Asian Slave Submits

By Adam Bakar

Published on Nov 7, 2013


As always, feedback and thoughts welcomed.

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After removing my slave collar and tit clamps, Rewan harvested his cum from my arse into the jar containing Greg's cum and did the same with my cum in the condom. I looked at the clock on the nightstand and calculated that we had been fucking for more than 2 hours. We lay on the bed for a while, basking in the afterglow of that hot fucking. I ran my hands up and down his upper body, again, tracing the lines of his hard muscles.

"You like them, don't you?" he asked, flexing his defined abs.

I nodded, suddenly embarrassed.

"Let's get cleaned up."

I would've preferred to lie there with him, perving on his body, but acceded. Rewan gave me a quick but thorough enema before we showered together, letting me soap and wash him. It was quite erotic watching the contrast of the white suds against his tanned skin; my cock quickly responded with a hardon. Rewan then told me turn around and bend over. Then he inserted a bullet-shaped dildo, about the same size as the butt plug, into my arse.

I felt the familiar fullness in my rectum, but was alarmed when my sphincter didn't feel stretched. I inspected my arsehole with my fingers and found the dildo had completely disappeared into my arse, except for a long thin cord attached to the dildo sticking out of my arsehole.

We dried off and I knew better than to put on any clothes, as Greg would be sure to inspect my arse. I began to worry about the dildo. What if the cord broke? What if I couldn't fish it out of my arse? Would it come out the next time I took a dump? How would I explain myself at the Emergency Department?

"Don't worry about that thing. Here, have a drink. You look like you need it," said Rewan, offering me a Jaegermeister with coke. He must've had seen me fiddling with the cord. We sat on the balcony again, covering our cocks with towels, having a smoke and a drink, talking and enjoying the gentle dusk breeze. He did a decent job at distracting me.

It was early evening when Greg arrived back from the gym. I automatically stood and presented my arse to him. Greg tugged the cord attached to the dildo a few times to check if it's secure, and voiced his satisfaction. Rewan suggested that we hit the bars or go for a pub crawl. Greg said that he was pretty worn out after his full day of working out, and that he can't wait to fuck my tight arse again.

"What's the rush? Come on, let's feast our eyes on Asian twinks," said Rewan, suddenly all excited. "We can do shots and that will wake you up. It'll give you extra energy for some epic fucking later."

Greg relented and I got worried again. Ah the joys of being a pseudo-paranoid. Be seen in public with them again? I knew how the gay community here think. A young Asian boy in the company of 2 Caucasian guys. I might as well have `Prostitute' tattoed on my chest.

Greg hit the shower and Rewan fixed us another drink. I asked him if it's alright if I stayed in, or went home, giving the excuse that I had nothing to wear to go out.

"You can wear the clothes you wore yesterday. Come on, it'll be fun. We're just 3 friends hanging out," he assured me.

Greg came out and laid down the law: if he had to go, I had to go too. "And don't be ridiculous. I've seen what the other local boys wear in Blue Boy(a local gay bar). Your outfit won't look out of place," said Greg. "Did you fuck him earlier?' he asked Rewan.

"Yup. And I dare say that he enjoyed it."

"Did he play with his cock?"

"Nope. Boyslaves are never allowed to touch his cock while being used," lied Rewan.

We got ready in record time. They threw on t-shirts and shorts, a few sprays of deodorant and splashes of aftershave. No preening, no excessive grooming.

At a local bar, the vibe was surprisingly jovial as we ate and chatted, it was as if we're long-lost mates just catching up, rather than new friends trying to get to know each other. No mention of masters or slaves; none of reward or punishment either. After the morning workout and laps in the pool earlier during the day, I relished this downtime, just chilling with them.

Greg and Rewan were extremely mature guys for their age. Greg was the more intelligent of the two, but Rewan was more affable. We talked about every topic under the moon: politics, economics, history, social issues, LGBT issues right down to mundane topics like food and hot guys. They didn't make me feel left out at all.

A short hop away we landed ourselves in a pub towards the end of its happy hour, so the drinks flowed but I was conscious of pacing myself, as I couldn't hold my drink like Rewan and Greg could. My Asian liver weren't built to handle a lot of alcohol.

