Arizona Vacation

By Frank

Published on Mar 30, 2006


All Characters in this story are purely ficticous. If it is illegal or improper for you to be reading this story, please leave now. This is my first attempt at writing for Nifty. Please let me know what you think. Please put the story title in the subject line so it passes my spam filter. Flames will be ignored, but I will try to answer all e-mails.

Arizona Vacation

The dawn rose with an unusual brightness, it seemed, that morning. The sun burned bright orange over the mountain rim, bathing the arid desert with warm sunshine, chasing away the cold from the night before. Cholas, saguaros and barrel cacti spines reflected the sun's light creating a twinkling look to each cactus as if it were a star shining brightly in the evening sky.

Ryan stood on the covered patio of his adobe ranch with a steaming mug of coffee warming his hands. He was looking forward to heading off to Lake Meade with his friends for the holiday weekend. Ryan and his five friends had rented a houseboat and planned to find a secluded cove to relax, sun swim and party. He knew the lake would be crowded, but there are so many coves and inlets on Lake Meade that it shouldn't be too hard to find some private space.

Ryan had packed several days earlier and was now mentally going over his list as he sipped the hot coffee. Shorts, shirts, socks and underwear, shoes, toiletries, beer wine, liquor (an absolute must for the weekend), food and snacks, and the all important sun screen. The summer sun in Arizona can scorch you in twenty minutes without sunscreen and Ryan had no desire to spend the Fourth of July weekend looking like a cooked lobster.

Ryan and his friends looked forward to this annual ritual. They had rented the same boat from the same people every Fourth of July for the last five years. They had all been college buddies who had gone on to different jobs after graduation. Ryan clerked for an Arizona State Supreme Court judge, Bill was a lawyer in Phoenix, Gary and Eric owned a landscaping company near Mesa, Stan worked as a legal aide for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and Greg traded stocks in Tempe. They were spread out all over Arizona, but always made this trip together.

The sound of Stan's SUV rolling up the driveway brought Ryan back to reality and he quickly went down the walk to greet Stan.

"Hey bud!" Ryan said when Stan got out of the truck.

"Hey man, good to see you^Å.. How's things?"

"Same as usual," and the two shook hands and hugged briefly.

"Come on in and have some coffee while I change."

The two men went inside to the kitchen where Ryan poured Stan a mug of coffee. Stan was probably Ryan's closest friend of the group; the two had been roommates at the University of Arizona during both undergraduate and law school. They had shared each other's joys and sorrows through family deaths, births, marriages, relationship break-ups and the like. They were as close as two brothers. Sometimes the other guys in the group would give them a hard time because they were so close.

Stan sat at the breakfast bar with his coffee and Ryan went and changed. They loaded Stan's SUV and took off for Lake Meade just slightly after 6 am. The three hour drive to Lake Meade was uneventful and the two passed the time chatting, joking and catching up. When they arrived at Lake Meade, the others had already arrived and were stowing their gear on board the boat. Stan and Ryan grabbed their stuff and climbed aboard. As always, they shared the master bedroom, and the other guys took the single rooms. The six men pulled away from the dock and motored out onto the lake around mid-day.

They cruised for about four hours until they found their prize; a small empty cove with a sandy beach. The cove was just big enough to get the houseboat into and still have enough space for their jet-ski and run about to get to shore. The houseboat, when moored properly, would effectively block the view of the beach from the rest of the lake, so the six would have all the privacy they wanted if they wanted to swim or sun on the beach without nosy by-passers looking at whatever they were doing. They anchored the boat and took the run about up to the beach. After wandering about, they decided a cookout on the beach would make a good dinner and Gary and Eric went back to the boat for supplies for an evening of dinner and drinking on the beach. Bill and Greg went off in search of some wood for a fire and Ryan and Stan gathered rocks for a nice fire pit. Shortly after Gary and Eric returned, Bill and Greg come back and soon hot dogs were grilling over the fire as the six sat drinking cold beer watching the sun set over the lake. After dinner was finished, the six chatted on and continued drinking long into the evening. Greg said he had to take a leak, and both Ryan and Stan agreed. The three walked or rather stumbled slightly, off to find a place away from the fire. After a suitable distance, Ryan stopped, dropped his swimsuit to his ankles and started a stream of urine into the bushes.

"Jesus man, why don't you take those off completely!" teased Greg as he unzipped his fly to let his own stream cross Ryan's.

"I like to be naked^Åbig deal, we all have the same equipment and we've all seen each other before." Ryan replied.

