Ark II, Launch

By Richard McQueen

Published on Dec 16, 2023


Story: Ark II Chapter 26: Music and Robots Author: Eric McQueen ( Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

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Music and Robots

The noise and activity levels increased as people gathered to share this area and consume a meal. They were not just a crew, but people that genuinely liked being together. A comradery was here binding them closer. They had been assembled on one of the orbiting space stations to get to know each other. It was a station that rotated like the Ark's habitat ring. All those people on that station had made it very crowded. The habitat ring had more room.

It was a new thing for the Nesmiths to have Rob sitting with them as they ate their food. Jimmy was the star at this moment. He had been the driving force to get Rob to become more Human. Rob had a small plate of Joel's favorite barbecue. Robbie stood there with them but didn't sit with them. Jimmy was telling his mother and brothers about what happened.

"...and then he chuckled!" Jimmy reported happily.

Sara Beth smiled at his enthusiasm. "Are you sure it wasn't because he was programmed to do that?"

Jimmy shook his head, "Not Dad! He was in control." He looked at Joel. "You tasted the barbecue! Did it taste like it should have?"

Joel grudged a nod, "It was recognizable. As I understand, it will get stronger the more we do it."

"When you were put in the simulator for the Stinger," Kevin began. "Did being in Rob's body feel like that?"

Again, Joel gave a grudging nod, "Very similar. My understanding is the Neural-Interface is more refined for when I was in Rob's body. My being the Stinger, I have handled the controls before." His head wavered, "I saw way more and I could hear thing I couldn't as a Human."

"Tomorrow you do it with the Human body of Robot?" Kevin asked.

"Not me," Joel chuckled. "Your Uncle Hank!"

"Is it fair?" Kevin asked.

"Is what fair?" Sara Beth asked.

"We have two Robbies!" Kevin pointed at Robbie and Rob. "No one else but Uncle Hank and Aunt Rita have someone like Robbie. They have no one to fix their meals."

Joel nodded, "He's not a toy or a servant. He's a member of this family. He has been a member of the household before any of you were even here."

"Oh," Sara Beth said quickly covering her abdomen with her hand.

Naturally, the members of the family there were concerned.

"Babe?" Joel said taking her other hand.

"Mommy?" Ian said in concern.

Sara Beth laughed waving that concern away. "It's fine." She rubbed her hand over her slight swell. "Your sister is just moving."

"She is?" Ian asked with a smile.

"Yes," Sara Beth nodded. "She's very active at times." She chuckled. "She is just anxious to get out and be more of a part of this excitement." She looked at her sons. "All of you did this, too." She looked at Kevin, "Especially you, Kevin. You were moving around, and you kicked a lot!" Chuckling she added. "You were born kicking and screaming!"

Kevin grinned, "I don't remember."

Sara Beth smiled, "You were my most active baby." She looked at Jimmy, "You were the quietest one." She looked at Ian, "You were my most vocal. From the moment you were born you made noise!"

"He cried a lot?" Jimmy asked.

"No, not crying," Sara Beth shook her head. "He just made sounds with his voice. He was the youngest to talk and make sense."

"He was six months old!" Joel bragged. "He would look at his mother and say ma." He pointed at Ian. "He saw her and identified her by name."

"It was just a week later when he added da to his skills," Sara Beth pointed at Joel. "He used that name to identify his father."

Sara Beth smiled and let out a little "oh" touching the swell again. "She did it again!" She smiled at her sons and husband. "She hears you."

Jimmy's eyes widened, "Really?"

"She must hear a lot of voices," Kevin began. "Why our voices?"

"Yours are the ones she hears the most," Sara Beth smiled. "Almost every day you all talk to her. You four are the ones that speak directly to her." She looked at Rob. "She needs to hear your voice, Rob."

"I can tell her a story," Rob suggested. "I've literally thousands of those."

"There are many sources I use with Daylia," Sara Beth smiled contently. "Music is something I use often."

Joel nodded reaching over and touched his wife's abdomen, "Mozart?"

Sara Beth grudged a nod, "I have." She smiled at Ian, "But just like her big brother Ian, she prefers Chopin!"

Joel smiled, "That explains his fondness of the piano."

Sara Beth nodded, "Daylia may be a music prodigy like her brother." She shifted slightly, "She's doing it more!" She smiled, "She definitely hears you." She moved her chair back, "Come, feel her move." She did the "come here" gesture.

The boys got up and stood near her and put their hands on her slight swell. Rob included. They did get a few odd looks. Two grown men and three younger men all touching Sara Beth on the stomach, but they knew why as they thought about it. It was clear what they were doing.

"Keep talking!" Joel said to encourage. "Say hello to Daylia."

"Hi, Daylia!" They all said together.

"We can't wait for you to get here!" Kevin said.

"There is a lot to see," Ian added. "I can show you around."

"We'll take good care of you!" Jimmy stated flatly.

Ian's eyes grew, "Wow! Now she's really moving!"

Joel could feel it, too. It was just more proof his daughter was on the way.

"In our quarters," Sara Beth smiled. "I'll get you to hear her heartbeat."

"How big is she?" Jimmy asked.

"About the size of your fist," Sara Beth answered. "I'm at the end of my first trimester. Daylia has been moving from the beginning, she's just doing it a lot with the men in our lives." She chuckled, "I think if you play soccer, you will want her on your team. She's a gifted kicker." She looked over as Larisa came in. She smirked, "Larisa has on the new uniform for our expectant mothers."

Joel saw the woman that became pregnant first of the Ark's people. She and her husband Ansh were a little farther along. Marisa had the Ark's coverall uniform, but from below her breasts the uniform top flowed down into an almost skirt that hid her swell more. For a more practical reason, as the pregnancy progressed, there would be the greater need to get to the mother's midsection faster. She had on pants, but the waistband was hidden beneath the top. "It doesn't look bad."