We moved on to another bar where Greg and me ended up talking to a gay Australian couple in their 30s, here on a short holiday. A gaggle of giggling local girls had pounced on Rewan earlier, no doubt attracted to his Nordic good-looks, and they had dragged him to dance with them. I felt a pang of jealousy when Rewan, being his gregarious self, playfully flirted with the girls. He obviously enjoyed the attention and somehow I knew that this was a common occurrence.

The Aussie couple asked Greg and me how we got acquainted, which I thought was a little bit intrusive. I was about to say Planet Romeo when Greg nonchalantly explained that I was `auditioning' to be his fuckslave. An awkward silence ensued and I didn't know what to say, shocked that Greg was so forthcoming to strangers. They dismissed it as a joke until Greg fished out a small device out of his pocket, something that looked like a remote control to unlock car doors.

"Watch him squirm," said Greg vaguely, and pushed a button on the device.

The vibration in my arse caught me by surprise, causing me to jump slightly, almost spilling my drink. I apologised for my knee-jerk reaction and thought that perchance my bowels were rumbling. But the wave of tremor in my arse continued, made me stand and grabbed my arse, wondering what the fuck was going on. I had quite forgotten about the dildo in my arse.

"Sit! Keep your hands behind your back, but off your arse," ordered Greg and I did, hoping that by complying Greg would make the vibration stop. But of course he didn't. Who was I kidding?

"This remote controls a vibrating bullet in his arse. Wanna have a go?" offered Greg to the couple.

The remote was passed between the three of them, playing around with the different speed function, oscillating between gentle pulsing to a juddering quake that made me writhe like I had just been tasered by a cattle prod. I must've looked as if I was beginning to have an epileptic fit, fidgeting uncontrollably under the dim lights of the bar, to the delight and laughter of my tormentors.

"What's up guys?" asked Rewan, appearing out of nowhere.

"We're testing out the new toy, on the new fucktoy," said Greg with much glee, passing on the remote to Rewan. "Here, have a go."

"Nah you guys are doing it all wrong. Let's get out of here, hit the club and I'll show you how it's done," chided Rewan.

All 5 of us, including the Aussies, sauntered down to a gay club just off Jalan Ampang. Holding the remote, Greg sent occasional jolts of vibration that caused me to startle and walked a little funny. He was enjoying the contrived control he had over me. We arrived at the club, paid in, walk past the busy dancefloor and onto the terrace after a short stop at the bar to get drinks. Greg handed the remote to Rewan.

Rewan sat on the low table opposite me, reminded me to keep my hands behind my back, set the vibrating speed to medium-low and tweaked my nipples through my tank top. My legs slowly moved apart and this somehow positioned the vibrator directly on my prostate, gently massaging it, and I didn't fidget or writhe at all. It felt good, and it showed on my face, as my jaw slackened and my eyelids fluttered. Huge grins formed on all of their faces too.

"He's a titslave. Work his nipples and he'll open his legs, which in turn reposition the vibrator. Once his legs are wide open and his breathing slows down, then you play around with the speed. Watch his face; it's priceless," explained Rewan, returning the remote to the Aussies.

Leaving me at the total mercy of these guys. They did as advised, pinching my nipples while gradually increasing the vibrating speed. Yes it felt good, but not as enjoyable as a real cock, a piss-poor substitute indeed. It felt... unnatural... they were increasing the speed too fast. Soon my cock grew rock hard, forming a visible bulge on my tights shorts, and a massive wet patch formed on the area of my cockhead. The artificial stimulation of my prostate produced a lot of seminal fluid.

I was glad that the poor lighting provided some form of cover. I wouldn't have allowed myself to enjoy the stimulation in daylight, in plain view of anyone. Soon my tormentors grew tired of their new toy, distracted instead by the hotties in the packed club. I was relieved that the spectacle didn't draw any attention, well at least not to my knowledge. But I was wary when I saw Greg slipped the remote into his pocket.

Rewan chatted up a few local gays at the adjacent tables, occasionally picking up a few of the better looking ones from the bar to join us. Table full of Caucasian guys, none of them declined the offer. It was interesting watching the dynamics of their friendship: Rewan fishing out hot Asian guys, disarm them with his charm, and led them to smooth talking Greg and his prowling hands. Like lambs to the slaughter.

The Aussies then left us, and I hope that they were discreet about my arrangements with Rewan and Greg. Like a broken record, that niggling paranoia kept playing in my head, but I was lucky. Greg was like a kid in a candy store, or more aptly, a rice queen in a paddy field. Suitably distracted by the Asian attention, he didn't mention anything about fuckslave audition anymore.

