Art Imitates Life

By rye encoke

Published on Jun 8, 2005



Authors Notes: This is just a short story, one chapter, that came from a small snippet of a memory I had. Most of my ideas for stories (of which I have about 60 half started) start like this you will read below. An idea or scene that I will write out. Some never get beyond the paragraph stage, some become a chapter or two and are put aside for me to work on later, others become full fledged stories. For now this is a single chapter, but I find that I like the characters and I am sure someday they will have their entire story told.

The characters below are mine and I hope you like the story, but please don't post it anywhere without my permission. Although there is no actual sex in this story, it is a story about a gay relationship so if it is illegal for you to be here then please leave now. Enjoy.

Oh and if you wonder what it was that inspired this story try to guess as you read and then look for the answer at the end of the story.

I was happily moving through the dark hallway leading to "The Grotto" our campus dance club. I was hoping Ernie my beautiful boyfriend was still there. I had bailed on him because I had finally managed to get some dark room time and had managed to actually develop 12 rolls of pictures. I was well ahead in my photography class now and I had just finished my oil on canvas piece so I had the rest of the weekend free.

I moved through the crowd carefully, looking for Ernie amongst the crowd. I waved to a couple people from some of my classes as I made eye contact with them. I ended up at the bar and ordered a double gin and tonic then headed for a table. I walked past the hallway that led to the bathrooms and looked down out of habit and felt like I had been slammed into a wall.

There was Ernie and some girl making out. Not anything innocent that I could misconstrue. No this was all out. His hand under her shirt, her hand down his pants, mouths open tongues groping, hetero making out. I dropped my drink in shock and it was enough noise to attract the woman's attention. It was that bitch Liza who smirked at me. Ernie suddenly realized the action was stopped and opened his eyes and looked at her then followed her eyes to look at me.

"Jase," he said suddenly and his eyes filled with horror.

I turned and ran with his voice calling my name. I finally made it home and just threw myself onto the floor and sobbed. I was waiting for Ernie to walk in and tell me it was all a mistake and beg me to forgive him. But after about a half hour I realized that wasn't going to happen. I stood up and literally dusted myself off and began to pack my stuff. Just what I would need for the next few days until I could get someone to help move it all. I locked the door and with tears still in my eyes I left my life behind me not knowing what I would do now.

Luckily as I got to the door of the apartment Julie building ran in.

"Oh God Jase I'm so sorry. What are you doing?" she asked looking at the two suitcases.

"Leaving. Nowhere to go but can't stay. He didn't come back. He didn't follow me out," I said woodenly then burst into tears and was taken into Julie's arms. I never even questioned how she knew to come to me.

"You can move in with me. The girls all love you and by now have already set up the attic for ya. You can use the third floor bathroom with me and Mandy," Julie said softly and then with her arm still around me led me out to her car.

The drive was mercifully short and soon I was in the entryway of the sorority house being hugged by the sisters of Omega Gamma Omega.

"Oh sweetie we are so sorry," Helen said as she grabbed one of my bags.

"Come on it's no time to be alone. Go up and change into jammies and come down to the media room and we can all bitch about guys," Allison said.

I nodded dumbly and followed behind Helen and Julie as we climbed to the attic. The attic was actually originally the room for the house mother but since the rules for sororities off campus had changed there was no longer a house mother and in fact no real rules other than what the current sister's came up with. Obviously the no man in the house rule was being broken in a big way for me, because I was gay of course, but mostly because they all loved me.

The room was big and airy, basically a very large studio apartment.

"I don't know how I can ever..." I began.

"Shhh baby. With all you have done for us here in the house this is the least we can do. You are now to consider this your permanent home," Helen said.

Helen hugged me then left me with Julie. I broke down again and fell to my knees.

"Oh Jase I'm so sorry," Julie whispered as she rocked me.


Helen dialed a number on the phone.

"Hey it's me. He's here now. Julie got to him as he was leaving and brought him to the house. No he's a mess. Thanks for the tip. No he never even asked how we found out. Listen I know you want to be with him really bad but you are gonna have to give him time. He is just devastated about this and the bastard never even came back to try and convince him to stay. He must be out fucking that bitch. Okay well I gotta go. Remember to take things slow with him. If he asks do you want us to tell him how we found out? Oh okay then. Seeya later."

