
By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Sep 22, 2000


(ws/scat/masochism/some bisex)


Roger had a worthless nephew, Mel. He was about 22, never worked, and was always hitting Roger up for a touch. I guess he'd tried in the past to get him jobs and set him up, but the guy just blew it every time so Roger finally gave up. All he wanted to do was 'fuck babes and smoke dope.' If Roger hadn't been rich he would have told the guy to fuck off. As it was, he was so disappointed in him that he decided to get something for his money. So he got off on humiliating him.

We were in the hotel room in Los Angeles. Mel comes bipping through the door about 2 in the afternoon, tall, lanky long- haired and unshaven. I couldn't tell if he was good-looking or not with all that ugly hair on his face. "Hey, Unc! How they hanging?" He shook his uncle's hand.

"They're hanging quite nicely, Melvin. Nobody's cut yours off yet, I presume."

"Nope, but there's some chicks that'd sure like to!" he laughed.

"Still got all your brains in your balls, hunh?"

"They get me by." He grabbed his crotch and did a macho gesture.

"Heh, them and my money!"

"Yeah, well, I sure appreciate it, you know. Who's this? One of your little fag buddies?" He looked at me with obvious contempt.

"Best cocksucker in town," he complimented me, unperturbed at the guy's attitude. Me? I was far beyond blushing by then. "How much you want this time?"

"Uh, well, I was thinking about two th-thousand? Something to get me set up with this deal I got going with this fellow that..."

"Spare me the details," Roger cut him off. "You're just gonna smoke it, snort it, or spend it on don't bullshit me. Take your clothes off."

He shrugged knowingly, with a slight nervous embarrassment creeping into his expression. "Yeah, I know the drill." He started to strip. "Still get a thrill seein' me naked, hunh? Okay, I could go for a good blowjob," he declared, smugly.

"Who you kidding, you turd? I haven't suck your worthless prick since you were 16. Now get the fuck out of those clothes!" Roger was getting obviously belligerent now, and the hostility was suddenly making Mel rather docile. He knew he was going to be mistreated and was prepared to take it. One thing was obvious. Being nude didn't bother him much. In fact, when he finally stood there naked--his dick sadly shriveled up--he still had a cocky attitude as if we were drooling over his heterosexual goodies!

"He gonna blow me?" he asked, looking at me.

"HA! Tom wouldn't foul his mouth with your little peepee! Now turn around and bend over. Spread your cheeks and show Tom your grungy asshole. He loves assholes but he won't like yours. I just wanna make you feel silly showing it off. SPREAD 'EM, ASSHOLE!"

"Jeez!" he muttered, obeying, spreading his crack wide for our--my--inspection. He had a flat ass that looked a lot better in that position but not good enough. A monstrously big, bright pink hole surrounded by a ring of long curly black hairs. I could never tell about Roger, but I found it quite unappealing.

"Would you believe?" Roger said to me, "I used to suck that fuckin' shithole! Looked a lot better when he was young. Alright, turn back're grossing us out!"

"Shit, you used to like it. Hell, you used to like my shit, too!"

"Yeah, musta been really perverted back then, I guess. Course that was when you were a young kid with a tasty shithole. Now you're just a total shithole!" He looked at me. "It's a shame, Tom. Now Mel's nothing more than a walking, talking smelly turd!"

"Okay, what're you gonna make me do this time? I gotta jack off and eat my own cum again?"

"For two thousand bucks?!!" Roger laughed. "That was for $300. I'm gonna take a shit in your face, you fuck!"

"Ho, no!" he cried, pulling up his pants. "I'm gettin' out of here. No dice! You and your fuckin' shit games! Forget it!"

Roger calmly turned to me. "Kid thinks there's sweat on my balls. He's not going anywhere." Mel was heading for the front door, hearing everything Roger was saying. "He'll get to the door, but he won't leave. Let's watch him!"

"Fuckin' asshole! You got dough comin' out your bunghole, you selfish prick! Always gotta make me grovel for it. WELL, FUCK YOU! Take a shit in MY face, hunh?" He hesitated at the door. "Why do you hafta be such a prick? You're my fuckin' favorite uncle! I even blew you a couple of times! And let you suck my ass any time you wanted!" He had his hand on the knob. "FUCKIN' BASTARD!" He walked back, screaming at Roger. "WHY DO YOU TREAT ME LIKE THIS?!!"

