
By Timothy Lane

Published on Aug 19, 2022


Ascension Chapter 12

The final chapter awaits.

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"Dinner was great, angel," I said, collapsing my body on the couch. "Are you sure you don't want me to help clean up?"

"On your birthday? No way," Lance said from the kitchen.

I tried my hardest to allow myself to relax. Several things from work were still marching through my head, plus I couldn't help but worry a little about Sunday. But it was my birthday. I tried to put it all out of my mind and just enjoy the moment. I shut my eyes.

That didn't work.

I went into the bedroom and took off all my clothes. I slipped on some sleep pants and came back to the couch. I started looking over Sunday's schedule.

A few minutes later, Lance came out of the kitchen. "Done," he said.

I looked up and smiled at him, hoping he would join me.

"I see you've changed. Should I? I was going to ask if you'd like to go out for dessert. You didn't want to go out for your birthday ..."

"... and your dinner here was perfect," I said.

"But I thought maybe at least a sundae or something later," he suggested.

"I'm good. If need be, we have ice cream in the freezer."

"If Evan were here, he'd have your favorite dessert. I really miss him sometimes."

"Me too. We should give him a call."

Lance walked into the bedroom. A minute later, he came back to the living room wearing just his boxers. He got onto the opposite end of the couch and our legs intertwined.

We loved our extra-long couch. We could both fit on it easily. It was one of several purchases we had made in the past year. We discussed our spending, but with Lance's raise and me making more money, we gradually started getting things we needed. The house was pretty much full now. So much so that I was thinking about us getting a bigger house. We had paid back his father for his help with the down payment. We were in a good place. Each of us had our own money too. Kept aside, it allowed us to spend on some things we wanted to do on our own, and we each paid for our own cars.

"So, do you feel 30?" he asked.

"After today I feel 50. I'm kind of worried about Sunday."

My phone buzzed.

"Speak of the devil," I said. "It's Evan."

Lance listened as Evan and I chatted. He had called to wish my Happy Birthday, but it was nice to catch up. I couldn't see him, but I could tell he was smiling when I mentioned that we had just said we had missed him.

As we talked, Lance's hands rubbed my feet. It felt nice. I winked at him.

Lance bent a knee and placed one of his feet on my crotch. His toes played with my penis concealed under the cloth of my sleep pants. I gave him a look, but another wink conveyed that I thought it was cute. His foot continued to rub my anatomy ever so gently. I started getting hard. Lance carefully curled his toes to grab the waistband of my pajamas. After a couple of tries, he pulled them down and tucked them under my balls. My erection was almost fully hard, and my cock jutted into the air, slightly aiming at my navel.

"Naughty boy," I mouthed to him as I continued to listen to Evan. Lance had a junior high grin on his face.

His foot rubbed my cock. Gently up and down, his skin touched mine. Occasionally his toes would dance around my dick, then dabble with my balls. His toes grabbed the waistband again. I lifted my ass, and he pulled the pants down several more inches. His feet went back to servicing my hard flesh. He rubbed and caressed and stroked my cock with his foot. Placing it between both feet, he began more stimulating service on my anatomy; my erection was captive between his toes. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. It felt nice. I still listened to Evan but began thrusting my dick between this new massage technique from my husband. It felt different. It was stimulating. I was excited by it. It was like I was fucking his feet. We silently played with the whimsical idea. It felt better with every minute. It felt really good. My breathing was starting to get heavy, and I worried that Evan may began to suspect. Luckily, Evan ended the call.

"Thanks again, Evan. We miss you," I said, hanging up.

I dropped the phone to the carpet.

"Ohhhh, babe," I moaned, thrusting my dick between his closed feet.

Rolling my phallus between his feet, he began massaging both of mine again. His fingers worked their way to each toe. I moaned at both forms of attention. I bucked my hips more, jerking my dick in his extremity vice. It was a different type of stroking and rubbing. I kept fucking his feet and started to groan aloud a little.

I pushed my clothing down even farther. I could see Lance's erection tenting his boxers to the fullest. I reclined again and embraced the throbbing sensations. It was new. It was fresh. It was hot.

"Lance. Oh, yeah. Angel. Ohhhhhhh."

"That's it Jakob. Come for me, hub."

I was reaching that point. Lance wriggled his feet harder. He found the rhythm that rubbed my cock in just the right way. Or maybe I was just enflamed by the playfulness of it all.

"Oh, angel. Yeah. That's it. Keep rubbing my cock just like that."

He began to moan a little while providing me foot service. He plunged his hand down his boxers and groped his own dick.

"Ohhhh. Ungh. Ungh. Ungh!!" I cried out.

My dick spurt like a fountain. I called out his name as splatter after splatter coated my husband's feet and my chest. Some of it dripped on my dick making it feel like lube. I pushed my hard-on up and down in the grip of his feet until my penis had pulsed the last ooze of cum from the head. I breathed.

"Ohhhhhhh. That. Was. Fun." My body sunk further into the couch.

"Happy birthday, baby. You old man."

"Easter was just after my birthday this year. Our committee organized several spring fundraising events."

"Like what?" Trevor asked.

"Von has a great park in the heart of downtown. It's relatively flat but has a slight slope to it. We made it the site of the city events last spring. The Von Roll was the first one on Easter."

"Von Roll?"

"It was an Easter egg thing. It sounded better than Egg Roll, which sounded too much like ... well, Chinese food. D.C. does it, but we wanted ours to be a different thing. It turned out to be wildly successful. Several courses were set up. Kids had competition for prizes. Businesses had come together to sponsor races. It was a fantastic fundraiser. The premise of the races was to push an Easter egg through the course using only a decorated stick. That in itself became a hot selling item. Plans were underway immediately for the following year. Some just decorated their own with simple decorations, but several people went to town. We sell them in our store now. The city decided that all sales of Roll sticks would — at least in part — help support the youth center and community center."

"Sounds interesting."

"It is. It's going to be twice as big this year. We've even seen hotel bookings go up for that weekend. Actually, most of the event weekends seem to be bringing in tourists as well as the locals. I'm just so glad it didn't rain. It was our kickoff event — and it was huge. It did rain on one of the festivals. It wasn't a total loss, but it could have been better. The dog parade weekend was well attended but the fundraising efforts weren't as strong as we'd hoped."

"Were you involved in all of them?" Trevor asked.

"Oh no. Well, I was on the committee, so in that regard ... yes. But several supervisors oversaw the various events. We had art festivals and food festivals. The German one sadly got rather rainy. One I was really proud of — and was involved in — was the Diversity Festival."

"Tell me about it."

"It was a new idea, but it was heavily centered around music. A stage was set up. People tend to be calm with music playing — at least the right kind of music, I suppose. But all around the lawn was every type of booth you could think of. LGBTQ, political parties, different religions, different races ... the motto was `Love All. Welcome All. Accept All.' All exhibitors were instructed to be friendly and welcoming but to also accept people with differing views. It was very peaceful. Thankfully, those that attended were awesome. It got a lot of media attention."

"You were involved with this, I suppose."

"Yes. It was my pitch. Marc turned out to be a big volunteer. The mayor was super supportive. It made the city look very forward-moving. It was great. I was proud."

"Any resistance?"

"None. At least none that could be witnessed. No matter how anyone felt, the mood was friendly. I think It just opened people's eyes. We've had some bands approach us to play next year; they were moved by the concept. I mean ... we're not talking Maroon 5 or anything, but touring bands around the state. That component of the festival filled in quickly."

"I will try to attend this year," Trevor smiled.

"You know what the biggest surprise was?

"Is your name Jakob Morgan?"

I didn't recognize the woman. I let her know I was indeed he.

"You don't know me. But you've met my husband, Garrison Donahue."

Shit. I sure had. What new hell was she going to be throwing my way?

"I wanted you to know that not everyone in our family is that closed minded. I appreciate what you are doing for our city."

She handed me an envelope and shook my hand. I then watched her walk away.

"Remember that man I told you about giving us grief over the wedding display? His wife came up to me at the Diversity Festival and handed me a donation. It wasn't crazy huge, but still notably significant. I was astonished."

"People can change."

"Well, I doubt he did, but somewhat like my mother and father, I could see how it would be challenging to be married to someone with differing opinions. I thought it was courageous of her."

"If I may say so, you had only lived in Von for a few years, but you seemed to have gotten involved rather quickly."

"Hm. Maybe. I guess I didn't see it that way. I just took notice of what people needed ... the city needed. After hearing some stories from people who had traveled to Jackson Bend to see the play ... I knew there were others like me that had suffered hardships. The first thing I did was listen to what they had to say. It was important to them to share. I hoped I was simply a source of strength that would give them courage. I tried to make sure anyone without a place to live had found something. Only two had been kicked out of their homes. At least those two I was aware of had a place to go. But what about the ones I might not know about?"

"Tell me about Ascension." Trevor asked.

"The store?"

"Morning Brew is moving down Crestview Street to be in a larger location," I said to Lance.

"Good for them. I've always enjoyed it when we've been there. I'm glad they are doing well."

"Me too." I paused a moment, wondering how to approach my next statement. "I've been thinking."

"About ..." Lance said, paying attention to the overnight forecast.

"I need you to look at me."

Lance looked startled and turned off the television. "I'm listening."

"You know the arts festivals from the spring?"


"I've talked to those people. A few of them are eager to work with Visions and have some of their glass work and sculptures in our store."

"Great," Lance said. "Right?"

"I'm thinking of ... just thinking ... of opening my own store."

"And leaving Visions??!"

"No. Expanding. I want to start a new line of products I design, and these artists are able to produce them."

"So ... would it be your store or Marshall's?"

"Mine. I think they would complement each other. If I pursue this, I'll ask him if he wishes to be an investor."

"So what would you call it? OOOO. Call it Jakob's Ladder!"

"That will come later. But ... if I do this, I'll have to put up a lot of money. I want us to discuss this."

"Hmm. How much do you think?"

"I don't know that yet. Lots of unknowns, but I'm planning on it being my money. I'm not asking for anything from our joint account if we do this."

"Jakob, this is a chunk of change we're talking about."

"I know. I'm just now at the first steps. But I've given it a LOT of thought. I know what I want."

"We thought about it and looked into it. For about two months I tried to explore all my options. Lance was nervous. But we had paid his father off for the house down payment. I was doing better than ever at the store. Marshall had given me a few bonuses. Lance got one too. Considering my life the previous 10 years, I knew the importance of saving, so we didn't get extravagant since getting the house. Furniture that we needed. But not much else. And I wanted to go for it."

