Around the Campfire

By moc.oohay@20yobxtynrh

Published on Feb 16, 2015




This is a work of fiction that contains adult themes. Any resemblance to real people is entirely coincidental. If you should not be reading this then stop. This work is set in a fantasy world that is disease free, always practice safe sex.


The four boys sat around the campfire talking and laughing. They had been the best of friends since they all joined the same Boy Scout Troop and assigned to the same Patrol when they werre 11. They had all gone camping with the Troop every nearly every month through junior high and high school. Once they had gotten their driver's licenses they'd often gone camping without the troop.

Each of them had gone to a different school and had stayed in touch via Facebook, but they hadn't gotten together as a group until Tommy had suggested this trip. They had all just gotten home from school for summer vacation and had leapt at the idea, loading up Mark's truck and driving out on Friday afternoon.

This park was small and out of the way, but had a lot to offer in the way of hiking, fishing, swimming and canoeing. The boys spent Saturday exploring the park and swimming in the lake. Now stories drifted across the campfire, stories of the old days and what they had been up to in college.

Mark settled back in his chair. He was the youngest of the group, but only by a couple months. He'd be 19 in a couple weeks. He was also the smallest, but who cared? He was 5'8" and had filled out nicely at college now that he had easy access to the gym. He wasn't the skinny kid anymore, weighing a solid 145. With his blond hair, icy blue eyes and high cheekbones he was starting to get looks from the girls on campus.

He looked around at the other guys. Tommy was a couple inches taller then him and had the same build as him and had probably 15 pounds on him. With his olive complexion, curly black hair and green eyes he looked every inch the Greek that he was. If he put in the time at the gym to bulk up and get some serious muscle definition many people probably would have called him a Greek god, but hard work was never something Tommy enjoyed. He was more laid back and was happy with how he looked, a typical Liberal Arts major.

Across the fire from him was David. David had been the basketball superstar in high school, but hadn't gone out for the college team. He broke a lot of sterotypes, he was a physics major and didn't have the time for sports anymore. He was 6'6" and easily outweighed all of them at 230. He had a great body and still found time to visit the gym and hit the court regularly inspite of his studies. He was also blonde and blue eyed, a near perfect example of his Nordic heritage.

Steven was the last of the crew. He was 5'11" and was a total frat boy, good looks included. Short brown hair, warm brown eyes, a friendly smile, and 8-pack abs. Every muscle was clearly defined on his 170 pound frame. He had a quick, infectious laugh and a huge mischievious streak. He was normally the one who had initiated all the trouble they had gotten into. He was a Business major and would do well if he could stay in the program, but studying wasn't high on his priority list.

Mark didn't think he could enjoy himself much more than he was right now. He was out in the woods with his three best friends, they'd had fajitas for dinner, Steven had brought along a few six-packs of beer, and he was sitting here shootin' the shit over a campfire under a beautiful summer sky full of stars. Their campsite was far enough away from any others that they could be a little loud without having to worry about bothering anyone else.

"You guys know what we haven't done in a long time?" Steven asked as he looked around the fire and took a swig from his beer, "played Truth or Dare."

"Damn dude, we haven't done that since what, freshman year? After that girls got more interesting and we left the younger kids to play with each other," Tommy said.

"What the hell, I'm game. I got nothin' to hide from you fuckers," Mark chimed in.

"Just like old times, huh? I'm in," David added, "You go first Steven since it was your idea. For ground rules, you can't go back to the person that just asked you. Other than that everything is fair game."

"Alright! Mark, truth or dare?" he asked.

Mark thought for a second and replied "Truth." Mark had always been the quiet one in the group and up for anything, but he wasn't sure he wanted his first dare to come from Steven.

"Pussy," Steven replied, "Let's see...have you gotten laid yet?"

"Yeah," Mark replied truthfully.

"Well? Give us the details!" Steven said excitedly.

"Sorry fucker, you got your answer," Mark replied, a shit eating grin on his face.

"Tommy, truth or dare?"

"Lets get this goin, dare me," Tommy said.

"Ok, then I want you to streak to the bathrooms and back."

Their campsite was the farthest from the bathrooms, but they weren't that far. It was late enough that nobody else would probably be out, but you never knew.

"Haha, nice one dude," Steven laughed.

"Oh, so that's how its gonna be?" Tommy asked as he quickly stripped off his tank top and dropped his board shorts. Apparently he had been freeballing because he was naked. All of the guys were comfortable with each other and their bodies, they had all showered together and with other guys in the troop too often to be shy with each other. Hell they had all showered earlier before dinner. This place actually had seperate stalls though so they hadn't seen the others naked.

Tommy stood there for a minute basking in the firelight, he had never been a shy one. The others could see he was still in good shape, and he had gotten a little furrier since they had last seen him. He was also into the natural look apparently, the hair on his chest flowing down his stomach into a big bush growing above his dick and hairy balls.

Just like that he spun and was tearing ass down the road, the firelight reflecting briefly off his pale furry butt. A couple minutes later he back and collapsed into his chair and just started laughing, grabbing his board shorts and pulling them into his lap.

Once he finally caught his breath, he managed to get out, "There was some old lady coming out of the bathroom right as I rounded the building. I don't know who was more shocked, her or me."

The others erupted into laughter. Tommy pulled his board shorts back on.

"David, truth or dare?" Tommy asked.

"Dare of course."

"I dare you to go skinny dipping."

"Done!" His clothes hit the ground and he was gone, running the 20 yards across the field to the lake shore, down the short fishing dock and cannonballed in. Fortunately the lake he was decently deep. He splashed around for a minute until Tommy called out, "Come on you fucker, that's enough."

He waded out and made his way back to the campsite, grabbing his towel from a nearby tree branch. As he dried off he asked, "Ok Steven, your turn, what's it going to be?"

"Truth," he said, shocking them all.

"Wasn't expecting that, but ok. Any truth to the rumors of gay hazing during frat rush we all hear about? And we want details."

"Maybe some truth, but its not like I had to pleasure the brothers or anything. There were a couple times we could only wear skimpy underwear around the house, and one time near the end of rush they made us play soggy biscuit. That one made me nervous because I nearly lost, I was the next to last to bust."

In reality he actually had been the last to nut by a few seconds, but he didn't want to admit that he had eaten a bunch of other guys' cum. And especially that he had actually kinda enjoyed the taste. That was the first time he had tasted cum but not that last, he licked his hand clean on a regular basis now.

The game progressed on for a few more rounds, mostly dares with a couple truths sprinkled in. Nearly every dare got laughs and someone did something stupid, and more often than not showing skin. Steven had been dared to stay naked for the rest of the game, Tommy hadn't bothered to put his board shorts back on, and Mark and David were only in their boxers.

Mark's nipples hurt from a tittie twister he'd gotten a few minutes ago from Steven and now it was time for some payback.

"Steven, t or d?" Mark asked.


"Eat a marshmallow off of Tommy's bare ass." Steven looked a little stunned, but the others were laughing their asses off. This was the first dare that had involved someone else.

Tommy walked over to the picnic table, dropped his shorts and laid down on it. Mark grabbed a marshmallow from the bag and nestled in partway in the cleft of Tommy's ass.

"C'mon big boy, come eat out of my ass," Tommy catcalled to Steven.

"You dirty fuck," Steven said to Mark as he walked over to Tommy. Taking a deep breath he leaned in and grabbed the marshmallow in his teeth, Tommy's butt hair tickling his lips. He pulled it out, turned to the other guys and sucked it into his mouth, quickly chewed and swallowed. He stuck a finger in his mouth and pulled out a short hair.

"Ugh, nasty!" he cringed as he flicked it away. He grabbed his beer and chugged the last half of it. He couldn't wait until he could give another dare to Mark, he had something good planned.

A few more dares were completed, getting more daring than the last. Finally Steven had a dare from David to do a dick trick, so he helicoptered for them. Swinging his dick like that made the blood flow south and gave him a semi.

David threw another log onto the fire.

"And now its my turn. Mark, ready for your dare?" Steven asked.

He thought briefly about asking for a truth, then said "I guess," knowing Steven was about to get him back for the marshmallow.

Steven walked over to the food box and dug around for a minute.

"Ah ha!" He tossed something towards Mark, "American Pie that bitch."

Mark looked down to his hands, he was holding a Little Debbie apple pie. "Do what?" he asked.

"Feels like pussy when you fuck it," Steven relied with a laugh, "bite the end of and go to town with it."

The others were strangely quiet as they looked at Mark. The game had been pushed to a new level. They were fine being naked around one another, but they had never seen each other hard, at least not since those unintentional boners in the showers when they were first hitting puberty.

"Fuck it," Mark wasn't going to be the one to back down now, besides he had a nice buzz going. He unwrapped the pie and tossed the wrapper into the fire. Stepping back he took a big bite off one end of the pie, dropped his boxers and turned his back to the fire. With his right hand he started stroking his cock.

"Facing us dumbass," Steven called out.

"I know shithead, give me a second to get ready," Mark retorted. He kept stroking his cock, with the mood around the campfire and the beer it didn't take long to reach his full 7". He may have the smallest body here, but he was proud of the size of his dick.

He turned back around and glanced quickly around the fire. The other three were staring intently and his crotch and the pie in his hand, wondering if he would really do it. He slowly brought the pie closer, then pushed his fat mushroom head into the hole. The edge of the hole scraped along his head and crumbled some as it was too small. The next couple inches slid in easily enough, the sides cracking as he went, but then the shaft started to thicken as he pushed the pie farther down. By the time he felt his head hit the opposite side there were several cracks in the pie.

Mark started to slide the pie up and down, the pie filling felt weird yet oddly arousing on his cock. After a couple stroked the pie crumbled to pieces as his head knocked out the other side. He slid it down and started to thrust into instead as pieces of crust fell out of his hand.

"You look like you're enjoying that too much, that's enough," Steven laughed, the other three joining in as Mark dropped the remaining pieces into the fire. Mark had never jerked off in front of anyone before, if you could call fucking a pie jerking off, but didn't mind that these guys had just watched him do that.

He was about to run over to the lake to wash off when he had a better idea.

"David, I dare you to clean my hand with your tongue."

David walked over and grabbed his wrist bringing it up to his face. He stared into Mark's icy blue eyes as he guided Mark's index finger fully into his mouth before closing his lips tightly around it and slowly pulled it out. Mark could feel his tongue all over his finger as it searched out every bit of fillingand crumb. David proceeded likewise with each finger, never breaking his gaze. After the fingers were clean he ran his broad pink tongue up Mark's palm.

"Dude, that was hot, but you know where that filling just was right?" Tommy asked.