"Cause you're a good-for-nothing, cunt-sucking leech, of course."

Mel stood there, shaking in anger and confusion, staring at the floor. But Roger wouldn't let up.

"See? He's breaking down. Yep, for two thousand bucks he's gonna take a turd in the face."

"Um," Mel lifted his head, "he ain't gonna watch, is he? It's bad enough. I don't want no fruit watching me!"

Roger sighed. "Mel, you don't give a're gonna do it anyway, right? Take your fuckin' pants back off. Lay across that hassock with your face up. Tom loves to watch me shit," he exaggerated, "and I've saved up a big one for you. He sure doesn't want to miss out on it." He stood up and took his pants off, flopping his prick around. He crooked his finger. I knelt down and started to suck Roger's prick--getting it nice and hard. I didn't care about being watched, especially with this guy. I was digging his humiliation. Mel was again naked, laying over the hassock, watching. I gave him a good show. "Best cocksucker in town!" Roger grinned at Mel. "Gettin' a boner?"

"Fuck no! Let's get this over with! You guys can fuck around all you want after I leave."

"Ah, you still have a mouth like a cunt, Mel." He pulled his prick from my mouth. He pushed the hassock, sliding it across the floor until it banged against the couch. Then he climbed onto the couch, onto the large pillows, and aimed his dick downward. "Here, suck it!"

"Aw, come on," he complained.


Mel looked my way, then swallowed his pride. He swallowed Roger's prick. He had his eyes closed, a pained expression on his face, but he sucked on his uncle's dick like a blowboy from the bowery!

"Yeah, kid used to love it til he decided he was a cunt- man."

"I didn't love it. I did it but...only cause you talked me into it."

"Shut up and suck! On second thought, never mind. You're a rotten cocksucker anyway. Here, lick my balls instead."

Grinning, feeling a bit of the flavor of arrogance myself, I unzipped and pulled my prick out and sat there brazenly jacking off. Mel saw it out of the corner of his eye and did a little double-take. Roger caught it, and lifted the boy by the chin. "Big, isn't it? Wanna suck it for him?"

"N-no, of course not!" he gulped. "Can I stop? Your balls are that I've licked off all the grunge!"

"Heh, heh! Grunge, hunh? You want grunge, I'll let you lick my ass."

The guy started to get up, but Roger quickly pressed down on his shoulders, pressing him to the hassock. "Don't worry, punk. I'm not changing the rules. Just thought you might want to, that's all."

"I only did it that once. AND I DIDN'T LIKE IT!" he cried, "DIDN'T! Hell, I was only a kid. That was the same day you... made me take a shit for you."

"Ah, yes! A lovely turd it was, as I recall. Wanna taste my ass before I do it, Tommy? I'm about ready."

I didn't particularly, but enjoyed outraging the guy. "Sure. Back it up over here. We don't want any nasty smells to bother Mel when you put it in his face." Staring at Mel and fondling his prick, Roger backed up and bent slightly. I put my face up his ass and noisily licked all around his hole. It was slightly pungent, but I was quite used to it and was learning to enjoy the taste and smell. Of course, I'd leave the turd to Mel! As I licked, I could tell the way his anus loosened up that it was ready to begin expanding. I quickly poked my tongue inside for a second, feeling nasty about it. I barely touched what I thought I would, tickled my tongue on it, then quickly backed off.

Roger didn't make him lick it, or attempt to push it into his mouth. He just turned and backed his ass up to Mel and instantly shit in his face! Right between the eyes! Mel had his eyes and mouth closed, a pained expression on his face, as the turd hit his forehead, broke off, and fell across his nose. Mel started to cough, but otherwise he didn't move. Roger shot another turd out, moving his ass back and forth, rubbing the end of it over Mel's nose and smearing it with traces of shit. That turd fell, also, and Roger turned around to survey the damage.

"Okay, you little brown-noser! No, don't rub it off yet. Leave that shit on your nose. Now pick up those turds and take them into the toilet. Yes, you dumb fuck...with your bare hands! Okay, now take them in and flush 'em. Feel free to sniff and lick first if you want," he laughed, "then wash your hands, grab some toilet paper, and come out here and wipe my ass! Oh, grab that hand mirror while you're at it."