Stan had pulled down the front of his swim trunks, and the three 26 year olds stood pissing for what seemed like an eternity into the bushes. Stan couldn't help but take the opportunity to examine his two friend's cocks. Greg's was about four inches long soft, cut with a nicely shaped head. Ryan, who was sporting a semi, gently stroked his five cut inches with its large mushroom head. He seemed to be stroking it absent mindedly as he looked off into the darkness. As Stan watched Ryan's dick grow in his hands, he felt his own six inches start to harden. He had always admired Ryan, but never in a sexual way. Ryan was about six feet tall, about 195 pounds, with dark blonde hair and grey-green eyes. He had broad shoulders and a well defined chest that taped to a narrow waist over a prefect, well-rounded ass. He was nearly hairless except for a nice thick patch around his cock and balls which were hanging low from the warmth of the night air. Ryan saw Stan looking at him and smiled as he turned slightly to give Stan a better look. Stan's own man-meat was rapidly growing as he stared at Ryan's now erect seven inches.

"You two want some privacy or can anyone get in on this?" asked Greg, startling the other two.

"Uh^Å.umm, just pissing man," Stan mumbled.

"And maybe something else!" smiled Ryan, "all that beer made me kind of horny, I need a little release^Å.that's all" he said.

"Sounds good to me", said Greg as he unbuttoned his shorts, letting them fall to the ground.

"Well damn, I'm not going to be left out of this then!" Stan said as he too dropped his trunks.

The three men stood with their pants down slowly stroking their cocks to full erection. Ryan stopped and stepped out of his shorts and pulled off his shirt, standing naked before the other two. Stan and Greg soon followed suit and the three stood in a close small circle, stroking away. Stan had his head back and his eyes closed as he stroked on his meat when suddenly he felt another hand on his penis. He opened his eyes and looked down to find Greg's hand replacing his and not even missing a stroke. Greg had a mischievous smile on his face as he began to pull on his buddy's meat.

"Hey, what are friends for?" he asked.

Stan then reached over and took over stroking Ryan who obliged by stroking Greg. The three now stood masturbating each other.

"God that feels good, I'm going to shoot any second," Greg said.

"Me too," chimed Ryan.

"Me three", answered Stan.

Ryan was the first to blow his load. Thick creamy ropes of cum shot out of the head of his tool, landing on Greg's legs and feet.

"Unnnnngh!" he grunted.

"Ahhhh, ahhhh!" yelled Stan as he too blew his wad all over Greg's other leg. Now Ryan and Stan concentrated their efforts on Greg's hard cock as they brought him closer and closer to the impending climax.

With a guttural grunt, Greg closed his eyes and threw his head back as his man-seed erupted from the head of his fat tool. Shot after shot fired from his rock hard cock and landed several feet away in the sand. With each jet of cum, Greg's smile broadened as his buddies continued to milk his seed from him. As the jets slowed to a dribble over their hands, Ryan and Stan continued slowly milking the last drops from Greg's pole.

"Fucking fantastic," commented Stan, "you always shoot like that?"

"Yep, every time's a winner. Just have to be careful where and when I get my rocks off so as not to get embarrassed too much."

"You could put someone's eye out with that shot, must have been three or four feet," said Ryan.

"Five and a half feet is my personal best, but that was after really building up by watching some good porn!"

"You know, porn would be pretty good right now, I am still kind of turned on," said Stan.

"Yeah, me too," agreed Ryan.

"I could probably go again shortly," said Greg.

"Ain't nothing short about this," said Stan as he stroked Greg's softening meat again.

"Careful, that thing is loaded, could go off at any minute," Greg answered.

The three men sat down on the soft grass at the edge of the bushes, aimlessly stroking themselves again. Soon, all three were again sporting erections and getting turned on again.

"We really got to stop, the others are going to wonder where the hell we went," Ryan said.

"That's true, let's get back," agreed Stan.

The three dressed and returned to the campfire.

"Where the hell have you been? Off beating your meat in the bushes?" asked Gary?

"Yeah, we thought y'all got really lost or something," said Bill.

"Just needed to find the right place to relieve ourselves," said Stan with a smile.

The fire was extinguished and the six returned to the houseboat for the evening. They said their respective good nights and retired to their various staterooms. Ryan followed Stan into their room and closed and locked the door. The two stripped naked and Ryan reached for the covers on the queen size bed.

"You're going to sleep like that?" asked Stan.

"Sure, why not; I think we saw enough of each other a little while ago. I'm not afraid or ashamed, but if it bothers you, I'll put on my boxers."

"True, we did see plenty of each other, what the hell, I'm in," replied Stan.

The two naked men climbed under the covers and turned off the light and chatted in the dark.

"That was fun this evening," said Stan.

"Yeah, it was. I can't believe Greg shot like that, that was amazing!" said Ryan.

"I could feel the cum pump up his shaft!"

