Ariels Rainbow

By Alex Johnson

Published on Jul 11, 2017


Hi everyone. This is my first non-graded story ever. I'd like to thank Emri S. for inspiring me to write this. Thanks for your encouragement. And both Emri and Lolo for editing it. I love you, both. Enjoy!



As a kink warning, there will always be dominant submissive relations. And this chapter's kink is PODOPHILIA, with a touch of nipple play.

"Every rose has a thorn, if you stop and smell them you might just get pricked"

Ariel's Rainbow Part 1: The Awakening [By Xelos and Emri S.]

"He was a dark and stormy knight," Carson joked as he flopped down across my bed, and grabbed the stuffed lion with Adrian's name embroidered on the side that sat atop my pillow. Carson is the name of my annoying roommate. He deemed it appropriate to relay. each of his sexual acts to me after only a week since my arrival to this place.

The New England School of Psychology or NERP for short. Funny story about that, on the letter everyone got, it had an R instead of an S, so R it is. That's the school I got a full football scholarship from, thought it would be funny to put the ONLY two gay freshmen together. I'm not even out to anyone, well, except for Carson, but even that was a mistake.

Since then, all he has been doing is flirting with me. I guess a hairy towering body, topped with massive, caramel colored muscles are his type. He's obsessed with my 10" by 7" of uncut dick. Although it's probably bigger since I last measured it 3 years ago. Well, I have been told it's more of a battering ram, but only by the few people who got me hard and horny and ran.

That's right. Despite the many people who have gotten into my pants, none have even tried. But that doesn't matter because I prefer taking rather than giving. Any one of my problems can be solved by putting a thick, veiny, juicy, pulsing, hard cock up my ass. I don't discriminate on who fucks me, as long as they are dominant enough to make me melt in their arms...Carson's gentle petting of my crotch snapped me back to reality.

"I fell in love with your monster the second I saw it bulging in your small football shorts when you came back from a hard day's practice that first day I met you. In those shorts, I gazed upon God's wrath in human form" He said looking at me with his big blue puppy dog eyes.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, as I had heard this conversation many times in many different forms, my old girlfriend in HS, after she freaked and I dumped her, several cheerleaders wanted to try it but dipped, many other people, including my boss, a teacher or two, and others all ran right before they bit off more than they could chew.

To make him stop, I should probably let him at it. But knowing him and my luck, he'd probably die from oxygen deprivation attempting to get it all in his mouth. But the last thing I need on top of my NERP college work, and my struggle in sports, and all of the rumors running rampant like a kid hopped up on sugar.

Then there's my financial trouble (even though I got a close to full ride, hehe, I still need money), mostly for food, and supplies, and books, and furniture, and car insurance, and health insurance, and clothes, and gas money, and Hulu, and Netflix (I won't live without my anime), and all the other crap one needs to successfully adult.

The absolute last thing I need is the police knocking my door down and finding a dead dorm mate, whose cause of death is choking on a massive dick. That would be the end of my career. So, I did as I had done everyday since he saw my battering ram. I pushed him off and I told him that I wasn't into getting it played with by a dude.

His response was normally, "You haven't had the right guy yet." But today his response was weird, my guess would be something was different about him, probably him coming down from his fun with his "Knight". Whatever the reason his response this time was, "Ariel that's what you and all the other 'straight' guys say!"

I was shocked by his statement for 3 reasons. 1. He air-quoted straight, so that meant there were other gays here. 2. He used my first name, and not his usual nickname Ari. And 3. His voice took an aggressive, deep, dominant, passionate, yet caring, and suggestive tone which made my heart, and cock jump in unison.