"Bloody hell, I wasn't thinking about that!" David swore.

"Haha, still gave me a half chub," Steven laughed.

Mark turned and trotted off down to the lake to clean the rest of the filling off of his junk. He was just about to climb back up on the dock when he heard a thumping followed by Steven flipping over his head into the water. As he surfaced Tommy and David came flying off the dock as well.

"You were already here so we decided it was time for a quick dip," Steven told him. The boys swam for a couple minutes, enjoying the feel of the water sliding over their naked bodies. The moon was pretty full and they could see fairly well once their eyes adjusted.

David climbed out and sat down on the dock.

"Tommy," he called out, "Since we're here, I dare you to recreate the pool scene from Wild Things with Steven. Mark climb on out so you can get a good view."

They had been young when the movie came out, but still knew what scene he was referring to. Steven's older brother had shown it to Steven and he had shown it to the rest of them. Tommy and Steven swam over and grabbed onto the dock between the two boys.

"Why am I involved in this dare?" Steven complained.

"Shut up and do it, it's all part of the game," Mark told him.

Tommy and Steven held on with one hand and turned to face each other, inching closer together. They leaned in and tentatively touched lips, then pressed in more firmly. Both of them had full soft lips and had plenty of kissing experience and didn't want to look bad in front of the others. Mouths opened and Steven ran his tongue against Tommy's lips. Tommy responded with his own tongue, which soon became a battle between the two.

Mark and David watched slightly stunned as the two kept kissing, both of them felt the blood flow to their cocks and plump up. Steven felt something brush against his thigh and reached down to brush it away. His hand found Tommy's cock rubbing against him, their lower bodies had drifted together. Determined to 'win' the kiss, he wrapped his fingers around it and started to stroke, trying to shock Tommy into breaking the kiss first. Instead Steven found the cock hardening, making it easier for him to stroke it.

Feeling himself getting hard under Steven's ministrations, Tommy decided to respond in kind and reach down between them. His questing hand slid down Steven's taut abs until he found what he was looking for. His fingers wrapped around a semihard cock and began moving up and down.

A huge splash startled both of them. David had just cannonballed in right next to them. A hand came down on Tommy's head and pushed him under the water. Seeing this, Steven pushed himself up out of the water, grabbed Mark's arm and pulled him in.

Now it was on. For the next several minutes they splashed and grappled trying to dunk each other. Skin slid along bare skin, hands grabbing trying to get a hold on someone. Arms, legs and butts were grabbed, and a few times Steven thought a hand grabbed ahold of his hard cock. He made some swipes at Mark and David, he thought they were hard but he hadn't gotten a good feel. Tommy was definitely hard when he was finally able to grab his again.

Someone landed on his back, wrapping their arms tight around his chest and entangling their legs. He felt a hard cock pressed up against his ass. He thrashed trying to break free, but Mark only squeezed tighter. All the movement allowing Mark's cock to slip into his ass crack. Mark thrust his hips a couple times.

"You're my bitch now!" Mark yelled in his ear. Steven threw himself backwards dunking both of them, and Mark finally let go. He laughed as he surfaced.

The boys tired of their game and made their way back to the campsite. They grabbed fresh beers and stood around the campfire to let the fire dry them, not even bothering with towels or clothes. All of their cocks had subsided a bit during the walk back.

After a couple quiet minutes, Tommy spoke up.

"Steven, since you haven't had a direct dare in a bit, I dare you to jerk off David."

Without saying a word he walked over to David, put his hand on his chest and pushed him back a couple steps to get in front of him. Steven reached out with his right hand and wrapped it around David's cock. He was impressed, it had to be 6" already and not fully hard yet. He pulled gently on his cock, slowly turning him so one side faced the fire and the others could see. He could feel the dick swelling in his hand as he started to tug on it. It throbbed in his hand when it finally reached its full thick 8". Steven spat in his hand a couple times, needing the lubrication for his hand to slide all the up and down that thick hunk of manmeat. It curved to his left and it took a minute for him to get into a comfortable rhythm, twisting his hand as he jerked him off. A soft moan escaped David's lips as he slid up and around the head.

Steven's left hand found its way to his own 6.5" cock, tugging gently on the erection he hadn't realized he had.

"Ok, that's good enough lover boy," Tommy's voice breaking the quiet. Steven's head whipped around, embarrassed at how focused he had been. But not embarrassed enough to miss noticing Mark's hand fall away from his own erection, and Tommy looked almost hard as well.

'Should I dare Mark or David next? and what do I have them do? and maybe to whom?' Steven thought to himself.

He walked back over to the picnic table, picked up a Hershey bar and snapped off a piece.

"Mark, I dare you to eat this chocolate without using your hands."

"No problem," Mark said, just as Steven took hold of David's still erect monster and placed the chocolate on the head. They all looked at Mark expectantly.

Mark kneeled down in front of David. He leaned in close, but rather than picking the chocolate up with his lips, he wrapped them around the large head. His tongue flipped upwards across the piss slit and knocked the chocolate into his mouth. He pulled off slowly, keeping his lips tight around the head.

After swallowing the chocolate he said, "You may want to check that chocolate, its a touch salty."

As Mark got back to his feet, he looked around the group. Everyone was hard except for Tommy, which surprised him with everything that had happened so far. "David, looks like Tommy is the only one thats not fully hard, why don't you give him a hand with that? Doesn't look like it will take much," he said.

David turned to face Tommy. He took another swig of his beer and set it down. He settled into his chair and waved Tommy over. He grasped the nearly hard cock as it swayed in front of his face, his large meaty hand covering all of the shaft as he started to stroke it. A couple strokes was all it took to bring it full rigidity. He reversed his grip to better handle the upward pointing turgidness. David thought it was about the same size as what he'd seen on Steven, but it looked shorter due to wild mass of pubic hair around it. Pretty much every other guy he'd seen naked kept everything trimmed.

As he jerked him off he ran his thumb over the head, smearing a few drops of precum all over it. He brought his other hand up to cup Tommy's furry balls, he always loved having his played with. He rolled them around his hand, they were good sized, nearly as big as his own. He wondered how long it had been since Tommy had gotten off.

He soon had his answer, only a couple minutes had passed when he felt Tommy's balls start to pull up and heard his breathing get more rapid. Since he didn't want a face full of cum, he let go of his cock and balls, grabbed his hips and spun him around. He slapped Tommy on the ass, leaving a large red handprint.

"There ya go," he laughed.

"Damn dude, he got you good," Steven said as he looked at Tommy's ass, "bet you weren't expecting that."

"Steven, you're turn," said David, "as you are so fond of telling us, suck a nut. You're choice."


Steven looked around the group trying to decide. Tommy had just gotten jerked off and his were too hairy anyway. He looked at David's crotch, there was a massive pair of balls resting below his hard pole. That left Mark.

He grabbed some of the discarded clothing laying around and piled it on the ground in front of Mark to kneel on. He took a good look at his cock as he used a couple fingers to press it flat against Mark's stomach. He looked down at the balls, they were the size of ping pong balls with just a few wispy hairs curling off them, the left hanging slightly lower.

He had certainly never done something like this before, but he thought back to what girls had done to him. He stuck out his tongue and flicked it lightly against Mark's sack. He moved to the bottom of the left nut and ran his tongue from the bottom all the way to the top where it merged with the shaft. He licked again, right next to where he had just licked. He ran his tongue up Mark's ballsack again and again as he worked his way across them. As he licked up the middle he kept going a bit longer, feeling the balls give way to a firm shaft beneath his tongue.

He slowly started to rock his hand up and down, Mark's cock pressed between his hand and Mark's stomach. He moved over and kept licking, every other lick ending a short way up the shaft. After reaching the edge of the right nut he dipped his head lower. Wrapping his lips over his teeth he gently sucked on the left nut he gently sucked it into his mouth, rolling it around on his tongue.

He let it slip from between his lips and moved to the right nut and slipped it into his mouth. He rolled it around a few times, then widened his mouth, trying to suck in the other one. He couldn't quite get them both in but his tongue lapped at the other. He heard Mark moan above him.

He let Mark's ball slip from between his lips, he was done with this dare. He started to stand, but Mark placed a hand on his shoulder. Not demanding, but asking, begging him for more. He hesitated halfway crouched, before settling back to his knees. The game was done but the time for play was not.

He pushed Mark's cock back up to his belly. He stuck his tongue out and licked at his nuts again. Only this time he didn't stop when he reached the shaft. His tongue glided up the ballsack, met the shaft and continued up the throbbing member, until he found the head.

He shifted his hand, wrapping it around Mark's turgid member and pulling it down. He stared at the hard cock throbbing in his face. A thick vein ran jaggedly down the top of that shaft, stretching from the head all the way to the base of the shaft. He practically ached to run his tongue down it.

Instead he sucked in the mushroom head and ran his tongue around and around. He tasted a slight saltiness as he passed over the slit. He started to push down, slowly taking more into his mouth. His lips tightened as he past the rim of the head. A few more bobs and his lips were slowly spread wider around the thickening shaft. As he tried to swallow more the fat head soon hit the back of his throat. He gagged a bit, but forced himself to relax and soon had the fat head of Mark's cock slipping into his throat. His wide spread lips soon found the base of his cock. He buried himself in Mark's trimmed pubes, inhaling deeply. It was a surprisingly manly, muskly smell.

He imitated the girls that had blown him, paying attention to the sensitive head, then swallowing all of the cock before him. He kept his tongue moving, swirling around the head or moving back and forth along the cum chute even though he was a bit jealous that Mark was bigger than him.

His hands slid over Mark's body. One hand sliding up his smooth stomach while the other cupped a small firm ass cheek. Plenty of sorority girls had sucked his dick, and he would be damned if he couldn't give a better blow job than them. Based on how much Mark's hands were moving through his short brown hair he thought he was doing a pretty good job of that.

Steven felt something heavy slap against his cheek. He opened his eyes to look in that direction, and he caught a swift glimpse of David before his eyes focused on a massive purple cockhead bouncing next to his cheek. He pulled his mouth off of Mark as he turned to lick David's cock. He wrapped one hand around David's shaft to hold and control the cock he was trying to suck, his other hand he wrapped around Mark's shaft and jerked him while his mouth was occupied.

A minute later his hand was pulled away as Tommy knelt next to him and took over working Mark's achingly hard dick. Tommy's hand found Steven's erection as his lips closed around Mark's fat head. Tommy had worked his way halfway down Mark's dick when he felt a pair of hands slip under his pits and pull him to his feet.

