Asian in Amsterdam

By Joel V

Published on Apr 14, 2013



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Of course Zifeng had expected this. Her answer wasn't vague at all. They had done a presentation together and they both got an A. So they had something to celebrate, that's not quite an outrageous thought, isn't it? It was the second week of their Finance summer course at the University of Amsterdam. She was American, but she had a Chinese background. He came form Hong Kong and he was really glad that he could add this course on his resume. When they were preparing their presentation together Zifeng thought that they had much in common. They had both a Chinese background and they were both studying business law at their home universities. And she was really beautiful. Well, that seemed the only difference between them. Eileen was a gorgeous young woman with shiny black hair, a fine bronze skin color and really nice black almond eyes. She was also quite tall. Zifeng stood about 5'5" and she was at least two inches taller than him.

So when they walked together to the entrance gate he took a deep breath and asked if she was in for a drink. But she just said: 'Maybe another time. See you tomorrow'. He just nodded and smiled, a bit embarrassed, but hey, he had seen this coming. He watched her walking to this handsome blonde guy who seemed to be waiting for her. This guy looked like one of those preppy and self assured Dutch college students who seemed to have occupied the university buildings and the library during these empty summer weeks. He was wearing a pair of gray jogging pants and he held a field hockey stick in his hand. Probably he was coming back from hockey practice. Zifeng had noticed that field hockey is a quite popular sport among Dutch guys, especially the preppy ones. The guy gave Eileen a slight hug and Zifeng noticed that his big hand lingered on her hips for a moment. They disappeared in the direction of the city center.

When Zifeng walked down the street to his student's room he visualized the handsome Dutch guy again. Judged by his appearance he must have been a college student. Perhaps he was also a member of The Corps, a notorious conservative Dutch male fraternity. Zifeng rented a small room in a frat house in the city center. He was actually renting the room from a guy called Roderick who was studying for a few months in the United States. The University's Office for Foreign Students had found this room for him. He had several other roommates, all members of The Corps. For most of the time he was living with Wouter and Frederik. A guy called Nick was also living there, but Zifeng had never met him because he was traveling in Africa. Wouter and Frederik seemed to be nice guys, although they didn't spent much time hanging out with him. Wouter had made him familiar with some of the house rules and had told him about nice places to hang out and places where he could meet hot girls. But he had never asked him to join him and Frederik to their favorite clubs or to play soccer with them on Sunday afternoons in the city's Vondelpark. Sometimes they were having dinner together and although Zifeng hadn't much in common with those Dutch frat guys they easily went along with each other.

When he arrived home he saw Wouter in the living room lounging on the couch with both feet on the table. He stopped by to say 'hello' and then decided to grab a beer from the refrigerator. Standing in the kitchen he couldn't help admiring the handsome good looks of this blond Dutch student. Like the guy who had accompanied Eileen Wouter wore his hair a bit long. His blond strokes were combed back with a wet look gel, which gave him a clean-cut preppy look. His sharp blue eyes formed a nice contrast with the soft brown freckles on his face. That day he was wearing a navy blue polo by Ralph Lauren, a pair of light blue shorts and brown suede loafers without socks. Zifeng had noticed that Wouter, who was studying Business Administration at the Vrije Universiteit (Free University), always wore polo's by Ralph Lauren. Those slim fit polo's looked incredibly good on this stud because they perfectly accentuated his athletic tall upper body.

After a while Wouter noticed his Asian roomie. 'Yo Feng'.

'Hello Wouter, how are you?', Zifeng replied.

'Yeah, I'm fine.' When Zifeng walked back to his room, Wouter stopped him.

'Yo Feng, wait a sec. You forgot to clean the living room. Be sure that you've fixed this before tomorrow night. You know, a girl is coming over and I don't want to make a bad impression.' He gave Zifeng a cocky grin. A few days ago Wouter had asked Zifeng why he was always alone. Didn't he like the girls here? Zifeng had said something about being busy and the handsome frat jock had shaken his head in mock disapproval. 'You know, you should relax more and enjoy your time here. Do you like blond girls, huh? I'm quite into Asian chicks lately'. When he said that he grinned in a boyish way, which was almost sweet. A smirk appeared on his handsome face: 'Yeah, those tiny Asian chicks are really into big cocks, I guess. It seems to me that I attract those Asian sluts all the time. Well, can't blame them for it and I really love to fuck my bitches, ya know.' His face had an arrogant and cocky expression when he said that.

This time Wouter wasn't really talking about sex. The Asian student apologized immediately. 'Oh I'm sorry Wouter, guess I haven't found the time yet.' When he moved in Wouter had explained the house rules to him. He had told his new roommate from China that Roderick was the house rookie and that he did most of the cleaning. Because Zifeng was replacing Roderick it seemed fair to Wouter that he would take over Roderick's regular tasks. Zifeng had agreed to this, especially because the rent was quite affordable.

