At Least It's Not Drugs

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jan 23, 2004




Already suspicious of his teenage son's furtive behavior, when he heard the boy's motorcycle roar into the driveway but not enter the house, he peeked out the curtains front and back.

He saw him in the backyard talking in whispers to the gardener's assistant, Pedro. They both continually glanced around to see if anyone was looking at them, then sneakily went into the side door of the garage.

The man sighed--a huge lump in his throat. He knew Pedro was on parole for drug dealing. He feared for his son and headed out back.

He listened at the door for a while, but couldn't hear anything but muffled sounds. Carefully, he eased the door open. He was unable to locate them at first, but when he did he found they weren't discussing drugs. Pedro was sitting on the tool bench, holding his legs up. His pants were wrapped around his shoes and below, on his knees, was his son licking the Mexican's hairy asshole!

"Ah, that's it," Pedro hissed. "Now suck on it. Suck the hot sauce out of my asshole and I'll let ya plug me."

The boy moaned his agreement and began sucking wildly on the grungy anus as he pulled the cheeks open with his thumbs.

"Mmmm, you smell so good today, Pedro. Taste good, too!"

"You like my shit, hunh? That's what it is, you know."

"Yeh, I know!"

Later, sitting on the couch having a man-to-man, the boy sheepishly confessed his whole story. He was at least thankful that his father had curbed his anger. That, of course, was on condition that he tell the whole truth...especially about the long stretches away from home.

"Okay, but you won't like it."

"I probably won't, but tell me everything," he gently demanded.

"I...I go to Tijuana on the weekends. There's this bar the locals hang out tourists. Next to the men's room is this little broom closet. I sit in there on a stool with the door open. See, I'm well known around there. They call me the Crazy Gringo and let me sorta set up shop in the closet."

"Set up shop? What the hell for? Or am I afraid to ask?"

"You're afraid to ask, Pop."

"Oh, god, sitting on a stool sucking cocks!" he groaned.

"I'm not a cocksucker, Pop," he stated without emotion. "Remember what you saw today and you'll have a clue."


"Something...I don't know what it is...but it makes me insane. Ever since the first one, I can't get enough of it. I sit there with my pants around my ankles, jerking off, sucking every Mexican asshole they put in my face!"

"OH MY LORD! WHY? WHY? They're...they're so dirty down there! South of the border I mean," he added, realizing his double meaning.

"They're pretty dirty down there, too!" the boy chuckled, then blushed when the man glared at him--biting his tongue.

"Yeah, I...I heard you telling Pedro..."

"Oh. That his hole smelled good? Yeah. That's why I go down south. Mexicans up here keep themselves too damned clean. I like it raunchy-- REAL raunchy! And I'm such a hit with local boys because I'm not fussy about them being clean, and cause Mexican girls won't even do it for them. Dumb cunts! Uh, sorry. But they don't know what they're missing."

"I wouldn't know. So the bottom line here like licking dirty Mexican assholes because you like their...shit. Right? How'd this ever come about, son?"

"When I was running with that bike gang last year. They were into any kind of sex, even with each other. The leader was a big rough guy, a Mexican. I was told the initiation was licking his asshole in front of the whole gang...that they'd all done it. I was so boozed up and high on some pill they'd given me I did it right there with everyone watching. I dove right in and started licking so fast it took a while before I realized his big hairy asshole was quite dirty. When I tried to pull away, they held my face into his smelly crack. Two other guys pulled my pants off and started playing with me, taking turns blowing my cock. Pretty soon, they...they didn't have to hold me. He had me lay back, then sat on my face. That really spread it open. He was about to bark another order at me, but I beat him to it. I was already sticking my tongue up his hole, licking out the insides! Guys all around were sucking and fucking. Even Eduardo started blowing a big redhead while I sucked his ass."

"Oh, you poor boy!"

"Yeah, cause just when I decided nothing had ever turned me on so much as that night, Eduardo goes and gets himself busted. Now he's in prison lettin' some lucky con eat out his asshole every night! That's when I started going down to Tijuana."

"And Pedro? How'd you approach him?"

"We were talking one day about prison. I told him I had a real good friend serving time, and mentioned Eduardo. He laughed. He knows him. He also knows how he enjoys having his ass sucked. He put two and two together and straight out asked me if I sucked assholes! Since he was rubbing his crotch, I licked my lips and nodded. But I quickly added that I don't suck cocks. He said that's alright, he doesn't either. He'd rather get fucked up the ass. So we got a deal. I suck his ass, then I fuck it, then...well, then I suck it again!"

"Cripes! What if your cock comes out all shitty?"

He just shrugged with a tiny, ashamed grin. That's when the man noticed a tremendous hardon throbbing in the boy's pants!

"Well, I can't begin to understand this, son. Your Uncle Tom is a homosexual, so that doesn't bother me tremendously. I also know for some people the best sex is dirty sex, so I won't judge you on that. BUT FOR CHRISSAKES, TAKING ON ALL COMERS! Every greasy Mexican behind that bends over gets his filthy shithole licked out by you?!"

"It's a young crowd, Pop. Course, sometimes when word gets out some riff raff come in off the street. By then my prick's so hard I just don't give a damn. That's when the owner comes by and runs them off.

"At least someone was looking after your interests."

"Hardly. He shuffles around and drops his pants. He's always last cause his big butt always makes me come. He's in his forties with the hairiest butt you can imagine. The smelliest, too. But he's got this huge asshole that's so fantastic to suck on and eat out. I just go wild!"

"Well, whatever. One thing I'm curious about...does their shit taste like tacos or refried beans?"

"Tastes like shit, Pop. Get real. Oh, but their farts are spicy like that!"

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