Ashas Secret

By Desolation Angel

Published on Aug 17, 2007


Synopsis: This story is about a young man named Devon who is living abroad as he goes to college. In the previous installment, Devon meets Asha and Shanthi - two half-white, half-Sri Lankan sisters who live in the apartment next to his, and they begin an immediate friendship. With Asha, that friendship becomes more after Devon discovers that she is a transsexual. After their first night of passionate sex, Asha tells Devon that they must keep their relationship a secret because her sister Shanthi is in love with him, and Asha fears she has already betrayed her sister by sleeping with him. But Devon has feelings for Shanthi as well . . .

One month, I thought to myself as I stepped into the elevator. It was Asha's and my one month anniversary. Thirty days ago, on a night I would never forget, the girl who was my next-door neighbor and friend stopped by to pay me a friendly visit. That visit culminated in the single most intense and sexually satisfying experience of my life. Better than that, I had found the kind of love that most people only dream or write sonnets about.

I pressed the button for my floor and watched the doors close. I had come to New Zealand looking for an education and an adventure. I had hoped there would be girls along the way, of course, but never could I have anticipated that this sweet, gentle half-Kiwi/half-Sri Lankan girl would change my life so indelibly.

When I reached my floor, I stepped out of the elevator and walked towards my apartment, still reflecting on the strange course a life can take. When I had met Asha and her older sister Shanthi all those weeks ago, I had been another person. The Devon I had known then seemed to no longer exist. He was transformed. His attitudes towards life, towards love, and even towards sex no longer resembled what they had once been.

Sex, I thought as I reached for my keys. Could I have ever known that the girl I would one day fall in love with would be a transsexual -- born with the genetic traits of a male, but destined to become a female as a cocoon is destined to become a butterfly? At one time, the possibility would have been as remote as anything I could imagine. I was in love with a girl who had a penis and testicles. In the end, that's all it came down to, and the first part mattered much less than the second (not that I didn't love that penis and those testicles, however.)

I opened the door and was immediately greeted by the sound of a sizzling frying pan and the smell of cooking meat. Asha stood at the stove, her back to me. I had given her the spare copy of my apartment key so she could come and go as she liked and apparently she had decided to drop by and cook me a surprise dinner.

Asha was wearing a blue, silk dress that stopped just above her knees. Her shoulders were bare except for two thin straps of cloth which criss-crossed just beneath her neck. Her dusky brown skin looked as tempting and soft as warm chocolate. Her curly, black hair was neatly piled on top of her head. Even from the back, she looked ravishing.

I walked up to her, placed my hand around her waist until it was resting on the curve of her belly, and kissed her neck. She turned her face to me and kissed me with her full, luscious lips. "Hello, angel," I said.

"Mmm, I love it when you call me that,"she replied, and kissed me again.

"What's for dinner?"I asked.

"Your favorite,"she said. "Fajitas. I wanted to cook you something really romantic but . . ."

"Nothing could possibly be more romantic than fajitas."

"Do you like my dress?"she asked. "It's new."

"Very sexy,"I told her. "You look stunning. I'm sorry I am so under-dressed. I figured I would have a chance to change before I saw you. I didn't suspect your covert cookery."

"I don't mind. A t-shirt is quicker to get off than a shirt and tie, anyway."

"You think I'm going to sleep with you just because it's our one month anniversary? You should know I don't stand on ceremony, Asha. For shame."

"I know you're going to sleep with me because, even if you don't stand on ceremony, your little guy is certainly standing. Fully erect, I'm guessing."

Well, could you blame me? The way I was standing, my crotch was right up against Asha's shapely backside. With her looking so sexy, I couldn't help it if I got excited just a little early. Then I looked down the front of Asha's dress and noticed a little bit of a tent that wasn't there a moment ago.

"He's not the only one standing erect,"I pointed out.

Asha blushed and reached down to adjust herself, but I took her by the shoulders and turned her to face me. Her dress had a deep neckline and she was showing ample cleavage. I leaned in and kissed her deeply. Asha put her hands around my head and pulled my face against hers. My hands found her hips and squeezed gently. Our tongues touched briefly, just for a moment, and then our kiss broke. There would be time for more later on, we both knew. There was no need to rush.

"Sit down,"she told me. "It's almost ready."

I did as instructed and Asha served me our special anniversary dinner. It was delicious and we took our time enjoying the meal, talking about a variety of subjects. At one point, I asked Asha where Shanthi was tonight. Usually, when Asha and I had a date like this, it was under some circumstance where Shanthi could not attend. Tonight was no different. "She's on a date,"Asha told me. I felt a twinge of jealous but was careful not to show it.

