Army Seduction

By Greg Reese

Published on Aug 8, 2007


This story is a pure work of fiction and bares no resemblance to reality. This story deals with homosexuality; if you find this offensive, close your browser now. If it is illegal for you to read this stuff or you are underage, close your browser now.

Army Seduction

It was the early 80s and I was 18 and had just graduated from High School when I thought it would be a great idea to join the Army. I had also realized at a very young age that I was gay. Maybe it was the thought of being around all of those men in uniform that prompted me to join, or maybe I was looking for something to do, who knows. Knowing the Army's policy on gays, of course, I kept my mouth shut during the enlistment process. Besides I hadn't had a great deal of experience with gay sex anyway; what the Army didn't know, wouldn't hurt them.

I was sent off to Basic Training and from there Advanced Individual Training. I had gotten through all of my training with no problems and was now waiting at the airport in Columbia, SC so I could be shipped to my permanent duty station, somewhere in the middle of Montana. I stood five foot seven and weighed 150 pounds and was in the best shape of my life by the time I had finished all of my training. I wasn?t the manly butch type but certainly wasn't feminine in any way either, so the entire time I was in training, I gave no reason for anyone to suspect that I was gay. I had just spent 12 weeks surrounded by men that were off limits and I was very horny.

I had changed out of my dress uniform and had put on civilian clothes. After all, I had been dropped off at the airport at nine that morning and my flight wasn't until one that afternoon. The drinking age in South Carolina at that time was 18 so off to the bar I headed. I had just sat down at a table with my beer when I saw a man in dress uniform enter the bar. I watched very closely as he made his way to the bar. He stood at least six foot one; I guessed his weight to be 200 some pounds. He was pure muscle, large chest that turned into a tapered waist. His dress jacket hung down just far enough that I couldn?t check out his ass; but I just imagined that it must also be a sight to see. He was standing at the bar waiting for his drink to be served when I got the idea to make my self known. I chugged the remainder of my beer, got up and walked over to where he stood. He was watching the TV behind the bar when I approached and as I got closer to the bar, he turned to look in my direction. He had the greenest eyes I have ever seen, full lips, a cleft chin, and I could see the clipped chest hair just peeking out of the top of his shirt.

I introduced myself and asked if he had just finished with his training or if he was going somewhere else. He explained that he had just finished training and was waiting to catch a flight out to his permanent assignment, somewhere in the middle of Montana. I said, "Well, what a coincidence, I'm also heading to Montana. Are you on the 1300 flight to Helena?" I asked. "Yes, Chuck, my name is Chuck Jones." And he stuck out his hand to shake mine. I reached out, hoping he wouldn't see my hand shaking and said, "James, James Reilly, nice to meet you Chuck." "Pleasure James, say, would you mind watching my gear? I really need to get out of this uniform and into some comfortable clothes. Besides, our orders read, 'Due to the classification of this assignment, travel in uniform is not authorized.'" He said it so James Bond like, that we both cracked up laughing. It was then I noticed he had a beautiful smile, perfect white teeth, and a laugh that was genuine, the kind that comes from the depths of the soul. I also noticed that I had a raging hard on and was hoping it wasn't too obvious. "No problem, hey, I'm sitting right over there. Let me grab your beer and the rest of your gear, the bathroom is just a couple doors down the hall as you head to our gate." I said. "Great! See ya in a few!" he replied and off he went, taking his small duffle bag with him.

Within a few minutes, he emerged again. He was wearing a dark blue crew neck T-shirt that showed off his pecs and Levi's 501 button blue jeans. I couldn't help but stare as I saw him coming towards me. He had the biggest bulge in his jeans that I have ever seen. I also noticed that his thighs alone looked like tree trunks; he was definitely in beautiful shape. He came over, sat down and said, "Thanks for watching my stuff. What MOS are you?" he asked. "71L - Administration. And you, what MOS are you?" I responded. "76Y - Supply." he said. We spent the remainder of our time talking, getting to know one another. He was from a small town in Southern Illinois; he had played football and ran track in high school but wasn't good enough to get a scholarship. He had gone to work in construction after he graduated but after a couple of years (I learned he was 21) of putting up with that, he decided to do something different and decided the Army would be the ticket. I told him that I had grown up in a very affluent neighborhood; my parents were top dog lawyers who were never home. I was the third oldest out of four boys in the family; we had grown up with a nanny for parents. I didn't want to do the Ivy League college thing and follow in my parent's footsteps like my two older brothers had done, so I joined the Army.