"Yeah, me too. Just talking about it is getting me turned on again," said Stan as his hand crept under the covers to caress his cock.

"Me too, what should we do about this problem then?" asked Ryan.

"Maybe pick up where we left off?" suggested Stan as he pushed down the covers on the bed.

In the moonlight coming in through the windows, Ryan could see Stan slowly stroking his cock up and down.

"This may sound strange, but you really have a great body and a beautiful cock to go with it." Ryan said.

"So do you man, I can't believe we're doing this. We've been friends for so long and we've never done this before. I've fantasized about it, but never had the guts to try it for fear I might scare you away as my friend. I've always known I was gay, but I didn't know about any of the rest of the guys, so I kept it to myself from all of you."

"It's no big deal man; you think I'd think less of you because you are gay? I can't believe how well you kept it from me for all these years! I never suspected it of you at all, but here's a little news flash, so am I!"

Stan couldn't believe his ears. All the years he'd known Ryan, the two never really talked about their sex lives and now he finds out that the man that he fantasizes about, the man whose face he has envisioned hundreds of times over the years of jacking off was gay too. Ryan reached over and ran his hand over Stan's chest and six-pack abs. Stan shivered slightly as Ryan's hand found its way to his stiff cock. Ryan moved closer and laid his head on Stan's chest as he stroked his friend's cock up and down. He began kissing Stan's chest, then his abs, then his tight stomach, darting his tongue into Stan's navel, eliciting a small moan. Still stroking Stan's cock, Ryan now kissed Stan's thighs, inhaling deeply the warm musky scent of Stan's crotch. Slowly and ever so gently he pulled Stan's thighs apart and repositioned himself between his friend's legs.

He began by licking and kissing the inside of Stan's thighs, and then moved to licking Stan's nearly hairless nut-sack. He pushed his chin down further into the mattress, licking the soft sensitive area behind Stan's balls. Stan rolled his legs back towards his head so Ryan could continue his tongue bath as Ryan worked his way down towards Stan's puckered rosebud, the prize he was seeking. Ryan let his tongue flick gently over Stan's hole, causing Stan to let out a low guttural moan.

"Oh God that feels so good," he crooned.

Ryan was now seriously tonguing Stan's hole, licking all around its nearly hairless pucker. Finally, he pushed his tongue into Stan's warm, wet hole, tasting Stan's insides. He darted his tongue in and out, tongue fucking Stan as he slowly stroked his own cock.

"I want you in me. I want you to make love to me." Stan said.

Ryan rubbed his cock as he reached over to the night stand and pulled out a condom and some lube. He unrolled the condom over his throbbing seven inch member. He squeezed some lube into his hand and slicked his cock, and then he took some more lube and rubbed it over Stan's hole, sliding in first one finger, and then a second. Ryan let his fingers slide in and out of Stan, loosening up his lover's hole for the upcoming assault. When Stan was sufficiently loose, Ryan removed his fingers and placed his cock at the opening of Stan's ass. Ever so gently, he pushed into Stan until he felt the head of his cock pop through Stan's ring. Stan winced slightly and drew in a large breath through clenched teeth. Ryan held his position for a moment, allowing Stan to adjust to the cock that was now in his ass.

"Go ahead man, do it." said Stan.

Ryan slowly slid more of his cock into Stan's ass. He continued to enter his lover until he had all seven inches buried in Stan and felt his balls come up against Stan's ass cheeks.

"Mmmm, yessss", Stan cooed.

Ryan began to slowly pull out, then stroke in as he began to fuck Stan's tight but loosening hole. The warmth he felt from Stan's fuck chute felt fantastic and it took all of his self control not to pound his lover's ass with reckless abandon. Gradually Ryan picked up his pace and before long he fucking Stan fairly hard while Stan was moaning and jerking his own cock.

"Oh yeah, fuck my hole baby", Stan moaned, "Drive that big dick deep and hard into me!"

Ryan pounded away at Stan's ass now, sweat forming on his lithe body as he fucked Stan harder and harder.

"Jesus Ryan, I'm going to cum!" Stan groaned.

"Me too man, I'm going to blow any second."

Suddenly Stan's cock erupted all over his belly and chest as he reached an unbelievable orgasm. The clenching of his ass muscles as he came was too much for Ryan and he too went over the edge and began pumping his load into the condom. Ryan collapsed on top of Stan, the two lovers smearing Stan's load between them. His cock still buried in Stan's ass, Ryan looked up and kissed Stan, as the two reveled in the post orgasm glow. With a soft plop, Ryan's now deflated cock slipped out of Stan's ass. He reached down and slid the condom off his cock and tossed it onto the floor as Stan wiped himself off with a t-shirt and did the same to Ryan.