"And Lance was on board?"

"He has always supported me. He's a very small investor in the store. His father became an investor. Can you believe it? I had to convince him not to name the store — and our brand — after me. But I took his ladder idea and made it part of the logo. We went for the name: Ascension."

"How did you come up with the name?"

"My life. I looked at the last 10 years. Penniless and temporarily homeless to climbing my way up one step at a time. It had an air of positivity. Hope. So the logo is stacked vertically with the ladder to the side. We have a ladder behind the counter too. Pretty much symbolic."

"And as I understand it, you opened at the end of last year."

"Right. We've been open a little over three months."

"How long was it before you and the mayor had a serious talk?"

"If you mean what I think you mean, we met in his office at the end of summer. November elections would be happening, and he encouraged me to run for city council. At first, I was overwhelmed with the idea. I had no aspirations for any of that."

"Jakob, thank you for coming in."

"My pleasure, Mr. Mayor. I'm a bit curious though."

"Well, I'm hoping to persuade you to do something for the city."

"Oh? Interesting. What did you have in mind?"

"Help guide it. I would like you on my city council."

My heart stopped beating. His expression clearly conveyed he was not joking. But I was only 30.

"Mr. Mayor, are you ... are you serious?"

"Completely serious."

"I'm only 30. I've only lived in Von for three years."

"And in that short time I've seen the impact you've made." The mayor looked at me intently. "I hold you among our finest citizens."

"Well ... well ... I'm flattered ... but ..."

"You have the city's best interests in mind."

"I'm not sure why you would say that."

"Jakob, I saw your influence on Crestview Street. Tourism is up because of your involvement with the festivals. You are leading the charge with the youth center and community center. And if I can be truthfully honest, I appreciate your influence on the LGBTQ community. I saw how you helped my nephew. It meant a lot to me, and I know it goes beyond that."

I was stunned. I couldn't begin to accept this possibility. I was immediately overwhelmed with the very notion.

"But ... I'm only 30. I know nothing about politics."

"Good! I couldn't care less about politics. You have the one quality I want: you want what's best for the city. Don't worry about being young. That only means you will have more energy than the rest of the committee."

His secretary brought him a hot tea and set a Diet Coke and glass of ice next to me. I nodded to her and said "thanks." I looked at a wall full of shelves. Just seeing that made me feel completely inadequate to take on any type of role of city responsibility.

I shared all my concerns. He addressed them one by one. I wouldn't need to raise money to campaign. A college degree was not a necessity. He said I contained all the qualities he was hoping to see in a councilor. It was all so flattering, but I felt I was being drawn into something for which I wasn't qualified.

"I'm truly flattered. Really, honestly. But I already manage Visions, and I'm contemplating a second store. I just don't see how I can do this. I don't want to give that up."

"Nor would you have to. The council meets once a month, and you would have a conference call once a week. Full disclosure, in Von the stipend isn't big, so you'd need your job, for sure."

"I'm already on the festival committee. It just seems like more to take on."

"And that's one of the responsibilities I would want you to oversee. I want diversity on my council, Jakob. I'm hoping you can bring that to the table."

Guilt. To turn it down almost seemed like I'd be letting the LGBTQ community down. That wasn't fair.

"Let me think about it. I'll talk to Lance."

"Obviously. Yes. Your husband needs to weigh in on it. But ... I want you, Jakob. You're good for Von."

"Are you really considering this!!?" Lance asked, astonished.

"I'm not sure. I feel a responsibility to do it. The mayor has asked me personally."

"Don't you have to be elected?"

"Yes, but he feels that won't be an issue. Even if I'm running against someone, there would be no money put forth from my end. Any campaign material, which won't be much, would be provided from a donor. I think the mayor's influence would bring about the most support."

"Well ... I'm certainly proud of you, baby ... but this all seem so ... HUGE ... when you are contemplating opening the new store."

"I know, I know."

"But ... you must have been convinced. You ran after all. And won!"

"Yeah. The election process wasn't as overwhelming as I thought it might be. One of the things that really convinced me to do it was Marc."

"The gentleman attacked in the restaurant?"

"Yes. Marc was volunteering like crazy. I saw him doing things for young people: gay, homeless, high school kids, the food pantry. He was amazing. I was inspired. He had looked up to me previously, and I felt compelled to live up to that. The election coincided with me preparing to open Ascension. But the mayor was right. The election wasn't too time consuming. City council is not a fierce battle."

"You won easily, right?"

I sheepishly nodded. "It also helped that the other guy was a jerk."

"Have you enjoyed it these past months?"

"I'm trying to get into the groove, I suppose. I have met with the mayor a few times to really get a handle on my responsibilities. Right now, I'm leading the committee decisions on the spring and summer festivals."

"But there was a rough patch. I was pulled in too many directions. With two stores and a new role with the city, I was spread too thin. But the store opened early November. I pulled it off."

"How has it gone for you?"

"Good. Quite good. Wait ... full disclosure, I'm not going to be the next Chip and Joanna Gaines or anything, but ... the store opened well. The holidays helped sales I would assume."

"I am so thrilled you all came," I said to Lance's parents. "Sorry I had to work late."

"Oh, Merry Christmas! We hate to see you working so hard, but we're really proud of you," Mrs. Wheeling said, giving me a hug. "I've made banana pudding. I know you like it."

"No way. Yes! It's one of my favorites."

It was great to see Lance's family. I felt bad that we couldn't travel there for the holidays because of my work at the store but having them in our home was a great feeling.

I looked around.

"Is Oliver here?"

"No," Lance said. "But he's on his way. He should be here in about 30 minutes."

"Good! I'm hoping there is time for a fierce game of cards before bed."

Oliver arrived shortly thereafter, and he and I were given warmed-up leftovers from dinner. As we ate, the others had a second dessert. I felt bad that I wasn't able to do any of the cooking during the day, but Lance did well, and Mom loves cooking for us. Oliver surprised us by telling us that his gay friends from San Francisco came to visit him and how much he enjoyed their company. I could see a sense of pride on Mr. Wheeling's face. He was so proud of his boys, and I felt like one of his sons.

Everyone settled into bed just before midnight. Oliver seemed content to sleep on the couch. We were disappointed that was all we could offer. It made me long for a second guest room.

After brushing my teeth, I slipped off all my clothing. As I moved into Lance's embrace under the sheets, I could feel he still had his boxers on. I found it humorous how having your parents in the house affected simple routines in your behavior. I didn't mention it.

Lance turned out the last lamp and put his arm back around me. He gave me a peck on the lips. As he pulled me closer to him, I realized we hadn't had sex in more than two weeks. I had become so busy. How did I let that happen?

"So how was work? Was Christmas Eve one last rush?" he quietly asked.

"Rush doesn't begin to describe it. It was a busy day, but good. A small child broke one of the glass dishes. But ..."

"We're never having children," he mumbled into my shoulder.

"... but I didn't make a big deal out of it. It's Christmas. The parents looked horrified. I told them to take a picture of the shattered glass and that it could be something they could hold over him for the rest of his life."

Lance laughed.

"Ascension has really started off well. For just a couple months, it has been great. Following the holidays it should dip some, but even Visions had a great holiday season. I should be bringing home some nice checks."

"Mm hmm," Lance softly said.

"Hey, angel. I'm sorry we haven't had as much time together lately. I feel bad about that."

"I'm proud of you, hub." He squeezed me tighter.

Thirty seconds later, I could tell by the light snore that Lance had drifted off. I glanced at the clock. It was 12:04. Christmas.

Lance rustled. I realized I was holding him in my sleep, and he was trying to get out of bed.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Just gotta pee."

Now that I was awake, so did I. I went second and flushed before we went back to bed. I looked at the clock. 4:51.

"Merry Christmas," I said giving him a simple kiss.

"You too, babe."

We held each other. My hand roamed down to hold his dick inside his boxers. It never failed to amaze me how it was always big. I wondered time after time what that would be like. What it would feel like to have it in my pants at all times. Was it comfortable? Was it in the way?

As I pondered silly questions, I apparently gently stroked it. I could feel it stiffen.

I whispered in his ear, "Can I have my first present now?"

He slightly chuckled. "When we have a house full of people?"

"They are down the hall and asleep," I softly whispered.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Come up here."

Lance threw off the sheets and slipped off his shorts. He spread his legs over my shoulders. Over the past few years, I learned just the position to be in to swallow as much of his huge erection as I could. I nuzzled his balls with my nose and let my tongue tease them. He then lowered his cock into my lips, and I hummed as I took the first few inches of it in my mouth.

"Oh babe," he softly said. "We are so overdue."

I agreed directly into his penis. I loved sucking it. Lance and I had always had extraordinary sex, but as we got married and busier with our work, it was less frequent. And that was unfortunate.

His cock in my mouth felt so good. It really had been way too long since we had been intimate. Grabbing the headboard, he began fucking my face gently. I loved it when he did that. I couldn't take all of his erection — no one could — but I knew the technique that stimulated Lance to the fullest. He moaned softly; the oral service was incredibly gratifying. We were careful to not get loud, but we weren't silent either. After waiting for all these days, we needed to express ourselves to some degree. Being down the hall and with everyone else being asleep, we felt our moderate volume was safe enough.

"Fuuuuucccck, Jakob. This feels so good."

I let my hands get involved. One groped the base of his dick, stroking the skin and rubbing my fingers through his bush. My other hand was pumping my own hard-on.

Lance was breathing heavy. He had gasps and whimpers and moans incorporated into the ragged breathing. His cock slid in and out of my wet mouth in a pleasing rhythm.

My hips gyrated as I pulled and yanked on my hard flesh. My spike felt so good after not being engaged for two weeks.

After minutes of hearing Lance feeling pleasure, I wished I could listen to him for hours. I loved knowing I was pleasing my husband sensually. Lance ran his fingers through my hair in his approval of my service.

His hips thrust in a powerful rhythm. Without breaking the pattern, he held the headboard with one hand to hold up his upper body but leaned back to feel my dick. I let go and let him grope my phallus for a couple of minutes. I groaned directly into the skin of his cock.

My fingers around his shaft massaged his rigid pole. He got slightly louder. I thought it was too loud with guests in the house. He started fucking my face faster. His breathing was louder. His body was reacting to the throbbing stimulation within his cock. My tongue drove it further as I darted it around the underside of his rigid penis. Lance was getting close.

