Army Seduction

By Greg Reese

Published on Aug 13, 2007


This story is a pure work of fiction and bares no resemblence to reality. This story deals with homosexuality; if you find this offensive then why are you on this web site? Please close your browser now. If it is illegal for you to read this stuff or you are underage, close your browser now.

Army Seduction

Summary: To recap - James and Chuck meet at the airport in Columbia, SC on their way to an undisclosed location somewhere in Montana. They arrive and soon learn that they are to be stationed at a top secret installation, underground, for three years. They discover each other on the first night and Chuck takes James' cherry. James is now getting ready to do the same for Chuck.

I had just started sucking Chuck's cock again, I was getting him prepared for the next step, losing his virginity, when the alarms began to go off. "Shit, Fuck!" Chuck yelled, "Of all the goddamned times to have a fucking exercise!" he screamed, jumping out of bed and in the process, knocking James off the side of the bed and on to the floor. "How do we know it's an exercise?" I asked. "Man, weren't you paying attention during the Colonel's briefing? It's three short horn blasts, that's what indicates the exercise. If it were real, it'd just be one fucking long horn blast." Chuck said, a little sarcasitically. "Geez, sorry, no I wasn't paying attention, I was too busy checking YOU out!" I replied back. Chuck just looked at James, cracked up laughing and said, "C'mon horn dog, let's get going, we've only got five minutes to be at the SITREP (Situation Report) room."

They got dressed, grabbed their NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) bags and headed down the three flights of stairs (the elevators were turned off automatically anytime the alarms sounded) to the SITREP room. They headed into the room, found a couple of chairs, sat down and waited for the briefing to start. At exactly five minutes, Sergeant First Class (SFC) Perry entered the room with a Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) right behind him. "Attention!" SFC Perry yelled. Every single GI in the place snapped to the position of attention. "At ease gentlemen, take your seats. SFC Perry, please brief the crew on what's going on." the LTC replied. "Gentlemen, this is LTC Donald Lincoln, he is the Commander for the SITREP room. You will take your orders directly from him; in his absence, I assume command. Here's the SITREP intelligence we have so far." SFC Perry began, a projector suddenly turned on in the rear of the room and before us was the photo of an ICBM being launched. "This is a NOTIONAL (meaning not real) SITREP. This is for training purposes only but is classified Top Secret. At approximately 2200, satelliltes capture this photo of an ICBM being launched from Siberia Russia. The trajectory of this ICBM is Washington D.C. Estimated time of explosion is 45 minutes. Andrews Air Force Base has launched two, MILLENIUM Rockets in an attempt to explode the ICBM at the edge of Earth's atmosphere. Minimal radioactive fallout will result. The President has been evacuated to Camp David and the Vice President and Cabinet members are being flown to NORAD, Colorado. Our mission is to monitor the Sidewinder rockets we have launched. In the event of failure, we are to immediately launch our own ICBM's, pointed towards Moscow. Gentlemen, are there any questions?" SFC Perry said. The room was still, no one mad a sound. "We are to monitor radio traffic between Andrews AFB and Camp David. Our Military Police have been mobilized to provide outside security to ensure no one enters the complex or attempts to enter the underground. All exits and vents to the outside have been sealed; air is being pumped in through special filters. Gentlemen, if there are no more questions, report to your assigned posts. Privates Jones and Reilly you will follow me. DISMISSED!" SFC Perry said. Everyone scattered, running to get to their assigned posts. Even though this was an exercise, there was such a realness to it that for the briefest of moments, I wondered if this is what it would be like in the event of the real thing.