The guilt on Asha's face was readily apparent, however. Asha and I both knew that Shanthi was in love with me. Asha, by secretly staking her claim on me, so to speak, felt that she had betrayed her sister. That's why we had to sneak around like this. Asha didn't want her sister to know that we were involved. What neither girl knew, however, was that my own feelings of love for Shanthi were often conflicted. There were times when I was with Asha that I forgot the rest of the world existed. But, when I was with Shanthi, I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if fate had put me together with her instead of Asha.

"That's a good thing,"I said. "If she's on a date, maybe she's getting over me."

"Maybe,"Asha said, a little despondently. It didn't really change anything if Shanthi got over me. Once she found out about Asha and me, she would still feel betrayed. But we couldn't sneak around forever, could we?

"How is the research going?"I asked, trying to change the subject. Asha was in medical school and the star research assistant of a professor doing breakthrough work on reproductive medicine.

"Actually, that's something else we need to talk about,"said Asha. "Tonight is going to be our last night together for a little while. I'm leaving tomorrow."

"What?"I exclaimed. "For how long?"

"Calm down, Devon!"she laughed. "I'm just going away for a week."


"To attend a conference in Sydney."

"A week without you?"I moaned. "I'll go crazy."

"I don't like it much either,"she said. "That's why we have to make tonight extra special. Come on. Let me show you what's for dessert."

Asha took me by the hand led me from the table to the couch. She told me to sit down, then went to the cabinet to retrieve two wine glasses. She set them on the end table next to me, then quickly retrieved a bottle of Hawkes Bay merlot that she had hidden in my room inside a brown, paper bag. She poured the wine into the glasses. We both toasted our first month as a couple and drank a sip.

Next Asha dimmed the lights and lit a few candles that had been inside the same bag with the wine. The atmosphere was perfect. All that was needed was some romantic music. She had that covered to. She put a CD into the stereo and pressed play. Some soft jazz music began to fill the room. I drank more of the wine.

Asha's curvy hips began to sway with the music. I watched her voluptuous body, entranced by the sensuality of her movements. Asha seemed to glide away from the stereo to the center of the room. She faced me and continued to dance slowly and teasingly. My heart was pounding in my chest and my cock was already fully hard. Asha's lips turned into a faint smile, pleased at the obvious reaction she was getting from me.

Then she turned her back to me, still gracefully swaying her body. She reached out for the strap across her left shoulder and pulled it down, then for the right strap. Her shoulders were now bare. She allowed the thin material of the dress to slide down her body to her hips. She looked over her bare shoulder at me and smiled seductively. She wiggled her hips slightly and the dress fell to the floor. Asha was now nude except for her black sandals and a black thong. Her curvaceous rear end looked as delectable as ever and my cock began to pulsate at the thought of entering it once again.

Asha turned to face me. My eyes devoured the sight of her bare breasts with their large, dark pink nipples. Her belly was gently rounded -- not fat, just pleasingly plump. My eyes drifted down to the front of her panties. Usually, Asha tucked her package away so skillfully that it was almost impossible to detect, even in the flimsiest underwear. Tonight, however, there was no tucking. Her organs were pressing hard against the fabric of her thong.

Asha swayed towards me and sat down on my lap. She took her glass of wine and drank deeply from it. I looked up into her honey-colored eyes, which were large and luminous.

"I love you,"I told her. "I am going to be in love with you forever. Even if you dump me right now and I never see you again, I am going to love you until the day I die."

"Devon, you're gushing,"she said.

"Oh, right, sorry."

"It's OK, sweetie,"she whispered. "I love you, too."

Asha put her free arm around my shoulder and leaned in to kiss me. I met her kiss, tasting the wine on her plump lips. There was no light flickering of tongues. We French kissed passionately, with an intense desire born from our devoted love for one another.

We kissed for a long while and continued to drink the wine Asha had poured. Occasionally, I would meander from her lips, kissing down her neck to her shoulders. Asha let my mouth wander as she drank from her glass. Or, in other instances, it was Asha whose lips would stray from my mouth, affording me an opportunity to sip some of the rich, dark wine. It wasn't long before both of us were feeling a little fuzzy from the effects of the alcohol, but it only heightened our experience.

I kissed Asha's lips, then her round cheek, then the soft line of her jaw, then the underside of her chin, then her throat, then her collar bone, then the rising swell of her breast. My lips effortlessly found their way to the nipple of Asha's left breast. I popped it into my mouth and began sucking on it gently. Asha's fingers buried themselves in my hair.

