Asian Adonis

By kevin alexander

Published on Jun 3, 2005


When the alarm rang it was already 11 am in the morning and for a few seconds everything was a blur. It took me a while to realize that I have a cute, sweaty puppy waiting for me in the other room.

With only my boxer shorts and my morning glory, I walked towards Kevin's room to have my first "meal" of the day.

As I saw him sleeping there on the stained, sweat-reeked pillow, I almost couldn't bring myself to wake him up. He looked so cute, so innocent and so peaceful. If only every species in this world is as beautiful as he is, no one would be making war as everyone would be too busy making love. But as gentle as my feelings are for him right now, I know that as his new owner I can't be too soft on him. I have to teach him some discipline if he were to be a good slaveboy. With that thought in mind, I took the thin leather whip I kept in the closet inside Kevin's room. Come to think of it, I should be calling this room a dungeon instead of a room. One piercing whip of it into thin air was enough to make any masochist cringe with fear, let alone a young lad who is sleeping in the house of a complete stranger. Kevin almost jolted with shock and that was the first time I realized that he has made every movement possible very sensual without even realizing it... I wonder how much money he'd be making as a stripper in...hmmm just a naughty thought... Back to reality, I realized that I wasn't the only one with a hard on in the room. Seeing this, I decided to give Kevin's raging woody a few gentle strokes and he immediately responded with faint murmurs of pleasure that almost sounded like a purr. His eyes were begging me to go on and his lips quivered with delight. It only took eight strokes before Kevin began to close his eyes and slightly bit his lower lip. I knew the signs too well. If I kept on pleasuring the boy, he was definitely going to erupt right there and then. However, it was still too early in the day to let him cum now and he hasn't even fully earned the rights to his own orgasm so with one last stroke I stopped playing with his dick abruptly. I could tell from his eyes that he must really hate me and frustrated for playing him like that but I just flashed him my evil smile.

"It's my turn now!" with a commanding voice I unlocked his handcuffs and pushed him down to my crotch where he truly belonged.

"Now suck these...I'm gonna feed you some protein-loaded breakfast!"

Kevin quickly lapped up all my pre-cum and began working on my cock like a hungry puppy. After seeing his lips around my cock for a while, I realized that I have not taken the opportunity to personally taste those beautiful lips in my mouth. So as much as I did not want him to stop, I decided to take a gentler approach and be more passionate with Kevin before I finally fuck him, my hard-on really can't wait for that.

Kissing Kevin's soft lips felt heavenly and I hardly ever kiss a man on their lips because I only mostly only use them for raw sex but there is something different about this kid, something that is hard to describe, something delightfully intangible...damn, I could really fall in love with this lad. As I continued kissing and hugging him, Kevin let out the sexiest gasps and his whole body quivered in my arms. He felt so huggable and so vulnerable. We could go on kissing and hugging forever like two teenagers passionately in love but I knew that I had to cut it short for what comes ahead. With the amounts of pre-cum, my dick is spewing, I knew fucking him just couldn't wait any longer.

"Kevin... I need to fuck your ass. Now. Are you okay with that?" It was more of a statement than a question but I needed to know his respond before actually entering him.

He suddenly looked scared and confused a little.

"Why, what's wrong?"

"It's just that sir... I have only been penetrated once before" he replied softly.

I found this to be truly perplexing. "But, u are a rent-boy Kevin, don't the guys you pick up at the bar get to screw you every night?"

"They want too sir, but I could not let them. I mostly give blowjobs and let them perform all their sick fantasies on me in exchange for not being able to bottom. Most of them gave me less tips after knowing this but I really, really cannot stand being analed sir" Tears were welling up in his eyes as he told me this. It turned out, the last time he was fucked which also happened to be the first time was back in junior high when he used to play for the water-polo team. Apparently he was brutally raped by the captain of the water-polo team, whom according to Kevin was a very huge guy. That incident left him bleeding and traumatized until this very day. That son of a bitch!

"Look Kevin, I can't have a slave boy whom I cannot fuck. Do you understand that?" I asked him sternly

"Yes sir..." he obviously looked saddened.

"Here is what I'll do, I will go slow with you and I promise not to hurt you. I will start you with my fingers and from there we will proceed. If you cannot handle it, you can tell me and I will stop on the spot but as your punishment, I will not let you play with your body for the whole week. Have I made myself clear?"