Mel gritted his teeth, held his temper, and held the turds. He had a disgusted look on his face, but the worst was over--he hoped. He obviously wasn't going to fuck up now. You could read what he was thinking in his eyes--shit washes off. He left the room.

"He's kinda fun, hunh? I think his disgust is real, but he definitely enjoys being humiliated. He keeps coming back!"

"How far do you think he'd go?" I asked.

"Oh, I suppose if I wanted to pay his price, I could crap right in his mouth!" We heard the water running. "But it really doesn't interest me that much. I had his best years. Unless you want to play around with him?" He gave me a lecherous grin.

"His asshole's so ugly," I said. "Maybe if I shaved it, it might be interesting to see him take a shit. I'm not sure."

"Well, love, whatever raises your bone. Make any deal you want. Just remember that he'll probably come cheaper than he says. He'll probably suck shit to be able to shoot shit into his arm. Druggies will debase themselves easy...and he's even more susceptible to being subjected to obscenities!"

"Do your plan first...I'll think about it."

Mel returned. "Here's the mirror." He handed it to Roger.

"Keep it. And get that stupid look off your face. The shit's on top of your can hardly even smell it. Here, wipe my asshole."

Roger had kept his butt hanging over the edge of the couch to not smear any around. Now, he lifted his legs and bared it as Mel took the toilet paper and gingerly wiped him off. Roger took the papers from him.

"Mmmm. Smells damn good! You must love it hanging on your face like that! Now sit there on the end of the hassock and start playing with yourself. Work your prick up and lift the mirror to your face. Jack off. I wanna see you get off while you stare at your shitcoated nose. No closing your eyes. I want you to have a tremendous orgasm while you witness what filthy thing you're willing to do for money!"

"That's right, Uncle Roger, for money! Don't forget that. This is filthy...but only cause you're the filthy pervert making me do it!"

"Making you? You wanna walk out?"

Mel didn't answer. He scowled and lifted the mirror. He spread his legs apart and started to flog his meat.

We watched him for a while. Watched as his prick began to rise and stiffen into a handy, workable form as he looked at his image. Surprisingly, his 'little peepee' was expanding into a fair-sized, but rather skinny prick.

"Rest back a second," Roger directed, "lift your legs and show us your asshole again. Tommy wants to see it."

"Yeah?" He was getting turned on. He placed the mirror on the floor and reached down and grabbed his ankles, spreading his ass apart with a sarcastic, crooked grin. He purposely caused his big anus to flex and throb obscenely. "Wanna lick it out for me?"

"No," I bent forward and stared at it. "Just wanna see if it's as ugly as I thought. Yep, it sure is! Thanks, that's enough!"

"All assholes are ugly," he scowled, rising back up, "but I didn't think that bothered butt-suckin' queers like you!"

I just chuckled and removed my pants. I leaned over and sucked on Roger's prick, getting it nice and wet. Then I straddled his hips and sat down on it--driving it up my ass with a gasp! Mel stared intently as I eased into Roger's lap and layed back on his chest...letting him take over. Giving Mel a lovely view, he humped his ass and fucked me in long, luxurious strokes. Cheek-to-cheek, we smiled at Mel.

"See what you're missing, you dumb putz?!" Roger said. "Go ahead, watch a while, then get back to your mirror."

"You want me to shoot all over the carpet?"

"So what? I don't care if it ends up dripping off the fucking ceiling! Hell, shoot it on us! Just pound that prick and look at your shitty nose. Remember how my turds felt and smelled. That'll get you off."

It got him off. Thinking we weren't paying attention to him, Mel got the mirror closer to his face and rubbed some of the shit on it. Now he could smell it better. His cock blasted off in all directions! Most of it splattered all over my thighs. I had my legs up on the edge of the couch and Roger was furiously humping in and out of my asshole with his long, penetrating prick. I squirted all over my chest as he dumped a heavy load up me! When I lifted off, I noticed his cock was quite clear, but gooey with cum. A lot of it had dripped onto his balls. Mel was straddled on the hassock, catching his breath.

"It's clean, Mel," I stated, lifting Roger's cock. "Two hundred dollars if you'll get down here and suck his cock clean!"

Dollar signs rolled in his eyes as he stared at the wet prick. Still..."Outta your ass?! Uh, two hundred? I guess it looks okay." He got to his knees and studied it.

"Lick it off his balls, too," I said.

