Army Life

By Roland Deschain

Published on Feb 17, 2017


Army Life Part 4: Back to School Any feedback would be appreciated

All the usual disclaimers apply here. If you are under the age of 18, or reading materials that cover consensual gay sex are illegal where you are, please do not read any further.

The following stories are a blend of reality and fantasy. I am an actual Army officer who has been around hot guys all my life. So indulge me while I take a few liberties with where I had hoped a few situations might have gone.


The year in Iraq was tough. It was early in the war, and we were making mistakes that would see me heading back there a few times to help clean it up. Anyways, after we came back to the U.S., I only spent a few months before I left to go back to Fort Knox for the Captains Career Course. It was a whirlwind that didn't give me the chance to get any action. So I showed up at Fort Knox with my sex drive in marked contrast to the freezing winter.

I got settled into a small townhouse and bought new furniture and a TV. I started up at a gym on post to work on getting back in shape. I ran into a few friends that I hadn't seen in years, and that were going to school there already or getting ready to start. There were also a few new faces in there.

While on the treadmill one day I noticed a guy on the weights in front of me. He was about 5'10, and looked to be around 180. It looked like he had maybe gained a few extra pounds over the years, but from the effort I saw in the gym, he was trying to lose them. And I think I was receiving a few benefits of his workout as well. It was quite the challenge to avoid staring at him. I was planning on only running a couple of miles but since mystery guy was right there, I decided to keep going and enjoy the show.

He was alternating between squats and overhead presses, facing away from me towards the mirror to watch his technique. This meant that I got to see his ass pop with each repetition, and it was an incredible sight. Just the right balance between firmness and jiggly that I rate high in my list of desired qualities.

As I neared mile #4, I could feel my legs starting to ache, and the sweat was pouring off my head. Mystery guy looked like he was tiring out as well. I thought that I was a good run while it lasted, so started my cool-down. When the treadmill finally stopped I made my way over to the mats to stretch. Mystery guy walked over there to stretch as well, and settled down a few feet from me. We stretched in silence, and I then moved to the locker room to shower and change.

The showers in the gym were open, with nozzles on opposite walls. I hung up my towel and took a position under one of the shower heads. It wasn't too crowded in there, but mystery guy came in a minute or so behind me and took the spot next to me. Guy-code being what it was, it seemed unusual that he took a spot right next to me rather than one of the more open spots, but I did like the opportunity to check him out in more detail. He had short brown hair, and had a light dusting of hair over the rest of his body, concentrated on his chest, arms, and legs. His ass looked simply amazing, and I filed away that image for JO material later. I could tell he was carrying a bit extra weight around the midsection, but from the rest of his body, I could tell it was a recent addition and he was looking to tone up.

His dick, however, was a work of art. It was about 5 inches soft, uncut, with big, low-hanging balls. Seeing it swing in the showers was starting to cause me to chub up, so I turned the water temp down and closed my eyes. I finished up and walked back to change. I didn't see mystery guy in the lockerroom, so I got dressed quickly and headed to breakfast.

The first day of classes, we assembled in an auditorium and received the requisite 30 or 40 briefings that start any Army course. I recognized many of my fellow students, either from the Academy or the Basic Course. It was a mini-reunion, and it was good to catch up with so many of them. After the inbriefing, we broke down into our small groups and headed to the classroom. We settled down into our seats and awaited our instructor.

To my surprise, mystery guy walked in and stood at the front of the class. "Good morning, guys. My name is Captain Keith Petty, and I will be your primary instructor for the first half of the course." He launched into a quick biography of himself, how he was a post-command captain, and due to pin on major in a few months. While we were all captains in there, we were not peers. His experience and seniority put him in a category above us. Additionally, I noticed that he was wearing a wedding ring, a detail I had failed to pick up on while in the gym. CPT Petty looked pretty damn good in uniform, so I knew that this was going to be a tough couple of months.