Upon seeing the shock in my face, he yelled, "WHAT?! SURPRISED THAT THERE'S OTHER GAYS HERE? WELL TOTO, YOU'RE NOT IN KANSAS OR WHERE EVER YOU CAME FROM ANYMORE! WE ARE AT NERP! IT'S IN GAYVILLE! YOU KNOW WHAT THE CITY'S NICKNAME IS? IT'S THE GAY GAYBORHOOD! IT LITERALLY HAS GAY IN THE NAME!" I was angry and slightly turned on by his aggressive behavior. He was red and panting from anger, he took a deep breath only to continue.

As he was ranting on and on about whatever came into his head, I was struggling to keep my dick from going completely hard. It is like the Hulk, it starts off small maybe 4 inches and grows to its comically large size. If it's given the chance, it will wreck everything in its path. But unlike the Hulk, when it transforms it doesn't leave my underwear untouched.

Feeling my blood rushing to it increasing its size, I felt the usual strain in my bright, volcanic red, countless sizes too small briefs, (I do need new clothes after all), all my usual bright electric blue/turquoise jockstraps and boxers went missing the day I left for this forsaken place. When I went to unpack all that was there was these shitty briefs with a note. That read:

"Hey big bro, I wanted something to remember you by, and I thought your nice smelly sweaty cum and piss filled jockstraps and boxers would work! But we can't have you running around commando, to keep you from running around commando, because your dick is too big for that, and if u do, all the girls (and the guys) will be trying to get it. So, I'll give you my favorite pairs of briefs, I know how much u like the green blues to the blue greens but this is close enough right? Oh, they might be a little snug so sorry. : ) Love, your favorite 14 year old lil bro, Todd. P.S. I came in each of these because I took the ones with your cum and piss on each of them."

My younger brother is adopted, he knows it, and I know it but I can't remember life without him. He is a freak, but he's into the same things I am so, it's a little weird but whatever. Granted even with the right sized stuff when I get hard, straps often break. I shook my head to snap out of my daydream.

I guess Carson was pissed off by that. He said, "Oh, so you're not just some country caramel boy who helps tend his barn with his family with 30 cats everywhere?" I silently nodded, my submissive personality showing, my cock about ¾ hard but my brothers tiny briefs stretched to the max, "but your wrong about one thing", I said.

"WHAT!" he furiously replied.

Gathering enough strength to stand up and take my beloved lion back, the elastic in Todd's cum stained briefs being pushed with a force they weren't used to, my favorite pair of shorts a sea green pair of basketball shorts, which, as long as

I had underwear on, magically, did not show my erection, bulging out very little due to the magic property, I replied calmly but with a hint of my submissive voice betraying me, "I don't have 30 cats, I have 1 dog." he laughed as if he was offended, then my nightmare came true.

Carson unleashed a torrent of derogatory terms, slang, and insults at me. each passing word revealing my true feelings of submission. "WELL FUCK YOU AND YOUR LITTLE DOG TOO, YOU FUCKING PIECE OF COUNTRY TRASH-SHIT, I BET YOUR MAMA ONLY MARRIED YOUR DAD FOR HIS BIG BLACK DICK, YOU DUMBASS!" it went on like this until there was a loud audible snap.

All of a sudden, he quickly started to quiet down as my erection reached critical mass, causing the already stretched little boy briefs to snap. With the barrier gone my magic Shorts lost all their power, now fully betraying me, by tenting around me, revealing the full scope of my over 10" rock hard cock.

To make matters worse the snap hit my ass releasing a moan from my mouth, and sent my dick into overdrive. So the tent, which now dribbles, thick, white, hot, pre cum is in full view of the now shocked Carson. Entranced by the hot pulsating rod that stands before him his widened mouth agape, he says in a stutter," t-that th-thi-thing is bigger th-than I remember."

I smile and nod blushing hard at my predicament, and now that my sub side was activated by a smack to the ass, I could only think of getting him off. But in truth he has only seen my dick at a semi hard state, as his attempts to appeal to my nonexistent Dominant side only partially work, but any appeal to my submissive side bones me up.

