Asian Slave Submits

By Adam Bakar

Published on Nov 1, 2014


As always, feedbacks and thoughts welcomed.

Apologies for this delayed installment, though I won't bore you with excuses.

All rights reserved. Please do not copy, use or distribute this story without my permission. need your support. Donate if you can.


I woke up in a groggy daze when the bullet vibrator was pulled out of my arse. Master Rewan quickly replaced his already hard cock in it. We were lying on our sides with my back against his front, as I pulled my left leg up to give him more access. My head was lying on his right arm, which turned my head so he could kiss me. Instinctively, I wriggled my arse on his curved cock and tightened my sphincter to massage it. There were no urgency, no immediate rush to get himself off as he allowed me to lead.

I felt dirty. Dried cum on my face giving off musty smell. I felt slutty. My fuckhole still slick from my Masters' cum and my own assjuice. I felt sticky and clammy. A mixture of precum, sweat, piss and cum clung to our skins. In fact the whole bedroom smelt like a sleazy fuckden.

I felt used and abused. But as a fuckslave, I counted myself lucky. Both my masters lived up to their stud reputation: the sexual swagger and confidence, the youthful energy, the lean defined physiques, the sizeable cocks and most importantly the knowledge of what to do with them. I was theirs to do as they please.

Then there was also the sleazy uninhibited fucking balanced by the gentle sensual coitus. Just like what Master Rewan was doing. Balancing. He traced his fingers over my chest and abs, taking his time to touch me and getting to know my body. A contrast to the rough and tumble of Master Greg's dominance.

Arching my back to gain more leverage, I rocked my arse back and forth, stroking his cock. Master Rewan responded with a passionate kiss, his tongue invading my mouth, his hand caressing my cheek. His tanned hands found my dark brown nipples and tweaked them, kneading them between his fingers. I moaned softly into his mouth.

It was past midday, as the scorching afternoon sun lighted a halo around the drawn curtains. The bedroom was just barely cool, slightly humid. I was enjoying the slow fucking when 2 rigid fingers hooked themselves in my arse and invaded it. I drew a sharp intake of breath through my nose. Master Greg had roused.

He pulled my body closer to his, dislodging Master Rewan's cock from my arse, and twisted my body around so I had my back against his front. He then filled my empty arse with his cock. That was cruel; I was enjoying Master Rewan's. But as their fuckslave, I obeyed. Master Greg started on a new fucking rhythm: shoving his hard cock all the way in one swift move, before withdrawing slowly.

Master Rewan got up to switch on the A/C and came back with some water, then got into the bed. Master Greg's fucking suddenly slowed, then stopped, his cock fully buried in my arse. Did he fall asleep? I waited for a few seconds before trying to pry myself away from his cock, but Master Greg's arms held me fast.

"No, leave my cock there. The least that a cockslave can do while his Master sleep," said Master Greg lazily. Master Rewan offered me some water then snuggled in closer to me, sandwiching me again.

I lay awake for ages while my masters slept. Master Greg's cock remained hard, softened a couple of times, but grew hard again as I massaged it with my arse. I dared not let it go soft and risked it falling out. Yet at the same time I couldn't sleep with my arse stuffed. It mattered not, I was determined to enjoy every second of being the Asian meat in this slumber sandwich.

In that twilight zone between waking and sleeping, thoughts danced in my head. The whirlwind of events since I met my masters played haphazardly in my head. Did I think that I would submit myself this way? No. Was I looking forward to what my Masters had in store for the final few hours of my 'audition'? Yes!

It was Master Greg who woke up first, mumbling something about feeling dirty. He withdrew his cock from my arse and gave it a sharp slap that jolted me awake.

"Get dressed, fuckwhore," he said curtly. "Rewan, let's go to the sauna. I want a good wash."

More like a good fuck, I thought to myself. Master Rewan nonchalantly obliged. I scanned the room for my clothes and picked them up as that familiar feeling of dread crept in me - we're going out in public again. Master Greg snapped his fingers twice to draw my attention and pointed to the foot of the bed where he stood. He was holding the bullet vibrator in one hand and the tit clamps in the other.

Instinctively and without thinking I presented myself to him: legs apart, arms back, eyes down and chest out. I wasn't sure if that was the standard presentation position but an absent reaction from Master Greg was a good reaction. Tit clamps went on, the bite dug sweetly on my nipples, and then I leaned over the bed.