Back Upstairs

I sighed a deep sigh and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like shit. I mean I have seen people beaten that looked better than I did. I looked at my current wardrobe and smiled despite myself. I was wearing a set of flannel Bugs Bunny pajama's and I looked like a big 12 year old. Well not really. I guess now is as good a time as any to describe myself. When I haven't spent three hours crying uncontrollably I have a boyish look. Sorta like a dark haired River Phoenix. I wear small square black rimmed glasses, very hip, although they are just a fashion statement since I see perfectly well. I wear my hair fairly long and my green eyes are quite vivid. Despite all the time I spend on my photography and art I also manage to work out so my body is quite tight. Okay so I suck at describing myself. Shoot me.

All the girls in the house lusted after me when we first met, they all said so, most of them openly touching me when they caught me at the gym. But eventually I became just another one of the girls or a little/big brother. I was stupid smart and so had tutored many of them over the last two years which also earned me much love and respect.

I sighed again and left the bathroom I would be sharing with Julie and her partner Mandy, and made my way downstairs. I walked into the room to all the girls in various versions of night wear from flannel pj's like my own to simple robes or nightgowns. I managed to blush when all the girls oohed or aahed or whistled at me. I flung myself onto my stomach on the floor and put my head on a pillow to look up at the ceiling.

"Holy shit that's amazing," I nearly shouted as I saw the huge mural on the ceiling.

Everyone looked up then laughed.

"That's been there for three months since before the semester started. Leo painted it for us," Helen said.

"It's fucking amazing," I said as I gazed in wonder at the mural. It was like I was floating in space looking into the vast universe. There were stars and planets and like space dust and God it was just so beautiful.

"You haven't seen anything. Here watch," Mandy giggled as she went and turned the lights off and turned on a black light. The whole ceiling illuminated.

"Ooooh," I said in awe.

"Now watch when we turn out the lights completely. You will have to give it a minute or so for your eyes to adjust," Terry said and the room went black.

I looked up into the dark then I began to see it. Painted into the scene was the night sky as if you were outside looking up. The constellations and random stars had been painted into the mural with glow-in-the-dark paints. It was amazing.

"Leo did this?" I whispered in awe.

"Yeah," someone answered me back also in a whisper.

"Could we just leave it like this for a bit?" I asked again in a whisper.

"Sure baby. Just relax okay." Julie said.

I never heard anyone leaving and don't know when I fell asleep but I woke up the next morning to the sun shining across the floor onto my face.

"Morning sweetie," Lisa said from the couch.

"Morning," I mumbled.

"Coffee is in the kitchen and most of the girls are out," Lisa said.

"Why didn't anyone wake me," I asked as I sat up and stretched.

"Whoa!" Lisa said then turned away, "Jase honey I think you need new buttons on your pajama bottoms.

I looked down in horror to find my very erect 9 inch dick sticking straight up.

"Oh geez I'm so sorry," I said as I put myself away.

"It's okay, it's not like you did it on purpose. But just for the record that is the prettiest dick I have ever seen," Lisa said and I blushed furiously, "And as for your question well nobody had the heart to wake you."

I smiled a bit and looked back up at the ceiling looking at the planets and comets and stardust, then back at Lisa.

"Thanks, I don't know how I will ever thank you all for last night. I guess I should get dressed and get out there and start looking for a place to live," I said as I climbed up off the floor working out the kinks.

"Hold it right their mister. Why would you need a place? What's wrong with here?" Lisa demanded.

"I can't stay here in the sorority house. I don't want to be a charity case," I said.

"Screw that. You have already been officially added to the house registry as permanent guest. You are expected to contribute to the food and help with cleaning and laundry just like any of us but that's it. The top floor was not even being used and you need a place. So unless you hate us or are offended to be living with a bunch of women or some other macho shit then you aren't moving an inch buster," Lisa said.

I suddenly laughed and smiled and went and hugged her.

"Okay okay, but I need at least one week's notice before you are all pms'ing so I can get the hell outta Dodge. Thanks girl you have no idea what this means to me," I said.

"Hey sweetie, did Lisa tell you yet?" Julie asked as she walked in and gave me a hug.

"That I'm staying? Yeah she read me the riot act and even called me macho," I giggled.

"Macho? What you been smoking Lisa?" Julie laughed then turned to me, "And of course you are staying, but that's not what I meant."

"Umm, then no?" I answered with a question.

