Armpit Seduction

Published on Dec 18, 2015



Armpit Seduction by mike loggerman

as always, support nifty....

When I was in college, I lived in what was called, "The poor boy's dorm." It was an old building, four stories high, with no elevators. They charged less than the newer dorms, and since I was on a tight budget, I asked for the cheapest rooms they had. They put me on the top floor, which meant I had to walk up four flights of stairs. There weren't many people on that floor, so I got a private room. I became friendly with the guy who lived in the room across the hall from me. His name was Dennis. He was a skinny nerd with thick glasses, and he wore tank tops all the time. I was always checking out his pits. He didn't wear deodorant, and had a strong musky scent.

He'd hang out with me on Saturday nights and started playing with his pit hair while we talked. I was fixated on his hairy pits and wondered if he was playing with them to taunt me.

I asked why he was always playing with his pits and he said it felt really good and that he wished he had someone to wanted to play with his pits.

I said if it would make him happy, I'd do it for him. He said that would be cool, and layed back on my bed with his arms behind his head and I ran my fingertips through his pits. He said it felt really good, and I started sniffing them. As I sniffed and felt his pits, my cock started to get hard. His cock was hard as well. I felt his hand brush against my cock and he said it was good to meet someone who liked his pits as much as he did. I told him they were amazing and started licking them.

As I played with his pits, he said if I wanted to play with his cock, he wouldn't tell anyone. I pulled down his shorts and briefs and played with his thick bush and long thick cock. He moaned and said it felt really good. He was rubbing my cock through my shorts so I got up and took them off. He stroked my cock as I started sucking his cock. I could buried my face in his pubes. His cock had a strong, musky scent as well, and it excited me to be sucking him.

As I sucked him, he wet his finger and started to finger my ass. It felt really good and I started to moan. He slid a second finger inside me and moved them in and out of me. He said it would be hot if it was his cock instead of his fingers in me, and asked if he could fuck me. I told him I'd never been fucked. He said he'd be gentle. I wanted him and said okay, as long as no one found out. He had me turn on my stomach and spit on his cock. I felt the warmth of his cock head against my hole. It felt really good. I felt his hard cock sliding inside me, opening me for the first time. After he slowly worked it all the way inside me, I felt his pubes against my ass. He asked how I liked it, and I said it felt amazing. He started sliding his cock in and out of me as i moaned. He pulled out of me and had me lay on my back with my ass on the edge of the bed. He slid his cock back inside me and fucked me with long, slow thrusts. I watched his pubes between my legs as they moved in and out and I played with his armpits. He started to thrust faster and harder, and told me to clench my ass. When I did, I felt his hot cum flooding my insides. When he pulled out of me, I sucked his cock clean. He ate his cum out of my ass, and kissed me, feeding me his seed.

Instead of getting up and leaving, he lay in bed with me, and I buried my face in his sweaty pits. He told me he had a friend in high school who let him fuck him, and he was glad I was into it. I told him I had sucked a couple of younger guys before, but was too shy to come out and do it in college. I asked how he knew I'd be interested, and he said he noticed that I was always staring at his pits, and I didn't seem to mind his scent. I told him his scent made me as horny as his pits did. He lifted one of his arms and let me breathe deeply of his scent while he stroked my cock. I apologized that my cock wasn't bigger, but he said he liked that I got so excited by him. After a while, he got dressed and went to do some studying.

I lay in bed, covered in his musky scent, and his cum oozing out of my ass, and started to feel very weird about letting Dennis put his big cock up my ass and cum inside me. I enjoyed it, and it was kind of exciting, I also felt very embarrassed, like I had exposed myself. For the next couple of days I tried to avoid him in the dining hall and the hall between our rooms. When he'd say hi, I just nodded and moved on.