"Devon . . ."she breathed.

"Mmm?"I asked, my lips tight around her nipple.

"I don't know how much time we have until Shanthi gets back from her date,"she said. "I need you to make love to me now."

So much for foreplay. Not that I was complaining, mind you. As much as I loved feeling Asha's warm, wet mouth around my cock, and as much as I loved the feeling of my lips sliding up and down the length of her thick shaft, or the sensation of her sucking on her balls, it was only when I was inside her that our souls truly connected as one.

Asha took the glass from my hand and set it down on the table, next to mine. She grabbed a hold of my t-shirt and yanked it off over my head. Then she knelt down on the floor in front of me, first removing my shoes and socks, then reaching for my belt. She undid the buckle and pulled off my jeans and my boxer shorts in one movement. Her eyes brightened when she saw my eight inch dick pop free and I knew she wanted it in her mouth, but she wanted it in her butt even more.

She rose to her feet and wriggled out of her thong. She stood naked before me in all of her breath-taking beauty. Her wide cock, just shorter than average, was standing at almost full erection. Her darkish brown scrotum sack hung below. Just as Asha had experienced a moment ago, I felt myself beginning to salivate. How I wanted to lick and suck and taste her. I had to satisfy myself with simply touching for the moment. I reached out, took Asha's cock in my hand, and began to stroke her until she was fully hard.

It's an amazing thing to see a transsexual woman exposed before you, especially a goddess like Asha. The presence of a dick and balls doesn't make her look any more masculine. Instead, it highlights the femininity of the rest of her by contrast. Then, surrounded by all the femininity and beauty, her sex organs begin appearing distinctly womanly as well. Asha's beauty and her presence made her package seem the most natural thing on a woman's body.

"I love when you stare at me like she,"she whispered. "What are you thinking when you do it?"

"I'm thinking that `angel' is a fitting nickname for you."

"Stop it,"she said, blushing.

"I can't do that,"I said. "Sorry, but that's just the way it is."

She beamed. "You're so sweet, Devon. You're my angel, too."

"Come here."

"One second . . ."

Asha bent down for another item from her brown sack of goodies. No, not THAT brown sack of goodies, I mean the one that had the wine and the candles. She took out a fresh bottle of lubricant jelly, which was good, since ours was almost empty. Asha squirted a dollop into her hand, then rubbed it over every inch of my cock. It was cold at first but Asha's hand felt so warm that it barely mattered. She added another dollop until I was generously coated.

Then Asha handed me the bottle. "Now you do me,"she said. She turned her back to me and bent over just slightly, bracing herself with one hand on the arm of the couch. I squirted some of the jelly on my index finger, then spread Asha's butt cheeks apart with my dry hand. Her nuts hung temptingly in front of me, but I remained focused. I applied the jelly to her immaculately clean, pink hole. Once enough was on, I put the bottle away. Asha turned to face me once again.

She moved closer towards me. She placed a hand on both of my shoulders and knelt on the couch, with one knee on either side of my thighs. Our faces were inches apart. She wiggled closer to me until her cock was pressed flat between my body and hers. She was straddling my lap with her ass positioned directly above my stiff erection.

"Our last time for a week,"I said.

"Better make it good then,"she replied.

And make it good we did. I placed on hand on either of Asha's butt cheeks and spread them wide apart. Asha craned her neck to look down while reaching for my cock with one hand. She gripped my shaft and carefully guided the tip towards her eager hole. The two touched and the first shiver of electricity ran up my dick through the rest of my body.

Asha held my cock in place and lowered her body. She did this slowly because, despite all the love-making we had done in the past month, she remained very tight down there. She held her breath as the tip entered her up to the first inch until my head was engulfed. Within moments, however, it was past the sphincter. Asha let out her breath in a single woosh and lowered her body down the rest of the way. My dick slid all of the way into her body. My eyes rolled back into my head. Asha sighed in mixed pain and pleasure. For the moment, it was mostly pain. The pleasure would come soon, though.

In perfect rhythm, we began to make love to one another. I would raise my hips as she lowered her body, both of us working together to get my penis as deep into her bowels as we could manage. When I lowered my hips, she raised her body just enough that I didn't pass the sphincter again. Then we would repeat the two-step cycle again.

At first, the pace was slow. Both of us were reveling in the physical, emotional, and spiritual delight of the connection we had made. Inside her, I felt more alive and more aware than I could feel when we were apart. Everything seemed more brilliant and vibrant. My senses increased until I could smell Asha's perfume, her breath, and the slight tangy odor from her backside as well. I could see every eye lash and every drop of sweat on her breasts. She looked so lovely I could have cried.