"Come on then," Julie pulled me along behind her and down to the basement.

"If you are planning on murdering me and hiding my body down here then at least let me change into something sexy," I said as I pointed to my flannel bunny shirt.

"Pfffft, when you die I plan on sneaking in and putting you in fishnet's and a push up bra. No this is better," Julie said as we trooped through the laundry room to a big door that looked like it belonged on a deep freeze. Julie turned to me with a big smile.

"Okay. What now?" I asked confused.

"Open it stupid," she said with a roll of her eyes.

I stuck my tongue out at her and opened the door to....a dark room. A fully equipped massive dark room.

"Oh my God," I said in shock and turned to Julie.

"It was a surprise for Christmas. Since Leo is in the art program and needs a dark room as well and next year Mandy's brother will be here and two of our girls will need one, well we put it in. This year only you and Leo will be using it though. Surprised?" she asked.

I couldn't even answer as I walked through the room looking at the equipment. It was actually better equipped than the university dark room. I reached out and touched the equipment with a shaky hand. At the end of the second year of the applied arts program I had to chose my concentration. I had been struggling with it loving both the painting and the photography courses. I finally gave up the debate and did a double major. It made my schedule a nightmare but I was doing what I loved.

"How did you guys pay for this?" I had to ask.

"It was donated by an anonymous donor. See look at the plaque," Julie pointed with an odd smile on her face.

I moved to the plaque next to the door and read:

Donated to the Omega Gamma Omega Sisters in honor of

Jason Gregory Samuel a truly brilliant artist. May all who

follow behind him be inspired by his presence.

I turned to Julie in shock and something else, not fear but something odd.

"What the fuck?" I asked.

Her face fell, "What?"

"What is this about? Who did this?" I pointed at the plaque.

"I can't tell you," she said.

"But you know?" I asked and she nodded, "Then you better fucking tell me."

She shook her head, "I can't. We were forbidden. It was donated by someone who admires you and your work, that's all I can say."

I shook my head feeling suddenly like I was being stalked.

"Look it's nothing creepy I swear. But you were in a relationship and unapproachable. That's all I can say. Even that is too much," Julie said softly as if afraid someone would hear her.

"So someone is after me? Like, likes me? Are they trying to buy me or something then?" I asked.

"No not at all. If you and fuckup were still together you would have still used the dark room and the attic was supposed to be your studio but you would never have known who it was. Just an anonymous donor," she said.

"You said if, if I was still with Ernie I would never know who it was, but I'm not with him anymore so does that mean I will know eventually?" I asked.

Her eyes got wide at being caught, "Damn I hate you are so smart. Okay yes you will meet him one day. Now you might as well go upstairs and change and see the rest of the surprise so you get all the piss out of you at once."

My eyes got big as I thought of what she said. She had said the attic where I was now living was supposed to become a studio. Damn. I ran up the three flights of stairs, thank God for working out, and entered my loft only to stop so suddenly in shock I nearly fell over. The place was filled with canvases. I mean several dozens, all shapes and sizes from little 1 foot square canvases to massive 6 foot canvasses. Boxes of paints and brushes were in the center of the floor. There were a half dozen different cameras and cases of lenses and more cases of film. On top of it all was a card with a bow on it.

I moved and took the card and read it:

Dear Jason,

Please accept these gifts from someone who truly

admires your work. Supplies for the dark room

and any paint supplies you need you can put on

the account below at the university supply store.

Also please accept the credit card enclosed.

There is no limit on it but please try to keep

it under 10 grand a month. You can think of me

as your patron. I expect nothing from you except

that you devote yourself to your work.

An admirer of fine art in all its forms.

I stood there stunned holding the two credit cards in my hand. I felt Julie come in beside me and take the letter from my hand. She whistled in appreciation.

"I can't take this stuff," I said.

"You sure as shit can," she said.

"No. I mean this guy sounds sick. I am actually kind of scared," I said as I looked at her.

Julie looked at me, obviously conflicted, then came to a decision.

"Do you trust me Jase?" she asked.

I nodded immediately.

"Do you trust the girls? Mandy, Helen, Terry, Lisa?" she asked and I nodded again.

"We all know about this and know who did this okay. We just can't say anything. Trust us this is not sick. The guy is super sweet and once he believes you are truly over fuckup and he feels secure, well he will approach you. He is very very insecure about himself," she said.

