use my teeth, but I knew that I could never suck his man cock without even one scrape of the teeth. And I had heard clearly in his voice that he would discipline me. I was frightened of the

punishment that awaited me. Whatever, his hard cock and my lust to serve him and to be humiliated drove to his cock. My own penis wanted to erupt, even though I wasn't even touching it.

My Master started to moan softly, and I looked up at him. He had his head thrown back, eyes closed, and his hands clasped behind his head, exposing his shaved arm pits and the muscles of his powerful arms. Hell, my Master was such a fucking Man that I was getting close to shooting myself just from the sight of him and the feel of his cock down my throat. I could feel him starting to tense up, ever so slightly.

"Yeah, puppy boy, suck it,"

he said quietly. I deep-throated him as far as I could go, burying my face into his crotch and massaging the head of his cock with my throat muscles for several seconds until I pulled back up. I slid up and down and felt that he was close and he groaned to me,

"Give me a break, puppy boy, I want to enjoy your warm little mouth some more."

and pulling back his cock slipped from my mouth. I panted and shook my puppy tail as a good puppy dog.

"Good puppy boy. Have taste boy."

I licked at my Master's cock and took him into my mouth again, tasting his pre-cum. I licked round the head and closed my lips around his glans and began to suck gently, slowly moving it up and down in my mouth, getting more and more from his now drooling man cock.

"Yeah, that's the way. Suck that cock, taste your Master's cum,"

he said, breathing in and out. I started pumping my head up and down on his cock, plunging his cock a little further into my mouth on each thrust. He started to breathe a little heavier.

"Oh, yeah, suck it."

My Master grabbed hold of my head and holding me tight on his cock, and I turned my eyes up to look at his face. My Master was looking down at me with such a look of lust and determination.

"All right, suck that cock for me, you are a good cock sucking puppy boy."

He began to rapidly pull my head up and down and thrust his cock into my eager mouth, fucking my face like mad. With each push, my nose would get buried deep in his soft pubic hair, where he would hold it for an extra second, pushing his cock deep into my throat. My Master's breathing started to get heavy.

"Okay, suck it. Come on, puppy boy, suck on that cock like the good little cocksucker boy you are. You love to suck my cock, don't you pussy boy?"

I moaned involuntarily, overcome by the intense fucking my throat was getting but I even managed to shake my new tail.

"Wow you are a good puppy, you like being a doggy then?"

I shook my tail even more, so Sir would know that I did enjoy being his puppy dog. I looked up and he smiled,

"You're a very obedient bitch, here comes your reward."

I licked and sucked round the head before descending and taking him deeper and deeper into my mouth. I held the doctor's cock deep in my mouth till he went into my throat and I clenched and relaxed my throat giving him what I knew was a

great feeling. The doctor was moaning now and as I looked up, his eyes were closed and a huge smile crept across his face. I speed up and started sucking him properly. I felt his balls rise and knew he was getting close. I pushed deep on his cock and felt him unload.

I didn't need to drink his load down as my Master was was lodged so far down my mouth, all I need to do was to swallow until he finished. The doctor leant down to my ear,

"Good puppy boy."

And he pinched my tits hard before he grabbed hold of my crotch.

"Mmmm my boy is hard, you are an horny boy."

My Master slapped my ass and ordered me,

"I gotta shower and head out, boy. Get your ass home!"

I slowly grabbed my clothes. I got dressed, the doctor didn't allow me to take the doggy plug from my ass, so I had to maneuver the tail part inside my boxershorts.


I barked when I saw myself in the mirror. The doctor smiled and grabbed hold of my collar and pulled me up.

"Right boy, you can walk upright and talk as long as you are outside, but as soon as we get together you do as ordered, do you understand?"

I nodded my head,

"You will be back as I want to use your boy pussy. I really need to fuck you soon, you have me so fucking horny."

I smiled and nodded again as I left his house and somehow made it to my own place. Still in a daze from my awakening with my doctor and my still-sensitive penis, nipples, feet and boy ass, all a constant reminder of what happened to me.

I was laying on my bed later on, when I heard the buzz of my phone. It was a text from the doctor.

'Forget to tell you boy, no jacking! I want you a horny boy next time I see you. If you do, that ass will pay!'

At the moment, the thought of jacking-off was the furthest thing on my mind.

Thanks for reading


Next: Chapter 3

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