Sara Beth nodded, "It isn't bad. It just draws attention to the fact that your pregnant."

"You are!" Joel said not understanding.

"Yes," Sara Beth nodded. "The brain of the expectant mother is going through changes as she prepares to bring a new life to the world. Hormones and biochemical changes that make a woman more emotional. You remember when you bought that teddy bear for Kevin. I cried for two hours because it was so sweet. The other part is the mother feels more self-conscious about herself."

Joel nodded his concession, "You know that isn't true."

Sara Beth touched Joel's face gently, "Yes, but I feel it whether it's true or not."

Joel looked at the table they shared with their dinner still half uneaten, "We waste nothing. Let's finish."

"There will be a concert tonight," Sara Beth said looking at Rob. "Tell us how you feel hearing it."

Sitting again they resumed eating.

"Dad," Jimmy said. "You experienced Rob's emotions. He has them, right?"

Joel nodded, "Yes, but not like ours. His thoughts don't bring any physical changes." He grudged a nod, "Which is a shame," He waved at the barbecue in front of Rob. "I know he likes what he's eating, but he doesn't feel the comfort it brings."

Jimmy looked at Joel carefully, "But he will feel if you do it again."

"He needs to make his own decision about what's good and bad," Joel pointed out. "He shouldn't just be copying mine."

"He may need other people to do it, too." Jimmy pointed out. "Then he can decide which one is best."

The concert that night was done by several people who all played a string instrument. Joel was impressed again with the number of talents there were on the Ark. It started with two coming to the forefront playing something Joel didn't recognize at first, until he heard the first notes. Everyone knew what a banjo sounded like. The banjos here did not have the round white shape but were black and had controls on it. But it was a banjo! Those two started it with "Dueling Banjos" which everyone had heard and recognized. That wasn't all. There was a duet with a twelve-string guitar and a lute! These instruments were played, along with the mandolin and a dulcimer! The dulcimer Joel knew well as it was an instrument that was unusual in shape. The wooden one looked like a long, stretched out violin. It was an instrument from a more rural area in the mountains where Joel was raised. Because of the need to preserve these instruments the electric versions were included by those that put the Ark together. As the Ark's weight wasn't the important thing, but the storage capacity was. There were the left brained intellects, the logic and mathematic geniuses that thought these instruments were a waste of space. The right brained intellects, those who loved music and art thought otherwise. What were they trying to save? Not just lives, but Human history. Many of these great minds on the Ark had devoted their formative years to learning and playing music. To take that away there was less of reason to do it. Sara Beth had taken piano lessons but stopped in a few years. Joel had learned music. All three of his boys had taken lessons, but Ian seemed to be the one that held on to it. His interest never faltered. Yet. Joel didn't believe Ian would lose his enthusiasm. All his sons were exceptional. Hyperactivity and Attention Deficiencies were common with children around the world. The psychologists had told Joel and Sara Beth that Kevin had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder when he was six years old. Both Sara Beth and Joel had refused to allow them to put him on any medication. They knew their son and he was very active! Yes. They also saw him sit and read. He could read at two years of age. Joel and Sara Beth read to all their boys, allowing them to see the stories they read. He had played with those blocks with numbers and letters which they taught him what they were. Every child had those blocks. The preschool "fun station" they had for their boys guided each boy's learning as they could get the siren or bells to chime, play a delightful tune when they got something right! Knowing that c a t meant a cat! Kevin was simply rushing to understand everything. Sara Beth is a doctor and she refused to start the recommended medication for any of her sons. She watched their diets carefully and allowed very little sugar, except for special occasions like birthdays or holidays. Ian was quiet and seemed to take it all in.

Joel also noticed during the music his sons' heads move to the music. There was the patting of the rhythm and tapping of feet. Then Joel noticed that Rob was doing the same thing! Artificial intelligence that had a sense of rhythm and a desire to dance!? Was Rob programmed for this? Could Athena do this? Or Robot? Or was it because of Robbie's time with the Nesmiths he picked up on it? Was the time Joel spent in Rob's body passing on what it was to be Human? The thought that Joel would be the one to show Robbie what it was to be Human more. It was more than just intelligence and those neuro-pathways...Joel again felt the beginnings of a headache, so he dropped the thought. They'd find out more tomorrow when Robot had his new body. Talk about creating a new world.

They began their evening rituals before sleep and begin a new day in a few hours. Kevin and jimmy said goodnight. Then Sara Beth and Joel tucked Ian in his bed with Robbie there as was normal. Rob was there but would not remain.

"Mom," Ian began hesitatingly.

"Yes," Sara Beth smiled.

"Daylia is coming," Ian stated matter-of-factly. "She's going to be the baby."

Joel felt his own smile grow within him. The reality of Daylia's arrival was driven home to Ian tonight. It was something he knew happened to children when they learned of a new baby. "She is." He leaned over Ian. "How do you feel about that?"

"I won't be the baby anymore," Ian said a bit sad with worry.

Sara Beth leaned in kissing Ian on the cheek, "Being the youngest of siblings is a challenge." She stroked his face lovingly. "You and your brothers are all my babies. Nothing will change with you. When you are grown with children of your own you will still be my baby and always will be."

That brought a sleepy smile to Ian's face.

It didn't matter what year it was. It happened in every family with multiple siblings.

When time for the day to begin again, they woke up to find Rob had done it again!

Joel came out of his and Sara Beth's room to the smell of Rob's cooking. "Rob! We talked about this yesterday!"

Rob looked innocently at Joel, "Yes, you told me not to do it often. I didn't make dinner last night. It's not often." He shrugged, "I was up, and I decided I would taste somethings and...why shouldn't I? You are all busy today. This will help you do it. I don't eat. My power comes from the Ark." He brought out Joel's latte. "Here you go." He smiled at Joel, "By the way, this latte is good! I tried it."