He bit his lip. "Oh, okay." He lapped at Roger's nuts first, finding out what they tasted like. Cum with an extra tang. So far, not too debasing for him. He licked around the base, then ran his tongue up the shaft to the knob. Gobs of cum had been collected, and he quickly pulled his tongue into his mouth and swallowed it before licking around the other side and finally taking the prick in his mouth and sucking.

"How's my assjuice taste?" I asked him.

"Nah, it was clean."

"Wrong, bubba. Maybe there wasn't any shit on it, but you had to taste my assjuice on there! Right?"

"HEY, FUCK YOU IN THE...!" He suddenly shut up.

"Sorry, I just was royally fucked! As your tastebuds no doubt tell you."

He blushed, silently admitting the truth, and belligerently held out his hand. "$200! And my two thousand."

"See the banker, cocklick!" I smirked, acting real prissy, and fingering up the cum on my chest and brazenly licking it.

Mel looked to Roger. Roger calmly made a suggestion. "I'll give you the two hundred tonight, but..."

"HEY! WE MADE A DEAL! I...I did everything..." he hung his head. "You never cheated me before, Uncle."

"Hold on, fucklips. I'm not cheating you now, either. You earned'll get it. It's just that Tom has, I believe, some more ideas about how to use your cheap ass. Two hundred will get you through the night, but we may want you back here tomorrow. If I pay you all of it we won't see you again for six months. Hear him out."

Shifting his weight onto one foot, he looked at me with calm impatience. Then he sprawled on the floor and sat back against the wall with his legs spread. Even with all that had just transpired, he still managed a smug glare. "You don't like me and you think I've got an ugly ass. So what do you want?"

I crossed my arms over my chest and just looked at him for a moment, staring at his still-impressive, elongated cock, making him extremely uncomfortable. Finally, I spoke.

"I think your uncle's right. You're just a pisshole! You've got an asshole a mother wouldn't kiss. But, for some reason I think I'd like to see you take a shit. First I want to shave your asshole and get all that ugly, curly hair off of it. Oh, by the way, what do you feel about a guy pissing in your mouth?"

"WHAT?! You're nuts!"

"Oh, I'll figure out something for my nuts later. Now how about that piss?"

"Wha...what the hell do you think I am?"

"Oh, sweetie," I leaned forward, "we know what you are. We're just trying to negotiate your price! How much to drink a bladderful of my nice, warm piss? Don't get all upset, now. Just name your price."

His mouth hung open. "D-d-drink p-piss?"

"Yes, outta my cock. Hot, tangy, and fresh. My cock in your mouth. I empty myself and you drink it all down. What do you think?"

He closed his eyes and hung his head, looking quite submissive. What was he thinking? How it would taste? How much money? How that particular humiliation fitted into his needs? Instead of answering, he lifted his head and asked me this: "I'm not saying I'll go along with any of this crap but, why don't you just spit out every dirty detail you got going? I'll tell you what I'll do and what I won't do...then we can come to a round figure."

"Nope. Piece by piece. How much to drink piss?"

He thought for a moment and gave me an answer.

"How much to blow me while your uncle fucks your asshole?"

"How much to rim me?"

"How much for me to fuck you while you lick Roger's asshole?"

"Okay, so far there isn't anything you won't do. Let's try this. After I shave your asshole, I want to see you take a big, fat dump. Then, while Roger's fucking your ass, I want to get up close and see you get your face down there and lick on the mess you just made! How much to lick your own turd, Mel? How much? Don't say you won't do it...I know you will. How much, punk? How much to run your tongue over a hot, smelly clump of shit that just came out of your asshole and lick it?"

He curled up on the floor, hiding his crotch in embarrass- ment, and slowly lifted his teary eyes to me. I gulped heavily, thinking perhaps I'd gone too far.

Roger was calmly taking it all in.

"Y-you really think I'd do all that stuff? Even for money? I'm not as weird as you guys. I don't get off on it. Why are you treating me like this? Just cause I'm poor and broke?" His eyes were pleading. But I remembered what Roger had said and I trusted in his knowledge.

I got down between his legs and grabbed his now deflated cock. I looked up and noticed just a tinge of gleam. That satisfied me. Tenderly, I stared into his eyes.

"Mel, I've only known you now for about an hour. But, I can tell in just this short time that...well, if know... needed a little extra cash for something..."