Kevin nodded and with that I told him to began sucking on my fingers to give it some lubrication before I tried putting them inside his ass hole. His hole was extremely tight and I guess with an asshole that tight he had every reason to be worried about getting fucked, especially by my 8 inch, wide-circumference tool. As I continued fingering him, I saw his face cringe. I knew he was probably floating between pain or pleasure and that's when I noticed that his nipples were half erect. While my left hand was fingering him, my right hand proceeded to caress his nipples, playing with them, pinching them and trying to tip off the scale more towards pleasure for Kevin as the thought of this boy crying in pain when I fucked him broke my heart but at the same time, the thought of not being able to fuck him today would really dissatisfy my hard penis. As I watched him shiver with bliss, I realized that Kevin's nipples were indeed very sensitive to the touch so I decided to increase the stimulation by licking his now fully rigid nipples, slobbering them with my tongue and nibbling on them like they were honey-coated. These intense movements apparently have tremendous impact on Kevin as his breathing rate has now increased and his facial expression has also changed from hurt to become enjoyment without realizing that I already had three big fingers in his unbelievably tight hole.

"Are you ready for the real thing now?"

He nodded in approval. With that I took out my fingers and exchange it with the tip of my penis. I could see the anticipation was building for Kevin and I could also see that he was holding his breath expecting for the worst of all pain. It seemed painful, scarring memories are now back to threaten him but I was to horny to show the boy any kind of mercy at that point. As I began to insert my hard dick into his hole, my whole body shivered with pleasure. With every second, I moved in a little bit more with saliva and pre-cum as the only lubrication. Talk about organic lubrication. I began fucking him slowly as he laid on his back with his both feet lifted and laid on my shoulders.

"Aaah ahhh yes deeper..." to my surprise Kevin was actually enjoying this.

" You sure you can take it boy?"

"Yes sir , I want you to fuck me , fuck me real deep, I am yours."

His last statement was so hot it triggered me to fuck him even deeper and show him what an excellent tight bottom he is.

`Oh yeah, take it all boy!" As I slid in my dick into his tiny whole, I could feel that my dick has now entered paradise. His ass is so tight, they are even tighter than the virgin cheerleader that I slept with in high school. As I continued riding him, my pulse got quicker. I was hot and heated by the moment and I was anything but gentle when it came to fucking Kevin. This was good, this was better than good, this was intense pleasure, pure ecstasy! I was sweating and my heart rate was speeding like a race-horse on steroid. As I continued to work on my boy's ass, I could hear the sounds of my sloppy balls hitting his smooth ass cheeks. The smell of sweat, the flopping sound of my big dick against his tight hole and the sight of a pretty Asian boy submitting his ass to me are just too much for me to handle. It was not long before I knew that I had to cum soon. Kevin seemed to realize this and he responded by clenching his sphincter, tightening his already tight asshole even more. My fucking grew faster, it was too deep, too passionate, too impossible for me to hold on any longer, this was it, again I was there with Kevin, I was at the peak of no return...

"Aaaarggh arrrrghhh aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" It was the biggest orgasm I have ever had. Spurts after spurts were shot into Kevin's ass and at the same time Kevin's breathing became faster and soon without a single touch of anyone's hand, Kevin began spurting his own semen into the air as well. His shots were so high that the longest shot was way over his own head with the rest of it landing on his chest and face. Apparently the fucking had intensely stimulated his overly full prostate and the pleasure was too much even for my sweet boy to handle. After a good seven to eight spurts, I took my dick out of Kevin's now loosened hole.

As I did this, his expression changed. I was feeling extremely satisfied inside but I could not express this to him since he knew that he had just committed a crime. The crime of cumming without my permission.

"I..i'm sorry sir, i..." before he even get to finish his sentence I slapped his left face him the back of my left palm. It wasn't a very hard slap but enough to scare him.

"Who gave you the permission for a release boy?" I asked in the most cruel voice I could muster.

"No one sir, I am sorry sir." He replied.

" You know you have to be punished boy!" I barked at him. "From now on, I don't think I can trust you anymore boy. I am going to put you on a chastity belt in order for you to learn some self control."

I took out a chastity belt from the closet where I put my other kinky device. I had bought this device for my last slave, which he only needed to wear for a while so the size was apparently too small for Kevin as my last slave was not as endowed as Kevin. If wearing chastity belt is extremely uncomfortable for someone who has never worn it before, wearing one that is undersized is sheer torture but that is the fate that Kevin will endure until he learns how to control himself. After securely locking his chastity belt, I asked Kevin to clean up his boy-juice with his own tongue Kevin lapped up every single drop of his own emission. Organic proteins are always good for a slave boy. Then I told him to turn around to receive his whipping. I whipped his ass by suing the whip I used to wake him up for ten times with him counting my every blow but I did not do it too hard, worried that I might leave permanent scars on such perfection. He was lucky he was this adorable, other slaves who disobeyed me would definitely be kicked out of my bed in a matter of seconds but this boy was different, something about him appealed to me for more than just sex.