Joel squinted an eye at Rob, "Thank you." He took the vanilla latte. "As I understand it, I'm influencing your preferences. Of course you'll like it. I do."

The morning meal was not complicated but it was delicious! Hash browns in an omelet! Crispy potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, melted cheese and recycled meat! The omelets were crispy and gently folded over. It tasted a lot like Canadian bacon, but Joel recognized it immediately. Yes, they had supplies in storage. The food supplies would not spoil. However, with two thousand adults and their children, it would disappear if not watched. Manu and Andrea had really made improvements. Joel was impressed with what they had done with the recycled unused meats and vegetables. The tenderloin he had tried using recycled meat and waste was pretty good. He still wanted them to perfect the shrimp and crawfish. It was coming. He knew it. He also knew if Rob's abilities to taste and smell were modeled after him, so Rob would love it!

Sara Beth leaned in toward Joel, "It Rob wants to do this," she began hesitantly and then held the finger up, "if he wants to," she said to qualify. She shrugged, "He wants a role in the family. I say let him. We won't expect him to do this." She smiled. "I don't want our children to become spoiled not having to wait on Mom or Dad to cook." She shook her head as she ate another forkful, "Rob, this is fantastic!"

Rob had a small plate in front of him that had some on it, which Rob already finished, "I simply followed the recipe. If you know the formula, it will come out correctly. Now that I can taste, I know if I followed it correctly, not only by the chemicals in the air, but on my taste buds." He shrugged.

Joel nodded and looked at Jimmy, "I think maybe Hank, Nayef...all the other men on the Ark should use the Neural-Interface with Rob."

He watched his son's eyes widen slightly, "Why?"

"To give him a broader perspective," Joel shrugged and pointed at Rob with his fork. "He likes what I like because his brain was programmed to. If he is programmed by Hank, Nayef, Tom, or even Angus...he could have neural pathways to choose from. Therefore gain an opinion."

Jimmy nodded, "He did have Aunt Medika, Uncle Anthony, and Uncle Scott use the interface to test things like his arms and legs, blinking...he probably got those a little." He looked at Sara Beth, "I know you won't right now, because of the risk it may cause your brain chemistry to change and effect Daylia. I'm not carrying Daylia."

"No," Sara Beth nodded, "You're not carrying Daylia, but your brain is still forming. I prefer your brain to be unaffected by the interface until we know."

"What day is it, Dad?" Kevin asked with a smile.

Joel was surprised by the question, "I don't know." He shrugged and looked at Robbie and Rob, "What day is it, Robbie?"

Robbie's lights in his head blinked and one of his sensors turned. Rob looked surprised, "On Earth, in the Eastern Time Zone it is two-fifteen on a Tuesday." Rob answered.

Joel nodded a shrug, "We really need a calendar and clock on the Ark."

Kevin grinned, "Yet we just got up." He shrugged, "We have a day and night here, but we're not on Gaea yet. There is no day and night up here. Yet, everyone on the Ark adheres to the standard day." He waved helplessly, "We have no weekend!"

"All life from Earth operates on the twenty-four hours schedule," Sara Beth pointed out. "It's programmed into our bodies and has been for millions, if not billions of years! Even the nocturnal forms of life operate on that schedule. A time to work and a time to rest."

Joel smiled, "I worked many graveyard shifts." He chuckled, "I actually prefer them at times. I'd rather stay up and work rather than having to get up to an alarm clock." He looked at Ian, "Unlike some people who wakeup bright eyed and bushy tailed every day!"

Ian grinned back at his father, "I can't help it. I just do it."

"And eager to meet your day head on!" Joel mockingly grimaced. "A quality I hope you never outgrow." He jutted his head in Sara Beth's direction, "A quality you get from your Mom." He saw Sara Beth roll her eyes away at that. "Well, you do!"

The day began well. The Nesmith family once again walked to the Communal Dining Room where the boys and Robbie remained. Sara Beth went to the Agrion Lab. All things plants were done there. Rob and Joel went to the Control Room.

Joel went over the reports from the drone sent to find Ark IV. The scans were complete and the drone was on the way back.

Wei came in with two of his people that he worked with. He held something Joel thought was a clear block of glass. It was about two inches thick and about five or six inches square. Wei looked up and smiled at Joel. "Catch." Wei said to Joel and tossed the clear object at him.

Joel was a bit startled but caught this...thing. It was extremely light and upon looking closer, it was not exactly clear. Joel grinned, "Is this our dome cover?"

"Yes!" Wei nodded excitedly, "For our dome and the underwater dome."

Joel's eyes widened, "Our underwater dome?"

Wei looked confused, "Yes, our underwater dome. I assume you knew. Leif and Steven want an underwater dome for them to work out of." He shrugged, "It will be much smaller than New Charleston, but very near New Charleston for Leif and Steven can work and release as necessary."

Joel nodded, "Of course."

"This is a very tough material that is high temperature resistant and impact resistant." Wei explained. "It also will not produce any greenhouse effect on the residents of New Charleston, both animal and vegetable." He got to his station in the Control Room and hit something on the clear surface and the image of the domed settlement appeared. Wei did something else and the image turned sideways to see the whole surface of the dome. "There will be about two hundred miles of surface under the dome." The two hundred miles looked smaller in the circle. Then the structures Joel knew to be their homes on Gaea and the administrative buildings, labs, recreational facilities, and outbuildings. Now Joel saw the acres of farmland for both what they consumed and what would raise additional plants." He pointed at what Joel held. "High temperature resistant and works well with water pressure." He grinned, "Joder said the asteroid belt has tons of Boron Nitrate. We won't run out."

When Ran had formed and the titanic forces pressed things so tightly, this Boron Nitrate survived and would help them survive.

"I know Sara Beth will be raising some crops in hydroponic gardens at first," Wei said. "We will be doing this to the surface of Gaea and New Charleston to create topsoil. Then we can grow crops normally in the ground."