"Jakob," he whispered.

I sucked harder.

"Jakob," he moaned.

My hand pumped the base of his cock.

"Jakob," he pleaded.

I knew he was there. I was too. I bucked my hips as my orgasm built. My cock erupted. The first pulse hit him in the ass.

"Jakob!" he loudly whispered.

I could feel my chest getting covered with days of pent-up cum shooting from my dick. Lance's first stream hit the roof of my mouth. I sent one final blast from my cock. His next shot fired directly into my throat. Lance unloaded again. And again. And again. His long orgasm made me cringe that I had neglected him — neglected us — for too long.

He finished. After an elongated exhale, he withdrew his flesh from my oral cave.

Lance moved back to my side. He leaned over to take my penis in his mouth. It was losing its length but still felt warm. As did his mouth. He laid his body next to mine and drew circles in my cum with one finger.

"My best gift," I said to him.

"It's just a dick," he said.

"I meant you, silly."

"As good as the store — both stores — did for the holidays, I was committing too much. I took my new role with the city seriously, but it was too much. Lance didn't argue. He was always amazingly supportive, but I wasn't making enough time for us."

"Did it get better after the holidays?" Trevor asked.

"I thought it would. I thought I would slow down."

The four of us stood in the kitchen nude. It was our fifth year to spend the holiday together. As I sipped my coffee, I reflected on how gun shy I was about others joining the two of us that first New Year's Eve. All those years of horrible roommate experiences made me leery of opening up to multiple participants. Now I stood comfortably with these men. I had the shortest dick of all of them. It didn't seem to matter to a single person. Even with Lance and I having moved two years ago, the four of us truly loved each other every bit as much. I tried to picture how I was that first holiday. I was no longer that timid, money-starved lost cause. As I thought on the night before, I realized I had changed:

"Fuck me, angel. Fuck me with your huge cock!"

I astonished myself. I didn't typically say much when the four of us had sex. This New Year's Eve, I think I was the most vocal. It was also the first time I was the center of the action. I was on my hands and knees on the bed and Lance was pounding me from behind.

"Yes! Oh, babe. Push it deep."

That was the last thing I said. Mike knelt before me and moved his dick into my mouth. I always liked his anatomy. He was sort of the average guy between my small dick and the hung masterpieces of the other two.

"Ohhhh, Jakob. That feels good," Mike growled.

He gripped my hair between his fingers and methodically moved his firm rod in and out of my slurping face.

Trent kissed the two of them above me. I couldn't see, but I could hear their mouths get sloppy with each other. Then Trent moved below me, and I could tell Mike and Lance leaned in to continue kissing. Lance fucked me without missing a beat. Mike moved his cock in and out of my mouth. It was interesting how they had the same rhythm at each end of my body. I didn't think it could get better.

But it did.

I felt Trent's mouth wrap around my cock and begin sucking me from below. Propped on his elbow, he consumed my spike and gave it a thorough blow job. It was like every atom of my body was being pleasured.

All four of us moaned and groaned. We were loud, and we knew it. I could tell Trent was masturbating below me while he continued his oral service on me. His position had to be a bit awkward, but he didn't let me down. My dick felt tremendous. The nerves in my skin were electrified. I could feel skin all around me. The room smelled of sweat and lube and the scent of male passion. The scent of man was everywhere. It was not typical for me to be the center of our sexual sculpture, but I was loving it.

I closed my eyes. I could discern each moan of each man, even though none of us were using words. The lustful groans were a chorus of men in the throes of near-orgasmic euphoria.

My tongue played with Mike's cock. His volume increased with my stimulation.

Lance's slick pipe glided in and out of my hole. It felt incredible. He filled me like no one else ever will. I always felt fortunate I could take it. His lubricated hard skin picked up speed. He moaned louder.

"Of fuck! OH fuck. OH!!! FUCK!!! Baby, I'm coming!!" my husband screamed.

Lance grabbed my sweaty hips and shoved his groin into my ass with powerful strength. With each "Ungh!" that he screamed, I knew I was being filled with his thick cream. He didn't stop. I knew he had emptied his balls and gigantic cock inside me, but he still moaned and groaned as he continued to fuck me. He was a machine.

I momentarily wanted all three of them to come inside me. But I had ground rules. I could only be fucked by the man I was married to. It was an intimacy barrier that we agreed not to break. I toyed with making an exception. I was so enflamed I wanted Mike and Trent to unload inside me too. I wanted them all.

Too late.

"Jakob, yeah fuck." Mike shot a stream of his cum into my throat. I prepared for the rest. He kept coming and coming. Mentally I compared the taste and texture to that of Lance's, which I enjoyed frequently. Mike growled like an animal. It was hot. He was hot. All four of us were on fire.

He pulled his body from me. He leaned down to kiss me. We shared cum on my tongue. He leaned forward to kiss Lance, then down to the bed to kiss his husband. Trent and I had yet to come. I laid on my back. Lance took over sucking me. Trent laid beside me, and Mike wrapped his lips around his cock. We had just enough flexibility that Trent and I leaned over to kiss. Our husbands caused our erections to throb. Trent and I moaned into our kisses. We held each other's shoulders.

I came next. I lifted my head to watch Lance swallow my entire load. My hand grabbed Trent's. Our fingers interlocked. I screamed in the intense orgasm. As my body shuddered, I heard Trent tell Mike, "I'm coming, honey." Mike jerked Trent's meat as his lips remained sealed around the head of his beautiful stiff organ.

The crescendo of pleasure built, then gradually subsided.

We all exhaled.

Once again, the four of us had a captivating experience. Tradition.

Now I stood drinking coffee, looking at the naked bodies of three beautiful men. And I was comfortable.

"I'm glad you found this airBnB on the lake, Mike," I said, putting the last of the things in the car. "It has worked well since we lost the Owen's house."

"I'm prepared to put the money down for a year from now if you all think it's a good idea."

We all agreed.

Forty minutes later we pulled up to the Owens home.

"Happy New Year, Mrs. Owens," Trent said giving her a hug.

"Oh, thank you. And please, you all call me Connie. You're no longer a kid, Trent."

A few times a year, we tried to give Mrs. Owens a special day. She and her husband — and more particularly, their lake house — were integral to our lives. Mike and Trent had their first getaway there just as they were starting out. Our first New Year's Eve celebrations were there. Lance and I got married in the lake house. Although we didn't know her supremely well, we recognized a person who could use something to look forward to every so often.

Over fettucine alfredo and Caesar salad, we let Connie do most of the talking. We showed an interest in her activities and challenges since Robert passed.

Trent explained that his relationship with his father continued to go well. Trent and I both had uphill climbs with our fathers, but that too had changed. When living life day by day, it is easy to miss the major changes in your life. I remember Trent's father having a hard time coming to terms with their relationship. Lance and I weren't as far apart age wise, but Dad still had trouble with us. Thankfully, that was better.

As we talked about the upcoming year and all it would bring, I immediately became buried mentally in all the responsibilities that consumed me. The centers would be opening soon. I had to deal with taxes for two stores now. The festival committee had to reach final decisions very soon so the schedule could be published. It seemed like so much.

I looked at Lance. In all those responsibilities, I wondered how I could fit him in. He had supported me in all my goals, all my ideas. I had to do better by him. I needed to be a better husband.

He reached for the check. That too had changed in our lives. Lance came from a family that didn't need to worry about money, but he was doing well on his own. His gym was now the top in the chain, even though Von was a smaller city. He was amazing at this job. My earnings had climbed year after year. I had become so business minded, I couldn't believe it was a mere four years ago I still wanted a bed more than anything. This had all happened so fast. It was too fast. How well was I dealing with it?

"It seemed like there was always something. Although business dipped slightly, Ascension continued to become more known. Online sales became a thing. I began to worry if my suppliers could create the art we needed in such demand. I had to explore that. The youth center was just over a month away from opening. Construction had started on the community center. It would be completed just after the festivals wound down in the summer. There was always something. Just. Something."

"How did the strain affect your marriage?"


"Meaning?" Trevor pushed.

"Meaning we didn't talk about it. We didn't fight. We still tried to show affection. We'd talk about other stuff, but we weren't ... us. All this ambition of mine sort of steamrolled right over our marriage. We almost became roommates for a few weeks."

"I picked up the medicine for DaVinci," Lance said as I sat my briefcase on the table.


"DaVinci. The vet's visit. Remember? We had to pick up the medicine for the ear infection."

"Oh, right. Right." I blankly stared into the fridge and saw a plate saved for me covered in plastic wrap.

I placed it in the microwave. Before pressing buttons to heat it up, I noticed the time was almost 9 o'clock.

"You haven't even played with him in weeks," Lance said softly.

I lowered my head. "I know."

"Jakob, just think if we actually did have a kid. You said it would get better after the holidays. But I keep seeing you less and less."

He was right. I was too busy. I stepped over to hold him in my arms. I held him tight. "I know. I'm sorry."

The microwave beeped. I let go to go take my dinner out.

I sat down at the kitchen. Lance leaned against the kitchen counter. Neither of us said anything. I ate in silence. There wasn't a single thing I could say to make the situation better. I had let work and responsibilities take over. I needed to let something go, but what? I had just been elected to the city council, I was partial owner of Visions, I was the primary owner of Ascension ... what could I possibly let go? Whether I wanted to admit it or not, Lance was the easiest thing to put on the backburner. I never intended that. I would never want that. I continued to eat my dinner in silence. Lance moved away from the counter and kissed me on the top of my head and walked into the living room. He gave DaVinci some attention.

I put the plate in the dishwasher. The only thing I could think at the moment was how tired I was. I just wanted to sleep, but Lance and I clearly needed to say some things.

I walked into the living room. He was playing with DaVinci. I sat next to him. He stretched out his arm, and I leaned into his shoulder. DaVinci hopped into my lap, and I began petting him.

"I'm sorry I have been so busy. I know I am not giving either of you the attention you deserve."

"I'm not worried about that as much as I am feeling you are pushing yourself too hard. We have come to a really good place financially. We've worked hard for that, and we've been fortunate that it has turned out in our favor, but ... you can't give up your life."

"I know. I'm just ... not sure how to fix it. I'm the primary owner of Ascension. It partners with Visions and I'm a partial owner there. The city council position is just new. And the fact that the two centers are wrapping up and the festivals are coming up soon ... It's just all at once. It will get better."