Rewan asked me to dance and I acceded. As we were leaving the table, I saw Greg whispered in the ears of 2 Asian twinks sitting on either side of him, his hands out of view behind their backs. Perhaps fingering their pert arses. I took another look as we walked away; Greg and the twinks got up from the table, walking towards the direction of the toilets.

A quick detour to the bar for shots before we joined the heaving, mostly shirtless, crowd on the dancefloor. Grabbing my hand, Rewan led me to middle of the floor, squeezing between bare torsi sticky with sweat in the heat and humidity.

We danced, we laughed and occasionally sang along to the tune, Rewan in his absolute elements moving to the beat on the dancefloor. Yet the paranoid me were wary: the bulge on my crotch were still visible, my hardon did not subside at all, occasionally rubbing against others. Rewan's good looks did not go unnoticed as I saw a lot of Asian guys checking him out, and I was hit with deja vu of the previous scuffle I had in this club.

Rewan sensed my uneasiness, leaned over to ask if I was alright, shouting over the music. I shrugged my shoulders, gestured to my hands covering my bulging crotch. He then abruptly lifted off my tank top, completely exposing my upper body, and he did the same too. He then said, well shouted really, that the attention will now be on our bodies rather than my crotch. Cheeky fucker.

Facing me, Rewan grabbed my waist and pulled our bodies closer, then kissed me while we danced, our crotches and bodies grinding each other under the disco lights. This wasn't helping my raging hardon and I was hit with another wave of deja vu. I braced my hands against his hard abs to push myself away, conscious that we might be drawing too much attention on ourselves. But Rewan's hands held my waist fast, and it was difficult to resist that sexy body.

I was enjoying the public intimacy when a quick burst of vibration in my arse made me jump again. Another short burst and I broke off the kiss, looking around for any signs of Greg, but I couldn't see him. Rewan looked inquiringly at me then asked about the vibrating bullet, and I nodded. He let out a small laugh, looking even sexier under the neon lights.

Another jolt of vibration started in my arse, this time a sustained slow tremor, when a pair of hands crept between Rewan and me, aiming straight for my nipples. Without looking behind me I knew it was Greg- nobody would be so bold. As usual he was rough, pinching my nipples rather than kneading them, but it didn't stop me from automatically grinding my arse against his crotch.

I was fully aware that we were in public, but my inner slut got the better of me. I was humming in pleasure to the beat of the tune, the stimulation to my nipples and arse were just too much. Greg was already shirtless as I could feel his sweaty skin against mine. We must had been a sight, brown Asian meat sandwiched between 2 slices of white Caucasian. Rewan had his trademark cheeky grin on his face.

After a while of dancing and grinding, I felt Greg's monster cock stirred into a semi-flaccid state. Greg gestured for us to leave and Rewan assented, though I suspected that he preferred to stay and danced. We squeezed ourselves past more sweaty bare flesh, put on our tops and left the club, me covering my crotch with my hands.

"Thought you were enjoying all the eye candies in there," quipped Rewan to Greg on the walk back, enquiring why he wanted to leave so early.

"I was, but there were too many of them that it's distracting," answered Greg.

"But we saw you heading for the toilets with the 2 Asian twinks earlier..."

"Yeah but they're useless, none of them could blow me properly. They choked before I could even get half of my cock in their mouths. Fucking frustrating... which I will take it all out on this slut when we get back," said Greg while grabbing my arse firmly, the vibrator still humming in it. He was a daredevil to have done that in the club, even if it was in a toilet cubicle!

The thought of Greg taking his frustration out on me, fucking me mercilessly with his massive cock, turned me on outright. No room in my head for any doubts or fear. I was already tipsy; the public humiliation and dirty dancing earlier got my juices flowing. I wanted to be fucked hard.

Back in their apartment, we had another shot of Jaegermeister each before Greg marched me straight to bedroom. Perhaps noticing that I was already in heat, perhaps by his own impatience, Greg didn't bother with any bondage gear and told me to strip. I obeyed but knew what was coming, so I grabbed the spider gag from the nighstand. Kneeling in front of him, I was barely done fastening the buckle when Master Greg grabbed a handful of my hair and shoved his semi-hard cock in my mouth.