By the third evening, Dennis knocked on my door. He was standing there in shorts and no shirt. Just the sight of his amazing armpits stirred my hormones. He asked why I had been avoiding him. He asked if I was angry that he took my cherry. I told him I just felt awkward because he had put his cock inside me. He said he loved fucking me, but he thought I enjoyed it too. I told him I loved it, and loved everything we did, but I felt like I was a conquest. Dennis said he felt like it was something special we shared as friends and sex was just part of our friendship. He said if he was just using me, he wouldn't have stayed in bed with me afterwards, but if it made me feel weird, we didn't have to do it anymore, but he still wanted us to be friends.

I told him I loved it, and every time I saw him, I wanted him. He said thats how he felt too, and lifted his arms. I buried my face in his hairy armpit while I felt the other one. I was hard as a rock, and he slid off my shorts and stroked my cock. His scent made me lose all resistance, and I knew that I wanted him. He slid off his shorts and we lay on my bed, sucking each other's cocks. He got on top of me and I spread my legs. He pulled them up and slid his big cock inside me and slowly moved in and out of me. I wrapped my legs around his, and he kissed me tenderly. We moaned as he fucked me, and he said I was his best friend. I squeezed my ass muscles around his cock, as he thrust faster and harder. I told him I'd never felt this close to anyone in my life. He kissed me harder as he shot his warm cum deep inside me. I sucked his cock clean and he sucked my cock until I shot in his mouth. He stayed the night with me, and I slept cuddled against him.

In the morning, he had morning wood. I started to suck his cock and he woke up watching me. I asked him to fuck me. He slid up behind me and I raised one leg as he slid his cock inside me. I loved feeling the warmth of his body against me as he slowly pounded me. He shot hard inside me.

He said he needed to shower and wrapped a towel around him and went down the hall to the bathroom. A minute later, I did the same, aware that I was covered in Dennis' scent, and his cum was dripping down my leg. I was hoping no one would notice, but an Asian guy named Jim, who lived down the hall was also going to the shower, and he smiled and gave me a funny look. I thought if he suspected anything, he wasn't saying.

Dennis finished his shower and went to his room to get ready for breakfast. As I was drying off, Jim asked how I was doing. I said I was doing well. It was the first time Jim and I had been in the shower at the same time. I noticed Jim was on the hairy side. He had a thick dark bush, some hair on his stomach and hairy pits. He looked like he was checking me out as well. We went to our rooms, got dressed, and went to breakfast. I sat with Dennis, and Jim joined us. We sat at a far table by ourselves. Jim asked us if we were a couple, and I said we were just friends. I asked why he would even as that. Jim said he heard noises from my room, and when I came out of my room, I smelled like Dennis. Dennis looked at him and asked if he had a problem with that. Jim smiled and said not at all, and that he wished he had a friend like we were friends. We realized that Jim was cool with it, so the conversation got friendlier.

Friday afternoon, Dennis packed up to visit his parents for the weekend. Friday after dinner, Jim knocked on my door. He asked if I was lonely without my boyfriend. I told him Dennis was not my boyfriend, but just a friend, and sex was part of our friendship. He said he was my friend, I smiled and said yeah, but sex isn't part of our friendship. Jim smiled and said it could be. I was not used to someone coming on to me like that, so I didn't know what to say. Jim said he liked seeing me in the shower, and I had to admit, I liked seeing him too. I noticed he was tenting his shorts, and asked if I would at least get undressed so he could jerk off watching me. The idea of him checking me out excited me, so we went to his room and he stripped down and undressed me as well. His cock was about seven inches and fairly thick. He stroked my cock and started sucking me. I stopped him, and felt his hairy body. I licked his pits and sucked his cock. He lay on top of me, cock to cock and ground his cock into mine. I didn't feel the magic I felt with Dennis, but it was still pretty hot. He pressed his cock against my hole and asked if I wanted him to fuck me. I told him Dennis' cock was the only one that had ever been inside me. He said he'd really like to fuck me. He said if we aren't boyfriends, it shouldn't be a problem. I didn't have the same feelings for him that I had for Dennis, so I shifted myself so he couldn't access my ass and told him no. He rubbed his body against mine, and we sucked each other's cocks. After we swallowed each other's loads, Jim said he had to get back to doing some homework and would be back later.