That was an understatement. That first encounter with him played out many more times over in the gym in the next few months. We had the same workout schedules, and it was usually followed-up by shower time. I noticed that he was losing the weight around his waist, and I was toning up as well. There was this strange vibe between us in the gym, like we were both unconsciously pushing each other to our respective limits. It was stranger that we barely acknowledged each other in the gym, even though we spent all that time together.

In the classroom, he was all business. I respected his insight and advice, and he apparently appreciated my contributions. I received good marks and even took up a leadership role in the class during several exercises. He turned into a good mentor, but it was all professional. I learned few details about his personal life, and thought it was best if I didn't press him on it.

Halfway through the course, we changed instructors, and CPT Petty went to teach another small group. We continued to see each other in the gym, but even our professional discussions seemed to taper off. He was a good guy, and obviously on a fast-track career-wise.

After a particularly brutal workout one day, I broke from my routine and decided to sit in the sauna for a few minutes. I was the only one in there, and was glad to have the heat relax my muscles before heading to class. The door cracked open and CPT Petty walked in. He removed the towel around his waist and laid it on a bench directly across from me. Like the showerhead on the first day, I thought this was a little off, since there was plenty of room elsewhere in the sauna. I lazily stared at his ass as he got his towel situated, and then sat down on it.

CPT Petty leaned back against the bench and closed his eyes. His soft cock was resting against his left thigh, and the combination of that, his sweat-covered chest, and the heat were pushing me into a foggy delirium. I opened my towel and copied his stance, letting my own plumped up cock out. While his eyes were still closed, I saw his thumb lightly start to trace up and down his cock. The change was hard to notice at first, but I could start to see it was growing in size.

I could hardly believe that this was happening, but decided to take the risk and see where this would head. I ran my own hand over my sweat-coated cock and got the juices flowing. I wasn't aiming for a full-on boner, but managed to get it just shy. Meanwhile, his cock had grown to almost seven inches, still not fully hard, but an impressive sight. I could tell that he was thick, and there was probably another inch worth of growth that he could manage. The skin clung tightly to the shaft, and I could just barely manage to see the head poking through the sheath.

I started to think about what this all meant. Consumed with lust as I was, I had a moment of clarity about where this could possibly head. He was married, an instructor at the school, and about to pin on major. The thought made my stomach churn, my cock shrink, and led me to quickly wrap up and leave the sauna. I took a cold shower and dressed, not seeing CPT Petty for the rest of the day.

Several more days passed, during which I was jerking off about three times a day. The encounter with CPT Petty in the sauna had left me sexually wound up, the combination of lust, forbidden fruit, and the sex-drive of a young man in his 20's who had not been laid in over a year. My head swam with the possibilities, with conflicting feelings pulling me in different directions.

I actively avoided CPT Petty when I could. I even went to a different gym on post, but that only worked for a little while. After class one day, I was on the rower when I looked up and saw that tight ass doing squats right in front of me. I was determined to finish the workout, but with those glutes flexing in front of me it was starting to drive me crazy. I stopped after a few minutes and decided to hit the showers. What game was he playing?

My full bladder reminded me to make a pit stop at the urinals and I saddled up to one to relieve myself. Not five seconds in did CPT Petty pull up next to me and pull out his cock. I avoided looking directly at him, but could tell that he was stroking while he pissed. The proximity to him, scent of his sweat, and heat post-workout were really getting to me. I could feel my inhibitions starting to crumble, overcome by lust for this hot fellow officer. I finished up, washed my hands and headed to the showers.

Apparently, a unit had just finished doing a PT event, because there was a line at the showers. While the thought of ogling a bunch of young naked soldiers appealed to me, I didn't want to hang around next to CPT Petty. Too late.

"That's quite a line," I heard him say from behind me. He was close, almost whispering in my ear. "You know, I only live about five minutes away. Want to use my shower?"

I should tell him no. I should grab my back, get in my car, and drive back to my place. I don't have to go back to class, so I didn't even need to shower at the gym. I could do it at my place. Besides, this guy is married and an instructor at the school. There is no way in hell that I should even been thinking about this. But I remained frozen in place.

