At Last

By Steve Smith

Published on Jul 5, 2016


At Last! Part #7 Steve Smith

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The next morning Tommy and I woke early and hopped in the shower. "Want to play a little?" grinned Tommy. His penis was at full mast.

I love Tommy so much and love that his cock has a mind of its own but regretfully said, "Oh, more than anything, but we have so much to do. We have to get through a long and potentially agonizing day of telling our kids that their fathers are gay".

Damn him. He took my face in his hands and kissed me long and hard, rubbed his cock against mine, which is my ultimate foreplay turn on, until I too was fully erect. He had me panting for more. "You are insatiable", I laughed, as he turned me around, opened my cheeks, knelt down, and started to rim me. I was done for. As the warm shower water cascaded over our bodies I leaned against the shower wall, spread my legs, and used my hands to further expose my pulsating rosebud. After soaping up, Tommy slid his amazing cock in me and started pumping in and out, hitting my sweet spot just right. As he did so, he reached around and in rhythm with his thrusts stroked me. With one hand I pinched my nipples sending waves of pleasure down to my genitals. His balls must have known that we were on a tight schedule for it wasn't long until I felt him stiffen and cry out as his testicles released their seed deep into me through his engorged cock head. That was all it took to take me over the edge and I ejaculated all over the tile wall. Well, at least clean up was easy.

After dressing and eating a quick breakfast, we went down to the parking lot. Before we went our separate ways we hugged and kissed, wishing each other good luck in getting through the day. This was our first kiss in a public place. "Hey world", I thought to myself, "We're gay and in love, we don't care who knows it". Tommy took off in one direction and I in another.

I had carefully thought out in what order I would tell my three sons and two daughters. My youngest son was first because I felt he would be the most accepting and my oldest son was to be last as I knew it might not go well based on the church he and his wife were members and the anti-gay slurs made by him in the past. I always called him out on it but he just said that I was too progressive.

It took me about 30 minutes to get to Jason's house. Jason is newly married to a wonderful girl who was his college sweetheart. She is pregnant. I found him out front cutting the lawn. He had a look of surprise on his face as I pulled into his driveway. He waved, smiled, and turned off the lawnmower.

"Hi, Dad" he said. "What brings you over so early on a Saturday?

"I need to talk to you about something", I said with a quiver in my voice.

"Is everything OK? Is Mom OK?"

"Well, yes and no", I said. He had a concerned look on his face. We sat down on his front steps.

"Jason, I am gay".

"You're gay? You're not gay. Is this a joke?" But I could tell by the look on his face that he saw that I was serious. "You're gay", he then calmly said.

For the next twenty minutes I explained the struggles I had always had with being attracted to men and how I suppressed my feelings and kept them and myself in the closet for all these years. I told him about my chance meeting with Tommy in the mountains and about our deep friendship and love. He put is arm around my shoulders and gave me a reassuring hug.

"Dad, you have always been there for me and you being gay doesn't change anything between us. I'm cool with it and happy for you and Tommy. He is a great guy. Julie and I have good friends who are gay and whom we admire and hold as dear as we do all our two sex couples. Wait until I tell them that I have a gay dad", he laughed.

His face suddenly got a worried look. "But does mom know about this?"

I told him that his mother has known for some time but that it was just yesterday that the situation came to a head and that I had moved out of the house. I went on and told him that his mother understandably hasn't accepted the fact of my homosexuality as of yet. I told him that I still loved his mother and never wanted to hurt her because she is a good woman and an exceptional mother.

"This will be very hard on her", I told him. "She will need your love, support, and understanding more than ever. I know you will give that to her".

I asked him not to talk to his siblings until the end of the day to give me a chance to talk to each one individually. He readily agreed. I told him where I was living. He gave me a big strong hug, a kiss on the cheek, and we told each other how much we loved each other. Tears were running down both of our cheeks.

I then went to see my son Kevin, followed by my daughter Alice. Each also was surprised to see me. They both have children who were all excited to see their grandpa. After playing with them a bit I was able then to get each alone so I could explain why I had come. The conversations were remarkably similar to the one I had with Jason. They both were accepting of the fact that I was gay and expressed concern for their mother. Kevin, as is his nature, was a lot more probing with the questions delving deeper into my homosexuality struggle and how Tommy and I met and fell in love. Without giving any sexual details I was completely honest in answering his questions. He appreciated me being so forthright. He also said he had suspected that I might be gay or bi-sexual for some time because once when he was over to the house he used my computer to send an email he had forgotten for work. A window at the top of the screen was still open to a gay porn site I had been browsing earlier. I had forgotten to close it. He closed it for me and never said anything to anyone. "Ooops", I said. We both laughed.

I got to Gwen's around three. Since she lived alone I was able to immediately get to the reason for my visit. I rambled on and on. She never interrupted me the whole time but often had to wipe tears from her eyes.