I got over 3/4 of his cock in, which was a personal best, considering his fuckpole wasn't at full mast. Regulating my breath, I worked it with my throat and tongue as Master Greg rested his cock there.

"Yeah that's it, get it hard. Suck it like the cock-hungry whore you are," commanded Master Greg as he sighed in pleasure. My own cock, which remained stiff from the stimulation at the club, started to drip precum and was crying for attention. The vibration on my prostate was driving me wild. In a momentary lapse of judgment, I reached down and pumped my cock, which didn't go unnoticed by Master Greg. He withdrew his cock and a hard slap landed on my face.

"What the fuck?" asked Master Greg angrily at me. "You're gonna pay for that, slave. I'm gonna punish-fuck you until you learn to keep your hands off your cock." I was expecting another slap when Master Rewan walked into the bedroom and told Master Greg to stop, that he wanted to put on the gear on me.

Saved by Master Rewan again. Grabbing another fistful of my hair, Master Greg led me onto the bed. He sat at the head of the bed, leaning against the headboard, with me crouching on all fours facing his cock. I dared not look at his face, keeping my sight on his flat lower abs and the treasure trail of fine hairs on it.

"Look at me, you worthless fuckslut," ordered Master Greg while slapping his throbbing serpent on my face, covering it my my saliva.

Master Rewan busied himself behind me, cuffing my ankles, and putting on the ball stretcher. A chain was attached to the ball stretcher as I felt it tug on my balls a few times. He then asked Master Greg to give me a hit of poppers for the nipple clamps. They argued briefly, Master Greg claiming that I didn't deserve any help. But Master Rewan asserted himself and Master Greg grudgingly yielded, shoving the brown vial under my nose so hard that some of the liquid spilled and burnt the inside of my nose.

I swam in that cockslut sea again, egged on by the heady rush of amyl and the clamps biting my nipples. I lunged for Master Greg's cock, now monstrously rock hard. He was obviously turned on by his fucktool slapping my face, asserting dominance over his personal fuckslave.

I got about 4 inches of Master Greg's cock in my mouth, when Master Rewan started fingering me. He must've lubed his fingers well as two of them slid into my arse easily, playing around with the bullet vibrator in my rectum. Oh man it felt really good, I had never felt like this before as I grunted like a fuckpig in heat, muffled by Master Greg's cock in my mouth. After a while, Master Rewan withdrew his fingers and without any warning, rammed his already hard cock in my arse, pushing the bullet even further in.

My insides burned and I pulled my arse away from his invading cock. But it seemed that everything had been very well thought of by my Masters. It appeared that the very short chain on my ball stretcher was connected to my ankle cuffs, which in turn were chained to each other. The bondage meant that I couldn't pull my arse away without ripping my balls off.

As if working in unison, Master Greg had kept a firm grip on my hairs. Master Rewan steadied my waist with his strong arms, which meant I could only edge my whole body forward. I screamed in pain, opening up my throat for Master Greg's cock to enter further, burying all his cock ball deep in my mouth and past my throat, all 9 inches of it. I was trapped in that predicament.

All I could do was braced my hands against Master Rewan's thighs, slowing his cock's invasion of my filled arse. Guestimating the amount I could take, he kept only some length of his cock in, jabbing the bullet vibrator with his cockhead. Soon both of us found the optimal length, as the vibrator dug deeper on my prostate and also pleasuring the pleasure spot on his cockhead. Master Rewan repositioned my hands on my back and held it fast with one hand.

Master Rewan started a steady fucking rhythm as I hummed in bliss, my throat massaging Master Greg's cock and my nose buried deep on his pubic hair. Master Greg had a different musk to Master Rewan's: darker but no less intoxicating, somewhat heavy with a dominating alpha male scent, more than sufficient to make me submit. It was the first time that I truly savoured it.

Before long, Master Greg relaxed his grip on my hair and I could hear his low grunts. He was enjoying the enveloping wetness on his cock. Somehow I felt proud... yes... proud that I was able to pleasure him with just my mouth, whereas I failed miserably the night before. Perhaps I was a natural born cockslave. Perhaps Master Rewan's gentle fucking made it easier for me to concentrate on Master Greg's cock. Either way, all of us were lost in a cacophony of sleazy spit-roasting.