"That was amazing, why did it take us so many years to find out about each other?" Stan asked Ryan.

"I don't know, but I wish we had started this back in college."

"So do I, I have always had a thing for you, but now I think it is turning into a deep seeded lust! I'm looking forward to a repeat performance tomorrow."

"A repeat performance? I was hoping you'd do me tomorrow, but for now I am happy to just be here with you. We should probably get some sleep, the others will have fallen asleep long ago and we'll look like hell if we don't get some shut eye."

"Just let me go take a leak and I'll be right back." Stan said, grabbing a towel to wrap around his waist.

Stan opened the door and padded down the hall to the head as Ryan laid there with his eyes closed, just smiling. He looked up when someone cleared their throat in the doorway. Gary was standing there with a huge grin on his face.

"You two sounded like you were having a really good time."

"You won't say anything, will you?" Ryan asked.

"I don't have to, we all heard you guys, I don't think there will be any secrets here come tomorrow morning."

"What secrets are you talking about?" asked Stan, coming up behind Gary.

"Ummm, everyone on the boat heard you guys," Gary replied, "and we talked about it some and are all in agreement that this should be a no holds barred weekend for all of us."

"No holds barred? What do you mean?" asked Ryan.

"Meaning that you two didn't know that Bill and I have some history together, and I think you already know about Greg. We think we should all just come out of the closet to each other, and have a weekend of the best possible sex we can have if you two are up for it."

"I'm not up at the moment, but give me a little time to recover and I might be!" Stan said with a wicked smile on his face, "What do you think Ryan?"

"I think I agree with everyone else. I've wanted to do something reckless like this for years and I can't think of any other people I'd rather be reckless with than all of you." he said, climbing out of the bed naked and walking over to Gary.

It was in Stan and Ryan's bed that Gary awoke the next morning, having spent the night sucking and fucking with the two lovers well into the early hours of the morning.

Morning dawned bright and beautiful and all six men emerged from their various rooms for breakfast. Nothing was said, but the sexual tension in the air was almost palpable. Each man quietly reveled in the knowledge that each of the others was gay and that a weekend full of sex was in store. Gary was the first to break the silence being shared over hot coffee.

"Come on guys, we all know what's going to happen this weekend, so why can't we talk about it and voice our wishes and desires so that all the others can know and help if possible. I for one have always wanted to be the receiver of a bukakke party!"

"I'll help with that desire," voiced Bill.

"You can count me in on that too," answered Greg, with Eric right next to him nodding in agreement.

"Well, seeing as how you all heard me fucking Stan last night, you know we're into it!" smiled Ryan.

Gary walked over to Bill, looked him straight in the eye and moved in to kiss him passionately. As their tongues battled each other, Gary broke away and said to Bill that he wanted him to do it to him right now. Bill grinned as Gary's hand began to rub his hardening cock through his boxers. Gary continued to stroke Bill through his boxers as the others stood up from the table and started to slowly circle around the two. Gary reached out his other hand as he knelt down and began stroking the next cock that came into reach. Gary stopped momentarily so he could take off his tighty-whiteys, and then commenced to stroke his and Bills cocks while sucking on Stan as the other men rapidly shed their underwear and began to stroke themselves. Very soon, Gary was moving from cock to cock, sucking each one in turn while working his own hardening dick at the same time. The smell of sweat and sex began to fill the galley of the boat as the hormones kicked in and the men took to the task at hand in earnest.

Five hard cocks rapidly neared explosion as they jerked each other and themselves, building the pressure in their balls and bringing Gary's fantasy closer and closer to fruition.

With an audible grunt, Ryan was the first to shoot his load. Thick ropes of cum fired from Ryan's piss slit and splashed on Gary. Bill was next as he fired volley after volley of his man-seed all over Gary. Greg and Eric came almost simultaneously, coating Gary's face, hair and open mouth with their baby-butter. Gary turned and placed himself at Stan's feet as Stan continued to wank his hard cock faster and faster. Stan's hand was speeding up and down his thick cock so fast it was almost a blur as Stan fondled his balls with his free hand. It took no more than a few seconds and Stan flew over the edge, exploding on his friend's face with powerful jets of hot cock snot. Four, five, six shots erupted from the head of Stan's engorged dick, splashing off Gary's face, and it didn't look like it was stopping anytime soon. The seventh shot he managed to aim right into Gary's open mouth, and then the volleys slowed to a slow ooze as Gary swallowed and then began to clean each cock in turn,

all the while vigorously rubbing his own cock. With a small moan, Gary shot his load onto the floor of the boat, and collapsed on the floor.

A large smile came across each of the guy's faces as they started to formulate their own individual fantasies in their minds for the weekend.

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Next: Chapter 2

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