Asha, she had once told me, felt like she was really and truly a woman when I was inside her body. That was an exaggeration, of course. Asha was really and truly a woman all the time. We both knew that. But when we were in the midst of our love making, Asha felt more sexy and more feminine and more desirable than she had ever thought herself capable of being. I felt privileged to allow Asha to feel that way.

As time passed, our pace increased, until Asha's butt cheeks were slapping loudly against my thighs and she was grunting with the effort of riding my cock. I too was making interesting noises of pleasure as I made love to this transsexual Venus.

"Devon . . . Devon . . ."she began to moan each time I plunged myself into her. I knew what it meant. The more vocal Asha became, the closer she was to her orgasm. I could feel my own building inside me as well.

Asha leaned back, holding on to me by one of my shoulders, and reached for her cock as it bounced and flopped in between our bodies. She began to jerk herself furiously, still calling out my name. I put my hands on her hips and was now effectively lifting her up and dropping her back down, sparing her the effort so she could concentrate on her own needs.

Moments later, Asha hissed my name ecstatically, and closed her eyes tightly. I looked down quickly, just in time to see a gout of semen erupt from the end of her cock. It splashed against my stomach and was followed immediately by a second burst of sticky, white cum. Asha's eyes popped open and she looked down at her handiwork. Several more streams of cum followed, each smaller than the one before it, until all that was left was a tiny dribble. She looked into my eyes and grinned broadly, proud and satisfied.

All the while, her stride never broke, and soon I was ready to cum as well. Sensing this, Asha closed her eyes and tilted back her head. Her limp cock fell from her sticky fingers. She began to massage her breasts with one hand. I leaned forward, my mouth searching for her fingers. She offered them to me and I happily sucked the cum from the knuckle to the tips of her red-painted fingernails. When her fingers were cleaned, she began mashing her breasts together or toying with her nipples. She whispered words of encouragement to me.

Finally, it struck like a thunderbolt. My hips surged upwards involuntarily and I dumped what felt like a gallon of semen into her butt. Asha, feeling the cum splash deep inside her, moaned, "Oh, Devon, yes . . . I want it all . . ."And she got it all. Wave after wave came until I could cum no more.

With a tremor, my body relaxed. My cock turned limp and slid easily out of Asha's backside. She leaned forward, putting her arms around my neck, and kissed me fiercely. I returned her kiss with equal ferocity. The kiss was long and deep. Then it was over.

Asha rose from my lap and walked towards the bathroom. I watched her butt wiggle as she moved. From the reflection in the bathroom mirror, I watched as Asha pulled some toilet paper from the spool and used it to wipe herself clean. She dropped the used paper into the toilet and flushed. Then she returned with a wet hand towel and used it to wipe my dick. That done, she sat down on the couch next to me. I took my hand in hers.

"So will you remember that for this next week?"she asked.

"I think I'll remember that for this next decade,"I confessed. Asha laughed.

Just then, Asha's cell phone beeped from her purse on the kitchen counter. Unconcerned about her total nudity, she walked into the kitchen to retrieve it. She opened it to check the text message that had been left. She came back to the couch, looking distressed.

"What's wrong?"I asked.

"Shanthi said her date went badly. She's on her way home now,"Asha told me.

"Oh,"I replied, disappointed.

"I had better go back to my place."


I watched Asha get dressed again. I didn't bother.

"Goodnight,"Asha said, giving me a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too."

She walked out of the apartment and I was alone. I couldn't help feeling like fate had cheated me somewhat. Here I had this perfect girl but I just couldn't allow myself to be happy with her like any normal person would have. I just had to keep obsessing over the "what-ifs". Why couldn't I just give my heart to Asha 100% and never look back?

Little did I know that, in twenty-four hours, never looking back would no longer be an option.

I spent all night thinking about Asha and Shanthi. I tossed and turned in bed, wondering what I could do, how I could reconcile my feelings for the two sisters, and how I could choose between two girls I loved. Of course, Asha and I were a couple, of sorts. Well, not really. Most real couples don't need to hide the fact that they're couples. Was I betraying her by thinking these thoughts? Was I betraying myself by trying to ignore what I felt for Shanthi? These questions and a hundred more raced through my head until I finally fell asleep.

The next day, I resolved that I would visit Shanthi at her apartment and tell her the truth about everything. I would tell her that Asha and I were a couple, that I loved Asha, but that I loved her as well, and that I knew she loved me. Maybe things would work themselves out if I was honest. Or maybe they would fall apart in my lap and I'd wreck three lives with one blow. No, I told myself, I couldn't worry about that. I had to do the honorable thing and that was to tell the truth.

