Army Seduction

By Greg Reese

Published on Sep 16, 2007


Recap: SFC Perry is in his final week before retirement. He entertains James, Chuck and SSG McCormick with a true story that happened to him when he was 18, just before he entered the Army. The four men get thoroughly turned on as SFC Perry relives his experience and while SFC Perry tells them his story, the four of them begin working on one another. James, Chuck and SSG McCormick finish each other off and when SFC Perry sees the three men covered in cum, he adds his own load to the mix.

The alarm went off at 0400 as it had everyday for the last three years. A hand reaches out from underneath the blankets and hits the off button. "Good morning baby." LTC Lincoln says and he rolls over, gathering SFC Perry into his arms. His hands begin to roam over SFC Perry's chest, causing his nipples to harden under his gentle touch. He moves his hands lower until he can feel the hard cock of SFC Perry. "I have to pee baby, don't push on my bladder." SFC Perry says, throwing his legs over the side of the bed and getting up to sleepily make his way to the bathroom to release his bladder.

LTC Lincoln rolled on his back and closed his eyes, recalling when he and SFC Perry had first met. They both were stationed in Italy, he a Captain and SFC Perry a newly promoted Sergeant. They were both allowed to live off post as junior officers and enlisted had earned that privilege. They had both taken the train into Rome and were at a gay club that was off limits to both, Italians and the military. The Italian police frequently raided the bar, arresting and often battering the men that frequented the place. LTC Lincoln began to get aroused as he recalled their first night together. They had left the bar just minutes before the police had arrived and had, quite by accident, jumped into the same cab. They quickly learned they were staying at the same hotel and agreed to split the cab fare. Neither man could their eyes off the other; the sexual tension building between the two of them long before the driver dropped them off at their hotel. Sergeant Perry was in front of Captain Lincoln as they climbed the stairs to the entrance of the hotel and, hoping his senses were correct, Captain Lincoln took that time to reach up and grab Sergeant Perry's ass. Sergeant Perry felt him grab his ass but made no acknowledgement; this threw Captain Lincoln for a loop.

"Um, someone's hard as a rock! What are you thinking about?" SFC Perry's voice interrupted LTC Lincoln's reflection. "I was just remembering our first night together. Can you believe we've been with one another for 12 years now?" LTC Lincoln responded, his eyes opening to look into the eyes of the man he'd fallen in love with 12 years ago. "I know, it's amazing; more so because it shouldn't have. We're both career military men." SFC Perry said, leaning over the kiss LTC Lincoln. With the exception of tours in Korea, both men had managed to work their assignments so that they were stationed with one another. And with the privilege of rank on their side, they were able to live off base, establishing separate post office box numbers as well as phone numbers. To the outside, LTC Lincoln and SFC Perry were confirmed bachelors, living the good life. They had an open relationship yet seemed to share the men they met; neither one sleeping with someone else without the other joining in.

SFC Perry began kissing LTC Lincoln's chest, moving his way to his nipples. "Not now honey, I want to save my load for tonight." LTC Lincoln said, putting his hand under SFC Perry's chin and pulling him back up so he could kiss him again. "C'mon, you've got a day full of stuff and I want to go around and see a few people. Let's get in the shower and get going" LTC Lincoln said, plafully slapping SFC Perry on the ass. "OK" SFC Perry said, pushing his bottom lip out into a pout. LTC Lincoln just chuckeled, slapped him on the ass again, and headed to the shower. They both showered and then headed out to start their day.

James and Chuck had received the benefits of being stationed in such an isloated place. Since their assignment was top secret, Department of the Army allowed the base commander to run his own promotions. This allowed for officer and enlisted alike to move quickly through the ranks. The normal requirement of time in grade and time in service were waived by Department of the Army due to the "hardship nature" of their assignment. James was working intently on his morning reports and didn't hear LTC Lincoln enter the orderly room.

