Asian Slave Submits

By Adam Bakar

Published on Oct 15, 2013


As always, feedback and thoughts welcomed. Please be gentle, as English isn't my first language and I'm still learning.

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The following day, I was first aware of a fullness in my arse. It wasn't uncomfortable and I didn't have the urge to empty my bowels. It just felt full. My throat felt dry and numb, my nipples sore, and my cock hard. Nothing new with my morning wood, but I've never felt this battered in the morning before.

I opened my eyes and saw Rewan's face in the semi-darkness, just inches from my own, eyes closed and soundly asleep. I was lying on my side and my head was resting on his muscular right upper arm, his left leg over my thighs. Greg was spooning me on the other side, his right arm around my waist. I felt his breathing on my nape, shallow but steady.

It was already mid-morning judging from the lights creeping through the curtains. I got up to empty my bladder, but only managed to lift my head a little when I felt something tug on my neck. To my horror I found that my neck was chained to the headboard.

Did they think that I was going to escape in the middle of the night? I started to panic and pulled at the chain, but it was fastened securely. My eyes darted around the bed and caught Rewan's eyes and froze; they were wide open.

"Need to pee," I mouthed soundlessly to him, and he unfastened a clip and the chain slipped free from my neck.

In the bathroom, I examined my body in the mirror to see if there were any other contraption on me. Ankle and wrist cuffs were gone; so was the thick slave collar, tit clamps, spider gag and ball stretcher. But I saw something on my arsehole and recognised a butt plug.

Rewan walked in and told me that the butt plug was to keep Greg's cum in my arse and to condition my arse. He told me to empty Greg's cum in a container by the sink. It took me a while to register what he was saying, distracted by this hot-mess blond stud groggily peeing next to me. My knees went a little bit wobbly watching his naked body and his semi-flaccid cock. He became aware that I was drinking in this view and shot me his trademark sexy smile.

He then told me to lean against the sink and to spread my legs. Without any warning he ripped out the butt plug in one swift pull, causing me to double over in pain.

"No easy way of doing that. On the upside it made your sphincter clamp tight so no liquid escaped. Now bear down slowly as if you're about to take a shit," instructed Rewan, while holding the small container to catch the liquid.

Easier said than done after that excruciating pain, but I managed to get some measure of it out. The mixture of lube, Greg's cum, my saliva and ass-juice looked clear, maybe slightly cloudy. Again I was relieved, and surprised, that there was no discolouration. Stool would have been disgusting, and blood extremely worrying.

"Now let's put this plug back to where it was. And don't be a pussy, it's not that big," said Rewan, as he lathered the plug with lube. He was right, it wasn't that big, about 3 inches thick at its widest point and 3 inches long. I had preferred to leave it out, but didn't protest.

I braced myself for another quick-shove action, but felt a steady penetration instead. Rewan's other hand found one of my nipple and tweaked it. The plug went in with a faint pop and I felt the fullness again.

"Coffee?" he asked, ruffling my hair.

"Uh, yeah. And water too, please."

"Sure," he said, slapped my arse and walked out of the bathroom.

I put on my denim shorts and we had coffee and cigarettes on the balcony, Rewan just in his boxers with a visible bulge that kept on distracting me. He said that Greg had wanted to continue fucking me after I passed out the previous night, but I was out cold. Something about wanting their fuckslave to experience every moment of it. He warned me to prepare myself for what was coming today, mentally and physically. They weren't the kind of dom tops to be satisfied so easily.

Shortly, Greg woke up and joined us. He inquired about the butt plug, instructed me to drop my shorts and bend over for him to inspect. I obliged and Greg said that he was pleased. I was glad that I didn't object to Rewan re-inserting the plug earlier.

We got ready to hit the on-site gym to work out. I was given a white low-rise 80's nylon gym shorts to wear, with slits that went up to the waistband on either sides. I put the shorts on and they fitted me tightly, perhaps a tad too small. They got to be joking. I looked at both of them inquiringly, but thought better than to protest or ask for something less revealing. My hesitancy didn't go unnoticed.

"Your denim shorts will be inappropriate. You're going to sweat anyway so you will be shirtless. Keep the butt plug in you. You should take this as punishment for falling asleep on us last night," said Greg, with a knowing and mischievous grin. No, obviously they weren't joking.