With a final pull, Master Rewan withdrew his cock completely, disrupting the flow of pleasure for all 3 of us. My arse felt empty, edging itself backward to find Master Rewan's plugging cock, causing me to expel Master Greg's donkey cock from my mouth, and gulped for air. It didn't please him at all.

"Why did you stop, Rewan? The fuckpig was going to town on my cock," protested Master Greg.

"The string attached to the thing... the umm... the vibrator is chafing my cock, it's starting to burn," Master Rewan complained, removing the vibrator with a steady pull and it fell out with a noisy `plop'. Now my arse felt more empty. I wiggled my arse a few times, teasing and hoping that it will be filled again.

"The fuckpig wants cock, look at his butt. Get on your back at the foot of the bed, slave, I want your arse now," said Master Greg. It wasn't a request, it was an order.

I quickly got up and saw a wet patch on the bed where my precum had pooled. Master Greg scooped it up and lather it on his cock. It was difficult to move with my balls chained to my ankles, and the thought of my arse being ripped open by Master Greg's monster cock unnerved me. I lay on my back at the foot of the bed, my head hanging off it, and Master Rewan cuffed my hands to the bedposts.

"Pass me the lube, I want to get all of my cock inside him in one go," said Master Greg.

Instead of the lube bottle, Master Rewan handed the small container of harvested cum to Master Greg. I found it disturbing, bordering on unnatural even; cum was supposed to come out of cocks, not plastic containers. Master Greg placed 2 pillows under my lower back, raising my arse to the level of his cock. Master Rewan stood at the foot of the bed, pulled my legs closer to my body, which in turn yanked my balls away from my perineum, further exposing my arsehole and giving unhindered access to it.

Master Greg rested his cockhead on the pucker of my arsehole, unscrew the container and poured some of the contents onto his cockhead. It felt slimy and runny, as the excess of the fluid spilled from his cockhead to my arsehole. With a finger, he slathered some of the liquid around the girth and length of his monster cock. Master Rewan hurriedly offered me poppers, and knowing what was to come, I took 4 extra long hits.

Perhaps too much, as I got extremely dizzy, letting my head dangle over the bed. Master Greg wasn't lying; with a single explosive force he shoved all 9 inches of his alpha fuckrod in my tiny arsehole and immediately got into his trademark piston-fucking. It left me very little chance to react to this blatant abuse of my arse, as my eyes rolled back into my head and I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out.

It took a while before Master Rewan's cock found its target. Master Greg's jackrabbit fucking shook the bed, and my body hard, as my head lolled back and forth. Determined not to miss out on the action, he aimed his cock and it slid past my throat easily, still open from my soundless scream. Immobilised by the heady daze of poppers, I had let my body go limp, like a rag doll plugged at both ends.

Master Rewan bent his knee slightly to align his cock to my mouth, as my body relayed the force of Master Greg's furious fucking to my head, causing Master Rewan's cock to passively skullfuck me. There were no conflicting thoughts in my head this time, I was determined to let these two dominant studs spitroast a submissive fuckpig like me, and I was in heat. I WANTED them to use both my holes as they please.

I was impressed by Master Greg's dexterity: not once did his cock fall out of my arse as he continued to pillage my abused hole, full of sexual rage. I had no idea how long I was spit-roasted in that position, but it was certainly long enough that I had come out of my poppers haze long ago, yet the fucking continued on for a while longer. It mattered not, I was enjoying every moment of it.

My throat and tongue were actively savouring Master Rewan's cock, his distinctive musk overwhelming my nostrils as his balls repeatedly slammed my nose. I knew that Master Greg enjoyed it when I sporadically tighten my anal ring around his cock, as he grunted responsively through gritted teeth. Perhaps responding to having a real monster cock in my rectum, my prostate had managed to squeeze out even more precum that pooled generously on my abs.

Master Rewan leant his body over me to gain a better angle at penetrating my throat, which gave him an unobstructed view of Master Greg's cock pumping my hole. This combination of tactile and visual stimuli must had turn him on, and before long, he was nearing a climax.

"I'm getting close, Greg," warned Master Rewan, his breath quickening.

"Then lean back, I want to see this cumpig choke on it," replied Master Greg, pushing Master Rewan back.

Leaning over me, Master Greg ramped up his fucking pace. A pair of hands clamped down on my neck in a vice-like grip, narrowing my throat for Master Rewan's cock. It was probably Master Greg, as he was the more aggressive out of the 2 of them. My windpipe felt constricted and I started to panic, wriggling my head to no avail as another pair of hands held it fast. My face felt red-hot.