"Is that how you greet a senior officer?" LTC Lincoln barked. James snapped to the position of attention, "I'm sorry sir, I... LTC Lincoln!" he shouted as he ran over to greet his former commander. Both men hugged, and LTC Lincoln pushed James back. Looking at him up and down he felt the familiar stirrings in his pants that this man always gave him. "Look at you, you're a buck sergeant now. Congratulations son!" LTC Lincoln said, slapping the young man on the back. Before James could say anything, Chuck came running into the orderly room, "LTC Lincoln! I thought that was your voice I heard!" and also gave the man a long lovingly hug. Both James and Chuck had come to love this man as though he was a big brother/father to them. All three chatted with one another, LTC Lincoln telling the men that he'd returned the night before to celebrate SFC Perry's last night. LTC Lincoln told the men that he had something he'd like to discuss with them; but not now, he had to get running to finish putting together the plans for SFC Perry. "You both need to be at the rec room no later than 1800 tonight men." LTC Lincoln instructed. "You'll be relieved at 1500 so you can head back to your room and prepare. Make sure you both a good and clean, inside and out! There will also be something on your bed that you both are to wear. Don't be late!" LTC Lincoln said and turned to leave the office. Just then SSG McCormick came running in to the orderly room, "SSG McCormick" James started to say. "Not now, I've got a ton of things to do; I'll catch up with you tomorrow. I'll be out of the office most of the day." SSG McCormick said, grabbing a briefcase and heading back out the door. James and Chuck just looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and went back to work.

James looked up at the clock and it read, 1500. "Wow, the day went fast." James thought. Just then one of the MPs stationed there entered the office and explained to James that he was his relief. James went over a few things with the man then went to get Chuck so they could go get ready. On the way back to their room, Chuck asked, "What do you suppose LTC Lincoln has in store for SFC Perry?" "I don't know, but my dick is twitching just as the prospect." James giggeled. They entered their room and there, lying on the bed, were two leather jock straps with snap on pouches and two black vibrating butt plugs. A note laying next to the jock straps read, "Don't be late and make sure you're good and clean!" James and Chuck began to undress to get ready, both hard, both leaking. James started to reach for Chuck's cock when Chuck turned the note over and read what had been written, "I know you're both hard and leaking right now, save your load and leave each other alone! LTC Lincoln". Both James and Chuck looked at each other, laughed and headed to the bathroom to get ready.

James and Chuck reached the rec room only to find two of the MPs dressed in the same black leather jock strap but also wearing a black leather vest. Signs were posted everwhere that the rec room was closed due to a private party. LTC Lincoln had arranged for the two MPs to stand guard, just to make sure no one entered. The men allowed the two to pass and both men entered the rec room. The room had been sectioned off and decorated so that it resembeled one large jail cell. In the center of the room was a sling. There were two tables set up against one of the walls and on them was a variety of dildos and several bottles of lube along with several bottles of poppers. James and Chuck both began to get hard, fortunately the black leather on their jocks helped hold their dicks down so that they didn't get too hard, to fast. Neither men noticed the two bottles of Tequila and the bowl of lime wedges on the table.

SSG McCormick entered from a door at the back of the rec room. "Holy shit!" James quietly exclaimed. SSG McCormick was wearing a leather vest, jock strap with chaps on over them and his black boots. Looking at SSG McCormick made both mens cock begin to drool. Both James and Chuck had just realized they had somehow managed to develope a leather fetish. SSG McCormick approach both men, "Turn around, bend over and spread your cheeks, I need to make sure all of the instructions you were given have been complied with." SSG McCormick ordered. Both men complied presented their asses for inspection. SSG McCormick removed the butt plugs from both men. "Stay like that" SSG McCormick said as he walked over to the the table and picked up a double headed dildo and grabbed a bottle of lube. He returned to the men, lubed the dildo up and slowly began to insert both heads of the dildo into James and Chuck. Both men groaned in extreme pleasure as they felt the dido slide into their asses. The head of each dildo was bent just enough so that it applied pressure on the prostate as it was moved in and out. SSG McCormick proceeded to slowly fuck both men with the dildo, their groans and moans of pleasure telling SSG McCormick that he had hit the mark.