'So why don't you do it now', Wouter said, his large feet still on the table.

Zifeng shrugged. 'Yeah, I guess I can do it now.'

When he picked up the vacuum cleaner Wouter added:

'Oh, and grab me a beer from the frig.'

After a while Wouter left the room, probably because the noise of the vacuum cleaner bothered him. The living room was a mess. Wouter and Frederik were both messy guys. They often left their bags, books, magazines, laptops, gadgets and clothes in the room. Wouter was also a field hockey player and Zifeng often found his old smelly hockey shoes or his hockey stick in the living room. This time Zifeng almost stumbled over a pair of Wouter's sneakers. Like many other Dutch students Wouter was often wearing the latest sneakers. Zifeng had to admit that he liked these ones. He recognized the model, a pair of Nike Air Max 1's. Many Dutch male students were showing off these sneakers. He didn't know why he did this, but he grabbed one sneaker for a closer view. He could see that Wouter had worn this pair on a daily basis. There were many cracks in the leather and the sole was dirty. The sneaker was also a bit smelly, he could clearly discern a combination of old leather and sweat.

It wasn't the first time that the Chinese student had admired the footwear of his white roommates. A few weeks ago he was cleaning the kitchen when Frederik had rushed in. It was going to be a hot day, so Zifeng had decided to do his chores before going to his class. He said 'good morning' to Frederik but the young professional was busy eating a sandwich and reading the Financial Times simultaneously. Frederik was even a bit taller than Wouter and he wore his hair in the same preppy style. Like Wouter he could have been a Ralph Lauren model. But his hair was dark brown and his face was more rugged with a sharp jaw line and arched cheekbones. He was doing an internship at Baker & McKenzie, an international law firm, so he was wearing a tailored dark gray dress suit. Zifeng was sure he would make an excellent impression. When Frederik noticed his Chinese roommate he just said: 'Oh, you're already working. That's good.' Zifeng just nodded. After a while Frederik left the room but he returned in a minute. He threw a pair of his dress shoes on the kitchen table.

'Hey Feng, will do you me a favor please? I'm kind a busy and don't have time to polish these ones. Since you're already cleaning I was thinking you can help me with these shoes. I'm sure it will be less than five minutes work. You would really help me out.' Before Zifeng could answer he had left the kitchen again. The exchange student was a bit offended by Frederik's abrasive attitude. Apparently his Dutch roommate expected him to polish his dress shoes. But for some reason he did like Frederik's large wingtips. Of course Zifeng had already noticed that both Wouter and Frederik had large feet, but when he took a close look of Frederik's dress shoes he was still surprised. Frederik was wearing size 13. At that moment his small cock began to get hard. He didn't know why but Frederik's expensive leather shoe – the size, the smell and the masculine shape – made him incredibly hot. He hadn't realized before that male feet could be that large and impressive. He found some shoe polish in one of the kitchen drawers and with an old rag he managed to make the shoes shiny and new again. The smell of leather and polish was a bit pungent and Zifeng's small hand diligently rubbed the soft leather. After a while Frederik returned. The young corporate lawyer smirked when he saw his Asian flat mate finishing his task. Apparently it gave him a thrill to pick up his polished dress shoes from the table. He just said:

'Thanks bro, you're the best.'

Later in his room Zifeng googled the brand's name he had noticed on the sole. The Chinese student read that Frederik's must have paid more than 500 euro's for these Italian shoes by Santoni. He almost couldn't believe that someone was having 500 euro's on his feet, so to speak. And now he was holding Wouter's sneaker in his hands. Like Frederik's dress shoe Wouter's sneaker was impressive. He realized that this sneaker – usually just a quite mundane thing – was a kind of non-literal expression of Wouter's superior athletic masculinity. He held the sneaker right in front of his face, admiring the impressive size and the handsome design. But he was afraid that Frederik or Wouter would surprise him so he dropped the sneaker and continued his cleaning job..

The next evening he came home late after spending the whole day in the University Library. Wouter's room was right next to his and he noticed that the door was half open. A high-pitched female voice was moaning and he heard a male voice whispering and breathing heavily. Then it hit him. His flat mate was having sex with a girl. At first hand he thought it was funny. Back in Hong Kong he had never experienced such a thing. Chinese people aren't that relaxed when it comes to sex. It was dark in the small hallway but he could discern Wouter's large sneakers just in front of the door. Right next to his pair the girl had left her own pumps. The contrast between those small elegant pumps and Wouter's old and large masculine Nikes was striking. Wouter must've increased his speed because the shrieks of the girl grew louder. At the same time he heard Wouter moan something in a low masculine voice. Zifeng still doesn't know where he'd found the courage but he took a few steps towards the half open door. When he was close enough he took a quick look inside the dimly lit room. What he could see was amazing, but he immediately retreated, afraid that Wouter or the girl might've noticed him.