As he is standing there surprised and unsure what to do next with the throbbing dick that stands before him, my mind goes back to my brothers note, "but We can't have you running around commando so to keep you from running around commando, because your dick is too big for that, and if u do all, the girls (and the guys) will be trying to get it." damn on top of me whimpering at each hard throb of my dick, my little asshole of a brother was right. Damn that asshole the second his tiny ass underwear snapped, Carson was all over my dick. Mentally of course.

My whimpers snapped Carson out of his detachment from reality as he realized what was going on. He completely took control of the situation. He is crafty like that. He knew the only way to keep it hard was to appeal to my sub side so he said, "I'm going to play with your cock and your nipples, now. If u cum and I don't tell you to your not going to get this, he gropes his own growing crotch. Now take off your puny shorts and your fucking wife beater you piece of shit!"

My cock with a pulse released another powerful burst of pre cum that launched through my shorts and landed on my hairy abs as I obeyed my master. With another throb from my cock my a whimper escaped my lips. As I took of my wife beater slowly, revealing every muscle, Grove, and hair, Carson was both shocked and ecstatic, as he was finally getting what he wanted just not the way he expected. The shorts came next.

Sliding the pre cum soaked shorts off revealing my hairy hard muscle legs, my hot rock hard cock was finally exposed to the cool air of our bedroom. What surprised Carson next was not the broken briefs, or the precum pooling at the tip of my cock and sliding down to the base of it. It was my family's jewels, large precious balls that produced enough milk to fill a measuring cup a day. Carson stood taking in the magnificent sight he waited 7 days to see. His mixed jock dorm mate naked on his bed with a hard throbbing cock. the craziest part Carson noticed was the giddy expression on the face of Ariel's lion.

His feeling matched the Lions smile. But he then remembered the whimpering jock. Aris cock was still throbbing. And it was pulsating harder, so hard his massive balls bounced with his dick. He looked over at his precious lion and realized how similar its face looked to the smiling Carson that kneeled staring at him. His ever-hard cock shot more precum as his body accepted Carson as his master touch.

Ari moaned at the stroke of his master's fingers. It was past time for him to get started the whimpering jock thought. And start Carson did. As promised he played with the jocks nipples.

"How do you like your big brown nipples played with?" He asked me. As I opened my mouth to answer he touched my right nipple with the back if his nail. Instead of the words as hard as you can, a guttural moan is what came out. What he said next truly made my cock drool.

With a devilish grin he said, "I guess we're going to see how you like your nipples served." My cock sputtered. The now abundant precum had pooled itself into the grooves of my abs. There was so much of it, it started to run down my side on to the bed. "I guess next time you're going to ask your family for a milking bucket you hick." He said half-jokingly.

Sure enough though he was right about that all my pre now worked its way into the sheets making it look to the untrained eye like someone got drunk and peed the bed. A touch of my nipple brought me back to the reality of the situation I was nothing but a whimpering cum soaked piece of putty in the hands of Carson an all-around standard twink. He stands at least a whole 9 inches shorter than me at 5' 7" and is skinny at 120 lb. His cock was slightly above average at 6" but this twink had successfully melted me.

Suddenly he started working magic. He took my nubs pinched them between his thumb and index fingers so hard his pale fingers turned red from the pressure. It was the hardest I've ever felt since my own fingers are too fat to get a nice grip on them. My cock jumped a mile as my heart took a trip skipping outside my body, and from pure pleasure my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

My cock jumped so hard I thought I would cum right there until I remembered him saying, "if I cum before he tells me I won't get his dick" his laugh broke me out of my pleasure trance. He then said, "I think I found out what how the little boy likes his nipples played with, but as a science major I must repeat my experiment to see if the results are the same" I prepared my body for the pleasure wave that was to come. I didn't prepare it well enough... when he squeezed them again despites my mind's best efforts, my body or rather my cock betrayed me. I felt the cum churning at the base of my balls as though I was about to shoot. I quickly called out whimpering, sir can I cum" a quick reply came, "NO!"