Jim came back a couple of hours later and said he really liked sucking my cock and being naked with me. I told him I liked it too. He asked if I'd like to spend the night with him. I was feeling kind of lonely, so I agreed. We went to his room and had a couple of beers. We started kissing and took off our clothes. We kissed each other and he lay on top of me, rubbing his crotch into mine while I played with his pits. He was kissing me intently, and said he wished I liked him enough to fuck. My cock was hard and he got on top of me, and lowered himself onto my cock. It slid in him easily. It felt amazing, and I played with his cock and his armpits as he moved up and down my cock. It only took a couple of minutes for me to shoot my load inside him. He got off me and started licking my hole. He pressed his cock against me and slid it deep inside me. I groaned as he slowly pounded my ass. despite my efforts, I was really enjoying it. He said how good it felt, and I felt his warm cum filling my insides.

As we lay in bed talking, he said he had a friend he usually fucks with, but he's lonely when he goes away on weekends. He said he really likes me and we could mess around when our guys were out of town. I didn't feel like it was cheating, because Dennis and I were just friends who had sex, not boyfriends. I told Jim I liked it a lot, and it would be a good arrangement. We fell asleep and in the morning, I felt his hard cock pressing against me. I started sucking him, and when he woke up, he said it felt good and slid his cock inside me. He fucked me hard, and shot his load inside me. We wrapped ourselves in towels and went to take a shower.

Dennis came back later that night. I was horny and so was he. We got undressed quickly and he slid his cock inside me. He said he missed me. I was excited to be with him, inhaling his scent as he thrust his cock deep inside me. He fucked me long and slow, as I buried my face in his armpit. He shot a huge load inside me. We lay in bed together, and I asked him if he fucks anyone when he goes home. He seemed a bit nervous but said he fucks a friend from high school that he used to fuck before he went to college. He said it was okay because we weren't boyfriends, just friends who like to fuck. I told him I was okay with that, and didn't say any more about it.

For the rest of the week, Dennis slept with me every night. We fucked probably twice a day. I'd see Jim in the hallway or in the cafeteria, and we smiled at each other but didn't say anything else. On Friday afternoon, Jim asked if Dennis was going home for the weekend. It was a three day weekend and I told him Dennis wouldn't be back until Monday afternoon. Jim said he was alone this weekend too and we made plans to have dinner in the cafeteria.

Jim came to dinner wearing a tank top, and i couldn't take my eyes off his hairy pits and he knew it. We went to his room and he took off his shirt and lay on the bed with his hands behind his head. I bent over and ran my fingertips through his hairy pits. I sucked his nipples as I played with his pits. His cock was hard and I slid down his shorts and briefs, and sucked his cock as I played with his pubes. He pulled down my shorts and fingered my ass while he sucked my cock. He pulled me to the edge of the bed, got between my legs, and slid his cock inside me. I moaned as he slowly fucked me. He shot his load inside me and lay next to me. He kissed me and said he loves being inside me. He said he ran into a friend he used to play with who would like to meet me. He said I'd love his pits. I told him I was around all weekend and he could come by anytime. He texted his friend and said he could come by in an hour. I went down the hall and took a quick shower.