Master Greg grabbed me by the throat then penetrated me with his fat cock, balls deep, and pulled my lithe body close to his defined one. The ease of the rough invasion into my well-fucked hole surprised me, as a familiar lust filled me. Not discomfort, but lust. Master Greg rested his head on my shoulder in that dominant position he favoured.

"Submission: that's all you cocksluts have in common. You don't need to understand, you just need to be," he said sagaciously.

And just like that he withdrew his fucktool and shoved the bullet vibrator in me. A piss poor substitute indeed. I would've preferred for him to fuck me right there and then, but it wasn't my place as a fuckslave to demand. A slap landed on my arse, firm but nuanced with satisfaction.

I checked myself on the mirror after getting dressed: yes, if you look closely you might notice the tit clamps under my top - the silhouette was there. Yes, the bullet vibrator would give me a raging hardon and a wet patch of precum. Yes I looked like a whore. I felt... like a submissive whore. I am... my masters' personal fuckwhore.

Therein lies the culmination of my 2 day 'audition' - feeling and being submissive. Would looking like a whore in public feed my paranoia? I hope not. I just needed to be, to submit. And that was exactly what I did as we walked out of the apartment, down the corridor, down the lift and out to the dusky light of the city.

I submitted unquestioningly too on the taxi ride as Master Greg fiddled with the controls to the bullet vibrator. It wasn't surreal anymore as I let my body respond to the stimuli naturally. The absence of conflicting thoughts were strangely liberating. It was reckless of me to trust Master Greg this way, but in retrospect I did trust him, without knowing or understanding why I did. Master Greg was right, I didn't need to understand.

Did the taxi driver deduce the dynamic of my connection to my masters? Did he notice my skimpy clothes; the tit clamps; the growing wet patch on my crotch? My hardon? The way my body fidgeted in response to the vibrator? Even if he did, he chose to ignore it; jovially chatting away in his pidgin English to Master Rewan, recommending a few massage parlours in the city.

I had never been to a gay sauna before and hadn't the notion to entertain my trepidation of going to one, at least not on this taxi ride. I was focusing on submitting to Master Greg, letting the pleasure of his dominance wash all over me. The taxi driver didn't bat an eyelid as he stopped exactly outside the address Master Rewan had given him; the sauna looking quite unassuming on this row of shoplots just outside the city.

The receptionist's eyes lit the moment we walked in, a big smile on his face welcoming my masters to the sauna and fawning over them. Yet I didn't get a warm hello, just a cursory nod. Typical. With his disarming charm, Master Rewan chatted and flirted with him and was rewarded with a discounted entry for himself and Master Greg, which left me fiddling my pockets for my wallet. Master Rewan whispered into the receptionist's ear, then winked at him, and flashed his trademark sexy smile. The receptionist obliged and ushered us in, but not before shooting me a disgusted look.

I followed my masters to the locker area, undressed and stored my clothes. I saw a few guys with towels wrapped around their waist and proceeded to do the same, but Master Greg stopped me.

"You wouldn't be needing that," he said and threw our towels in the lockers. Master Rewan carried his on his shoulder. Yes, it seemed that I would be walking around this sauna in my birthday suit, just as Master Greg. I felt a little embarrassed, then reminded myself that I had no reason to. I was in a good shape, a little lean yes, but still good. Plus I was flanked by 2 hung white studs, so I might as well flaunt it.

The sauna was pretty busy; there were men of all ages, all of them Asians. Surprisingly, most of them had low or average BMI, a few hotties too. We drew attention as we made our way through the sauna, hungry eyes taking in the sight of us, well, more so the sight of 2 white adonis in all their full glory. My masters led the way exploring each floors, with me obediently following, trying to hide my modesty with my hands.

There were guys just hanging around, lounging and checking each other out. The atmosphere were not quite tense, but there weren't any cordial chatter either, except for a few quick whispers as we passed. One guy even tapped another guy's shoulder and gestured towards us. The entrance to the steam room that led to the dark room had high traffic, but we didn't go in there. The shower cubicles were empty, despite the throng of guys around the area; perhaps due to the fact that there were no doors or shower curtains on them.