"Yeah?" he nodded innocently.

"'d probably suck out a 70-year-old leper's asshole for a dime! How much for the whole trip?"

"You fuckin' little fag!" he pushed me away. "Alright! Twenty thousand dollars!" Roger chuckled, enjoying the hell out of it.

"Okay, okay," I was up and contemplating--still naked. "Let's say we cut that figure in half. Still interested?"

"Well...alright, ten thousand."

"Now, I figure most of your price is based on licking that turd, right? Let's say you only hafta lick on half of it. That's five thousand, right?"

"Hunh? Ha...half?'re confusing me."

"It's simple nan. We wanna see you do it, but good gracious! Even your turd's not worth ten thousand dollars! Especially when you're the one that gets to lick it! And you don't even want to do it. So let's make it even easier on you. I shave shit...and you only have to lick on a quarter of it--just all over the end of it--for $2,500. How's that sound?"

"I'd still...but...damn!" He grimaced as if his head hurt. " sense, I guess, but..."

"Listen, Pal. I wanna see you do it. Roger wants to see you do it. And you want to do it! Or, maybe I should say you want us to make you do it. We know you don't wanna lick shit. Shit's nasty! You want somebody to push your face in it. You want somebody to suck your cock and fuck your asshole while they make you lick shit! Well, we can do that. And pay you at the same time. Can't get a better deal than that!"

Roger threw his hands up. "Forget it, Tommy. You can't push the truth in a guy's face like that. Not when they're like Mel. It has to remain a fantasy for it to work. I'll just write a check and send him on his way."

"Hey!" Mel blurted out to Roger. "You're fucking up the whole thing! You really think I'm that stupid? I know I'm a masochist. Why the hell do you think I come to you? Where could I find more of a prick? Where could I find a guy that's such a perv he could come up with things that push my button? You think I couldn't get a job? Jobs? I've had jobs. Jobs I was good at. It's better doing filthy things for money. I gotta do it for money cause I spend so much time getting my rocks off I don't have any time to work! Actually, I've been kinda disappointed that you never really made me work very hard for the dough you've given me. I like this fag, Uncle Rog. He's got it right. Make me work hard. You think you've treated me like shit, but you've been too mild. I just didn't know how to get you to up the ante. I've been doing this for a long time. You've got the most money and the most perverted mind, but I guess you still love me, hunh? Call me all kinds of things, but you can't really hurt me? You dumb fuck! I've been jiggering money out of straight studs--truckers and gang members and sailors--goading them into making me do all kinds of things! Sometimes they pay me...sometimes they just fuck me and spit and piss on me. But I always just my rocks off! Luckily, I got it worked pretty good so that I don't get beat up. I kept hoping you'd put your imagination to work."

"Well, land o' goshen!" Roger laughed. "All this time I thought you were a real turd, and now it turns out you mighta been born right outta my own asshole! So you dig licking shit, hunh, Mel? Just like me?"

"NO! NO! You are a dense fuck, Uncle Roger. I hate shit! It's foul and disgusting...just like it should be. I don't like it and I never will. I get off on having my face pushed into it! Doncha get it? I could go out and make money. Instead, I knelt down here and let you shit a stinky turd all over my face. It was fuckin' awful! You got it all over my nose. DID YOU SEE HOW I SHOT OFF?! YOU GET IT?"

"Yeah, I understand," Roger reached over and rustled his hair. "You're a shitball! But not like I thought. You don't not work because you're don't work because you're totally obsessed with your balls!"

"RIGHT! Nothing matters to me but squirting juice outta my prick. And the only way that can happen is if I do something I hate to do. Fuck me up, fuck me over, fuck me! I've shot so much cum with horrible, god-awful piss going down my throat...I couldn't count. You like what you do...I hate it...we both get off quite nicely."

"Now I understand," I said. "Now I know why his ugly hole turns me on. Sorry, Mel, but I think I like it because it disgusts me. Quick! Do me a favor, Roger. Shove my face in his ass and make me lick it! I don't wanna do it...make me suck his ass!"

Ever compliant, Roger immediately got up and grabbed me by the hair. I struggled, like in real life, because I didn't want to do it! Knowing the feeling, Mel helped out by making himself available. Roger dragged me over and forced my face between Mel's cheeks. He ordered me to stick my tongue out and lick... to lick it clean...then suck it...and put my tongue inside and lick out his shit!