When I came home from my classes, I reached my floor to find Shanthi standing at my apartment door, knocking. When I saw her, all my resolve seemed to melt away. She was dressed in white sneakers, a tight pair of black, spandex shorts, and a purple sports bra. The ensemble revealed a rather pleasing amount of her smooth, brown skin. Her jet black hair was tied back in a ponytail. When she sensed me coming, she turned, and flashed a dazzling smile. She was very lean, unlike Asha who was much more curvy, and her breasts were smaller, but she had the kind of tight, firm body that most men drool over. Me included.

"Hey Dev,"she said. "Wanna go to the gym with me?"

Listen, Shanthi, we need to talk about our relationship, my brain said.

"Sure, I'll go get dressed!"my mouth said.

Fifteen minutes later, I found myself sitting on the seat of an exercise bike, watching Shanthi as she ran on the treadmill across from me. Her body was so streamlined that running seemed as natural as walking on her. Her ponytail bounced up and down with each step. When she began to sweat, she looked absolutely radiant.

There's this thing that exercise does to me. It makes me . . . well, horny. Something about the testosterone produced during a workout turns all my thoughts towards sex. Watching Shanthi in her two scraps of clothing didn't help matters, either. Her chocolate skin was glistening and I could practically taste the salt of her sweat.

"So is it nice having the place to yourself?"I asked.

"What?"she asked, pulling the white ear plug of her iPod out of her ear.

"I said, `Is it nice having the place to yourself?'"

"Oh, yeah, I guess,"she replied. "It's kind of lonely, though. I miss having Asha around."

"Me too."


"Um, I mean, yeah. You know. She's my friend. Anyway, she'll be back soon."

"True,"said Shanthi. "You live alone all the time, though. Don't you ever get lonely?"

"Not really,"I answered.

"Maybe if you had a girlfriend, you wouldn't be so lonely."

"What do you mean?"

She shrugged. "I just mean that a sweet guy like you shouldn't have to be alone."Before I could say anything, she smiled at me, and slipped the earphone back into her ear, leaving me to wonder and gape at the implications of what she had just said. Was it a hint? Was it just idle talk? Was she talking about Asha or about herself? Women could be so frustrating.

After our workout, Shanthi and I headed home. As we stepped into the elevator, she moved to stand very close beside me. The back of my hand brushed hers. Instinctually, I took hold of it. Shanthi looked up at me for a moment, then looked forward again, but she didn't take back her hand. Still holding hands, still silent, we walked back to the door of my apartment. I finally released Shanthi's hand to reach for my keys only to discover . . . "Crap."

"What's wrong?"she asked.

"My keys,"I said. "They were in the pocket of my jeans. My jeans are in my apartment. I'm locked out."

"You have to call the building manager."

"It's too late. He goes home at five. Oh well. I guess I'll have to call him and see if he'll make a special trip."

"You could stay at our place,"Shanthi suggested. "We have the fold-out couch."

"Are you sure you wouldn't mind?"I asked.

"Of course not. Come on. It'll be nice to have company."

Shanthi unlocked her apartment and we entered together. She put her keys on the table as I meandered over to the window to look outside. When I turned back around, Shanthi was standing right in front of me, looking at me expectantly.

Before I could say or do anything, Shanthi moved in, reaching out her hands towards my face as she did. She guided my face down towards hers and we kissed one another fiercely. I wish I could say that I broke off the kiss, thinking about Asha and how this amounted to a betrayal of her trust in me, but I'm ashamed to sorry that Asha never even entered my mind. All my awareness dimmed, except for the feeling of Shanthi's lips against mine, the heat of her body, and the smell of her sweat.

Our kiss lasted about ten seconds. "Wow", was all I could think to say.

"My thoughts exactly," she replied, still keeping her face close to mine.

"Shanthi, we . . ." I don't know how I was going to finish that sentence, but she interrupted me anyway.

"Let me tell you what's going to happen, Devon," she said. "I am going to walk into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. Then I am going to get undressed and get into the shower. Then you're going to come and join me. OK?"

"OK," I replied, swallowing hard.

Shanthi pressed a finger against my lips, then swiveled, and walked towards the bathroom. My eyes were fixed on her tight, little ass as it wiggled back and forth. She stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. A moment later, I heard the water begin to run. I waited a minute until the pitch of the water changed, letting me know she was in the shower.

