Artificial Love

By Rick Chasez

Published on Apr 26, 2002


DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction, meaning everything is not true.

Previous chapters and other stories can be found at


"Si, ya se que un amor sin respuesta no es amor... Que debiera llenarme de valor De una vez y romper lo que hasta hoy Me ha vuelto lo que soy: Amante sin amor, sin amor"

JC slept through the night holding robot Justin. He was clinging to his body, just like he had dreamed of spending the rest of his life. He knew it was wrong, somehow he felt sick... you can't depend on a machine to make you happy, can you? When JC opened his eyes, he found the robot's eyes staring at him. "Good morning, JC" "Good morning," JC smiled. "You know something?" "What?" "You look beautiful when you sleep" JC blushed. "What do you know about that?" "I know about beauty, JC. I am programmed to appreciate it, too." "But you probably should be appreciating it in girls" "I do, but I see you and all I see is beauty. Kindness too" "Come on, Justin" "You know, I can't understand why someone wouldn't be in love with you, boy or girl" "It's more complicated than you think" "It's not... humans make it complicated" "However you look at it, it's complicated"

"What do you see in Justin?" asked the robot. "It's everything, you know? It's not only the way he looks, which I also love. It's even what other people find annoying... you learn to love everything when the right person comes along. I love watching him wake up, when he rubs his eyes and gives you his first smile of the day... the way he clumsily walks to the bathroom and always brushes his teeth before even peeing. Then the way he thanks me for his coffee and how he munches his cereal, or how he gets upset and pouts when there isn't any cereal left because he never remembered to buy it". JC grinned. "I always feel like running to the store in that moment to buy him the cereal so he can have it. Then he gets dressed and he always wants to drive, wherever we go. I love all that, I love the times we hug or how he smiles at me when he mentions something only he and I know. I love the times when he falls asleep on my lap while we watch TV, or how he never fails to save the last popcorn for me." "And I don't want only the good stuff, you know? I appreciate also the times we argue because that reminds me we're alive. I get annoyed when he does this or that, but then I remember how much I love him and I think of it as the things that make him different from me, and that is a good thing, because you don't want someone just like you, there's nothing to love there."

The robot was staring at JC adoringly when he said that. "JC, I'll have to disagree with you" "On what?" "On the last thing you said" "Why?" "Because it's good to be someone just like you, there's so much to love there" With that, the robot leaned and put his mouth on JC's. He hesitantly kissed him, softly but never backing off. JC moaned, he had wanted to feel Justin's lips on his forever and this was it, even if it was only a dream he was experiencing while being awake.

JC finally pushed the robot away. "This isn't right, Justin" "I think I love you, JC" JC's eyes watered all over again... he had always dreamed of hearing those words coming from Justin, but this wasn't real. "Please, don't say that ever again" "Why not? The worst thing is not being able to tell someone you love him and you know it" "Yes, I know, but this can't possibly be... you have got to understand it... you're not a human being, as much as I would like to, I can't love you... and believe me, I would like to" "But I can love you, JC. I already do" "Don't make this more difficult for me, Justin. You know it is not possible" "You could love me if you wanted to" "But I can't! Imagine what will happen in 20 years. I will be 45 and you will be still the same young man, Justin. I want to grow old with him" "He doesn't love you back, but I do" "You don't have to remind me," said JC with tears in his eyes. "There must be a way, JC" "The only way would be that you were human" "Then I will become human, JC" "Come on, Justin. You're not Pinocchio and Fairy Godmothers don't exist" "Just love me a little," Justin asked with the saddest look JC had ever seen. JC hugged him and kissed his lips softly. He said nothing. //The worst part is that I do, Justin. I love you so much//


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