I twisted, hating having my tongue on an asshole that was repulsive to me. I had to lick those ugly, curly dark hairs. I could taste leftover shit on them! Then, I could swear I felt a burning sensation on my tongue like toxic contaminants when he made me lick inside the rectum. Mel wasn't clean at all. I could taste his shitty-tasting shit all over my tongue as I thrust it up his asshole on Roger's orders. He had his naked loins rubbing over my back as he held my face into his nephew's crungy asscrack. Mel was shouting obscenities...taking the other side as only he knew so well how to switch to. He was saying to me what he wished to be said to himself. The two of them managed to make me feel like a total scum-sucking, shit- licking fool!


Mel pushed, fluttering his anus, desperately wishing he could take a shit in my mouth. Alas, he wasn't able to. Released, I gave a sigh of relief. But something deep inside tinged of regret. I had totally gotten into Mel's personality and given it a try.

"Damn!" I gasped, laying on the rug. "Temporary insanity, thank you fellas. Whew! But I think we outta get about six guys to come in here and take shits in Mel's mouth! I think he'd do it for a buck a turd!"

"Three for a dollar, you ass-sucking little queer!" he smiled. "Still wanna shave my butthole?"

"Yes, fuck yes. It's still ugly as shit! I like to see what I lick!"

Roger stood up and walked over to Mel, who was now on his back. He straddled his hips and put his cock in his mouth. Mel didn't complain. He mouthed the soft prick until Roger made plain his motive. "Open your throat, you little shit. I gotta piss!"

Mel struggled, but Roger held him fast. "I'm glad you don't like it. I don't want you to like it. But you made a stupid mistake, you punk. You told me! Now I'm gonna treat you like the piece of crap you are...and I won't hafta pay you so much! Hold on, toilet boy, just fuckin' drink it. Oh, man, I'm gonna take a big piss!"

Mel groped around with his arms, unable to push the man away. I heard gurgling sounds and knew that Roger was sending a powerful stream of urine down the boy's throat. From under Roger's ass I could see Mel's prick rising. As much as Mel struggled, nary a drop squirted from between his lips. But before Roger was done, many many many drops squirted from Mel's cock! Reluctantly, he drank gallons of urine from his uncle's prick. Having his insides wallowing in piss obviously did something special to his loins. Cum was spurting all over the place...just like it had when he'd sniffed shit, jacking off, watching us fuck.

After Roger pulled away, Mel sat there stunned, wiping cum from his knees. He got a strange expression, then suddenly ran into the bathroom and violently threw up!

Roger smiled at me. "Guess I don't hafta bother about pissing in the toilet. All I gotta do is let Mel take it in there for me!"

I wasn't sure if I should feel angry at his insensitivity, or amused at his truthful joke. I got my answer when Mel came back out.

"Guess I ain't gonna be able to hit you up for much any more, hunh? Thanks, that was putrid! Real sour piss...just awful. Sure got my nut though. Damn! I'd better get out of here before somebody makes me eat a turd. That's not a hint, guys!"

"Sure, Mel, sure. Here's a couple of bills. Come back tomorrow. I'll have your check all written out, but I think if you show up I'm gonna make you take Tommy's turd in your mouth. It's up to you. Goodbye!"

"You really gonna do that?" I asked, after he'd left.

"You just save up. He'll be here for his money. I got a feeling he'll be thinking of something else between now and then. Whether he really likes it or not, he'll be here for the humiliation. He wouldn't pass that up for the world!"

Mel showed up...with a sheepish grin. I was prepared. I'd saved up. But Roger was more prepared than I'd expected. He had a few little tricks that he hadn't told me about. He ordered Mel to strip and blow us. We only had robes on, so we just spread them open as he got down and sucked us without complaint. While he was blowing me, Roger got up and straddled his back, rubbing his cock and balls over his tailbone. "You can suck without hands. Bring 'em back here and play with me."

Mel swung his arms back and fondled Roger's stuff. Quick as a flash, a pair of handcuffs were slapped over his wrists! Surprised, Mel lifted off my cock. Roger threw him to the floor and swiftly wrapped a tie tightly around his ankles, then lifted him to his knees again.

"Hey! What're you doing?! Let me loose!" he cried, frightened.