I took a deep breath and walked into the bathroom. Shanthi and Asha had a cubicle-type shower with a glass door which distorted all the light that passed through it. Shanthi appeared only as a brown, human shape behind it. Her gym clothes were in a pile on the floor. I quickly stripped naked and walked to the door. Shanthi turned to face me as I opened it.

Maybe I should have known it. Looking back on it, it seems like my experience with Asha should have somehow indicated to me that her sister was special as well. Honestly, it never even occured to me that Shanthi was anything but a typical girl. Of course, it had never occured to me with Asha until I'd first felt her hard cock through her pajama pants. Now here I was, staring at Shanthi's nude body in all its stunning feminine beauty, surprised speechless to see a cock dangling from between her thighs.

It wasn't as thick as Asha's, but it was at least two inches longer, and every bit as gorgeous. Her sack hung down lower than Asha's, stretching the skin, but I still found myself dizzy at the thought of cradling her wonderful balls in my hand. Her black pubic hair was neatly trimmed and its wetness made it shimmer.

I stepped into the shower, closed the door behind me, and kissed Shanthi with such force that I drove her against the shower wall. At first, she seemed surprised, but she quickly closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around the back of my head. The steam gathered around us as we kissed for long minutes.

"That's not quite the reaction I was expecting," she finally said.

"I like to be unpredictable," I replied.

"I hope you don't think I'm cruel for doing it that way, but I just think showing is easier than telling," she explained. "Plus I knew this was the best way to get the most honest reaction out of you."

"It worked," I said. "My honest reaction is that you're unbelievably sexy, and having a penis just makes you even sexier."

"I take it you like transsexuals, then."

"Oh yeah. I'm a big fan."

"Lucky me."

"Lucky both of us."

We kissed again, this time longer than before, until our lips were numb. Then Shanthi took the bar of soap and began washing my body, not hesitating to touch my cock or my ass. When she was finished, the handed the bar to me, and I did the same for her. I knelt down in front of her, running my hands up and down her slender legs, and watched as her cock grew in anticipation, as if daring me. I soaped up my hands and then rubbed her dick and her balls with the lather until they were clean. She moaned and sighed at my touch.

Then I rose to my feet so that my face was even with Shanthi's breasts. Because she was more slender than Asha, her breasts were smaller, only a B-cup, but they were beautiful nonetheless. I sucked on one breast, then another. Shanthi sighed in pleasure and buried her fingers in my hair as she pressed my face against her chest. I licked her tits for a few more minutes before dragging my tongue up her throat to her mouth so we could kiss again.

Shanthi reached for a bottle of shampoo and washed my hair. Then I did the same for her. With her wet, black hair plastered against her skull, Shanthi looked like some exotic sea nymph who had come to fulfill my fantasies.

When we were finished, we stepped out of the shower, and quickly dried off. Both of our cocks were rock hard the entire time. Shanthi wrapped a towel around body, beneath the armpits, and waited for me to finish. As I reached for my clothes, Shanthi stopped me. "You're not going to need those for a while," she informed me. She took me by the hand and led me naked into her bedroom.

Once inside, she gave me a shove, and I fell on my butt on the edge of the bed. Shanthi stood in front of me, smiling seductively.

"Now you have two choices," she said. "Which do you want to suck first? My cock?" She lifted up the towel, flashing me a brief glimpse of her scrumptious meat, then whirled around. "Or my ass?" She flipped up the back of the towel, presenting her tasty butt.

"Hmm, your cock looks awfully tempting, but I think I want that to be the main course," I replied.

"Good choice," she said.

She pushed me on my back, then walked around to the other side of the bed. She climbed on the mattress and walked towards me on her knees until she was straddling my head with her ass practically on my face.

I wasted no time spreading her cheeks apart to reveal the secret pink treasure hidden in between. I flicked the tip of my tongue against the rubbery hole, causing Shanthi to writhe in pleasure. I continued tickling her anus with my tongue until Shanthi was grinding her asscrack against my face. With no more room for flicking, I began to lap eagerly at her hole, taking a breath whenever I could.

Putting my hands on Shanthi's hips, I pressed her ass against my face, and slurped hungrily. I was intoxicated by the smell of her flesh and the pungent odor from inside her. My tongue wriggled into her rectum and Shanthi moaned. I kept my hands firmly on her hips, keeping her from squirming away from me. I devoured her ass eagerly as she rode my face like a cowgirl.

I was beginning to feel lightheaded. I pushed Shanthi's butt away just far enough so that I could breathe. Seeing her perfect rear end right in front of me, I couldn't resist the urge to kiss it. I planted kisses on one cheek, then the other, but it wasn't enough. I dragged my tongue along the smooth flesh, leaving a shiny trail of saliva. I licked until every inch of her ass was glistening wet. By now, my head was feeling better, and I dove back into her sweet orafice.

