Are You Kidding Me

By Mike Torres

Published on Oct 5, 2023


When I woke up the next day I remembered line up and seeing all this inmates stand around, cranky with hard ons in their pants. Romeo barely noticed me.

I went back to bed after that.

My whole body a mess; pain everywhere, half broken wrist, every muscle tender. I rolled over and noticed a bagel and sandwich on my bed next to my pillow. I was ravenous. As I lay there, trying not to move I ate them both. Something in me felt comforted that I was being taken care of. Then something else felt horrified that I was now someones property.

I remembered how big his cock felt and I almost chocked on that last bite of a bagel. How am I going to manage this. This is unreal. This is not fair.

I cried and cried. Then I finally got up and went to relieve myself. I was so happy to be alone so I could shit in privacy. I wondered if I needed to wash my ass afterwards and decided not to. I splashed water on my face.

Romeo walked in, he must have just finished his workout. He stripped off and layed on his bed. He didn't need to say anything, I knew what was expected. I climbed on him and went to work on this neck. This time as I did his front side he didn't get hard. Its almost like I wasn't even there.

He threw me off and told me to do 100 pushups. This was unbearable due to my sprained wrist, but eventually I made it. Towards the end I smelled something familiar, something wrong. I looked up and found him browsing a magazine, holding it up with one hand while slowly stroking his cock with the other. He caught me watching him and smiled.

"Don't worry kid, you'll soon get more than enough of this."

Then he took his finger and ran it underneath the foreskin, walked over to me and started pointing his finger to me. I flinched away. He jumped on me and held me down arm around my neck then rubbed that smelly finger along my upper lip. That was all I could smell for the rest of the night.

"You need to get used to that smell. It is yours from now on, well your breath anyway." And he started laughing again.

That night after lights out. He told me to get down here.

I climbed down saw him sitting on his bed, naked, stroking his cock.

"It's time to teach you some advanced massage techniques, Kid."

"I'm not gay, man. Sir."

"could have fooled me. Yesterday, you practically spooged on the end of my cock. Look, in here things are gonna happen whether you like em or not. Deal with it."

He grabbed my hand, forcing me to my knees, between his legs. He moved my hand to his cock and just held it there. It was so hard and so hot. My hand clasped around it. It was just about as thick as mine, although much longer, at least two inches longer.

I don't remember much of the hand job I gave him. I do remember him pulling my head down right before he came. I thought he wanted me to suck it so I struggled to get away. He just rubbed the smelly head of his cock all over my lips and nose, then shot huge powerful burst of cum up my nose, in my eyes, coating my lips and dripping down my chin. He shot so many times I didn't know it was possible. That same Yawn sound I heard the first night followed by powerful jerking motions. He looked at me in the dim light and started laughing.

"You should see yourself kid. You're a mess. Now get back up there and get to sleep and don't even think of wiping any of that off."

I woke up the next morning and lifted up my head, the pillow stuck to my face. I pulled it off and realized that my left eye was also glued shut. He was taking a piss, watching me in the mirror. Laughing.

"Don't touch your face, Shithead. You're going to breakfast like that."

As I followed him to the cafeteria I struggled to pry my eye open with the shear strength of my eyelid and all my face muscles, but it wouldn't open. Licking my lips I could taste dried flakes of cum dissolve on my tongue. Of course all I could smell was his smeg on my lip. I can't believe I'm going in front of other inmates like this.

Standing in line the other inmates started to notice me. I could hear them yelling "woo Hoo look at that pussy." "All gooed up." "Damn Romeo you gotta clean that shit up before you bring it in here." "That's some sick shit." Whatever else was said, I don't recall, I just know that within minutes the entire cafeteria erupted into chants.




Finally a guard broke it up and the chatter died. Sitting at a table with that same guy who stuck his finger up my ass and a kid who looked even younger than me, Romeo turned to him and introduced me.

"Rico, this here is my kid. Kid, this is Rico and his boy `Clit'."

Yep, as you can imagine in that moment I felt happy to be nicknamed Kid, even if I was a 19 year old man.

"looks like you breaking him in nice and slow Romeo. You always did have a soft spot for blondes, huh?"

I saw Clit glare at me. Could he be jealous, of me? while I sat there with my face all crusty with some dudes rank cum. My fuckin eye glued shut. Reeking of smeg?

"Hey, Clit." Called Romeo "Why don't you help him out and open up that eye, clean him up a bit."

Clit leaned over and stuck his tongue on my eyelid. I flinched back. He grabbed my head and pulled me into him. Tonguing and sucking my eyeball. His tongue finally opened my eye and it hurt like hell as he tried to get his tongue in the socket. I moaned loud and tried to get away. Romeo pinched my leg and I held still. Clits tonguing became almost sensuous as he made his way across my face; he stopped when he got to my nose. Must be the smeg.

"Damn romeo, you one stinky mothafucka" he said.

Rico clapped him on the back of the head, knocking his forhead into mine, I grimaced.

"Eh, Respect!" yelled Rico. "Like I ain't taught you shit so far. How you think that makes me look, UH?"

"Sorry, Rico."

Clit then went back to work cleaning my lips. I sat there frozen.

"Whats a matter Romeo, he frigid?" Fuck I hate Rico.

"Naw, he just needs good direction. Come on Kid, Clit has been nice to you and given you back your sight and you're gonna sit there and not return that kiss? I know you're smarter than that."

So I kissed him back. It wasn't so bad really. He had really soft lips. Damn, he was real passionate too. Hotter than most chicks I ever kissed. I forgot where I was for a while, consumed by that kiss. Romeo grabbed my hand and moved it to his crotch, forcing it to wrap around his stiff cock. I guess this turned him on.

I am in gay hell.

Seriously, how did I get here?

Next: Chapter 5

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