He had seen the Dutch guy standing in front of his box spring. The girl was on Wouter's bed on her hands and knees while the tall blond stud was slamming into her from behind. Zifeng felt his heartbeat raging. He heard some slapping sounds and the girl began to moan louder. Perhaps Wouter was slapping her ass. Zifeng hesitated. He could take a look once more but he realized how tricky this was. He couldn't imagine how worse things would be when Wouter or the girl found out that they were not alone anymore. But the Asian voyeur was too excited to think clearly and he moved his head closer to the door.

Wouter was still slamming into the girl but he had lowered his speed. His hands were resting firmly on the girls back and his head was slightly tilted back. Clearly his flatmate was enjoying the ride. The Asian boy could see his abs contracting with every hard and determinant trust. Then the white stud withdrew from her small pussy, revealing a hard and perfectly shaped cock. Zifeng was amazed. Wouter's cock throbbed aggressively in front of his abs. It was more than 8 inches large with a big shiny head. He couldn't believe that a guy's cock could be that big. Zifeng took another small step forwards and carefully peeped into the room. Wouter was rubbing his huge cock head against the girl's wet pussy and she began to moan again. She clearly enjoyed the hard pressure coming from this huge shiny cock head.

He remembered Wouter's cocky remarks about him fucking 'his' sluts but still it was quite a shock to watch this hot Dutch field hockey player pounding a girl's pussy. After a minute Wouter drove his large cock into her pussy again. He began to pound her like the athlete he was, showing off his agility, acceleration and stamina.. His bronze tall body was covered in a sheen of sweat. Wouter's body was like a Greek statue, Zifeng noticed. It was hard, fast and active without any signs of redundant fat. After a while the tall Aryan stud bended forwards and kissed the girl. Zifeng could hear the sounds of Wouter's tongue raping the girl's mouth. Then he continued to fuck her, harder and faster than a few minutes before. This time Zifeng had a better view of Wouter's handsome face which was drawn in an excited, almost arrogant expression.

The student jock said something in Dutch to the girl. Then he withdrew again and grabbed her hips, turning her on her back like she was an ordinary sex doll. He jumped on his bed and began to fuck her in a missionary position. Watching Wouter's muscled ass going up and down between the girl's legs was the most incredible thing Zifeng had ever witnessed. After five minutes of intense fucking the stud took out his cock and adjusted his position. Just when his smooth and fat cock head was about to enter the girl's pussy Wouter noticed his peeping Asian flatmate. Zifeng froze but the young stud just smirked, showing his even white teeth and made a sign with his index finger. Zifeng was amazed by Wouter's cool and nonchalant reaction. The frat guy gave his beautiful fuck weapon a light slap. Then he pressed his dripping cock head into the willing hole again and the girl began to moan like she was in pain. Wouter ignored her and soon the young stud had built up a steady rhythm.

Meanwhile Zifeng was enjoying the show. After a while Wouter removed his dick and rotated the girl a quarter turn to the left. Zifeng noticed that she had dark brown hair and nice cup C tits. And she was Asian! She was smaller than Eileen but her hips were more defined and broader. Perhaps she was of Indonesian descent. In the Netherlands there are many people with a mixed-race Indonesian background. The Dutch frat guy walked to the other side of his box spring and began to fuck her again. This time Zifeng had a better view on Wouter's body and on both of their faces. While the girl's face was pretty contorted because of the hard painful thrusts, Wouter had an excited, arrogant and almost angry expression on his face.

Then the stud grabbed his white briefs, smacked her tits a few times, and shoved them in her face, perhaps to prevent her from noticing Zifeng. 'Yeah, sniff this you filthy bitch. Like the smell huh?' His derisive talk and his deep masculine voice had the right effect on the girl. She began to moan a bit louder. Zifeng knew that his white flat mate could be cocky, but now the frat guy showed a quite different level of that quality. And he was talking in English to the girl. She didn't notice, totally overpowered by his dominating sex drive, but Zifeng suspected that Wouter was doing this to get him involved. Cleary his Dutch flat mate enjoyed performing for the Asian voyeur.