As I finished getting dressed, there was a knock on the door and I was greeted by a short skinny guy with thick glasses. He was wearing a tank top and cut off jeans and had a strong musky scent. He had dark, curly hair, a big package and very hairy pits. He said his name was Forrest, and he was Jim's friend. He came in and sat in a chair, with his hands behind his head, showing off his pits. I got hard immediately, and he noticed. He said if could feel them if I wanted. I ran my fingertips through his pits and he said it felt really good. I buried my face in his pits, breathing in his scent. He took off his shirt, revealing his smooth chest. As I felt his pits, he slid down my shorts and stroked my cock. He stood up and let me feel his hard cock pressing against his Jean shorts. I pulled them down revealing his very thick bush and cock. His cock was three fingers wide and over eight inches. I held his smooth hips while I sucked his cock. He wet a finger and slid it up my ass. He said he was glad I was free because he was really horny. I got on the bed and pulled my legs up on my chest. I felt his hot pink cock pressing against my hole and felt it slide inside me. I felt like a solution for letting a total stranger fuck me, but I wanted him so bad I didn't care. I groaned as he slid his thick shaft in and out of me. He pounded me hard and fast, and I felt his big heavy balls banging into me. He asked if he could cum inside me, and I begged him to do it. He fucked me harder and grunted as he shot his load deep inside me. When he was done, he stroked my cock and sucked it until I shot in his mouth.

Forrest said he was still horny and asked if he could fuck me again. I told him he could stay the night and fuck me all he wanted. He fucked me three more times that night and again in the morning. I loved feeling him inside me. He got ready to go and we exchanged cell numbers.

After he left, Jim came by and asked how it went. As I told him, he got horny, dropped his shorts and slid his cock into me. He said it was hot fucking me with Forrest's cum. He fucked me hard and cummed inside me. He said forrest fucked him but he'd rather fuck than get fucked.

After Jim left, I texted forrest and asked him to come by. He said he'd be over after work. He showed up around 7, stripped off my clothes and kissed me. He got out of his clothes, and held me, as I took in his scent. He said it excited him that I was so turned on by his pits. He lay back and let me feel and lick his pits. He started kissing me and got on top of me. He slid his cock in me and fucked me slowly. I groaned as he slid the full length of his cock inside me. I groaned as he pounded me hard. A moment later, he flooded my insides with his cum. He spent the night again and I woke up cuddling against him.

The next week was finals week and everyone was studying. Dennis and Jim both stopped by for study "breaks," fucking me quickly, and going back to studying. After their last finals, they went home for the two week break before the next semester. I couldn't afford to go home, so I was just going to stay at the dorm, which was staying open but no meals were being served.

I texted Bobby, who lived in an off campus apartment. He said he was staying around, but his roommates were going to be gone. He said I could stay with him if I was willing to be his sex slave, and put a smiley face at the end of the sentence. I texted back that I was counting on it.

Bobby lived in a dilapidated old house in a run down part of town, which he shared with three other guys. They all had gone home for the break, except Bobby. When I got there, Bobby had me come in and get undressed. He was wearing only a jock strap and looked hot in it. He hadn't showered for a couple of days and I got hard as I buried my face in his pits and breathed in his musk. Bobby took off his jockstrap and I played with his big balls and pubes as I sucked him. He lay me down on the couch and slid his cock inside me. As he fucked me, he said he liked sex with me more than anyone else because he knew I wanted him, and I always wanted more. I groaned loudly as he shot a huge load inside me. He stayed hard, and stayed inside me. He kept pounding me and I shot my load on my stomach. He said when he fucks me, he feels like he is taking my manhood.

I asked him about his roommates. He said i'd probably like having sex with them, but as far as he knew they were all straight, and they thought he was as well. We both smelled pretty ripe, so we got in the shower and cleaned up. After we dried off, he took me to his bedroom and said he'd be right back. He came back with a pair of his roommates dirty underwear and threw it at me. It had a strong crotch scent, and I sniffed it as Bobby slid his cock inside me. It was hot smelling another guy's crotch as Bobby deep fucked me. Bobby got off on it too and fucked me hard. He told me the guy who wears those briefs has a big latino cock and is very hairy. He told me to imagine that big thick latino cock fucking me hard. It sent me over the edge, and i shot my load. As my ass clenched around Bobby's cock, he shot his load deep in me. I fell asleep with my face buried under his arm.