With a final ball-deep thrust into my mouth, Master Rewan let out a long moan and his cock spewed out volley after volley of his studjizz down my throat. As my throat was clamped, I couldn't swallow it. With nowhere for it to go, I started to choke on his cum, retching to expel the fluid out. Yet my mouth was still stuffed with his cock, so most of his cum end up coming out of my nose, covering my eyes and face.

Master Rewan withdrew his cock before he had finished cumming, so the remainder of his cum were directed on my face. I was relieved as this allowed me to cough out his cum from my throat, allowing me to breath. Master Greg released his grip on my neck and held my head up to face him, but continued on fucking me.

"Look at you covered in cum like the cumslut you are," taunted Master Greg. "It fucking turns me on, but I'm not gonna seed you, not just yet."

Sensing that he was about to cum too, Master Greg withdrew his cock from my arse, denying himself a climax, leaving a large gap in my arse. He collapsed on the bed, panting, while I was still chained to that position, face covered in cum. My cock was still hard.

Coming out from the bathroom, Master Rewan released my wrists from the bedposts and removed the short chain between the ball stretcher and leather ankle cuffs. Through my cum-covered eyes I saw that he still had a raging hardon, as he removed both ankle cuffs, but kept the tit clamps on. The slave collar was buckled in place and the spider gag removed. I was about to wipe his cum off my face before Master Rewan stopped me.

"Greg wouldn't be happy if you do that," he said. I obeyed. " Ready for round 2?" he asked.

"Fuck yeah!" replied Master Greg.

Master Rewan sat himself at the head of the bed, his back propped up at an angle against the headboard with his legs stretched and wide open. He beckoned me over with a finger and I crawled towards his cock, happy to serve this Nordic stud.

"No no, I had your mouth. Now I want your arse," ordered Master Rewan with his trademark grin, stopping me in my tracks while pouring the harvested cum on his cock. "Your back against me."

Facing the foot of the bed, I knelt and lowered my arse on his wet cock. Master Greg's savage pounding earlier had opened my arse nicely, so Master Rewan's cock went in steadily. I let gravity do the work until all of his cock was in me, the fullness of my arse causing my own hard cock to twitch in pleasure. I didn't even need poppers. I wriggled my arse, alternating between circular and figure-of-8 motion. Master Rewan spanked my arsecheeks a few times in approval, which spurred me on.

I licked some of Master Rewan's cum as most of it had started to run down my face. Master Greg approached me from the front, pushed my body so that my back leant against Master Rewan's abs and chest. Scooping up some cum on my face with his 2 fingers, Master Greg mercilessly shoved them up my arse, joining Master Rewan's cock there.

I groaned through gritted teeth, but knew better than to struggle. The added volume in my rectum I could take, in fact it was quite pleasurable, but the stretching of my anal ring sent a stinging pain shooting up my spine. Master Rewan gave me some poppers and Master Greg yanked and rattled my nipple clamps, which negated some of the pain and calmed me down. They began to understand my body.

Master Greg's fingers danced inside my rectum, feeling his way around Master Rewan's throbbing curved cock, occasionally rubbing against my prostate and stretching my rectal wall further. Then Master Greg withdrew his fingers as quickly as they went in, moved closer and positioned his cock to enter me. To give him more access, I hooked my free hands behind my knee to spread my legs further apart, resting on either side of my torso. I'm not a contortionist, but my lean lithe body was quite flexible then, and still is.

Master Rewan had kept the brown vial under my nose, so I took long liberal hits knowing what was to come, even though I was still reeling from the previous hit. Aware that Master Greg relished looking at his fuckslave in pain, I looked straight into his eyes, as if daring him to tear me apart with his monster cock.

Master Rewan braced his hands against the headboard, perhaps conscious that Master Greg might jumped straight into a ruthless brutal fucking. But Master Greg had other ideas: this was not something that he wanted to be over with quickly.

I gritted my teeth as the invasion began, Master Greg's bulbous cockhead stretching my anal ring to breaking point. I felt like my whole body was on fire, the pain was EXTREME, something that I had never felt before. My body tensed and I started to struggle, letting go of my legs and trying to push Master Greg away.

"I can't.. I can't.. I can't.. I can't.. I can't..." I begged Master Greg.