When I was done I said. "Well, now you have it. What do you think about your gay dad?" She grabbed me and kissed me on both cheeks.

"I think it is wonderful", she said.

"You do? Aren't you concerned about your mother? Aren't you upset that your father is gay?

"Yes, I do think it is wonderful. Yes, I am concerned about mom but she is young enough and very attractive. I know she will meet someone else, probably at church. You know how attentive the men are always around her. Upset? Absolutely not. I am proud to say that my father has come to accept who he is. And you've given me the courage to tell you something as well. I'm a lesbian".

"You are? So that is why you broke off your engagement with Todd a few years back. Your mother and I just couldn't figure out why, but of course you did the right thing".

"Are you sorry that you didn't declare your homosexuality when you were younger and not have married mom?"

"As much as I was always yearning for another man and felt very frustrated much of my life, I can honestly say for me I am glad that I married your mother. Otherwise I never would have had in my life you, your brothers and sister, and the grandchildren. As I have often said, life is full of choices."

Gwen told me that she had a very serious relationship with a woman her age that she met on line. They have been dating for six months and plan to move in together. They've even talked about marriage. I told her how happy I was for her but asked her to hold off for a couple of weeks before telling her mother. Coming to grips with my homosexuality and my moving out on top of hearing that her daughter is a lesbian might be too much to handle at one time. She agreed.

It was nearly 6:00 when I arrived at my last stop, to tell my oldest son, Gary. My sixteen-year-old grandson, Aiden, was playing basketball with his father. When Aiden saw me walking up the drive he ran over to greet me.

"Papa", he said, as he embraced me. Even at his age he still hugs me whenever he sees me. We've always been particularly close having done a lot of fishing and hiking together as well as me attending just about every one of his soccer games and track meets. I have always felt a special bond with him.

Gary came over and we shook hands. "What's up?' he asked.

I told him that I needed to talk to him about something and suggested we go for a walk. I started my prepared speech. Before I could get very far into it he interrupted me.

"You're telling me that my father is a fag?"

"Well, I would have preferred you saying your father was gay, but yes I am".

"Fag, queer, homo, gay is all the same to me, it isn't natural, it isn't right. The Bible says that homosexuality is an abomination".

"Gary, the Bible says a lot of things that no one believes anymore. We all are born who we are. This wasn't a choice for me."

"Our church says it is wrong and that is what my family believes. After all these years you feel you need to now come out of your closet? Why didn't you just stay there and save us all a lot of embarrassment?"

"I don't want to embarrass you but you have to know I am separating from your mother and moving in with a man that I deeply love".

"Oh my god!" he shouted. "Dad, what you are doing is so wrong and is so sick. I always looked up to you as my solid masculine father. I can never look at you that way again".

"Gary", I said. "I am the same man you have always known".

"Fuck you!" he said. "Or should I say go fuck your boyfriend or is he fucking you?"

Although I knew that he would be less accepting than his siblings, his venom nonetheless stunned me. I simply said, "I am sorry Gary to hurt and upset you. Please know that I love you and I hope you will accept me someday as the man I am".

"You're not a man", he said.

I sadly got in my car and slowly drove back to the apartment getting there around 7:30. It had been a long day. Thankfully, Tommy was home.

"You look like you need a drink", said Tommy. "Go take off your clothes and take a shower. I will fix us manhattans".

After my shower, which I really needed, I returned to the living room and sat next to Tommy on the couch. He gave me a kiss and caressed my naked thigh. "So how'd it go?" he asked as he gave me my drink.

"You first", I said.

"It went pretty good with both my daughters", he said. He told me that both daughters, although surprised when he told them his was gay, were supportive. They each expressed that they had felt for some time that all wasn't well between he and their mother. Together they had even approached Doris to see if something was wrong but she denied that there were any problems. They hadn't been convinced because of the strain in their mother's voice and the tightness of her lips. While they were sad to see their parents separate, they said that this was a pretty common reality not only with some of their friends breaking up but also their friend's parents divorcing. Although they conceded that a couple breaking up because one of them was gay was unusual. When he told them that it was me who would be his partner they both were happy, expressing they liked me a lot. I felt good about that.

I then told Tommy, in the order as I saw them, the conversation and the reaction of each of my children. He smiled broadly as I went through the first four and, of course, was surprised when I told him that Gwen was also gay. He winced when I told him what Gary said to me. He could tell how hurt I was and put his arm around me, continuing to message my thigh, then tenderly caressing my cock and balls. We hugged and kissed for a long time but we were both emotionally spent from the day to take our love making any further. After a light dinner, and a few more manhattans, we went to bed early. We were both sound asleep in quick order.

During the night I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. I kept going over the events of the day and my conversation with each of my children. I was very hurt by what Gary had said but then I thought of the other kids and how accepting they were. I felt at peace that now my whole family knew my deeply concealed secret. My homosexuality was now really out in the open. At Last!!

Next: Chapter 8

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