"Is he some old troll?" I asked.

"No he is your age and he is gorgeous and that is all I can tell you. If he finds out I told you this much my ass is grass. Just don't sweat it okay. Take the gifts as they were meant, a token of appreciation for your art," Julie said.

"And his undying love for me," I said sarcastically.

"And that would be so bad? You have had two serious relationships both of which fucked you over. This guy is different Jason. For once in your life just accept that something wonderful is about to happen to you. God you just thrive on being the drama queen don't you," Julie threw up her hands in exasperation then left.

I stared at the door she had left through and then went to the phone beside the bed I had yet to sleep in. I dialed the university supply store.

"Hi this is Jason Samuel. I understand an account has been opened in my name there?" I asked and my eyebrows rose in surprise as the person confirmed I did indeed have an account there now.

"And can you tell me the limit on the account?" I asked and this time my mouth dropped as I was quickly informed I had no limit.

"And who pays the account?" I asked feeling very superior as I was about to find out who my patron, as he had dubbed himself, was. I was disappointed however when I was informed the account was drawn from a numbered bank account and that the store had no idea who paid it. I thanked the clerk and hung up and dialed the number on the back of the credit card.

"Hello I would like to confirm my credit limit please," I said to the operator. I gave the account number and waited. Finally I was informed that the card was a double platinum executive card and had no limit but that on a single purchase over 10 thousand dollars or if I spent more than 30 thousand in a single day they would temporarily freeze the account for 24 hours until they could confirm that it was indeed me spending the money and not someone else.

I sat back after hanging up the phone and just stared at the room. In the next few hours of sitting there in my flannel jammies I went through a whole change in how I looked at things. By the time I finally stood up to change I was actually a different person. So what had I decided, how had I altered myself? First I was over Ernie. I always knew he was no good for me but I sort of thrived on the whole bad relationship thing. Second, I was going to devote myself to my art full time, I mean I had worked at my art but it was always sort of a hobby. I never really thought I would become an artist, I would get a job in retail and do my art on the side. But now, now I was going to be an artist. And finally, I was going to let myself accept whatever this secret admirer patron would give me. I did trust Julie implicitly, and the other girls as well though not as much as I did Julie. If she believed all those things she said then I believed her and would wait for my prince charming to come to me.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Julie raised an eyebrow at me. I had decided on some appearance changes as well. I now had my hair loose instead of tied back and I had left the glasses behind.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. I'm just glad you accepted it as all," she said.

I actually slumped my shoulders and looked sad, "How do you do that?"

"Do what?" she asked.

"Know about me before I tell you," I said.

She shrugged.

"Fine so I accepted it. I decided I am gonna start myself over. I am going to really be an artist," I said.

"Well duh, so what's changed," she asked as she handed me a coffee.

"Aha, so you don't know it all," I gloated then continued as she gave me a dirty look, "Okay well to be honest I never really believed I was good enough and never had enough confidence I guess to think I would ever be an artist. I figured I would graduate and end up working in a mall, making paintings for my friends for Christmas and maybe selling photos to a magazine every now and then."

"Really? Jesus Jason you've got to be kidding. You're one of the most amazing artists I have ever seen and your photos are just....." she waved her hands vaguely as she struggled for words then just gave up.

"I know. Well I don't really. I never even took myself seriously. But this guy does. This young hot guy right?" I asked again.

She rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Okay so this guy does. He thinks enough of my art, or at least of me, to basically support me as I study. I'm going to be a serious artist Julie. I am going to really put myself into my art and make myself something. If this guy believes in me then how can I not believe in myself. And I do good work Julie. Some of my stuff is really good. But I could be great Julie. I just fly through these courses and take my grades, but I could be someone Julie. I really could," I said.

Julie looked at me for a long time. I expected her to make a comment about my ego or something. Finally though she put down her coffee and hugged me.

"Welcome to your life Jason, I can't wait to see you live it," she said.

We left together to head back to the apartment to pick up the few things there that I wanted. I had decided that since the attic was furnished and very little of what was in the apartment had any real value that I was just leaving it. I would get the rest of my clothes, my art and photo supplies and some cd's and pictures. Other than that Ernie could keep the rest and do with it what he wanted.