I was defeated, I would lose the chance to taste my friends milk because of my nipples. As my balls began to pull up towards my scrotum, a high, tiny, and whiny voice called out, "sir use your big dick to fuck me!" much to my surprise I wasn't me, or some random fuck outside.

It was coming from Carson. I felt DISGUSTED! My hard leaky cock began to soften as we began to trade dominance. His dominance left him as it flowed to me while my submissiveness left me as it flowed to him. How could the man who turned me into putty say such a thing?

My answer was given to me in the form of an action.

He began to roll, twist, and pull my nipples between his thumbs and the sides of his index fingers. My submission was instantly returned with confirmation from my now rehardened and leaking cock. In between moans and whimpers I asked him, why he said that.

His reply with a demonic sneer was, "It did the trick, didn't it?"

I couldn't argue with him for two reasons. 1 I was moaning too hard. 2 I didn't have to cum anymore. I guess he was enjoying this even more than I was.

All of a sudden, he pulled off my nipples with a stretching yank. He pulled them as far as they could go and then let go. I wanted to say something but what came out was a moan of pleasure then a groan of disappointment. I looked at up at his smallish figure that crawled on top of me with the look of disappointment i attempted to verbalize. He then just looked at me and I just instantly knew I wasn't going to be disappointed much longer. He crawled backwards towards my leaking dick.

He stood up and unbuttoned his black dress pants and pulled them down. Even paler than his thin arms his hairless pale legs stepped out of his black pants. He began to pull down his boxer briefs with a wet spot in the middle. As he slowly pulled down his underwear his milk White cock with a pink head pointed down it straining against its prison gate lowering until it springs out now throbbing free and spitting pre. I am now the most excited I have been. I'm finally getting my prize. He smirks at me viewing his cock.

"If u want this" he says as he crawls so his cock is right above the cum soaked hair on my abs, "you gonna have to cum first." I smile eagerly. He thumps his cock against my milky caramel abs. Each thump sending pre cum in each and every direction, his mixing with mine, he licked up the gooey sticky mess and brought his tongue for me to suck on. I closed my eyes and suck on it I did. I got to taste the mixture of both our flavors, and I could tell who was who's. I ate a lot of meat last so mine was a bitter taste, while he last ate sugar coated Berries so his was a sweet taste. The flavors of bitter and Sweet sent my taste buds into a frenzy. When I opened my eyes, he was looking into my eyes and said, "what did you think of the flavor?"

I simply moaned my approval. He then said it was Time for me to cum.

He went between my legs and attempted to be the first. He gave up before he tried but he licked all around my head, licking between my head and foreskin. He pulled it back and traced every vein each time he touched my cock jumped. I began moaning.

He then changed positions and put his dick against my large and meaty size 16 hairy foot. If feeling his dicks heat wasn't hot enough he began humping his cock against the sole of my foot. My foot is more than twice the size of his dick but he rubbed the underside of his engorged 6" penis from my toes to my heel. I curled my toes in pleasure, and he took advantage of that resting his balls on my curled toes. My foot quickly became slick with the pre cum of my master. He took his balls and dick off my foot, much to me and my cocks dismay. He then licked my foot from heel to toe and brought it up to my mouth to suck. My taste buds exploded again. A magical mixture of salty foot, cock and ball sweat invaded my mouth first but underneath that salty taste the was the taste of sweet berries, the pre cum of Carson. My cock heaved ready to shoot.

He got in between my legs opened them then laid down with his feet facing me. He then took his milky size 6 feet placed them together around my dick. If I thought my dick was covered in pre before it was nothing compared to when his smooth silky soles touched the shaft. The sheets were now soaked with pre cum. He began stroking his feet along my dick.

He then said the magic words, "you can cum now."

With that one statement all my safeguards dropped and I shot. I shot my thick milky ropes onto the ceiling twice. On the wall 5 times, on my face 4 times, on my chest 3 times, my poor soaked abs twice and the rest dribbled on my master's foot.