I was petrified, afraid that I might be seen with 2 strapping young white guys, in this state of undressed, walking down the corridors and taking the lift down to the gym. This was worse than how I felt yesterday. I was lucky that it was a Saturday morning and the cleaners weren't there and we didn't bump into anyone in the lift.

I was luckier that the gym was deserted. I started off my usual cardio routine on the cross trainer. It was difficult at the beginning, with a butt plug up my arse, but I got used to it once I set my rhythm right. By the time I moved on to the treadmill I had started to worry again. The constant stimulation of the butt plug made my cock semi-hard. The sweat pouring off my slender body had made the shorts almost transparent and made it clung to my skin. Combined with the side slits that widen everytime I took a stride, my shorts left nothing to the imagination. I might as well had been naked.

Soon the gym started to fill up. From the mirror I could see them taking furtive glances at me. Eagle-eyed Greg didn't miss this either. He came over to offer me some water, which he sloppily and deliberately held to my mouth so that most of it poured down my slim torso to my shorts. I could clearly see my semi-hard cock through the shorts now. Another couple of glugs were poured down my back. The Chinese lady who had just started to run next to me abruptly left her treadmill.

"That should cool you down a little bit. Stay on the treadmill for another 20 minutes then do 45 minutes on either the bike or the rowing machine," said Greg. Obviously there were more to this punishment than meets the eye.

I chose to row out of preference, they're less busy plus I can work on my abs and biceps too. But to get to the rower I had to cross the gym in front of the row of bikes and cross trainers that were all occupied. I was absolutely humiliated, but took it nonetheless as punishment deserved. I felt like all eyes were watching me (Rewan and Greg no less); shirtless, sweaty and with tight transparent shorts that clearly showed my arse and semi-hard cock. I can imagine them disapproving, sniggering, whispering, pointing, and turned-on maybe?

I picked the rowing machine next to where Rewan was doing some free weights. Somehow I felt safer and less exposed being near to him. There was a guy in the machine next to me, concentrating deeply in his rowing that I hoped he didn't noticed my state of (un)dress. After a couple of minutes on the machine, I felt the butt plug brushing against the sweet spot on my prostate at each stroke, my body weight causing the seat to exert extra pressure on the butt plug. After 5 minutes my cock was rock hard and tenting up my now transparent shorts, my balls just about poking under the hem, and the sides of my thighs completely exposed.

I felt blood draining from my face in shame, totally embarrassed. There was no way of hiding my pocket rocket as I didn't have a towel with me. Yet it felt... strangely gratifying having my prostate stimulated that way... strangely thrilling about being passively dominated in public like this... knowing that I was being watched. I wanted to impress Greg and Rewan, to prove that I was a worthy slave.

The guy next to me almost fell off his machine when he finally noticed me. Shaking his head, he got up and walked away, muttering under his breath. Greg quickly took his place.

"Keep rowing, boy. And don't you dare cum," he commanded.

I continued to row, the intensity of my workout pushed the butt plug deeper into my arse, my shorts soaked with sweat. I had to regulate my strokes to keep me from cumming: any faster and I would cum, any slower the plug wouldn't hit my G-spot. At this point my stiff hardon had caused my cockhead to stick out of my shorts. There was no way that I could readjust my shorts to cover it without stopping. Greg had a big satisfying grin on his face.

It was Rewan who put a stop to the spectacle. He wrapped up his routine and came over to put his towel on my lap and told me to stop rowing.

"That's a bit much, Greg. What the fuck were you thinking? People are watching him," said Rewan, while helping me out of the rowing machine.

"Let them watch. I'm pretty sure those 2 guys over there are getting turned on, they have been following him around the gym and never took their eyes off him. Plus, look at him, he enjoys being humiliated. I certainly enjoy humiliating him," replied Greg smugly, again, talking as if I was his property to do as he wished.

"That's enough. Come on, let's go," insisted Rewan. There was a finality in his voice that even Greg didn't object. I suspected that my humiliation had entertained him sufficiently this morning.

Again, I felt eyes watching me as we exited the gym, my hands trying hard to flatten my erection against my body. I kept my eyes on the ground and dared not look at anyone else in the gym. I was sure that I heard someone calling after us, with words like "security" and "police" being used. I could never show my face in this gym again.