When Tommy gained his feet, Mark pulled him close. Mark pressed his lips ardently against Tommy as he pulled him close. They kissed for a few minutes as hands roamed over whatever skin they could find. Mark found Tommy's chest hair to be surprisingly soft as it was pressed hard against his smooth chest, tickling his sensitive nipples. Tommy's cock was pressed tightly between them while Mark's had slid against Tommy's taint, his balls laying on Mark's shaft as they thrust against each other. Tommy's precum making a mess on their stomachs as Mark's upward pointing head moved back and forth, putting pressure on something that radiated pleasure throughout Tommy's body.

Mark finally broke the kiss, sliding his body down Tommy's as he settled to his knees. He quickly sucked in the pointed head and began to work his way down the shaft. He was soon bobbing his head up and down, burying his nose in Tommy's bush.

Steven was still struggling with David's massive member. He had about half of it his mouth which was stretched wide, but couldn't get the massive head into his throat. He used one of his hands to jerk on the rest of the shaft. He felt Mark's hand wrap around the one he had on his own cock and let go so Mark could have free access. Mark was soon jacking him off in a nice steady rhythm.

Steven let David's cock slip from his mouth. He needed to rest his jaw for a minute, sucking cock was not something he was used to, plus his knees were starting to hurt. A thought niggled the back of his mind, but he wasn't sure if he really wanted to give voice to it or not.

He looked around as he got back to his feet. Someone, probably Tommy, had spread a couple of the beachtowels out next to the fire, and it looked like a bottle of lube laying between them. He walked over and laid down with his head next to the fire. David tapped Tommy and Mark on the shoulders and beckoned them over. Nobody was speaking at this point, not wanting to break the current mood, the only sounds being the crackling of the fire and their heavy breathing.

Tommy laid down next to Steven with his legs spread wide, David burying his head in his crotch. Mark crouched between Steven's legs giving a few swipes of his tongue along Steven's shaft and head. Mark slowly crawled up along Steven's body, kissing his way up Steven's abs to his perky nipples, up to his neck. Mark suckled at his neck and collarbone as he settled his body down on Steven. He began thrusting and grinding against Steven, who started thrusting up against him.

Steven reached out next to him to find the bottle of lube. He carefully worked the bottle around in his hand until he could squeeze out a good bit into his palm. He slid his hand betwen their bodies until he could wrap his hand around both of their cocks, which spread the lube as they thrust against each other. He pulled his hand back and their cocks now slid easily against cock and stomach. Steven slid his hands backwards along Mark's hips to his butt, pulling him closer as he thrust upwards.

Steven could feel his orgasm building deep in his balls, but he wasn't ready to cum yet. He squeezed more lube into his hand. He let go of Mark's ass and pushed back on the top of Mark's thighs, sliding him down his body. Mark looked as him questioningly as Steven reached down between them, wiping his fingers over his asshole before wrapping his hand around Mark's shaft and guiding him forward again.

Mark felt Steven's solid legs wrap around his waist as his cockhead was guided to Steven's hole. Mark pushed his hips forward, Steven's ass closed tight against him. He reached down and wiggled his cockhead against the hole. Steven forced himself to relax, wanting Mark inside him.

Mark pushed forward as he felt the hole start to relax. It slowly stretched as his mushroom head slid forward, until it suddenly slipped all the way inside. Steven grunted. Mark paused, giving Steven a chance to adjust. Holding himself on one arm he wrapped his fingers around Steven's cock and jerked him off. He pushed his hips forward, the first couple inches slipping easily inside the tight hole. He gently pulled out until he felt the rim of his head catch on the edge of the hole. He rocked his hips, sliding the first couple of inches in and out of the Steven's tight ass.

Steven's legs tightened around Mark's waist, slamming him forward until he was balls deep inside him. Mark moaned and Steven grunted again. His legs held Mark close as he tried to adjust, his ass had never felt so full.

David and Tommy looked over at the noises. They looked at each other and broke off what they were doing. Tommy moved over to kneel at Steven's head, David on the opposite side. David reached down and took over jerking Steven off, while Tommy offered his cock to Steven's mouth. Steven sucked the head in between his lips as he wrapped one of his hands around David's turgid member.

As Steven's legs loosened their grip Mark began to thrust himself in and out of Steven again, matching David's slow pace on his dick. He could feel a hard spot deep inside him that was causing Steven to moan every time his head brushed against it. Mark would slowly pull back until his head nearly popped out then thrust himself deep inside. He slowly picked up the pace of his thrusts, David matching his tempo. Mark growled as Steven's hot tight hole swallowed him. He switched to short fast thrusts, bumping his head back and forth across the firm spot, his balls slapping against Steven's ass.

Steven moaned around Tommy's cock. He had a cock in his mouth, Tommy's balls in one hand, David's fat cock in another, a hand jerking his cock as Mark fucked him in the ass. His body was being overwhelmed and started to writhe and twist under all the attention.

Mark was on the edge. He knew he was about to bust so he pulled out and frantically jerked his aching cock. He cried out as his cum rocketed up from his balls, up his shaft as shot outwards from his head. The first two shots arced up to splatter on Steven's chiseled abs. Mark aimed his cock downwards so the next three shots landed on Steven's cock and balls and David's hands.

David quickly scooped up what he could in his hand and jerked Steven's cock hard and fast, using the cum as lube. It only took three lubed strokes for Steven's cock to explode. Cum flew everywhere, hitting David and Tommy in the stomach, and barely missing Mark's chin. Tommy's cock popped free of his lips as Steven threw his head back to cry out, his back arching in ecstasy as the last few pulses oozed from his cock.

Watching these two cum pushed David over the edge. Thick white cum boiled up out of his balls to fall heavily on Steven's chest. The first five shots liberally covered the boy's chest and stomach, the last two shots he aimed at Steven's crotch, further soaking it in jizz.

Tommy stroked his cock and fondled his balls as he watched the other's orgasm. David and Mark stared at his cock while Steven laid there in a daze. He brought one hand to his chest and tweaked his nipples. They watched his cum arc out from his cock, fly the length of Steven's body to hit Mark's cock as it swayed still hard above Steven's. The second landing on Steven's cum-covered crotch. Several more shots landed on him, landing closer and closer until the last one simply oozed out to fall on Steven's chin.

Mark laughed heartily, "Holy shit."

They all lowered themselves to the ground as tumescent cocks slowly subsided.

"That was amazing!" Steven exclaimed. He swirled his fingers through the loads of cum that covered his cock, abs and chest. Scooping up a hefty glob on his finger, he looked at it.

"Cum brothers?" he asked.

"Cum brothers," the others echoed. Steven closed his eyes as he stuck his finger into his mouth, licking every drop free and swallowing it, relishing the taste of his best friends' cum. He felt other fingers trace along his body through the puddles of jizz.

"Fuckin' cum brothers," Tommy said.

Out past the light of the campfire two figures stood in the shadows. Their shorts were puddled at their ankles as they furiously masterbated each other to the show these four hot boys had unwittingly put on. Their seed soon splashed onto the ground in front of them.

"I don't know about you guys, but I could use another shower," Steven said. The others agreed, they grabbed their shower kits and towels and headed to the bathroom. Not bothering with clothes and not caring who saw them.

Conflicting modification on February 5, 2015 at 11:59:37 AM:The four boys sat around the campfire talking and laughing. They had been the best of friends since they all joined the same Boy Scout Troop and assigned to the same Patrol when they werre 11. They had all gone camping with the Troop every nearly every month through junior high and high school. Once they had gotten their driver's licenses they'd often gone camping without the troop.

Each of them had gone to a different school and had stayed in touch via Facebook, but they hadn't gotten together as a group until Tommy had suggested this trip. They had all just gotten home from school for summer vacation and had leapt at the idea, loading up Mark's truck and driving out on Friday afternoon.

This park was small and out of the way, but had a lot to offer in the way of hiking, fishing, swimming and canoeing. The boys spent Saturday exploring the park and swimming in the lake. Now stories drifted across the campfire, stories of the old days and what they had been up to in college.

Mark settled back in his chair. He was the youngest of the group, but only by a couple months. He'd be 19 in a couple weeks. He was also the smallest, but who cared? He was 5'8" and had filled out nicely at college now that he had easy access to the gym. He wasn't the skinny kid anymore, weighing a solid 145. With his blond hair, icy blue eyes and high cheekbones he was starting to get looks from the girls on campus.

He looked around at the other guys. Tommy was a couple inches taller then him and had the same build as him and had probably 15 pounds on him. With his olive complexion, shaggy black hair and green eyes he looked every inch the Greek that he was. If he put in the time at the gym to bulk up and get some serious muscle definition many people probably would have called him a Greek god, but hard work was never something Tommy enjoyed. He was more laid back and was happy with how he looked, a typical Liberal Arts major.

Across the fire from him was David. David had been the basketball superstar in high school, but hadn't gone out for the college team. He broke a lot of sterotypes, he was a physics major and didn't have the time for sports anymore. He was 6'6" and easily outweighed all of them at 220. He had a great body and still found time to visit the gym and hit the court regularly inspite of his studies. He was also blonde and blue eyed, a near perfect example of his Nordic heritage.

Steven was the last of the crew. He was 5'11" and was a total frat boy, good looks included. Short brown hair, warm brown eyes, a friendly smile, and 8-pack abs. Every muscle was clearly defined on his 170 pound frame. He had a quick, infectious laugh and a huge mischievious streak. He was normally the one who had initiated all the trouble they had gotten into. He was a Business major and would do well if he could stay in the program, but studying wasn't high on his priority list.

Mark didn't think he could enjoy himself much more than he was right now. He was out in the woods with his three best friends, they'd had fajitas for dinner, Steven had brought along a few six-packs of beer, and he was sitting here shootin' the shit over a campfire under a beautiful summer sky full of stars. Their campsite was far enough away from any others that they could be a little loud without having to worry about bothering anyone else.

"You guys know what we haven't done in a long time?" Steven asked as he looked around the fire and took a swig from his beer, "played Truth or Dare."

"Damn dude, we haven't done that since what, freshman year? After that girls got more interesting and we left the younger kids to play with each other," Tommy said.

"What the hell, I'm game. I got nothin' to hide from you fuckers," Mark chimed in.

"Just like old times, huh? I'm in," David added, "You go first Steven since it was your idea. For ground rules, you can't go back to the person that just asked you. Other than that everything is fair game."

"Alright! Mark, truth or dare?" he asked.

Mark thought for a second and replied "Truth." Mark had always been the quiet one in the group and up for anything, but he wasn't sure he wanted his first dare to come from Steven.

"Pussy," Steven replied, "Let's see...have you gotten laid yet?"