Bobby woke up early and was horny. I was sleeping and felt him slide his cock inside me. I woke up as he was thrusting his cock inside me. He said he had to work off his morning wood. It only took him a few thrusts before he thrust hard in me and unloaded his cum. I sucked him clean. My cock was hard, and he stroked me until I shot my load. He took me down to the basement, and I saw a sling hanging from the ceiling. I asked what it was for, and he said its for fucking. He had me get in, and positioned me. He slid his cock in me and moved me in the sling on and off his hard cock. I groaned as he fucked me. He said he wanted to have Jim and Dennis over so they could take turns fucking me but his roommates were around and they use it with their girlfriends. He asked if I'd like him to try to get someone else to share my ass with. I told him he could share it with whoever he wants.

For the rest of the week, he fucked me over and over. There was no real emotion between us, just raw lust. We were using each other for sex, and that was fine with me. One afternoon, he tied me in the sling and blindfolded me. He fucked me and shot his load in me, then pulled out. I heard some moving around, and felt someone thrust their cock in me. They were warm and hairy, and from what I could tell, a bit chubby. I lay back and enjoyed it. I felt him grunt, and he shot his load in me. I heard the guy leave, and I asked who that was. He said not to worry. A little later, I heard some more noise. I felt a smooth guy holding my legs, and thrust his big hard cock inside me. I groaned in pleasure as he pounded me and played with my nipples. From his scent, I guessed that he was black. He groaned as he unloaded inside me. I felt him rub his cock against my lips and I sucked him clean. Before each of them left, Bobby asked if I'd let them fuck me again. In both cases, I said definitely. I lay there for another half hour. Someone else came in and I felt them licking my balls, and then I felt a thick cock slide inside me. I felt his chest as he rubbed against me and he was stroking my cock as he fucked me. I was also turned on by his scent, and told him to slow down to make it last. I felt hornier than ever, and he tongue kissed me as he shot his load in me. As he pulled out of me, I told him I hope he'd fuck me again. I heard him get dressed and leave.

Bobby untied me later, and fucked me. I asked who those guys were, and he said I knew all of them, and they would get in touch with me the next time they wanted my ass. I had no idea who they were and the curiosity was driving me crazy. Bobby said I needed to go back to the dorm because his younger brother was coming to visit. I asked if his brother could fuck me, but he said he'd text me if it was cool.

I went back to the dorm, and the place was almost deserted. I went down the hall and took a shower. I lay in bed with the door open, wearing nothing but a towel around me. It was late, and I was getting ready for bed. A guy knocked on the door and came in. It was a guy from the second floor named Todd. He was tall and chubby, and had a long dark beard. He said he saw my door open, and there weren't too many people staying in the dorm over the break and thought we could hang out. I said that would be cool, but I really should get dressed. He started rubbing my leg and said I didn't need to. I lay there letting him rub my leg and started to get hard as he moved up my leg and slid his hand under the towel. He grabbed my cock and started stroking it. I took off the towel. He said there was a lot more he would have liked to have done in the basement, but was under pressure with the other guys there. I told him I enjoyed it, and slid my hands under his shirt and felt his hairy chest. He took off his clothes and lay beside me. I played with his chest and armpit hair, and sucked his hairy cock. He sucked my cock, and turned me over and ate my ass. He slid his cock inside me and slowly fucked me. I asked how he came to be in the basement. He said Bobby knew a lot of the guys who liked guys in the dorm, and had fucked a lot of them, even the tops. Bobby had texted him to come over for a mystery fuck. Todd was thrusting in my harder. He said a lot of guys don't like chubby guys, so he didn't get much action. I told him I loved his hairy body, and his cock felt great inside me. Todd started slamming me hard. I started groaning, and felt Todd's warm cum flooding my ass. We hugged for a long time. I asked him to stay the night, and he did. In the morning I sucked his tits and licked his pits. He was rock hard, and fucked me hard. It only took a minute for him to shoot his load in me. I sucked him clean and he got dressed and said he'd be back later.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I got dressed and was bored out of my mind. I put on some music, and wished I knew who the other guys were. I walked around campus, and everyone I saw made me wonder if it was one of them. I saw a few guys I knew and we talked a bit. One of them. a short black guy named Dan said he was walking back to the dorm, and asked if I wanted to come. He was short and very thin and very geeky looking. He said how boring and lonely it was during break, but was happy we could hang out together. Dan was a really quiet guy who kept to himself. I never really thought about having sex with him, but thinking about it excited me. I said that at least with so few people around, it was easier to jerk off. He laughed and agreed, but said it was better to have someone to play with. I said I felt the same way. We were sitting on the bed, and Dan pressed his lips to mine and thrust his tongue in my mouth. As we lay on the bed kissing, Dan undressed me and was feeling me all over. He took off his clothes and I felt his smooth body, and his hairy pits while I sucked his cock. He got between my legs and slid his thick cock deep inside me. As he moved in and out of me, he said this was much better than jerking off. I lay back, enjoying him using me for his pleasure. I was groaning as he fucked me and I shot my load without touching myself. My ass clenched around his cock, and he shot a huge load inside me. As we lay in bed together, I asked how he knew Bobby. He looked puzzled, and said he didn't know anyone named Bobby. I asked if he had been to Bobby's basement. He said he never heard of that bar. I started to laugh. Dan wasn't the guy in the basement. He was just a horny guy from the dorm. He asked if I liked it. I said I liked it a lot, and if he wanted, I could stay and play some more. He said he had to get some work done, but would like to come to my room later. I got dressed, and went upstairs.