The corridors to the cabins were packed, with roving guys pausing to crowd by open doors. But most of the cabins had their door shut. I heard intermittent moaning and groaning coming from them, which were kinda hot. Through the open doors I gleaned guys alone, with another or in another small group, in various state of undress. Most of the cabins with only 1 guy inside were lying down and arse up, with either a towel on or off.

I must've looked like a rabbit in headlights, compared to the composed confidence exuded by my masters. I wasn't naive; I knew what happens in a gay sauna. Yet seeing it for the first time was a different matter altogether. Soon, we reached the top floor where my masters lit cigarettes by the window. Master Greg took a drag from his and handed it to me, mumbled something about checking out the maze and left us.

"Are you alright?" asked Master Rewan.

I nodded.

"First time?"

I nodded again.


I shook my head. Master Rewan took another drag, studied me, then blew the smoke in my face.

"Just relax and do as we say," he said as he shot me his sexy smile.

Just then an Asian guy with a swimmer build approached us and started touching Master Rewan's cock, whom responded with an extended pinch and tweak of the guy's nipples. He started to stroke Master Rewan's cock while moaning in reaction to the nipple work. All this while I was standing there like a twat, frozen, not knowing what to do, but not taking my eyes off them. I must admit I felt a small pang of jealousy, but again, it wasn't my place to voice it.

In no time, Master Rewan's perfect cock grew to full mast, gently curving upwards. It took swimmer guy by surprise at the sheer size of it, probably the biggest he had seen in a while. He nodded to Master Rewan and gestured for them to find somewhere less exposed, perhaps to a private cabin. He was pretty good looking, had the swagger and I accepted that Master Rewan may want to leave with him. To my surprise Master Rewan declined, said "maybe later" and put his arm over my shoulders. Swimmer guy moved away.

Then, what can only be described as a gaggle of 3 quite effeminate Asian twinks approached us and chatted up Master Rewan while feeling his ripped abs, admiring and giggling at his rock hard cock. They commented on how big it was, and that it was so white in contrast to his tanned body. They inquired if Master Rewan and me were boyfriends, to which Master Rewan laughed and winked but said nothing, prompting a very girly "oooooooooooh" out of them. I grew tired of them fangirl-ing and glanced across the room to realise that almost all eyes are on on us. Well on Master Rewan really.

They then inquired about my tit clamps when Master Greg appeared out of nowhere. He abruptly grabbed the chain connecting my nipple clamps and led me away.

If I hadn't really noticed it before, I certainly did now. A dedicated crowd was starting to trail us. But Master Rewan was nowhere to be seen, probably still talking to the twinks. Either way I had more crucial things to worry about, like trying not to stumble behind Master Greg while attempting to cover my cock.

We arrived at one of the bigger shower cubicle big enough for 4-5 people. Master Greg turned the shower on and commanded me to wash him and I proceeded to soap him up, taking time to feel the hard muscles on his body. I relished this as I was never accorded the privilege before. Perhaps we were in a sauna, though I suspect he just wanted to exert his dominance, and my cock grew half-erect in response.

Master Rewan then appeared, edging himself through the throng of guys watching us, into the cubicle. Without any orders I soaped up Master Rewan too, feeling the familiar contours of muscles of my blond Viking warrior. With my back turned, Master Greg took the opportunity to start rubbing his flaccid cock on my arse crack, simulating fucking me. He went into rough mode immediately, spurred on by that feral dominant beast in him, to grab my hair spun me around and forced me down to his cock.

I got to work immediately as I gobbled up his cock, tasting slightly alkaline from residual soap. Out of the corner of my eyes, I guesstimated the crowd had grown to about 3-4 man deep, yet strangely none dared to approach or join us. I shoved whatever remnant of apprehension and anxiety I had to the back of my head and focused on the fellatio. Master Greg held fast to my hair, using it as leverage to skull-fuck me.

Without a spider gag, I found it hard to accommodate Master Greg's growing cock and soon my teeth got in the way. It was difficult to breathe through my nose with shower water trickling down my face. Master Rewan, eagle-eye as ever, turned it off. But it wasn't enough to help me deepthroat Master Greg's 9 inch cock.

Frustrated, again, Master Greg pried my mouth away and told me to work on his balls, which I gladly did. I was mesmerised at how his cock grew as he slapped his angry serpent on my face. Soon it reached its monstrous size and I braced myself for what was to come.