The trip to the apartment was quiet, not because I was upset, on the contrary I was almost exhilarated. This was just a part of my old life and it would soon be over. I looked out the window and didn't realize I had a smile on my face. I never looked over at Julie to see the odd looks she was giving me or how she suddenly clued in to my own thoughts and smiled and nodded. We passed the park and something caught my eye.

"Stop," I said loudly.

Julie stopped quickly, not like slam on the brakes squeal the tires, but quick nonetheless.

"What?" she asked with concern.

"Damn I don't have a camera," I cursed as I got out of the car and moved back to the position I had first seen it.

Julie parked the car and came to me. She looked where I was looking and sighed.

"How do you see shit like that. Here it's just my 35mm but you should be able to make it happen," she said and handed me the camera. I moved a bit and focused and then snapped the photo a dozen times till the film ran out.

I put the camera down and sighed. I felt Julie place her arms on my shoulders.

"Jason you are amazing really. I don't know how you can see things like that. I would have driven by and never noticed," she said and I shrugged my shoulders suddenly embarrassed.

We stood and watched the scene. The little boy, maybe 6, bending down and tying the shoelaces of the older man, probably his grandfather. His little fingers working so carefully, his mouth a study in concentration, one little knee on the ground and the other one up so that his foot was beside the old man's. The older man, his cane across his lap, his one hand resting on the boys head and the look of pure love on his face.

I turned to look at Julie, "This guy? If I want to talk to him or give him something, if I give it to you can you get it to him?"

Julie looked at me, "No tricks? You won't follow me or try to find out who it is?"

"I promise. He has given me a new life really so I will give him his time. But I also am not gonna hold myself back. If he wants a relationship with me he has to obviously make the first move and there is no guarantee I will feel anything for him. And if I meet someone else I am not gonna let them go just for this mystery guy," I said.

Julie nodded, "Okay then. I can be a go between. I only ask one thing though. You give this guy till the end of this school year. Thats a little less than 6 months. You don't get serious about anyone during that time. If he can't reveal himself to you and proclaim himself in that time then you can go ahead and do what you want."

I thought about it then finally agreed. The chances of me finding anyone in that time was slim especially if I didn't go looking. I would just focus on my art which was what I wanted any way.

"Okay let's go then," she said.

Ernie wasn't at the apartment when I got there so we packed up the rest of the stuff I wanted, left a brief but to the point note and went back to the sorority house.

I couldn't contain my excitement as I ran down to the dark room with Julie's camera in hand. Finally the shots were developed. The first two were crap, but the third, God the third. I couldn't help myself but I felt a tear leak from my eye as I stared at this picture I had taken. It was so beautiful. I spent the next hour framing it perfectly then writing a small note.

Dear Patron

I must tell you that at first my reaction was

fear and anger. I felt, and still do to some

extent that I am being manipulated and stalked.

But Julie and the girls apparently all trust you.

I have been told you have feelings for me. (Please

don't be mad at the girls) and that you never made

a move because I was with someone. Well I have

left him and believe it or not I am over him. No

it's not too quick, I knew for a long time he was

no good for me and I just needed this one last push.

I don't know how or where you see me, I am assuming

you are also a student or maybe a teacher, but I

have altered my appearance a little. Julie will

tell you my terms for accepting your gifts and for

you coming to me to proclaim your love. I can't

promise how I will feel to you.

Please accept this picture I took on this the first

day of my new life which you have played a large

part in.

Sincerely Jason Gregory Samuel.

I ran downstairs calling Julie.

"What?" Julie asked a bit annoyed as she took in my flushed face and heavy breathing.

"Take this to him?" I asked with begging eyes.

"What? Who?" she asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Take this picture I took today to him along with this note. Tell him what we talked about. That he has 6 months to reveal himself to me as it were," I explained as I handed the note and picture to her.

She looked at the picture she held and her eyes filled up.

"Oh Jase it's stunning," she said.

"Jason," I said and she looked at me oddly, "I'm Jason now, not Jase or J. I'm Jason."

"You're such a prat," she said then hugged me.

Julie's POV

"Hey. I got something for you from Jason," I said and saw the look of fear across his face as he looked around quickly to make sure I was alone.

"You didn't tell him did you?" he asked.

"I told him some," I said then continued at his look, "I had to tell him something. You seriously freaked him out. He thinks he is being stalked by some old troll. So I told him you were young and hot and very very shy. He has given you till the end of the school year to tell him how you feel," I said.