He pointed his left sole to me first and told me to lick off the cum. I brought it to my mouth and licked off all the cum on the foot. From his milky white silk soles to in-between his toes. My tongue lapping at the same colored liquid as his skin. I ran my tongue across each toe each plump berry like toe. I then went from heel to toe until there was no more cum. I repeated the same thing to his right. He then dipped his big toe into my softening foreskin ran it around and put his big toe in my mouth to suck like a pacifier.

It was now his turn to cum. Spent I moved his drooling cock to my mouth. I began it by licking each vein on it. Lapped at the underside of the head. Then took it all into my mouth and started bobbing. It caught him by surprise. He ended up blasting me with his few shots of sweet milk a few minutes later. He went to his bed and I laid in my cum soaked sheets

We fell fast asleep spent. ________________

The Next Day I woke up before him cooked him his favorite breakfast, homemade bacon pancakes with a maple swirl. When he woke up I was sitting on the corner of his bed covered in dry cum and presented my breakfast to him. he said, "look Ari about last night as fun as it was I won't do it again. Being the dom felt... weird, unnatural. You know?" I was crushed. My perfect guy was right in my grasp but he wasn't. I gave him his breakfast and ran to the bathroom locked the door and cried.

I must have fallen asleep crying because he knocked on the door to tell me there was a care package from my family.

Some money from mom and dad and a separate package from my little brother. God, I don't want to see what this asshole sent me this time. I open it there's some of MY jockstraps and boxers.

Oh, how I thought I'd never miss this blue. And a note which reads,

"Hey big brother Ari, mom found half of my secret Stash of your cummy underwear, made me wash them and send them to u. She's so mean! X( anyway I sent a metal milking bucket to remind you of home. Practice (or actually) fill it up with nice warm milk. I wanted to pack it in your suitcase but it wouldn't fit. Ever hear that before? Either way we all and by that I mean I know how messy it would be if one of my tiny underwear snapped and hit your ass so this should with help that. Hey and u can drink that! Make sure to eat fruit tho, no one likes bitter milk. That means it's bad. But there no such thing as bad tasting milk. Love your 14 year old lil bro Todd"

God, I hate that freaky asshole. I must say these jocks don't feel clean. I pick the folded jocks out of the way and at the bottom there is another note from. Todd again it says, "I couldn't leave your nice jocks all sweat cum and piss free you know so I wore each one to sports practice and may have forgotten to shake it out. And I may have went over the edge a few times. Also, I put a pair of my socks in. I wore them for 3 days straight with no shower same thing with your yellow jockstrap. I like the way my socks smell I hope you do too."

I really FUCKING hate that Lil asshole. He shares the same kinks but still I can't tell if he's being really dirty or if he's being innocent. Uggh. Annoyed I put the box down and realized I don't own a yellow jockstrap. But Todd does. Damn that freak. Picking up the foreign strap I bring it to my nose. It smelt great. I really hate my little brother. I do the same with the socks. My dick is now hardening in my pants. The second I unzip to start masturbating there's a knock on my door. "Hey Ari" Carson said, "if u like getting yelled at, I heard someone got fired from Target and there's an opening as a cashier there, the manager has a super deep voice and is super hot.."

"Sure, I'll go", I told him, "If u tell me about your dark and Stormy Knight."

"I'll only tell u that if u tell me what the deal is with u and That lion" he replied.

Ok. I laughed at his goofy grin. I am so happy that what happened last night didn't affect our relationship but I hoped it would happen again.

Thanks for reading. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it. If you want to give some feedback my address is right at the top. if you can't find it, it's Make sure to put, Ariel's Rainbow as the subject so I don't ignore it. before you ask, there is going to be more chapters I'm not sure how many though. While chapter 2 is set 3 on is up to y'all. Any and all feedback/comments are appreciated

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