Master Greg pulled me up to stand, pushed me to the cubicle wall with my back against it. Lifting my right leg with his strong left arm, he guided his massive fuckrod home to my well-plowed hole. There was a tingling feeling of pain as his cockhead invaded, but more so from the awkward position I was in.

We were facing each other and I saw Master Greg's face full of lustful rage, yet he couldn't really ram his cock in fully, forgetting that the bullet vibrator was still in my arse. After fumbling for the string, he yanked the vibrator out just as a brown vial appeared under my nose. I didn't really need it but took a couple of long hits anyway. I refused to acknowledge the impending pain. I wanted to only feel pleasure.

As my hands weren't restrained, Master Rewan gave me the poppers to hold. Master Greg's cock slid into my hole easily... well, easier than it did 2 days ago. The poppers haze mingled erotically with this huge cock ravaging my arse, so I closed my eyes to enjoy the feeling. My cock grew to full mast; I was completely turned on being used as a fuckhole in a public like this.

I never thought of myself as an exhibitionist, but I discovered then that I liked to be watched while being fucked. It must had been quite a treat for the onlookers watching Master Greg's gigantic white cock disappear into my tiny brown arse. I opened my eyes to see the crowds had grown that they were spilling into the cubicle. Egged on by the spectators, I decided to up the ante. I hooked my arms around Master Greg's neck and wrapped my legs around his waist.

This gave him more access to impale his cock ball deep into me, hugging me closer, our bodies rubbing the tit clamps that it dug deeper on my nipples. What an erotic predicament to be in! I let gravity pull my arse down onto Master Greg's cock as I massaged it with my arse. I turned into this cock-crazed bottom slut buoyant on poppers-induced lust witnessed by other guys in a gay sauna.

After a few sequence of fucking, Master Greg struggled to keep his footing on the wet floor. He supported my body weight with ease, even enjoyed the complete surrender of my arse-chute. But he almost slipped a couple of times and we risked breaking our necks. Undeterred, Master Greg held me firm with his sinewy arms and carried me out of the cubicle while I was still impaled on his cock.

"Move," he commanded to the crowd, which separated to allow us out.

Exactly like Moses and the parting of the Red Sea. It was an incredible feat by Master Greg, carrying me effortlessly, his muscles bulging and straining in sync with his movement. It turned me on and kept my own cock hard. His determination to continue fucking was a given, he had voiced frustration at the inability of local bottoms to take his cock. It took a lot of effort and bondage for me to take it initially, remember?

Master Greg was a dominant top that knew what he wanted and seized it. He wanted to use my arse to pleasure his cock and if that meant abusing my wrecked hole for his satisfaction, he'd do it. He carried me all the way to the steam room and placed me on the tiered seating against the wall.

"Doggy style. Face the wall," he commanded succinctly.

Master Greg jumped straight into his signature piston fucking, producing loud slapping sound as his pelvis met my arse, tit clamps jingling on my nipples in unison. I took a sharp intake of breath as his monster cock pillaged and distended my rectum. Master Rewan sat on a raised tier in front of me, so that my face was level with his cock. I took a hit of poppers and got sucking. The crowd had followed us there, determined not to miss out on the action, and surrounded us. They were just inches away, with their cocks out in various state of erections.

All I needed to do was spread my legs and open my mouth, nothing else. The force of Master Greg's thrusts drove Master Rewan's cock deeper down my throat, a position that I had grown familiar with and enjoyed for the past 2 days. Except this time I wanted nothing more than to have Master Greg's fuckpole abuse and destroy my small arse, while gagging and retching on Master Rewan's no less impressive fuckrod.

It must had been a sight to the voyeurs, watching a lean Asian slut being spit roasted by 2 hung Caucasian studs, turned on by the way Master Greg's massive cock grotesquely vanished in my arse. I paused from deepthroating Master Rewan's dick to glance behind me. 2 Asian guys were worshipping Master Greg's body, running their hands all over him and kissing his taut body. I was pretty sure that he was fingering both their arses at the same time too, all the while maintaining his fucking pace on me.

Looking up to Master Rewan, he was now snogging the swimmer guy from earlier and another pang of jealousy hit me, which made me suck harder. I took liberal hits of poppers and swallowed his cock all the way to the base, deepthroating it for longer while massaging it with my tongue and throat. Master Rewan responded by placing a hand on my head, which reassured me.