I handed him the note and the picture. He stared at the picture for a long time but I stayed and watched him as he took it in. I saw a tear fall onto the glass before he looked up.

"It's beautiful," he said and I nodded.

"He told me he never really took himself seriously, that he never thought he was good enough. Then you did all you did and it made him really realize he could be great. He even said it himself, he will be great. But honey you need to tell him how you feel. You need to let him know it's you," I said then gestured, "there's a letter as well."

He startled a bit then opened the page and read, "His new life?"

"Yeah. He is Jason now and you can see it radiate from him. He's ready now and he's just waiting for you to come into his life and complete him. You must know what your next move, your only move, is Leo?" I asked.

Leo looked up at me with tears still in his eyes but also a smile.

"Care to take me shopping then back to the sorority house?" he asked.

I was shocked, pleasantly so, but shocked nonetheless.

"Really? Today?" I asked and he nodded then carefully placed the picture that Jason had given him on the mantle.

"I need to go pick up some flowers first though," he said then looked at me worried, "It should be okay to give him flowers right?"

I rolled my eyes and nodded. Soon we were on our way back to the sorority house, Leo clutching a dozen long stemmed roses in his hands. We parked in the driveway and he suddenly had a case of nerves.

"Wait. I don't know what to say to him. Take me back home please," he begged.

"No way. Look you are here now and we know he will just ask questions so just answer him as best you can," I said.

"I'm so scared. What if he hates me? He said I was manipulating him or stalking him. I want to go home Julie," he said in near tears.

Jason's POV

I saw Julie drive in and ran to the car to see how things went. I was so shocked to see Leo sitting with her and then it all clicked into place. He had been there at the club. It was him who had called Julie. It was him who had done it all. I knew his family was loaded and he was the sole heir when their plane had went down. I moved to his open window and caught sight of the roses and heard him beg to be taken home.

I reached in and gently turned his face to mine.

"Hello Leo. I can't tell you how pleased I am that it's you. Would you be terribly upset if I kissed you?" I asked but didn't wait for his response as I leaned forward and touched our lips together and suddenly my whole world made sense.

I moved back and saw the tears streaming from his closed eyes.

"You okay Leo?" I asked softly.

"Can you do it again? Just in case this is a dream I want it to be a really good dream," he said. I couldn't help but chuckle.

I leaned forward again and this time put my hand on the back of his head and drew him to me. This kiss was much more. I opened my mouth and probed his lips with my tongue until he opened his mouth. I was quickly rewarded with a deep moan and his whole body shivered. Then he pulled away his eyes wide and panicked.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He looked in terror at me then down at his lap. If he had been wearing jeans or dark pants nobody ever would have known. But of course my new boyfriend was wearing tan chinos and the large wet spot where his very hard dick was tenting up was more than obvious.

I once again reached out and tilted his head so his eyes met mine.

"Don't worry Leo. Let's get you upstairs, out of those pants and into the bed where we can snuggle all day and talk about how much we were meant to be together," I said.

I opened the door and took the flowers that he suddenly thrust at me. We walked in the front door, Julie behind us.

"Hey is that you Jason? I saw that shot you did of the..." Lisa's eyes went wide as she took in Leo and I holding hands. Roses in my other hand. The large wet spot on Leo's pants. I hoped to God she would not say anything to make this harder for Leo.

Very discreetly she smiled and took the roses from my hand, "I'll put these in water. Just leave Leo's pants outside your door and I can throw in a load to wash."

She said it softly and with much love and then kissed my cheek then kissed Leo's.

Leo and I slowly walked up the steps. I had to lead him as he never took his eyes from me. As we walked to the attic various people saw us. Every one of them looked at us and at Leo's pants but every single one of them smiled gently and kissed us both.

Finally we were at my room. I opened the door and led him in.

"I guess you have already been here before. Sorry I haven't had time to clean up the boxes you sent," I said.

Leo just nodded.

I led him to the bed where I gently undressed him, placing small kisses on his body as I revealed it. When I had him down to his boxers I slipped them off and cleaned up the sticky mess he had made. He was still rock hard. I smiled at him and then stepped back and slowly undressed myself.

I stood there looking at him for a long time and allowed him to look at me. Which he did. Finally I moved and pulled the covers back to the bed I had never used and guided him down.

"I.." he started then stopped.

"I know Leo. I know you have never been with anyone. For now we are just going to hold each other," I said and he nodded as I slid in beside him.