"Assuming what's on the ground has no dangerous substances that will be added to the crops we yield," Joel nodded. "We all know the ground where various grapes are planted changes the taste of wines." He shrugged. "Sara Beth told me over and over again that dirt isn't just dirt." He grinned, "She is using the recycled wastes coming up with a compost she is using to create the topsoil."

Wei nodded, "We do need to construct the wall and dome to contain it in. Then we can work on the topsoil."

Hank came in, "Morning, all!" He greeted happily.

"Commander," Athena began quietly. She appeared in the room as she had done as a hologram. "I have a report about the disaster with Ark IV. The corresponding findings can be looked through to confirm."

Joel looked at her and nodded, "You found out what the problem was?"

"There were a few contributing factors," Athena began, and an image of Ark IV appeared in the air. "The first was what we suspected. Ark IV was put together very quickly." She pointed to the long cigar-like ship. "Assembled quickly and not securely. Lack of maintenance on the engines and the computer was also faulty. Artemis did detect the approaching meteor shower, but the decision to alter course was not received by the engines. It didn't get out of the way. No one person was totally responsible."

Joel nodded and sighed, "The Ark we are on took more than two decades to construct and assemble. Arks III followed us but was assembled using this Ark as a template. Ark IV didn't have that luxury." He grinned at the others in the Control Room, "In fact, I was the third choice for command!"

"No!" Hank said mockingly horrified. "I hate to even imagine anyone else here!"

Joel chuckled and pointed at Hank, "You were fifth! It was Rita that got you the choice. Her skills were needed."

Hank put both hands over his heart and sat back dramatically. "You cut me to the quick!"

Joel nodded with a grin, "If it makes you feel better, I got this because of Sara Beth."

Hank smiled, "They do make our lives better." Then he muttered, "When not pregnant."

"Morning sickness still?" Joel asked.

"I prefer it to the crazy mood swings," Hank admitted. "She cries for no reason! She cried for fifteen minutes this morning, and I still don't know why!"

Joel chuckled, "Sara Beth cried because she thought what I'd done was sweet." He shrugged, "You'll just have to endure it. Just be glad it's not the anger part."

Hank grimaced, "I remember when she was expecting Rachel."

"You know," Rob began, "That's common and caused by stress and hormones."

"Yes," Hank nodded.

"There are medications to help with that if it's severe," Joel said knowing what was coming.

"Which she won't even consider while she's pregnant," Hank grumbled.

"Just like Sara Beth," Joe chuckled.

Hank waved his hand at Joel, "You and I may need a medication to help us through this." He grinned, "You mentioned the name Apollo."

Joel's eyes widened, "For your son!?"

"For Robot!" Hank grumbled.

Joel nodded, "I think it is our theme, isn't it? The planets, Athena, and every other thing that needs a name." He frowned at Hank, "And quit shifting subjects!"

"I didn't!" Hank protested. "He turned to his monitor display. "Don't distract me. I'm making sure we won't have the same thing that Ark IV had!"

It was a few hours later that Hank, Joel, and Rob went to the lab to see what Medika, Anthony, and Scott had ready for them.

As Hank walked in he suddenly jumped back as something was standing in the way. "Whoa! Geez!" Clearly, it was a robot Joel had been shown. It wasn't a robot in disguise as a Human. It wasn't scary. Just surprising.

Joel looked at Anthony, "This is the prototype?"

Hank turned angrily at Anthony, "You did that on purpose."

"Yes," Anthony chuckled, "I'm guilty. I did." He waved in Hank's direction. "Your reaction was funny!" He looked at Joel. "Yes, this is the A2 prototype."

In the past robots were things of the future. They often looked like large metal tanks. This one did not have metal showing. It stood about two meters, or six feet. There were tubes of something, hoses? For the fluids for lubrication, Joel thought underneath a white casing. There were clear blue coverings that allowed others to get to the inner workings. The were plates of the white covering the muscular male chest, biceps, legs, upper and lower arms. Even the hands and fingers had the white casing that covered tubes you could see if you looked. It was a handsome man! That white casing covered his face which had a perfectly shaped nose above a mouth. Two eyes looked at him and that was unnerving. The eyes looked like eyes should look. The iris color was a bluish gray. The pupil was there and an arching eyebrow. There were the two ears...sort of. It was Human shaped but wasn't Human. The expression of the robot's face was blank. Not happy or sad. Nonaggressive.

"Say hello to the Commander, Three." Anthony said.

The robot's head moved to look at Joel. "Hello, Commander Nesmith." And it blinked! The voice was male, a baritone, but nonthreatening. A pleasant tone. The robot held his right hand out to Joel.

Joel looked at the breastplate of this robot and on the upper left side, over what would be the heart, if it had a heart, was written A2-003. Joel took the right hand, which was cool as you might expect from a nonliving thing. "Hello..." he looked the robot in the eyes, "...the name is Three, isn't it?"

"Technically," Three said, and the thing was his mouth moved like a Human's would. "The designation is A2-003. Anthony calls me Three. You can, too."

"You may call me Joel," Joel said and motioned toward Hank. "This is Hank."

Three turned to Hank, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Henry Cavill. I apologize for startling you. Anthony thought it would be amusing." He held his hand out to Hank.

Hank shook Three's hand, "I hope it was, Three."

Joel motioned to Rob, "And this is Rob."

Three nodded, "I know who Rob is." He was polite and articulate.

"Three is one that can be many later when needed," Anthony said. "His memory is self-contained but is linked to Athena. He can communicate with anyone on the Ark."

"Does he have the neural receiver like Rob has?" Hank asked.

Anthony smiled, "He does so Athena can activate and communicate with Three."