"You say that, but ... we haven't had sex since New Year's. With the guys. I haven't had you to myself since the middle of December."

I groaned. "I know. Please know I love you every bit as much as I ever have. Probably more."

"And I am proud of you, hub."

Hub. I was a terrible husband. I wasn't pulling my weight. Lance had really taken up the slack and carried more responsibilities around the house. I remembered Anson and I becoming distant. He started seeking out someone better than me. Surely, I wasn't giving Lance thoughts to do the same. It seemed imperative for me to be a better husband.

"But it is not just me. We barely had time to see your family for dinner on December 26. When was the last time you called Anson? Or Graham? I feel you are distancing yourself from everyone."

I knew he was right. I was cut off.

"Baby, I also should mention this. You haven't been to an AA meeting in weeks," he softly said.

I sat upright. "I'm not drinking. I'm not even tempted."

"I understand that. But those meetings serve a purpose. If you let all this pressure build up, you never know. You drank for years. Heavily. That's all in the past. I just don't want that to ever cross your mind as an escape."

"I swear it won't."

He was right. I hadn't been to a meeting. When was the last one? We used to attend them right on schedule. He has continued to maintain, but I've let it slip. For a moment, that was one more thing that made me feel like I was drowning.

As I played a little with DaVinci, Lance got up to treat himself to ice cream. He looked great, never better actually. His time at the gym was really helping him develop into quite the stud. I hadn't exercised at all yet this year. He certainly deserved a bowl.

As he walked by, I was lying on the couch with DaVinci in front of me. As I petted him, Lance leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. Within a minute, I was out and slept on the couch all night.

"I was not a good husband. We didn't argue or fight or get angry. I just seemed absent from the big picture. It all snowballed. I wasn't exercising or going to AA or even giving Lance the attention he deserved. He was my family; I ... I ... just let it spiral out of control."

"Was there a temptation to drink?"

"No!!! I had gotten way past that. I was beyond that. But we were a source of strength for each other, and we weren't really doing that at the time. I just felt buried. I thought everything I was doing was important — and it was — but I couldn't come up for air."

"Then what happened?"

The crowd was way bigger than I had anticipated. Who actually came to these city functions anyway? Maybe it was the weather. For late February, it was a gorgeous day in the lower 60s. I was happy that it made for ideal conditions to open the youth center.

The mayor addressed the crowd. I noticed media from not only Von but from neighboring cities and counties. All the news stations were represented. That made me even more nervous.

I hated public speaking. I worried about stammering my way through my remarks. This project was so close to me. I just wanted it to go well.

"Next, I'd like to introduce our newest city councilor, Jakob Morgan," the mayor announced.

There it was. I now had to get to the podium. Or die. The latter seemed preferable. My hands shook as I laid my notes on the podium. My mouth felt dry. My palms were sweaty. What if I sounded like a fool? What if I came off as a failure? My heart raced so fast, I thought I would have a heart attack right there. There were a couple hundred people gathered around. They looked like a mob.

Then I saw Lance.

He blew me a kiss. Then he pantomimed for me to take a deep breath. I did.

"Public speaking is not my strength," I started, "But it is my honor today. Mayor Abercrombie asked me to speak today because I was privileged to be involved in the naming of the new youth center here in Von.

"This project was important to me. I was an early champion of it. Because of the repurposing of the old Montgomery Ward building and thanks to a generous donor, this project became a reality. If that anonymous donor is in the audience today, please allow me to express the gratitude of the entire crowd for your gracious support of the youth of Von. We cannot thank you enough."

The crowd clapped. I was feeling better.

"As the center was rounding the corner, the naming of the facility was one of the final steps. Because our anonymous donor was ... well, anonymous ... the task fell to me. Our committee debated for many hours. Each member shared experiences as it related to youth experiences.

"It is probably not well known, but ... it isn't a secret either. As a teen, I was kicked out of my home. Because of who I was ... my sexual orientation ... I was not welcome in my home. I had nowhere to go. Thanks to the kind hearts of a family, I was not cast out on my own. They took me in. Urban and Nadine Petriello taught me the true meaning of love ... of compassion ... of home. It could be a real possibility that I wouldn't be standing here today if it were not for their actions.

"Before his passing, Robert Owen was essential in developing programs and immediately offering assistance to youth in need, even before the center was getting started. His work for the project in Von is substantial.

"Because of the examples of the principles set forth by these compassionate people, I am humbled by the honor and privilege to announce the opening of the Owens-Petriello Youth Center in Von."

The crowd erupted in applause. A cover was taken from the carved stone placed in front of the center. Seeing the engraved names warmed my heart. The doors opened and the city officials, residents and media began entering the building to see its many features. I hoped they would notice the aesthetic details I was responsible for. Having seen it the day before, I knew that the facility turned out beautifully.

I was led to an interview area along with the mayor, two other council members, the high school principal, Mrs. Owens and the Petriellos. As I joined them, Mr. and Mrs. Petriello hugged me fiercely.

"I can't believe how proud we are of you, Jakob," Mrs. Petriello told me. "You ... you are simply amazing."

"No. I'm not. I've just been fortunate to find people who offer their support. You were the first."

The three of us hugged for a long moment. I was so thankful that they could travel in from Wisconsin. Even to this moment they were astonished that anything at all could be named after them. I was delightfully shocked the committee adopted my suggestion. They were in agreement someone from Von needed to be the honoree for the community center, but they were moved by the stories behind my suggestion. Those principles were inscribed in an exhibit inside. The Petriellos and Mrs. Owens were also donors of the project in its final weeks. That helped the cause.

"I'm sad Anson couldn't be here," Mr. Petriello said. "We need to take a picture and send it to him."

I agreed. Anson and I had connected a few times since his confession. I didn't hold it against him, regardless of how it made me feel. I looked at Lance who was standing to the side. I waved him into the area. I couldn't wait to introduce him to the Petriellos.

"This is my husband, Lance Wheeling. Lance, this is Urban and Nadine Petriello."

"I have heard so much about you from Jakob. It is wonderful to meet you."

"I'm just sad it has taken so long. We've wanted to come see Jakob for a few years now. Email and phone calls are great, but to see the incredible man he has grown into is just amazing."

I blushed. Lance smiled.

They had aged some since I had seen them 12 years ago. I remembered their faces as they drove away. Bear looked at me out the back window. It still meant the world to me to have them here.

Lance gave me a quick kiss. "You were great, baby. I was so proud to see you up there."

Connie walked up to me. She hugged both Lance and me.

"What a wonderful day," she said. "Robert would have been so pleased — and honored."

"He was such a kind man. I will always remember him for his kindness. Both of you," I said with a smile.

"He was taken way too soon," Lance said.

"I miss him every day," she said. "But this — ALL THIS — would have meant so much to him. I feel like he is watching it all from afar."

"It's nice to think that he is. I miss him too. But I am so glad you were here today."

Connie was asked to assist with an interview. I looked over at the Petriellos. They were occupied too. Someone was scribbling notes as they talked. Even though we were all so much older, I could still imagine Anson standing right there with them.

Lance was waving me over to a reporter.

There was no way I was going to let us dwindle into just being roommates like Anson and I did. With this project done, it was time to concentrate on us.

"Hi, I'm Jakob and I'm an alcoholic."

"Hi Jakob," the group replied.

"It has been too long for me to be here. I let my life get a little crazy.

"Thankfully, I've been surrounded by great people. Supportive people. If not, I think I could have felt the old pull to just slam a drink to take the edge off. I haven't been tempted to drink in years, but it is foolish of me to think that temptation couldn't rear its ugly head again.

"If anyone here tonight is new to the program, please know it is a lifeline. Four years ago, I didn't even own a bed. Practically nothing. Today I am on the city council and own a store. My husband and I are discussing building a new house ... our dream house."

I looked at Lance smiling at me in the third row.

"There is no guarantee that life will hand you a lucky break. I mean, I was kicked out at 17. But if you treat people well and work hard and don't give up, things can eventually swing your way. A decade ago, I had no contact with my family. Now I have a good relationship with them. Whatever is wrong now, just know that this is only one moment. It is not forever.

"Stay strong. Let the people here be a source of strength. You can get better. It will get better. It does get better.

"Thank you."

The group clapped.

"After the center opened, I focused on our marriage," I told Trevor. "With the approach of wedding season, I knew Visions would see an uptick, and I promoted a supervisor to manager. Marshall approved. Just overseeing Visions and the routine of council responsibilities seemed to fall into place. I learned to delegate — something I needed to do for some time. For too long, I felt like I was the only one to handle things. I just let some go. The world didn't implode."

"Good for you."

"Lance and I immediately took a vacation. We were so due for some time away."

"Where'd you go?"

I laughed. "Orlando. We were like kids. At the same time, we saw a few newly married couples. We saw two gay men on their honeymoon. It was wonderful."

"And now?"

"We have all the spring and summer festivals in place. Travel and Tourism says hotel bookings are up. I've enlisted Marc to be on the committee. He's awesome. A real dynamo. He is seeing a new guy. I like them."

"You are probably a mentor figure."

"Hm. I don't know. He's just a great kid ... great young man. He is heavily involved in the youth center. He's just a dedicated person for the city. I've pitched him for a radio spot on Trent's show. He appeared on a local TV show recently."

"Is he pursuing college?"

"Not at the moment. He's spoken of it, but he knows these opportunities are valuable. I hope he considers it eventually, but ... look at me. I never went. And ... somehow, I have my own business."

"Indeed you have." Trevor put everything down. He took off his glasses and looked directly into my eyes. "Jakob, I've really enjoyed getting to know you. Thank you for our time. I know it was considerable, but I wanted to know the real you. I also know it was difficult to remember some of those dark experiences. Thank you for trusting me and feeling comfortable enough to open up to me. I might call with a few questions. I will let you see the full article before it goes to print."

I nodded. We shook hands. After spending a couple of afternoons together, I had learned to like Dr. Trevor Martin. He was easy to talk to.

Five Weeks Later

"Here they are," I said, slapping two copies of the magazine on Mike and Trent's coffee table.

"Wow!" they both said.

"From Homeless to City Council: The Ascension of Jakob Morgan. Look at you on the cover!" Trent said.

"Of the state's gay magazine. Awesome! Look at you!" Mike added.

I rolled my eyes and blushed. Lance pulled me close.

