Asian Adonis

By kevin alexander

Published on May 30, 2005


Next to my seat, a happy older customer is freely making out with one of the cute, young waiter who is apparently wearing nothing but a low hanging, baggy jeans. This is a common sited in Joe's bar, a dirty and notorious bar/ prostitution den where the rent-boys are disguised to be working as waiters.

Across the room working behind the bar, I saw a boy gorgeous enough to be my next victim. His name is Kevin and he definitely looks too young to be bartending in a sleazy bar like this. As I later found out from the bar owner, Kevin has just turned 21 last month which I find still hard to believe as he looks as if he's barely 18... At 5 foot 8 and 130 pounds Kevin is not built for the runways, but he definitely has a body that is tailored to perfection. From what I can see form my corner table, he is not too big and not too small, just about the right size to fit into my arms. As he is serving drinks in a tight white t shirt and a tight jeans (apparently the unofficial uniform as workers in this bar), I can tell that he is pretty sporty. Underneath his thin cotton shirt is a promise of a nicely toned swimmer's build. His facial features are enough to make the most gorgeous models feel insecure about themselves. Kevin's face is the embodiment of adult handsomeness combined with the youthful innocence. If he had been walking down the streets or had been a student in my class, I would not in a million years expect him to be a rent-boy. However, apparently he is working in a sleazy bar where notoriety has it that every single twink that works here is available for your pleasure. Even in the middle of other young, cute waiter/prostitutes in this bar, his beauty radiates .His light asian complexion is clear without a single blemish. As I watch him serve drinks, I wonder with his profession as a prostitute, how many lips have taken the advantage of kissing and caressing his flawless face before as most people who pay for sex don't waste too much time on such passionate things and only care about gratifying their lust and I am no exception. On the right bottom corner of his lips I notice a small, cute mole. And the lips, ohhh the lips themselves are remedy for the sore eyes. They are full but not too pouty and seemingly juicy; just the right lips I need for my pleasure tonight.

As I was just about to move from my corner seat towards the bar where Kevin is serving drinks, the bar owner came to me and shook my hand in the strongest and most excited shake. He knows I have been here before and I assume he also knows that I am a huge tipper for the boys. Apparently, being a sleazy bar owner frequented by horny, sleazy men have made him an expert in judging other people's taste. "I see our bartender has caught your attention" he said with slight mischief. "That's Kevin, he's a junior in the local university." This fact surprised me having taught in that university for more than a decade, I have never met such a beauty on campus. Ironically, although both Kevin and I frequent the campus daily, it takes a sleazy place like this to meet us up, which is an advantage for me because I don't know if I would be able refrain my lust for him if he had been my student. Seeing him in class on a regular basis, lusting about him at night wondering if I can have him just for one night. Here, in this bar, I am much more comfortable, knowing that I have just the right bait to get Kevin to go to bed with me: money!

Joe, the bar owner continued, " The other customers never complained about him, they'all say he's one tight fuck and hell of a sucker. I'm just glad his parents threw him out of the house, gotta pay for his own rent now, you know, that's why he came to me." I suddenly felt a heavy punch into my stomach, suddenly feeling pity for this innocent puppy, suddenly overcome by the urge, not only to fuck him, but to save him, shelter him and protect him. So, as I finished negotiating price and my intentions on Kevin with Joe, he left and approached Kevin and the boy nodded in approval. After seeing this, I followed suit. With a raging hard-on beneath my trousers, I walked towards the bar where Kevin is still standing and ordered a drink. He greeted me with the warmest smile that he flashed for the first time tonight. He has two cute dimples that lit up his whole face when he smiles. Seeing this boy up-close, I felt more certain about my choice for the night. I made light conversations with him and he responded in a very friendly manner.

Our conversation was disrupted by a drunk, burly man, who was obviously about to pick a fight with Joe, the bar owner. "You promised that he swallows! Look at this you old fool!" The burly guy pointed at a large stain on his light colored denim.

" The kid didn't swallow all of my spew!" He roared.

As he saw Kevin standing there right next to me, the burly drunk guy immediately walked towards our direction.