I didn't endure the abuse to my holes this time; I enjoyed it instead. The hardness of Master Greg's cock jabbing my prostate, the salty taste of Master Rewan's precum tickling my throat, the sharpness of the tit clamps biting my nipples. I was in bottom heaven again. The longer it went, the more I wanted it. I didn't want the spit-roast to end.

After a while I felt a hand on my cock, pumping it and and fondling my balls. Then there were hands around my arsehole, fingering and feeling Master Greg's cock relentless pounding. I was sure that it wasn't Master Greg; he's a dominant top and he would never degrade himself that way. It was when I felt hands on my nipples and tit clamps that I realised the crowd had fully joined in. Pretty soon the hand on my cock was replaced by a mouth, enveloping it in velvety wetness. Whoever it was must had a close up view of Master Greg's cock fucking my arse, while sucking me. Now that was a front row ticket money can't buy.

Resolved to gain more access to my abused arse, Master Greg lifted my right leg to spread my arsecheeks further. I must have looked like a dog trying to piss on a lampost! But it certainly did the trick as Master Greg ramped up his fucking pace; if he shoved his cock any harder his balls would disappear in my arse too!!

This in turn gave my cocksucker more access to my cock and balls, and soon another mouth had joined in. At first they were taking turns sucking my cock but proceeded to suck in unison. Oh man it felt good. I had never been sucked while being fucked, so it was another first for me.

A while later I felt an unfamiliar wetness on my back. I extended my hand to it and it felt sticky. Cum sticky. One of the spectators obviously couldn't hold it any longer. Then I felt another cum stream landed on my back, which made 2 of them. This must had pushed Master Greg nearer to the edge, as his fucking pace quickened to a new speed, and I responded by tightening my arshole to match his inward thrust. Within seconds I heard him groan as his fucking slowed, and with a final grunt Master Greg exploded, breeding me with his manseed. What a champion stud!

He continued to fuck me in a slower rhythm as his cum filled my rectum, then abruptly stopped. He waited until he caught his breath before unceremoniously withdrawing his still hard cock, leaving my gaping hole struggling to keep his jizz in.

"Where are the condoms?" he asked Master Rewan. "I'm still hard and I'm not taking chances with this lot."

"Some in your locker," replied Master Rewan.

"I'll be in the dark room. These bottoms are more likely to take my cock if they can't see it."

With that parting remark, Master Greg disappeared and a large portion of the crowd followed him, including the hungry mouths that were sucking my cock. I pried myself from Master Rewan's cock, suddenly unsure of what to do. I looked to him for instructions, and braced myself for the possibility that he might want to fuck any of the guys there too.

Completely unfounded, as Master Rewan grabbed my tit chains to pull me to his level. He stopped tweaking the swimmer guy's nipple and whispered something to the guy's ear. Swimmer guy edged away from us, yet still sitting close, stroking his own hard cock. I looked around and there were still a handful of guys watching us.

"Sit," ordered Master Rewan.

I knelt slowly onto his veiny curved cock that slid in me smoothly down to the very base. The combination of Master Greg's cum and my own saliva on Master Rewan's cock helped. Also the fact that my arse had been punish-fucked into submission to take 2 monster cocks certainly helped. No pain, no gain. Master Rewan did a peculiar thing - he wiped the remainder of cum on my back. I didn't ask why, I was too busy enjoying his fuckshaft.

Unlike Master Greg's fat monster cock that stretched and always demanded more from my arse, Master Rewan's fitted in like a glove. When fully inserted, his cockhead rested on my sweet spot, exerting just enough pressure for me to get a pre-orgasm feeling. My own cock, still hard, produced its first bead of precum. I could stay in this position forever as I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment.

Master Rewan kept his grip on the tit chain and rattled it, waking me from my reverie. Another guy sat down on Master Rewan's other side, wanking his cock under a towel. There were probably more of them behind me doing the same, getting turned on by Master Rewan fucking me. A few of them started touching us, but Master Rewan gently pushed their hands away in that 'look but don't touch' kinda way.

I took a hit from the brown vial and Master Rewan started a gentle rocking motion. He pulled the tit chain closer to him and our mouths met to kiss. I rested my hands on his 6 pack and feasted on his steel pecs, remembering every contours of his taut physique. Combined with the poppers haze, I was in the zone, but a different one. The yin to Master Greg's yang.