"Yeah," Mark replied truthfully.

"Well? Give us the details!" Steven said excitedly.

"Sorry fucker, you got your answer," Mark replied, a shit eating grin on his face.

"Tommy, truth or dare?"

"Lets get this goin, dare me," Tommy said.

"Ok, then I want you to streak to the bathrooms and back."

Their campsite was the farthest from the bathrooms, but they weren't that far. It was late enough that nobody else would probably be out, but you never knew.

"Haha, nice one dude," Steven laughed.

"Oh, so that's how its gonna be?" Tommy asked as he quickly stripped off his tank top and dropped his board shorts. Apparently he had been freeballing because he was naked. All of the guys were comfortable with each other and their bodies, they had all showered together and with other guys in the troop too often to be shy with each other. Hell they had all showered earlier before dinner. This place actually had seperate stalls though so they hadn't seen the others naked.

Tommy stood there for a minute basking in the firelight, he had never been a shy one. The others could see he was still in good shape, and he had gotten a little furrier since they had last seen him. He was also into the natural look apparently, the hair on his chest flowing down his stomach into a big bush growing above his dick and hairy balls.

Just like that he spun and was tearing ass down the road, the firelight reflecting briefly off his pale furry butt. A couple minutes later he back and collapsed into his chair and just started laughing, grabbing his board shorts and pulling them into his lap.

Once he finally caught his breath, he managed to get out, "There was some old lady coming out of the bathroom right as I rounded the building. I don't know who was more shocked, her or me."

The others erupted into laughter. Tommy pulled his board shorts back on.

"David, truth or dare?" Tommy asked.

"Dare of course."

"I dare you to go skinny dipping."

"Done!" His clothes hit the ground and he was gone, running the 20 yards across the field to the lake shore, down the short fishing dock and cannonballed in. Fortunately the lake he was decently deep. He splashed around for a minute until Tommy called out, "Come on you fucker, that's enough."

He waded out and made his way back to the campsite, grabbing his towel from a nearby tree branch. As he dried off he asked, "Ok Steven, your turn, what's it going to be?"

"Truth," he said, shocking them all.

"Wasn't expecting that, but ok. Any truth to the rumors of gay hazing during frat rush we all hear about? And we want details."

"Maybe some truth, but its not like I had to pleasure the brothers or anything. There were a couple times we could only wear skimpy underwear around the house, and one time near the end of rush they made us play soggy biscuit. That one made me nervous because I nearly lost, I was the next to last to bust."

In reality he actually had been the last to nut by a few seconds, but he didn't want to admit that he had eaten a bunch of other guys' cum. And especially that he had actually kinda enjoyed the taste. That was the first time he had tasted cum but not that last, he licked his hand clean on a regular basis now.

The game progressed on for a few more rounds, mostly dares with a couple truths sprinkled in. Nearly every dare got laughs and someone did something stupid, and more often than not showing skin. Steven had been dared to stay naked for the rest of the game, Tommy hadn't bothered to put his board shorts back on, and Mark and David were only in their boxers.

Mark's nipples hurt from a tittie twister he'd gotten a few minutes ago from Steven and now it was time for some payback.

"Steven, t or d?" Mark asked.


"Eat a marshmallow off of Tommy's bare ass." Steven looked a little stunned, but the others were laughing their asses off. This was the first dare that had involved someone else.

Tommy walked over to the picnic table, dropped his shorts and laid down on it. Mark grabbed a marshmallow from the bag and nestled in partway in the cleft of Tommy's ass.

"C'mon big boy, come eat out of my ass," Tommy catcalled to Steven.

"You dirty fuck," Steven said to Mark as he walked over to Tommy. Taking a deep breath he leaned in and grabbed the marshmallow in his teeth, Tommy's butt hair tickling his lips. He pulled it out, turned to the other guys and sucked it into his mouth, quickly chewed and swallowed. He stuck a finger in his mouth and pulled out a short hair.

"Ugh, nasty!" he cringed as he flicked it away. He grabbed his beer and chugged the last half of it. He couldn't wait until he could give another dare to Mark, he had something good planned.

A few more dares were completed, getting more daring than the last. Finally Steven had a dare from David to do a dick trick, so he helicoptered for them. Swinging his dick like that made the blood flow south and gave him a semi.

David threw another log onto the fire.

"And now its my turn. Mark, ready for your dare?" Steven asked.

He thought briefly about asking for a truth, then said "I guess," knowing Steven was about to get him back for the marshmallow.

Steven walked over to the food box and dug around for a minute.

"Ah ha!" He tossed something towards Mark, "American Pie that bitch."

Mark looked down to his hands, he was holding a Little Debbie apple pie. "Do what?" he asked.

"Feels like pussy when you fuck it," Steven relied with a laugh, "bite the end of and go to town with it."

The others were strangely quiet as they looked at Mark. The game had been pushed to a new level. They were fine being naked around one another, but they had never seen each other hard, at least not since those unintentional boners in the showers when they were first hitting puberty.

"Fuck it," Mark wasn't going to be the one to back down now, besides he had a nice buzz going. He unwrapped the pie and tossed the wrapper into the fire. Stepping back he took a big bite off one end of the pie, dropped his boxers and turned his back to the fire. With his right hand he started stroking his cock.

"Facing us dumbass," Steven called out.

"I know shithead, give me a second to get ready," Mark retorted. He kept stroking his cock, with the mood around the campfire and the beer it didn't take long to reach his full 7". He may have the smallest body here, but he was proud of the size of his dick.

He turned back around and glanced quickly around the fire. The other three were staring intently and his crotch and the pie in his hand, wondering if he would really do it. He slowly brought the pie closer, then pushed his fat mushroom head into the hole. The edge of the hole scraped along his head and crumbled some as it was too small. The next couple inches slid in easily enough, the sides cracking as he went, but then the shaft started to thicken as he pushed the pie farther down. By the time he felt his head hit the opposite side there were several cracks in the pie.

Mark started to slide the pie up and down, the pie filling felt weird yet oddly arousing on his cock. After a couple stroked the pie crumbled to pieces as his head knocked out the other side. He slid it down and started to thrust into instead as pieces of crust fell out of his hand.

"You look like you're enjoying that too much, that's enough," Steven laughed, the other three joining in as Mark dropped the remaining pieces into the fire. Mark had never jerked off in front of anyone before, if you could call fucking a pie jerking off, but didn't mind that these guys had just watched him do that.

He was about to run over to the lake to wash off when he had a better idea.

"David, I dare you to clean my hand with your tongue."

David walked over and grabbed his wrist bringing it up to his face. He stared into Mark's icy blue eyes as he guided Mark's index finger fully into his mouth before closing his lips tightly around it and slowly pulled it out. Mark could feel his tongue all over his finger as it searched out every bit of fillingand crumb. David proceeded likewise with each finger, never breaking his gaze. After the fingers were clean he ran his broad pink tongue up Mark's palm.

"Dude, that was hot, but you know where that filling just was right?" Tommy asked.

"Bloody hell, I wasn't thinking about that!" David swore.

"Haha, still gave me a half chub," Steven laughed.

Mark turned and trotted off down to the lake to clean the rest of the filling off of his junk. He was just about to climb back up on the dock when he heard a thumping followed by Steven flipping over his head into the water. As he surfaced Tommy and David came flying off the dock as well.

"You were already here so we decided it was time for a quick dip," Steven told him. The boys swam for a couple minutes, enjoying the feel of the water sliding over their naked bodies. The moon was pretty full and they could see fairly well once their eyes adjusted.

David climbed out and sat down on the dock.

"Tommy," he called out, "Since we're here, I dare you to recreate the pool scene from Wild Things with Steven. Mark climb on out so you can get a good view."

They had been young when the movie came out, but still knew what scene he was referring to. Steven's older brother had shown it to Steven and he had shown it to the rest of them. Tommy and Steven swam over and grabbed onto the dock between the two boys.

"Why am I involved in this dare?" Steven complained.

"Shut up and do it, it's all part of the game," Mark told him.

Tommy and Steven held on with one hand and turned to face each other, inching closer together. They leaned in and tentatively touched lips, then pressed in more firmly. Both of them had full soft lips and had plenty of kissing experience and didn't want to look bad in front of the others. Mouths opened and Steven ran his tongue against Tommy's lips. Tommy responded with his own tongue, which soon became a battle between the two.

Mark and David watched slightly stunned as the two kept kissing, both of them felt the blood flow to their cocks and plump up. Steven felt something brush against his thigh and reached down to brush it away. His hand found Tommy's cock rubbing against him, their lower bodies had drifted together. Determined to 'win' the kiss, he wrapped his fingers around it and started to stroke, trying to shock Tommy into breaking the kiss first. Instead Steven found the cock hardening, making it easier for him to stroke it.

Feeling himself getting hard under Steven's ministrations, Tommy decided to respond in kind and reach down between them. His questing hand slid down Steven's taut abs until he found what he was looking for. His fingers wrapped around a semihard cock and began moving up and down.

A huge splash startled both of them. David had just cannonballed in right next to them. A hand came down on Tommy's head and pushed him under the water. Seeing this, Steven pushed himself up out of the water, grabbed Mark's arm and pulled him in.

Now it was on. For the next several minutes they splashed and grappled trying to dunk each other. Skin slid along bare skin, hands grabbing trying to get a hold on someone. Arms, legs and butts were grabbed, and a few times Steven thought a hand grabbed ahold of his hard cock. He made some swipes at Mark and David, he thought they were hard but he hadn't gotten a good feel. Tommy was definitely hard when he was finally able to grab his again.

Someone landed on his back, wrapping their arms tight around his chest and entangling their legs. He felt a hard cock pressed up against his ass. He thrashed trying to break free, but Mark only squeezed tighter. All the movement allowing Mark's cock to slip into his ass crack. Mark thrust his hips a couple times.

"You're my bitch now!" Mark yelled in his ear. Steven threw himself backwards dunking both of them, and Mark finally let go. He laughed as he surfaced.

The boys tired of their game and made their way back to the campsite. They grabbed fresh beers and stood around the campfire to let the fire dry them, not even bothering with towels or clothes. All of their cocks had subsided a bit during the walk back.

After a couple quiet minutes, Tommy spoke up.

"Steven, since you haven't had a direct dare in a bit, I dare you to jerk off David."