The door from the other lab opened and Scott, Leah, and a blond man walked in. The blond man was what they'd seen was going to be Robot's Human body. Like Rob, this robot-android was perfect. His hair was a golden yellow but groomed well with slight curls in it. Fair skinned, he was muscular and very good-looking. Again, just over six feet in height. Hank was blond, but Joel considered him a dirty blond. His blond was darker. The Human body of Robot had blue eyes like the sky on Earth had been. Then Joel saw two other robots like Three behind them. On their chests were A2-001and A2-002. The A2s looked exactly alike.

Leah looked up and frowned, "Oh, Anthony, you didn't." She said shaking her head.

Anthony nodded, "I did." He leaned closer to Joel. "She warned me not to, but..." he shrugged. "I couldn't help it. It was worth it."

Leah shook her head again. She looked at the Human body of Robot. "What do you think?"

Hank walked closer to the new body of Robot, "I think we're in big trouble."

Leah looked surprised, "Trouble? Why?"

"Apollo is beautiful!" Hank said frowning. He looked at Joel and Rob, "I live with three women!" He waved at Apollo. "One very new to her budding feminine nature. Living with another male around," he began to explain, "Having a handsome man in the house..." he looked at Joel, "He's anatomically correct! Very correct!" He looked at Joel, "What do you do with shower time?"

Joel's eyes widened, "I don't know Rob has ever had one." He touched Rob's shoulder. "Have you showered?"

Rob shook his head, "I've never needed one." He shrugged, "I don't get dirty. There really isn't dirt on the Ark. Sara Beth uses biofueled hydro liquids for her plants. I don't sweat, so no bacteria feeds on any sweat to make the foul odor. I don't get dandruff." He grudged a slight shrug, "I wash my hands when preparing meals..."

Apollo looked puzzled, "I don't understand. I will not shower in your home."

Hank shook his head, "Even your voice is nice sounding." He grimaced, "I am worried that Chloe, Rachel, or even Rita might fall in love with you."

"Is that bad?" Apollo asked.

Leah smiled, "You know they are sexual beings. Humans are attracted to other Human Beings."

Hank nodded, "I know. I just don't want anyone hurt."

"I would never hurt anyone," Apollo stated. "Certainly not your wife or daughters."

Hank grimaced, "I'm talking about you!" He pointed at Apollo. "The women of my family can be..." he sought a word, "very persuasive. As you don't have the experience, you may not be prepared for the mental and emotional onslaught!" His head wavered a bit, "I wasn't! Rita can be tough. I'm sure Chloe will follow her mother's teaching!"

Leah looked uncertainly at Hank, "Should we have made him plain or even ugly?" She shook her head, "Just simple psychology says a face that is appealing, and kind will engender trust."

Hank's shoulders slumped, "No." He admitted reluctantly. He glanced at Joel. "Remember, I mentioned the caveman in me? He's still there." He sighed. "I'm not always the carefree, confident man. Quick with the joke and..." he looked at the others there. "I lived in terror on Earth. All three of my girls needed my protection!" His hands came out in frustration. "I was in constant fear for their safety. There were threats all the time!"

Joel nodded touching Hank's arm, "I know. I had that fear, too. My boys weren't safe because they're boys." He shrugged. "I'll know the fear soon about Daylia, but..."

Anthony looked mockingly shocked, "Do you think I never feel that with my son Cassidy?"

Leah laughed, "Or Nayef and I with Alan and Kim? Every parent feels fear about their children." She shrugged, "I'm more concerned about those that don't seem to care."

Hank grudged a nod, "We had our daughters escorted to school by armed guards."

Leah smiled, "Our children went to school on buses that are practically tanks!"

"Deliveries to markets also are delivered by armed guards," Scott added, "and the trucks are tanks."

"They had to be tanks," Leah said sadly. "With so many without jobs and homes...there were always shipments that were stolen and the nightly reports of missing family members and even whole families! These people needed food and supplies. It was a daily occurrence."

"Sara Beth and I were lucky to live in an enclosed community," Joel said. "All the extra protection were reflected in the prices." He nodded, "Fortunately, Sara Beth's raising her own vegetables and spices cut the costs down." He looked at Hank, "You know Apollo will not be one of those to threaten you or your girls."

Hank nodded pointing it his head, "I know." He touched his chest above his heart, "My fears still remain. I can't help it." He walked up to Apollo. "I've trusted you from day one." He laughed, "In the metal casing, I had no trouble." He motioned at Apollo. "Give me time with this."

"Of course," Apollo nodded.

"We'll begin getting Apollo ready for life among Humans on the Ark as you, Hank, will be showing Apollo to taste and interact with Humans." Leah said. She held her finger up, "Remember, Athena has had decades dealing with Humans. So has Robbie. They are two personalities that are independent of each other. Robbie's personality and memories are backed up with Athena." She touched Apollo on the shoulder, "Robot is new. Born only weeks ago. His personality will go through changes as he develops." She waved at Three. "The A2 robots are Athena. They are the same. Personalities for them will come as Three interacts with residents and Two has different interactions with other residents."

Scott smiled, "I think we need to show everyone all these." He waved at the three A2s. "Especially the children." He looked at Joel and Hank, "Their faces were also modeled to create the most nonthreatening and friendliest face for children."

Anthony nodded in agreement, "Yes, I think the first introduction should happen today. Limited exposure to one of the A2s and then slowly add some others."

"Right now," Scott smiled. "We have three A2s."

"Let's get started," Joel grinned, clapping once in anticipation of doing just that, getting started.

For the next few hours, Hank used the Neural-Interface to see, feel, and taste all things Apollo would. Joel again did with Rob.

"That was weird," Hank said when it was time to quit for the day. The Neural-Interface was removed from his head.

Joel chuckled having his Interface removed. "It was. It's weird to look and see yourself on the couch. It was a real out-of-body experience."

"No kidding!" Hank smiled. He looked at Apollo, "Seeing the world through your eyes was a little odd at first."

"Something I can not do," Apollo said. "I do appreciate your taste in food. That was very interesting."