Roger slipped a hand into his pocket and pulled out a dirty, sweaty jockstrap and dangled it in Mel's face before stuffing it in his mouth.

"Picked this up in the alley behind a gay bar last night," Roger lied, "right after I watched two guys going at it. One got down and sucked on it, feeling the cock inside. Then he kept sucking it while the guy pissed in it! It was dripping when I picked it up. Sorry it dried out by now, but I'm sure you can suck some piss out of it." He laughed. Mel struggled, eyes blazing, but he couldn't push it out. Roger's the one who'd pissed in it.

He pushed Mel's face to the floor, leaving his ass sticking up in the air. "Go get the shaving gear, baby," he said to me. "Let's get all this disgusting hair off his asshole."

Roger held his cheeks open, warning Mel that it was a good idea if he didn't move once that razor started. He was sniffing Mel's dirty crack and tonguing his hairs when I got back... getting it wet for me, he said. I squirted the shaving lotion over his asscrack, and noticed his cock was hanging down--hard. I shaved it baby-clean, wiped it with a towel, and licked it. Roger yanked the hole open, and I licked in deeply. It might have been fresh on the outside, but in there it still stunk and tasted bitter. But it gave me a boner!

"I wouldn't suck that hole too much, Tom. You can bet he's got a big turd in there."

"How do you know?"

"You think he's gonna pass up a chance to have his face pushed into it?" He winked. "That's what you want, ain't it, scumbag?"

Mel vigorously shook his head in denial. I pulled his prick back and sucked on it. Roger licked his balls. Being hog-tied wasn't enough. We had to get him turned on enough to submit completely.

"Keep him hard," Roger said to me, dropping his robe and going around and yanking the jockstrap from Mel's mouth.

"Yeck!" he cried. "Jeez that thing stinks! What the hell are you up to, anyway? Lemme go!"

Roger backed his tail into Mel's face. "Shut up and suck my asshole! Get it good and wet." He grabbed Mel by the hair and forced his face into his crack. The guy licked and licked, grinding his mouth in there beyond the pressure Roger was applying. That was obvious...even to me. How'd Mel know for sure that Roger wasn't going to pull a fast one and shit in his mouth himself? Maybe he didn't care. Maybe...

Slicked down, Roger stuffed the jockstrap back in his mouth then got up and knelt down butt-to-butt with Mel.

"Hold it up, Tom, Aim it." I got the idea. It was freaky in that position...really unique. Roger wanted Mel's cock up his ass and I was there to do the insertion. Lifting it from the underside...which was the topside...I poked it at Roger's hole. He backed up, letting it slide right up his poop chute. It was really strange and exciting. I'd never seen anybody get fucked in this position before, but leave it to Roger to come up with the idea! Once lodged, I removed my hand from above and reached underneath to make sure it stayed back. Roger worked his ass back, fucking himself on his nephew's cock. With a big grin, he was looking back over his shoulder...up at my excited expression.

"Damn, that's neat!" I gasped, moving my face down for a good look. I guess Roger didn't feel quite so filthy that day because Mel's cock was coming out nice and clean. I was close enough to catch only the mild fragrance of assjuice surrounding the prick. Not wanting to get him off, he let it slip out. I was still holding it up and Roger bent my head down to it.

"Taste me, baby. Clean his prick off." I took it in my mouth and sucked Mel's long, skinny cock. I licked every bit of those juices off, now knowing why Roger'd kept himself clean. He must have planned this, too. It was still a dirty thing to do...but not beyond my means! Again he removed the jockstrap. "How'd ya like that, nephew?"

"Kinda neat! Better tell him to stop on me or I'm gonna come."

"Oh, we don't want that to happen." He motioned to me to quit. "You still have a turd to suck!"

"Y-you're not gonna make me do that, are you? Please, I really don't want to! Lemme just blow you guys. You can fuck me. I'll even drink your piss again...both of yours!"

"Hmmm. Let's see." He got a small wine glass and placed it on the floor. He hunkered over it and pissed in it. He got me to piss in it. He grabbed a straw, broke it in half, and put it into the glass, offering it to Mel. "Slurp on that."

Screwing up his face, Mel put his lips to the straw. He sucked up all of the hot urine but a few drops before Roger pulled it away.

"That's enough. Don't want you throwing up, do we?" he said facetiously.