Without saying a word he walked over to David, put his hand on his chest and pushed him back a couple steps to get in front of him. Steven reached out with his right hand and wrapped it around David's cock. He was impressed, it had to be 6" already and not fully hard yet. He pulled gently on his cock, slowly turning him so one side faced the fire and the others could see. He could feel the dick swelling in his hand as he started to tug on it. It throbbed in his hand when it finally reached its full thick 8". Steven spat in his hand a couple times, needing the lubrication for his hand to slide all the up and down that thick hunk of manmeat. It curved to his left and it took a minute for him to get into a comfortable rhythm, twisting his hand as he jerked him off. A soft moan escaped David's lips as he slid up and around the head.

Steven's left hand found its way to his own 6.5" cock, tugging gently on the erection he hadn't realized he had.

"Ok, that's good enough lover boy," Tommy's voice breaking the quiet. Steven's head whipped around, embarrassed at how focused he had been. But not embarrassed enough to miss noticing Mark's hand fall away from his own erection, and Tommy looked almost hard as well.

'Should I dare Mark or David next? and what do I have them do? and maybe to whom?' Steven thought to himself.

He walked back over to the picnic table, picked up a Hershey bar and snapped off a piece.

"Mark, I dare you to eat this chocolate without using your hands."

"No problem," Mark said, just as Steven took hold of David's still erect monster and placed the chocolate on the head. They all looked at Mark expectantly.

Mark kneeled down in front of David. He leaned in close, but rather than picking the chocolate up with his lips, he wrapped them around the large head. His tongue flipped upwards across the piss slit and knocked the chocolate into his mouth. He pulled off slowly, keeping his lips tight around the head.

After swallowing the chocolate he said, "You may want to check that chocolate, its a touch salty."

As Mark got back to his feet, he looked around the group. Everyone was hard except for Tommy, which surprised him with everything that had happened so far. "David, looks like Tommy is the only one thats not fully hard, why don't you give him a hand with that? Doesn't look like it will take much," he said.

David turned to face Tommy. He took another swig of his beer and set it down. He settled into his chair and waved Tommy over. He grasped the nearly hard cock as it swayed in front of his face, his large meaty hand covering all of the shaft as he started to stroke it. A couple strokes was all it took to bring it full rigidity. He reversed his grip to better handle the upward pointing turgidness. David thought it was about the same size as what he'd seen on Steven, but it looked shorter due to wild mass of pubic hair around it. Pretty much every other guy he'd seen naked kept everything trimmed.

As he jerked him off he ran his thumb over the head, smearing a few drops of precum all over it. He brought his other hand up to cup Tommy's furry balls, he always loved having his played with. He rolled them around his hand, they were good sized, nearly as big as his own. He wondered how long it had been since Tommy had gotten off.

He soon had his answer, only a couple minutes had passed when he felt Tommy's balls start to pull up and heard his breathing get more rapid. Since he didn't want a face full of cum, he let go of his cock and balls, grabbed his hips and spun him around. He slapped Tommy on the ass, leaving a large red handprint.

"There ya go," he laughed.

"Damn dude, he got you good," Steven said as he looked at Tommy's ass, "bet you weren't expecting that."

"Steven, you're turn," said David, "as you are so fond of telling us, suck a nut. You're choice."


Steven looked around the group trying to decide. Tommy had just gotten jerked off and his were too hairy anyway. He looked at David's crotch, there was a massive pair of balls resting below his hard pole. That left Mark.

He grabbed some of the discarded clothing laying around and piled it on the ground in front of Mark to kneel on. He took a good look at his cock as he used a couple fingers to press it flat against Mark's stomach. He looked down at the balls, they were the size of ping pong balls with just a few wispy hairs curling off them, the left hanging slightly lower.

He had certainly never done something like this before, but he thought back to what girls had done to him. He stuck out his tongue and flicked it lightly against Mark's sack. He moved to the bottom of the left nut and ran his tongue from the bottom all the way to the top where it merged with the shaft. He licked again, right next to where he had just licked. He ran his tongue up Mark's ballsack again and again as he worked his way across them. As he licked up the middle he kept going a bit longer, feeling the balls give way to a firm shaft beneath his tongue.

He slowly started to rock his hand up and down, Mark's cock pressed between his hand and Mark's stomach. He moved over and kept licking, every other lick ending a short way up the shaft. After reaching the edge of the right nut he dipped his head lower. Wrapping his lips over his teeth he gently sucked on the left nut he gently sucked it into his mouth, rolling it around on his tongue.

He let it slip from between his lips and moved to the right nut and slipped it into his mouth. He rolled it around a few times, then widened his mouth, trying to suck in the other one. He couldn't quite get them both in but his tongue lapped at the other. He heard Mark moan above him.

He let Mark's ball slip from between his lips, he was done with this dare. He started to stand, but Mark placed a hand on his shoulder. Not demanding, but asking, begging him for more. He hesitated halfway crouched, before settling back to his knees. The game was done but the time for play was not.

He pushed Mark's cock back up to his belly. He stuck his tongue out and licked at his nuts again. Only this time he didn't stop when he reached the shaft. His tongue glided up the ballsack, met the shaft and continued up the throbbing member, until he found the head.

He shifted his hand, wrapping it around Mark's turgid member and pulling it down. He stared at the hard cock throbbing in his face. A thick vein ran jaggedly down the top of that shaft, stretching from the head all the way to the base of the shaft. He practically ached to run his tongue down it.

Instead he sucked in the mushroom head and ran his tongue around and around. He tasted a slight saltiness as he passed over the slit. He started to push down, slowly taking more into his mouth. His lips tightened as he past the rim of the head. A few more bobs and his lips were slowly spread wider around the thickening shaft. As he tried to swallow more the fat head soon hit the back of his throat. He gagged a bit, but forced himself to relax and soon had the fat head of Mark's cock slipping into his throat. His wide spread lips soon found the base of his cock. He buried himself in Mark's trimmed pubes, inhaling deeply. It was a surprisingly manly, muskly smell.

He imitated the girls that had blown him, paying attention to the sensitive head, then swallowing all of the cock before him. He kept his tongue moving, swirling around the head or moving back and forth along the cum chute even though he was a bit jealous that Mark was bigger than him.

His hands slid over Mark's body. One hand sliding up his smooth stomach while the other cupped a small firm ass cheek. Plenty of sorority girls had sucked his dick, and he would be damned if he couldn't give a better blow job than them. Based on how much Mark's hands were moving through his short brown hair he thought he was doing a pretty good job of that.

Steven felt something heavy slap against his cheek. He opened his eyes to look in that direction, and he caught a swift glimpse of David before his eyes focused on a massive purple cockhead bouncing next to his cheek. He pulled his mouth off of Mark as he turned to lick David's cock. He wrapped one hand around David's shaft to hold and control the cock he was trying to suck, his other hand he wrapped around Mark's shaft and jerked him while his mouth was occupied.

A minute later his hand was pulled away as Tommy knelt next to him and took over working Mark's achingly hard dick. Tommy's hand found Steven's erection as his lips closed around Mark's fat head. Tommy had worked his way halfway down Mark's dick when he felt a pair of hands slip under his pits and pull him to his feet.

When Tommy gained his feet, Mark pulled him close. Mark pressed his lips ardently against Tommy as he pulled him close. They kissed for a few minutes as hands roamed over whatever skin they could find. Mark found Tommy's chest hair to be surprisingly soft as it was pressed hard against his smooth chest, tickling his sensitive nipples. Tommy's cock was pressed tightly between them while Mark's had slid against Tommy's taint, his balls laying on Mark's shaft as they thrust against each other. Tommy's precum making a mess on their stomachs as Mark's upward pointing head moved back and forth, putting pressure on something that radiated pleasure throughout Tommy's body.

Mark finally broke the kiss, sliding his body down Tommy's as he settled to his knees. He quickly sucked in the pointed head and began to work his way down the shaft. He was soon bobbing his head up and down, burying his nose in Tommy's bush.

Steven was still struggling with David's massive member. He had about half of it his mouth which was stretched wide, but couldn't get the massive head into his throat. He used one of his hands to jerk on the rest of the shaft. He felt Mark's hand wrap around the one he had on his own cock and let go so Mark could have free access. Mark was soon jacking him off in a nice steady rhythm.

Steven let David's cock slip from his mouth. He needed to rest his jaw for a minute, sucking cock was not something he was used to, plus his knees were starting to hurt. A thought niggled the back of his mind, but he wasn't sure if he really wanted to give voice to it or not.

He looked around as he got back to his feet. Someone, probably Tommy, had spread a couple of the beachtowels out next to the fire, and it looked like a bottle of lube laying between them. He walked over and laid down with his head next to the fire. David tapped Tommy and Mark on the shoulders and beckoned them over. Nobody was speaking at this point, not wanting to break the current mood, the only sounds being the crackling of the fire and their heavy breathing.

Tommy laid down next to Steven with his legs spread wide, David burying his head in his crotch. Mark crouched between Steven's legs giving a few swipes of his tongue along Steven's shaft and head. Mark slowly crawled up along Steven's body, kissing his way up Steven's abs to his perky nipples, up to his neck. Mark suckled at his neck and collarbone as he settled his body down on Steven. He began thrusting and grinding against Steven, who started thrusting up against him.

Steven reached out next to him to find the bottle of lube. He carefully worked the bottle around in his hand until he could squeeze out a good bit into his palm. He slid his hand betwen their bodies until he could wrap his hand around both of their cocks, which spread the lube as they thrust against each other. He pulled his hand back and their cocks now slid easily against cock and stomach. Steven slid his hands backwards along Mark's hips to his butt, pulling him closer as he thrust upwards.

Steven could feel his orgasm building deep in his balls, but he wasn't ready to cum yet. He squeezed more lube into his hand. He let go of Mark's ass and pushed back on the top of Mark's thighs, sliding him down his body. Mark looked as him questioningly as Steven reached down between them, wiping his fingers over his asshole before wrapping his hand around Mark's shaft and guiding him forward again.

Mark felt Steven's solid legs wrap around his waist as his cockhead was guided to Steven's hole. Mark pushed his hips forward, Steven's ass closed tight against him. He reached down and wiggled his cockhead against the hole. Steven forced himself to relax, wanting Mark inside him.

Mark pushed forward as he felt the hole start to relax. It slowly stretched as his mushroom head slid forward, until it suddenly slipped all the way inside. Steven grunted. Mark paused, giving Steven a chance to adjust. Holding himself on one arm he wrapped his fingers around Steven's cock and jerked him off. He pushed his hips forward, the first couple inches slipping easily inside the tight hole. He gently pulled out until he felt the rim of his head catch on the edge of the hole. He rocked his hips, sliding the first couple of inches in and out of the Steven's tight ass.