"God, that feels so good, Devon," she groaned. "Have you ever done this before?"

I didn't want to lie to her. "A few times," I said. It was the truth, although a bit of an understatement, and I left out that tiny detail where her sister was the girl I'd done it to. Hopefully, she'd just assume it was some other girl.

"I can't wait to find out how good of a cocksucker you are," she said.

Taking that as my cue, I lifted Shanthi away from my face, and wriggled out from underneath her. She leaned forward on her hands with her ass presented to me. I got down on my knees behind her and lifted up the hem of the towel. I once again began lapping at her wet hole like a thirsty dog. I proceeded downwards until I was licking her prostate, then even further downwards until my tongue caressed her saggy scrotum.

Her nuts dangled tantalizingly in front of me and I was powerless to resist. I fondled them with the tip of my tongue before sucking the left one into my mouth. I closed my lips against it, adding just enough pressure to cause a tiny bit of delightful pain. Shanthi squealed and breathed hard. Then I switched to the right one, repeating the same process. Finally, I opened my mouth as wide as I could, and managed to suck her entire sack in my mouth. Shanthi moaned and pushed her hips back, forcing all the loose skin into my lips.

When I spit it out, her sack was dripping with my spit. I had fun playing with her balls, but now I needed her cock.

I turned over on to my back and the tip of her cock nearly touched my lips. I flicked my tongue against the hole and it immediately began stiffening up again. I opened my lips and began to suck on the head, feeling it expand as the blood pumped in. Shanthi lowered her body, feeding me more tasty inches of her shaft.

I sucked as much as I could, working to relax my throat muscles, then withdrew. Then I took a little more in my mouth than before. Shanthi's gasps of pleasure told me she was enjoying it.

Soon, I was able to fit her entire cock in my mouth, even as it grew to its full length. I sucked on the head for a while, then took the rest in so deep that my lips brushed against her pubes. I caressed the shaft with my tongue as my throat muscles squeezed the head. All these techniques I had practiced with Asha and came to me naturally as I blew her sister. Giving Shanthi a blowjob was different from giving Asha one, but Shanthi's dick tasted every bit as delicious, and the texture of hard flesh beneath thin skin made it all the better.

Shanthi took an active role in her own pleasure, lowering her body as I pumped her penis with my mouth. She began doing it faster and faster until she was literally fucking my throat. I was fully relaxed at this point, however, and didn't gag. She did it so hard that her entire body was soon covered in sweat and she was grunting at the effort.

Without any request from me, Shanthi began to slow down after a while, and eventually pulled her cock from my mouth. I kept my lips tight around not, not wanting to let go, and it escaped with a moist, pop sound.

"What's the big idea?" I said. "I was enjoying that."

"So was I," she said. "But I need butt sex. And I mean now. I can't any longer."

"It would be an honor to enter you," I said sincerely. Shanthi laughed out loud at that and rolled off of me. She covered her mouth to stifle her giggles. "What?" I said, confused.

"You're so adorable, Devon," she told me. "Now get on your back."

Thinking that Shanthi wanted to start on top, I rolled over on to my back. Instead of climbing on top of me, however, Shanthi knelt by my feet. She grabbed my ankles and lifted my legs off the mattress. Instinctively, I tried to close my knees, but Shanthi kept my legs apart as she scooted in close enough that her cock was poking my scrotum.

"What are you doing?" I asked, a bit worried.

"I said I needed some butt sex," she replied.

"But I thought you meant . . ." I began, but trailed off.

"I know you thought that," she said. And, added with a shrug, "You were mistaken."

"I've never done this before."

She seemed a bit surprised. "Really? It's obvious you've sucked some dick before, but you've never been fucked?"


"Wow. First time for everything, right?"

Although I was quite a bit taller than Shanthi, and had plenty of weight on her, I still felt totally powerless against her. The truth is, the sight of her there between my legs, looking so strong and confident, excited me in ways I hadn't anticipated. I could feel this weird itching sensation deep in my ass that I couldn't recognize.

Shanthi spit in her hand and rubbed it all over her cock. She moved in closer to me, pushing my ankles up to her shoulders. Instinctively, I leaned back, raising my ass off the mattress. At once, I felt Shanthi's cock head rubbing against my ass crack. I was scared, but excited. This was a whole new world of sexual pleasure to explore. I was afraid it would hurt, I'll admit, but that fear seemed to diminish with each passing heartbeat.