We had had a couple of beers at this point and both of us were beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol. It had been 12 weeks since we had anything to drink that contained alcohol and neither of us were big drinkers anyway. The announcement that our flight was boarding came over the PA system. I looked at my ticket and said, "I sitting in 36F, where are you sitting at?" I asked. "I'm in 36E, looks like we might be sitting together." he said, and then winked at me. I tried not to read too much into that. We soon boarded and found out that we were indeed sitting together. This wasn't a direct flight to Helena; we had to connect in Chicago. As we sat down and got comfortable we looked at our tickets once more and realized we probably would be sitting together through the entire flight. I beamed inside at the thought that I'd get to be next to him for the next however many hours the flights were.

After we had taken off and had been flying for about an hour, I asked him, "Do you know anything about where we're being stationed at? I asked after I got my assignment orders and the only thing my Drill Sergeant would tell me was that it was classified." I said. "Yeah, I got the same response from mine too. He also told me that my Top Secret had come through. Did you know we had Top Secret security clearances?" Chuck asked. "No, I didn't, but it makes sense." I replied. We both seemed to run out of things to say at this point and soon I dozed off to sleep off the buzz I had gotten from the beer. I was awaken by a gentle nudge from Chuck, odd thing about the nudge was it was against my hip, not the normal place a straight man would nudge another man; at least that was what I rationalized anyway. "Hey, we're landing in Chicago. Wake up." Chuck said. I opened my eyes, stretched and yawned. "Man, I must have really been out of it!" I said. "You were and you were snoring a little bit." Chuck giggeled. I instantly turned bright red and stumbled on my apologies. It wasn't long before we were off the airplane and boarding another, smaller airplane and taking off to Helena. We arrived in Helena and as we were entering the airport terminal, two gentlemen in civilian clothes approached us. "Are you Privates Reilly and Jones?" he asked. We both looked at each other, then back at them and in unison replied, "Yes." "I'm Colonel Jackson and this is Corporal Jamison. Please come with us." he said. "Sir, we still need to get our luggage from baggage claim." Chuck said. "It's all taken care of, follow us please." the Colonel replied, with a rather short tone in his voice. Shrugging we both followed the Colonel. We were soon escorted out of the airport and into a van; in which the windows had been tinted so dark that it was impossible to see anyone in the van. "Right this way Privates. Watch your step and watch your head." said the Corporal. We entered the van, the Colonel closed the side door behind us and entered on the passenger side at the front of the van. The Corporal started the engine and we began to leave the airport. Nothing more was said to us and both Chuck and I were beginning to feel a little uncomfortable with the situation we were now in. The Colonel soon swiveled his chair around so that he was facing us. "Gentlemen." he said. "The briefing you are about to receive is classified Top Secret." The Colonel then handed us each two forms to read through and sign. These were security briefing forms, telling us that we were not to discuss with anyone anything that we would see under the penalty of death, etc., etc., etc." Chuck and I both read and signed the forms and gave them back to the Colonel. "We have a two hour drive to reach the base." the Colonel said. "Now, please sit back, relax and pay attention as you are about to receive your briefing."

Over the course of the next two hours we were to learn that our base didn't really exist. The mission of our base was two fold; one was to serve as a listening post, monitoring sattelite coverage of the Russian Army's movements and two, we were one of the many sites that housed the ICBM Missiles. We also learned that our base was an all male base and because of the mission, was considered a hardship assignment. Hardship assignments normally lasted for about 18 months; ours was to be for 36 months. We arrived at our base and we pulled into what appeared to be a garage attached to a house. In fact, as we were able to look around, it appeared that there was a little town here. After we pulled into the garage and the door had shut, we soon realized that we were on an elevator and were heading down. We soon arrived at our designated floor (we would learn there were four of them) and we were ushered to another small room and left there. "What the hell?" Chuck asked. "Man, what did we get ourselves into?" I asked. "I don't know, but three years? Under ground?" Chuck said more than asked. "Yeah - and what about the fact there ain't no pussy!" I threw in, trying to sound straight. Chuck didn't say anything, but just stared at me, a puzzeled look on his face. The door opened and in walked a Sergeant First Class. We started to stand at the position of parade rest, as we had been taught when an NCO entered the room, but instead he told us to sit down and relax. His name was Sergeant First Class Ronald Perry and he would be our supervisor. I was to be assigned to the Orderly Room of the Military Police detachment that was there and Chuck would be assigned to the Arms Room, both were in the same building. We also learned that we'd be roommates. Each person shared a room with another soldier but had their own private bathrooms. We were told that the 3rd floor was the recreational floor; there they had a couple of pool tables, a small theatre, some arcade games and the All Ranks club was also on the 3rd floor. It wasn't much to stave off boredom, but it was something anyway. We were given our room assignments, handed our keys, and issued our linen and pillows and were dismissed for the rest of the evening. We were to report to SFC Perry at 0800 the following morning.