Steven's legs tightened around Mark's waist, slamming him forward until he was balls deep inside him. Mark moaned and Steven grunted again. His legs held Mark close as he tried to adjust, his ass had never felt so full.

David and Tommy looked over at the noises. They looked at each other and broke off what they were doing. Tommy moved over to kneel at Steven's head, David on the opposite side. David reached down and took over jerking Steven off, while Tommy offered his cock to Steven's mouth. Steven sucked the head in between his lips as he wrapped one of his hands around David's turgid member.

As Steven's legs loosened their grip Mark began to thrust himself in and out of Steven again, matching David's slow pace on his dick. He could feel a hard spot deep inside him that was causing Steven to moan every time his head brushed against it. Mark would slowly pull back until his head nearly popped out then thrust himself deep inside. He slowly picked up the pace of his thrusts, David matching his tempo. Mark growled as Steven's hot tight hole swallowed him. He switched to short fast thrusts, bumping his head back and forth across the firm spot, his balls slapping against Steven's ass.

Steven moaned around Tommy's cock. He had a cock in his mouth, Tommy's balls in one hand, David's fat cock in another, a hand jerking his cock as Mark fucked him in the ass. His body was being overwhelmed and started to writhe and twist under all the attention.

Mark was on the edge. He knew he was about to bust so he pulled out and frantically jerked his aching cock. He cried out as his cum rocketed up from his balls, up his shaft as shot outwards from his head. The first two shots arced up to splatter on Steven's chiseled abs. Mark aimed his cock downwards so the next three shots landed on Steven's cock and balls and David's hands.

David quickly scooped up what he could in his hand and jerked Steven's cock hard and fast, using the cum as lube. It only took three lubed strokes for Steven's cock to explode. Cum flew everywhere, hitting David and Tommy in the stomach, and barely missing Mark's chin. Tommy's cock popped free of his lips as Steven threw his head back to cry out, his back arching in ecstasy as the last few pulses oozed from his cock.

Watching these two cum pushed David over the edge. Thick white cum boiled up out of his balls to fall heavily on Steven's chest. The first five shots liberally covered the boy's chest and stomach, the last two shots he aimed at Steven's crotch, further soaking it in jizz.

Tommy stroked his cock and fondled his balls as he watched the other's orgasm. David and Mark stared at his cock while Steven laid there in a daze. He brought one hand to his chest and tweaked his nipples. They watched his cum arc out from his cock, fly the length of Steven's body to hit Mark's cock as it swayed still hard above Steven's. The second landing on Steven's cum-covered crotch. Several more shots landed on him, landing closer and closer until the last one simply oozed out to fall on Steven's chin.

Mark laughed heartily, "Holy shit."

They all lowered themselves to the ground as tumescent cocks slowly subsided.

"That was amazing!" Steven exclaimed. He swirled his fingers through the loads of cum that covered his cock, abs and chest. Scooping up a hefty glob on his finger, he looked at it.

"Cum brothers?" he asked.

"Cum brothers," the others echoed. Steven closed his eyes as he stuck his finger into his mouth, licking every drop free and swallowing it, relishing the taste of his best friends' cum. He felt other fingers trace along his body through the puddles of jizz.

"Fuckin' cum brothers," Tommy said.

Out past the light of the campfire two figures stood in the shadows. Their shorts were puddled at their ankles as they furiously masterbated each other to the show these four hot boys had unwittingly put on. Their seed soon splashed onto the ground in front of them.

"I don't know about you guys, but I could use another shower," Steven said. The others agreed, they grabbed their shower kits and towels and headed to the bathroom. Not bothering with clothes and not caring who saw them.

Conflicting modification on February 5, 2015 at 11:59:37 AM:The four boys sat around the campfire talking and laughing. They had been the best of friends since they all joined the same Boy Scout Troop and assigned to the same Patrol when they werre 11. They had all gone camping with the Troop every nearly every month through junior high and high school. Once they had gotten their driver's licenses they'd often gone camping without the troop.

Each of them had gone to a different school and had stayed in touch via Facebook, but they hadn't gotten together as a group until Tommy had suggested this trip. They had all just gotten home from school for summer vacation and had leapt at the idea, loading up Mark's truck and driving out on Friday afternoon.

This park was small and out of the way, but had a lot to offer in the way of hiking, fishing, swimming and canoeing. The boys spent Saturday exploring the park and swimming in the lake. Now stories drifted across the campfire, stories of the old days and what they had been up to in college.

Mark settled back in his chair. He was the youngest of the group, but only by a couple months. He'd be 19 in a couple weeks. He was also the smallest, but who cared? He was 5'8" and had filled out nicely at college now that he had easy access to the gym. He wasn't the skinny kid anymore, weighing a solid 145. With his blond hair, icy blue eyes and high cheekbones he was starting to get looks from the girls on campus.

He looked around at the other guys. Tommy was a couple inches taller then him and had the same build as him and had probably 15 pounds on him. With his olive complexion, shaggy black hair and green eyes he looked every inch the Greek that he was. If he put in the time at the gym to bulk up and get some serious muscle definition many people probably would have called him a Greek god, but hard work was never something Tommy enjoyed. He was more laid back and was happy with how he looked, a typical Liberal Arts major.

Across the fire from him was David. David had been the basketball superstar in high school, but hadn't gone out for the college team. He broke a lot of sterotypes, he was a physics major and didn't have the time for sports anymore. He was 6'6" and easily outweighed all of them at 220. He had a great body and still found time to visit the gym and hit the court regularly inspite of his studies. He was also blonde and blue eyed, a near perfect example of his Nordic heritage.

Steven was the last of the crew. He was 5'11" and was a total frat boy, good looks included. Short brown hair, warm brown eyes, a friendly smile, and 8-pack abs. Every muscle was clearly defined on his 170 pound frame. He had a quick, infectious laugh and a huge mischievious streak. He was normally the one who had initiated all the trouble they had gotten into. He was a Business major and would do well if he could stay in the program, but studying wasn't high on his priority list.

Mark didn't think he could enjoy himself much more than he was right now. He was out in the woods with his three best friends, they'd had fajitas for dinner, Steven had brought along a few six-packs of beer, and he was sitting here shootin' the shit over a campfire under a beautiful summer sky full of stars. Their campsite was far enough away from any others that they could be a little loud without having to worry about bothering anyone else.

"You guys know what we haven't done in a long time?" Steven asked as he looked around the fire and took a swig from his beer, "played Truth or Dare."

"Damn dude, we haven't done that since what, freshman year? After that girls got more interesting and we left the younger kids to play with each other," Tommy said.

"What the hell, I'm game. I got nothin' to hide from you fuckers," Mark chimed in.

"Just like old times, huh? I'm in," David added, "You go first Steven since it was your idea. For ground rules, you can't go back to the person that just asked you. Other than that everything is fair game."

"Alright! Mark, truth or dare?" he asked.

Mark thought for a second and replied "Truth." Mark had always been the quiet one in the group and up for anything, but he wasn't sure he wanted his first dare to come from Steven.

"Pussy," Steven replied, "Let's see...have you gotten laid yet?"

"Yeah," Mark replied truthfully.

"Well? Give us the details!" Steven said excitedly.

"Sorry fucker, you got your answer," Mark replied, a shit eating grin on his face.

"Tommy, truth or dare?"

"Lets get this goin, dare me," Tommy said.

"Ok, then I want you to streak to the bathrooms and back."

Their campsite was the farthest from the bathrooms, but they weren't that far. It was late enough that nobody else would probably be out, but you never knew.

"Haha, nice one dude," Steven laughed.

"Oh, so that's how its gonna be?" Tommy asked as he quickly stripped off his tank top and dropped his board shorts. Apparently he had been freeballing because he was naked. All of the guys were comfortable with each other and their bodies, they had all showered together and with other guys in the troop too often to be shy with each other. Hell they had all showered earlier before dinner. This place actually had seperate stalls though so they hadn't seen the others naked.

Tommy stood there for a minute basking in the firelight, he had never been a shy one. The others could see he was still in good shape, and he had gotten a little furrier since they had last seen him. He was also into the natural look apparently, the hair on his chest flowing down his stomach into a big bush growing above his dick and hairy balls.

Just like that he spun and was tearing ass down the road, the firelight reflecting briefly off his pale furry butt. A couple minutes later he back and collapsed into his chair and just started laughing, grabbing his board shorts and pulling them into his lap.

Once he finally caught his breath, he managed to get out, "There was some old lady coming out of the bathroom right as I rounded the building. I don't know who was more shocked, her or me."

The others erupted into laughter. Tommy pulled his board shorts back on.

"David, truth or dare?" Tommy asked.

"Dare of course."

"I dare you to go skinny dipping."

"Done!" His clothes hit the ground and he was gone, running the 20 yards across the field to the lake shore, down the short fishing dock and cannonballed in. Fortunately the lake he was decently deep. He splashed around for a minute until Tommy called out, "Come on you fucker, that's enough."

He waded out and made his way back to the campsite, grabbing his towel from a nearby tree branch. As he dried off he asked, "Ok Steven, your turn, what's it going to be?"

"Truth," he said, shocking them all.

"Wasn't expecting that, but ok. Any truth to the rumors of gay hazing during frat rush we all hear about? And we want details."

"Maybe some truth, but its not like I had to pleasure the brothers or anything. There were a couple times we could only wear skimpy underwear around the house, and one time near the end of rush they made us play soggy biscuit. That one made me nervous because I nearly lost, I was the next to last to bust."

In reality he actually had been the last to nut by a few seconds, but he didn't want to admit that he had eaten a bunch of other guys' cum. And especially that he had actually kinda enjoyed the taste. That was the first time he had tasted cum but not that last, he licked his hand clean on a regular basis now.

The game progressed on for a few more rounds, mostly dares with a couple truths sprinkled in. Nearly every dare got laughs and someone did something stupid, and more often than not showing skin. Steven had been dared to stay naked for the rest of the game, Tommy hadn't bothered to put his board shorts back on, and Mark and David were only in their boxers.

Mark's nipples hurt from a tittie twister he'd gotten a few minutes ago from Steven and now it was time for some payback.

"Steven, t or d?" Mark asked.


"Eat a marshmallow off of Tommy's bare ass." Steven looked a little stunned, but the others were laughing their asses off. This was the first dare that had involved someone else.

Tommy walked over to the picnic table, dropped his shorts and laid down on it. Mark grabbed a marshmallow from the bag and nestled in partway in the cleft of Tommy's ass.

"C'mon big boy, come eat out of my ass," Tommy catcalled to Steven.