We followed SFC Perry down a long corridor and entered a room that was about the size of a large conference room. One wall contained a bank of radios, next to those were two teletype machines. On the opposite wall were two large maps, one of Russia, one of the United States. Acetone film covered these maps and you could see the remnants of grease pencil markings from exercises conducted before. SFC Perry began to explain to us that our role was to monitor the radios, filter out the important stuff, pass it on to him and he would update the SITREP map. When we both looked at him with puzzeled looks on our faces, he continued to explain to us that he would help us decipher what was important from what was just radio chatter. He said that eventually we'd catch on and before the night was over, we'd be pro's at this stuff. He also explained that at the beginning of these exercises, the radios were constantly going, the radio traffic would die down in the middle of the exercise and then pick up again when the simulated explosions had occurred. It would take 24 to 48 hours for us to practice what would only take a matter of 45 minutes in reality. True to his word, the radios exploded in a fury of communications. There were a total of four that we had to monitor, plus the two teletypes. SFC Perry would call out to us the important information that we would need to log in, run to the SITREP map, post the information and then run back to help us out with the radios. Within an hour he had removed his fatigue top. I couldn't help, as did Chuck, but notice that although he wasn't an overly muscular man, he certainly had a well built and well defined chest. Within the next couple of hours, the radio and teletype traffic began to slow down. "Do you think you two can handle it for a minute? I need to take a latrine break!" SFC Perry said, "Yes Sergeant!" we both replied and with he left to head to the latrine. "Have you been checking out his chest?" I asked Chuck. "No, I've been checking out his ass and his crotch. Have you seen his crotch? It's fucking huge!" Chuck squealed, his eyes lighting up. "What do you suppose these guys do for sex here?" I asked. "My guess is each other, c'mon, we're stuck in here for three years. No one can go that long without sex." Chuck said, leaning back in his chair and stretching his arms out to stretch his back and neck. "Oh I don't know about that!" I replied, "What the fuck do you think Monks do?" "Each other!" Chuck said, we both looked at each other and cracked up laughing, not sure why, it wasn't that funny. Maybe it was because we were tired, or bored, or whatever.

SFC Perry had returned from the latrine about half way through our conversation. Neither of us had heard or seen him come back into the room. "Gentlemen.."SFC Perry said, causing both Chuck and I to jump out of our seats. "The radios are quiet, they'll be like this for a few hours, why don't the two of you come over here and I'll show you what we do to relieve our frustration." Chuck and I bolted out of our chairs and within seconds we were at SFC Perry's side, Chuck on his left, I on his right. "Remove my T-shirt." SFC Perry ordered. Chuck and I looked at each other, grinned and each grabbing a side of his T-Shirt, proceeded not to lift it off of him, but rip it off of him, right down the middle. Chuck and I both gasped at the same time when we saw his chest. Again, he wasn't overly muscular, just very well defined. His pecs were perfectly proportioned, each supporting a hard, pierced nipple on each side. SFC Perry had jet black hair with powder blue eyes, yet his chest hair (of which he had a LOT) had a reddish highlight to it. His abs were rippeled and he had just as much hair running down his stomach and into his pants as what he had on his chest. Without being told, or given permission, Chuck and I each began to lick and bite his nipples. We'd both followed the same order, lick around his nipple, bite on his nipple, then gently pull with our teeth on the nipple rings. SFC Perry immediately began moaning, "Oh God yea, eat my fucking nipples." SFC Perry said. Chuck and I both just moaned, increasing our licking, biting and pulling each time we went around his nipple. We both were grabbing at our own crotches, rubbing our hardons through the fabric of our uniforms. SFC Perry reached down while we were working on his nipples, loosened his belt, and without even disturbing us, somehow, managed to shuck his uniform trousers. Chuck and I stopped working on his nipples, took a step back and just took in the sight that was before us. Still wearing his combat boots and Olive Green socks, SFC Perry was completely nude except for his jock strap. His legs were very well defined, much like the legs of a professional runner. His thighs were not huge, but were solid, which led into an ice skater's ass, well defined, firm, muscled bubble ass. The kind that you can just grap one cheek in each hand, spread them apart and stare at the beautiful pucker tucked inside. What got both Chuck and I's attention was his package. By now he was completely hard, his cock had expanded up and out through the top waist band of his jock. The head of his dick touching his belly button, I could see the start of a drop of precum forming at his piss slit. "You like this body?" SFC Perry asked. "Yes Sergeant!" we both shouted. "Wanna suck this cock Privates? Want SFC Perry to fuck you in the ass with this cock?" "Yes Sergeant!" we shouted again. "Then get the FUCK out of your fatigues soldiers and get over here!" SFC Perry ordered. And with that, Chuck and I couldn't get out of our fatigues fast enough!