"Now it's time for breakfast." As we proceeded to the kitchen, I made myself some bagels, cereals and orange juice while I gave him the same stuff that I am having. The only difference is that he had to eat his breakfast out of a dog bowl because that's how slave boys eat their meals. I never own dogs and I never even liked animals but the idea of humiliating a boy this cute, putting him at the same low level as dogs just gets me off. So I have prepared two bowls for him one is for the cereal and the other one is for the orange cocktail that I have especially prepared for him. Orange cocktail consisting of orange juice and some of the recycled beer that I had last night. Yes, it's recycled from my piss. I think every slave should learn how to devour his master's piss and Kevin didn't seem to have any trouble doing that.

After our meal, I decided that Kevin needs some exercise so I told him to run some laps around the neighbourhood wearing nothing but a short, thin running shorts and my old tennis shoes. I am sure with the high percentage of closeted married men in this mid-upper class neighbourhood, Kevin is definitely going to turn more than a few naughty heads from the neighbours.

After he washed up, I told Kevin that he needed to rest a little for I have huge plans for him tonight. This time I let him took a nap on my bed, in my comfortable air-conditioned room. During nap-time I got the opportunity to caress him, fondle him and touch him like he was more than a slave, like he was a lover.

Later that night, I decided to take Kevin to Velvet Underground, a very famous strip club specializing in young college-aged, twinkish boys where I knew Kevin would fit right in. The owner Peter is an old friend of mine and when I told him that Kevin would be available for the night, his eyes turned green with the thought of how much money Kevin was going to make for his club tonight. Unlike all the other strip clubs, the customers in Velvet Underground are allowed to touch, caress or fondle the strippers to their hearts' or their dicks' content as long as they keep the huge tip coming.

As I took Kevin to his make up room, I could tell he was very nervous. " You'll do fine, I know you'll make me proud tonight!" with that sentence I left him for the make-up lady to oil him up and dress him in an extremely-tight, almost see-through, skin-colored speedo for his debut. As Kevin made his debut on the stage, the crowd went crazy. I noticed most of the men in the audience were starting to touch their own growing erections. I've always loved my bitch but there is nothing I like even more than sharing my beautiful boy with other horny men. A boy like Kevin is not made everyday and when I found one, I feel like I shouldn't be too selfish by keeping him to myself.

As Kevin was working the crowd with his sensual movements, as his pimp for the night, I started taking names of the potential customers who were up for some post-stripping "entertainment" with my boy later on tonight. Boy, was I making good money in whoring my slaveboy or what, before long, the list turned into a long waiting list and I had to cut it short and only select the wealthiest and most bona-fide customers who were willing to pay the high price in order to have fun with my cute slut tonight. These guys mostly turned out to be successful, high-powered, married businessmen with hairy chests and pot beliies who have always had a sweet spot for young, bottom twinks. The sight of Kevin on stage must have drove them crazy. It wasn't long after Kevin started dancing that naughty hands with dollar bills were making their way towards his heavenly body. Some of the hands were big, some were small, some were hairy, some were sweaty and some were rough but all of these hands were obviously very passionate in feeling Kevin up.

Poor boy, not only does he have to endure to the naughty, leering glares of complete strangers in a supper tight speedo, but now he has also got to put up with their aggressive fondling, groping, and probing. Some of the customers were pinching and playing with his now fully hard nipples, some were touching his dick and others were groping his ass. There were even a couple of guys who managed to finger him up. I don't know if it is because Kevin is too hot or because the customers were too horny because by the end of the show, my boy's body was obviously red and sore from all those senseless invasions.

As he got down the stage and was about to put on his tight jeans and t-shirt back, I stopped him and led him to the back room of the club, the room where most of the real actions take place, the room full of horny, married and powerful executives waiting to get the gratification that I had promised them for their money.

Just when Kevin thought the night was over but it really had just started...

P.S. Hey guys, thanks for the enthusiastic response to my story. It's nice to know there are other people out there who think my fantasies are hot (. Thanks for the letters and the suggestions, keep them coming. Looking forward to hearing more from my readers, just drop me a line at I am on yahoo messenger too so feel free to add me up! Hope you guys had a good wank with my stories ;)

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