I knelt up from my sitting position to give Master Rewan more thrusting room. I tightened my anal ring to provide more friction; it was too slick from all the cum from the past 2 days. He seemed to enjoy it, increasing his fucking frequency in response. The sum of all the stimuli made Master Rewan depart from his usual unhurried style. It almost pushed him over: fucking my Asian arse after a long deepthroat session and playing with my brown nipples while being watched by voyeurs. Soon his breathing became laboured as he exhaled into my mouth.

"Not yet, I want to savour this moment still," said Master Rewan, suppressing his climax.

He guided my hips down so that his cock was ball deep in my cummy hole. I wasn't complaining - I loved the snug fullness. After he caught his runaway breath, he pulled the tit chain closer again to kiss me. I never thought that something simple as that could be erotic, but it was. Not in an explosively orgasmic kinda way, but still hot.

But I chafed at the bit having my nipples stimulated for an extended time. They are wired to my cock, remember? I took Master Rewan's cue when he moved his hips in that figure-of-8 motion like the day before. I broke our kiss, rested my hands on my master's thighs and took over the rocking motion, leaning back to let my tit chain go taut. In this position, my master's cockhead exerted extra pressure on my prostate and I started precumming again, lubricating my cock.

Master Rewan let out a low moan, gripping my tit chain more firmly. There was no way that both of us could stem the inevitable tide building in our balls. I tightened my anal ring while riding my master's curved cock, impaling all 8 inches of it deeper in me. Faceless hands began to touch our bodies again as we worked up a fucking frenzy, but we didn't mind them this time. I was getting distracted by fingers fondling my arsehole, feeling my master's cock's thrusting movements.

"Look at me," ordered Master Rewan urgently and I obeyed.

He pulled the tit chain closer and my body followed suit. Sandwiched between our torsi, my cock rubbed against Master Rewan's individual ab muscle, the sensitive spot on my cockhead getting overly stimulated. Master Rewan's chest rising and falling in quick succession as our mingled breaths became shallower. Then it stopped altogether.

I wasn't sure who came first, it was too close to call. We might came simultaneously, actually. If we did, it was the first for me and it was explosive - exactly the kind that stole our breaths away.

Master Rewan gave an upward thrust that triggered a violent orgasm, spewing his studjizz deep in me, as I spurted fountains of boycum on his hard pecs and abs, drenching him. It took what seemed like forever for my master's bucking to slow and even longer for my cum stream to break - I never knew that I could produce so much cum! We never took our eyes off each other, which added to the intensity of our climax.

"Fuck yeah," cried Master Rewan, esctatic and satisfied, sporting his trademark grin.

We were still recovering when my master scooped up my cum on his tight body, licked it off and then kissed me, sharing my cum with me. It tasted salty, sluttily salty. We continued to snog for ages, well it felt like ages, as we both stayed hard. Occasionally Master Rewan moved his hips to churn the collected cum in my arse, which sent tickling jolt through my body as his cock hit my oversensitive prostate, forcing more post-cum out of my cock. Finally we looked around and noticed that swimmer guy had cum too, so did the guy with the towel.

I extricated myself from Master Rewan's cock, which fell out with an audible pop, tightening my anal sphincter to ensure no cum escaped. Turning around I saw a bigger crowd had formed around us, which explained the numerous hands all over me. Suddenly I felt embarrassed and self-aware. Perhaps sensing my unease, Master Rewan got up and grabbed my hands and led me away. A few guys tried to touch his still hard cock, but Master Rewan continued walking.

We showered and my master walked me down to the lockers. I was still reeling from our mutual orgasm that I fumbled with my clothes while Master Rewan watched.

"Are you not getting dressed?" I inquired.

"I'll wait for Greg. Here, take this," he replied, handing me an extra t-shirt. "Audition's over."

I didn't know why but suddenly I felt an emptiness grew in me. Perhaps I didn't want it to be over.

"We'll be in touch," he said. And just like that, I was dismissed.

Possibly the penultimate chapter for this series, unless there are requests for me to continue. It's getting increasingly challenging for me to transcribe my diary without getting all hot and bothered, eeek! It's like reliving the experience all over again.

Next: Chapter 6

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