We both ran to stand in front of SFC Perry and assumed the position of parade rest. "Private Reilly, eat my fucking ass, NOW!" SFC Perry yelled. "Yes Sergeant!" I replied, running around him so I could eat his ass. "Private Jones, suck my fucking nuts, NOW!" SFC Perry yelled, "Yes Sergeant!" I heard Chuck reply. I had already ripped SFC Perry's jock strap off of him and had dived into his beautiful ass. He smelled clean, like he had just showered, and tasted even better. I heard Chuck go, "Oh my GOD! How big IS your dick?". "11 inches Private!" SFC Perry shouted back. "James - come look at this, you've got to see this thing!" Chuck said. Letting go of his ass, I ran around to SFC Perry's front and stopped dead in my tracks. I don't think I'd ever seen a dick quite like this one. For starters, he was uncircumsised, with plenty of skin around his head. And although he was very long, he wasn't that thick around. I'd have to say no more than two inches in circumference. We were both just staring at his dick when he leaned over, pulled his cock back, pulled down the foreskin and stuck the head of his dick in his mouth and began sucking himself off. Chuck and I just stared, we were like kids at the circus, we just couldn't believe what we were seeing. After a few minutes of sucking himself, SFC Perry pulled off his dick and said, "I need to slow down, just about came in my mouth! Private Jones, show me your ass and Private Reilly, stick your ass in Private Jones' face, I want to watch him eat you!" Without hesitation, Chuck got in the doggy style position and I assumed the same position in front of Chuck. I leaned forward, grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled them apart so Chuck could start working me over. He didn't wast any time diving in and within minutes he had me moaning and fucking myself on his tongue. While Chuck was working my ass over, SFC Perry began eating Chuck's ass. From the positiono I was in, I could look underneath Chuck and through his legs. What I saw just about sent me over the edge, Chuck's cock was pulsing up and down, pre-cum streaming out of his, between his legs was SFC Perry's cock, also pulsing up and down. Each time SFC Perry's cock would pulse up, it would bang into Chuck's nut sack. Between Chuck getting his ass eaten and SFC Perry's cock banging into his nuts, I could tell he was close to cumming. Not wanting to see his load go to waste, I positioned myself so that Chuck and I were in a 69 positon. This way, he could still eat my ass and I could not only suck on his cock, but eat his nuts and suck SFC Perry's cock.

I ran the gambit, I'd work on Chuck's dick for a few minutes, then his balls, then SFC Perry's cock and then repeat this all over again. It wasn't long before Chuck was whimpering and moaning, his legs shaking, SFC Perry was still eating Chuck's ass but was also showing his excitement as well. In addition to whimpering and moaning his cock was pouring out the pre-cum. I knew these two were close and wouldn't last long. "Hey, I've got an idea." I said from underneath Chuck. "What's that?" SFC Perry said. "Well, why don't I fuck Chuck in the ass and while I'm fucking him, you can fuck ME in the ass!" I offered. Both Chuck and SFC Perry yelled, "FUCK YEAH!" Chuck got back on all fours and I moved behind him. His ass was well lubricated at this point, so I knew I wouldn't have to add anymore lube. Mine was also dripping wet from Chuck eating me, but just to be on the safe side, I grabbed SFC Perry's cock and gently tugged him forward until his dick was right at my puckered hole. I then shucked back his forskin and started rubbing his wet cock head around my hole, using his copious amount of pre-cum to lube me further up. Knowing Chuck was still a virgin, I placed the head of my cock at the entrance to his ass and gently started pushing in. Chuck moaned and immediately started backing up on my cock. "Oh my God James, is THIS what you felt earlier when I fucked you?" Chuck asked. "Yes it is baby, feels fucking good doesn't it?" I stated. In one quick movemnt Chuck reared back and took the entire length of my cock inside him. I stayed still, waiting for him to get used to me inside him. This also allowed SFC Perry the opportunity to slide his dick inside me. He went in so easily, it was the perfect size for getting fucked up the ass with. Both SFC Perry and I started moving back and forth, unfortunately since neither Chuck or I had ever done this, we weren't going at it very gracefully. Either I kept popping out of Chuck or SFC Perry kept popping out of me, either way, I was getting extremely frustrated. "Wait, stop, this isn't working." I said. "SFC Perry, Chuck and I have never done this, have you?" I asked. "Many times", SFC Perry said, "Look, you enter Chuck, stay still while I enter you. Then instead of both of us trying to hump, you start working on Chuck. I'll guage how far back you're going and then just stay there. This way, you're not only fucking Chuck, but riding my cock at the same time. Make sense?" SFC Perry said. Both Chuck and I agreed and so we started the process all over again. Within a few minutes we all had gotten the hang of it. I was doing the work, however, but didn't really care. Chuck's hole was so tight that it felt to good to describe around my dick; but SFC Perry's cock up my ass felt equally good if not better. All I knew what that not only was I in heaven, but gathering from the sounds Chuck and SFC Perry were making, so were they.