"Dr. Trevor Martin's interviews have appeared in publications like The Washington Post and Rolling Stone. He's interviewed Elton John, you know," Mike said in a grandiose way.

"I know."

"So how was it?" Trent asked. "What was it like?"

"Not as easy as your radio show. We talked for hours over the course of two afternoons. It brought up a lot of hard feelings. Some of the memories were tough to talk about."

"I bet," Mike said. "He is so respected not only in the gay community but also as a journalist and a psychologist. This really is amazing."

I hated this type of attention.

"We have Diet Coke. Can I get you both one?" Mike offered.

We nodded.

"Jakob, this is a really beautiful photo on the cover," Trent said.

"Yeah. The gardens in front of City Hall are really pretty."

Trent walked up to me. "It's beautiful because you are beautiful." He kissed me on the cheek, then on the lips.

I looked down at the cover. It was a nice picture of me. The photographer had done a good job. Ten years ago, a picture of me would have been a train wreck. I hardly had clothes to my name.

Lance walked DaVinci to the backyard to play with Amadeus.

Mike returned with beverages over ice for the two of us. Trent had a glass of tea near him, and Mike was enjoying a beer. We all sat in their living room. My birthday was two weeks away, and the two of them wanted to make sure they were included that weekend. It's funny how the signpost moments took some negotiation nowadays. Lance's family had to be considered, my family had to be included, and — truth be told — Mike and Trent were family. Again, I thought back to a decade ago when I had none.

"Okay everyone has to shut up now," Trent said. "I want to read every word of this." He opened the magazine but then decided to go to another room for privacy.

Mike went to check on the dogs. Lance joined him. I went to get our overnight bags and took them up to our room while Trent curled up on the couch with the issue.

When I came downstairs, I could see Trent deep into the article. Mike and Lance had come back inside and were talking in the kitchen. I looked out the window; the dogs were playing together fine. I couldn't hear the conversation, but I saw Mike nod to Lance and then put his hands on his shoulders. He pulled Lance close, and they hugged for a moment. Mike patted Lance on the back. I was curious as to what all that was about. They noticed me and came over to visit further. We walked back outside with our beverages. Mike now had an iced tea.

As the three of us sat on the back porch watching the dogs, Mike described the dinner menu. It sounded lovely. Somehow, I enjoyed meals when we were all preparing them together over going out to eat. There was a simple intimacy of being in the kitchen.

"FYI, we invited Ethan to join us. He's bringing Sascha over."

Lance and I heard two different things. I heard: "Sascha." Awesome! Three dogs.

He heard: "Ethan." Mike's ex.

"Uhhh, Trent is okay with this?" Lance sheepishly asked.

"His idea actually."

"Why would Trent want to invite your ex?"

"Oh, that's so old news. We're all in a good place. And I guess you don't know ..."

"Know what?" Lance asked.

"Ethan is with someone."


"Jason. Your boss."

"What!!??" Lance was shocked. "When did that happen? How did that happen? Why did that happen?"

I smiled. I didn't really know Jason at all. I had heard a few things, but I knew there was a particular kinky night that happened all those years ago. This evening could suddenly be more interesting.

"Ethan joined your old gym."

"Ah. Jason eventually saw him. Swooped in," Lance hypothesized.

"Yes and no," Mike answered. "Ethan asked Jason out."


"They've been seeing each other a month. I think."

Lance looked at Mike in disbelief. I wasn't sure why this seemed so implausible to him.

Trent came outside. "Jakob," he said.

I turned and stood, walking to him. I noticed his eyes were watery as if he had been crying.

"What's wrong?"

Trent held me. He squeezed me tight.

"Trent, what is it?"

He squeezed me even further.

"In the years I've known you, I've heard bits and pieces. You've shared with us quite a bit, but to see it all put together in that article ... I don't know what to say. I'm just overwhelmed. It ... it ... it hit me. I'm so proud of you. I'm so sorry you had to suffer through those years. I'm so ... glad you're in my life."

He held me again.

"It's a wonderful piece. Really." Trent sniffed. "As a writer, I know. It's really moving."

"I thought he did a nice job too," I said as we let go of each other. "He ..." I paused. "Trevor dug deep. It wasn't a fluff piece, that's for sure."

"That's not what he does. His interviews are pretty raw, but that's how he reaches the reader," Mike said.

"He really should have interviewed Trent instead of me," I said.

"Me??! Why me?" Trent replied in shock.

"You're so amazing. You're on the radio. You're a playwright."

"Who cares? Those are just jobs. It's nothing like ... like ... like you! That interview was so moving and so powerful. It's a great story. I'm just me."

I hugged him again and kissed him on the cheek.

"After we had wrapped up, Trevor offered to treat me to dinner. We had great conversation. I wouldn't say he and I are now close friends, but ... you know, casual ones I suppose," I said. "He remarked how healthy I was, mentally, with all the hardship of those lousy years. I credited Lance and you two for helping me put that behind me. Rebuilding relationships in my family helped too. He said if anything ... buried ... ever resurfaces ... I told him I would consider counseling. Quite frankly, if I have all of you in my life, I can't imagine being happier."

We all sat on the back porch silently. We gazed off into the distance and remained quiet for a long moment. We seemed lost in thought.

"I remember meeting you and questioning if you were right for Lance," Trent said. "I was worried that the two of you being alcoholics would bring each other down. Remember when I made up for that and gave you the shirt?"

I nodded.

"And your apartment?" I added. "Because of people like the three of you — and our old AA group here in Jackson Bend — my life is so different."

"Now I can't picture my life without you, Jakob," Trent said.

"It seems like ages ago," said Lance. "But it has only been a few years. Time is strange."

"You've really come far, Jakob," Mike said. "I don't tell you enough how inspired I am by you."

"Again, thanks to you all. I never would have made it out of the shelter."

"Oh please. You would have been running the shelter if I hadn't led you out of there," said Lance.

We all chuckled.

"Has your family seen the issue?" Trent asked.

"Yeah. We had lunch there, and I took them a copy. Teresa too."

"How did your parents take it?" Mike asked.

"Well, they beamed at the cover. Absolutely gushed over it. But ... Mom just cried as she read the beginning of it. It was tough. I specifically asked Trevor not to portray them as awful people. I thought he handled it well, but ... they couldn't help but be horrified by what happened after I was asked to leave home."

"It was pretty tough to read," Trent said.

"Thankfully the final third really focuses on the good work in Von. He was able to get that from other sources."

"The mayor said nice things about you," Trent added.

"I was happy with how it turned out. Gay magazine or not, you can see them all around town."

"It's not like there are nude pictures. It's not porn," Lance said.

"No, although the classifieds in the back are pretty racy," Trent laughed.

"We really should subscribe to it. We'd probably learn of cool places to go around the state," Mike said.

"Like a new spot for New Year's Eve?" Lance grinned.

We all smiled. Not that we needed a new place for that weekend. We had always done well on the lake. We loved our tradition on Lake Carpenter.

"Has Keaton seen it?" Trent asked.

"No. He wasn't there. I assume he will eventually when he comes home to visit. Teresa told him about it."

"It's amazing how you have completely reconnected with them all. Your dad is still fine with you two I assume?" Mike asked.

"He's good," Lance interjected. "He hugs me all the time. Deep hugs. Our visits are no longer tense. We feel really welcome at their house."

"That's awesome," said Trent.

"We sent a copy to my parents," Lance said. "I'm not sure how they will take it. They know a little, but it's a portrait of someone they only know as this wonderful man in my life. I have tried to prepare them a bit."

"Enough about me," Jakob said, exasperated. "How about you two? Have you sold your next play?"

"Not yet," Mike said, sounding dejected. "I think it's because my name is on it too."

"Oh, whatever," Trent said, scolding him. "My first two plays were so dramatic, so heavy, I don't think people are expecting a comedy. People have looked at it, but no one has bit off on it yet. I'm wondering if we should tweak it to a dark comedy."

"No, stay true to what you've written. It will be right for someone," Lance said.

Shortly thereafter, Ethan and Jason arrived. I could tell Sascha had aged since seeing her at Mike and Trent's wedding. DaVinci was so hyper compared to her.

Dinner was wonderful. Ethan seemed quite pleasant. He and Jason seemed to be a good fit, but I could tell Lance was still skeptical. The things I had heard about Jason came into focus, but at the same time, he seemed rather devoted to Ethan. Both of them were strikingly handsome too. How did I get this life where I was seated at a table with these amazingly handsome men?

Three of them had wine. Trent would never drink around us, but we always let him know that gesture wasn't necessary. Still, it was something I respected about him.

Everyone seemed interested in our trip to Orlando. Only Lance and Mike had been as kids. I wondered what it would be like to go as a group. It was perfect as a couple. No kids to bog us down. We noticed so many gay people. Lance told them about the gay guys we noticed at Volcano Bay and said hello to. It turned out they were at our resort, and we met them late at night for drinks. Well, they drank, we had sodas.

I rolled on the floor with Sascha before Ethan had to take him home. It was fun to be surrounded by dogs for the evening.

As I looked up from the floor, I stared at the attractive men in my life. It dawned on me that Lance had sex with all of them but Ethan. Mike was the same way, all but Jason, and he was even in the same room as Lance and Jason once. Sex had become a curious thing for me. Growing up, I never pictured having so many sexual partners in my life. I understood my parents' beliefs and where they got them. They felt sex was reserved for marriage. With no real attraction to women as I grew out of adolescence, that never seemed like an issue to me. Then Anson wakened by true desires. Still, I figured it would be with people whom you loved. I had gone so off-track. Alcohol was a steamroller that plowed right over me.

But I couldn't blame all of my bad choices on alcohol. There were several lapses in judgement just because of my self-esteem. I wanted to belong. Alcohol was just an ingredient in my decisions. A big one for sure, but I could have always said no. If I felt proud of anything in my life, it wouldn't really be the stores or the festivals. Those were all good, but I was happy that I knew who I was. I wouldn't have to be led down a path I didn't want to go. I admitted I liked me. Me. I was at the top rung.

We had changed into pajamas and were lying around the living room. Trent had some flavored seltzers for us. Mike had a beer. On this night, none of us matched. For New Year's we always got a new set of matching pajamas, but tonight was a mix of all the years. We were all shirtless, so we matched in that regard.

