Asian Slave Submits

By Adam Bakar

Published on Sep 26, 2013


This is a true account that I've kept a record of in my diary. It started about 18 months ago and I will chronicle the journey in the coming chapters. Feedback and thoughts are always welcomed, it will definitely motivate to write up the following chapters.

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My name is Adam and I am 24yo 175cm 55kg, athletically skinny with good definition typical of Asians. In between silat(martial arts indigenous to the Indo-Malay Archipelago), swimming and irregular free-weights sessions, I have a developed some muscle definition over the years, but nothing to boast about. I live in Kuala Lumpur and just recently started working for an oil and gas multinational. Life's good but I was sexually unfulfilled.

I'd like to think that I have a slightly above-average cock of 7 inches erect. Judging by the other Asians I have had sex with and their reaction when they first see my cock, this was quite rare. Because of this, I would invariably find myself being the top in the past, but that didn't satisfy me. I get intense orgasms from being fucked hard and having my prostate stimulated in the process. I'm simply a bottom.

A fussy bottom at that... well... a fussy bottom with a tight pert butt and even tighter anus. I prefer tops with big cocks, but they were few and far between in this part of the world, so I don't get fucked very often and my anal ring has long dry spells for it to recover. Being my age this happens in no time. Lucky me.

There's something grotesquely arousing about a huge thick cock sliding in and out, stretching my Asian arse that's far too small to receive a monster cock. This was the scenario that eluded me. The hypnotising sight of the serpent; on my knees trying unsuccessfully to fit it down my small throat and choking on it; the palpable disappointment of the top when my tight hole resisted the assault of his fingers; the rising lust driving me to insist that I can take his rock hard cock; the inherent fear of being impaled by a thick pole; the generous lube applied; the frustrated top ramming it all in ball-deep; the searing pain that subtly turn into slutty pleasure as every piston stroke hits my G-spot, the hungry top claiming his prize as he cum fountains that spills out of my small arse...

It rarely happened, and remained as ever elusive.

Most of the well-endowed tops in Kuala Lumpur are expatriates, though these tend to congregate more so in financial hubs like Singapore, just south of the border. The ubiquitous sex tourists prefer Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia where their dollars and euros stretches further. The occasional businessmen that visits Kuala Lumpur on their short trips tend to be older, but more experienced.

There were also Middle Easterners: the older ones on their family shopping trips and the younger ones studying in the local religious and secular universities. I had a few encounters with the latter and found that they like to fuck rough and are extremely selfish in bed, which was both good and bad. Young backpackers round off the list, their youth and looks highly-prized by local boys.

I have to admit that I fit into the gay asian bottom stereotype perfectly, that we prefer Caucasian tops. It's a rule of thumb, yes, but perhaps it's the combination of their milky white skin, physically fit bodies, hung cock, confident outlook, tendency to top and their good looks that qualified the attraction.

But my preference also extends to younger Caucasian tops, somewhat around my age. Don't get me wrong, when push come to shove I would hook up with older gentlemen, especially if they're well-endowed, in shape and exceptionally energetic in bed. Sometimes the urge to get fucked was just too strong.

The fact that young Caucasian tops are so rare made them even more so in demand. In the past I had taken to frequenting gay clubs and bars in search for them. Kuala Lumpur is a funny city that way; gay establishments thrives underground and also in the open, despite being the capital of a very conservative and fundamentally religious Malaysia.

During the day, a gay man may work for an Islamic bank but as night falls he may cruise in his gym and hook-up apps. At weekends, he may be drinking beers and cocktails in gay bars dancing to top international DJs. Police occasionally raid gay saunas and massage parlours. Sodomy is punishable by prison terms, a remnant of English colonialism, yet the penal code is rarely invoked. The vibe is carefully liberal, yet the risk of persecution palpable.

In gay bars and clubs across the city, you can easily spot white Caucasians amongst the sea of brown Asians. I will go to have a few drinks, get myself tipsy and dance myself silly, wearing low-rise jeans with eye-catching underwear to draw attention to my arse and going shirtless to show off my body. Sometimes I would go alone and sometimes with friends.

One night I was dancing with a hot young German guy, our shirts off, grinding our sweaty bodies together, kissing on the dancefloor. Suddenly I was pushed aside and another Asian guy threw a punch at me, claiming that he had set his eyes on the German guy first. A fight ensued, the police was called but I got out of there before they arrived. The hostility and the risk was all too much for me and I've stopped going.

Yet the urge was still strong in me and I set up a profile, albeit a discreet one, on Planet Romeo. The nature of my job, and my racial and religious background didn't allow me to have so public a profile. I uploaded the obligatory naked but faceless photos while stating that facepics available upon requests. I filled out my details and stated that I prefer well-endowed young Caucasian tops. I did mention that I'm a fussy bottom, didn't I?

I wouldn't say that the exercise was completely futile. Yet, my target tops were few and far between, especially really hung tops. I would get my hole filled once every 4-6 months. But this wasn't enough. I'm young and I have a high sex drive.