" I want my money back you whore! You didn't swallow all of my cum!" For no reasons at all the drunk guy started stripping Kevin off his jeans including underear and molesting him then and there for everyone to see, apparently he still had a large bulge protruding from his unzipped fly. It's no wonder really. A boy this cute ought to get everyone's hormones raging.

Seeing this, I had to interrupt by helping the poor lad. I gave the burly guy one light punch in the face and he dropped right on my foot! Drunk guys, I thought... They only look scary but it won't take more than a finger to drop them dead.

As I helped Kevin back on his feet and with his jeans , I ( and all the other patrons) got a preview of his beautiful lower body. Both of his buns have slight dimples that feel like they had been forever beautifully sculpted on his rear, he claims to get this from running tracks in college which is highly substantiated, as I reach down to feel his smooth, toned legs. This made my imagination runs wilder, the thoughts of this lad sweating in a tight tank-top that clings to his slender figure and a thin, satin runners' shorts that hugs his ample buns, generously revealing his toned, hairless legs are just too much for me. Imagine the lusty glares he must have received from the perverted audience in the stadium and the jealous stares given to him by all the other runners who wish they were as beautiful.

After that, I decided that it was the perfect time to bring the boy home with me.

On the journey home, Kevin remained quiet. He seemed to be thankful that I save him from the mad, burly male in the bar but at the same time, he seemed to be ashamed of not being able to defend himself. After all, as youthful as he may seem, Kevin is an adult, ... A very pretty adult...Poor twink! There's no telling what might happen if I hadn't been in the bar to save him...

"sir..." the first time he uttered his words since we got to my car

"Thank you for saving me..." he muttered with the utmost sincerity...Man, I fell in love with this twink. It's a big wonder why anyone hasn't taken him up as a boyfriend or a sugar boy or something like that... My urge and instincts to protect him grew even more as I stared at his adorable face in the dim light of my car.

"Don't worry about it" I replied carelessly, not to lift his hopes too much.

" I would do anything to repay you, I know I have nothing, but what you did for me in there was about the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me...No one ever protected me before... all my customers just wanted to fuck me and beat me up to get themselves off." He continued.

For some reasons, his last statement made my dick grew into a full erection, I suddenly started visualizing the kinds of sick tortures this lad had to endure throughout his years working as a young and tempting prostitute. Little did he know, I am very much like those customers that he just talked about, only in sheep's clothing. On a different aspect, Kevin would have been that perfect boyfriend that every top gay guy could ever dream of having but this is definitely not what I am looking for, at least not tonight. Tonight, all I could think of was to pour my mounting lust on this cute little creature sitting right next to me. I started thinking about the hot and sweaty sessions this kid is about to bring me when I suddenly realized that I had to snap back to reality, for the next few moments at least.

"Careful, on your promises boy... You have no idea what you can give to me!" I replied harshly and that quitened him down for the entire trip back to my place.

As soon as my apartment door was closed, I immediately ordered him to strip and like the trained rent-boy that he is, Kevin began to slowly peeled off his clothes. Starting from his Adidas sweater, revealing a tight tank top underneath, the very tank top that he's been working in all night. In the bright lights of my apartment, I could identify a certain yellowish stains on the neck area of his otherwise white tank top...Could that be the cum stain of the burly guy in the bar, I wondered. As he slowly lifted his tank top, I checked out his trunk. He has the most perfect looking torso I have ever laid eyes on. They are not too shaped, but you could immediately tell that hints of abdominal muscles are starting to take their forms on his youthful body. He is not too fair but has a light coloring, just enough pigmentations on his skin, displaying a healthy glow of asian beauty. He nipples are light brown and fully erect. His chest is smooth and hairless. The only hair I have noticed so far is the light tuff underneath his arms and the sexy, light trail going from his belly button down. As he stripped of from the confining tight, vintage jeans, I could tell that his legs have really been developed from all those running. They are slender, yet muscular and almost hairless...even his legs are flawless. I noticed a large bulge protruding in front of his white boxer-brief. The material looks old but they fit him just perfectly. I asked him when did he jerk off last and it turned out to be three days ago with a customer he met in the bar. When I asked him why he hadn't jerked off again since then he said most customers he knows like their prostitutes in "heat" and always ready for action so he has to save his cum. How thoughtful and that put a cheeky smile on my face. As I told him to take off his underwear, he did it with the perfect motion of sensuality, bending his stomach forward, letting me get a full view of his smooth bubbly rear.