Back in their apartment, all of us took turn in the shower. Rewan told me that he would get us some brunch and that I could have some free time while Greg did some work on his MacBook. I asked if I could take a catnap and Rewan consented. There was a trace of sympathy in Rewan's voice and demeanor, but he didn't apologise for what happened in the gym. Neither did Greg. I certainly didn't expect Greg to apologise for any of his actions.

The butt plug and the resultant hardon made it difficult for me to sleep, which got me thinking about my punishment in the gym earlier. I enjoyed the prostate stimulation on the rowing machine (being the nympho-slut that I was), but I had mixed feelings about being so publicly exposed. Without being overly paranoid, I could potentially be arrested and charged with indecency. Let's not forget that we were in a private residential gym in deeply conservative Malaysia.

But the crux of the matter was that I obeyed their order and was turned on by my submission to both Greg and Rewan, even if it meant being so publicly humiliated. I was striving to please them, under significant risks, but I did it nonetheless, unquestioningly. Pain to pleasure, humiliation to gratification: the cogs in my head were turning new cognitive machines.

After some grub, they wanted to go for a swim to cool down and lounged by the pool. I would have preferred to stay inside to escape the afternoon heat, which can get quite unbearable in Kuala Lumpur, or hit the air-conditioned shopping malls like most locals do. Only Mat Salleh (`white Caucasian' in the local vernacular) could be seen leisurely braving the afternoon sun outdoors.

But Greg chucked a pair speedo at me, and again, I knew better than to suggest an alternative. Yes it was too tight, but then most speedos are tight-fitting anyway, and at least it wasn't transparent. I was given a towel by Rewan, with a cheeky wink thrown in too.

I did laps and stayed in the pool most of the time to hide my semi-erection; the butt plug was still in me. The were a handful of other swimmers and sunbathers, but they soon retreated into the cool shadows at the height of the day's heat. I showed Rewan my wrinkled hands and he nodded, indicating that we should get out too. Greg decided to hit the gym for free-weights and I gestured to follow him, but was stopped by Rewan. I was to return to the apartment with him.

I was ordered into the bedroom and told to strip. Master Rewan secured the thick `FUCKSLAVE' collar on me and my heart started to thump vigorously in my chest. I was expecting more bondage gear, but instead he ordered me to get down on my knees and start sucking his flaccid cock.

There were no hair grabbing and forceful shoving; Master Rewan just stood there letting me move at my own pace. I started licking his balls and taking them in my mouth, one after the other and then both, occasionally looking up to his face to check if he disapproved. His handsome cock stirred into life as blood rushed to fill it. No further orders were given so I moved cautiously to his cock, first licking under the hood and his piss slit.

I proceeded to gobble all of his cock into my mouth, taking advantage of it not being fully erect, relaxing my tongue, opening my jaw and throat as wide as I can. I looked up and he had tilted his head back, obviously enjoying the service. I left the length of his cock in my my mouth; my lips wrapping the base while my tongue and throat massaged his growing cock, all the while breathing through my nose.

But soon his cock grew to a stiff erect state from the stimulation, filling my mouth and throat. My gag reflex ejected his cock completely, with a few strings of my saliva clinging to it. I closed my eyes, expecting a stinging slap on my face and words of abuse. But it never came. Perhaps it wasn't his style to meet out instant punishments.

Master Rewan took a moment to assess the situation, told me to stand up and put on the spider gag on me. A short whiff of poppers and the tit clamps went on, complete with a connecting chain. Pulling on this chain, Master Rewan led me to the bed.

My master propped himself on the bed, resting his back on the headboard with me on all fours facing him, looking at his cock. Did I tell you how beautiful his cock was? Perfectly proportioned and not monstrously huge like Master Greg's. Master Rewan's cock was milky white, untouched by the tropical sun, with peachy hues snaked with little blue veins, tantalising me to submit to it. Riding on the poppers buzz and the clamps digging sweetly on my tits, I took a deep breath and lunged for my master's stiff cock, all 8 inches of it.

Alternating between deep-throats, I sucked his cock in long steady strokes; using my free hands to wrap the remainder of his length, fondle his balls and gently rubbing his perineum. Master Rewan's gamble to grant me autonomy had paid off. By not restraining my hands, he allowed me to work on his sensitive areas, maximising his pleasure. In turn, I took my time to get to know his cock and balls; finding his sweet spots and calculating the right rhythm, guided by his soft moans and muffled grunts.