It was a typical midweek night when something happened that got my tight hole twitching and my cock stirring in record time. I had just taken a cold shower to cool myself down after my nightly run. This built-up concrete city releases its heat slowly in the evening, and the month being late February, it was even more hot and humid than any other time of year. A cold shower was a welcomed respite.

I dried myself off but didn't bother putting on any clothes; insulation was unnecessary and modesty redundant as I live alone. I switched on my computer, answered some emails and was about to turn in when I decided to log on to Planet Romeo, not that I was planning a hook up or expecting any messages.

But there was a single message and what it said caught my attention: "Read the info on our profile, boy. If you are interested, show us ALL of your private photos." So I clicked on the profile and looked through their photos first. There seem to be 2 different persons, a handsome blond and a rugged dark-haired, both with really tight athletic bodies. Both are 24yo 180cm 65kg according to their stats. Both Caucasian. Score!

Yet I was sceptical. Yes they were good looking and in the prime of youth, but the fact that they might be a couple totally put me off. I didn't do couples, too much drama involved. Plus they didn't include their cock pics. Yet the blurb on their profile stated:

"We are 2 friends looking to hook up with horny submissive asian bottom sluts who like to serve and please 2 dominant tops. We have a few bondage gears and expect you to wear it while we fuck you. We also looking to double fuck said bottom. Boys who like to have their nipples licked and sucked while being fucked - you are our perfect bottom. Looking for a fuckslave to relocate to Europe with us and be our fucktoy."

My cock stirred at the word "submissive" and by "fuckslave" I was at full mast. I have not tried any bondage scenarios and unsure how I felt about it. My nipples, on the other hand, are wired directly to my cock and arse. If they are stimulated, I found myself instinctively spreading my legs as wide as it could go. It's a secret that I do not bandy about easily, being ashamed of it, though a few tops have found the 'magic buttons' on my nipples.

But what made me really interested was the phrase "double fuck". I have never been double penetrated before and the thought of it made my arse twitch so much, the cockslut beast in me were woken and needing attention. Whatever reservation I had were devoured by the beast.

I sent all of my private photos as requested with a small note saying that I am extremely keen and to just ask me if they require anymore photos. I waited for 15 minutes for a reply, trying very hard to keep my hands off my cock, but nothing came back. I hit the hay yet I could not a sleep a wink at all, the prospect of meeting these 2 studs got me excited.

Work and a wedding at the weekend kept me occupied, yet the beast in me could not be subdued, always urging me to check for a reply, which finally came the following Monday: "Very nice pics, boy. Come and chat to us on Google Chat this Wednesday 8pm to discuss limits and arrange an audition."

Wtf?! I've heard this last line before and it's an infinite loop that usually gets nowhere. All the build up of excitement over the past few days were completely deflated. I knew it was just too good to be true. I shot back with a curt "No, thanks." In a few seconds came the reply: "In case you change your mind, boy." Attached to the reply were a few pics of both of their cocks and my arse twitched again.

It was another sleepless night for me, I simply could not put the images of their cock out of my mind. Both long, thick, hard and certainly way too big for my arse. Therein lay the conundrum. What if the chat turned out to be just that, a horny chat? What if I missed a genuine opportunity if I stuck to my guns? And if the chat did lead to a meeting, would I be able to handle both of their monster cocks? At once? By morning, my all-night boner had won and I replied to arrange a chat on Wednesday. But this time I wasn't getting my hopes up.

Yet the chat turned out to be the opposite of what I expected. On the outset I was told to address them as SIRS in private and I was given the opportunity to ask them questions, which I did. What were the bondage gears? How would they be used? How did they expect me to serve and please them? How dominant could they get? I was chatting to the blond guy and he came across as mature and confident. He answered all of my queries and explained the details of the 'audition', which would happen over the span of a weekend.

I told them that the idea of being a fuckslave to 2 hot doms like them turned me on, but I will reserve judgement until I have gone through with the 'audition', to see if we're suited to each other.

I was then asked about my past sexual experiences, my limits and preferences. I found out that they were actually on an extended business trip here and are using the opportunity to source an Asian fuckslave. The blond guy, Rewan, a marine biologist. The other, Greg, a PR exec. They're both Dutch, but grew up and split their time between 3 cities in Western Europe. Both, it turned out, were complete rice queens. They asked me to switch on my cam and to show them my face, body, butt, arsehole and cock.

We arranged to meet up after work on Friday and I was ordered to abstain from wanking or cumming until then. This was hard to do as I got instant boners everytime I thought of them, but I reassured myself that by denying myself now it would only heighten the pleasure when I finally get fucked. I cancelled a few prior engagements with some mates as I wasn't sure how long my arse would be used and abused by 2 hot white dom tops.

Friday finally arrived and I was both afraid but horned-up at the same, it was a heady mix of emotions. I had been on liquids only since Thursday afternoon and had been on laxatives just to clear out my bowels. Rushing home I showered and gave myself multiple enemas until the water runs clear. I put on a tight white tank top, knee length denim shorts and no underwear as instructed.