It seemed the more I got fucked, the hornier I got. I was turning into a slut and didn't care. Dan came by my room and said he was free all day if I wanted to hang with him. I told him I was really horny, and needed a lot of attention. He got an evil look on his face and said he was in the mood to fuck non stop. He said he should shower first, but I said I liked his natural scent. We got undressed, and I licked his pits while i played with his big balls. He kissed me as he slid his thick cock inside me. It didn't take him long to shoot his first load. He fucked me all day until he couldn't cum anymore and I was almost too sore to walk. He slept with me that night, and we showered in the morning. I planned on taking it easy the next day or two.

I was doing some studying, and had my door open. Teddy, a guy from the third floor came by. Teddy had reddish blond hair, very curly and he was skinny. He was short, and looked like the youngest guy on campus, although he was actually 18. He was wearing a tank top and athletic shorts. He had pretty hairy legs and very hairy armpits. He had a fairly strong natural aroma, and I asked if he was playing basketball. He said he just woke up and wanted to know if I wanted to hang out with him. I said I'd like that and he sat down with his legs parted wide and rubbing his hairy legs. I commented on how hairy his legs were. He smiled and said he was always proud of his body hair. I said he should be, because it looked great. He asked if I wanted to check it out. I nodded and he closed the door and took off his shirt. His chest was smooth, accentuating his very hairy pits. I felt them with my fingertips, and breathed in his strong scent. My cock was hard and he pulled down my shorts and stroked my cock and balls. I felt him take my cock in his mouth as he reached under my balls and fingered my ass. He said if I liked his pits, I was going to love his pubes. He stood up and slid down his shorts. He wasn't wearing any underwear. His cock and balls were huge, and his pubes were thick and reddish brown. His cock was very pink and over three fingers wide. I took it in my mouth and moved up and down his shaft. He had me lie back on the bed and he slid his cock in me. I groaned deeply as he slid the full length of his cock in and out of me. He kept saying how good it felt. I was intoxicated by his sensual scent, and wrapped my legs around his. He was one of the guys who fucked me in the basement. He fucked me long and slow, and shot a massive load inside me. I kissed him and thanked him and asked if we could do it again. He hung out with me for the rest of the day and fucked me several times. He said he wished I was his roommate. I told him I'd be his roommate in a heartbeat.

I spent the rest of the break with Teddy. He loved how much I was into his armpits and pubes, and he loved being inside me. Word got around that we were exclusive and no one bothered us. We became roommates, and even after college, we still are together.

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