Moments like this made me lose track of time. It could've lasted an hour, or really just 10 minutes. I didn't care, I was in cocksucker heaven and I could easily go on like this forever. I was aware that my own cock was rock hard and begging for attention, but I wouldn't let it detract from my work on my master's cock. What enhanced my bliss was the salty-sweet taste of his precum in my mouth, lubricating my throat. As per usual, this awakened my inner slut, whipping me into a sucking frenzy.

I was completely lost in a cocksucking dream that I didn't hear Master Rewan's command. He laid a hand on my cheek, slowed my sucking motion, and pulled me off his cock. Disappointed and puzzled, I opened my watery eyes to look at him.

"Slow down, I don't want to cum yet," he said, his fingers wiping my eyes..

With the lack of further command, I made to kiss the area around his cock and balls, still driven by the residual taste of his precum in my mouth. But the spider gag made this difficult and I must've looked stupid attempting it. Master Rewan unbuckled the gag and my jaw relaxed.

Now unhindered, I started to lick his inner thighs while my hands stroked his strong legs. A low moan confirmed his approval so I moved up his body to his flat lower abs, lingering at his outy belly button. My hands moved up his torso and my mouth followed suit, feeling the contours of his defined 6-pack with my tongue. I paused to feel his solid pecs with my hands, relishing the opportunity to explore and worship his taut body, to discover his erogenous zones.

Master Rewan was enjoying this treatment, watching me intently with his electric blue eyes. He then lifted his arms to rest his hands behind his head, exposing more uncharted territories, inviting me in. I buried my face in both of his armpits, one after the other; kissing, licking and sniffing his stud-musk, which was more potent than any poppers, any sex drugs. His scent made me weak; made me submit to my master.

I paused to remove some of his armpit hairs from my mouth, and realised that I had probably made a big mistake. Instinctively I shut my eyes tight, again, expecting a hard slap that never came. Master Rewan noticed this and let out a short laugh.

"Were you expecting me to hit you?" he asked. I nodded. "Nah, not my style. I have better ways to deal with errant slaves. You didn't do anything displeasing anyway."

I was further surprised when Master Rewan pulled me in for a deep, long kiss. This made me move to straddle his hips, our hard cocks grinding each other, brown Asian skin against tanned Caucasian. One of his hands tugged on my tit clamps while the other twisted the butt plug in my arse. Still reeling from his armpit musk, this new combination jolted me into a new humping rhythm, our copious precum mixing and lubricating our cocks.

Master Rewan deemed that I was prime for the taking. He grabbed the tit clamps chain firmly in his hand, pulling my body close to his and causing my arse to stick out, his tongue still ravaging my mouth. With one final twist, he pried the butt plug out of my arse, leaving a gap there that the nympho-slut in me wanted filled immediately. Pronto.

What a pro. It's as if Master Rewan knew exactly how I needed to be prepped. He made me obey his orders without uttering them; totally played me like a fiddle. After squeezing more precum out of our cocks and lathering it only on his, I positioned my arse and started to sit on my master's cock. The urgency and rush to get my hole filled made me forgo lube and spit altogether, letting gravity pull my body onto his cock.

Which was a mistake, as I struggled to even take Master Rewan's cockhead. I gave it another try, but that familiar burning pain shot from my arsehole to the rest of my body as I grimaced and gave up. I tried to lift my body up but failed; Master Rewan's grip on the tit clamps chain held my body down. A brown vial appeared under my nose yet I hesitated. But the cockslut in me took control and I instinctively took not one, not two, but three long sniff of poppers. Needs must.

Master Rewan kissed me again as my head whirled in the buzz. I closed my eyes and felt him tug on the tit clamps chain, pulling my body down as my sphincter slowly relaxed. I braced my hands against his strong chest, anxious about the impending invasion. Slowly my master's cock disappeared into my tiny arse. Slowly, but surely.

After a while, my body seized and my muscle tensed; my hands pushed against my master's chest to halt my descent. I must've had about 1/3, maybe even half of the length of his cock before the pain flared up again, swimming in a whirlpool of pleasure in my head. I broke our kiss and let out a distressing groan, trying to weather to pain. Noticing this, Master Rewan stopped pulling my tit clamp chain down, but held it firmly in place, letting me get accustomed to his girth and length, scrutinising my face for any hint of pain or pleasure.