"Lemme go, lemme go!"

"Lay down, Tom. Pull your legs back. Mel wants to suck your ass. He wants a see what it tastes open it up with his tongue so your turd slips right outta there into his hungry mouth!"

I did so, holding my dick out of the way so I could see. Roger forced his head down and I watched him lick out my asshole. His eyes were looking right at me--full of pain and humilation. But his tongue was working himself away. He licked my crack up and down, poking his tongue in and out of my asshole, easily loosening it up.

Roger nodded at me, holding one of my legs back and moving his mouth in a lewd manner that I interpreted as turd-sucking. I took a big breath, and pushed. Mel squirmed, but Roger held him down as I watched my turd shoot into his mouth! Having nowhere to go, Mel had no choice but to suck on it as Roger moved his head up and down. Mel was no longer looking at me. He no longer showed pain and humiliation. His eyes were glazed over and blinking rapidly. He was being forced to taste my shit...and he was loving it!

Roger had an evil grin on his face. He was gritting his teeth, having a high time seeing his nephew suck on my turd. In his excitement, he moved Mel's head just a little too much, causing my turd to fall out of my ass...and Mel's mouth. While Mel turned away, coughing and gagging, Roger thrust his face in there and licked my asshole out!

Leaving my turd on the floor, Roger got Mel up and had him squat over the glass coffee table. He told me to get under- neath. It took a while, but eventually Mel began to shit on the table. Roger was right. Mel came well equipped. I watched the turds fall from his ass onto the glass. One hefty hard one, followed by two softer ones. Roger knelt close, sniffing.

When he ordered him to turn around and see what a mess he'd made, Mel complied. The way his eyelids were fluttering, and the way he was gulping, it was obvious he knew what Roger had in mind.

"That's a really nasty thing to do, Mel. Taking a big shit like that right on my nice table! I think you oughta get down and smell it."

"Um, okay. If I h-hafta!" He bent down and sniffed his own turds.

"Good, hunh? Maybe you oughta give 'em a couple of long licks."

"N-no, I'll just go get some paper and clean it up...if you'll let me loose." His eyes were pleading.

"Could do that," Roger nodded, "if I was a nice guy. On the other hand, you got a lot of jizz in your balls and I think that's the only way we're gonna get it all out of there. Tommy won't mind helping, will you Tom? You'll jack him off, won't you? Hell, I'll even make it better for you. Here, suck on me a little." He put his cock in Mel's mouth. Mel sucked on the knob while Roger jiggered his shaft.

One thing about Roger...he was always so horny he could come on a dime. He pulled his prick out and splattered a huge load all over Mel's face, then squeezed his prick and quickly swung down to squirt several more streams all over the kid's turds! He grabbed Mel's head and had him lick off his wet knob, then pushed his face into the shit! He forced his mouth onto the mess!

Quickly, I grabbed Mel's prick. It was stiffer than I'd seen it yet.

I started to jerk it for him as I watched him above. Roger couldn't see it from his angle, but I could see Mel's tongue lapping at his own shit and wiping over the table top. When he'd smeared it around too much for me to see anything, I leaned up and took his prick into my mouth and started to blow him. As if he'd been waiting just for that, he immediately blasted a torrent down my throat! I really had to gulp fast to keep from choking. Roger was right again. His balls were full, and this was exactly what he needed to empty them!

When I got out from under the table, Roger was passionately kissing the shit from Mel's mouth, lips and chin! Rather surprised, my boner was leaking profusely. Roger pulled me behind Mel and had me stick my cock up his filthy asshole. Moaning in delight--forgetting that he was not supposed to be enjoying it all, at least not out loud--Mel squeezed my prick and worked his rectal muscles. That quickly got me off, and I shot a big load up his ass! I pumped a while longer, then pulled out.

Exhausted, I sat back on the couch. Roger instantly went down on me! Mel watched intently as Roger cleaned his shit from my cock. Knowing it ran in the family, I didn't hesitate to squirt the rest of my piss into his mouth. Roger gladly drank it all down.

After cleaning up, Mel walked out with his check, wiping his hand across his mouth to say it had been a horrible experience..

"I didn't even think you liked him," I said about his actions.

"I don't. But anybody that filthy really turns me on!" he laughed.

Well, I have to go now. Mel will be home from work soon, and have I got something big and juicy for him!

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