"You dirty fuck," Steven said to Mark as he walked over to Tommy. Taking a deep breath he leaned in and grabbed the marshmallow in his teeth, Tommy's butt hair tickling his lips. He pulled it out, turned to the other guys and sucked it into his mouth, quickly chewed and swallowed. He stuck a finger in his mouth and pulled out a short hair.

"Ugh, nasty!" he cringed as he flicked it away. He grabbed his beer and chugged the last half of it. He couldn't wait until he could give another dare to Mark, he had something good planned.

A few more dares were completed, getting more daring than the last. Finally Steven had a dare from David to do a dick trick, so he helicoptered for them. Swinging his dick like that made the blood flow south and gave him a semi.

David threw another log onto the fire.

"And now its my turn. Mark, ready for your dare?" Steven asked.

He thought briefly about asking for a truth, then said "I guess," knowing Steven was about to get him back for the marshmallow.

Steven walked over to the food box and dug around for a minute.

"Ah ha!" He tossed something towards Mark, "American Pie that bitch."

Mark looked down to his hands, he was holding a Little Debbie apple pie. "Do what?" he asked.

"Feels like pussy when you fuck it," Steven relied with a laugh, "bite the end of and go to town with it."

The others were strangely quiet as they looked at Mark. The game had been pushed to a new level. They were fine being naked around one another, but they had never seen each other hard, at least not since those unintentional boners in the showers when they were first hitting puberty.

"Fuck it," Mark wasn't going to be the one to back down now, besides he had a nice buzz going. He unwrapped the pie and tossed the wrapper into the fire. Stepping back he took a big bite off one end of the pie, dropped his boxers and turned his back to the fire. With his right hand he started stroking his cock.

"Facing us dumbass," Steven called out.

"I know shithead, give me a second to get ready," Mark retorted. He kept stroking his cock, with the mood around the campfire and the beer it didn't take long to reach his full 7". He may have the smallest body here, but he was proud of the size of his dick.

He turned back around and glanced quickly around the fire. The other three were staring intently and his crotch and the pie in his hand, wondering if he would really do it. He slowly brought the pie closer, then pushed his fat mushroom head into the hole. The edge of the hole scraped along his head and crumbled some as it was too small. The next couple inches slid in easily enough, the sides cracking as he went, but then the shaft started to thicken as he pushed the pie farther down. By the time he felt his head hit the opposite side there were several cracks in the pie.

Mark started to slide the pie up and down, the pie filling felt weird yet oddly arousing on his cock. After a couple stroked the pie crumbled to pieces as his head knocked out the other side. He slid it down and started to thrust into instead as pieces of crust fell out of his hand.

"You look like you're enjoying that too much, that's enough," Steven laughed, the other three joining in as Mark dropped the remaining pieces into the fire. Mark had never jerked off in front of anyone before, if you could call fucking a pie jerking off, but didn't mind that these guys had just watched him do that.

He was about to run over to the lake to wash off when he had a better idea.

"David, I dare you to clean my hand with your tongue."

David walked over and grabbed his wrist bringing it up to his face. He stared into Mark's icy blue eyes as he guided Mark's index finger fully into his mouth before closing his lips tightly around it and slowly pulled it out. Mark could feel his tongue all over his finger as it searched out every bit of fillingand crumb. David proceeded likewise with each finger, never breaking his gaze. After the fingers were clean he ran his broad pink tongue up Mark's palm.

"Dude, that was hot, but you know where that filling just was right?" Tommy asked.

"Bloody hell, I wasn't thinking about that!" David swore.

"Haha, still gave me a half chub," Steven laughed.

Mark turned and trotted off down to the lake to clean the rest of the filling off of his junk. He was just about to climb back up on the dock when he heard a thumping followed by Steven flipping over his head into the water. As he surfaced Tommy and David came flying off the dock as well.

"You were already here so we decided it was time for a quick dip," Steven told him. The boys swam for a couple minutes, enjoying the feel of the water sliding over their naked bodies. The moon was pretty full and they could see fairly well once their eyes adjusted.

David climbed out and sat down on the dock.

"Tommy," he called out, "Since we're here, I dare you to recreate the pool scene from Wild Things with Steven. Mark climb on out so you can get a good view."

They had been young when the movie came out, but still knew what scene he was referring to. Steven's older brother had shown it to Steven and he had shown it to the rest of them. Tommy and Steven swam over and grabbed onto the dock between the two boys.

"Why am I involved in this dare?" Steven complained.

"Shut up and do it, it's all part of the game," Mark told him.

Tommy and Steven held on with one hand and turned to face each other, inching closer together. They leaned in and tentatively touched lips, then pressed in more firmly. Both of them had full soft lips and had plenty of kissing experience and didn't want to look bad in front of the others. Mouths opened and Steven ran his tongue against Tommy's lips. Tommy responded with his own tongue, which soon became a battle between the two.

Mark and David watched slightly stunned as the two kept kissing, both of them felt the blood flow to their cocks and plump up. Steven felt something brush against his thigh and reached down to brush it away. His hand found Tommy's cock rubbing against him, their lower bodies had drifted together. Determined to 'win' the kiss, he wrapped his fingers around it and started to stroke, trying to shock Tommy into breaking the kiss first. Instead Steven found the cock hardening, making it easier for him to stroke it.

Feeling himself getting hard under Steven's ministrations, Tommy decided to respond in kind and reach down between them. His questing hand slid down Steven's taut abs until he found what he was looking for. His fingers wrapped around a semihard cock and began moving up and down.

A huge splash startled both of them. David had just cannonballed in right next to them. A hand came down on Tommy's head and pushed him under the water. Seeing this, Steven pushed himself up out of the water, grabbed Mark's arm and pulled him in.

Now it was on. For the next several minutes they splashed and grappled trying to dunk each other. Skin slid along bare skin, hands grabbing trying to get a hold on someone. Arms, legs and butts were grabbed, and a few times Steven thought a hand grabbed ahold of his hard cock. He made some swipes at Mark and David, he thought they were hard but he hadn't gotten a good feel. Tommy was definitely hard when he was finally able to grab his again.

Someone landed on his back, wrapping their arms tight around his chest and entangling their legs. He felt a hard cock pressed up against his ass. He thrashed trying to break free, but Mark only squeezed tighter. All the movement allowing Mark's cock to slip into his ass crack. Mark thrust his hips a couple times.

"You're my bitch now!" Mark yelled in his ear. Steven threw himself backwards dunking both of them, and Mark finally let go. He laughed as he surfaced.

The boys tired of their game and made their way back to the campsite. They grabbed fresh beers and stood around the campfire to let the fire dry them, not even bothering with towels or clothes. All of their cocks had subsided a bit during the walk back.

After a couple quiet minutes, Tommy spoke up.

"Steven, since you haven't had a direct dare in a bit, I dare you to jerk off David."

Without saying a word he walked over to David, put his hand on his chest and pushed him back a couple steps to get in front of him. Steven reached out with his right hand and wrapped it around David's cock. He was impressed, it had to be 6" already and not fully hard yet. He pulled gently on his cock, slowly turning him so one side faced the fire and the others could see. He could feel the dick swelling in his hand as he started to tug on it. It throbbed in his hand when it finally reached its full thick 8". Steven spat in his hand a couple times, needing the lubrication for his hand to slide all the up and down that thick hunk of manmeat. It curved to his left and it took a minute for him to get into a comfortable rhythm, twisting his hand as he jerked him off. A soft moan escaped David's lips as he slid up and around the head.

Steven's left hand found its way to his own 6.5" cock, tugging gently on the erection he hadn't realized he had.

"Ok, that's good enough lover boy," Tommy's voice breaking the quiet. Steven's head whipped around, embarrassed at how focused he had been. But not embarrassed enough to miss noticing Mark's hand fall away from his own erection, and Tommy looked almost hard as well.

'Should I dare Mark or David next? and what do I have them do? and maybe to whom?' Steven thought to himself.

He walked back over to the picnic table, picked up a Hershey bar and snapped off a piece.

"Mark, I dare you to eat this chocolate without using your hands."

"No problem," Mark said, just as Steven took hold of David's still erect monster and placed the chocolate on the head. They all looked at Mark expectantly.

Mark kneeled down in front of David. He leaned in close, but rather than picking the chocolate up with his lips, he wrapped them around the large head. His tongue flipped upwards across the piss slit and knocked the chocolate into his mouth. He pulled off slowly, keeping his lips tight around the head.

After swallowing the chocolate he said, "You may want to check that chocolate, its a touch salty."

As Mark got back to his feet, he looked around the group. Everyone was hard except for Tommy, which surprised him with everything that had happened so far. "David, looks like Tommy is the only one thats not fully hard, why don't you give him a hand with that? Doesn't look like it will take much," he said.

David turned to face Tommy. He took another swig of his beer and set it down. He settled into his chair and waved Tommy over. He grasped the nearly hard cock as it swayed in front of his face, his large meaty hand covering all of the shaft as he started to stroke it. A couple strokes was all it took to bring it full rigidity. He reversed his grip to better handle the upward pointing turgidness. David thought it was about the same size as what he'd seen on Steven, but it looked shorter due to wild mass of pubic hair around it. Pretty much every other guy he'd seen naked kept everything trimmed.

As he jerked him off he ran his thumb over the head, smearing a few drops of precum all over it. He brought his other hand up to cup Tommy's furry balls, he always loved having his played with. He rolled them around his hand, they were good sized, nearly as big as his own. He wondered how long it had been since Tommy had gotten off.

He soon had his answer, only a couple minutes had passed when he felt Tommy's balls start to pull up and heard his breathing get more rapid. Since he didn't want a face full of cum, he let go of his cock and balls, grabbed his hips and spun him around. He slapped Tommy on the ass, leaving a large red handprint.

"There ya go," he laughed.

"Damn dude, he got you good," Steven said as he looked at Tommy's ass, "bet you weren't expecting that."

"Steven, you're turn," said David, "as you are so fond of telling us, suck a nut. You're choice."


Steven looked around the group trying to decide. Tommy had just gotten jerked off and his were too hairy anyway. He looked at David's crotch, there was a massive pair of balls resting below his hard pole. That left Mark.

He grabbed some of the discarded clothing laying around and piled it on the ground in front of Mark to kneel on. He took a good look at his cock as he used a couple fingers to press it flat against Mark's stomach. He looked down at the balls, they were the size of ping pong balls with just a few wispy hairs curling off them, the left hanging slightly lower.

He had certainly never done something like this before, but he thought back to what girls had done to him. He stuck out his tongue and flicked it lightly against Mark's sack. He moved to the bottom of the left nut and ran his tongue from the bottom all the way to the top where it merged with the shaft. He licked again, right next to where he had just licked. He ran his tongue up Mark's ballsack again and again as he worked his way across them. As he licked up the middle he kept going a bit longer, feeling the balls give way to a firm shaft beneath his tongue.