"Your arse is still tight, even after that butt plug in you," he said in a curious tone.

With one quick move, his sinewy arm manhandled my lithe body and swapped our positions so that I was lying on my back on the bed and my master on top of me in a missionary position; my head propped up slightly on the headboard, all the while keeping his cock half-buried in me and not letting go of the tit chain.

Master Rewan passed me the brown vial and grabbed a bottle of lube. He pushed my legs against my chest and ordered me to hold them there. A generous blob was applied to the remainder of his cock and around my sphincter. Just as I finished topping up on some poppers, he put on a condom on my cock. Before I could ask why, the invasion of his cock resumed as the poppers buzz hit me. I closed my eyes and lose myself in the whirlpool of pleasure and pain.

"Look at me," commanded Master Rewan. And I did, his electric blue eyes held my gaze, captivated me as always. Hypnotised by his eyes, he drove his fuckrod all the way in me, ball deep, stretching my tiny arsehole. I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out. He left his cock buried deep in me for a while, letting me get used to his 8 incher, before starting to fuck me in a slow gentle rhythm.

Without Master Greg around, Master Rewan was less verbal and more relaxed. Unhurried, he was also more tactile; full of gestures and small touches; as opposed to Master Greg who probably see me as nothing more than just a pair of holes on a living fuckslave for him to dump his cum. With his unoccupied hand he touched my face and caressed my body, while the other keeping a firm grip on my tit chain. This distracted me from the pain in my arse, as little jolts of electricity hit me wherever he traced his fingers on my body. But he avoided my cock completely, just as expected. Perhaps doing so would only degrade himself.

Sensing that I was getting used to his slow steady fucking, Master Rewan let go of the nipple clamps chain and pulled his body away from mine to a sitting position, with his back vertically straight. He placed his hands on either side of my cock to use it as leverage, and continued his sensual fuck, withdrawing all of his cock before ramming all of it in again.

I was enamoured by the sight of this fuck stud plowing my hole; every visible muscle on his sinewy body relaxing and contracting to his steady fucking motion, distracting me from the diminishing pain in my arse. With my arms unbound, I ran my hands on his biceps, triceps, his rock-solid pecs, his serratus muscle under his armpits, his defined 6-pack, and back to his veiny forearms. Every touch heightened the fucking pleasure, and I knew that I was being used by a muscle stud.

Before long, Master Rewan's gently-curved hard cock started to brush against the sweet spot in my rectum, hitting my prostate with every in-out motion. I moaned in absolute pleasure as my prostate produced even more precum that gathered in the condom on my cock, the burning pain had disappeared completely. Master Rewan kept his eyes on my arsehole while fucking it. Perhaps the sight of his thick white cock disappearing into my tight brown Asian hole turned him on.

Little beads of sweat started to appear on his sexy body as he ramped up his fucking speed. I hugged my legs closer to my chest to spread my arsecheek further, giving more access to his cock. I wanted to stroke my own cock badly, but I remembered the deal and thought better of it. Instead, I clamped down my sphincter everytime he buried his cock deep in me, enveloping it in a vice-like grip.

This in turn sent Master Rewan into overdrive. Grunting breathlessly, his rapid burst of piston-fucking sent him over the edge and he came in my arse, perhaps sooner than he expected, his cum spurts coinciding with his inward thrusts, all the while his eyes were locked on his cock and my arse.

When his climax subsided, he looked up at me and threw me his trademark wink with his sexy smile, indicating his satisfaction. Yet his fucking motion didn't stop, but slowed down to his initial speed. He guided my right hand to my cock, nodded, and did a zipping motion on his lips.

If this was a trap, or a test, I did not care. I started jacking my cock rapidly, careful not to let the condom slip out, while Master Rewan continued to fuck his cum deeper in me, churning his stud-cream into butter. He hooked a finger onto the tit clamps chain to gently rattle it, sending little shocks of pleasure emanating from my nipples down to my fucked arse and then all over my quivering body. It didn't take long for me to cum. With a final thrust, my master rammed all of his cock in me and I came, my cum filling up the condom on my cock.

Reaching new fucking heights in the next chapter...

Next: Chapter 4

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