I could feel his breath against the back of my neck, the hairs there standing on end. I could feel the last of my resistance give away. I turned to face him.

"Okay," I managed weakly, giving in to the urges churning inside me. I grabbed my bag and followed him out of the gym. I tailed him into the base housing area, pulling just down the street so as not to raise suspicion. My mind was still screaming at me to stop, but I just kept walking to his front door. His was the only car in the driveway, so I assumed that his wife was not at home. The door was cracked open, so I walked in and locked it behind me.

CPT Petty was standing in the kitchen. "Want a beer?" he asked.

"Sure," I replied, not certain what else to say.

CPT Petty pulled two bottles out of the fridge, twisted off the tops and handed it to me. The cool liquid felt good next to my raging hormones.

"I'll be right back," he said, disappearing down the hallway and leaving me alone. I walked around the living room, looking at the pictures on the wall. Typical married couple. She was attractive enough, and they looked happy. What the hell am I doing here? I felt the urge to throw up, run out the door. Something, anything, rather than wait for what I knew was coming next.

CPT Petty walked back in. He had taken off his shoes and shirt, and was standing there in only his shorts. He put his hands on his hips and cocked a slight grin.

"How about that shower?"

I set my half-finished beer down on the counter and started to walk towards the hallway he had emerged from. When I was right next to him, though, I stopped, and looked at him. He seemed to be holding his breath. I decided to go all in. I surprised myself with the ferocity that I attacked him, wrapping one arm around his waist and grabbing his arm with my hand as I crushed my lips into his. It only took a moment before he was kissing me back with equal force. Tension, lust, frustration. They all took physical form in that instant as I unleashed myself on him. My hands explored the body I had seen for the last several months but dared not touch. Our tongues dueled for dominance as a stream of saliva leaked from our connected mouths.

I grabbed his ass and pulled him tight into me. Our hard cocks mashed into each other. I kicked off my shoes and socks while my hands continued to feel the man kissing me. The gym had done him well. He had lost most of the excess weight I saw during that first encounter, and the muscles underneath were toning up.

CPT Petty used a hand to push down his shorts, and I took the opportunity to shed the last of my clothes. We came back together, dicks stabbing, bare skin pressed to bare skin. I was on autopilot, pushing the rational part of my brain into the deepest recesses of my thoughts, allowing the instinctual animalistic side dominate. Breaking the kiss, I looked down the hallway. He followed my eyes and caught my drift, leading me to his bedroom.

I climbed onto the king-size bed, turning and laying on my back. CPT Petty followed me, dick bobbing, and grabbed onto my hard cock. He made a few tugs on it before he started to lick the leaking head. He made eye contact with me as he took me into his mouth, easing down my shaft. Tentatively at first, he progressively took more and more of my dick down his throat until his face was against my groin.

This was not his first time sucking a cock.

And he was good. I could feel the throat muscles working on my head, his tongue swirling around the tip, his hand gently tugging at my balls. I maneuvered around where I could jerk on his cock, the tight foreskin sliding over his cock. I would play with his ass, squeezing and slapping the taunt, milky white cheeks. This seemed to really get him going, and I made a guess that I had a bottom on my hands.

I continued to pivot underneath him until his dick was right over my head. I ran my tongue over the head and shaft, and sucked on his large balls some, but the real prize was just above that. Bringing his ass down, I saw the light dusting of hair around his pink hole. Moistening my thumb, I started to massage his pucker.

CPT Petty moaned around my dick and gyrated his ass in tempo with my thumb. Grabbing his hips, I pulled his ass to my face. He sat up, mashing his ass down on me as I started my own assault on his hole. My tongue lapped at the edges of his ass, teasing it while my thumbs stretched it. I penetrated the ring, taking in the delicious flavor. I alternated between lapping the edges and trying to shove as much of my tongue in there as possible. When I thought he was wet enough, I started to work a finger in there. Damn he was tight!