The girl just began to moan a little bit louder, her nose buried in Wouter's briefs, while Zifeng's felt his own erection pressing in his pants. Wouter seemed determinant to get as much pleasure from her body as possible. He withdrew again and mounted her body, which seemed small and delicate in comparison to his broad shoulders, defined chest, sculpted six pack and strong muscled legs. He started to stroke his cock between her breasts, giving Zifeng a much better view on his fuck weapon. The young stud slapped it against the girl's tits for a while and with every aggressive slap his beautiful toned body slightly moved back and forth in an athletic and gracious manner. Wouter began to breathe heavier. Apparently the hot stud got off on dominating the poor girl and showing Zifeng how to fuck like a man.

He grabbed her head with one hand and moved his body forwards, while holding his cock in his other one. Then he threw his underpants to the other side of his room and shoved his cock into the girl's mouth. He started to fuck her mouth like she was some porn actress. Zifeng was in shock. This guy wasn't even a bit gentle, but the girl didn't seem to object, although she clearly had much trouble with handling Wouter's big invading cock. Zifeng's eyes turned back to Wouter again and the field hockey jock was looking straight at the Asian voyeur. He made a gesture and he pointed to something on the ground. The boy didn't understand and kept staring at the frat jock. Wouter got impatient and pointed again at the girl's pumps beside his feet. Zifeng got the message. He grabbed one of her shoes, which were feather light in his hands, and smelled. They didn't smell bad, but actually he really longed to pick up Wouter's large sneakers. The girl's pumps were small and feminine. He didn't like them at all.

Wouter grinned and gave him a playful thumbs up sign, while his other hand was moving the girl's head around his cock. But Zifeng had to admit that it was also a bit humiliating. While Wouter was having fun with the Asian girl he had to play with her shoe, like it was a left over of Wouter's conquest. Still it was also kind of hot. He lost all shame and he started to lick the suede leather. But Wouter didn't pay attention anymore as he was working towards a huge orgasm. Seeing this young demi-god cum was one of the most marvelous things Zifeng had ever witnessed. Wouter's face got a tensed, concentrated and aggressive expression, like he was just about to score a goal on the hockey field. Then he began to moan in a low voice, threw his head back, uttered a loud 'fuck yeah' and finally removed his swollen cock from the girl's mouth. Zifeng had a good view on the powerful streams of cum that coated the girl's mouth, cheeks, forehead, hair and even her neck. Some spurts even missed their target and went across her head. He watched Wouter's abdominal muscles flex after each heavy breath until he began to recover from his intense orgasm. When Wouter noticed that Zifeng was still watching he smirked and made an impatient gesture which the little Asian boy translated correctly as 'fuck off'. Zifeng hastily obeyed and rushed to his room.

Of course he couldn't sleep after what just happened. He was a bit worried that Wouter would be mad at him. But why had he let him stay and watch? And he was also very excited. He decided to jack off and try to have some sleep, but after a while he heard a familiar sound. Wouter was fucking the girl again! The Asian student pulled up the sheets, trying to ignore the fuck party in the other room, but the couple was too loud. He couldn't blame the girl of course, he had just seen what she had to endure from his flat mate. A voice in his head said that he could knock on the wall, demanding more silence like every other guy would've done. Finally he jumped out of his bed and walked to Wouter's room again. This time the door was closed. His resistance broke. He picked up Wouter's sneakers and went back to his room. The large sneakers felt so different in his hands compared to the girl's pumps. While her shoes were delicate and light, Wouter's old Nikes were massive and large. They really emphasized athletic speed and masculine strength. And they were quite smelly. One could've expected that, being worn by an active young stud all day. The Asian nerd brought one sneaker to his nose, enjoying the pungent smell of leather and fresh sweat. It was really hot to realize that Wouter had worn them the whole day and night, hunting for hot girls, making them wet with his Aryan good looks, his natural confidence and his cocky arrogance.

Zifeng was lying on his bed now, holding Wouter's left sneaker against his nose. Then he noticed his own size 6 sneakers close to his bed. He took his own left one and compared it to Wouter's sneaker. It was almost as twice as large! It was as if Wouter's superior masculinity was filling his room. He could hear Wouter moan in a low, aggressive voice. The Asian boy could clearly imagine how Wouter's tall body was ravaging the small Asian girl because he had just witnessed it. The Asian student couldn't control himself any longer. He started to lick Wouter's sneaker like it was a huge cock demanding worship. The smelly leather felt so good against his tongue and nose. The girl's screams grew louder, apparently Wouter was really fucking her into submission. Zifeng started to jerk his small cock furiously with his right hand, while holding Wouter's sneaker in his left one. His tongue found a small hole in the toe box. If he could lick this sneaker with Wouter's large socked foot inside! Then he heard Wouter yell something in Dutch. The young stud was cumming again. Totally aroused by Wouter's aggressive voice Zifeng finally collapsed and he shot his load on the sheets. be continued.

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