LTC Lincoln soon entered the room. "Men, prepare!" was all he said. SSG McCormick slowly slid the dildo out of James and Chuck. "Come with me" SSG McCormick whispered and all the two followed him to where the tables were. LTC Lincoln had poured four shots of Tequila and had place four lime wedges next to each shot glass. He handed each man a shot of tequila and a lime wedge. "Men, Tequila is believed to be an aphrodesiac; I know it must be because I can fuck and cum for hours when I'm drinking shots of this stuff. Bottoms up!" he said as he slammed the shot of tequila followed by biting down on the lime wedge. Chuck and James also slammed their shots with James going into a fit of coughing as he wasn't used to drinking hard liquor without a mixer. Chuck reached over, grabbed the lime wedge out of James' hand and shoved into his mouth. "Bite down on this and suck the juice, quickly, it'll help!" Chuck said. James quickly bit down and sucked the juice out of the lime wedge; it helped, his coughing stopped. "You'll get used to it." SSG McCormick said, gently slapping James on the back.

A door opened at the front of the room and in came SFC Perry, completely naked. He was being escorted by two of the MPs. The two MPs were huge men, solidly built and completely shaved with the exception of a small triangular patch of hair above their cocks. There were both wearing a solid metal cock ring which kept their huge cocks at full attention. Both men had to be at least twelve inches long and were very thick. They were also uncircumsized with a long flap of skin hanging over the plum sized heads of their dicks. They placed SFC Perry into the sling, lifted his legs and placed them through padded leather ankle restraints. Laying there in the sling, SFC Perry's hard cock kept flexing and each time it would flex, it would release a stream of pre-cum. His crotch was already wet with his own natural lube. "What the hell did he do to SFC Perry? I've never seen him as hard and leaking this much?" James asked Chuck. "LTC Lincoln had him strapped down most of the day with a vibrator in his ass. His prostrate has been humming all day long!" SSG McCormick whispered back. The two MPs then moved to join the remainder of the men, they also poured two shots of tequila and slammed them down.

"Gentlemen, we are here to bid SFC Perry a fond farewell as he enters retirement." LTC Lincoln began. "In the event you don't know, he and I have been lovers for the past 12 years. I thought I had known every one of SFC Perry's fantasies; until SSG McCormick filled me in on the story that he had relayed to the three of you. (at this point, one of the MPs pours a shot of tequila and grabs a lime. The other opens a bottle of poppers, they then move to SFC Perry and feed him the shot of tequila followed by lime, followed by the poppers, they then return to the table, pour more shots of tequila and begin to hand those out to the men). I have arranged for us all to share in his fantasy. Gentlemen - a toast! To my best friend, lover, companion, and one of the best noncomissioned officers I have had the pleasure to serve with and be serviced by. To you SFC Perry - I hope tonight fulfills one more fantasy!" LTC Lincoln said, then all lifted the shots in the air and slammed them back. Once the shot glasses were back on the table, LTC Lincoln clapped his hands twice.

The door at the front of the room opened again, and in walked two men dressed in police uniforms. They approached the sling and stood on each side of SFC Perry. "SFC Perry, meet your next fantasy. These two men are very good friends I have made in San Francisco. They were able to come out on very short notice and yes, they are real, San Francisco police men. Gentlemen - I hope you enjoy what you are about to see." LTC Lincoln said again, clapping his hands twice. Both cops then removed their helmets and sunglasses, revealing short cropped hair and stealy blue eyes. They each looked down at SFC Perry. The one standing on his left said, "Have you been drinking boy?". SFC Perry moaned as the memory of his encounter with the police officer entered into his mind, his dick flexed again. The one standing on his right then said, "I think I smell pot on your breath. You been smoking pot boy?" SFC Perry moaned again, his dick flexing, his legs shaking in their restraints his ball sack pulling tight, he was on the verge of cumming. The cop on the right continued, "Maybe you need to be taught a lesson boy. Judging by the way you're looking at me, I think you want a lesson. You want to suck my cop cock boy? Lick my cop balls? Drink my cop cum?" SFC Perry yelped, his cock reared up, the head an angry purple color and it began shooting, covering SFC Perry's chest in his own cum. SFC Perry yelled, screamed, bucked as the orgasm tore through his body; he'd never felt anything like this before and he gave in to the extreme pleasure. The cop on the left began, "I take that as a yes. I bet you got a nice tight ass boy. You like cock up your ass? I hope so, because I got me one mean cop cock that just loves fucking bad boys ass."