Chuck and I found our room and when we walked in, discovered that our luggage had already been placed in our room. We began the process of unpacking and getting settled in. It was about ten at night when Chuck yawned and said, "Man am I beat! I think I'm going to take a shower and call it a night." "Good idea," I said, "I'm right behind you." Chuck stood up and began undressing; I tried not to stare as he removed his T-shirt and revealed a beautifully sculpted chest covered in a fine dusting of dark brown hair. The hair continued down his abs and disappeared into the waist band of his jeans. My mouth began to water as I looked at his chest and wondered what it would be like to run my hands through his hair and suck on his dime sized nipples. Next he removed his jeans, as he stood, I let out a small gasp. The bulge in his briefs revealed the outline of two very large balls and one very thick dick. I immediately got hard and hurriedly sat down to try and hide my erection. Chuck stood there, twisting his trunk from side to side trying to loosen his back muscles. Then he raised his arms over his head and started leaning from side to side. Each time he turned and each time he twisted I got a different view of his package. I also began to notice, or at least I thought I noticed, that his dick looked like it was starting to get thicker, as if he was putting on a show for me on purpose. I couldn't help but stare, I'd never seen a man that was as beautiful as Chuck was. He soon turned his back to me and slid off his briefs. His ass was just as perfect as the rest of him and as he bent over to take his briefs off, his ass cheeks spread just enough that I could see the pink pucker of his hole. I could feel the precum just running down the front of my own briefs. I was praying that it wasn't soaking through my jeans. Chuck stood up, grabbed his towel and headed off for the shower.

I sat there, panting and thinking to myself, "Oh Lord am I in trouble. Three years of this and I can't even touch it!" I stood up, looked down and sure enough, I had soaked through my underwear and a very large very noticeable spot had appeared in the crotch of my jeans. I quickly shucked my own clothes, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist and then threw my underwear and jeans into my laundry bag. I heard the shower turn off and within a few minutes Chuck opened the bathroom door and stepped into the room. He was using his towel to dry his hair and was completely nude. I soaked in the sight of his body. I ran my eyes over the wet curly hair on his chest, down his stomach and right into his crotch. His dick appeared to be semi-hard; I guessed his dick size to be around eight inches, but where it might have lacked for in length, it made up for in thickness with a plum sized head. As I gazed and drooled over his dick, I thought I saw some pre-cum leaking out of it. I blinked several times and thought that it couldn't be. "My turn!" I said, a little louder than I should have and with a great deal of shakiness in my voice and I practically ran past him and into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me. "Phew!" I thought. I reached into the shower, turned on the water and stepped in, closing the glass door behind me. I stood facing the wall, eyes closed, just letting the warm water run over my head and down my back. The heat was soothing and felt good on my tired muscles. I couldn't get the vision of Chuck's nude body out of my mind and it wasn't long before I had sprung another hard on. I am certainly not huge in the cock department but am not small either. Average would be a fair assessment or party size as I liked to call it. I opened my eyes and started looking down at my hard cock when my eyes froze. There, on the wall, underneath the water faucets was streaks of cum. "Oh my God!" I thought. "He freaking jacked off in here and didn't even clean it up! But did he do that on purpose or what?" I thought. I stared at the cum as it was making a slow decent down the wall. I didn't even think twice, I leaned down, stuck out my tongue and began licking it up off the wall. His cum was the sweetest tasting cum; not bitter or salty as some; just sweet. Just as I was licking the last of his cum off the wall, I shot my own load, without even touching my dick. I sprayed cum all over the shower and all over me; I had just released 12 weeks worth of cum. After I calmed down, I started washing myself, getting rid of any evidence that he and I both had cum, in the shower that night. I turned the water off, stepped out of the shower and began drying myself off. I opened the bathroom door to find that Chuck had turned off the lights, with the exception of the table lamp next to my bed. I glanced over to his bed and stopped dead in my tracks. Chuck was laying on his stomach, the sheets pulled down to just below his ass and he was completely nude. I instantly sprung another boner, even though I had just cum a few minutes ago. Chuck appeared to be asleep so I turned the bathroom light off and quietly made my way to my bed. I crawled in, turned off the light and lay there, trying to will my hardon away.