"Oh, I'm getting close." Chuck said. "Me too." SFC Perry responded. "I don't think I'm too close, but I know I will start shooting once you two go." I said. With that, Chuck backed up against me until he was standing on his knees, my dick still in his ass, he leaned back into me, grabbed my head and shoved his tongue down my mouth. His dick started shooting, I grabbed it and pulled it up towards us, allowing his cum to hit Chuck on his chin, his bottom lip, and coating his chest. The feeling of Chucks ass clamping around my dick as he came immediately triggered my orgasm and I began shooting in his ass, coating his insides with my own load. I could feel SFC Perry just pounding into me, moaning constantly. "Oh I'm gonna cum, get over here bitches, I want to cum in your mouths and watch you take my load." SFC Perry said as he was pulling out of my ass. Chuck and I both pounced on SFC Perry, grabbing his dick and stroking him off. SFC Perry bucked his hips once, screamed, "Oh FUCK! Get ready, here it comes!" His dick started pulsing in our hands, the head of his cock expanding to twice it's size and he immediately began to shoot. The first round shot clear over Chuck and I and landed on the floor behind us. We aimed his cock towards us, our mouths open, our tongues stuck out waiting to taste our leader. The second volley of cum sprayed in Chucks mouth, coating his tongue, bottom lip and chin with cum. The third volley sprayed me, most it hitting the side of my face. I was able to get his dick to my mouth just in time to catch the last bit of cum. The two of us let go of SFC Perry's cock, sat up and we began a three way french kiss, sharing SFC Perry's load between the three of us.

We fell to the floor in a mass of flesh, leg intertwined within another, arms and hands rubbing and stroking, none of knowing who was touching who. "What in Sam Hell is going on in here!" bellowed a deep and pissed off sounding voice. The three of us immediately jumpt off the floor and snapped to the position of attention. "Oh shit", I thought to myself, "It's LTC Lincoln, we're busted now!". "Are you boys fucking each other in here? Are you?" yelled LTC Lincoln. "Yes SIR! We're just a fucking bunch of horny GI's sir.!" SFC Perry shouted back. "I want the three of you in my office in 15 minutes! Do I make myself clear?" shouted LTC Lincoln. "Yes sir!" we all shouted back. And with that, he turned on his heels and stormed out of the SITREP room. "Relax gentlemen, it's cool." said SFC Perry as we were getting our uniforms back on, using our T-shirts to finish wiping the cum off of us and the floor. We had just finished getting dressed, when three other GIs entered the SITREP room. "SFC Perry, we were sent by LTC Lincoln to cover the SITREP room while you have your meeting. SFC Perry - I don't think I've ever seen the LTC this pissed. Be careful!" the unknown GI said. SFC Perry said nothing back and instead motioned for the two of us to follow him to the LTC's office.

Chuck and I were both silently dreading what we knew had to be store for us, our discharges. SFC Perry might get off lucky, he was close enough to retirement that they might let him finish out his time. We soon approached the LTC's door, SFC Perry knocked and yelled to the door, "Detail reporting as ordered sir!" "Enter!" came the reply. SFC Perry opened the door, then stepped back to allow us to enter. Once we had entered the room, he immediately closed and locked the door behind us. The LTC was seated at his desk, reading our personnel files. "Gentlemen, what we have here is a serious situation. There's only one thing I can think of that I can do to fix this." LTC Lincoln said, looking at both of us. "What's that sir.?" I just had to ask. LTC Lincoln sat back in his chair with a thoughtful look on his face and said, "Well, there's this." He stood up after he had said that, he had removed his trousers and sticking out underneath the hem of his fatigue shirt was another hard cock.

"Think you men can figure out what we need to do about this?" LTC Lincoln asked as he looked at the two of us. "Yes sir!" came our reply and with that he moved from behind his desk to stand in front of us.

Sorry to leave you hanging folks; stay tuned. More to cum.......

If you like what you've read so far, feel free to E Mail me,

Next: Chapter 3

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