DaVinci was in Lance's lap; Amadeus was at Mike's side. The four of us never were short for conversation. Our jobs were so diverse, there was always something to talk about. And even if there wasn't, we were all content to simply be. Relax. Be in the moment. Being with friends. Sharing time with these men I loved were my favorite moments.

Trent called DaVinci to his lap. Our dog was never shy about getting attention. Seeing his tail wag always made me happy.

Lance leaned back into the pillow on the armrest, and I reclined into his body. His hand gently rubbed and teased the hair on my chest. The two of us had told each other countless times that we liked that. I could feel Lance's cock stiffen into the small of my back. As if his bulge wasn't noticeable enough, when it was hard, it was a stone pillar pressed into me. I was comfortable around the guys, but I didn't want to have a visible hard-on in front of them. Thankfully, they were distracted by the dogs. I reached for the other throw pillow and placed it in front of my crotch.

I talked the boys into a game of cards. After it being a favorite moment of mine with Lance's family, I had taught them the games we liked when they stayed with us last time.

We stayed up close to midnight. Finally, it was agreed the time had come to turn in. Both of them hugged us and reminded us how much they cherished our weekends together.

After we brushed our teeth, Lance and I slid into the sheets. We had placed our boxers and pajamas on top of our jeans on the floor. After turning the lights out, we worked our way into each other's arms. The streetlight shone through the sheer curtain just enough to give us enough light to see each other.

"What do you think of Ethan?" Lance asked me.

"He's fine. I didn't expect him to be that much older than Mike. Good looking for sure. We don't know him really well. Why?"

"I don't know. I think it's weird that Mike's ex comes over."

"That was five years ago. I think it's great that they can remain friends."

Lance didn't say anything.

"Look at you. You were in love with Trent, and the two of you are the closest of friends," I pointed out.

"Hmm. He and I were never a couple. I had just wished he would fall in love with me."

"We've had Anson to the house a few times. You haven't had a problem with that. You're okay when he visits, right?"

"Sure. Since you put it that way, I guess it isn't that odd after all."

"Do you think he and Jason can last?"

Lance laughed.

"I actually thought Jason had changed. We hadn't visited in person for a few months. It was nice to see him. He does seem less party animal and more mature now. Wouldn't it be funny if the two of them really did settle down and become long term?"

"It could happen. But only if the two are right for each other."

"Like you are for me?" Lance said, kissing me on the neck.

My hand reached down to play with his dick. It wasn't hard, but Lance's organ is always big enough that it makes for a good play toy. He gently scratched my back with his fingernails. I placed my ear on his chest to listen to his heartbeat.

"Did you enjoy your day?" Lance asked me.

"Very much so. I love our days with the boys."

"You are receiving a lot of attention these past few days. How do you feel about it?"



"You know I don't like to be the center of attention. My whole life has now been laid out for people to gawk at."

"Gawk. Hardly. It just lets them know how great your rise to greatness really is."

I laughed. That whole notion of greatness seemed so ridiculous.

Lance's cock was hard in my hands. I let go a moment to let my touch hover over his balls like a feather. He pressed his lips to the top of my head.

"Hey, I saw you and Mike hug in the kitchen. What was that about?" I asked.

"Oh nothing." Lance offered nothing further.

"You are noticeably not saying anything."

"I ... don't want to. It's ... it's nothing."

I leaned up, letting go of all of Lance's body parts. "Is anything wrong? Tell me."

"It's silly. I don't want ... I don't want you to think anything of it."

"Hey. We don't keep secrets. What is it?"

Lance exhaled a long, slow breath. "Trent was reading the issue. We had all just made such a fuss about it. I just commented to Mike that you were all but this major celebrity and I ... wasn't anything."


"No, seriously. Jakob, you've just taken your life and turned it around. It's extraordinary. You're on a magazine cover. Mike felt the same way. His husband is a radio personality and has sold two plays. We just had a moment where we felt ... I don't know ... lost in the shadows. We know it wasn't true, but we just had a moment where we shared feelings. Kind of like we weren't anything compared to our spouses. I felt like a nothing."

"No. ... No! You aren't nothing. You are EVERYthing. You are my world." I turned on a light. "Look at me."

Lance looked my direction.

"You are amazing. Don't ever think anything less. You are an alcoholic too. And look at what you've done. You've accomplished a lot. You are the top performer in a chain of gyms. Your members love you. You set the bar for customer service."

"I'm not on a magazine."

"Magazine shmagazine. Who cares?? You are amazing, and Mike is amazing. You guys should never feel otherwise."

I squeezed Lance tight. "Oh my gosh, angel. Never, never, never feel that way. I am in awe of you. I love you."

"Promise not to ever leave me. No matter how famous you get."

I chuckled. "Oh, baby, this will all blow over. I'm not some ... celebrity. It was one cover. That's all."

"I sometimes feel I don't deserve you. You changed my life the moment you entered it. I am so proud of you and feel so lucky that you put up with me."

"Put up ... you nut. You're an angel that saved my life."

"I love you, Jakob. I can never show you how much I love you."

He pressed his lips on mine. We kissed deeply. For minutes we didn't separate our mouths. Our hands groped each other's bodies. I felt his fingers slide within my crack. I cupped his ass cheek. Our dicks jousted.

"Make love to me," Lance breathlessly pleaded into my mouth.

"Here in Mike and Trent's house?"

"Yeah. Do me. I need your love in me."

"Okay, angel, ... did you bring lube?"

"I always have the travel lube."

Lance got up and pulled the small bottle of liquid from his travel kit. Grabbing a towel from the bathroom closet, he turned out all lights and returned to the bed. He handed me the lube.

Spreading out the towel, he laid on his side.

My hand massaged his ass. I rubbed my fingers in circles over his flesh. Picking up the bottle, I squirted lube on my fingers. I placed them right at the entrance to his inner shaft. Two of my slick fingers probed inside him. He hummed as I pulsed them inside his hole. He inhaled and exhaled slowly, but heavily. Finally, "yeaaaahhhh" was whispered.

I squirted more lube and coated my erection. I was hard. Really hard. We hadn't had sex since last weekend. My dick was eager. It jumped like a pogo stick. The head moved in an inch. Lance caught his breath, then let it out. I slid in further, just about halfway. Lance reached for my hand. I pushed all the way in.

"Oh, yeah," he said.

"Shhh. They're just downstairs."

I liked it when we made love on our sides. I could push in and out easily from this position. My arm was wrapped around his chest.

"Mmmm," I lightly moaned into his ear. "It feels good in you, angel."

"Me too."

I pushed my spike into him with gentle force. We weren't wild. We weren't loud. We were connected. We simply fucked a while. My breath was right at his ear. My thrusting made me pant. He panted back at me. He moaned.

"I love you, Jakob," he softly called out.

"I love you back."

"I feel your love in me. Fuck me."

I pushed in suddenly, ramming my dick into his ass with force.

"Oh yeah!" he responded.

"Baby, we can't be loud. We're guests," I snickered in his ear.

"Just keep fucking me."

My hips continued to rub up into his rear. The tropical smell of coconut became evident as the friction moved the liquid in and out of his ass along my cock. It felt so good fucking my husband.

I moved my arm from his chest and lowered it to his crotch. He had slightly lost the firmness of his erection. I fondled his majestic cock. Lance always downplayed it, but it was an amazing piece of anatomy. And it was mine. His body was mine. I felt that glorious bulk of meat stiffen in my hand again.

"Oh yeah, baby," he whispered to me.

I was in the driver's seat. I thrust my pole into him while jerking on his battering ram. Our bodies were gyrating together. They were conjoined to deliver pleasure. We breathed heavily as our cheeks rubbed against each other. I rubbed my beard down his neck. He loved it when I did that. When it was just shaved stubble it really sent him over the moon.

"Ohhh, hub. Keep fucking me. Make love to me."

"Yeah, angel. I love being in you, making love to you, feeling my dick down inside you."

"That's it, hub. Jerk me harder."

I did.

"Your cock feels so good in my hands. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for making love with me. I will always love you, angel. I will always make love to you. Always. Forever."

I pounded his ass harder. My dick had to be red, it was a branding iron.

"Stroke me harder, baby," he whimpered.

My body appeared to convulse as I shoved into his at the same time as yanking his nine-inch behemoth.

"I feel good baby," I whispered in his ear. I kept thrusting my cock. "You always make me feel so good. So hot."

"Oh, me too. You feel so fucking good inside me. Fuck me, honey."

I moaned louder than I should have. I was building toward my climax. The heat of his cock made my grip even hotter. I wish I had lubed it, but it was too late for that. I groped and stroked and jerked and stimulated his engorged organ like there was no tomorrow. Our bodies were an intertwined, organic machine.

"It feels so good, angel. Making love to you is so good."

"Keep fucking me, Jakob. Fuck me, babe. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me."

"Ohhhhh, Lance. I'm getting close."

"Yeah baby, come inside me."

I grunted as softly as I could as I shoved my cock and thrust my cock and rammed my cock and pushed my cock deep into the man I loved.

"Oh angel. Oh baby, Oh babe. Oh. Ohhhh," I whispered into his ear.

"Shoot your load in me, Jakob."

"Ungh! I'm coming, Lance," I said too loudly as my first blast flooded his hole.

"Fuck your cum into me."

"I'm coming in you, babe," I said as my second spurt shot from my cock.

"Yeah, baby. Keep it all inside me."

"I'm shooting so deep," I said as I shot my next wave.

"I love that you are in me," he moaned.

"Ohhh, I'm coming," I said as I fired another stream.

"I love you, Jakob," he said.

"My load is still coming baby," I said as I felt one last good pulse unleash.

"Keep fucking me."

"Ungh!" I grunted as I fucked the last dribbles of cum into his tunnel.

His neck craned to rub his mouth on my cheek.

"Ungh!!" I groaned as I wanted more.

I had lost my momentum on his cock. I kept pushing mine between his butt cheeks, but I returned to my full service.

"I unloaded a gallon in you, baby," I panted as I pulled his steel beam.

"Stay in me, baby," he pleaded, feeling the determination of my lustful strokes.

I knew my husband. I could tell by the tone of his moans and the raggedness of his breath that he was about to come.

"Lance, come on me. Shoot it all over my chest."

He scrambled to get to his knees. He put one of his legs between mine and started yanking on his erection. I could make out more of his extraordinary body in the lighting now. Our eyes had well adjusted to the darkness. His arm was a jackhammer.

"Come for me, angel."

He grunted and groaned.