James groaned, he was already buzzed from the tequila and poppers, and now this, this was too much. He grabbed onto both Chuck's shoulders and SSG McCormicks shoulders as his own cock emptied it's load in the leather pouch. While he was cumming, he glanced over to where the two MPs were standing, their cocks also rock hard and shooting their loads. Seeing this pushed James further past the point of no return and another orgasm took over. "Damn James, if I'd known this was going to get you this hot, hell I'd have arranged for some cop sex myself. Look at you, you got cum running out the back of your jock strap and down your legs!" Chuck said. SSG McCormick looked down at James, being the cum hound he was, he squatted down and began licking the cum from the back of James' pouch. While he was doing that, Chuck was wiping the cum off his legs and feeding it both to James as well as himself. They quickly cleaned James up, handed him another shot of tequila and another whiff of poppers and turned their attention back to SFC Perry.

The cops had stripped off their uniforms. They stood next to SFC Perry dressed in their calf length boots and wearing a white cotton jock strap. They both had leaned over SFC Perry's side and were now licking the cum up off his chest, each alternating between licking the cum off his chest and biting and sucking SFC Perry's nipples. SFC Perry's cock and quickly come back to life. One of the MPs was standing at SFC Perry's head, he had lowered the head of the sling so that SFC Perry would be able to suck some cock or eat some ass. Whichever the two cops had in mind. The MP was hard as a rock and leaking cum, SFC Perry reached out with his tongue and began licking the MPs balls. This caused a river of pre-cum to flood out of the MPs cock and down over SFC Perry's chin. The cops then moved down to SFC Perry's dick and started simultaneously licking the side and head of SFC Perry's rock hard cock. SFC Perry moaned his appreciation while he continued to work on the MPs egg sized balls. Chuck had glanced over to where LTC Lincoln was and nudged James to also take a look. LTC Lincoln had taken one of the dildos off the table and had squatted over it. Riding it up and down while he squeezed and pinched his nipples. LTC Lincoln had also unsnapped the leather pouch on his jock strap and had removed it, freeing his hard cock. It bounced up and down, pre-cum spraying from the angry red tip while he fucked himself on the dildo. The second MP looked over, saw this, and walked over to where LTC Lincoln. Standing in front of him, he began feeding the retired LTC his cock. Chuck heard another groan and saw out of the corner of his eye that SSG McCormick, being held up my James, was in the throws of his own orgasm as well. Like James', SSG McCormick's cum was flowing out the back of his jock and running down his legs. Chuck had decided that enough was enough. Although it was hot as hell watching two men cum in their leather pouches, he also wanted to see more cock. He walked over to SSG McCormick, unsnapped the leather pouch and removed it. He then began licking the cum off of SSG McCormicks cock and balls. At the same time, he reached up and unsnapped the leather pouch on James and tossed it to the side, he then reached between his own legs and unsnapped his own, freeing his hard cock.