But both of them were quicker than me, and more agile. Master Rewan had hooked his own strong hands under my knees to hug my legs and body closer to his body, holding me fast. Master Greg kept a firm grip on the chain connecting my tit clamps, yanking it down towards his cock, forcing me to bear down too.

"Stop... please stop..." I begged again.

Another steady thrust and Master Greg's cockhead went past my anal ring and continued the double onslaught. I let out a long loud grunt as I saw the lustful look grew on Master Greg's face. He moved slowly, and that kept Master Rewan's cock firmly buried ball deep inside my arse. My jaw slackened from the overwhelming pain, the fire burning hotter in me mingled with my poppers haze.

With a final merciless thrust, Master Greg drove the full length of his monster cock home, joining Master Rewan's cock in my arse, the wide girth at the base of both their cocks stretched my sphincter to beyond breaking point. I could feel the softness of both their ballsack tickling my arsehole, in contrast to the rock-hard cocks fully buried in my super-stretched arse. I reached down to my arsehole to feel the monster cocks in me, but I could not wrap my dainty fingers around the girth of their combined cocks, it was that big!

The pain reached a new high: on a scale of 1 to 10... about 46. Not even the poppers haze could mask it. Looking down my body I saw my own cock had gone soft, but what caught my attention was the unnatural bulge on my lower abs. Their cocks combined had been too large... too big for my tiny hole that it dented up my skin. I had never experienced this before. The view was grotesquely... arousing. I'm a sleazy slutty Asian whore impaled on 2 massive white cocks. I should feel lucky and honoured to serve these 2 fine Caucasian masters.

I decided to seize the pain, to take control of it and prove my worth. Tracing my sight from that grotesque bulge on my lower abs to Master Greg's own hard abs, up his toned body to his rugged lustful face, I looked deep and straight into his eyes. Master Greg had left his cock in me to savour that moment of his ultimate dominance over me, watching me in absolute pain.

"Fuck me. Go on and fuck me. Do it," I said to both my Masters. "You have broken me in and fucked me into submission. Now claim me as your fuckslave. "

I must've surprised them with what I said. Either way I hoped it turned them on. Master Rewan was the first to respond, gently rocking his pelvis back and forth. I wriggled my arse as much I could, shifting my focus from the pain on my sphincter to the pleasure on my stimulated prostate.

Then Master Greg picked up the rhythm and started his own dominant fucking motion, steady at first then quickening to his usual pace. After finding the right speed, he relaxed his grip on my tit clamps but grabbed my hair to use it as leverage. I could hear Master Rewan's low moans, it must have felt fantastic having another cock rubbing against his own in a tight wet hole.

Before I knew it, any traces of pain slowly faded away and I was immersed in the absorbing world of pure pleasure. My cock grew rock hard again and produced an unusually large amount of precum, until I suspected that some piss must be forced out too as my own bladder was compressed by their combined cocks. Either way the precum-piss mixture were bucketing out, drenching my cock and balls, covering my perineum and pooling around my arsehole, adding more lube to their cocks.

I was impressed by Master Greg's stamina and sexual energy, as he kept up the fucking rhythm continuously. Sweat glistened on his body as the workout accentuated his muscles, contracting and relaxing with every movement, which caught me in a mesmerising trance. What can I say, I'm a whore for lean defined bodies.

Master Greg paused his fucking motion and gestured to Master Rewan to rearrange our positions. In a feat worthy of professional acrobats, my Masters maneuvered us, all the while keeping their cocks buried deep in me. We inched ourselves further down the bed so that Master Rewan could lie flat on his back. With my Masters' strong arms supporting my body weight, I was twisted on their double fuckpole so that I was facing Master Rewan and the head of the bed. My legs were released so that it rested folded on the bed.

In this new position, Master Rewan's upward-curved cock caused an even bigger bulge on my pelvis. Master Greg continued pounding my arse and everytime he hits home, Master Rewan's cock dug deeper on my pleasure spot. I leant forward slightly to give Master Greg more access to my arse. My tit clamps dangled and bit onto my nipples, making me want more of their cocks, all of their length, all of them.

Master Rewan gave me a few more hits of poppers, put his hands behind his head and lay back, enjoying passively fucking me. Master Greg grabbed my hair with one hand, pulling his body closer to mine and hooked his strong forearm around my neck in a tight grip that almost choked me, his sweat glueing his body to mine. He rested his head on my shoulder, his mouth just next to my ear, while his other hand pushed my lower back to keep my arse down.