Joel looked at the clock on the wall and looked at Rob, "Are you still teaching?"

Rob smiled and nodded a bit, "Your offspring are reaching the end of their attention spans, but yes."

"I missed lunch!" Hank suddenly said.

"You had lunch!" Joel stated. "I saw you!"

"No," Hank said back. He pointed at Apollo, "I ate as him! Apollo had lunch, not me. He only tasted some things, he didn't eat!" He touched his stomach, "My stomach's telling me I didn't."

Joel grudged a nod, "It's a good thing its almost dinnertime."

One more time they went to the Communal Dining Area with two new individuals. Apollo and Three were the new individuals. The others in the Habitat Ring were looking at the new arrivals, but no one came rushing at them. When they entered the Dining Area, the young citizens were not as restrained. There were gasps and hesitant looks. A new adult was in their midst and Three...he was clearly not Human.

"Everyone," Hank began smiling, "this is Apollo." He touched the blond man with him.

Joel nodded and touched Three, "And this is A2-003. We call him Three. He and others like him will be on the Ark in the future. As of this time he is one of three moving about now."

"Why?" Alan Rees asked.

"Why what?" Joel asked.

"We have robots that can mine, clean up, garden, even build New Charleston," Alan explained his question. "I understand we have Robbie and even Robot to teach and even do other jobs. Why are we creating these new robots or androids to look and pass as Human?"

Joel nodded, "Ah, my sons will tell you that Robbie started out as a character in a movie I loved." He waved at Robot, "Even he is a character from a television series. Robbie was a gift by my grandfather to keep me company. Like a teddy bear." Joel chuckled, "He became so much more than a toy. He became my friend and a member of my family." He motioned toward Ian, Jimmy, and Kevin, "They have known Robbie their whole lives!" He motioned to Leah, "Dr. Rees is a neurologist and constructed a brain for Robbie to use those functions much of the ways a Human brain does." He grinned at Rob. "It was Jimmy that wanted Robbie to have as near a Human experience as he can have. We are trying to bridge the gap between Humans and these beings."

Alan's eyes widened, "Do you think we will?"

Scott moved forward, "We will forever try. We won't know until we try." He shrugged, "Right now Robbie, Robot, and Three can go down to Gaea without an environmental suit. They have Human manual dexterity to do tasks we can't because of the suit's restrictions."

"And Three?" Lunga asked.

"We need Three and the others for when we have guests here," Joel explained. "We always need others to enforce our rules...our laws."

"Okay," Alan nodded. "Why make them look Human?"

"Why not?" Joel shrugged and then chuckled, "I suppose it's our chance to play god."

"God?" Chloe asked.

Hank nodded, "Think about it. There are many stories about men who are created. Even in the ancient world the idea of man-creatures we make has always been! You love the Wizard of Oz! Tin Man! Clockwork men..."

"We came up with computers. Why?" Joel asked but didn't wait for an answer, "Because even with men as smart as they come, people like me aren't that fond of math! Memory to recall facts."

"We use the names of those gods in Greek and Roman myths," Hank explained. "Everyone except Robbie has been named for a god. Athena because of wisdom and leadership. The planets around Sol and here around Ran. Zeus instead of Jupiter."

"Having a very smart hammer is wonderful," Joel added. "Astronavigation! I look in the sky and see stars. As a whole. I know the Big Dipper and Little Dipper. I know Orion's Belt, but really how do we get to a certain planet? Athena knows which is which."

Hank's head wavered, "I don't know the Big or Little Dipper. When someone points them out, I can see them. I can do math; I have to as an Engineer. We gave the smart hammer a personality to more easily work with them. They can choose what to say and how to say it."

"They can feel," Joel said.

"It's a program," Alan pointed out.

"It's more than that," Joel stated firmly. "Dr. Rees built a brain that functions similarly to a Human brain. I've been in Rob's body and know he does feel. It's not like we feel, but he does."

Hank nodded, "And Robot can feel now through Apollo!" He waved at Apollo. "And smell and taste."

"I now understand Hank Cavill's love of spicy chili," Apollo added.

"As we continue," Hank grinned at Apollo. "He'll understand it more!"

"He's copying you," Chloe said.

Joel nodded reluctantly, "Hank knows the paths from his taste receptors will send to his brain...a chemical analysis of food flavors and he finds things appealing and others he finds disgusting."

"Like Dad's love of Head Cheese or Anchovies?" Chloe asked with her nose turned up slightly.

Ian frowned, "What's Head Cheese?"

Joel decided to be the one to tell him, "It's the brain of a calf, pig, or lamb." He grinned at the several "ews" he got. "Oh, come on," Joel laughed. "I know many have had hamburgers, meatloaves, eat bacon, or eaten lamb chops! The source of all those things has a brain and goes to waste if not eaten."

Chloe shook her head, "I won't eat it." She said with determination.

Hank leaned closer to Joel and said quietly, "It's the idea she doesn't like."

Joel nodded, "Oh."

"If we get everyone to see what Rob and Apollo tastes," Jimmy said out loud, but more for himself, "Apollo and Rob could decide which to prefer."

Joel nodded, "Allowing him to decide which one to follow." He grinned, "We are continuing to evolve. Machines and Computer Intelligence are evolving to become more Human. Humans are evolving and we are guiding both to eventually merge."

At that moment Athena appeared in their midst. As beautiful as she always was, she smiled, "You named me for the god Athena. The truth is you are the gods."

"We are?" Alan asked surprised.

"Yes," Athena nodded. "Mankind created me. You gave me movement, a personality. Your mother began showing me what it is to be Human. She taught me about new things. Yes, you are gods."

Kevin nodded slightly, "Okay," he looked at his father. "How are we moving our evolution in the direction of them?"

Leah smiled, "You know we use eyeglasses."

"Glasses!?" Kevin questioned. "Almost no one wears eyeglasses now. There are surgeries."