SSG McCormick, James and Chuck then returned their attention to SFC Perry, he was after all, the star of the show for this night. The MP had left and was now behind his other MP friend, eating his ass out while LTC Lincoln continued to suck his cock. He had, at one point, removed the dildo from his ass. The cop that was on the right side of SFC Perry was busy feeding him his cock to suck. "Yeah, you like cop cock doncha boy. That's it, swallow my cop cock, keep sucking me like that boy and I'm going to feed you some cock cum, shoot it right now your throat and into your gut." the cop was saying. The other cop was now between SFC Perry's legs. He had gotten on all fours and was licking and tongue fucking SFC Perry's ass. The cops legs were spread wide enough that James, Chuck and SSG McCormick could all see his pink pucker winking at him. "Hey, remember when SFC Perry told us that he'd started fingering the cops ass? Let's try it!" James said and he proceeded to get on all fours behind the cop. He stared at his perfect pink pucker for a few minutes before moving forward, his tongue touching the cops rose bud. The cop groaned, looked back and said, "Fuck yeah - eat my cop ass boy! Eat me good and I may let you fuck my tight ass!" He began humping and bucking his ass on James tongue, he then went back to work on SFC Perry's ass now adding his balls to the work out as well. The sound of coughing and sputtering soon filled the room. SSG McCormick looked over to see LTC Lincoln trying to swallow the MPs load, cum spilling out over the sides of his mouth and dripping off his chin. At the same time, the second MP who'd been eating his ass, was shooting his cum, he was close enough that each shot was landing on LTC Lincolns hard cock. SSG McCormick crawled over to where LTC Lincoln was and began cleaning the cum off his cock. He took the head of LTC Lincoln's dick into his mouth just as LTC Lincoln began shooting his own pent up load. It blasted past the back of SSG McCormick's throat filling his mouth with so much cum and so fast that he too began to choke and sputter. Chuck heard someone else coughing and gasping and looked over the see the Cop that was face fucking SFC Perry was also shooting his load. He pulled his cock out of SFC Perry's mouth and finished shooting his load on SFC Perry's face.

Chuck walked over to the table and began pouring shots for everyone. He started passing them out along with a wedge of lime. As each man would down the shot of tequila and suck the juice out of the lime, he would have them take a couple of deep whiffs of the poppers. Chuck didn't want this to end anytime soon; he also knew that they would be getting dehydrated so had signaled for one of the MPs to get some water. Within a few minutes one of the MPs that was standing guard outside the door entered with a large water cooler full of cold water and some plastic cups. The smell of cum and poppers and sex filled the air and Chuck could tell that the MP had gotten hard rather quickly and was also rather reluctant to leave. Chuck soon developed a wicked scheme and approached the MP. "Head back to your post, give me about 15 minutes, long enough that I can get everyone worked up again, then you and your buddy sneak in. Lock the door behind you though, this is a private party, but the two you obviously need some relief." Chuck told him. He then leaned forward and shoved his tongue down the MPs throat and while he was kissing the MP, reached down to rub the MPs rock hard cock through the jock. The MP groaned in Chuck's mouth and Chuck could feel his cock flex. He soon let go of the MP, slapped him on his ass and said, "Remember, give me about 15 minutes." The MP turned around and headed back out the door.

Chuck turned around the see that the tequila and poppers had definitely started kicking in. SFC Perry was in a 69 with one of the cops, both sucking each others cock as though it would be the last cock they would ever taste. James had knelt down behind the cop that was 69ing with SFC Perry and was working on his ass with a dildo, getting him ready for James' cock. LTC Lincoln had the two MPs and was getting fucking by one while sucking the other. "Awe, LTC Lincolns favorite, being the filling in a mansandwich!" Chuck chuckeled to himself. The second cop had grabbed the double headed dildo and had placed one end in SFC Perry's ass and the other in his own ass. He was riding the dildo fast and hard, which was of course, was causing SFC Perry to ride it fast and hard. SSG McCormick had maneuvered himself so that he was getting fucked by the cop with the double headed dildo in his ass. All were moaning and groaning their pure satisfaction and as Chuck continued to look around the room, had noticed that James had already buried his cock on the cops ass. "Hmm...I'm starting to feel left out." Chuck thought to himselve and snickered. He turned around and walked towards the door, opened it and said, "Oh boys! It's time, take those jocks off, slam a couple of shots of tequila, take a whiff of poppers and come find me!" Chuck walked back over to where LTC Lincoln was getting fucked and reaching up under him started sucking him off. The two MPs that were guarding the door, quickly shucked their jocks, locked the door behind them, slammed a few shots along with the poppers and walked over to where Chuck was servicing the LTC. Seeing them arrive, Chuck let go of the LTCs cock, grabbed the two MPs cocks and guided them over to where SSG McCormick was getting his ass plowed by the cop.

