Astarte Tg Goddess

By John de Frece

Published on Dec 21, 2000


Hi this is Susan Avidan with the fifth part of what was originally intended to be a very short story and with which I got carried away into a world of fantasy/ wishful thinking ! Feedback (if any ) to jdfadv@

Hilary Stone was a twenty year old -- very plain woman who was studying at the Tel Aviv university history and mythology - in particular she was deeply interested in the Greek and Roman gods. These pagan ancients possessed massive male organs and were forever having what appeared to be an almost continuous orgy ! A rather jolly existance on Mount Olympus.

Hilary had a deep and shameful secret. She hated her body! She positively loathed her tiny tits and her vaginal opening. She detested her clitoris She always dressed in jeans, never ever a dress and stockings. She would have preferred to die rather than wear a garter belt , makeup and shoes.She would'nt dream of getting a decent hairdresser

Interestingly she was'nt a full time lesbian( she had sucked some cunt from time to time and enjoyed it because she could fantasise being a man, so she always took the active role and never let her partners suck her despicable cunt)because she liked to play with and touch cocks . Why ? Because in her heart of hearts she dreamt that one day she would be the proud owner of her very own penis and balls.

Hilary was, however a realist. She was well aware that the technology for turning a woman into a man was still very primitive. It was a very complicated operation at the end of which all that was produced was a very poor imitation of a penis.

She envied those men who succeeded in carrying out effective sex change operations and becoming the owners of functioning cunts. She would have given anything to have done the opposite and get rid of her despised cunt. But it was an impossible fantasy.

And as a fantasy it continued. Hilary went to bed every night and lay fantasing about how she had miraculously turned into a strapping, muscled man with a protruding penis and heavy hairy balls filling out her pants.

Then she would masturbate bitterly

And afterwards cry and eventually in despair fall asleep

During the day she would attend her lectures and try to take her mind off the endless misery of her hateful femaleness.

To no avail. The mere studying of the Greek myths would send her off again into the ponitless fantasy.

Sometimes she would spend her time drawing in her notebook massive male genitals.-. Huge foreskinned cocks and she would imagine herself possessing one of these engines pounding into a submissive and accepting girl.

Just like Sivan, ( the sacred prostitute of whom she knew nothing )she prepared to suicide and just like Sivan she was rescued at the last moment by an unbelievable apparition who would change her life and give her her heart's desire.

So one night after taking a cocktail of pills which she hoped would put her out of her misery, she droused off - and was suddenly wakened by a hairy arm attached to a massive shoulder. She looked up into the bearded face of a tall man. For a moment she panicked because she thought that she was going to be raped. Then the man spoke:

" Fear not, I am the incarnation of your dreams. You thought that I was nothing more than a fable, did'nt you ?

I am Zeus or if you prefer Jupiter or Baal . Look at me , what do you see?

What Hilary saw more than anything else was a massive cock jutting out from the man to which were attached a pair of beautiful balls. The cock was heavily foreskinned, thick and long.

The man continued " I know that you wish to become a man and I am going to grant your wish. You will possess the penis that you have always craved and you will spend your life penetrating women and since you like cock so much you will also enjoy sucking and licking cocks and feeling them penetrate your rectum.All this I will give to provided that you agree to worship me as your god. In order to receive the gift of masculinity you will have to perform an act of fellatio on me and swallow my seed. Remember you will after your transformation, become totally bisexual. You will enjoy men and women equally.

You are being given a great gift

No undress for the last time as a woman"

Hilary was only too thrilled to accept the conditions laid down by Baal.Without hesitation she unclipped her bra and stepped out of her panties. She approached the massive cock with some trepidation

" Do not be afraid" said Zeus " I will cum quickly and you will be transformed"

So little Hilary with her tiny breasts took the cock in her mouth and began to suck it.It grew in her mouth as she continued to suck quickly with a desperation to get her reward - a massive gob of cum and her immediate transformation into a man

Very, very quickly it happened

Zeus ejaculated an utterly huge load into her mouth and she swallowed it - or as much as she could. The cum hit her stomach and like Sivan before her she passed out.

When she awoke she almost fainted.

No breasts - a hairy male chest Her face - rough and in need of a shave Legs - hair covered at the end of which were long feet And finally the piece de resistance - the penis and balls. They were beautiful beyond belief

She could not believe her eyes

Hilary did'nt waste time in experimenting with her new equipment !

She took the cock in her hand and stiffened it. She did'nt need any lessons ! She began to wank herself hard

In a few seconds she felt the explosion of her first cum as a man . The cum spunked out of cock onto her stomach and pubic hair

She went into complete shock and passed out again.

When she woke up again she found that she really was a man. She saw that her flat had altered and was now unmistakenly that of a man's. An inspection of her wardrobe revealed male suits, shirts and underwear.On the living room table there was a wallet, inside of which were an ID card and driving license in the name of Harvey Stone as well as a student card .

So Zeus had rearranged the world entirely for her benefit!

Hilary - or now to be correct - Harvey fell to his knees and prayed to a so called mythological deity.Harvey thanked Zeus from the bottom of his heart that he was now a man .

Then he looked in a mirror and saw how huge his genitals were .He was so proud He dressed and was pleased to see that there was now a very substantial bulge in his jeans which he hoped would impress the members of his former sex. he was pleased to see a handsome rugged man, well built who would obviously attract both women and men like flies.

Harvey was dying to start

All he needed now was to learn how to shave ! Who the hell was going to teach him that!

(That concludes Part 5)

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