Shanthi guided her dick towards my asshole and when I first felt the two touch, a shiver covered my entire body. She smiled at me and gave me an encouraging pat on my ankle. The next moment, my rectum was being stretched, a feeling I can only compare to taking a crap in reverse. I sucked in air through my teeth, determined not to cry out in pain. Shanthi kept pushing and the pain increased as her cock met my sphincter. Finally, she pushed through, and the rest of her slid easily inside me. The pain subsided.

"How does it feel?" she asked me.

"That's not so bad," I replied, relieved.

"Well, it's about to get worse," she said with a grin.

Shanthi didn't spend any time making sweet, gentle love to me the way I did with Asha. She began plowing me almost immediately. I was totally caught unaware and couldn't help but cry out, more in surprise than in true pain. I gritted my teeth, however, and clenched my fists. I wasn't going to show any weakness.

"Is that as hard as you can do it?" I asked her.

"Oh ho!" she remarked. "A challenge!"

Shanthi buried her cock in my ass and I could feel ripples of pleasure and pain spreading through my entire body, radiating outward from my virgin ass. Yet, despite the discomfort, I had rarely sensed anything more sexually satisfying. And there was something so erotic about submitting yourself to another person so completely, letting her penetrate you in your most vulnerable area. I could understand why Asha loved it so much.

I grabbed the backs of my knees with my hands and held my legs up to take the pressure off Shanthi's shoulders. She leaned forward, placing her hands on either sides of my hips, giving herself more leverage with which to pound my hole. Looking at Shanthi's face, I saw an expression that was almost feral. Her eyes were clenched tightly and her mouth was twisted with excrutiating pleasure.

The room was filled with familiar sounds and smells - grunts and gasps, the slap of skin against skin, the squelching noise made by her lubricating saliva. Then there was the odor of sweat, breath, semen, and feces. The air was so thick with the heat of our bodies that it felt like a little cocoon of our own.

"Ready for . . . another . . . first?" she asked between thrusts.

"What . . . first?" I asked.

"First time . . . a girl . . . jizzed in . . . your ass."

"First time . . . for . . . everything."

Shanthi grinned wickedly at me and picked up the pace, not something I had known was possible. I grabbed my own cock and began stroking it fast, knowing my orgasm was close too. Looking into Shanthi's face, I could see how close she was to her orgasm, and I was eager to feel what Asha had felt every time I came inside her. My orgasm hit first, though. I groaned as a massive geyser of cum shot out of my cock and splattered all over my chest. Shanthi laughed delightedly and smeared the sticky stuff all over my torso as she fucked me.

At last, Shanthi sucked in a deep breath, held it for a second or two, and let it out in a woosh as she plunged her cock as deep as it would go. I felt an intense heat suddenly spill into my bowels. Shanthi shuddered and another surge of liquid warmth entered my body. Shanthi's cum filled me to the brim and at last she was spent. She pulled her cock out of my ass and collapsed on her back, head on the pillow.

While she recovered, I went into the bathroom, holding my ass cheeks together as I walked. I sat down on the toilet and purged myself. It was a strange thing to see semen floating in with my waste. I flushed and then toweled chest off. Then I went back into the bedroom.

I climbed on the bed next to Shanthi. She pulled the towel away from her body and dropped it on the floor next to the bed. Now fully nude, she snuggled up closely against me, resting her head on my shoulder, in an act of tenderness that seemed so out of place with her previous behavior. It suddenly occured to me that she hadn't even sucked my cock that whole time. She had made everything about her pleasure. To my surprise, I didn't mind letting her be in total control.

"That was wonderful," she said. "I wasn't too rough, was I?"

"No, dear," I said, somewhat untruthfully.

"Devon, do you know I'm in love with you?"


"And are you . . ."

"I am in love with you too, Shanthi."

"We can't tell Asha about this," she said, in a sad voice. "She's in love with you, too. If she found out about this, she'd feel like I betrayed her."

I couldn't bring myself to tell Shanthi that I was the one who betrayed Asha. In fact, I had betrayed both of them. There was no way out of this situation for me, I suddenly realized. If I told Asha the truth, she would hate me. Then she would tell Shanthi and Shanthi would hate me. If I told Shanthi the truth, she would hate me, then she would tell Asha and Asha would hate me. They were sisters. Two transssexual sisters that must be closer than any other sisters on Earth because of the secret they both shared.

But I loved them both. I loved Asha and Shanthi, neither one more or less than the other. And I couldn't survive with the guilt, even if I somehow managed to keep both relationships a secret from the other.

When Asha came back, I would tell her the truth, and accept the consequences.

To be continued . . .

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