"What do you guys like?" Chuck asked. "Anything and everything" one of the MPs responded. "Good! Well, let me look upon our choices of toys and see what we can find, in the mean time, make yourselves comfortable." Chuck said as he walked over to the table with the dildos. He couldn't resist, he slammed another shot of tequila and snorted some more poppers. While he was doing that the MPs had found another pad and had placed it down in front of SSG McCormick. The two then began to devour each other, eventually working themselves into a 69. SSG McCormick had managed to get them to scoot back far enough that he could eat the ass of the MP on top while he was getting his cock serviced. Chuck turned around, dildo in hand, saw the two with SSG McCormick and decided he didn't need the dildo at all. He walked over to the two MPs, and stuck his cock out for SSG McCormick to work on. SSG McCormick alternated between eating the MPs ass and sucking Chuck's cock. The action in the room began to slightly change and move. Since the floor was covered in padding, everyone just seemed to gyrate towards SFC Perry. Before long, SFC Perry had been pulled out of the sling and the sling taken down.

Chuck had removed his cock from SSG McCormick's mouth to go get a drink of water, it was then that he noticed the changes that had been made. He stopped in his tracks at the sight. The two MPs that were working on LTC Lincoln had also joined the two cops, SFC Perry, James and now SSG McCormick. Chuck had never seen anything like this before. James was at the lead and was on all fours. Behind him was SFC Perry, his dick buried in James' ass, behind SFC Perry was one of the cops, his dick also buried in the ass before him, this was followed by LTC Lincoln, one of the MPs, the second cop, the other MP, SSG McCormick, and joining them were the two MPs that were outside guarding the door. Chuck just stood there, total disbelieve as he'd never seen or thought this would be possible. He'd seen daisy chains of men sucking each other and that made sense, but fucking each other? That required a certain amount of coordination and rhythm he didn't think was possible. Yet, before his eyes, there it was, a line of men, moving together in perfect rhythm, eaching feeling a cock in his ass. Chuck walked over, slammed a couple glasses of water, took yet another whiff of poppers and returned to simply watch. Chuck was never one to sit back and just watch the action, but he couldn't help himself, he was so intrigued with what he saw and more importantly, would they all cum at the same time? He looked down at his own cock, rock hard, the head purplish in color, this piss lips angry red with cock juice just flowing out. He knew that if he touched himself, he would shoot immediately. Chuck didn't want that at all, he wanted to see what was going to happen. Instead he grabbed one of the dildos and a bottle of lube and found the perfect vantage point in which to watch this chain of moving, moaning flesh. He greased up his ass, greased up the dildo and sank down on it. He slowly began to ride the immitation cock in his ass, his eyes roaming over each man in the chain. James had reared up and was awkwardly managing to french kiss SFC Perry while SFC Perry slowly stroked James' cock. Chuck could see the river of pre cum flowing out of James' cock. Chuck loved watching James get fucked, he was so passionate about it. You could tell just by watching the expressions on his face that James was a true bottom who loved the feel of every inch of cock in his ass. Many nights when he and Chuck were frantically fucking in their room, James would have multiple hands free orgasms, shooting his spunk all over Chuck and eventually Chuck would fill his ass with his own cum, or pull out and let James drink the cum until his balls were drained dry.