"And no one on the Ark needs glasses." Jimmy pointed out.

"Eyeglasses helped us to see better," Leah said chuckling. "Ear horns became hearing aids. There was a time when they inserted our cellphones and tablets in our heads!"

"They did?" Jimmy asked surprised.

Leah nodded, "They did, but it was hard for people to learn to use and see what was being displayed." She grudged a nod, "And there were complications that affected brain function leading to damage that could not be repaired." She held up her I've got an additional point finger. "I've got something in the works to help that."

Joel looked at Leah, "You do." He said to confirm.

"Steven and I do," Leah nodded. "Using many of the things we use for the Harpy-Stingers and your going into Rob's body."

"Really?" Hank asked with a sound of excitement and caution. "No one will be lobotomized?"

Joel looked at her, "Any implants?"

Leah laughed, "No lobotomies and just two small implants." She waved at Hank and Joel. "You both did well with the Harpy-Stingers and using the Neural-Interface. You didn't suffer from anything but a little disorientation. It's like that, only there is a smaller headset."

"And you couldn't tell us earlier?" Hank protested.

"Dangle a carrot in front of us and don't tell us why," Joel grumbled.

Alan grinned, "Yeah, she does that a lot to us."

"You poor things!" Hank said shaking his head. "Tortured by your own mother like this!"

Leah rolled her eyes away and grinned at Hank, "It's not really new. I just made it better." She turned to Joel, "You, Commander, have used the Neural-Interface to pilot aircraft before. I worked for a man who worked with several governments to improve using the Neural-Interface to pilot planes, operate tanks..." she held her hand out and raised her finger, "I was all for making it better for pilots, be it commercial flights or freight. Response time is crucial." She touched Hank just in front of his right temple. "Using a very minimal invasion, I would insert a neural filament on both sides that will expand. An artificial neural network will form connecting all points of your brain. The filament will form a kind of spiderweb, connecting the brain..."

"A spiderweb!?" Hank balked and touched his own head, "In my head! That can't be safe."

Leah chuckled, "It's very safe. We've used this filament for over a century repairing damaged nerves to the extremities restoring movement to the hands and legs. It will do the same in the brain. An artificial soma to form a neuron network." She shrugged a nod, "In fact, I think you'll find once activated, you will see that it is much better than the headset and Neural-Interface works even better!"

Joel nodded, "And if something goes hard is it to remove?"

Leah looked a bit wary, "Well, that's the problem. Once I insert the filaments, they grow to expand and connect the entire brain. We won't be able to remove it without damaging the brain function." She hurried on, "Which has never happened! Additionally, it could potentially improve brain function. If you choose not to have it, you can still use the Neural-Interface as you have. It just won't be as efficient as the Neural-Filaments."

Joel shrugged at Hank, "Well, the Neural-Interface worked well. I trust Leah. She is a Neurologist and one of Earth's top Neurosurgeons."

Hank nodded, "She knows what she's doing." He looked at Joel and pointed at his head, "We're talking about our heads! I'm going to be concerned."

The others gathered for the evening meal, and everyone wanted to meet Apollo. Joel noticed that the ease Rob had with Human behavior, Apollo had to work harder. The time that Robbie had been with Joel and his family, that experience was paying off. It would take more time for Apollo.

It was at the dinner table Kevin asked, "Is everyone going to get the Neural-Filaments?"

Joel considered his words and gave a slight, grudging nod, "I suppose we could."

Sara Beth looked at her eldest, "It has been used for nearly one hundred years in medicine. I think it's a valuable tool."

"Can we get them?" Jimmy asked.

Sara Beth frowned, "It is preferred that your brain has finished growing and developing before we do that." She smiled at Jimmy, "Your brain is still developing, Jimmy and will continue to do that until you are in your late twenties."

"That's a long time away!" Jimmy protested.

Sara Beth chuckled, "It's a complicated organ. The hardwiring is done in the first years of your life and there are fine wiring additions made until you quit growing. There is a fine tuning done in early adulthood."

"That long!?" Ian asked amazed. "That will take forever!" He declared.

Sara Beth laughed, "Constructing a person takes time."

That night the parents were pleased that their offspring were doing a talent night! Joel didn't see much in the way of stage fright. Joel and Sara Beth were stunned when Ian got up and played the piano!

"Did you know about this?" Joel asked Sara Beth.

She shook her head and looked surprised as well, "No."

Ian smiled at everyone. "The first piece is by Mozart. I am told this was one of the first songs he wrote when he was about my age!" He bounced. "Mozart's Minuet in G Major!"

The keyboard Ian used was the smaller keyboard to make it easier for Ian's little hands so he could reach the notes. He began to play. Mozart had a signature style and Ian did it well! Joel felt a father's pride seeing what his youngest son could do. Joel didn't hear any mistakes, not that he was any authority on music, but Ian was good!

At the end of the song he stood and smiled, "The next song is Dad." He grinned at Joel. "What I wrote is titled the Nesmiths. This song is Dad." He sat down and began to play. Joel again was stunned! He knew Ian was smart, but now he knew the boy was a genius! All his children were geniuses. Kevin was a chip off the old block and Joel saw a lot of himself in Kevin. Jimmy made Joel feel how smart he wasn't as Jimmy knew more than almost anyone about robotics. Even Anthony Yates and Scott Fleming had to work to keep up with his son! If Jimmy were tested, Joel knew Jimmy would have a college degree or two in Robotics, but Ian was...different. Ian took more from his mother than Jimmy or Kevin had. Joel knew all his boys had high IQs. Joel also knew that his own IQ was the lowest in the family. His grandfather's teaching still told Joel not to trust the numbers. Joel was smart, but he knew his numbers would not get him into Mensa. Only lacking less than a handful of points, but he wouldn't get in. Sara Beth was in Mensa. While it was true that his sons were too young to join, Joel knew they scored highly using the Standford-Binet Intelligence Scale. Sara Beth had insisted she work to keep her children grounded and socially well adjusted. His sons were!

