Asian Boy Wife

Published on May 28, 2022


Asian Boy Wife 1

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Asian Boy Wife 1

i have just been posted to Bangkok to work. Was looking forward to the posting. Needed to get out of the conservative and strict place that I have grew up in. It is especially stifling for a gay male like me. A little about myself. I am 24, average height, slim smooth Chinese. Am a fairly senior programmer in an IT firm and has been posted to Bangkok to lead the outsourced developers here. I got an expatriate package and doing pretty well for my age I would say. Not the business man, high executive kind of well to do, but middle income kind of well I guess.

Any case, before I came to Bangkok, I had always thought that I like older dominant white man. Those executives in power, married, with children, but still love to fuck an asian boy on the side. I have always blamed it on the American media for brainwashing me into believing that white men are superior, with large cocks and asian boys like me only deserve to kneel before them and serve them. On the other hand I also read a lot of romance novels. And always picture myself as the heroine succumbing to the hero depicted in the book cover. The hero of romance novels are always cocky, confident, even a little dominant and are used to girls who throw themselves at their feet. The heroine on the other hand are always the spirited virgin, who fights and resist the urge the hero puts in her groin. But nevertheless still succumbing to mother nature, becoming submissive to the male species when aroused.

So with that in mind, I set off to Bangkok hoping to find a gay or bi white man who would like an asian boy wife like myself. Unfortunately I did not have too much luck. Instead I got to know this local thai man called Nut. Nut was not the typical gentle soft feminine thai man. He was a traditional masculine looking man. At the age of 32, he own his own trading company. Works out in the gym regularly, scuba dive, and had flawless smooth skin. he studied and worked in America for almost 8 years and returned a few years back to start his own company. He speaks perfect English with and American accent. He was about half a foot taller than me and had a nice toned and defined body.

But what attracted me to him was that he had a very confident and cocky demeanor towards me. Always making me feel weak like a girl when i am with him. The way he speaks to me, the tone he used, how he always brought me to places for dinner or decide the activities we do. In addition to that, he also likes to tell me about his ex girlfriends, 15 of them. Since his teenage years at 14. His last girlfriend was a white girl in American. He started to have interest in guys when he top an American guy. Will give you more details of that later. What interested me more was his stories about his ex girlfriends.

He was always dominant and expected the girls to worship him, serve him and submit to him. Just like in traditional marriages. That is the most traditional aspect of him. He even likes to use his belt to discipline his girlfriends. Often whipping them while fucking them. That has always been my fantasy, submitting to the twin symbol of masculinity and power, the penis and the belt. On many occasions, according to him, he was able to make the girl kneel naked before him on their first date, begging to be serve him. He would tease them and "try them out" by making them fetch him drinks, massage him, and kneel by his feet. He knows that girls are most submissive and obedient when aroused. He would extend their agony by making them serve him, keeping them aroused, but not letting them cum. He later found that the same method works well on guys too. What turn him on more with guys as the power he felt over having another male serve him like a female. He felt like a king and he has come to enjoy males more than females over time.

This bring the story back to me. After 2 weeks of dating, he made it clear that he was interested in me as his boy wife. He wanted a wife, someone who lives with him, and serve him whole heartedly. Some one who he can fuck raw without worries. Someone who will take care of his personal administration as well as his home and he felt i might make the perfect wife for him. He hinted that it was the first time he had dated someone for so long and not fuck him or her yet. He was hoping to make it different, like on wedding night. But he wanted both of us to be sure first, and would want us to have sex without anal penetration which he will reserve for our wedding night. I was so turned on and in loved with him that i did not even think much about what i was getting into. I pretty much agreed to all his suggestions and went along with him.

So after dating for 2 weeks, i went to his home to spend the weekend. It was suppose to be the try out weekend. He was telling me that if it works out, he will marry me the next month and book a honeymoon to America for us. I was kind of scared, excited and did not know what to expect.

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Next: Chapter 2

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