He ground back on my invading digit, not missing a beat while also sucking on my cock.

This was not the first time he'd had his ass eaten.

I was done with the preliminaries. I pushed him off me.

"Get on all fours," I commanded, suddenly the one in charge. He looked at me with a mix of crazed lust and excitement. He reached over to the bed stand and pulled out a condom and a bottle of lubricant. He mounts the bed and assumes the position, starting to spread lube in his hole while I slip on a condom and slick up.

The sight before me almost made me cum. Here was my sexy instructor, bent over with his toned ass in the air, and his chest pressed into the bed. His pink pucker twitched in anticipation, while he worked the last of the lube into and around his hole. I climbed back onto the bed and scooted behind him. With one hand on his ass and one hand on my overcharged cock, I was ready to take him.

His breathing increased in tempo in expectation of what he was going to receive. I lined up with his ass and teased my head around his hole. CPT Petty moaned and pushed back against me. I slowly eased my dick into his hole. I could feel CPT Petty tense up as I stretched through his ring. I then felt him relax and the first few inches slid right into him.

This was not the first time that he had bottomed.

With small thrusts, I worked more and more of my cock into him, until I bottomed out, and could feel my balls against his perineum. Staying in place for a moment, I gyrated my hips, earning a deep moan from him in the process. His ass moved with my cock, and I could feel the heat deep inside him. One of his hands grasped the sheets, the knuckles white with exertion, the other was underneath him, presumably jerking his dick. I looked to my right and saw a vanity mirror against the wall. Our reflection showed perfectly, with his arched back and flexed legs framed against my torso.

I began sliding my dick out of his ass, getting to the point that the head was almost out, before pushing all the way back in. This long dicking really opened him up, and I could start to see the sweat bead up on his back. I continued like this for several minutes, savoring the tight grip his ass had on me. I increased the pace of the thrusting, earning a grunt from him every time I bottomed out. CPT Petty was getting lost in the pleasure. He had stopped pushing back against me and was passively receiving the pounding.

I stepped it up again, making the thrusts shallower, but slamming into him with abandon. I could hear the sound of my balls slapping against him CPT Petty's only response was a continuous series of grunts and moans. Both hands were grabbing the sheets now, the clenched hands straining against the fabric.

I was really laying into him at this point. The tension, the lack of sex, and the thought of fucking a married officer on his bed drove me into a frenzy. The jackhammering of my cock into his ass was only being held back by the condom, but nonetheless I could feel my climax building. CPT Petty cried out, and for a moment, I thought I had hurt him. But I felt his ass clamp down on me, and the shudder of his body let me know that he was cumming. I looked into the mirror and saw the cum shooting and dripping out of his cock onto the sheets

This sent me over the edge. With one last thrust, I pulled out of his ass and ripped off the condom. Moving to his head, I rolled him over to his side and put my dick to his lips. He lazily opened his mouth, and with two jerks I came all over his face. Even thought I had jerked off that morning, this load was impressive. I coated his lips and cheeks, smearing it around his mouth. With one hand, he grabbed hold of me and wrapped his mouth around my still spasming cock. I shuddered as I felt his tongue work over my sensitive glans and milked me for the last of my load.

I leaned over and licked my load off his face, alternating between making out with him and sharing my load. One of his hands was massaging his ass, the pink, puffy lips looking angry with use.

"Damn, I don't think I have ever been fucked like that," he said, he breath still ragged. "How about that shower?"

We rinsed off in his shower, and my hands continued to explore his abused ass. I was ready for another round, but he said his wife was due home in a bit, and he had to clean up the mess we had made. I got dressed and left, feeling considerably better.

That was the only time that we hooked up, though we ended up playing games at the gym, he would either flash his ass at me or tweak my dick in the locker room. We also jerked off twice in the steam room. We actually kept in touch over the years, and he was a pretty good mentor that helped me through some tough professional moments. I never asked him if he found more guys to occasionally scratch his itch, but would not be surprised if he did.

Next: Texas Bound!

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