Since we were underground, there were no windows in our rooms. To synthesize daylight and twilight, lights were set up in the wall to simulate sunrise, sunset, the light of a full moon, etc. It just so happened that the synthetic lights were displaying full moon, I looked over at Chuck and he was also displaying a full moon. I rolled over onto my side so I could look at him but also hide my erection. I could hear Chuck breathing; it was the deep breathing that indicates sleep. As I layed there, watching him under the simulated moonlight, he rolled over onto his back. I quickly shut my eyes, feigning sleep, just in case he might have woken up. I waited a few mintues and slowly opened my eyes. I could see the rise and fall of his chest and I just stared; again wondering what it would be like to run my fingers through the hair on his chest, or lick and suck on his nipples. I let my eyes wander down to his crotch area. His dick was laying back against his stomach. I laid there, licking my lips as I imagined placing his hard cock in my mouth, licking the tip of his dick, tasting the sweet pre cum that oozed out of the slit, licking down the shaft of his cock to his balls and taking each one into my mouth, lightly sucking on them. As I fantasized this, I noticed that his hips had began to slowly thrust up, as though he was fucking someone. I also noticed that his cock had gotten completely hard and was now pulsing up off his stomach. I knew I had to get a closer look at this so I slowly and quietly slid out of my bed and crawled across the carpet to his bed. I waited a few minutes, trying to guage if he was still asleep. I soon lifted myself up so that I was now on my knees, I was so close to him now that I just knew he had to feel the heat of my body. I watched his dick, continuing to pulse up and down off his stomach, and I watched as he began to grind and thrust his hips a little harder. I had thrust my hand into my shorts and was scooping up my own pre-cum and bringing it to my mouth and sucking it off my fingers. I heard Chuck moan softly and without warning, his dick lifted up and began shooting cum all over his chest and stomach.