What a sight! As I hook my eyes on the direction of his dick, for the first time in the night, my heart raced and my pulse quickened. I felt like a teenaged boy about to have his first sexual encounter. At 6.5 inch, Kevin wasn't what you'd consider a hung man but its shape is perfection like none could match. It wasn't too thick and wasn't too thin, strong enough for a girl but made as a fun toy for a man, a man like me, who loves playing with a young bottom's dick, while I fuck him senseless. Then, I ordered him to turn around for me to check out in detail the most important dish of all... It was a perfect, well-rounded, bubble butt. He has a square-shaped tan line that breaks in the region just between his upper ass crack to his upper thigh. It is as if this part is especially protected from the sun to maintain its fair-colored perfection as its sole purpose is to give men the greatest unworldly pleasures they would have ever experienced. I couldn't help myself but to reach out and grope them. They are soft as cotton and smooth as silk, I bet they taste good too. When I proceeded to inspect his hole with my huge, callous fingers, I was surprised to see how tight it was! Being a sleazy hustler and all, I expected his asshole to be slightly loosened. When I asked him about this, he told me that most customers he met at the bar are (other than the kinky, older perverts) the straight curious college guys, wanting to get a quick blowjob form another man and not very much into anal. So, he ended up using more of his upper hole thank his lower one. Well, it won't be the same with me around ;) Without my own realization, I have made a visible trace of pre-cum all over my khaki-colored trousers. Wow, I have never pre-cummed that much since senior year in high school. Kevin was a sensitive boy and realized that my big bulge is crying to be unleashed from its prison. With the most delicate and sensuous moves, he took the liberty to undo my belt and unzip my trousers revealing a highly stained white boxers underneath. As he looked into my eyes for permission, I couldn't think of a better reply but by giving him the nod of approval. With that cue, Kevin pulled down the waistband of my boxers down to my feet. There I was in my own spacious living room, sitting on my favorite leather couch, bottomless ready to be brought to pleasure. The entire time, I was still wearing my boring light blue button down which has now become very soaked in my own sweat. I decided to undo the first three buttons to give my slightly hairy chest some air. Kevin, obviously turned on by the whole situation displayed a highly erect penis that also seems to be spewing out clear liquid. I bet, the bitch is really in heat right now as he starts working my balls. His warm tongue feels really good on my big balls. He lapped it up, like I have coated sugar on it.

" Yeah baby, that's it...lick it, lick it good, I like you to work on my big balls" I moaned in pleasure as Kevin slowly worked his way up to the pole. My penis has always been my one greatest physical asset. At 8 inches they definitely look above average. They are also very thick which makes it very hard for some women to take it comfortably in their mouth. Kevin doesn't seem to be having that problem as he began taking my cock in his mouth, sucking and cleaning every drop of pre cum I have produced for him. The boy's definitely a professional at what he does. As he continued to work my dick, I realize I was transcending into a different realm, the realm of higher pleasure that no blowjob has brought me to before and trust me I have received plenty of blowjobs before from both men as well as women. As my heart rate quickened and my breathing took up its pace I notice that Kevin's been playing with his poorly satisfied dick.

"Smack!" I slapped his face with my huge arm, not too hard to bruise him but enough to earn me some respect.

"Who told you to play with your own dick slut?" I asked menacingly. "I bought you from the bar and saved you from that burly creep not so you can have your own pleasure. But I bought you for my pleasure. A beauty like you shouldn't be wasted on a sleazy bar like that. It should be placed in between a man's crotch just where you were made to be!"

His face reddened. I don't know it it's a blush produce by my mean compliments or did I slap him too hard. Either way, it made him look cuter although it seems impossible.

"Sorry sir" He replied timidly.

Perfect! Just the reply I needed. This boy isn't only cute and sexy but he's also obedient. It seems like I have hit the jackpot.