Chuck watched and studied each man while he continued to bounce up and down on the dildo. He was amazed at how everyone seemed to be locked in the throws of total ectasy. Men that had before tonight considered themselves as tops only, were taking a cock in their ass and riding it as though they had been life long bottoms. Chuck knew this kind of sexual energy couldn't last too much longer. Each man was flushed, their breathing labored, the moaning loud and strong. Chuck had no sooner finished that thought when he heard the first sign of approaching orgasm. It was the MP that was fucking LTC Lincoln, he was bucking his hips like a bronco, making it difficult for the man behind him to remain lodged in his ass, the cop finally gave up and let his hard cock fall from the MPs tight ass. As the MPs orgasm neared closer and closer, his shouts of ecstasy were beginnig to trigger the chain reaction that Chuck had been hoping to witness. The MP yanked his cock out of LTC Lincoln's ass. His backward thrust causing him to impale himself back on the cops cock; the MP grabbed his cock, stroked it twice, pointed it at LTC Lincolns used hole and started shooting his load. "Fuuuuccckkkk!" the MP continued to scream as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure washed over him. This sent the cop behind the MP into his orgasm and he began filling the MPs ass with his own cum. Feeling the load shooting into his guts, just added to the MPs orgasm. One by one each man began to unload. Some up the ass of the man in front of him, others pulling out and letting the cum fly whichever way. Chuck could feel his own orgasm build and knew it would be intense. He looked over to where James and SFC Perry were, SFC Perry was unloading his cum in James' ass while the cop that had been fucking SFC Perry dumped his load into SFC Perry's ass. James was leaning back against SFC Perry, stroking his cock like crazy. James screamed, "Shit, I'm going to shoot! Oh Fuck!" and cum started shooting out of the end of James dick. SFC Perry grabbed James cock, pointed it towards their faces. James was shooting so hard that the cum was landing on both of their faces. That was all Chuck needed to reach his own orgasm and he too began shooting. Chuck's orgasm was intense, as was his load and when he had finished cumming, he slumped and fell forward on the pad; his face and chest landing in his own load. Chuck lay there, panting, exhausted, his ass loosening so that the dildo began to slide out. "Oh my God; I just witnessed the most erotic thing in my life!" Chuck thought to himself, his dick spasming again at the thought, a trickle of cum adding to what was already on the pad.

After a few minutes of laying there, recovering, Chuck started to get up. As he stood up, he gazed at the pile of men that lay before him. Each one entwined again, only instead of fucking, they were kissing and feeling the soft flesh of one another, reveling in the ecstasy that remained. Chuck looked to where SSG McCormick was and noticed that the cock hound wasn't quite done yet as he was riding the MPs cock, cum leaking out of his hole, yet the MP was still hard as a rock, and was busy fingering his own cum soaked hole while he worked SSG McCormick's ass over some more. They layed on their sides, SSG McCormick stroking his cock while his used ass got fucked some more. Before long SSG McCormick groaned and bucked his orgasm had taken over. He had shot so much already that he had nothing left to shoot, he bucked and screamed yet only a small trickle of cum escaped from the lips of his cock. The MP pulled his cock out of SSG McCormick's ass and started rubbing it along the underside of SSG McCormick cock and balls. He too was bucking and screaming and thrashing, his orgasm intense. But also like SSG McCormick, only a small trickle of cum came out.

The men soon dozed off into that blissful sleep that comes after sex. The doors to the rec room still locked, each man intertwined with one another. Chuck had moved in to where the last MP in the chain was; still not quite satisfied and feeling like he could cum again, he began licking the MPs hole. His ass hadn't been cummed in, the MP began to move his hips on Chucks tongue. The MP then rolled over and he and Chuck engaged in a side by side 69, each one reaching around to finger fuck the other. They both started reaching their orgasm rather quickly; each one shooting their cocks in the others mouth. Like the rest though, very little came out. Once they had come down from their orgasm, the MP rolled over, snuggeled with the man in front and dozed off. Chuck lay there as well, reflecting on his evening, his cock beginning to stir again. He rolled over, slid his cock in the MPs ass and he too dozed off.

Stay tuned. More to follow!

Next: Chapter 7

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