He slowly started to rock his hand up and down, Mark's cock pressed between his hand and Mark's stomach. He moved over and kept licking, every other lick ending a short way up the shaft. After reaching the edge of the right nut he dipped his head lower. Wrapping his lips over his teeth he gently sucked on the left nut he gently sucked it into his mouth, rolling it around on his tongue.

He let it slip from between his lips and moved to the right nut and slipped it into his mouth. He rolled it around a few times, then widened his mouth, trying to suck in the other one. He couldn't quite get them both in but his tongue lapped at the other. He heard Mark moan above him.

He let Mark's ball slip from between his lips, he was done with this dare. He started to stand, but Mark placed a hand on his shoulder. Not demanding, but asking, begging him for more. He hesitated halfway crouched, before settling back to his knees. The game was done but the time for play was not.

He pushed Mark's cock back up to his belly. He stuck his tongue out and licked at his nuts again. Only this time he didn't stop when he reached the shaft. His tongue glided up the ballsack, met the shaft and continued up the throbbing member, until he found the head.

He shifted his hand, wrapping it around Mark's turgid member and pulling it down. He stared at the hard cock throbbing in his face. A thick vein ran jaggedly down the top of that shaft, stretching from the head all the way to the base of the shaft. He practically ached to run his tongue down it.

Instead he sucked in the mushroom head and ran his tongue around and around. He tasted a slight saltiness as he passed over the slit. He started to push down, slowly taking more into his mouth. His lips tightened as he past the rim of the head. A few more bobs and his lips were slowly spread wider around the thickening shaft. As he tried to swallow more the fat head soon hit the back of his throat. He gagged a bit, but forced himself to relax and soon had the fat head of Mark's cock slipping into his throat. His wide spread lips soon found the base of his cock. He buried himself in Mark's trimmed pubes, inhaling deeply. It was a surprisingly manly, muskly smell.

He imitated the girls that had blown him, paying attention to the sensitive head, then swallowing all of the cock before him. He kept his tongue moving, swirling around the head or moving back and forth along the cum chute even though he was a bit jealous that Mark was bigger than him.

His hands slid over Mark's body. One hand sliding up his smooth stomach while the other cupped a small firm ass cheek. Plenty of sorority girls had sucked his dick, and he would be damned if he couldn't give a better blow job than them. Based on how much Mark's hands were moving through his short brown hair he thought he was doing a pretty good job of that.

Steven felt something heavy slap against his cheek. He opened his eyes to look in that direction, and he caught a swift glimpse of David before his eyes focused on a massive purple cockhead bouncing next to his cheek. He pulled his mouth off of Mark as he turned to lick David's cock. He wrapped one hand around David's shaft to hold and control the cock he was trying to suck, his other hand he wrapped around Mark's shaft and jerked him while his mouth was occupied.

A minute later his hand was pulled away as Tommy knelt next to him and took over working Mark's achingly hard dick. Tommy's hand found Steven's erection as his lips closed around Mark's fat head. Tommy had worked his way halfway down Mark's dick when he felt a pair of hands slip under his pits and pull him to his feet.

When Tommy gained his feet, Mark pulled him close. Mark pressed his lips ardently against Tommy as he pulled him close. They kissed for a few minutes as hands roamed over whatever skin they could find. Mark found Tommy's chest hair to be surprisingly soft as it was pressed hard against his smooth chest, tickling his sensitive nipples. Tommy's cock was pressed tightly between them while Mark's had slid against Tommy's taint, his balls laying on Mark's shaft as they thrust against each other. Tommy's precum making a mess on their stomachs as Mark's upward pointing head moved back and forth, putting pressure on something that radiated pleasure throughout Tommy's body.

Mark finally broke the kiss, sliding his body down Tommy's as he settled to his knees. He quickly sucked in the pointed head and began to work his way down the shaft. He was soon bobbing his head up and down, burying his nose in Tommy's bush.

Steven was still struggling with David's massive member. He had about half of it his mouth which was stretched wide, but couldn't get the massive head into his throat. He used one of his hands to jerk on the rest of the shaft. He felt Mark's hand wrap around the one he had on his own cock and let go so Mark could have free access. Mark was soon jacking him off in a nice steady rhythm.

Steven let David's cock slip from his mouth. He needed to rest his jaw for a minute, sucking cock was not something he was used to, plus his knees were starting to hurt. A thought niggled the back of his mind, but he wasn't sure if he really wanted to give voice to it or not.

He looked around as he got back to his feet. Someone, probably Tommy, had spread a couple of the beachtowels out next to the fire, and it looked like a bottle of lube laying between them. He walked over and laid down with his head next to the fire. David tapped Tommy and Mark on the shoulders and beckoned them over. Nobody was speaking at this point, not wanting to break the current mood, the only sounds being the crackling of the fire and their heavy breathing.

Tommy laid down next to Steven with his legs spread wide, David burying his head in his crotch. Mark crouched between Steven's legs giving a few swipes of his tongue along Steven's shaft and head. Mark slowly crawled up along Steven's body, kissing his way up Steven's abs to his perky nipples, up to his neck. Mark suckled at his neck and collarbone as he settled his body down on Steven. He began thrusting and grinding against Steven, who started thrusting up against him.

Steven reached out next to him to find the bottle of lube. He carefully worked the bottle around in his hand until he could squeeze out a good bit into his palm. He slid his hand betwen their bodies until he could wrap his hand around both of their cocks, which spread the lube as they thrust against each other. He pulled his hand back and their cocks now slid easily against cock and stomach. Steven slid his hands backwards along Mark's hips to his butt, pulling him closer as he thrust upwards.

Steven could feel his orgasm building deep in his balls, but he wasn't ready to cum yet. He squeezed more lube into his hand. He let go of Mark's ass and pushed back on the top of Mark's thighs, sliding him down his body. Mark looked as him questioningly as Steven reached down between them, wiping his fingers over his asshole before wrapping his hand around Mark's shaft and guiding him forward again.

Mark felt Steven's solid legs wrap around his waist as his cockhead was guided to Steven's hole. Mark pushed his hips forward, Steven's ass closed tight against him. He reached down and wiggled his cockhead against the hole. Steven forced himself to relax, wanting Mark inside him.

Mark pushed forward as he felt the hole start to relax. It slowly stretched as his mushroom head slid forward, until it suddenly slipped all the way inside. Steven grunted. Mark paused, giving Steven a chance to adjust. Holding himself on one arm he wrapped his fingers around Steven's cock and jerked him off. He pushed his hips forward, the first couple inches slipping easily inside the tight hole. He gently pulled out until he felt the rim of his head catch on the edge of the hole. He rocked his hips, sliding the first couple of inches in and out of the Steven's tight ass.

Steven's legs tightened around Mark's waist, slamming him forward until he was balls deep inside him. Mark moaned and Steven grunted again. His legs held Mark close as he tried to adjust, his ass had never felt so full.

David and Tommy looked over at the noises. They looked at each other and broke off what they were doing. Tommy moved over to kneel at Steven's head, David on the opposite side. David reached down and took over jerking Steven off, while Tommy offered his cock to Steven's mouth. Steven sucked the head in between his lips as he wrapped one of his hands around David's turgid member.

As Steven's legs loosened their grip Mark began to thrust himself in and out of Steven again, matching David's slow pace on his dick. He could feel a hard spot deep inside him that was causing Steven to moan every time his head brushed against it. Mark would slowly pull back until his head nearly popped out then thrust himself deep inside. He slowly picked up the pace of his thrusts, David matching his tempo. Mark growled as Steven's hot tight hole swallowed him. He switched to short fast thrusts, bumping his head back and forth across the firm spot, his balls slapping against Steven's ass.

Steven moaned around Tommy's cock. He had a cock in his mouth, Tommy's balls in one hand, David's fat cock in another, a hand jerking his cock as Mark fucked him in the ass. His body was being overwhelmed and started to writhe and twist under all the attention.

Mark was on the edge. He knew he was about to bust so he pulled out and frantically jerked his aching cock. He cried out as his cum rocketed up from his balls, up his shaft as shot outwards from his head. The first two shots arced up to splatter on Steven's chiseled abs. Mark aimed his cock downwards so the next three shots landed on Steven's cock and balls and David's hands.

David quickly scooped up what he could in his hand and jerked Steven's cock hard and fast, using the cum as lube. It only took three lubed strokes for Steven's cock to explode. Cum flew everywhere, hitting David and Tommy in the stomach, and barely missing Mark's chin. Tommy's cock popped free of his lips as Steven threw his head back to cry out, his back arching in ecstasy as the last few pulses oozed from his cock.

Watching these two cum pushed David over the edge. Thick white cum boiled up out of his balls to fall heavily on Steven's chest. The first five shots liberally covered the boy's chest and stomach, the last two shots he aimed at Steven's crotch, further soaking it in jizz.

Tommy stroked his cock and fondled his balls as he watched the other's orgasm. David and Mark stared at his cock while Steven laid there in a daze. He brought one hand to his chest and tweaked his nipples. They watched his cum arc out from his cock, fly the length of Steven's body to hit Mark's cock as it swayed still hard above Steven's. The second landing on Steven's cum-covered crotch. Several more shots landed on him, landing closer and closer until the last one simply oozed out to fall on Steven's chin.

Mark laughed heartily, "Holy shit."

They all lowered themselves to the ground as tumescent cocks slowly subsided.

"That was amazing!" Steven exclaimed. He swirled his fingers through the loads of cum that covered his cock, abs and chest. Scooping up a hefty glob on his finger, he looked at it.

"Cum brothers?" he asked.

"Cum brothers," the others echoed. Steven closed his eyes as he stuck his finger into his mouth, licking every drop free and swallowing it, relishing the taste of his best friends' cum. He felt other fingers trace along his body through the puddles of jizz.

"Fuckin' cum brothers," Tommy said.

Out past the light of the campfire two figures stood in the shadows. Their shorts were puddled at their ankles as they furiously masterbated each other to the show these four hot boys had unwittingly put on. Their seed soon splashed onto the ground in front of them.

"I don't know about you guys, but I could use another shower," Steven said. The others agreed, they grabbed their shower kits and towels and headed to the bathroom. Not bothering with clothes and not caring who saw them.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it.

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If you liked this, check out my other stories: Celebrity -> Shafted by the Arrow Celebrity -> Getting Ready for Michael Encounters -> Drama at the Club College -> Frat Boy Surprise

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