"I hope you're enjoying this, slave, letting us abuse your tight hole," taunted Master Greg. "I want you to savour every moment of having 2 virile white studs breeding your Asian hole, using you as our personal cumdump. What a fuckpig you turned out to be, a sleazy fuckslave. Soon you'll be gagging and begging for our monster cocks in you."

I was beginning to feel light-headed from the poppers and the lack of circulation to my head. Master Rewan propped himself up with his hands, leaning close to kiss me, sandwiching me again between my Masters. I wrapped my arms around Master Rewan's neck to bring him closer, as Master Greg spewed out more of his usual vitriol of abuse into my ear.

It was a surreal sensation: being verbally abused while tenderly kissed at once and being slowly asphyxiated while having my small arse destroyed by 2 massive cocks in a sleazy fuck sandwich. Surreal but hot.

The ferocity of Master Greg's relentless pounding increased dramatically, perhaps spurred on by his own dirty talk, dislodging my nipple clamps as my chest rubbed against Master Rewan's. Blood flooded back into my nipples as Master Rewan's hard pecs continued to rub them, while my raging cock was pressed firmly between our abs. Combined with the poppers, being choked, and mostly the pressure of being double fucked on my prostate, I felt the inevitable rising in my balls. It was all too much.

Before I could suppress it, my cock exploded, shooting cum all over my chest and Master Rewan's. It was my best orgasm by far. My arse spasmed and clamped down on my their cocks, something that I did not think possible, considering how overstretched my arse was.

"No.. no, I'm not done... arrrgghhhhh..." cried Master Greg in a loud liberating grunt as his cock erupted too soon, unable to contain his cum after denying himself earlier. It didn't slow his fucking though, as squirts of his fuckjuice flooded my arse, causing an audible `squishing' sound.

About 15 seconds later Master Greg finally slowed down and came to a stop, his forearm relaxing its grip on my neck. I was still light-headed but Master Rewan was still kissing me, gently rocking his hips and picking up Master Greg's momentum. My arse started to hurt again and the pain radiated throughout my body, causing me to involuntarily try to lift myself up from their cocks, but Master Greg prevented that with his arms. It took another minute, probably 2, before Master Rewan came.

"Oh yeaahhhhh..." sighed Master Rewan into my mouth, as we were still kissing, and his floodgates opened and he seeded me for the 3rd time that day. If Master Greg was the marathon fucker, Master Rewan was certainly the champion cummer.

I struggled to pry myself free from their hold, but only managed to kneel up, when my arse expelled both of their still-hard cocks, slimy and covered with their own cum. What followed was slightly disturbing for me, as my arse ejected the remainder of their studjizz in one explosive squirt, spraying their cocks and lower abs with their own baby-batter.

No cum-harvest this time, as Master Greg extracted me from the sweaty tangled mess of their sexy bodies with his strong arms, and manhandled me to crouch facing their cocks.

"Get working cumpig," he said.

I hesitated, disgusted by the thought that I have to lick their cock after it had been in my arse. But I knew better than to protest. I licked Master Greg's cock first, then Master Rewan's. At first it tasted tangy, musty even... then slightly salty... and before I knew it, I was lapping up my Masters' sweet nectar like a parched dog. Master Greg even scooped up the last few strings of cum dribbling out of my arse and fed it to me. I was relieved that he did not ask me to deepthroat him; it would still be impossible without the spider gag.

I was tired and spent. My mind raced when Master Greg told me to keep on my all fours while he moved behind me. Was he ready for more fucking? Round 3? I felt the familiar pressure again on my arsehole and braced myself. I bit my lip and reminded myself that I agreed to be their fuckslave for the weekend. Glancing at the window, it was just about dawn on a Sunday. Sunday... still the weekend.

Master Greg shoved the butt plug into my arse, gave it a good hard spank and collapsed onto his side of the bed. I looked up towards my Masters from where I was at the foot the bed, unsure as to what to do. Should I remain there? Should I hit the shower? Should I sleep on the couch?

"Come here you," beckoned Master Rewan from the other side. I squeezed myself between my Masters into Master Rewan's embrace, back in the middle of the sweaty tangled mess of their hot bodies.

Next: Chapter 5

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