"Shoot your love on me."

He gasped and panted.

"I want you. I want to feel you cover me."

He took a gasping breath. "Ohhhhh, Jakob. Jakob. I'm. Gonna. Come. UNGH!!"

I didn't care that it was too loud. I loved feeling a fiery stream of passion hit my chest. Another rope of liquid followed. Lance jerked harder. Lance panted heavier. Lance shot further. Cum hit my neck and traced through my hairy pecs. My husband's jerking was violent, and he hit my chest with three more spurts of his thick, creamy cum.

"Oh. Man." He took in a long breath.

He leaned over to kiss me. I held the back of his neck and plunged deeper.

"Rub your cock in it for me," I requested.

"Yeah," he said, smiling.

Lance's giant shaft slid through the semen all over my chest. He smeared it and swirled it through the culmination of his orgasm. I loved watching him do it. I loved feeling it happen.

"Now move up here so I can lick it off your amazing dick."

He moved his penis to my face. My tongue began licking his lengthy shaft. He smiled as I took pleasure in enjoying his cum, long after my own orgasm. With a light touch, I guided his cock into my mouth to suck it further. My fingers gingerly felt his balls. Parts of them were sticky.

After enjoying his succulent organ a minute, he pulled it from my mouth.

"We have some cleaning up to do."

Using the towel, he began wiping my chest. I lay still as he got a wet washcloth to do a more thorough job. Shortly thereafter, he wiped his own genitals. Once again, we were fit for the sheets.

Lance put on his boxers.

"I'm going to get a bottled water from the fridge," he said, heading toward the bedroom door.

I could hear him gently but awkwardly walk down the stairs. I liked Mike and Trent's house. I began to get excited for our new house. The process was both exhilarating and exhausting. I knew we had weeks of it still to go. It is such a big step for us, but we agreed we were financially ready.

Lance came back with a flavored water.

"Trent and Mike are having sex."


"They're having sex."

"How do you know?"

"I could hear just enough down the hall."

"With a houseful of hunky men tonight, it's no wonder anyone wouldn't be horny as all get out."

"I loved making love with you," Lance said giving me a kiss as he was slipping back in the sheets.

"We will our entire lives," I said to him. "I love you, Lance. You really are my world."

We kissed for several minutes before finally agreeing we needed some sleep.

I loved being held in Lance's arms. I wasn't in bad shape. We ate healthy. But being in the wonderful, muscular arms of my husband never lost its magic. It had been such a good day that I don't think either of us drifted off quickly. Being held was just fine until sleep claimed us. After a few minutes, I felt the top of his foot press to the bottom of mine. I pressed back and curled my toes around his. We "held feet" for a couple of minutes. I heard Lance whisper, "I love you" into my neck. I pressed his hand closer to my heart.

He then drifted off.

I became aware of the scent of coffee. The clock said 7:07. I didn't intend to get up this early, but my senses had me awake now. Lance was still dead to the world.

I slipped on my boxers and tried to quietly walk downstairs. Mike was headed into the living room and saw me coming down. Like last night, he was wearing pajama bottoms but was shirtless. I never got tired of seeing his body. Mike was very handsome to me. Seeing me halfway down the stairs he paused and opened his arms. I walked into his hug.

"Morning, Jakey bear," he smiled at me.

"You better not let Lance here you say that. He still stands by his veto."

We squeezed each other tight.


"Yes, please," I said.

We walked into the kitchen, and he pulled a pair of mugs from the cabinet. The coffee maker was still dripping, but by its sputter and trickle, we could tell it was almost done. We sat at the kitchen table.

"I read the article this morning, Jakob," Mike said grabbing my hand.

"When did you get up? Did you get any sleep?"

"As a teacher, I'm used to getting up early. I let Trent sleep in."

"Well, I apologize for keeping you up late. And ... well, Lance said he ... um ... heard you guys when he came down for a bottled water, so ..." I felt sheepishly uncomfortable "... I hope you managed a little sleep."

Mike smiled at me. "I came out to the kitchen to take something from the freezer to thaw. I could kind of make out hearing you guys upstairs."

In seconds I knew I was tomato red. I put my hands over my face.

"Let's just say you two inspired me. Trent and I were due for a little lovemaking."

He pulled a hand from my face.

"You two are hot. I enjoy listening to two men who love each other. But ... I didn't really hear much. Just for a quick moment."

My dick was getting hard. I was glad it was concealed under the table.

"I've read a lot from Dr. Martin. This was good, Jakob. Really good," he said, tapping the magazine. "Maybe it was because I know you so well and love you like family ..."

"I love you too," I said holding his hand again.

"... this ... this really hit me hard. Dr. Martin really did dive deep. I've known you for all these years but have never known the entire you. It pains for me to think of you going through all that. I can't imagine the hurt you had to endure."

"It's hard to share. But that's in the past."

"That's for sure. Your life now is ... amazing. You've turned it around in huge ways. You're an incredible person."

"Thanks." Mike was so kind. I remembered what Lance had told me last night. "Mike, you are too. I'm impressed with you all the time."

"Why do you say that?"

"I suppose I had good teachers, but when I listen to you, I can tell your students are so fortunate to have you. I am inspired by you."

He kissed me on the cheek, as the coffee make gurgled its steaming last breath. He stood to pour us a cup. He knew I liked mine black. He sat a mug in front of me. I allowed it to cool for a moment, blowing across the top.

"Trent wants to make us breakfast."

"But we can let him sleep for now. Lance is out cold too."

Mike sipped his coffee and gave it a critical look. He added just half a teaspoon of sugar to it. The clink of the spoon as he stirred reminded me of DaVinci's collar. I looked toward the window to see both him and Amadeus walking the yard. Thankfully, they weren't waking the neighbors with any barking.

"Is the youth center running smoothly?" Mike asked.

"It has been a success so far." I thought about how getting it open became overwhelming. "We weren't though."

"What do you mean?"

"I wasn't being good to Lance. He was supportive and everything I needed, but I just put too much between us. I wasn't a good husband. I ... I was a good worker, but I didn't make time for us. Once it was open, I stepped back. I knew I had to be better. We really reconnected in Florida. We had sex every night. It was like our honeymoon again."

"Mickey Mouse sex."

"Stop, that's an image that distorts everything. Ugh." I took a sip of my coffee. "But we've been so much better since then. I'm balancing work with home appropriately. Lance stepped up to volunteer on one of the festival committees. That let us work side by side."

"Nice." Mike sipped his coffee. "And Ascension?"

"Mike, it's a little scary. I thought just the kickoff to the store would be busy, and then it would subside. It hasn't. I've had to enlist more artists to help create the product."


"As long as I can keep up. The money is good though."

"Can you even remember just four years ago when all you wanted was a bed?"

"It's crazy, isn't it? Now we are building my dream house. Well ... I can dream of a mansion," I said with a little chuckle. "But this is everything in a house I want."

"Your store is aptly named."

"Lance wanted it to be Jakob's Ladder. That's why I conceded to put a ladder in the logo. He thought it would be fun to use that well-known term."

"That's not it."


"He watched you climb from the shit that life handed you and rung by rung rose higher and higher. It was your triumph in life. That's why he liked that name. Isn't that how you came up with Ascension?"

"When I nixed Jakob's Ladder, I suggested that ... kind of thinking of the higher things, the better things you reach for. That's what I was thinking, but I guess it matches Lance's thoughts as well."

"I'm so happy for you. For you both. We love you guys so much. You are the best friends I've ever had."

"In your whole life??" I said in disbelief.

"Hello? New Year's Eve?"

"Ahh. I love that holiday. Not just for the sex, obviously. I love how we bond over that getaway. Although I may love Trent's Friendsgiving a little more."

"He is already planning ideas."

We finished our coffee standing at the window watching the dogs. Had our two pets not gotten along, these visits would be harder. We felt they looked forward to them more than we did.

"Well, I guess I'll go check on Lance. I can hop in the shower too."

"If you want. You're adorable when your hair is messy," Mike smiled.


Mike walked with me. At the staircase, I reached for his arm.

"Can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure," he said, perplexed.

"I might need to ask Trent too. But ... can I read your play?"

Mike paused and sat on the stairs. I sat next to him.

"I don't have a problem with that. He might. He's protective. But ... he is frustrated that no one has picked it up."

"It'll happen. Are you pleased with it?"

"I love it."

"Have you ever thought about writing one on your own?"

"Eh! He's the writer in the family. I don't need to compete with that."

We heard the dogs bark at something. Fortunately, it stopped.

"Do you think he will write another one?"

"I'd like him to, but he doesn't seem to be into it. Nothing has sparked his drive. Your circumstances had such power, and of course he pulled from his own life for The Brutal Reality."

"Writing about an awesome, handsome teacher isn't good enough, huh?" I smiled.

"My life sure isn't worthy of a play," Lance said, coming down the stairs behind us.

"Morning, angel," I said.

"Is DaVinci okay?"

"Seems to be."

"I was ... um ... going to take a shower and ... um ... wanted to ask you if you would ... you know ... like to join me?" Lance said with a cagey grin.

"You two are amazing," Mike said with a wink, standing up.

I kissed him on the lips. "Thanks for the coffee."

Five minutes later, hot water was pouring down my back. My hands were rinsing the shampoo out of my husband's hair. I let my fingers comb through the foam. Then they locked behind his neck. I pulled him close to give him a peck on the lips while his eyes were closed. He smiled.

I unlocked my fingers and let them travel to his chest. My touch washed over his body.

"No chest hair there to shampoo," he said. "Unfortunately."

My hands traveled down the sides of his torso and around to his butt cheeks. Lance's body was magnificent. He had never been more toned, more muscular or more erotic in the five years I had known him. All his fitness training at the gym made him an ideal male specimen. He could have had a career in modeling.

"I don't tell you enough. You look amazing. Your body is a temple."

"So they say," he said flatly.

`You've taken care of yourself, angel. Be proud of your body."

"I'd rather be proud of you."

He leaned in to kiss me. Our arms wrapped around each other, gliding easily through the residue of rinsing suds.

"Thanks for seeing the best in me," he said. "Thanks for seeing past my flaws."

I never knew who Lance was before AA. I only knew him as the kind, compassionate man I quickly fell in love with.

"I know exactly who you are, Lance Wheeling. You are the love of my life."