" So, let me make this clear, no touching, fondling or playing with that little dick, unless I tell you so, is that clear?" I demanded

" Yes sir." He replied

"Since, you sucked me real good earlier, now I am going to let you perform a jerk off session for me. But we are going to do it my way. Are you ready?" This has been my fantasy since I was in high school. I have always been a fan of porn both straight and gay but the kind of porn that I like the most is the one with a very cute, amateurish looking lad jerking off by himself. I have always imagined of what it's like to be the cameraman behind those porn shoots. Over the years I have collected a steadily increasing numbers of amateur jerk off videos done by cute twinks I picked up at a bar or strip joints in exchange for some money and I sell them at a very reasonable price on my own self-made amateurish porn site. The money isn't what I am looking for but the idea of sharing my own cute boys and my own produced porn with other perverts just get me off. I think Kevin should definitely be included in my collection. He is one hot toy boy that every twink lover would always love to fantasize about. So I took out my handycam and asked him to proceed to the well lit kitchen area. I told him to sit on the kitchen table like the piece of meat that he is and told him to start jerking off while I tape him. As he stroked his dick, his cute face twitched and grimaced with pleasure. I told him that he should never cum without my permission. After about 10 to 15 minutes of shooting Kevin from every angle, he is finally about to ready to cum and I told him to stop. I stopped the camera too. He was confused, he was in cloud nine and was so close why did I make him stop.

"You haven't earn the right to cum yet boy...Look at my dick, they are in need of release too and your main concern here is my pleasure not yours."

With that, he immediately got down from the kitchen table and followed me back to the leather couch and started earning his right for orgasm. This time, he sucked even better than the first time. It's amazing how sex is such a strong motivator. I was in heat as he concentrated on sucking my big meat. With every deep throat I was getting closer and closer.

" That's it boy...I am close, owww yeah, suck it you slut, I am gonna fuck your brains out... ohhh yeahhh..." My breathing went crazy and my pulse rate was speeding up, I was almost there to the point of no return of having my first orgasm in the cutest lad's mouth. Suddenly I felt all my muscles tensed up, I rolled up my eyes and threw my head back as chemicals of pleasure started dripping into my bloodstream..."Aaaaaaaaarghhh!" I let out a loud scream and shot my first load into the boy's innocent face. Like the pro that he is, Kevin opened his mouth to receive the rest of my cum. Ropes after ropes of semen are being expulsed from my shaft and my brain is overflowed by an immense cloud of pleasure. Kevin voraciously gulped every spurt of semen I rewarded him with.

As my power orgasm subsided, Kevin just kneeled there with his raging hard on and a begging eyes for his turn of release... I wouldn't help but smile at him, " You are an excellent cocksucker!" I whispered to his ear as I wiped up some of the sperm that has landed there and smear it on his juicy lips. "Now follow me."

"This is going to be your room!" I showed him a small, plain room with only one plain looking single bed in the middle, a closet and a cage at each side.

" It's bedtime now. I've got some work to do." I told him coldly. The looks of disappointment on his face was enough to melt a prisoner's heart but I had to act like a total jerk for him to really respect me.

" You will sleep in nothing tonight boy, not even a blanket or a pillow, you are lucky enough that I let you sleep on a mattress bed." That exact same bed my last slave used to sleep in and I don't think the sheet has been changed since the last time I fucked him senseless on that bed. Thus, the reek of sweat and cum are inevitable on that mattress and Kevin will be sleeping on it tonight.

"Remember...No playing with yourself without my permission. Just to make sure..." I took out a handcuff from the closet and cuffed all four of him to each side of the bed spread eagled to make sure that he doesn't jerk off at night.

"Now try to sleep!" and with that I left him to be by himself in the room. Little did the poor, horny boy knew that I have installed 4 cameras in that room just to ensure extra monitoring. Another extra feature of the room is also that I can adjust the temperature of that room solely from the outside so I thought just for the fun of it, I increased the temperature the room that Kevin's in. For no particular reasons really, just the thoughts of him hard and sweaty while being spread eagled for the entire night just drove me wild.

As for me, I have some video editing to do, before the world gets a preview of asia's hottest twink masturbating on my kitchen table...

Hope u like it guys, tell me what u think. Any suggestions or comments, please feel free to drop me a mail at

Next: Chapter 2

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