"I I love you," he said softly.

"I know Leo. And I love you as well, I just never let myself feel it until now. I was so stupid," I said.

There was a long pause and I moved to pull him close. Our warm bodies touched and I realized his body was shivering.

"Are you okay Leo? You're shivering," I asked.

"Just scared and happy and..." he began to cry.

"Shhhh. It's okay my love my Leo." I said as I rocked him in my arms.

The door opened softly and Julie smiled in. She crept across the floor and picked up Leo's clothes. Unfortunately the floor squeaked and Leo turned and saw her and I felt his body stiffen.

"It's okay Leo. Julie is my best friend and loves us both. She's just going to throw your stuff in the wash," I said softly and Julie quickly gathered everything up and left.

"I'm so embarrassed," he said as he buried his head in my shoulder.

"Don't be. I'm not. It was lovely," I said.

He looked into my eyes, "It was lovely that I came in my pants like a school kid."

"Yes. It showed me how much you felt for me. I was very very honored and pleased what you did for me," I said.

He looked into my eyes searching to see if I was mocking him. When he saw that I wasn't he leaned forward to kiss me but then stopped.

"Go ahead Leo. I want it. Kiss me like you have wanted to for who knows how long," I said.

He moved forward again and pressed his lips to mine and opened his mouth. I pulled his body to mine and he rolled a bit so he was on top of me. I felt both of our hard dicks touch. This time I shivered with him. Finally he pulled away.

"I love you Leo," I whispered.

I felt him lay his head on my chest and felt his tears touch my skin.

Ten years later

"Thank you for coming ladies and gentleman to this evening's auction. We thank you for your generous bids tonight and so far we have raised 4 million for charity. Our final and featured piece is up next. Ladies and gentlemen our final lot is entitled Love In the Attic, an original work by Jason Gregory Samuel. The bidding will start at 250 thousand," the auctioneer said.

The painting showed two bodies in a bed. The lighting was such that you couldn't see who it was. On the floor was two sets of clothing, one was a pair of tan pants with a dark stain on the front. At the foot of the bed were strewn a dozen roses.

Backstage Leo held his partners hand.

"I can't believe you are giving that away?" Leo said.

"The money is going to a good charity, besides we have more than enough money to last us several lifetimes," Jason responded as he brought Leo's hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss.

"That's not what I mean and you know it. And I can't believe you painted the cum stain on the pants," Leo said in mock outrage.

"It was and still is one of the most special things in my life," Jason said as he turned to look in his lover's eyes.

Leo looked at his lover and then kissed him before pulling back and saying softly, "You say the sweetest things."

They both turned back to the stage as the auctioneer's gavel came down, "Sold for 4 million dollars to the lady in the back."

The news the next day

"And last nights charity auction raised an astonishing 8 million dollars. 32 pieces were auctioned last night and raised 4 million dollars but it was world famous artist Jason Samuel's piece entitled Love in the Attic that caused the most stir, finally selling for 4 million dollars on its own. This will surely raise the value of his work both in oils and photos and the Metropolitan has announced they will be opening their doors for an extra 6 hours each day and on weekends as well to let the current Samuel's exhibit be viewed by all those wishing to see it. For the last month the exhibit has had to turn people back each night at closing. Jason and his partner Leo were seen leaving the auction together laughing but were unavailable for comment."


More Author's Notes: So what was your guess? What memory of my own formed the basis for this story? If you guessed the picture of the little boy tying his grandfather's shoe you are wrong. Although that incident actually happened, I added it afterwards as a very special memory. I had just learned to tie my own shoelaces and my Grampa was sitting on a bench as I fed the birds. I noticed his shoe was untied and so very proudly told him I could tie it. I knelt down just like I described in the story and tied his shoe, eventually. In the twenty minutes it took me to tie his shoe my mom had taken the picture. Unfortunately that picture was lost during a move to another city. But it's image is forever in my mind.

No the real memory that this little story was based on was the cum stained pants. I was 16 and had my first boyfriend. I was sleeping over at his house, his parents gone and just his older sister there. We were wrestling in the den and, well, he came. We ran upstairs and he got undressed and so did I. We forgot about the pants until his sister came in later once we were in bed and picked them up, telling us she would throw them in the wash for us. We were mortified but then giggled for hours at being caught. So there ya go. The creative process at work... sorta.

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