As we swayed in the hot shower, I softly sang a verse from Cindi Lauper's "True Colors." It was a song we played at our wedding. We slow danced for a minute as water cascaded over us. Lance's monster cock prodded my navel. I pulled his hips closer to make his erection rub into my body. He reached down to hold my dick. We kissed deeply. Our lips were sealed for a long moment. We danced to where water poured between our chests and warmed our crotches. We continued to kiss. Our tongues danced with each other.

"I love you," he whispered into my ear when our lips parted.

"If we hadn't just had sex eight hours ago, I'd have that cock in my ass right now."

He chuckled and swayed with me some more. He gripped my erection again.

"We always have tonight."

With our hair mostly dry, we sat down at the breakfast table. Trent made us all western omelets. Lance had juice; the rest of us had coffee. Trent was wearing the Pride shirt we all wore our first holiday together. Mike was still shirtless. They were such a handsome couple.

"Jakob, Lance told me in our phone calls a couple months that you seemed buried in work. Is that better now?" Trent asked.

"It was my fault. I took on too much. But since Orlando, it's good. I'm delegating. Business is great, but I'm concentrating on developing good people — managers at the store, volunteers for the festivals, leaders for my committees. It's good now."

"Make no mistake, he's still busy," Lance said. "But we find time for each other now."

"Once I put Lance back as the most important thing in my life, everything else found its place."

"If you ever feel like coming back on the show ... the magazine brings you into the spotlight again."

"Spotlight. Ugh. I'm good. Although I do have a TV segment for a regional spot about Ascension in two weeks. Thankfully, it is about the store and not me."

"It's good for business," Lance said.

"You deserve every iota of success and happiness you are experiencing." Trent swallowed a big bite. "I remember the days where you had nowhere to live. No bed. You've worked hard for this. You earned this. I still hate you two for leaving town, but you have been great in Von. You've been great for Von. You fit there."

"So all these lousy roommates you had ... have you heard from any of them, particularly since the magazine came out?" Mike asked.

"Only Graham. If any of the others saw me on the cover, they would surely think this couldn't be the same Jakob they had pushed around. Graham and I talk every month or so."

I pictured them in my mind. I didn't ever talk to my old roommates. Victor always made sure I was taken care of, even when he was a loud idiot. I wondered if he would see the magazine ... eventually. Would he call me? Did he still have me in his contacts? Gunner, Kody ... the rest ... did I care if they even saw the issue? Their Jakob wasn't the man I am now. I wasn't sure if it would mean anything to them. I couldn't picture them as being proud or happy for me.

Following lunch, we took the dogs to the park and tossed objects for them to chase. I loved spring. I was glad my birthday fell within it. It was sunny enough to cut the slight chill in the air.

I looked around the park. I could see potential for a festival here. Not that I would put it in on my plate. Commitments in Von were more than enough.

My phone buzzed.

"Holy crap!"

"What's wrong?" Lance asked.

"Nothing." I stared at the name that came up just to make sure. "It's Victor," I said to myself.

"Saw this magazine. Is that really you?"

"Yep. That's me."

"How is this possible? Call me."

"I will sometime this week."

I couldn't believe it. Knowing Victor, he didn't even buy the magazine. If he didn't, I would really rib him about it. I contemplated what I would actually say to him. Victor was never really the cause of any problems. He stuck with me, almost in a protective way. He just ... wasn't what I needed. Maybe I would thank him for making me drink. It led me to Lance. It allowed me to find this life. Not that I would give him any credit. After all, God sent Lance to me.


"I think my church youth group had a party at this park when I was in junior high. Sack races, tug of war, that kind of thing."

"I take it your family still attends the church?" Trent asked.

"Yeah. But. I'm accepted. Your play caused my father to break down."


"After he saw it, he drove all the way to our house and broke down in tears. He begged me for forgiveness. He and Lance have been fairly close since then."

Lance nodded.

"And here I just thought he came to his senses," Trent said.

"Think you will write a new one soon?" I asked.

"I don't know. Nothing's inspiring me."

"You don't want to do a story about three guys who hook up in a school shower?" Lance quipped.

"Next!!" Mike groaned.

We all laughed.

"Hi, I'm Lance. I'm an alcoholic."

"Hi, Lance," the group replied.

"It's been a while since we've been here. We moved to Von two and a half years ago. It's interesting to see this room again. I met some great friends in this room. I love seeing a few here today. I met my husband in this room."

I smiled at him. He smiled back. We were such different people back then. Now we no longer struggled with the temptation to drink. Or at least not like back then. Back then Lance was heavier. I didn't even own a bed. We were both seriously broken. But we found each other. We fell in love. How weird that I never thought about this room bringing us together, but it did.

"At that time, I felt like alcohol was what numbed the pain, the depression, the sense of ... not being worth a damn. But that didn't go away. What made all that go away was people. So many of them are in this room. They understood. They didn't judge. We all have friends outside these walls too. Of course we do. But to anyone new, know this is a good place. This is a place to find strength. The program works. You don't need alcohol, you need people. There is no substitute for the love and understanding and forgiveness that people can offer. If nothing else, I hope the fact that I've made it almost four years without a drink can let you know it gets better. I was a moron. I was an idiot. If I can do it, you can too. Just reach out. People are here to help. You CAN be proud again.

"Thank you."

The group clapped. Lance came to sit by me. Ophelia had her hand on my arm. She had gone first this evening. Two others shared. They must have been new. We had never seen them. Cooper shared. It broke our hearts to think about him dealing with so much on his plate while navigating his new life with his son, but he turned life around that year. He seemed to becoming better friends with Trent. I knew Lance and Cooper talked a lot on the phone. His son Corey was almost in high school now. I could tell their relationship was the best thing in his life, but I was also glad he didn't feel alone.

Others we knew didn't share but gave us a wave. Janine and Richard were there. Following the meeting, we helped put up chairs.

"I'm sorry that we have to get back, but we're hoping to be home by sundown," I told Ophelia. "It would be wonderful to go out for coffee like old times."

"Old times says the 30-year-old," Ophelia chuckled.

"I'll be 31 in two weeks," I grinned.

"I'm just glad to see you," she said giving me a huge hug. "I'm so proud of you, Jakob. Really, really proud."

"Thank you. You were a part of my life that turned it all around."

I could tell Ophelia and Lance gave each other their secret wink. After being married to him for almost three years, it's hard to think of those two sleeping together. What a mismatch, and it was my idea. It was very heartwarming to hear that she and her husband were doing well. Her biggest concern now was that her daughter had a driver's license.

We could have visited forever, but we needed to start our drive home.

With about 15 minutes of daylight left, we arrived at the construction site of our new house. The last time we had looked, the foundation had been poured and just the beginnings of the framework were in place. Now we could see actual walls in place, or at least where they would be finished. We strolled through it for a couple of minutes, making sure not to disrupt anything.

As the sun started to set, we leaned against the car and simply gazed at the home in progress before us. Lance reached down and grabbed my hand. He interlocked his fingers in mine.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too, angel."

"It was great seeing everyone this weekend."

"It was."

I moved in front of Lance, and he wrapped his arms around me. We stared at the house and pondered if we would be in by July 4. That was probably too soon. But if it were by Mike's birthday, that would be fine. It would be a signpost for my memories.

"We're lucky," Lance said.

I thought for a moment. I did feel lucky, but I wasn't sure what he was thinking about.

"I agree, but what makes you say that?"

"Think of where we were four years ago. I was so depressed that I drank myself into a car wreck thinking I would never find love like Trent and Mike had. You were homeless. Now the two of us are staring at a big house that we will soon be living in. Me and you. I couldn't be happier. I feel lucky."

Lance squeezed me tighter. He was right. My life could have splintered into a million different directions from those two weeks of sleeping in the park — or my car. I was the sheer definition of being lucky.

"We are," I softly agreed, staring more into the middle space than the house.

"Trent asked about church this afternoon. Do you ever pray?" Lance asked me.

"Would you be surprised if I said I did every day?"

"Really? Yeah. I kind of would be."

"If you really want to know, I start every morning with a prayer of thanks. I mention you every day. I thank Him for sending you to me."

"How sweet." My husband squeezed me tighter.

"I've given thanks since I was a kid."

"You've told me that you have also wanted to live in a big house since you were a kid," Lance said.

"Since watching home improvement shows with my mother."

"Now that you will get your dreamhouse, you will have met your goal at 31. What will you dream for next?"

"I have everything I need. I don't need to dream."

"I know you, Jakob Morgan. You will always have some goal."

"I have thought about it."

Not offering anything further, I stood in silence.

Lance shook me. "And ...?"

"You'll think it is dumb."

"I don't think anything about you could possibly be dumb."

"It's silly. It's unrealistic."


I took a deep breath.

"I love Trent's Friendsgiving. A lot. But ..."

"I'm listening," Lance said, encouraging me to finish.

"One day I would love to have your family, my family, Mike's family and Trent's family over to this house for Thanksgiving Day. I would love us to host them all."

"Four families?? It's a house, hub, not a hotel."

"I know, I know, I know." I turned around and looked at Lance in the eyes. "But my family lives only an hour away. Trent's family is less than two hours. We wouldn't need rooms for them to stay overnight. It's only Mike's and your parents that live a few hours away. Mike's parents would probably stay with them. We will have two guest rooms and enough other space to put up Oliver if one family stayed over. I just think it would be awesome to have everyone here. Mike and Trent are family to me. We could easily do 15 to 20 people for dinner. We'll have the space."

"It sounds like a hard sell. Moms have a thing for wanting to have kids in their home for Thanksgiving."

"Perhaps I could sell it by releasing them of the burden of all that cooking."

Lance laughed.

"It doesn't have to be this year. But ... a goal. A dream," I said.

"Good for you ... it's adorable." Lance squeezed me tight. "How long has it been since I told you I loved you?"

"About a minute."

"That's way too long. I love you, hub."

"Love you too, angel."

We kissed each other and turned around to get in the car. We had work in the morning.

# # #

* * * *

It is bittersweet to finish this book. My final thoughts are found on the blog:

Ascension: Jakob's Ladder was darker than the original trilogy, but it is hoped that the full arc to Jakob's story was rewarding. I look forward to hearing from you if you enjoyed it (or hated it). Knowing work has touched a reader in some way means something. Email:

My fifth story will begin posting in the weeks ahead. It will feature Cooper as the protagonist, and I honestly believe it is my finest work. If you would like to receive a notification when it begins posting, drop me an email.

Next: Chapter 5

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