I was surprisingly calm, until I caught my reflection on the LRT station of how slutty I looked in my outfit. What would people think when they see me with 2 Caucasian men and dressed like this? Then the previous heady mix of emotions came flooding and I almost chickened out. But the beast in me were famished and I had started to spot a hardon, which was embarrassing, having nothing to cover it with. Now I wished that I had actually worn an underwear.

I was instructed to meet them in Chili's KLCC at the Twin Tower for few drinks and to break the ice. Meeting in public reassured me that they were unlikely to be psychos, so I soldiered on. I spotted them as soon as I walked into the joint, my heart almost leapt out of my chest. They had a booth to themselves near the window, chatting and drinking Tiger beers. I walked up to them and we did the introductions, Rewan the blondie got up to let me sit in between them.

WOW both of them were so hot! They were certainly better looking in real life. Rewan had the most captivating electric blue eyes, golden hair and the sexiest smile I have ever seen. Whereas Greg's chiseled jaw and high cheekbone accentuated his rugged, badboy looks. Their muscles were not overly built but certainly defined; I was salivating at their biceps, pecs poking out of their fitted tops and thick veins on the arms!

I was very nervous so I ordered a Long Island Ice Tea for a little bit of Dutch courage, which as it turned out, I didn't need after all as both of them immediately put me at ease. They ordered another round of Tiger beers and we hit it off straight away, talking about their travels, their experiences in Malaysia etc.

After the waiter took the orders for our 3rd round of drinks, the conversation turned subtly to sports, the upcoming Olympics, Tom Daley, physique, sex and ultimately about the 'audition'. Rewan asked me if I'm still game for a session with them, while giving both my nipples playful but firm tugs. I nodded, but said that I was unsure about being double fucked. At this juncture, Greg discreetly slipped his hand into the back of my shorts and started fingering my arsehole, trying to gain entry into my rectum. Greg said that I will ultimately enjoy having 2 monster cocks in me, despite the possibility of a bumpy journey there, which didn't reassure me at all.

I was about to protest the intrusion by trying to get up, but Rewan prevented that happening by shoving his hand to the front of my shorts, past my cock and balls, to meet Greg's finger at my arsehole and renewing the assault together.

"Please guys, not here, we're in public!" I protested in a hushed tone.

"If you keep your butt on the seat and your waist below the table, nobody will notice," smiled Greg, at which point our drinks arrived and I had no choice but to allow them to continue fingering me. "So you weren't lying at all, that's one tight hole you have there," he continued after the waiter had walked away.

"Plus it seems that you're really enjoying this," said Rewan, feeling my hardening cock pushed against his forearm.

"Yeah... I... am," I said breathlessly, disbelieving that I admitted it.

Both of them continued to tease and taunt me, both physically and verbally, telling me what they're going to do to me later on. I was totally enjoying the experience and in return I started massaging both of their cocks through their shorts. They had a semi-hardon and even then their cocks felt massive, bigger than any other cocks I have felt in the past. In the rush of that risky foreplay I started sipping my drink too quickly and finished it shortly. Greg took it as a sign that I was ready, got up to pay the bill and gestured for us to leave.

Walking towards their serviced apartments at Marc Residence, but a stone's throw from KLCC, I felt a bit tipsy so I lit a cigarette to calm myself down. Both Greg and Rewan did the same, and Rewan threw his arm around my shoulder.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you," Rewan whispered to my ear, while winking to Greg.

"Not at all, unless you enjoy it," replied Greg with a mischievous grin.

This was it: point of no return. I could easily make a dash for it, hailed a taxi and get home. But deep inside I know that this opportunity would not present itself again, ever. The risk that these 2 hot Dutch guys will permanently damage me was always there. But the cockslut in me knew that I have hit jackpot with them. Not in a million years would an Asian guy in like me get this chance again, certainly not in Kuala Lumpur. Their charm and bold dominance earlier had totally disarm me and I am willing to submit my hole to them totally this weekend.

When we arrived at their apartment, Rewan fixed us all a Jaegermeister with coke and we continued talking, drinking and smoking. Well, it was more so just Rewan and me were talking while Greg was silently doing something on his MacBook. When he was done, he downed his drink in one, stubbed out his cigarette and nodded to Rewan.

"Last chance to back out now, boy. Are you 110% you want to go through with this?" Greg asked me.

I nodded slowly.

"Then show Rewan your latest test results as requested. Rewan has ours." We have agreed that I would be fucked bareback and this was to reassure all parties that we're all HIV- and STD-free.

"All in order," said Rewan.

"Then get up, boy, and strip," said Greg to me.

Between the drinks and the prospect of being fucked by these 2 studs I was totally horned up by this point. I whipped off my top and then turned away from them while bending over to take off my shorts, shoes and socks; presenting my arse to their plain view. My gesture did not go unnoticed when Rewan grabbed my tiny waist with one hand and spanked my arse with his other hand. I shuddered but did not whimper.

"The boy can take some pain," Rewan remarked, talking as if I wasn't in the room. "He has shaved his arsehole too, just as we instructed him. I think we might have found the right fucktoy, Greg."

"That remains to be seen. The weekend has only just began," replied Greg.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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