Before I knew it, I had stood up, leaned over Chuck and had placed his still erupting dick into my own mouth. Not even thinking about waking him up and the possibility of him kicking my ass, I grabbed his dick and began milking his cock of the last drops of cum. "Did you enjoy that?" Chuck asked. I froze, my hand still wrapped around the base of his cock, the head of his dick still in my mouth. "It's OK, I did that for your benefit. Just like the present I left you in the shower. I knew you were gay the minute I met you." Chuck said. I spit his dick out, snapped my head around to face him and said, "You did? But how? I KNOW I don't come off as being obvious!" "No, you don't, but you certainly do when you're checking a guy out. You're eyes have been all over me since we first met. And when I stripped for my shower? I heard you gasp, I saw the wet spot in your jeans!" Chuck said. "I'm so embarrassed. Chuck, I'm so sorry, I couldn't, I mean, you were there asleep or I thought you were asleep and I just." I stuttered and stammered, tears beginning to well up in my eyes. I just knew I'd blown it; not ONLY was Chuck not gay, but I was going to lose what appeared to be the start of great friendship and now, quite possibly be tossed out of the Army. Chuck sat up a little, grabbed my face with both hands and turned my head so that I was looking at him. I stared into those beautiful green eyes; I had now began to sob uncontrollably. "Shhh.. You're going to wake everyone up in the barracks. I told you it was OK because I've been wanting you since I met you." Chuck said. Before I could say anything, he leaned down began to kiss me, his tongue gently sliding between my lips. I began to kiss him back, my hands exploring his face, feeling the days growth of beard. Chuck pulled me into his arms, lifted me up off the floor and laid us both back down so that I was laying on top of him. He did this without us ever breaking our kiss. Laying on top of him, I could feel his hard cock begin to poke between my legs, the head rubbing up against my balls. I pulled away from his mouth and moved down to his chest. I rubbed my face against the soft hair and I could feel his dick beginning to press into my own rose bud. I had never been fucked by a man; had given a few blow jobs and hand jobs, but had never felt anyone inside me. I started nibbling on his left nipple and while I was nibbling on his nipple, he moved his hands down and across my back. He grabbed both of my ass cheeks and spread them apart. This placed the head of his dick right on my hole. I gasped at the feeling, it felt so good there was no way I could possibly describe it. "Have you ever been fucked?" Chuck asked. I shook my head no, refusing to give up chewing on his nipple. "Would you like to try with me? I'd love it if you gave me your cherry." Chuck said. I let go of his nipple, moved back up and shoved my tongue back into his mouth. I pulled away after a few minutes of kissing and said, "Yes, if it feels half as good as it already does, YES!" "Well, it won't feel that good at the very start, it's gonna be painful, but I promise, I'll go slow." Chuck said. "Well what if I straddle you? You know, sit down on it, that way I can take as much as I want?" I asked. "That would work, but now we need to get your ass ready. Turn around and sit on my face, bitch. I wanna eat that ass of yours until you're begging for my cock!" Chuck said. Without another word, I swung around so that my ass was right over his face. He darted his tongue out and began to lick around my hole, occassionally running it across the entrance. The feeling was exquisite, nothing I had ever felt compared to this. "Lean foward and suck my cock while I eat your ass." Chuck commanded. I obliged, sucking his cock all the way down to the base in the first swoop. His cock flexed in my throat and I could feel the pre cum being to slide down my throat. He started thrusting his hips up, fucking my mouth. He had stopped licking around my hole and was now darting his tongue in and out of my hole. He then reached around and wiped the pre cum I was pouring out off my dick and smeared it on my hole. I soon felt a finger begin to rub and gently press itself into my hole. I pulled off his cock and practically screamed at the pleasure this gave me. My cock jerked once, then twice, on the third jerk, I began spraying us both with cum. "Yeah baby, that's it, oh yeah, fucking unload that cock! Look at that, I made you cum and I haven't even entered you yet, oh yeah. Fucking shoot that dick baby, shoot it!" Chuck yelled. He then started scooping up my cum and smearing that into my ass. He'd take turns, first smearing my ass with it then licking it off his fingers. He inserted his middle finger in my ass and began to slowly finger fuck me with it. I moaned, my cock jerked, shooting more cum out. Soon he had added a second finger, I was now moaning and riding his fingers begging him to fuck me. I felt a third finger enter me and I rode his fingers harder and faster. "If this was what a woman experienced when a man entered her," I thought, "then I'm gonna love having his cock in me." I turned around so that I was now facing Chuck again. I shoved my tongue back into his mouth, we began kissing, our tongues fighting for each others mouth. Chuck reached down, grabbed his cock, and put it right against my hole. Still kissing, I slowly began to sit down on it. Chuck pulled away from kissing me and said, "Easy baby, go easy." My eyes were closed as I continued to slowly take more and more of his cock in. It wasn't painful at all; it was pure ectasy. I continued to sit down on his cock. "Oh yeah baby, you've got almost all of it in. How does it feel baby? You doing OK?, Chuck asked. All I could was moan as I finished taking the last of his cock. I could feel his the hair in his bush tickling my backside. I stayed like that for a few minutes, just enjoying the felling, a feeling of fullness, of sheer joy, bliss and pleasure. I slowly began moving my ass in a circular motion. I had no idea what had possessed me to do that, I just did it. Chuck moaned his satisfaction. I then began riding his cock, slowly at first, sliding all the way up until just the tip of his dick was at the entrance to my hole, then sliding back down again. "Oh..Oh..Oh yeah...ride my cock. Oh you're so tight!" Chuck kept saying. "Oh yeah, you're cock feels so good in my ass. I want you to fuck me Chuck; fuck me hard goddamnit! Tear my ass up with that cock of yours!" I screamed. Chuck flipped us over, his dick never leaving my ass, and had now thrown my legs over his shoulders and began pounding into me. This of course, had put my ass at a different angle so I was able to take more of his cock. I could the head of his cock sliding over my prostrate; causing pre cum to just pour out of my cock. "Oh yeah, oh God that feels so good. Oh fuck me Chuck, fuck me!" I kept moaning. Chuck leaned down and began to kiss me, hip legs and hips began to shake and I could tell he was close to cumming again. Chuck stopped kissing me and began to nibble on my ear lobe. "Oh yeah baby, so fucking tight, I'm so close baby, so close" Chuck was softly saying in my ear. "Yeah baby, c'mon, shoot it, let me feel your cum shoot in my ass. I want you to fill me up with your cum baby!" I said in his ear. "Yeah, gonna fucking cum in your ass, gonna shoot my load so far up your ass you'll be tasting my cum for a week." Chuck said back.

Well, that did it for me. He no sooner had said I'd be tasting his cum for a week when my cock began shooting. We could feel the cum shooting up between our stomachs, soon coating both of us. Chuck groaned, arched his back, groaned again and started shooting his cum. I could each and every time he shot. I couldn't believe how much Chuck was cumming, he soon pulled out moved up my chest and shot the last of his cum in my mouth. He collapsed on top of me; both of us panting and sweating like we had just ran the New York Marathon. We laid that like, running our hands all over each other, kissing each other, licking the cum off each others chest for what seemed like hours. Chuck rolled off of me and onto his back. I rolled over so that I was curled up next to him, my head on his chest, my fingers playing with the remnants of cum that was on his stomach. "Chuck" I said. "Yeah baby?" he replied. "That was so freaking hot! Was it like that for you the first time?" I asked. "I don't know," Chuck said, "I'm a virgin too!" And with that, I looked into his eyes, grinned, winked, and moved my way down to start licking his hole. "Relax baby, it might hurt a little at first." I said.

The end.

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