The song had strong cords, and an almost military cadence sound, but lighter notes kept it light! It wasn't just a few notes. Joel had taken musical theory, the means a person learns music and obeys the rules and knew songs followed certain rules. Such as the introduction of the seventh chord. It broke the rules! An octave of a chord such as C, E, and G, then someone added the additional B just below C! You didn't do that! Now, it was common. Yes! The patterns, or passages were labeled A, B, and C! There was a complicated group of a passage A, then another passage B, a repeat of the first passage A, then a third passage C, and a revision of the three, a combination of A, B, and C! Usually. It was GREAT! He was just five years old! Ian had remarkable focus. Joel looked for Lunga. Lunga was looking at Joel and shook his head. He knew what Joel's question would be. He shook his head and pointed at himself and pointed at Ian and nodded. The song was all Ian! Was Ian a musical prodigy? Lunga was a prodigy, and he was Ian's teacher. Everyone in the Communal Dining Area was applauding. Not the "be polite to the child" applause. This was they really liked it applause! A standing ovation!

Ian got up and smiled, "I'm working on my brothers' music now. I finished Mom's. I will write one for Daylia...and one for Robbie and Rob. Finishing it with one family song! I'll play Mom's tomorrow. I have one more to write for Athena and the music for the Ark is coming."

"My God, Boy!" Hank blurted out grinning as he approached Ian, "Show everyone up! That was amazing!"

"I heard you practice," Sara Beth marveled hugged Ian. "I never heard you play this."

"You weren't supposed to," Ian smiled at his cleverness. "I put the earphones on as I composed the songs."

This Ark and its residents were still functioning on a calendar from Earth. Yes, Joel had asked Athena to lengthen the days to match the calendar on Gaea. This was just the beginning but the twenty-four earth hours were now almost twenty-five Earth hours. Earth had set every living thing's biological clock. They were ever changing their evolution. It was these new steps Joel was concerned about at the moment. Athena controlled the day and night by that clock regulating light and dark. The Nesmiths strolled back to their quarters calling it a day.

Getting up and the day began again, but it was what Leah had told them that played on Joel's mind.

On the way to the lab, Hank brought a subject up. "What does Rob do during the night with you?"

Joel's eyebrow rose as he looked at his friend, "He does what he wants to..." he chuckled, "quietly. Why? Was there a problem with Apollo last night?"

Hank frowned, "Not for me, but Chloe." He threw his hands out in frustration, "I mean, he's been living with us for weeks!"

Joel nodded, "Yes, as Robot." He pointed out. "Not as Apollo."

"The idea of a grown man in our quarters, not asleep but just standing there," Hank's head wavered. "It unnerved Chloe."

Joel nodded, "Ah, I see." He smiled and slapped Hank on the arm lightly. "Give her another night or so to become accustomed to it. I told you Robbie is Ian's transitional object. He's in Ian's room all night. Rob sits in the living area or even cooks!"

Hank's eyes grew, "He does?"

"Very well," Joel confirmed. "Any meal he can choose to cook what he wants. One day he will live in his own space."

"What?" Hank asked surprised. "Why?

"Because unless Robbie or Rob is destroyed or we're gone," Joel said poking Hank's chest. "He'll need somewhere to be. Hopefully, it will be with family," he shrugged. "We will never know."

Leah, Anthony, and Scott greeted Hank and Joel as they entered the lab.

"Are you ready?" Leah smiled and held up what looked like a kind of gun. "You two will be the first to have these."

"You're going to shoot those things into our heads?" Hank asked.

"Yes," Leah nodded. "No one reported any discomfort. I promise." She touched a console and the image of a Human brain appeared in the air. "I'm inserting two, one on each side above the Frontal Lobe. It will be just below the Pia Mater, the last layer just over the brain itself. The filaments will grow from there and in a day or so, will connect the Temporal Lobe, the Cerebellum, Occipital Lobe, and the Parietal Lobe. Once it grows to that point, smaller extensions will grow from the filaments and touch all areas of the brain." She looked serious for a moment, "There has not been one, but if you feel a problem, let me know and I will take them out."

"These work like a regular nerve," Hank confirmed.

"Yes," Leah nodded. "They will receive and transmit signal from the brain just the same as regular nerves."

Hank clapped once, "Okay. Let's do this."

Joel could tell Hank was nervous. He was, too. This was an unknown thing they were doing. It was natural to be concerned.

Leah waved toward the couches Joel and Hank had been in before. "This will just take a second." She held the metallic gun up. "A quick blast and there is no need for anesthetics, it will be over and done before you have a chance to feel anything."

Joel eased into his couch and so quickly, Leah did a fast "pow, pow" on the sides of his head and she lowered the gun. She did the same with Hank.

"How are you feeling?" Leah asked.

How did he feel? Joel thought. It was so quick his mind barely noticed it. "Surprise, mostly," Joel admitted.

"So damned quick!" Hank grumbled.

"No disorientation or queasiness?" Leah asked.

"Not for me," Hank confessed. "You, Joel?"

Joel grinned, "Not a bit." He looked at Hank. There was only what looked like pinhole pricks on his forehead on both sides of his head. "Do I have the red pricks?" He pointed at where Leah had shot his in.

"Yep," Hank answered.

Leah nodded, "And those will go away momentarily." She smiled, "I'm told your use of the Neural-Interface is good, but it will be like nothing with this!"

"We can't test it out?" Hank asked disappointedly.

Leah laughed, "The filaments just started to grow! It will be tomorrow before we can see it work."

"Damn," Hank muttered. Then he pointed at Leah. "If I'm not satisfied, I'm suing you for malpractice!"

Leah laughed, "We didn't even bring a lawyer with us!"

Next: Chapter 27

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